Figure Skating
Figure Skating
Figure Skating
Самое интересное прышки в обоих праграммах ана выпалняет толька в индивидуальных ана падает спецы альна это и не спецыалисту видна .прыжок ана стоит на ногах и падает.
@loyalbeaver9402 Месяц назад
cheater never prospers - that's all there is to it.
@АндрейЖуков-ц2ъ Месяц назад
She's simply the best ! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@crimebuster8250 Месяц назад
@boainbota227 Месяц назад
mental healhty
@19katherine1213 2 месяца назад
Russia ruined figure skating
@Наталья-ю6т1ш 2 месяца назад
Ночами не давали спать. Затаскали. На нервах играли. Какой булет прокат? Удивительно ччто 4местоивзяла. Прямо удивительно
@quirri 3 месяца назад
This explained the bitter truth better than any other video could have.
@kalorakalora 3 месяца назад
As a musician it looks clear to me that she was rushing and not locked in with the beat and music. This happens when we're nervous, musicians often speed up tempo when playing live. Surely the scandal affected this 15 year old girl a lot, and made her very nervous. Sad, the Russian state doping robbed the world of the greatest skating talent ever seen
@svetlanagladkikh Месяц назад
Не было никакого допинга. НИКОГДА.
@Daosguard Месяц назад
@@svetlanagladkikh Lol whatever Rusbot.
@eeeeeeeeeee2 18 дней назад
I remember watching it live when she started to fall, I was very happy she didn't get injured, whatever happened to this kid back then it was obvious that the adults around her didn't care for her well-being. Sending a child under this much pressure to compete on the biggest stage will always be a stain on team Tutberize and the ISU
@yfnfyfnf6840 4 месяца назад
Валиева сейчас уже не та. Она просто шедевр. Она повзрослела расцвела. Стала более женственной. Это уже не ребенок. Завораживает. Каждый жест. Глаз оторвать невозможно. Техника как всегда. Шедевральна. И еще в ней есть личность. Достоинство невероятное. ru-vid.comDkUXa13saSM
@pedrojorge1912 5 месяцев назад
Anyone that had been following them over the years could notice right away that she had given up, either consciously or unconsciously. IOC had said right before that, if she were on podium, no medal would be awarded. To make everything clear, right after the performance Eteri Tutberidze just questioned her why she had stopped fighting and given up, a reception that shocked Thomas Bach, IOC President, is his own words.
@unitkresh9298 5 месяцев назад
Мок и вада нарушили все правила , для того что команда из США получила командное золото . Скандал с китайскими пловцами показал , всю предвзятость и коррумпированность организации мок ,вада ,cas,tas ,isu . Бах напомнил главе usada , что они также прощали спортсменам из США и это было многократно . Тренирский штаб не мог ее сопровождать из-за правил и ограничений!!!! Кто-то ещё верит что Камила принимала допинг ????!!!! 😠😠😠
@Blueiesky4069 5 месяцев назад
It was a set up!
@Blueiesky4069 5 месяцев назад
😢😢😢 the pressure
@Yupiter2-km3zq 5 месяцев назад
Valieva was not broken. The IOC (American garbage dump) forced Valieva to fall, threatening other Russian athletes with the deprivation of awards.
@Daosguard Месяц назад
Ok Rusbot.
@arwaaburizik7944 5 месяцев назад
She was so beautiful and I think the drug she took is stupid. No drug can transform someone like that. But heartbreak can crush her. I wish she did not have to deal with this. She is lovely and I watch her on repeat any day
@jjsmith4829 6 месяцев назад
interesting to see how the program varied bewtwen the two in erms of timing
@LynnDeatherage-q3k 6 месяцев назад
So what if she was a teenager, you don't cheated on her gold 🥇 medal medals for the others wins others. Im glad they banned 🚫 her for four years now and took away other medals she won.
@ejd5261 7 месяцев назад
Amazing to see all the Kremlin Trolls flooding the comments with propaganda. This girl, and all the Russian athletes who cheating in the Olympics, should have never been allowed to go in the first place. It’s a travesty that this girl was doped and then put on the international stage to take the hit for the adults who used her to cheat.
@古文定 7 месяцев назад
@footballnewscr 7 месяцев назад
she is a very strong girl , even after falling twice she kept doing. without minding her pain . keep up love you kamila
@sashashetty3651 7 месяцев назад
She performed twice? Someone please explain
@lgt_jne 7 месяцев назад
It's different categories yes she performed twice team event and individual event.
@K_masters 7 месяцев назад
This is terrific. Thank you for this.
@maaduufan5140 7 месяцев назад
It was a dramatic olympic for the Russian trio. Trusova was crying and pissed off at their coaches, Kamila was crying from the doping scandal pressure & Anna was stunned not knowing what to do despite winning the olympic. They should've not let Kamila participate in the first place, knowing well how the media would scrutinize her. They claimed she was a protected person, yet what they did made the situation worse. Poor Kamila, her coaches & doctors should've taken the blame instead.
@JuliaUlyanovskaya 7 месяцев назад
Через её тренерский штаб за 10 лет прошло сотни детей, десятки выступали на международных стартах, пройдены сотни допинг тестов. А положительную пробу нашли ТОЛЬКО в одной пробе у САМОЙ топовой спортсменки, отправившейся на Олимпиаду. Просто ненависть и ЗАВИСТЬ к штабу, который забирал ВСЕ зодотые медали достигла предела и их подставили.
@williammccleary4408 7 месяцев назад
It's amazing to me how the choreography and expression have absolutely nothing to do with the music; she somehow finds a way to be completely disconnected from its intoxicating nature. She could be skating to anything. The arm movements and overextensions are so superfluous, it feels likes she trying to cram as many in as possible, rather than putting intention behind them. While the jumps look impressive on paper, there is some weird technique going on that isn't quite exemplary. The triple axel in the team event was landed so easily (after she had never done the jump previous to that season) that there is NO WAY she was not seeing the positive effects of doping. Not buying it.
@lgt_jne 7 месяцев назад
Do you even know what drug she tested positive in... this girt is talented no heart medication can do that lol
@grbgrb5611 7 месяцев назад
WADA - это потомки фашистов, которым, наконец, предоставили возможность мстить русским за победу во Второй мировой войне. И они хотят успеть исколечить жизнь как можно больше спортсменам из России.
@72586jejones 7 месяцев назад
This is so sad. You never want to see someone completely crash and burn like this. Her coaches orchestrated this. I believe she had little to no idea.
@stevenvalencia2003 7 месяцев назад
Im sry u all can say she caved under the pressure due to the doping scandal that girl has been dominate all year an solid in team event an short an then have the worst skate of her life in fs nope putin has power an with her being told if she won the Russians would an nobody else woukd recieve a medal. I believe she deliberately skated bad to protext russia an was pressured to do so by putin an the Russians
@yfnfyfnf6840 4 месяца назад
И тут Путин)) Ну вы блин даете. Живу в России. У меня сейчас кошка с подоконика свалилась. Пойду гляну может ее Путин столкнул))
@TheStarflight41 7 месяцев назад
Some people in the comments assume she knew she was taking a banned substance. How do they know that? It's more likely she didn't. She was a minor... a protected person. That should ALWAYS matter. Kamila was a very compliant child who lived in their bubble. Punishment is too severe. Blame the adults. Something is very wrong with the CAS ruling.
@ejd5261 7 месяцев назад
Such an obvious Russian troll. Do you think we can’t tell? Everyone knows the Russian athletes mostly know they are doped. We don’t blame the child. But we do blame the adults and your government. Not one Russian athlete should be at the Olympics in 2024. We all know that the reason they will be is corruption between Russia and IOC and WADA.😊
@TheStarflight41 6 месяцев назад
@@ejd5261 Actually I'm an American. Funny how the doping allegations hit the fan the day after the Russian team wins gold. Nothing suspicious about that. Everything reeks of politics... precisely because of what you pointed out. Valieva was the victim of repeated child abuse by the Russians and the short sightedness of the CAS. And the media? Guilty until proven innocent. The protection of minors should always be the top priority. The CAS failed to exercise discretion in their harsh ruling. Do you throw the book at a previously abused child just because the rule book says you can? My heart goes out to her. All the more the pity because child prodigies are a rarity. Is it fair for her to compete while taking a banned substance? No. Does she skate the way she does because of that substance? Hell no. What a debacle. Don't expect another Valieva to come spinning along anytime soon.
@qiqisongs 7 месяцев назад
She was behind beat all the time but with this music, it was hard to tell. No wonder Eteri chose this music for her
@clo999 7 месяцев назад
Her coaches and team should get a lifelong ban. How many young girls will they be allowed to destroy mentally and physically?
@harleyrobb3034 7 месяцев назад
I swear if it wasn’t Russia they would have been banned. Russia and China (latter using girls who are clearly too young). Tend to get passes for breaking the runs. Very few Russians are eligible to compete in the Olympics now but they should be forced to compete under a non Russian/Russian controlled country in order to be able to compete again. Russia needs to be banned.
@짜파게티-i6p 7 месяцев назад
Such a drug lover
@Rimanicosi 7 месяцев назад
I bet you are about yourself? Yes right. Kamila is the greatest
@짜파게티-i6p 7 месяцев назад
@@Rimanicosi yes! She is the most shamless drug lover!
@짜파게티-i6p 7 месяцев назад
yes! She is the most shamless drug lover!
@jjsmith4829 6 месяцев назад
gotta love you guys; got caught by drug testing and you deny it; pathetic cheater like her@@Rimanicosi
@ЛюдмилаАметаева 7 месяцев назад
Танец от Камилы это спектакль как первый вариант 178 баллов. Она одна одарена балетными способностями на льду + вращения+4оборота прыжки+ 3 аксель + сила воли и огромным трудолюбием. То что нашли в единствнной пробе из числа сданных Камилой имеет подозрение. Другим спортменам за подобные нарушения назначали 6 месяцев дисквалификации или выговор. Камиле 4 года. Я возмущена
@yfnfyfnf6840 4 месяца назад
@tangerine6949 7 месяцев назад
Kamila has to understand by now that not just she but all elite Russian figureskaters are routinely put on performance-enhancing drugs, and once the drugs stop, their bodies fall apart. It must be very scary and devastating for her to know that she has compromised her health and dignity in the way that she has. Left to her own devices, I think she would likely have kept on taking drugs for as long as possible just to delay the inevitable health deterioration, but with WADA's decision, she won't have access to drugs anymore and even though the illness and physical debilitation will kick in earlier, it can also mean that she can begin the process of recovering earlier. Kamila is very young and no one survives what she has had to without being an inherently strong person. Hopefully, she has enough wealth tucked away for her to get the best medical advice and treatment possible, and she will gain the opportunity to begin to develop her own identity. Ultimately, it's a good thing that she is leaving behind the Russian Figureskating cult. Being a figureskating fan, if was obvious to me that the Russian figureskating regime was really inhumane and ignoble. Now, recently, watching how Russia treats its soldiers in their Ukrainian invasion, it is even more clear to me that Russian society as a whole really needs a fundamental reset.
@vanPhantomas 7 месяцев назад
girl after enormous pressure through press and disgusting comments of western countries, i wonder how you would have performed afterwards as 17 year old girl. Pathetic...
@True_toaster 7 месяцев назад
She was under an enormous pressure but she decided to perform! She is very strong and I hope CAS will change their mind. There is no doping that will make any person as flexible, as tender and beautiful as Valieva is. She is a brilliant of figure skating!
@dbenedic1 7 месяцев назад
“Russians cheat”… was told that by numerous Russian artists. It’s their culture. She was a minor. Influenced by some were powerful people. I hope she recovers and claims her self-respect. Her talent deserves that.
@jjsmith4829 6 месяцев назад
true shitty culture and people
@АннаСеттарова-ц4с 7 месяцев назад
Камила-бабочка, которой оборвали крылья злобные людишки с чёрными душонками. Абсолютно чистая, светлая девочка, которую оклеветали. Не было никакого допинга! Были следы вещества в мизерной дозе, которые обнаружила мутная лаборатория с нарушением всех правил и сроков. Позор такому "судейству". Проиграла не Камила, проиграло мировое фигурное катание. Наслаждайтесь своими кривоногими Лунами Хэндрикс и Карэн Чен с допотопным катанием..
@natalialee6906 7 месяцев назад
Камила Валиева - кобыла на льду. Она слишком крупная для фигурного катания. Отсюда и допинг. Не может кататься самостоятельно. 🐀🐀
@cyberdaemonmancubus341 6 месяцев назад
Луна не кривоногая, у нее почти такая же фигура как у Камилы и это в 24 года и катается она неплохо. Я это говорю при том, что от Камилы без ума
@charlotteforbes2090 7 месяцев назад
I mean, I do feel really bad, especially because we never know whether it was the young lady's mistake or whether her coach or family pressured her into it. That said, some people are acting extremely sympathetic, as if the world somehow set this young lady up. I feel really bad, so don't get me wrong, but even being a teenager is no excuse for cheating. some people enroll in colleges as young as 15/16 (outliers, for sure, but it happens). And if these people were caught cheating on an exam, no one would rush in and say, "oh but they're so young!!!" It's like, no, you're not an adult, but you should know what's right and what's wrong. I feel sympathy, for sure, but only so much. After all, there were other competitors in this competition. On a side note, why not let everyone just dope haha. Because then you're levelling the playing field, if everyone's doing it, and you're not spending scores of money to test people or to even retract their medals. Mind you, I'm no figure skater; just musing.
@B_Bunny_ 6 месяцев назад
I think people are mainly saying that because there couldve been a chance she didnt even know she had ingested those substances. She knew as good as other skaters how high the stakes were, so there would have had to have been some form of reluctance if she knew
@rodneymills6477 7 месяцев назад
What happened? She had to look the world in the face as a cheater and a fraud and realize that she was ultimately still not good enough for the podium. Because if you have to use, you're not good enough.
@arwaaburizik7944 5 месяцев назад
These drugs don’t do anything. I think the scandal talk itself is a scandal
@primalcritters 7 месяцев назад
She has a condition called athletic heart. It causes heart palpitations, a heart murmur, low blood pressure, dizziness, fainting spells. I wonder if her coach laced a supplement thinking she needed it to normalize her heart
@primalcritters 7 месяцев назад
@@justsayn8929 you realize she was told to say that because her coaching staff does not want to be investigated. This absolves them from any responsibility by saying it was Grandpa's water. Eteri is more powerful then you realize not only in Russia but outside with the ISU as well. Go back to an interview with her with the ISU from 5 years ago and you can see how much they Fawn over Eteri
@primalcritters 7 месяцев назад
@@justsayn8929 I can't believe you don't understand that Kamila is under the direction of her coaches. You need to look more into her coaching staff to understand and appreciate. Kosternia another beautiful skater has spoken about that she was forced to train with broken bones or else leave their training. She finally left because she did not want to continue to ruin her body. As a former figure skater and best friends with the competitive figure skater she said the worst thing you could do is train through injury and this is what these girls are made to do. Imagine what else they do to them?
@TheStarflight41 7 месяцев назад
She was ostensibly a protected person before, during and after the Olympics, doesn't that matter anymore? Hold the adults accountable.
@september5671 7 месяцев назад
No adult is taking responsibility. They are more childlike than her smh
@TheStarflight41 7 месяцев назад
@@september5671 Agreed
@priyamanobal 5 месяцев назад
Did kamila not know that what she was doing was against the rules? Wasn’t she 15 or 16 when that happened? Old enough to know what she can do and can’t do? Why is it only the adults fault?
@Yupiter2-km3zq 5 месяцев назад
Valieva was not broken. The IOC (American garbage dump) forced Valieva to fall, threatening other Russian athletes with the deprivation of awards.
@felicityguillen 4 месяца назад
@@priyamanobalwhat 15 year old has access to a very specific heart medication? eteri is known to be abusive too and u dont want that hag to face consequences? disgusting
@ペカリン-t7z 7 месяцев назад
@mosesmom 7 месяцев назад
It is a terrible injustice to this dedicated and talented skater. The people she trusted did her dirty. Yes, the test results were 6 weeks old. Yes, another non banned drug can leave metabolites similar, so the testing must be very specific to determine the results. IMHO, there is reasonable doubt. However, the ruling went against Russian skating authorities, and that my, friends, is where this blame should rest. She was victimized by the people she was supposed to be able to trust. I wish her well. She did her best and held up with dignity and grace. So now, 2 years later, medals are awarded. There are no winners in this, only sadness for the invalidating of all the hard work and dedication to all the skaters involved.
@Sonia-zu7be 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for that video!!!! shes brilliant im so sorry for her :(((
@juliadizhak8397 7 месяцев назад
She is athlete with doping
@Diana-dm3ns 7 месяцев назад
⁠@@juliadizhak8397and figure skater from America who is going to become a champion in command competition took doping too.. How silly. Kamila took doping that hardly helps and only for people with heart disease. She took it once, when to reach even a little effect you need to take it systematically. And what dopping took your champion?
@juliadizhak8397 7 месяцев назад
Hardly helps ?? How do you know that? Did you train with her!! Who from USA??
@Diana-dm3ns 7 месяцев назад
@@juliadizhak8397 Yes. You can easily google that her doping is trimetazidine. It has a cumuculative effect and in her doping test she had only traces of the drug, which means she took it once. It’s a common drug in many pills, like from sore throat.
@Rimanicosi 7 месяцев назад
​@@juliadizhak8397Mackenzie Headley for example. ( Same age as Kamila) was caught with dooping twice. But WADA didn't even mentioned it. Yeah, of course, because Americans are always for honest sport. So true
@DeShawnHatcher 7 месяцев назад
Wow. I feel for her. Who is giving her those drugs? She was such a breathe of fresh air, so beautiful on ice this is heartbreaking That poor child 4 year ban wow
@juliadizhak8397 7 месяцев назад
She is not a child ?? 17 years is it a child?
@Rachel-qt2cl 7 месяцев назад
@@juliadizhak8397yes, it is
@Анастасия-э7й7ч 7 месяцев назад
​@@juliadizhak8397 She was 15 at that moment.
@Brmsg 7 месяцев назад
Dear you need to study doping cases , she had this probe 3 month before Olympics. Check how many probes was checked after this probe , and all of the was clean . They found traces of ml , it means that any product even toothpaste can give this results . Olympics became dirty as it is , so much ugly games .
@DeShawnHatcher 5 месяцев назад
@@juliadizhak8397 what is wrong with you? 17 is a child wow. She's been skating all her life to get to this level and then it was just gone that must be devastating. Jesus have a heart wow
@neversayjello 8 месяцев назад
Had no idea they do the same choreo
@HaileyRoy-wj4vs 8 месяцев назад
I was so confused I didn't know she performed twice! I was watching one video where she wasn't falling and the other one where she was. I thought I was going crazy 😂
@JuicyFashion11 7 месяцев назад
I’m confused also. She skated twice?
@gardernias 5 месяцев назад
@@JuicyFashion11 team event and individual
@Lol-guurl 2 дня назад
LIT SAME before i didn'T know much of figure skating i thought that too lmao
@TheReneex 8 месяцев назад
As flawless as her skating was before the doping scandal was, you have to wonder would she have skated as cleanly if she wasn’t supplied with the drug enhancement!
@GTpato 8 месяцев назад
ofc, I think that if she didn't dope she would've won, but yea if you dope you dope and you should face the consequences, it's sad to see one of the biggest talents ever go down like this too.
@GTpato 8 месяцев назад
@user-vn6iq5fv6n idk Russian what are you saying
@Yucio-ot5eq 7 месяцев назад
As obvious as it can be, her Olympic test is 100% clean 😅
@primalcritters 7 месяцев назад
Listen, nobody seems to be talking about this and I suspected this all along. Kamila has a condition called athletic heart. It causes a heart murmur, heart palpitations, low blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting spells. Severe severe cases could even lead to your heart to stop beating. Perhaps her coaches thought she needed the heart medication to normalize her heart. Why they did not get a therapeutic use exemption is beyond me, oerhpas they thought they're above the rules??? But her talent is real and it is extraordinary she's the best skater in the world and the history of the sport. I followed her career since 6 years old onwards and no doubt she is prodigy. Go watch girl on a ball a magnificent junior championship performance and that was only a few weeks into training with her coach Eteri. Eteri needed Kamila to look good, not the other way around
@innapilasevich1039 7 месяцев назад
Никакой допинг не поможет так гениально кататься. Допинг может только усилить выносливость-вот и все. Посмотрите на ее идеальное катание, на ее скольжение, на ее руки. Так кататься не может никто в мире. Камила гений фигурного катания и это факт.