They call me Hat Guy, but you don't have to! On this channel, my wonderful GF Nikki & I react to videos, live stream, and vlog. We are both pumped that you have decided to chill with us. Feel free to join in on the fun! We have a discord channel as well if you would like to chat with us and our many other friends there.
(Discord link: discord.gg/Vk2tZ9zRkD)
Channel Update | Where Have We Been?
4 часа назад
Channel/Life Update
2 месяца назад
@pornoarcade5350 - Good Guys Lose
3 месяца назад
@ragnarlothbroklagertha5361 Час назад
Please just take care of yourself first we will all still be here sending lots of love
@hectormiranda1088 2 часа назад
Sand Shark: "There can only be one"
@m16fermy 11 часов назад
Michael hasn't made a video in a year so that goldfish must be putting in work
@CalebKotschedoff 14 часов назад
Love your guys reactions it’s me Caleb from last time
@alteredgauge1679 15 часов назад
Sending love your way Nikki. ❤️
@radiodemon_6666 17 часов назад
I love the Godzilla shirt and poster
@Darkinu2 19 часов назад
Here we go!
@survivalsamuel 19 часов назад
Honestly I like the White Castle near me, cheap fresh steam grilled sliders :O aaa also one of the few fast food places willing to make a large food for the Assisted living facility I live at, McDonald's said naw,
@ArcticTron 20 часов назад
Well I suppose it seems a bit fitting to recommend a video from Clint's Reptiles called "All 14 Families of Turtles & How They Are Related" since I think you'd like it.
@Misto_deVito6009 20 часов назад
I knew yall might love this one. The penguin one is both hilarious and sad
@Austintwo3 20 часов назад
12:47 that pen decided to hit back 😂
@MrPotatoGeist 20 часов назад
We found out I had chicken pox in the middle MY 9th Birthday party. Spent the night eating popsicles in the ER to get the meds i needed.
@happyfairyjerry 21 час назад
Just glad to have yall back😂
@benschultz1784 21 час назад
His video on elephants got re-uploaded
21 час назад
“You know there’s something you should know, so I’m gonna tell you so, don’t sweat it, forget it, Enjoy the show!”
@cboyles84 22 часа назад
Those dancing birds are hooded grebes. That's just how they cut up 😄
@toms1313 22 часа назад
Those are your pajamas!?😂 I was going to comment about the cool shirt on the last video lol
@iansahleen1173 22 часа назад
Glad y’all are back!
@techno_otaku 23 часа назад
You know, snack wraps also make me go meow sometimes But seriously, the moment McDonalds got rid of their wraps and salads, thats when they lost a customer.
@zerq4558 23 часа назад
I have (had?) the bell clapper deformity. I found out in the non good way
@jereme9019 День назад
Where did Nicki get that shirt?? It’s so cool
@michaelschroeck2254 День назад
Did you watch the video where he visited cowboy Kent and they cooked together? That was a great video! So much genuine love and no hate!!!!
@Michael_Solodov День назад
Бля, в русской озвучке лучше!
@XavierShade День назад
HatGuy reigns supreme! 👑
@XavierShade День назад
Crap, I lost first! Something about "I selled my wife for internet connection" got me dude. 🤣🤣🤣
@z3poXP День назад
Nikki is soo adorable when she breaks 🤣🤣
@XavierShade День назад
Taking care of yourself is top priority. I hope you guys get some answers. As a fan, I felt like part of the family and I hope you guys know some of us actually care about you guys. Even if you dropped one vid a year, I will be gracious for it no matter what.
@RThr33Robbie День назад
After everything she's been through, it's great to see Nikki laugh again! ❤
@edwardmullins2716 День назад
punks cancer to wrestling wwe should sack him again
@bevakathedementedraccoon День назад
Oh man, the extra challenge was too much. The extra challenge is surviving after Nikki breaks lmao
@triskoto День назад
@jamauln1 День назад
Nikki's reaction to that black jew joke is priceless. Excellent GIF material 😂
@Mandred85 День назад
It's sad what cancel culture did to comedy. Yes some shit might be controversial humor, but being offended is always a personal choice. If someone pokes fun at me I can choose to be offended or just laugh with it. If it's not true I can dicard it and laugh, if it's true I can accept the truth and laugh about it. And nothings worse than being offended in someones stead, trying to bring people down, just because they can't enjoy some stupid humor.
@bevakathedementedraccoon День назад
So sorry Nikki, sending love, huggles and healing wishes from over the pond
@vinayreddy736 День назад
Take your time guys...❤ Health comes first..Hope you get back on Mr.Ballen reactions...But our support is always there....
@CrashTestPilot День назад
Be well, Nikki. That smile lights up the room.
@crossanddream2 День назад
I immediately lost it at the Jesus one, wasn't expecting the scream 😂
@jjOnceAgain День назад
I've been waiting all month long for a reaction to the new Jontron, but this was still hilarious. Yall killed me
@noblesseraizel3741 День назад
@InkyPetrel День назад
Take your time, and be gentle with yourself! <3
@adolfocabarcas5795 День назад
laught is a powerful healing factor, nikki has to laugh more often
@adolfocabarcas5795 День назад
nikky make me laugh so bad ahhahaha
@adolfocabarcas5795 День назад
guys you should try intermittent fasting , go talk with cole from snake diet, that cure even cancer i do myself and cured my diabetes and blood pressure, its hard but it's proof that really work for everything that is not working right, i hope you listen to me i want see you happy and healthy , god bless you
@mew2.025 День назад
I'm so sorry you guys had to go through all that. I was very concerned when I saw you hadn't posted for a while. I hope things get better for you two.
@BrandonAyong День назад
We'll always support you guys no matter what. Just know that
@frankisfunny2007 День назад
Oh, wow! That's very scary! I'm glad you're okay now, Niki! Chad, Niki..... just post when you can with whatever health thing you're happening, either one of you are having. ---------------------------------------- In terms of an absence, just let us know what's happening for not uploading, but the good majority won't ask what's going on. Update us when you can. ---------------------------------------- The good news with your absence is that you got a lot of things to watch!
@jat9926 День назад
Glad Nikki’s doing better and get those scans done!
@jat9926 День назад
Nikki became Pomni
@TrainsRKool1999 День назад
Seeing Nikki smile and laugh while dealing with her health issue makes me smile. Sending y’all love from Big Stone, sending all hugs ❤️
@robyngriffith6508 День назад
@BreezerTheWeezer is my favorite youtuber