I remember I was 11, when I first experienced some form of depression. I'm 19 now. Turning 20 next year. I forgot who that young child was and is. Me and this illness are one in the same.
I always used to think that why people who get their heart broken get so upset untill it happened with me. It wasn't her fault. I just fell for her at wrong time. And now the pain is succumbing me from inside. I wish everyone fall for that person who can reciprocate same love to each other.
You say you like me cause I’m smart, funny, and talented, but I see what you look at when I turn around. You say "oh, it’s just a perk“ but that’s all you want from me. You’re the reason I can’t love who I see in the mirror. The reason I wish I could get rid of it; everything that makes me a woman. Before you told me I was pretty I believed it. But the minute you said it? I realized that’s all you see. All you want. Well? You can’t have it. I’ll never give it to you.
Please like my comment so i come back to this and remember… people out there please protect your heart don’t fall in love too easily let people proof to you there are a safe place for you before falling for them ❤️🩹 Or like me you’ll have to learn to unlove them
I don’t love him anymore cuz I found out he’s a narcissist but it was too late I already loved him and he took my love and I could never get that back, I wish I never met him but now I found a real man that makes every promise he never kept and is everything he’s not , exact opposite. Isn’t is crazy how that works…u gotta go thru hell before u find the real 1
May I recommend an original song written about saying goodbye to love ? GOODBYE (C)2006 From james monahan original songs. @jamesmonahan1870 Thank you for listening. ❤❤
wherever you are in life, be there totally" Eckort Tolle. "Mindfulness is awareness without judgement or criticism " Do you have problem with focus? Practice mindfulness. Do you want to be more productive in life? Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a mental state that can be achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, in clearly acknowledging and accepting one's feeling, thought, and body sensation, used as a therapeutic technique. Examples of mindfuless: pay attention, live in the moment, accept yourself, and focusing on your breathing. How to practice mindfulness? There are certain tips for practicing mindfulness: Let go of the past and future thought, and accept the present moment, Do meditation ,get in touch with all your senses, practice mindfulness in your routine activities. Components of mindfulness: intention, attention, attitude. Advantages of mindfulness:there are a lot of benefits of mindfulness: it gives us razor like focus, we think clearly, we take better decisions, we become problem solvers, it kills negativity, stress, anxiety, and hypertension. It makes us happy and positive minded, , it makes us more productive,effective and efficient.it is opposite of distraction and multitasking, it enhances our performance and results. In short as physical activities are important for our physical health, similarly mindfulness is important for our mental health. " The best way to care of the future is to take care of the present moment"Thich nhat hauh
My ex bf Antonio is my soul mate..but he's married and recently had his tenth beautiful baby...I know I need to let go but my heart is his...with the 2 small months we were together he gave me a forever to remember😭💔😭💔😭💔😭💔😭💔😭💔😭💔
Im stuck loving you while youve moved on ......why cant this feeling fade .......do you still feel this pain? Is it even an emotion you felt? Or did you truly give up long before
‘How come the guys that I want…. never want me?’ Hits so freaking hard! I’m 30 years old, never been asked to be anyone’s girlfriend, men only saw me as short term. People say I’m beautiful but i just don’t see it or believe it anymore. I hate my appearance, my hair, my body… If I’m pretty…. why am i never the chosen one?
i remember watching these years ago when i was sick. i hope that someday u will realise that u ARE sick enough to start recovery, that nothing is worth treating ur mind and body with hatred that u would never treat anyone else with. u deserve better than this, u deserve to be on ur own side. please start recovery. i’m on ur side.
Do you know love has many meanings it shouldn’t, but it does when someone says I love you. Do they mean a deep love or do they mean like a friendship like I love you because you’re a great person what do they mean? I love you because you’re the person I wanna be with the rest of my life that kind of love. I don’t think really exists in the true meaning of love when my mother and father were married in 46 they were together for six months before they got married and then marriage was an enduring marriage for 50 years. Yes, they went through rough times with my mother just packed up her car and I said she was gonna leave my dad, but then her love and my father‘s love was. let me know whether they married for the true sense of love you go through whatever to stay together and that’s exactly what happened. Her sisters were the same way her mother and father were that way love is yes you put up with a lot of stuff a lot of crap. what are you saying this that and the other thing but if you can’t be true to yourself, how could you be true to another person and that to me you don’t see that in these times people get married for a couple of months couple of years maybe 20 years maybe 30 Years, does it for life you don’t say merry people today going for 40 50, 60,70 or even 80 years together it doesn’t happen because they’re allowed. It’s just not long it’s just last probably but not that true love I mean I used to look at them in the newspaper with newspapers were the thing and I was two people who are married for 50, 6070 yes, even 80 years they were still together. They may be in the nursing home but they were still. together and that’s the bottom line. What do you love somebody through and through till death do us part that was my mother and father that was her sisters her mother and father that’s what love is you love that person unconditionally that’s what it’s all about you stay together because you love that person and you can’t live your life without that person that’s what love is that’s what it is to me. I only been in love once with somebody I knew from the get-go. I could never have so it’s better to love once the twins have never loved at all that’s how are you think of it I’ve been taking care of people all my life because that’s what I was put here for to do to love someone I love everybody I may not see much sometimes, but I do but you have to really dig deep to find somebody even every every day somebody’s there’s always something to love about them. I know it seems long, but I’ve been rambling on and on here But. That’s the way it is that’s how I see it love is love you don’t love that don’t don’t go without Dr. go down that path if you’re not gonna be in it for life