@pridelerx9211 7 дней назад
"Alec dont make this personal" "Im NOT", literally 5 seconds after he makes it completely personal😂 I love this scene in particular because he was on everyones case in season 1 about how feelings and emotions are irrelevant and its best not to think with them, and then the progression to him not wanting to ask the most powerful warlock to close a rift that demons are coming out of because he and Magnus were in a fight. I love the development of Alecs character so much-
@bradonrichardson2912 8 дней назад
Simon is the best vampire ever
@caitlindestadler889 10 дней назад
Could someone please explain? Is Magnus breaking up with Alec because he kept the soul sword a secret? How is Alec keeping magnus from being a leader?
@killjoyqueenz 13 дней назад
Where the Angel is Valentine 😂 Always that was cool
@user-ri1fv3tn5q 14 дней назад
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 0:07
@MariaCeciliaQuintero 16 дней назад
@MariaCeciliaQuintero 16 дней назад
@CaseyNgC 17 дней назад
Imagine waking up having a gorgeous person inside out like Alec on the bed. Magnus should never leave the guy alone.
@user-mdjc 27 дней назад
"God, it's stupid" "No, god's not stupid" ❤
@KiaraLionessTM Месяц назад
“Your highness what an unpleasant surprise” “Woah now I’m sure she didn’t mean to-“ “No offence Alec but I agree with Clary” lol they still mad about the Seelie court kiss in the Seelie court 🤣 still though the Seelie queen is a die hard Clace shipper like the rest of us 😆
@noelhaynes9608 Месяц назад
I hope that I'm not the only one whose creeped out by how fast the Seelie Queen ate that apple.
@reneegeorge2369 2 месяца назад
I love how Izzy and Alec always have to come to Jace and Clary's rescue its like their the real heroes
@margaridaneto6131 2 месяца назад
What woman wouldn't like to see a man taking off his shirt in front of her?😍
@stinkeroosie1743 2 месяца назад
It was at that moment Izzy realized they were the definition of true love
@crissranger8925 2 месяца назад
No way it’s gonna be 8 yrs already !!!! Ugh 😣
@JustExistingforsomereason 4 месяца назад
@danielaherreraayos2629 4 месяца назад
Magnus 'dohh ' is everything jajza
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
Alexander would make an excellent Hawkeye! This is such an Avengers scene lmao
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
Clary could have wished for both Jace and her mom back. That was pretty short sighted of her. She also could have wished that the alt world from season 1 where they were all safe and happy and none of the demons existed and Valentine was a good dad her mom was alive and she was dating Jace was the world they all lived in peacefully.
@user-ri1fv3tn5q 4 месяца назад
What time do that for my car 🚨 and I have no idea 💡 I have no idea how I have no idea how much time I have no clue 🧩 I 😚 to tell him I will have to do that to o
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
I love Simon, he is better off with Maia or Izzy anyway, Clary is selfish she cared more about herself she turned Simon into Vampire cause she didn't want be alone, but she had Jace so she didn't need Simon, she just wanted both for herself without considering Simon's feelings at all or Jace's feelings. Later when she thought Jace was her brother she got with Simon so she wouldn't have to be alone but really wanted Jace whole time it was unfair to Simon its like she knew he was in love with her and used that to hide away from her own problems and feelings. But because she's main character everyone just forgives her, she hurt Alec and Izzy too but they put up with her for Jace's sake. I'm just happy Alec found Magnus and Izzy eventually gets with Simon cause they are the better people anyway
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
Jace powers activiating to save Clary here made sense but it also made her look like your typical damsel in distress needing to be rescued by her heroic man again. Glad at least Clary killed Valentine but wish she acted a bit sooner
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
@0:04 Alec/Matt smile is so bright pure sunshine! I love it!
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
Why does Jace want to lie to Alec and everyone else about Clary asking Raziel to bringing him back!?. Nothing good can come from keeping secrets they clearly learned nothing from whole Malec situation, Alec almost lost Magnus because he kept secret about soul sword and now Jace is doing same thing ugh stupid its going come back and bite them all in ass next season I bet. Same with Simon and the Seelie Queen, but at least Simon saved Maia
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
@2:16 I bet the make up sex back at Magnus after this was Mind Blowing lmao. I really need to start reading the fanfiction for this ship once I'm done with the show.
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
I love how even though Magnus was acting all salty to Alec since their "break up" as soon as he cries out in pain he immediately all like "Alexander you ok?" lmao I know Jace dies for a bit but I'm more of a Malec shipper and I love the parabatai bond between Jalec. this scene not only brought Clace together but brought Malec back together too. But here's a thing that always bothers me Jace told Magnus its not like that when referring to Malec having sex yet both Jace and Alec can feel when the other is in physical pain so wouldn't that mean they'd feel each other's pleasure too? they should be able to feel both through the rune lol I think Jace was lying a bit to Magnus to spare him the awkwardness it would also help explain why Alec was so into Jace before Magnus came along because everytime Jace hooked up with a girl Alec probably felt it too and confused that pleasure he kept feeling through the rune for having horny feelings for Jace
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
So this show has Azazel and Lilith lmao just like Supernatural too bad the Winchesters are busy in Kansas to go to NYC
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
I love that Alec kept yelling for Magnus as he was running I think he wanted to protect him from the demon and was going toss Magnus out of the way so he wouldn't get burned but Magnus saved him first because Magnus is a badass but I love when Magnus fell down cause his magic was used up Alec went to check on him immediately and Magnus does same thing later when Alex as in pain while Jace was dying. They love each other so much even when their fighting they still trying to save one another or protect the other
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
Magnus should have realized Queen would betray them all and now Simon has made some awful deal with the Queen to save Maia and the rest of the downworlders. Ugh
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
Izzy is always hyping up Magnus such an awesome sister in law lmao. Love when Magnus says "Duh" and acts all snarky but then later is all like "Alexander are you ok?" when Alec was in pain lmao those two really don't know how to quit each other
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
Those photos had to come from their Tokoyo trip! I wish we got flashbacks of their time there together so badly
@alexisgeorge9920 4 месяца назад
I knew seelie queen was evil the way she used her vines to hurt simon and force Clary into Jace arms and now she is siding with valentine. I hope both the Queen and Valentine get theirs! Magnus should not trust her!
@alexisgeorge9920 4 месяца назад
Alec killing two of the forsaken with one arrow was some boss shit! ❤
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
Valentine is total D-bag ruining all those innocent people grieving at funeral lives by killing them.
@reneegeorge2369 4 месяца назад
I think this hug was better than the kiss later in the episode
@alexisgeorge9920 4 месяца назад
Luke is such a great father figure to Clary and Simon and well everyone. He is a great friend to Magnus and Raphael too. i hope he survives til the end
@alexisgeorge9920 4 месяца назад
Seelie Queen is so annoying get a clue silly girl he doesn't want you! He is going be Izzy man and now he likes Maia but he will never love the Queen she is the reason he got his heart broken over Clary she is dumb to think he like her after what she did to them 🙄. I hope she meets the same fate as Valentine
@alexisgeorge9920 4 месяца назад
I cant stand the seelie queen cause of what she did to Simon and Maia and i know she is just as evil as Valentine their going end up working together. Best part about this scene though is Alec still trying to apologize to Magnus in front of everyone with his glances and stares. he knows he messed up but at least he is trying to make it right! Working against each other will only benefit Valentine. Magnus has every right to be hurt by the lies but Alec is also right they cant do this alone! They all need to work together to save both downworld and human world from valentine.
@alexisgeorge9920 4 месяца назад
Also @2:19 when Alec is trying not to cry his heart is breaking 💔 inside and you can literally hear Matt sucking in air like Alec is suffocating already without Magnus. Its like without Magnus in his life he cant even breathe. His lungs are burning and the pain is immense but once they makeup with each other in 2x20 and kiss again they both inhale and breath a sigh of relief like yes finally we can breath again its so beautiful ❤
@alexisgeorge9920 4 месяца назад
Magnus has every right to be upset but it still it sucks Alec and their relationship had to bare the pain of Downworld vs shadowhunters. Alec needs to stop trusting the Clave and trust in Magnus and their friends instead. The clave are nothing but of bunch of liars but i dont trust the seelie queen either and Magnus loves Alec so he better choose him in future over downworld when they get married cause then he will be his husband. Right now its fair to break up over this but it wouldnt be once they're fully committed husbands
@alexisgeorge9920 5 месяцев назад
These two will never be able to quit one another ❤ Malec is the best so glad they found their way back to each other
@alexisgeorge9920 5 месяцев назад
So glad Luke stood up for Alec after Magnus found out. I know Alec never meant to hurt or lie to Magnus This is all Claves fault they are bad ones here and Malec doesn't deserve this!! 😭 😡 I hope Magnus can forgive him I hate seeing them fight ❤ Alec should have told him immediately but it's not like Magnus didn't keep secrets too he literally lied multiple times to Alec's face when he asked if he was okay and he kept saying im fine when he wasn't! He murdered his own shitty stepfather and kept that a secret from Alec for way longer than Alec kept this one. As much as I love Magnus he isn't perfect neither is Alec but they are perfect for each other and belong together 😢
@3kylajsmith 3 месяца назад
Technically Alec works for the Clave, the organization that has a history or torturing and murdering the downworld. Alec said he would not keep anything from the downworld than did the opposite. Magnus killing his Stepdad did not put thousand of people at risk for dying. Neither one of them are perfect but this was not about their personal relationship it was a political one. Alec said he would work with the Downworld, who have no reason to trust the Shadowhunters and than hid vital information, that was his decision not the Claves. As leader for his people Magnus is in the right.
@reneegeorge2369 5 месяцев назад
I'm so proud of Alec standing up to his parents to defend Magnus always! He's an amazing boyfriend/future husband! Robert pisses me off trying to convince Alec to keep Clave secrets from Magnus, comparing his bs affair to what Malec have. I'd punch him ONSITE if I could! He may have helped keep Alec in charge of institute but doesn't make him a good father he hasn't been there for them during this entire Mess with Valentine and he didn't even come to Max's rune ceremony. Real father of the year he is!
@reneegeorge2369 5 месяцев назад
I hope Simon rebounds well with Maia and gets over Clary so he can move on with his life as a badass Daylighter
@reneegeorge2369 5 месяцев назад
I wish I could ship them they'd be so good together and be way better than Climon but I know he is going get with Izzy as endgame.
@reneegeorge2369 5 месяцев назад
I hate that Robert trying to get Alec to lie to Magnus! Don't mess up MALEC cause the Clave are bunch of d-bags liars that's not their fault.
@reneegeorge2369 5 месяцев назад
Truth is Clary is annoying she sent them thru that portal without even waiting to let anyone know and almost got herself and Jace killed. She's just lucky Alec and Izzy were able to figure out where they had gone because of their dad and rescue them. But this episode definitely suffered from no Magnus and Luke
@reneegeorge2369 5 месяцев назад
Simon deserves better than Clary anyway
@doryinsanime6862 5 месяцев назад
I was very happy for Clace but little bit sad for Simon. I love this for Jace anyways.
@reneegeorge2369 5 месяцев назад
So proud of Simon he kicked Quinn's ass all on his own no help from the Shadowhunters.