@KamelMahdad 11 месяцев назад
مراتک ترد لک الجواب لا اضنک انک تملک خطوه واحده لسیدک ریس
@waleedwalid7808 2 года назад
@tanjaniemi1372 4 года назад
Bladimir Putin
@blacklight710 5 лет назад
اوضح وصف عن فترة الاحتلال النصيري الايراني للبنان.. للاسف لم يخرجوا من لبنان الا بعد ان سلموها للاحتلال الشيعي الايراني
@wseemkurdy 3 года назад
الاحتلال من قبل حسن نصر الشيطان لعنه الله
@Dragonbornn 13 лет назад
topple down those fat governments in the middle east , take up arms and fight and rain bullets and hell over them ...... greetings from Iraq
@mtkworld 13 лет назад
الى الأبد الى الأبد نظل أحرار رغم القهر والظلم والخيانة تحية وشكر ومن كل اعماع قلبي لماجدا الرومي وكل القئمين على هذا العمل وللناشر هنا
@mtkworld 13 лет назад
الى الأبد الى الأبد نظل أحرار رغم القهر والظلم والخيانة تحية وشكر ومن كل اعماع قلبي لماجدا الرومي وكل القئمين على هذا العمل وللناشر هنا
@cedarsoflebanon2 16 лет назад
"We are one" What "one" are you talking about?! Nothing good has ever come out of the Arabs, look what they did in Lebanon..."We are one"? People who are "one" do not behave in imperialistic manner against each other.
@cedarsoflebanon2 16 лет назад
Same old story over and over again...Leave us Lebanese alone...
@nadeem1981 16 лет назад
And who is Syrian?. I am not Syrian but I love Syria as much as I love Egypt which you do not represent!!
@imanezahiri3123 5 лет назад
Nadeem N. Il
@nadeem1981 16 лет назад
To Roger160: You are just a looser who have no dignity, ethics or morals... The words which you wrote make a clear view about your level in the society... just an insect living on the costs of the taxes-payers!!!
@nadeem1981 16 лет назад
To Roger160: I think I am educated enough not to reply to you in the same way. It's a bitty that you are living in Great Britain and you still behave like a man from Mohammad Ali street... My mother and my sisters have more dignity than a coward like you... I won't say anything bad about your mother or sisters because they maybe good people.
@nadeem1981 16 лет назад
Furthermore there is no main difference among Lebanese and Palestinians neither in the History of Phonicians and Canaanites or in the meanwhile history.
@nadeem1981 16 лет назад
I do not hate the Lebanese people because we are one nation and they are our brothers. I just said one of the facts about her which everyone knows. It's just I do not like when someone denies a fact about himself regarding that he is something else which he is not.
@nadeem1981 16 лет назад
And then her family moved to Sour city in the south of Lebanon where she got the Lebanese passport as another 50 thousands of Palestinian christains.
@nadeem1981 16 лет назад
I just said the truth about her. She is origionally from Haifa in the Historical Palestine and her father was working in the Palestinian radio station offices in Nazareth in Historical Palestine.
@cedarsoflebanon2 16 лет назад
what is this nadeem -guy saying?
@maysaffar 16 лет назад
Anyone knows how I could get the lyrics to this song? I wonder if there is a specific web site for Majida?
@ramihedek 16 лет назад
bitsatill il ghiniyi bas plz 7ada bya3ref kif bi2dar 2a3mila download???????????
@Roger160 17 лет назад
To nadeem1981, it seems that you are fucked up mentaly, after i wrote my first comment in arabic & posted it, I sat down and read all you comments. you keep saying that eveyone is entitled to express his openion without being races well you are races in your replies check them you moron, you are a manic.
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
هي فلسطينية شاءت ذلك ام ابت.......... لا اعتقد ان الفلسطينيين يتشرفون بامثال هذه المنحطة... و زيادة على هادا الشي هي سورية علشان ما في شي اسمه لبنان او فلسطين او الاردن في شي اسمه سوريا
@fadishraiqi1999 2 года назад
بعد ١٤ سنة بحب قلك كول خرا
@az111za 17 лет назад
اسمع يا أخ من حقك طبعا تحب أو تكره ماجدة الرومي بس مش من حقك تسئ اليها بحرف و ماجدة الرومي لبنانية ابا عن جد سواء قبلت ذلك ام لم تقبله و مش معني ان فرع من عائلتها في فلسطين او ان والدها عمل لفترة هناك انها فلسطينية
@az111za 17 лет назад
yes it is 10 years old & it is coming out of the middle east as the singer is Lebaneese,the 2 writers of it are Lebaneese,the director is Lebaneese & the one who composed & arranged the song is Egyptian called Gamal Salama
@Aabed83 17 лет назад
What an aweful video clip!!! the sing is great...but the directer is really testeless and untalented
@Ragheed101 17 лет назад
amzing vedio clip wow its really amazing.... peace for lebanon lets pray all together.....
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
And one more thing: I said in my previous comments that I do like some of her songs even if I do not like her personality. So read before you comment but it seems you are stupid
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
Whatever she does, she will remain always: A Palestinian who got a Lebanese passport because she is christain. You can be proud of being an Israeli, I do not dare.
@az111za 17 лет назад
Mme Majida asked Ghassan Tweiny to write it but he did not & she sang for him (El Alb El Maftouh) instead while the two great Lebaneese poets Henry Zogheib & Habeeb Younes wrote (Sayedy El Raes) together & it was composed & arranged by the great Egyptian composer Dr.Gamal Salama
@az111za 17 лет назад
shut your mouse & stop insulting Mme Majida you are the stupid not her yes we are all arabs but every one has the right to be proud of his own country for example in the past Egypt & Sudan were one country but I am not sudaneese at all I am Egyptian & I am proud of it with all respect to Sudan & her rich country every country has its speciality you stupid
@danorisa 17 лет назад
why isnt anybody commmenting on the artistry of the video,her voice,music or lyrics.. oh i forgot, the people commenting are middle eastern. lesh ney7na da2iman hek?
@Edkaram 17 лет назад
do u know guys that this song was banned in most of the arabic countries, majida sing it for the first time before the ex-Lebanese president Elias El Hrawi R.I.H "i've replaced the p by H :)"
@rogerivy2919 5 лет назад
really why it was banned? she even dedicated it to all or any struggling country.
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
To (kataeblf): Who told you that the Muslims in Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Syria came from outside?. They were living their since thousands of years... all what happened is that they turned to be Muslims instead of being Christains, Jews, Samaritans and others... They are the real inhabitants also and not only you ( incase you were origionally from that region ). Stop using this term: We the Christains as being christain is something special.
@rogerivy2919 5 лет назад
Its not special but better than being some other shitty thing. no one is special we are all individuals, like me and yourself. christians were in the region before muslims, then the muslims (600 years after) came with the sword shopping everybody off (till this date) trying to convert the lot, hence why there is some hate from christians towards muslims, its understandable.
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
In Palestine and Jordan for example are living many ethnic groups ( also non Arabs ) and mang religions ( Islam, Christanity, Jewish, Baha'ai, Samaritan and others ). But I do not realize that they care that much about that! Religion is for God and the Country is for all. Believe me when you allow to yourself to be a racist then you are the one who loose and not others because you will not be happy my friend.
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
And one more thing: It has nothing to do with christains. I am neither a christain nor a muslim but I have friends from both sides and I got christain friends who come origionally from Lebanon. I respect them a lot because they give a good impression about themselves and their country. They do not insult people because they tell their opinion freely. Do you think that Lebanon is the only Arab State which has got christains?
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
But what's about it now?. Most of the inhabitants of those countries use the Arabic language as their mother tongue and share a lot of things in common.
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
You are free to identify yourself as you want: an Arab or a Lebanese. It would not make any difference. The whole world ( including United States of America, European Union ) see and identify you as an Arab. I know the history of the region very well and I know that the inhabitants of Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Syria were not Arabs and their mother tongue was not the Arabic language same as Egypt was not an Arab State same as Algeria, Tuniesia, Morocco and Libya were not Arab States.
@rogerivy2919 5 лет назад
man (or women) relax, if the US identify someone as arab when they are not, then thats' their problem. its called wrong identification. I identify the americans as watever. Identities are created, the american themselevs are mixtures of irish, german, english, italian, etc....African ...its just a term , u can be anything ...
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
Hold on sweetie! There is no need to insult me because I did not insult you. It's my opinion about the singerin: I do not like her personality and her attitude towards politics in the region but I do like her voice and some of her songs. I think that's my opinion and I am totally free to tell it and you have the total right to accept or refuse it.
@rogerivy2919 5 лет назад
why u dont like her personality? and her attitude towards the politics in the region ? what has she done other than preaching peace? I cant see your hate. you could do with a bit more love inside your heart. Its probably a clash of personality you and her, but she's a nice person she's patriotic and she likes peace, which i consider good thing, unless u like chopping heads off like the politicians they do in Africa that i understand you.
@tonyrodman 17 лет назад
u should review history nadeem medre chou, and u'll see inno Lebanon has always existed... if u wanna read history, mich bass read the last 400 years.. read the 6000 years, and u'll understand... bass law baddak tefham kenet fhemet, so khallas ma t3azzeb 7alak, it wont help
@nadeem1981 17 лет назад
I am a Lebanese because my grandparents were born in Lebanon but they used to live and work in Palestine where my father was born,, such a stupid explaination to persuade me that she is Lebanese. Excuse me? What is the difference between syrians, jordanians, lebanese and palestinians... they were living together on one state and there is nothing called lebanese identity... such a stupid woman.
@rogerivy2919 5 лет назад
identity is created, so u could originaly be from anywhere but were u live shape you, for eg if u live long time in England u become english..u merge, unless ur a stubborn prick then u probably wont, so Majda is Lebanese bec she lived there all her life, so if you want to go back to were she is from originally then u can do this to anyone, as we all came from one place or another, so u possibly could have came from botsuwana for exemple? or Iraq? has long history u could be from there? We are all one after all from earth...but mainly were one live the most can be said he's or she's from there.
@tonyrodman 17 лет назад
who wrote this song? I heard that it was Gigran Tweiny or Ghassan Tweiny? does anyone know?