Starsight, by Samia
Starsight, by Samia
Starsight, by Samia
Teaching you to see reality from the soul’s perspective.

Read about me and my approach: samiavasa.wordpress.com/samia-vasa/

I offer 1:1 astro and tarot sessions, written astrological reports and teaching services. Email me at samia.muntzir@gmail.com to book a session.

You can now donate to Starsight. Details here: samiavasa.wordpress.com/donate-to-starsight/
pick a pile - witnessing the self
Месяц назад
pick a pile - authenticity check-in
Месяц назад
pick a pile - deepen your creative process
3 месяца назад
pick a pile - your mother wound
4 месяца назад
full moon in leo - the impediment is the path
7 месяцев назад
new moon in capricorn - love is NOT a verb
7 месяцев назад
Pick a Pile - 2023 - review with me
8 месяцев назад
@FrostedFaerie 17 дней назад
1 & 3. Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you! What an incredible reader you are! Subbed. ♡
@Sudha785 18 дней назад
Pile 2 it's like someone read my thoughts
@rahulnanjappa 18 дней назад
Pile 1 yet again you bring clarity ❤
@borbala6849 18 дней назад
Wow pile 2, thank you. It was so helpful. How much of my fantasies come from my wounds? I loved your advice about this, I’m going to reflect on that 🙏🏼
@keshaj486 18 дней назад
Pile 2. Thank you for this message. This is very helpful right now. ❤
@deeptisreeram 24 дня назад
Pile 2; just had someone tell me that I can't express anger like this at the last minute when they express it. I am grateful to the guidance here; it has been hard to even witness anger in others 🕊️..
@icantseeyou1294 25 дней назад
Pile 1 - Ohh, I love this! Yes, I was silent most of the times since I was a child, but very observant. It’s very uncomfortable for most people I met. Although I sometimes step out of this energy… I can be in a rush to tell the truth too
@nikj5215 Месяц назад
Pile 1 - Not present but exactly what happened in the past. Unbelievable 🙏 Surrendering really is the key. When the Divine is with you, it will stop mattering that no one else showed up to help you fight the Darkness.
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
it will stop mattering 🌙
@icantseeyou1294 Месяц назад
Pile 2 - I’m writing a novel and it’s highly connected to the theme of justice (I won’t go into details, but it’s mainly for me to get over a situation that felt unjust in the past). The last word I’ve written down was truth. Your readings and way of delivering the messages are always so amazing and accurate. Thank you💚
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
good luck with the writing ♥️
@deeptisreeram Месяц назад
Staying disappointed makes me feel not alone. 💯, pile 3.
@Sudha785 Месяц назад
Pile 2: your mistake is also your wisdom yes
@UnityMisfit Месяц назад
Pile 3..so what I got from this is to let go of what my dreams are for my life..does that mean that dream is not supposed to happen? Because I see in what ways you could be right but at the same time what is the point in those dreams if thats what exists in my subconscious if they aren’t meant to? Is there a way to even let them go? How?..I wish I could pay you for a personal reading atp.
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
hmm, the rationale for a dream’s emergence may be particular and different for each of us, but I do often observe that the source can be wounding as much as foreknowledge (of destiny). the messages here were emphasising the dream’s function of coping with wounding. that function limits the dream. whether or not something is supposed to be, this link between suffering and desire can be lightened; ideally, it can be broken. you start doing this by noticing where the “juice,” the pleasure of the dream comes from. sit with that source and the true face of suffering will gradually become visible.
@UnityMisfit Месяц назад
@@starsightbysamia thank you
@nikj5215 Месяц назад
Pile 2 - The Universe has always brought me the message I needed, so in general, readings almost always resonate with me but you stand apart. Every reading is deep and profound and goes beyond the 100s of common themes I come across on YT. One of your most recent readings encouraged me to sit with the shadow parts of myself I don’t acknowledge and I cannot describe how healing it has been or the number of insights I’ve had since. Thank you for sharing your gift. I’m so grateful that the Universe led me to you.
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
@deeptisreeram Месяц назад
Pile 2. I will never get tired of how aligned your readings are. It is so unbelievably true and deep. I am just stunned.
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
“No faith comes without cost, no one believes without dying.” ♥️
@deeptisreeram Месяц назад
@@starsightbysamia <3
@borbala6849 Месяц назад
Wow. Pile 3 was profound. Your spiritual wisdom and insights were so eye opening about my situation. I literally yelled at the universe yesterday because things are not flowing in the physical realm 😂 so this was very timely. I really appreciate your wisdom! ❤
@madhusudhankrishna2 Месяц назад
I wait for the topics that align with me. Lovely energy ❤
@shekhakotak2412 Месяц назад
Waw! Yesterday, I was doing a mental review of the past few months and I told myself, “it feels like nothing has changed but a lot has changed at the same time.” Pile 3 reading resonated so well. Thanks, Samia!
@Kathara13 Месяц назад
Hoping to make you feel like outside noise is your fault.
@deeptisreeram Месяц назад
Watched this when I was feeling worried over practicing distance with family. Pile 2 reading really came to me when I needed it. Thank you.
@InnerOtter Месяц назад
I left a profession I was "good at" because doing it weighed me down...uncanny
@lahi403 Месяц назад
Pile 2. It was validation of what I've done. I cut out my family in 2016 after spending my entire life trying to earn love and not be the scapegoat. All of my accomplishments were used as ammunition against me. Placed in a gifted program at age 6? Oh, i think I'm just sooooo smart. Accepted into a performing arts high school? The only thing I'm good at is music and reading books, but I'm not that special. Started my own business? I think I'm better than everyone else. The list goes on and on and on. I finally had enough. They're all cut out. This reading felt like what my guides would have said the moment I was being ganged up on for the last time. I'm the oldest daughter..i protected my younger two siblings. They joined in with making me a scapegoat, becoming alcoholics like our parents, being happy struggling and living a dark and unfulfilling life while acting like my desire to get out of that was something shameful. So this reading was an affirmation for me that i did the right thing to stop trying to earn love from them and focusing on my own life. I'm just sad i was 40 before I had enough strength to not give any more chances. I wish i had cut ties a long time before.
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
sorry to hear it’s been so hard ♥️
@user-gc8er3mt2y Месяц назад
Pile 3. I was literally connected with your channel by (I believe) my guides/Angels. I’ve been exhausted for SO long and was wasting time? going through different readings when my phone just switched to your channel. This is the 2nd reading I’ve experienced from you and both have profoundly touched my heart. You are amazing. I’m deeply grateful.
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
glad to have you here ♥️
@user-gc8er3mt2y Месяц назад
Wow. I really felt (and feel) that in my heart. Pile 3. Though I don’t agree with everything you said, a lot of it was spot on, and it feels like it’s healing my heart, and I’m deeply grateful for that 🙏❤️
@Sudha785 Месяц назад
Pile 2: Gave me closure. Really needed this 🙏
@deeptisreeram Месяц назад
Pile 3. I was sitting with the idea of leaving the programme or staying and working. I was judging the latter thinking this is what everyone expects and my wanting of it feels so wrong. Stability felt like a choice everyone takes / but I love it so much. And I love love the feeling of slow building. Knowing that the pieces of my work were built slowly and the experience of seeing what would emerge at the end.. Excellent excellent reading 🔥.
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
but this is huge! such an immense insight.
@wingedmagician47 Месяц назад
✨Pile 2 - thank you 🙏🏼 💟
@rahulnanjappa Месяц назад
Bang on you always hit the nail on the head pile 2 it was as if you were talking to me face to face thanks
@icantseeyou1294 Месяц назад
For some reason it was so hard for me to find the right pile, but yes, the first one is for me… It wasn’t a break up, but someone that I loved has chosen someone else over me. It was a very intense soul connection that I was dreaming of since my childhood. I knew that I will experience something like this, but I didn’t know that it will end up like this I really resonate with your other videos as well. Thank you for the advice! This might be the way to end my writer’s block as well…
@starsightbysamia Месяц назад
sounds like a tremendously painful experience ♥️
@Sudha785 Месяц назад
Spot on like always 👌
@nikj5215 Месяц назад
Pile 2 - Goosebumps every single time I listen to one of your readings. Even amongst so many talented readers on this platform, you stand out for me. Thank you.
@roana287 2 месяца назад
@deeptisreeram 2 месяца назад
Pile 2 and this explains why I am watching sci fi shows that show brutality on a daily basis for the past few days.
@authergeorge849 2 месяца назад
Can't hear anything, Your voice is very low
@yuhinalachungpa 2 месяца назад
Really does feel like my adult self is my youngest self right now, I've spent the least amount of time knowing/being her. Needed this perspective, thank you as always 🖤
@sabaha2010 2 месяца назад
Thank you, pile 1 really resonated!
@Kathara13 2 месяца назад
Some of us learned in childhood others people's feelings about us meant everything
@deeptisreeram 2 месяца назад
Pile 1. This is such an incredibly insightful guidance. The examples are so easy to understand 💯
@nikj5215 2 месяца назад
Pile 1 - as always, Samiya,your readings are so spot on. I was meditating yesterday on integrating my shadows and asked for clarity on what that shadow is/are. And today I found my way to your reading and it’s not even your newest one. I have indeed been generous with my time and energy all through my life and end up being taken advantage of. I’ve finally learned to put boundaries in place in the past two years (in my 40s, no less! 😅) and try to keep my energies in mind but it’s not always possible in my personal life with a disinterested ex and a young kid at stake. Easier at work though. Anyway, thank you!
@starsightbysamia 2 месяца назад
I get it ♥️
@candiceclay7418 2 месяца назад
First I want to say that I love your readings. I just found you today and have been watching one after another. I picked pile 3 and you are spot on. Me and my mom have a strange relationship. I actually don't remember most of my childhood. I do remember bouncing back and forth between my grandparents houses a lot while growing up though. I have always felt like my mom lives in her own bubble. I also feel like she is weak. I even take up for her when my brother, who also has a strange relationship with her, talks bad about her. When my parents divorced when I was a teen I stepped in and took care of my brother while both my parents did their own thing. From as far as I can remember I've felt like I've had to be strong and protective. The mafia thing is funny because I always tell my kids that I've always wanted to be in a mafia family. But its more because I feel like they stick together. They have eachothers backs through everything and I never had that growing up. I also just got out of a really traumatic relationship. I know that I have hardened my heart and I'm struggling to get into my feminine era. I look forward to watching more of your readings. They are very insightful. ❤
@starsightbysamia 2 месяца назад
I fully understand the longing for a family that is fiercely and truly loyal to each other ♥️ glad you’re here, and hopeful your soul family will find you exactly when you need.
@Sudha785 2 месяца назад
Pile 2 yeah im the mother. Emotional caretaker. I sent my partner your mother wound video to help them. But dont seem like they want help. Thank you for the reading
@RoseTarotRealm 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much. Pile 2 for me today. From one reader to another. I really appreciate you ❤❤❤
@starsightbysamia 2 месяца назад
thank you 💕
@borbala6849 2 месяца назад
What is the name of the tarot deck that you used? 🙂🙏🏼
@starsightbysamia 2 месяца назад
it’s the Tarot of Dreams, by Ciro Marchetti 💙
@borbala6849 2 месяца назад
@@starsightbysamia thank you so much!! ☺️
@shellyproctor1764 2 месяца назад
Thank you ✨️
@borbala6849 2 месяца назад
Pile 3- definitely resonates, thank you 💜
@Sudha785 2 месяца назад
Very unique and interesting topics. Have never seen in other readers channel
@Sudha785 2 месяца назад
You're incredibly intuitive. Pls dont ever stop giving readings
@starsightbysamia 2 месяца назад
I appreciate your presence here ♥️
@yuhinalachungpa 2 месяца назад
This felt like 1 continuous session. I needed to hear/see this so badly and I’m so grateful it came through you. Each pile addressed a hurt self prominent at this time, and I’ve been really struggling to understand what’s been going on with me. Been binging on multiple readings of yours since last night, literally been taking notes, felt primed and ready for this. Thank you, thank you. 🙏🖤
@starsightbysamia 2 месяца назад
that sounds terribly rough, love ♥️
@yuhinalachungpa 2 месяца назад
@@starsightbysamia 🖤
@Sudha785 2 месяца назад
P2 gaining so much clarity
@UnityMisfit 2 месяца назад
P3 You get me 💙
@finnev 2 месяца назад
You are such a talented reader. ❤❤❤❤ pile 1