Pedal Fuzz
Pedal Fuzz
Pedal Fuzz
Pedal Fuzz explores guitar pedals, guitars, amps, and guitar culture. Hosted by Eddie Garcia, this channel is dedicated to music makers who are pushing the sonic ball forward. From pedalboards that require their own trailer to more modest approaches, we'll cover it all. Based in Winston-Salem, NC, expect local, national, and international guitarists of all musical stripes giving in-depth looks at their pedal, guitar, and amplifier choices. Along the way we'll have demos, reviews, instructional videos, and more. Please hit that subscribe button, and follow Pedal Fuzz as the channel develops - thanks!
@davidoh655 2 месяца назад
Excellent effort you guys 👏👏👏
@mars-tronic Год назад
Just listened to this on my drive home. Awesome, loved it. Saw Television on the UK tour in 2013 in Manchester. Place was packed full! Since Tom Verlaine died I’ve been thinking there’s really a big gap for a Television tribute band. Only found you doing it! You guys could smashed it!
@howardw3223 4 года назад
Excellent, bravo
@blobjunkranch 4 года назад
this was such a good performance
@pobbard 4 года назад
This is excellent! Can't believe I'm just seeing it now.
@jrjanowi 4 года назад
Eddie Garcia is a golden god
@michaelsnydermusic 4 года назад
His music is amazing. I’d love to see a studio video to see what he’s using for those reverbs.
@andyholmes3439 6 лет назад
Not sure why, but I'm surprised that there is no compressor on the board. Great stuff through!
@Taylor_King 5 лет назад
Very surprised considering the style of playing... guess it's evidence of what a great player he is
@judsonkolk 9 лет назад
Awesome guitar! Is that a Ampeg Burns?
@pedalfuzz1665 9 лет назад
Judson Kolk Thank You! Its of unknown origins though I'm guessing its a Teisco of some sort. Paid $25 for it at a pawn shop in the 90's! I put a real bridge on it though.
@judsonkolk 9 лет назад
Oh sweet! what a find, nice cover too
@popmusicquiz 9 лет назад
That was ace. I watched it three times whilst eating my bagel and cheeses. Pop Music Quiz loves 1970s Film Stock! Well played, that man and woman and kids. xo
@TheGreenKingdom 10 лет назад
Great player and a nice interview, thanks!
@pedalfuzz1665 10 лет назад
Thank you for watching, glad you enjoyed it! Pedal Fuzz is new, please spread the word!