Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our channel.

This channel is mostly about our present family journey, Our past life's experience with other family, Health, Diet, Well being, our efforts to live a stress free life, Travel, Filmmaking, Photography, Fitness & Boxing. This channel is not about a particular genre, it is about the many experiences in our lives. We do this for fun & enjoy it. We will show you that it is possible to come from hell to heaven & despite anyone's difficult background one can always heal themselves to become even better versions of themselves by thinking positively. Life is a learning experience.

Thank you for visiting our channel & don't forget to subscribe if you want to see some really interesting videos. They will soon get very interesting with much better video story lines and production.

Tony & Laura
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@andrewward2010 18 дней назад
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY!!! Hope you had a GREAT DAY!!! Also great singing Laura.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 18 дней назад
Thanks Andrew. Had a great day. More footage to come. I was rushed to hospital again at 5am with a cellulitis infection of the right leg. I am under heavy antibiotic treatment via a drip
@andrewward2010 18 дней назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 Sorry to hear that. Hope you get well soon.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 17 дней назад
@@andrewward2010 Thank you
@kevstrets9639 24 дня назад
Hi hope you guys ok? Been a month since you posted .were all missing you?
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 19 дней назад
Hi Kev I am very ill, so videos are taking me a long time to get out there. Check out PT 1, of my 63rd birthday celebrations. Laura sings for me
@kevstrets9639 Месяц назад
Tony please no. That would be cruel to all of us men who admire laura for her outer beauty. We know shes beautiful on the inside too but we need her in our lives.if you make her cover that beautiful face and body up ill have no choice but to report you to the rspcla. Royal society for prevention of cruelty to laura admirers 🤣
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 19 дней назад
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head like in cartoons and tongue hanging out lol!
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
@kevstrets9639 2 месяца назад
Laura has the most perfect legs ❤🎉
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
Thank you
@kevstrets9639 2 месяца назад
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
If only I got greeted with a magnificent site like this when I go into my bathroom? lol! 😉
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
LOL Thanks Laura breath taking sight everyday but she more than just a sight, it the love she has for me and her children that melts my heart
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
Looks a nice bathroom. It will be better for you. Sorry this has happened to you.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
Thanks Andrew. I am very lucky to be alive right now
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
Looking forward to the album coming out lol! 😉
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 DJ ROYAL STARBOY will want Royalties lol! 🤣
@davidpeat9484 2 месяца назад
How did all this happen to you?
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
I will make a video and post it within 2 weeks. You would not want to be in my health condition in your worst nightmare
@davidpeat9484 2 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 i'm so sorry to hear that Tony. I hope you and your family will manage to get through this.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
DJ Tone! For those that don't know, Tony is a huge lover of House and Garage. And Hip Hop and R&B. The Children will love this vid when they watch it back in years to come.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
They surly will and so will I. Thank you
@kevstrets9639 2 месяца назад
Hi tony.as you know a lot of men are soooooo very jealous of you having the gorgeous ,amazing laura including me " no way 41? Really?" But both of you have been through hell and deserve the lovely life and family you have together now.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
I am age 63 this year September and my step daughter Maxine! Will be age 41 on 24th July 2024. Thank you... I do not want people to be jealous of me I want them to find their path of happiness.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
Beautiful Family. Your Beautiful Children, Tone. Those are your Seeds. Proverbs 17:6 KJV - Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
The Lord and his Only Begotten Son's got you, Bro. Matthew 24:13 KJV - But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
Thank you. I prey to God everyday and thank him for my life
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
God has given me a well deserved 2nd chance of a family and this one is great with an exceptional woman Laura. I gave Maxine! Life... She had no chance of a life with her mother poisoning her womb with dugs, glue sniffing, Butane gas inhaling, weed, pills, alcohol. If one could just close their eyes and imagine the miracle success I had saving this little girl who I named Maxine! On 24th July 1983. I met her mother in 1982 and gave up my sanity taking her mother on. I was definitely nuts back then but call it an act of god. What he took from me back then (my youth and right to a decent woman) he has given me back now with Laura and 4 lovely children with one more on the way... The greatest pain for me was loosing my 3 children and my father sleeping with my ex wife before I met her, when she was a prostitute. The shit that those family haters of me have done yet I have not judged or hated them. None of them could take the pain I did not even Tyson my ex son. God has replaced this creep of a son with Leon, an identical look a like.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
That was touching when you said what The Lord took away from you back then, he rewarded to you later on in Life. You want this world to be a better place; and this Family is your reward from The Most High. You're a Champion in Life, Tone. You've figured it out..this thing called Life. You've got a beautiful Family and a nice Home, and worked so hard to have what you have here. No need to go back. I'm sure your relatives watch these videos with guilt and with regret. Keep up the good works.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
2 Timothy 4:8 KJV - Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. 1 Thessalonians 5:8 KJV - But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. Ecclesiasticus 36:24 KJVA - He that getteth a wife beginneth a possession, a help like unto himself, and a pillar of rest. Tone.. as the saying goes: happy Wife, happy Life. And that Wife can also mean This Truth (the knowledge of The Lord); which equals Life.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
@@DEEDUBZ Thank you for your awesome comment
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
@@DEEDUBZ Thanks Dee. God! Laura and the children are the best thing ever to happen to me
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 You took the rebuke away from her, Tone. Without you, she would not be here. You saved her life. She is a good Mother, and is subsurvient to you, her King. I look forward to seeing Baby #5 and the #6 and #7 the Twins late next year.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
1st... She will soon be AGE 41. Born in 24.7.1983 Wow! 1983 I SAVED HER... That is worth celebrating. Age 41 Wow! Marzipan! Horlicks lol
@anatoliypankevych4853 2 месяца назад
I would’ve understood had you been on their payroll. But it appears you just have too much spare time to watch ruzzian propaganda and too little grey matter to comprehend what’s truly going on. Lenin wrote about such calling them “useful idiots”. The context was as follows: the person in question naively considered himself an ally of the USSR or other socialist countries, but they were treated with contempt and cynically used for their own purposes in the social camp itself. Or maybe you’re just unwell. That would’ve explained it.
@iwantanaivanovic2962 2 месяца назад
A porn movie teaser. And F-day is called a Fruit day now?
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
Ooo be quiet Laura, you''ll be alright. You're not eating sloppy runny food, you're eating good hard food. Have a word with her, Tone lol goodness me. Also Mr Tone, all your Children are the spitting image of you. Starshine always was, but Izac and Leon have grown fully into your looks too. Maxine looks like her Mother, but give it 2 or 3 years..she'll look like you. Your DNA is Strong!
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
Well well well.... hahaha. Great job Tone. This is a business also, and you gotta leave your legacy to look after you when you get older, and to protect your Woman once she gets older. Cos without you, this unrighteous world would destroy her. They're growing up fast and already doing duties around the house. You've done so well building up Laura throughout the years too. She has Life! Your Number 6 and 7 (Twins) will be in her stomach late next year, 2025.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
Like I said, Tone.. you can't Fugg with nature, man. And that you ain't got no other Family than what's on the screen, so you're gonna need as big of a Family to look after you and your Woman when you both get older. Number 5. A Boy.. so less noise. Maxine is a loud one LOL ! 2 more to reach completion (that's what the number 7 represents)
@kevstrets9639 2 месяца назад
Congratulations. Number 5 and laura still doesnt look like shes had any babys.all women need to adopt lauras lifestyle❤
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
Thank you
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
@kevstrets9639 Tone is a lifestyle expert when it pertains to Food and Health. He was a Boxer, and is also a Cook. He was in a Motobike accident, which hampened his career; but looks young as ever. So what I'm saying is, why she looks so young after having all of his Children is down to Tone. He manages her diet. Without Tone, she wouldn't be here, and defintiely wouldn't look so young. Tone saved her life.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 Your relatives must be watching this with sheer regret and astonishment. You just know there's a part of them that wanna pick up their young Brothers and Sisters/Neices and Nephews/Cousins, and give them a hug. You tell the truth and called them out with their mess, and they got upset with you and tried to chastise you. Bullying with the name calling. You're a success, Bro!
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
Beryl certainly has a beef with someone lol! It's amazing how hurricanes can start from virtually nothing and then cause chaos and death. Hopefully Beryl will calm herself down.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
Hurricane Beryl has hit Texas now causing serious damage and flash flooding. The power of mother nature is unreal
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! But obviously it all depends on Laura's health. Hopefully everything will work out. Won't be long before you have a Football Team LOL!
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
Thanks Andrew. I can't sleep and am worried about her. She has been visiting the hospitals for tests. Football team yes lol
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 Hopefully everything works out for you both.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
@andrewward2010 There's your proof, Andrew. The moment Tone said last month that his Woman missed her cycle for like 9 days, it was a wrap. That was all I needed to hear. She's Pregnant. Now with regards to her health, she'll be fine because Tone manages that. She's not out of her prime to give him Children yet, but it seems like nature is creeping in. She's fit enough to push out 2 more after this one. The last 2 will be Twins.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
Well technically once he reaches 7 with Laura, then he might have 11; cos I think he's got 3 or 4 from the past. But they don't count because sadly Tone's family all snaked him. If you don't care about picking up the phone to call a Family member, or don't pick up when they call you, you've got noone...and that's Tone. Sad really, but they put him through hell. Plus her family...the things they did to her and said to Tone...smh! Trust me what you see on the screen is all they got; and that's still kina small.
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
11 is too much... but if you've got no Family like Tone does, then 11 Children is actually fine. But Tone will get to 7 first.. then however many more he has from there is down to The Lord. Bare in mind that Laura may be dried up by then. Remember, a Man could plant his seed till he's like 100; so Tone has a lot of life left in him.
@mikemcguinness1304 2 месяца назад
Sexy body
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
A Woman's job is to bear her Man's seed. So whilst your Misses is capable of bringing forth your seed, have as many Children as possible. Cos once she can no longer bear your seed, she's of no good use (in that area).
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
You can't F wid nature, Tone. Nature is Boss. These things happen, Bro. Plus it's a Blessing, because your Family here are all you got. Remember, majority of people out there have got extended Family support; but you've got noone!! That's a scary thought. So you're gonna need as many Children as possible; so that when you get older and your Misses gets older, they can take care of you both.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
You are right we have no one else
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
No period in 9 days ?? Oh She's Pregnant. That's Number 5. Say no more LOL. Just 2 more to go until you reach that lucky Number 7, Tone. And the Number 7 represents completion.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
@andrewward2010 3 месяца назад
Have you found out yet if Laura is pregnant or still waiting?
@DEEDUBZ 2 месяца назад
If you and your Woman were living together and she missed her monthly cycle by 9 days...9 DAYS.. what you think, Bro ? LOL. Come on! Do Bears sh!t in the woods ?
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
Hi Andrew. Check out the latest video
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2 месяца назад
@andrewward2010 2 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 Will Do.
@andrewward2010 3 месяца назад
HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY MAXINE!!!! Can't believe how big the others are now aswell 😃
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
Thank you Andrew. The others have really grown
@andrewward2010 3 месяца назад
The most scary thing is that Joe Biden is in charge of THE BUTTON! Imagine one day he says OH WHAT DOES THIS BUTTON DO!!!!! LOL!
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
That is one scary thought. I heard that they are trying to replace delusional, fraudulent Joe Biden
@andrewward2010 3 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 Probably with Kamala Harris.
@andrewward2010 3 месяца назад
A lot of time UFO sightings are seen near Nuclear Weapons. It is almost like they are trying to stop us destroying each other.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
It is very scary what is going on. Humans are mad
@DEEDUBZ 3 месяца назад
My favourite Doritos is Cool Original (Ranch). The Cheese and Mexican Heatwaves are nice, but after a while they get a bit too much. I dunno why they call it sharing bag cos I eat that ALL to myself, me. Love them ones. But I've bin priced out, Tone. Bin priced out of Sweet Thai Chilli Sensations Crisps also. So I get the Aldi/Lidl/Asda version of Cool Doritos and Sweet Thai Sensations. Just as nice a taste but cheaper.
@DEEDUBZ 3 месяца назад
I also like Shrimps and Bananas Sweets the big packet and Jammy Dodgers. And White Chocolate Bars and Dairy Fruit and Nut Bars. I go Asda, Lidl and Aldi to get my Choc, Sweets and Biscuits. I have them just a few times a month though cos they can be addictive. Eat healthy, keep fit; but nothing wrong with treating yourself to your favourites munchies every now and then, bud. Bless.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
They are delicious but I have to sit and watch the children and Laura eat them due to my diet and health
@DEEDUBZ 3 месяца назад
Aww she wants to speak so bad. Do some more Family Dinner Videos, Tone.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
I will soon
@andrewward2010 3 месяца назад
Looked a great family afternoon.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
It was
@DEEDUBZ 3 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 We need a Baby number 5 Tone. 7 is the spiriutal number that represents completion. Women are put here to be breeding animals and bring forth the Man's Seed; nothing else. So whilst your Woman's body is stll capable, keep breeding her up. Cos once it's not able to produce nomore, it becomes useless (in that aspect). Their bodies all have life spans.
@DEEDUBZ 3 месяца назад
Lucky Number 7 LOL. Izac looks like you a lot with his trim. Same hairline and headhsape. But really, have 3 more Tone. You're gonna need as many to look after you and your Mrs when you both get older.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
She is pregnant again lol you jinxed us lol
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
1st... Share this video around our planet before high lethal doses of radiation from nuclear fallout spreads around our planet. I truly believe that some powerful forces (could be Aliens here already on earth) are controlling humans and are guiding humans towards self extinction. The dinosaurs had no choice of their mass extinction. We humans have a choice and are blowing it. The Doomsday clock moves closer to a 3rd World Nuclear War, while we are all distracted by the General election in the UK & US presidential election. Have you ever asked yourself, when you watch the news, that there is something not right, what is going on around our now, very dangerous planet.
@kevstrets9639 3 месяца назад
i cant believe this was 9 years ago . laura looks exactly the same xx
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
Thank you xx
@kevstrets9639 3 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 i think you need to dust off your camera and get laura back to the modelling cos we all miss what you both do .
@kevstrets9639 3 месяца назад
omg i thought id seen every video of laura i could ever find, how did i miss this little nugget lol xx
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
Thank you
@andrewward2010 3 месяца назад
Just like a Fish in a Fish & Chip Shop Tyson Fury was BATTERED!!! lol!
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
LOL He got BATTERED!!! For real. I do believe he can come back, but he has to be serious
@andrewward2010 3 месяца назад
This is a great video. Beauty all around! 🙂😍
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
Thanks Andrew. It sure was pure beauty and relaxation.
@davidpeat9484 3 месяца назад
Amazing modelling by Laura and fantastic camera work. Does she pose nude?
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 4 месяца назад
1st... TYSON FURY will be victorious
@kevstrets9639 4 месяца назад
Omg thankyou for this tony.absolutley stunning filming from you as usual.with gorgeous model laura with a body thats been sculptured by the gods this is amazing. ❤ for laura and 👍for you tony
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your lovely comment
@andrewward2010 4 месяца назад
Looked great did those Milky Bar Buttons. I remember having them as a kid.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 4 месяца назад
LOL Very tasty when we were children and still tasty now looo
@andrewward2010 4 месяца назад
Hopefully they will get decent cleaners soon.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 4 месяца назад
They should do
@andrewward2010 4 месяца назад
Nice big room but cleaners need to do a better job.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 4 месяца назад
I know. The room was not clean. This hotel is usually clean but some of the rooms are worn and dirty.
@andrewward2010 4 месяца назад
LOL! So Funny. I was proper April Fooled lol!
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 4 месяца назад
@DEEDUBZ 3 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 2:11 LOL you two are some pranksters!
@andrewward2010 4 месяца назад
Oh no. Beaten to 1st again. This time Easter Egg and Crisps lol! Laura nearly got 1st with the Doritos but was just pipped at the post lol! Looked a nice family day for Easter. Looked a great Easter Egg aswell. I will have to look out for that egg next year.
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 4 месяца назад
Hi Andrew. We really enjoyed ester. I had limited mobility but was looked after by Laura and believe it or not Izac. Izac is really helping around the house now.
@andrewward2010 4 месяца назад
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 Excellent. Glad to hear it.
@juliodiazfanego 4 месяца назад
Toni Mobilioooooo! How are you? Looking good with all the boxing technics! Bet you still can't fix a TV though! 😅😅😅
@life107familyfitnessboxing8 4 месяца назад
Julio MOBILIO LOL How are you??? I was never a TV technician, I went on to Audio Amplifier repair, set up and electrical installations. Technology has changed so much now. we have Artificial Intelligence and quantum computers on the horizon. The changes coming our way will be breath Taking. Will it be good or bad? We have to wait and see..... Mobilio LOL hasn't time flown by so quickly. I have been divorced and now have a new and better family. God is great. I just have serious health issues to solve