Jake the Atheist
Jake the Atheist
Jake the Atheist
You know how everyone says to avoid religion and politics? Well I can't. I love talking about topics like these, so I made a whole new RU-vid channel for it! I'll be uploading discussions, opinions, critiques, and stories from my perspective as an ex-Christian turned atheist.
I Got The WEIRDEST Email...
2 года назад
"You Were Never Really A Christian..."
2 года назад
I Took The Secular Communities Survey
3 года назад
My Deconversion Story
3 года назад
Welcome To My Channel!
3 года назад
3 года назад
@alanmacdonald3763 3 часа назад
The human brain has local inherited reptilian memory. Local learned memory. Scientists are now supporting the notion of Primacy Of Consciousness. Adepts like Christ are trying to tell us there is a non local aspect to consciousness, that through training we can stream from no local source. Not an orthodox memory based rituals.
@mvlditu День назад
I don't know if you're going to read this, but let me tell you that God exists. Jesus truly sacrificed Himself for our sins. If you want proof that He exists and no longer believe in the Bible, I advise you to study the other side, the dark side of this world, the side the church doesn't talk about, not to practice it but to see what christians are fighting with. Research who controls the world, money, corruption, the elites, the occult, freemasonry, the Kabbalah, and when you see that this world is a lie and a stage for the devil to play on. When you see who really rules this natural world (the devil), you will understand the meaning of Jesus sacrifice on the cross and that everything in the Bible is true, like it or not, it's God's word. This video is simply proof that the church does not save anyone, and that when the true gospel is not preached, it does not transform people. When the churches stop filling believers with motivational speeches about being happy, about being successful, and that life with God is supposed to be perfect, then believers will cling to God forever. Christians are the people who will suffer the most in this world because carrying the cross means dying to ourselves, which is very difficult, and if the world does not accept Jesus, it will not accept us either. You referenced "good and bad" people, but that does not exist in God's eyes. We are all bad, we all have sinned, not because He wanted it but because of our own will, and even so, God with His infinite love sent His Son to die and be punished in our place. Do not waste your eternity in exchange for a brief life, that will pass so quickly, clinging to your sins, it's all vanity if you truly think about it, because everything that we conquer here will not come with us to the other side. The truth sets you free, but until it frees you, it will hurt, a lot! Jesus loves you, return to Him!
@caman171 День назад
He mentions "random" things happening both good and bad. Well most of those things can be traced to a persons actions or decisions, so they arent really random. So basically, theres no such thing as a true atheist. A TRUE atheist believes the attributes that belong to God cant exist. Thats impossible. If a personal god doesnt exist, then a non personal god has to exist. That "god" is called the universe. If it wasnt created, then the universe itself is self existent, eternal, and omniscient (it must contain all knowledge that is knowable), and it is omnipresent (can we go beyond the universe? the answer has to be no, otherwise a personal God would exist.) The universe must also possess all power that exists, making it omnipowerful. Thus, the universe itself must be god. And when we die, we go back to dust, from which the universe created us. It is indisputable that there is a god. The question is, which one? If the universe is god, then why dont we get mad it it for the bad things that happen and declare it doesnt exist?
@atheistjake День назад
You obviously haven't run this glue-fueled fever dream by any real atheists, have you? "If a personal god doesn't exist, then a non personal god has to exist" is the most unfounded assertion I've ever heard. And saying that knowledge existing within the universe means the universe "knows" everything is like saying my house knows what my cats' names are. This is the least serious comment I've seen in months, sorry
@caman171 День назад
@@atheistjake really? was the universe created by something outside itself? if not it is uncreated. and I never said the universe "knows" everything, in fact I said the opposite. I said it "contains" all knowledge that is knowable. if it doesnt, please explain where knowledge comes from, WITHOUT it being in the universe. As for your cat, I never mentioned your house, but YOU do know your cats name and YOU are in (part of) the universe, so yes the knowledge of your cat's name is "contained" within said universe. I was not trying to be rude to you friend, just saying my pov. Either a personal god created the universe, or the universe is uncreated, which mean ir is god. Those are the only options. (of course you can say that the universe created itself, which again, would mean that the power contained in said universe existed before its creation)
@atheistjake День назад
@caman171 You said the universe was necessarily omniscient, but "containing all knowledge" is not the definition of omniscience. A book contains knowledge, but the book itself doesn't "know" anything. How is this hard to understand? Nobody knows how the universe was created. Maybe it wasn't? It wouldn't be any less logical than arguing that a disembodied mind has been around forever. But there is a huge difference between accepting that "the space that everything takes up" is the same as anyone's traditional understanding of a "god".
@caman171 День назад
@@atheistjake well I am trying to be nice. However, as with most atheists you cant see the forest for the trees.. A "book" is :in the universe" is it not? Any knowledge contained in the book was discovered by a human whi lives within said universe. The knowledge they discovered was already there. Therefore, the universe contains all that there is to know, which means it is "omniscient". In case you didnt know "omni" means "all" and "science" means "knowledge". You cannot discover something that doesnt exist. therefore, if it is discoverable, it is already contained within the universe. The same universe that "creates" a disease, also has the cure. Whether the universe has a "mind" is neither provable, nor disprovable. So you are back to square one if you wish to be atheist, as the atheist says God is neither provable nor disprovable. However, we can prove the universe exists. Therefore it must contain all there is to know. Now did it create the laws of science itself, or were they put there by another? Where there are laws, there must be a lawmaker. if there is no personal god, then the universe has created those laws within itself, making it the god of all knowledge
@atheistjake День назад
@caman171 The universe as a whole entity is not aware of anything. It is a word we use to describe the space everything takes up. Comparing it to any definition of a god is nonsensical.
@planje4740 2 дня назад
- схвати _ Бијеше једном некада давно Биг Банг Бијеше једном некада давно Абрахам и причао са Богом /и за једно и за друго треба вјера /гдје доказ за Абрахама има пуно живих свједока и без да ишта кажу /а за Биг Банг /еволуцију/ и ако се назива наука никакав доказ нема мора се чисто вјеровати //без Биг Банг немаш еволуције Јако си пуно уложио у слабе или никакве карте све ћеш изгубити _ ко ти свештеник - прича ти вјеру без "духа света" и ништа се не прима у тебе //прича ти вјеру као науку као знање неко а не као "вјеру" - и онда теби то ништа не значи _ - да си хигх тец интелигентан - није могуће логично бити невјерник _ зашто су сви стари народи имали неку вјеру, неку силу, неког бога или богове - зато што се не може закључити друго
@surlycycler2213 5 дней назад
AoG, hillsong, 4 square, YWAM are all toxic church's. I left out of it as well.
@__-bc4bs 6 дней назад
This sounds so depressing. I was once an atheist too. Not a happy time in my life. Hope you find your way back to good spirit and good ethics.
@atheistjake 6 дней назад
I have both those things already? Not all atheists are sad and uncaring people lol
@oliverroedel1111 13 дней назад
an atheist never can be much happier thab a (real) christian, if you believe in science, what in fact means what poeple who wants fame, money, power tells you, you are lost. lost like in the false "churches", believing in what false prophets tell you. there is no choice between science and God, cause everything (real) science finds out, was created by God. and there is another big problem, how can you be a better person if you doens´t have a moral/ethical base to live on? who will make this base? you? you are so wise that you know whats wrong or right? without God, there is no wrong or right. and what have other religions to do with christianity? nothing! study! if you want to know the truth, you have to study scriptures and history!
@tangerinetangerine4400 12 дней назад
Ethics and morality has evolved and existed before any religion. Many animals have some kind of sense of morality which helps their species flourish because morality is good for cooperation. Many of religious claims go against science. Religion encourages blind belief while science seeks observable proof. Good luck with your journey
@oliverroedel1111 13 дней назад
you make the mistake most of atheists do: you mix "church", believers and christianity. if you study the scriptures you see that most "churches" are teaching wrong, that poeple sure never are perfect. you have to be a christian trying to be better every day. you quoted the scriptures:" 1 So I reflected on all this and concluded that the righteous and the wise and what they do are in God's hands, but no one knows whether love or hate awaits them. 2 All share a common destiny -the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, "the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not. As it is with the good, so with the sinful; as it is with those who take oaths, so with those who are afraid to take them. 3 This is the evil in everything that happens under the sun: The same destiny overtakes all. The hearts of people, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, and afterward they join the dead.
@Antony-bp2yh 16 дней назад
Wait I thought atheist didn't believe in free will.
@TheInquisitorTV 17 дней назад
I am not an athiest I believe in a creator, but not the rubbish in the bible and Koran. All use fear, psychological and physical terrorism, the old testiment is almost identical to the Koran, Christianity believe the evil sociapathic, genocidal God of the old testiment is the father of christ and creator of tge universe, total bullshit, if you don't believe you burn in hell. How can anyone make themselves believe out of fear its disgusting evil cults all of them the so called abrahamic religions, the 3 pillars of evil, cancers on the back of humanity. Sickening vile mind control, indoctrination from birth, how is there any free will?
@oliverroedel1111 13 дней назад
you surely never studied the quran neither the "bible"
@evelynreynolds1447 18 дней назад
I was born and raised in a fundamentalist Charismatic Christian home. I prayed the sinners prayer and became a Christian when I was around 8. I got “baptized in the Holy Spirit” was I was 8. I got baptized in water when I was 9. It was what I call “faith at gunpoint”, though. I had to believe or I would burn in hell. I went to a private Christian junior and senior high school. From my 20s to my mid-40s, I always struggled with doubts. I openly rebelled occasionally but then came back. When I was 45, I realized that while I hated hypocrisy , I was a hypocrite because I said I was a Christian when I no longer believed. Fortunately, when I told my husband this, he supported me and said he was feeling similarly. We both left Christianity. When I left, my whole world felt and looked different. What I had based my life and world-view on for most of my life was no longer there. In the 20 years since, I have settled into an atheistic viewpoint though, in the back of my mind, the Christian thing is still there. Only my husband and some close friends know. I still play the Christian game with my family. Maybe I never was a Christian. I don’t know why this is so. Anyone can say what they want to you and to me. They are not you and they are not me. They did not live our lives and don’t know us. They have their experiences and you and I have our experiences. You and I have our reasons as to why we became atheists. If they don’t understand, well, that’s their problem.
@RantJamzChristianEnlightenment 26 дней назад
Remember the story of the prodigal son...
@xoli.m3422 26 дней назад
To whomever sees this and has time to spare and read, Christianity is not a religion but to be a Christian is to have a personal relationship with God to recognize your sin and to turn away from it and to believe in the one who offers salvation because we as fallen man fall short of God’s perfect standard. You aren’t Christian by just doing the church activities. Many people have a heart problem and there are goats among sheep. But the Lord Jesus will at the day of judgment separate the goats from the sheep. The Christian life isn’t an easy one. Trials come and they are so so that we may glorify God. If you seek to know more read and pray to the Lord that He may reveal Himself to you through His word. Do this and do not give up on it. For we all do meet the same end,physical death. But how much more horrifying to die 2 deaths, a physical one and a spiritual one separated from God. To live as a Christian is no longer to live for yourself but to live for God. Heed this if you will don’t heed it if you do not want.
@bjorneriksson107 29 дней назад
Let’s be honest… most of us are here because we’re bitter over our current situation
@bradleyswinderman7442 Месяц назад
Thank you for showing the path that we are indoctrinated into, & the pathway of reason out of the mental torture that religiosity imposes...my faith is in nature, my sanctuary is the forest setting & i constructed a Keltic stone circle to celebrate the seasons of the natural world as well as our lives...bringing me more peace, than the dogma of "faith" ever did. Suffering with complex-PTSD from the mental abuse of church pastors, parents, believers from the age of 6 till 40 something has left me isolated, alone fearful of ever trusting people & further abuse as an apostate. Knowing there are other people like you & Genetically Modified Skeptic here on RU-vid breaks out of being a prisoner in my own home...at least for the minutes watching. The abuse has destroyed my life, estranged family, former classmates & friends. How do we create a new community...for support & healing our past, that is the challenge & greatest need.
@EF5WEDGE Месяц назад
When my parents said that we cant know everything...thats when i started a grand escape from the shackles of religion
@justintran3265 Месяц назад
I once went to an Assemblies of God meeting and I noticed a lack of God’s Love there. I was with the Catholics for 28 yrs and never encountered God, so I left. It is only because of a dream I had of Christ with the piercing blue eyes and sensed power that I’m a Christian of a different denomination today. Hosea4:6. “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” When there is no sound teaching people tend to leave which was my case. When you see Christ, are you strengthen, not the opposite as you believe. The apostle Paul was strengthen when he encountered Christ, not vice versa as some will make you believe. And you are looking for a sign from God to retain integrity of your upbringing. Have you considered the teachings of your upbringing may be the reason why your not experiencing God? 2timothy 2:15, says “study to show yourselves approved before God.” I personally didn’t know God until I had left a denomination that was not teaching the truth, hence I didn’t encountered God at all in those yrs. Now I encounter him on a regular basis ie, Moses departing the Red Sea kind of stuff, which is the evidence you are looking for.
@SFayeLewis Месяц назад
Do you want more people to become atheists?
@DomainofKnowlegdia Месяц назад
I'm also an Agnostic Atheist I used to be a devout Muslim but later figured out that it wasn't what I thought but messed up like a fanatical, superstitious and dogmatic cult
@christophe_li Месяц назад
all you have to do to be saved is believe/trust exclusively in Jesus alone to be eternally saved. believe that his finished work on the cross (death, burial, and resurrection) is enough to save you and keep you saved forever.
@elvisgomez1533 Месяц назад
It’s not about religion, it’s all about faith and relationship with God. Religion is based on fear and guilt. Believing in God and his word is what sets us apart from this wicked world.
@SFayeLewis Месяц назад
Ah so you're A theist that means you got all A's in theology class that's pretty impressive. Yeah I know it was lame but wanted to say that lame joke. Also do you believe in evolution and the big bang.
@hglundahl Месяц назад
1:36 As I can see, you were pretty happy as a homeschooler, whatever else could have made you take your distance from Christianity after that.
@ZachariahMorningstar Месяц назад
Just like the Terminator , you'll be back.
@bold2013 Месяц назад
The faith to believe comes from God.
@davidbuilds_ Месяц назад
Hi Jake. Your story about your brother was heartbreaking, I’m sorry you lost him, I’m sure it was a very painful experience. I’m not sure how far you have looked into the evidence of Christ, but I encourage you to do some deeper digging. There’s a lot of things from the atheist world view you can’t account for, such as an objective morality, our existence, or why we are the way we are. I understand you may feel like there isn’t an answer to these questions, but God Almighty gives us all these answers in the Bible. I heard you said religion is based on fear and guilt. I agree, most are, but not Jesus Christ. I encourage you to open the Bible up and take another go at it. The Lord truly does care about his people. All the answers you said you couldn’t find or couldn’t get answered are in that Bible my friend. I would challenge you to do this based on your experience with the church as well, as I’m sure it left a bad taste in your mouth. When a pianist plays Beethoven bad, do we blame Beethoven or the pianist playing? Apply this to Jesus Christ. There are many people who claim Christianity that are “playing” it very poorly. I would love to talk more with you if you’re interested in a one on one. God bless.
@atheistjake Месяц назад
Hi David, thanks for the sincere comment! However, I don't think it's a bad thing to admit what we don't yet know for certain. Just because Christianity claims to have the answers, doesn't make those answer true. I personally do not see morality as objective, nor does our genetic history support the creationist claims made in the Bible. Believe me when I tell you, I did not leave my religion on a whim. It was out of a desire to know for certain that I uncovered just how unfounded so much of the Bible really is. I lost almost all of my friends by choosing to leave Christianity. I gained nothing except the peace of knowing my life was no longer based on a leap of faith.
@ionlyemergeafterdark Месяц назад
Thanks, Jake. Your story resonates. Yes, I think faith is the big lie, a scam really. I resent being lied to by religionists as I have been in my early life.
@Coinfield7 Месяц назад
To you Jake & ALL the above dear souls who have shared their story. I fear that without knowing it you have all thrown away a glorious treasure - thinking that it was rubbish! Over time we can all despair because of our sin & the darkness of our own souls. I’ve been there many times, terrified of God, frightened by the searching light of judgment. But In my experience, it was true, I am corrupt, so I could not run away from the painful truth to be comforted by a lie. The truth of the gospel is that if we turn TO HIM, & cry for mercy He will flood our souls with mercy, very great forgiveness, acceptance & unfailing love. Jesus said that He is The True Vine, & The Father cuts off every branch in Him that bears no fruit, which dry up, & are later burned up. While those who bear fruit He prunes so they bear more fruit. He also said that in the last days that a great falling away from faith & truth would occur; & questioned if He would find any faith when He returned. Out of genuine concern for your eternal destinies I would encourage you not to run away or turn against the God who wants to redeem you, yes He disciplines us, yes we are convicted in the light of His holiness, but God disciplines us in love, wanting us to repent so that we do not eventually perish along with the world that hates God. Jesus truly has borne our sin & judgment & is legally able & willing to forgive sins, & to grant acceptance into Gods family & honour us with the treasure of eternal salvation. The ‘freedom’ that you are all enjoying is in reality you being ’cut off’ from ‘the true vine.’ But the gracious God & Father of us all still gives you a promise; ‘let the wicked forsake his way, & the evil man his thoughts, let him RETURN to the Lord & He WILL have mercy upon him, & to our God for He will abundantly pardon.
@sulongenjop7436 Месяц назад
You refuse to build your faith on Jesus to believe that Jesus is the Son of God who can give your soul the salvation and eternal life!!!
@vanceerickson2538 Месяц назад
Thanks for the honest discussion. The concept of faith you describe is not remotely Christian. It's sad if that's what you were taught.
@noyb1010 2 месяца назад
Jake, what did you do with the bible and all the christian books after your deconstruction? Also how did you deal with disconnecting from the music?
@Premium2023oct 2 месяца назад
And to all the Christian . Even though legally i am still Christian but i don't care and I don't believe it my conscience won't let me believe it . If you say that we are going to hell for me it's oka do you know why . we don't even know how many religions there are and any way according to other religions you will definitely go to hell because you did believe in the right god .
@Premium2023oct 2 месяца назад
Believe what ever you want to believe. But once in a while look around and ask yourself what would go wrong if i dont pray .what if dont go to church. The answer is nothing will change your life will remain the same as it was . And i know many people hate atheist when they speak about science. Just don't believe in science just try science once in a life you will understand why it works and why it makes more sense.
@Premium2023oct 2 месяца назад
When I say don't believe in science I mean you don't need to have faith in science. Because it's not if you believe it or not just try it's scientific method and try to know the scientific explanation it might blow your mind
@beneficialownership1397 2 месяца назад
if I should choose your experience, feelings, doubts, freedom and Gospel than I choose the latter. I use my brain and still I can be a Christian. I use my brain always whatever someone telling me, because God gave me the brain. Hello from Slovakia.
@huntsimple9527 2 месяца назад
Recently I have come across this channel and a few others where folks have denounced Jesus Christ after "following" Him for years and years. One thing I found in common among these folks who have denounced Christ after "following" Him is they are very sensitive to any comment that points to the notion that they may not have truly known Christ if they claimed to "walk" with Him but now deny Him. Seems like at their initial denouncing of Christ, they typically throw cold water on the notion they may have never known Him. So......... If you once knew Him and worshipped Him for "years", but now you say He does not exist, then does it not become obvious you never knew Him? How could you have truly known and worshipped Someone that you now claim does not exist? This could be the case, they never knew him. But....... Scripture (2 Peter 2:20-21) is clear that some people do have the knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ and even with that knowledge, they will fall away from Him. So we know this type of person exists, one who may have known Christ yet denounces Him later. The same scripture also tells us that if you did once know Christ and you denounce it, your future is very, very dark. In fact, it says that if you once knew Him and walk away, you are more dark than someone who has never known Him at all. Think on that......
@mbasacharitythambo1523 2 месяца назад
dont be afraid to be Christian again, if you find yourself believe again.
@gregwiest3191 2 месяца назад
Ok Jake, I know that you are making hay off of your deconversion story for clicks and subscriptions. I assume there is some sincerity here as well. I know that you come from a completely different Christian background then myself. I have always been free to ask the hard questions about Christianity and encourage others to do the same. Many of the best scientists of the enlightenment explored the world because of their Christian faith not in spite of it. I think that you are out of touch with some of the latest in science especially with regard to evolution. Christians are also free to say I don't know! I'm sorry about your crisis of faith and reconversion.
@alexanderehn3729 2 месяца назад
Hi. Scrolled through youtube and found your deconversion video. I deeply respect you and your decisions. Of course. Based on what you have said in your deconversion video and this video, if I were in your shoes before you deconverted, I would have asked God why he did not give me faith to believe. To me, that seems to be core question. We as humans are not able to believe by ourselves, some of the reasons you stated in your deconversion video. Faith in God and Jesus is illogical and irrational for us humans to comprehend. The Bible is clear that we cannot believe by our own capabilities. But also, the Bible is extremely clear that we have free will. He'll give us faith if we want to. And here it gets tricky and sensitive, and I write this with as much respect for you as I possibly can, you stated that you wanted to believe, that you searched for answers for three years. So, why did you actually want to believe and have faith in Christ? And were those reasons for your will, honouring God? I have no reason (or position, as you pointed out) whatsoever to question if your faith was genuine. But you also state that the reason you desperately wanted the faith to be true, was that you did not want to change your world view. Jesus does not call us to follow him because it is comfortable. Rather the opposite. God has shown me during the last year that he let my will be superior to any of his guidance, If I don't want to follow him, he will let me drift away. But he has also shown me that he asks me to follow him if I want to serve his kingdom wholeheartedly. At the same time, I'm totally free to choose to not follow him. And I'm free to choose to find other answers in life than Him. I have also had the "flip switch moment" that you refer to at min 9:18 in your deconversion video. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4p-PdYjpGj8.htmlsi=beO-92zn0WFiRwjb&t=588 But I decided that I want to believe in God and Jesus. You decided that you want a belief based on other things than God. That you have lost your faith is no evidence or argument that there is no God. It only proves that we have free will. I hope of course that you'll regain your faith. But at least, enjoy your free will. Bless!
@JoshuaPryce-ps7hx 2 месяца назад
The greatest medicine and healing comes from following Jesus Christ. Who promised to lower our burdens and also make things easier to carry. This doesnt make sense from a natural view. But the burden Jesus was talking about is emotional and relational. Its good to be isolated at times, because focus is drawn to God. and Its good to not carry the stress of our past. Medicine cures cancer in some cases, and healing comes with persistent actions.
@Vermont2023 2 месяца назад
Why don’t you learn the teachings of Lord Buddha? All monotheistic religions are rather stupid and simplistic. In Buddhism you chart your OWN destiny. There is no Middle Eastern God with a blond beard who created the Universe in 7 days. These monotheistic religions caused SO MUCH HORROR to our planet. They each hate each other. In Buddhism you can reach cosmic consciousness when YOU are ready. Ok? Try it, Kid.
@Joe-bx4wn 2 месяца назад
Don't tell me, ....the earth is NOT 6000 yrs old
@deedeskin2439 2 месяца назад
My departure from religion began with my husband's death(I was 28 with three small kids) and ended 8 years later when I became the target of a psycho-freak stalker, which continued for over 20 years. I was tired of asking "God", okay ,what did I do to p!$$ you off this time? I'm agnostic and no longer have to feel "guilty" about being human. Thanks for sharing your story!
@JM-ot8ux 3 месяца назад
Wow, you have a great speaking voice.
@Cherylcoder 3 месяца назад
The real reason you left was you failed on a moral level. Or you wanted to be immoral and needed all these tidy excuses.... nothing about real truth here
@atheistjake 3 месяца назад
I'd really rather you showed me the mistakes in my thinking than attack my character without knowing me, but what do I know? I'm just an immoral atheist 🙃
@cloutfisher7714 3 месяца назад
Thanks for making his video. It gives me hope seeing other ex-Christians share their deconversion stories
@vibrantphilosophy 3 месяца назад
I really appreciate your video. As a Catholic there are a lot of things I struggle with. And I think the church has not done a good job at adequately answering questions that people have as well as not displaying Christian-like behavior. I think being honest with yourself is one of the most important things you can do in life. And although we may disagree ultimately, I genuinely think you’re an honest person searching for meaning.
@joshuaneal7552 3 месяца назад
Christians openly admit that God intentionally made it difficult to understand the Bible, and then defend it. Stockholm syndrome.
@demand.to.be.letfree 3 месяца назад
ex christians never were 'Christians' in the first place. One day you shall bow before him when he says "Depart from me! For I never knew you."
@atheistjake 3 месяца назад
Sounds like copium to me
@demand.to.be.letfree 3 месяца назад
​@@atheistjake that's your choice buddy be an atheist it's a free country but just know that jesus will always love you though
@atheistjake 3 месяца назад
If it was real love, there wouldn't be a hell
@cloutfisher7714 3 месяца назад
I’m an ex-Christian who also became an atheist. It’s dishonest to say that people like me were never true Christians. I completely believed in god then, but now I don’t anymore
@darryljohannes9621 3 месяца назад
The one thing that's clear when I listen to this is PEOPLE. People disappoint. Also, I can kind of understand why some people fall away from Christianity the religion when the only reason they believed is because there parents told them to believe. Until you have experienced the Holy Spirit your self there is always room to not believe. So for those who are Atheist, I know that sometimes convincing you with science and literature might not be enough so I pray and hope that you get to experience God yourself so you can know without a doubt that He is real and loves you, because despite what you might have heard, he really does love you and you are important to Him.
@cphcardslinger6871 3 месяца назад
There is a power and a freedom in saying “I dont know”.