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Are Signals Worth the Hype? by Atila Fassina
2 месяца назад
@LutherDePapier 3 дня назад
10 years later, what you're looking at on that frame at 0:54 right here is called a graveyard. Now React and JSX are on top. 🙂
@kameshveerachamy360 3 дня назад
Audio volume is very low. I couldn't hear the voice clearly. I saw the Isabela speech. It was good to hear. please check this issue.
@anonmityslayer 3 дня назад
@anonmityslayer 3 дня назад
I didn't get "Baseline compiler is an interpreter" I am beginner and as per my knowledge interpretation is different than compilation i guess ??
@farhan3d 4 дня назад
Hey Atila, nice to see you here and what a cool presentation! I will likely be working more in the JS / React domain going forward, so stumbled upon here. In case you didn't remember... I'm that certain PO that worked with you someplace for a somewhat brief period ;) All the best!
@amirbahador.developer 4 дня назад
Great <3
@abhinavr1985 5 дней назад
Great talk! Fun presentation and very useful content. Thanks!
@hakim_jazuli 5 дней назад
choices for personal project: 1) cache the only reactive element by index.... 2) cache selector, and the parent(for scoping) for the specific element, inject the selector at first render...
@knmn8562 5 дней назад
what is that modern day lorem ipsum
@ristonthomas1847 5 дней назад
pretty, pretty good
@mattwood8659 6 дней назад
I was excited for the data list example but the downside is you can't style it via css
@jerbear97 6 дней назад
i can't believe i'm watching this just now. also the guy sounds like Jonah Hill in a Jumpstreet movie
@Mukesh-oq8dx 7 дней назад
good talk but unfortunately without secure key exchange this is as good as no encryption.
@johanneskingma 9 дней назад
15:15 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shades_of_brown#Peru
@xade8381 11 дней назад
logic in css is the thing I hate, everything else was dope
@arseniy_viktorovich 11 дней назад
Isn't it the setState method who should invoke the render? Not the timers?
@denis.klyuev 11 дней назад
I was today years old when I found out how event loop actually works. Thanks a lot, Jake! Wish you many years of health!
@marlokessler 13 дней назад
Awesome talk!!!
@NitsanAvni 13 дней назад
19:20 Transcribing cost 80$ ten years ago?
@collapsingspace 13 дней назад
Straight to the Computer Science Hall of Fame !
@NaserPapi-x7z 13 дней назад
I really enjoyed this video. Thanks a lot for sharing such amazing content!
@baludatty7764 13 дней назад
This is called pure skill. Awesome man !
@Z3r0899 14 дней назад
"The Kind in the halls of memory one day" - Idiocracy is still believed. But am I lying?
@hydtechietalks3607 18 дней назад
right things you spell without clarity....all the fillers are loud and clear....need to learn from the west speakers......thaaaye! @DOSHI
@therussianfederation9879 18 дней назад
field-sizing: content was the thing I really needed!
@AnthonySherritt 21 день назад
Wow she's exceptional.Great job on this presentation!
@vitezslavackermannferko7163 22 дня назад
Why did Traceur not succeed and got shadowed by Babel?
@TheMarketingMan4U 23 дня назад
She is fast coz she got only half an hour to speak on such complex topic. This is definitely not for those who are having less than 5 yrs of exp.
@sayori3939 24 дня назад
those last examples were really mind blowing
@phyzix_phyzix 27 дней назад
Very cool
@rupertthemofu 27 дней назад
I am here to tell you that you can, in fact, survive on just fizzy water.
@hoookpins 28 дней назад
Keep up the great work.
@mtfreytag Месяц назад
Too bad safari even Technology Preview still has the pseudo selectors behind flags
@Daijyobanai Месяц назад
What's the point of multi threading and raw memory optimizations when the bros are all using react? It's never going to be fast, lol.
@abdoseadaa Месяц назад
this is amazing 🎉🚀 goodbye me ears at the end though 💀💀
@ggsheet Месяц назад
Wish the audience had gotten the hang of how cool and important this is in order to make pages more performant and save devs a lot of time writing code and debugging
@a.n1768 Месяц назад
wow. thank you!!!!!
@blarvinius Месяц назад
I don't want this video to end... ❤
@alian713 Месяц назад
Absolutely wonderfully presented
@nic_s3385 Месяц назад
This was an awesome talk. I've been trying to talk to other devs about this topic for years now, but I'm kinda bad at explaining myself :p About 6 years ago I was faced with a rewrite. Although it's true that hindsight is 20/20, there were some general things with the current project I wanted to see if I can avoid. 1. It felt very much like I was maintaining 2 apps... the front end app and the back end app and I had to keep both in sync as well. 2. Although most 3rd party tools I used worked, I often had to bend them to my will and often even override certain parts to get the exact result I wanted. Had quite a bit of bloat after 7 years of dev... 3. Businesses/Clients don't want to spend money on expensive hardware. So they always had low end, very old, or low end and old hardware that didn't like having to handle tons of JS. 4. I wanted to rather focus on long term productivity and maintainability. I think the industry is way to obsessed with "how fast can I build something today" and then 10 years later the company has millions of lines of code that was build with 3 different versions of whatever framework they chose and none of the original developers are there still. I could not find anything that fit what I wanted to do and HTMX wasn't a thing yet. So I came up with my own ideas and patterns and made the server do pretty much all of the work. It's really simple... user interacts with page, interaction is sent to server, server processes the interaction and updates State, and then IF needed... send back some HTML to update the UI. Came up with my own way to template HTML and a generator so I don't have to write any HTML by hand... I just define what I want and the generator spits out the actual HTML. No more typos messing things up :) I have zero 3rd party JS. The JS I do have is extremely simple and is mostly just to handle some user interactions... here and there... It is fast... real fast. Especially on devices with crappy SOCs like old handheld scanners. I have absolute control over how everything works... what updates, when, or how is an open book and I'm writing the book. I learned more about JS and CSS in 1.5 years than I did in the 12-ish years before... I've been working in software for almost 2 decades, but coming up with these ideas, building it, and it all actually working better than I hoped, was the best 1.5 years of my entire career. I didn't realize it at first, but for the first time in my career I was actually building something instead of sticking 3rd party pieces together. By no means am I saying everyone should dump what they are using and just roll it on their own... if there is an off the shelf tool that does exactly what you want or need, then use that.
@AlThePal78 Месяц назад
<button onclick="$$('dialog').showModal()"> I get error with this because it says that $$ not define then when I take them out it says it is not a function is there something more I need to know?
@andreilucasgoncalves1416 15 дней назад
The $$ represents something like jquery, the vanilla correct way of doing this is "document.querySelector('dialog').showModal()"
@AlThePal78 Месяц назад
marker is a game changer but do i want my stuff to jump up maybe that was just a demo this is great information I don't use most of this stuff but now I see I can and I can probably use marker open with some transitions :)
@Daijyobanai Месяц назад
React devs making button components for every new site/page they work on, completely confused by this talk.
@nikhilnayak2179 Месяц назад
Can't imagine Gareth Bale is also a programmer. A skillful guy indeed.
@jp263 Месяц назад
Better yet, don't use JS
@gavriel_adi Месяц назад
The smart man at night shows how to make an opening animation for a dialog, but this is while there is no option to make a closing animation, which means it is not possible to do it without JS. hook
@Techvideos-q7u Месяц назад
I thought i was the only one that always has this strong propensity of understanding how thing work under the hood 😫😫😫😫, Thank GOD I have some fellas with me 🙏
@antonzhylenko2132 Месяц назад
Tough crowd, they are probably in awe bc this is incredible
@Adivasi7777 Месяц назад
All I heard was ta ta ta...
@WahiduzzamanHridoy Месяц назад
Excellent Talk!