Gabbing with Gib
Gabbing with Gib
Gabbing with Gib
“Gabbing with Gib” is a new podcast hosted by entertainment journalist and reality TV commentator Gibson Johns. The series will release new episodes every week featuring interviews with top reality stars and celebrities, as well as in-depth discussions around hot-button Bravo and broader pop culture topics with big hitters in entertainment media.
@aliciagarcia9041 12 часов назад
@alanadenton 18 часов назад
love her! what a nice interview! loving your interview skills, btw. you are so welcoming and real. bravo, indeed!! if i may suggest a few interview suggestions, I would love to see Quinn from RHOC. I think she could have a great stories about her time on the show (She was there when the wine throwing happened between Tamra and Jeana). With everything that's going on OC right now, I think her POV could be really interesting. Also, would love to see Wendy Osefo, and Taylor Armstrong. I wish they kept her instead of Alexis this season. Wishing you a wonderful day
@mariyaa111 День назад
I ❤ Jen!! She’s such a classy, beautiful, fun addition to the show! If they got rid of Fancy Pants, Shannon and Tamra, I think Jen, Katie, Gina and Emily would be great with much less drama !!
@Phillip3366 День назад
Am loving the new Angie this season. She and Mary cracks me up. That duo is going to kill it and read these ladies for filth 🔥🔥🔥
@annbressie8615 День назад
Wow Heather is so obtuse.
@Josephine-n8n День назад
Love Lisa and Merdith. Mary is blind siding you!
@Phillip3366 День назад
Don't think so. Mary really likes her. The only one on this cast Mary can hang with. Meredith is draining and Lisa is so delusional.
2 дня назад
Jenn is a sweet authentic girl. She is not stupid like others try to say she just handles her situations with grace.
@83luckyb 4 дня назад
Jen reminds me always of Pam Anderson there is something very similar
@crystalbluewaters 4 дня назад
Sorry heather, but alexis showed her cards and her behaviors & statements from the start. Her reactions are over the top, her expectations within the group add in going for shannons ex having a twin like dog to shannon it also gives off a weird vibe of chameleonizing herself to shannon which is creepy especially given alexis past. This season felt like a complete high school style boyfriend girlfriend & exes drama where the new girlfriend berates & says anything & everything to make the ex look bad & fill in her place even to the point of slashing away at the ex girlfriends friendships. With blackmail/extortion to boot, which is illegal. Add in Tamara's overdramatization & behaviors towards shannon when tamara herself drinks to excess for liquid courage as they say to attack someone is not good as she judges shannon for her choices on how she fixes her choices. Thats not tough love, its not being a friend. Its (tamara) being an out right sloppy drunken mean girl towards shannon. In my view, tamara has no qualms throwing anyone under the bus with her "opinions" & half baked truths that turn out to be lies, disregarding how those "half baked truths" which are lies ruin another persons reputation. I applaud shannons choice on therapy, as it will and has bring her to the square root of her issues that AA meetings would not. To me AA puts a bandaid on the issues while a sponsor helps to keep you on the straight & narrow. Once upon a time the mere thought of therapy wouldve sent shannon in a tail spin. This season ive seen a big change in shannon, she looks healthy & is a lot calmer. Tamara could use therapy as well, but she'll never do it because then itd mean she has to change, and hopefully and i pray it doesnt get to the point of a bad situation to get her there. If any one of you had their recently new exes brand new girlfriend on the show speaking to you as alexis has towards shannon & the toooooo much information & snide quips darted shannons way, you and any other housewife would be up in arms. Now add in the gang up between tamara & alexis towards shannon, and the extortion like blackmail between alexis & john towards shannon, its over the top bad & bravo should be ashamed! I dont believe an in between season before alexis's return wouldve solved anything nor would it make anyone like alexis. She's way too over the top when in a group setting yet somewhat normal when one on one with an interviewer.
@ginamontgomery7979 6 дней назад
Tamara is someone you can tell has dealt with an alcoholic before. I know everybody thinks she's being too hard but having myself dealt with two in my lifetime. Sometimes that's the only way you can deal with them
@myalias2812 6 дней назад
I've always liked Heather. She has been herself consistently year after year, no face changing. Does she make snarky comments in the confessionals, yes at times but not every time like Emily & Tamra do. Heather is not & has never been a mean girl. Heather has butt load of money but I've never thought she was pretentious. Shannon was Way snooty when she first came on. Remember how she freaked out when that girl who was married to the NFL player .. King something .. got her phone number? She blew a gasket! Heather is a generous gift giver simply because it's in her nature & she enjoys being able to share. I'll bet when she was younger she was the same way just the gifts weren't as expensive. She has given these women a lot of grace & leeway considering how horrible they've treated her over the years. She can come to my home anytime.
@azizahcornelius6539 6 дней назад
That shows Emily insecurities. Because everyone who knows anything about fashion knows that you can be all sizes. She looked great in the dress… it was not big on her.
@Aekbonita1986 6 дней назад
Honestly, I’m a fan of Shannon and I feel like she’s enduring everything because of the housewives money. I think that Shannon needs the money but she’s also doing the work and showing every inch of what’s going on in her life. You rarely will find a housewife that shows their whole life on any franchise. Heather wouldn’t stay because she doesn’t need the money.
@Aekbonita1986 6 дней назад
I never blamed Heather for Emily‘s insecurity about the fashion show. What irritated me was Heather‘s confessional when she said (not verbatim), that Emily‘s dress was a size 12, but it was actually still tight.
@azizahcornelius6539 6 дней назад
Because Emily claimed the dress was loose on her. Emily wanted a size 4 But she’s not that size. That dress actually fitted her perfectly. She’s looking at a number instead of looking at how the dress fits on her.
@366sja 4 дня назад
Heather is FAKE, so so FAKE she and Terri put a show for the cameras. They are so fake and bring nothing to the show that's why she brought Alexis on the show. If the tables were turn she would be so upset. She so out of touch with normal people she can't put herself in Emily's place. Not cool. Tamara is EVIL so so EVIL. She has NO story line so she has to belittle Shannon. Who needs enemies with Tamara around. Alexis is a dumb rock, John Jansen has to marry her now to save face. They both deserve each other. They are disgusting. Shannon, Emily and Gina rock.
@Aekbonita1986 6 дней назад
I never liked Heather until last season. I think it’s because I didn’t like how some of the girls kinda ganged up against her. This season is reminding me why I did not like her from the beginning.
@esthercastaneda-wilson285 7 дней назад
i’m rewatching the last episode. OMG, then Heather had the nerve to tell Alexis, she wishes Jon could have gone with her on the trip!! God forbid Teri doesn’t cheat on her! if he does she will feel the pain and watch those children hurt. 😢 Hopefully, sh or her kids were go thru that.
@Aekbonita1986 6 дней назад
That irritated me. She intentionally said that on camera. It’s like one second she’s sympathizing with Shannon, but then she wants to say on camera she wishes John was at the event (Shannon was also at). Even if Alexis is Heather’s friend, she can just stay out of it and not comment on anything that has to do with those three (Alexis, John and Shannon)
@esthercastaneda-wilson285 7 дней назад
wow! I thought the same about how all of you did this to Shannon!!! Alexis coming in and all Shannon’s friends just allowing Alexis to treat her SO bad! So bad that Shannon looked like she was going to have a nervous breakdown! All u knew about that video but you didn’t talk to Shannon yet you ALL kept talking about it on camera! it wasn’t until after Shannon found out about the blackmail that YOU felt bad for her!!! This was much more than a merely argument on a dress size or calling TMZ! Think about poor Shannon’s kids. And I don’t even like Shannon. however, I felt so bad for her! I thought how can all these ladies just let Alexis (a one time wonder) come into their group and do this?! Emily was the only one who finally stuck up for her. Heather, it’s only when it’s about you…. sad to say. omg, and u still stick up for Alexis. Sorry. What she is doing now is what Shannon needs her friends for!!! If Alexis was going thru so much then maybe YOU should tell her to stop! Maybe YOU should bring up to her what she’s gone thru!!! There’s no excuse and it’s sad u continue to just play it down. Yet, we’re all supposed to see ur view for the little things the ladies are talking about behind ur back!
@roselacerda7080 7 дней назад
Never like Alexis not before not noe
@roselacerda7080 7 дней назад
Tamara it's not a good friend at all..
@JazzyKz-36 7 дней назад
Would stalker KATIE STFU? You wanted limelight and you’re getting your skeletons brought to light. Katie is the Plastic high school girl wanting to be popular. If KATIE was a REAL celebrity she would know Disneyland has VIP service for celebrities. This includes hiding them from public, special area access, private entrances, don’t have to wait in lines. Most of the time you won’t know real celebrities are in the park unless they post pictures. Katie’s jealousy of Heather is creepy.
@JazzyKz-36 7 дней назад
Heather please don’t defend Alexis and Tamra and their current behavior. It has nothing to do with a bad year, it has to do with their UGLY souls? They have been bitter b-itches their whole time they have been on the show. There is nothing nice about them. Alexis should NOT be allowed on Shannon’s trip. She is a friend not a full time member, Shannon shouldn’t have to invite someone who is trying to EXTORT money from her, tries to defame her, is a threat to Shannon’s emotional wellbeing. Emily was the only person with the courage to speak the truth to Alexis. Open your eyes and see what others see with those two despicable women. Never liked either, and never will. Alexis is a bed hopper just to be on tv, you said it yourself she just broke off a long engagement, two months before meeting 🚽boy. And already claiming she’s in love AGAIN AND WITH ANOTHER LOVE OF HER LIFE🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. You belittle yourself trying to defend her and Tamra. AND for the love of GOD, rebuke them in the name of Jesus. There is NOTHING Christian like with these two women.
@TheBreakofDawn 7 дней назад
Alexis was NEVER conservative. BTW, Shannon (who is much older) looks way more beautiful than Alexis!
@bravoblogbitch9105 7 дней назад
The show “looks” really good 🙄🙄 she’s so inauthentic when Terry calls her out just shows she is fake on camera - mean girl 👎🏽
@din6675 7 дней назад
Heather should just be honest about the parazzi thing. It was right after an article came out talking about how Terri was cheating on her, so obviously they DID arrange a photoshoot at Disneyland. To me it seems like she is upset over the cheating rumors but doesn't want to bring it up on the show.
@myalias2812 6 дней назад
Have you considered that Terry is more likely the one who called them?
@mariumy 7 дней назад
Sick of “I have proof but I won’t show it!” This sounds like I am the most beautiful woman in the world but my profile picture is an avatar
@talkativetvaddict5906 7 дней назад
Heather you dont know what happened you only know what Tamra has told you ! She lied about Shannon in S9, shes lied about you + everyone + shes the one bringing up the paparazzi thing to Katie + gleefully mocking u. + you fall for her apology text?? Heather when r u going to stand up to Tamra? Why do u pretend she has integrity + is a truth teller when shes told so many lies over the yrs + led the gang up on u last yr? + if Shannon peed by Jens pool, or behaved like Alexis- you wld not react the same youd have her sectioned. Tamra is happily supporting Blackmail+ extortion by John + Alexis against Shannon. How can any woman consider her a friend in light of this. Bullying lying manipulation + gaslighting- these r Tamras Tools + shes bn using them for many yrs- before she ever knew Shannon. You were so kind to Shannon privately + clearly care about her. Then go with the Majority cos its led by Tamra. The person who bought up petty nonesense on the day of the fashion show was TAMRA - She came to u with crap about katie + the paparazzi thing before the fashion show + yr beautiful speech. WHY is that ok ? It was Wrong for Anyone to bring that up that day - Katie + Tamra did that. Why was it Ok for Tamra to do that- if it was someone else youd b pissed at them. When someone has lied multiple X, stirred up the paparazzi story - + made fun of you they R NOT yr friend. Stand up to her shes a Bully- is it only a problem when its YOU shes bullying. Dont just accept her story - if she was worried about Shannon why was she always getting wasted with her? Its not about is Shanno an alcoholic its about Tamra pretending her cruelty is cos she Cares! + shaming alcoholics like they are diagusting + scum!? Tamra always nds to act morally superior to Someone every season, + needs to have someone to unleash her anger on. She also loves playing victim herself- she never takes accountibility for anything. Stop believing her every word- shes a brilliant liar cos its easy for her cos she has no conscience or guilt. I feel like its easier for u to pretend u believe everything Tamra tells u rather than challange her. If it wasnt for Tamra Katie would never of carried that paparazzi nonesence on- no one else was interested + no one else bought it up except Tamra. TAMRA was the 1 who kept bringing it up - all so she cld destroy Gina- who IS yr friend. U are so quick to forgive Tamra for going out of her way to hurt u - but Gina does the slightest thing + u lay into her. Youve bn listening to + Believing Tamra for so long when do you face the fact there is NO. justification for how she treats ppl- this went on for 6 seasons before Shannon joined so clearly its not just cos of Shannon. When u both met Shannon- Tamra manipulated you into feeling pushed out - that is not a friend. U r smart u must know if it was useful to her shed turn on u in a heartbeat. As for Emily - she was the odd one out it wasnt intentional but it wouldnt of hurt her if she didnt have body issues. Thats not yr fault but u were pretty cold about it. I would never use the word oversize to someone who has body issues even if everyone wore that jacket + its name is oversized- it wasnt yr fault but a bit insensitive? Its not about what Emily looks like we can all see how gorgeous she is + so we think she sees the same thing but theres clearly some body dismorphia element to this whole thing. She doesnt see herself the way she is. Again not yr fault + i get it was a charity event + rushed etc + she shld of talked 1 + 1 but she knew Tamra might know + so was worried shed bring it up. Which speaks volumes - Tamra being friends with Both you and Emily Why on earth would she bring sg up in the worst setting ? She didnt on this occassion but the fact its sg Quite likely to happen cos shes done it before surely tells u she is no ones friend. Finally i want to say im really not buying the comparison beyween you can b friends with ppl who r friends with yr ' enemy' ie yr example of Jen + Katie. Its v different with u Tamra+ Shannon as all 3 of u hve a long history. 27:58 The dynamics between you Tamra + Shannon r the same they always were. When U + Shannon clashed at 1st Tamra did her best to make that worse, she doesnt like her friends to b friends with each other independently to her. When u + Shannon built yr own rship without her - tamra came last season telling Shannon You were gossiping about her - + told You Shannon had bad mouthed you + made up things u hadnt said about Tamra. Remember 10 yrs ago when she told Shannon terry said " lets take down the Bedeors" then gaslit her + told u Shannon was imagining things - u asked Terry if Shannon needed an ambulance ! Id freak out if i was gaslit like that so would you ! Then she wpuldnt let Shannon leave. U + Shannon then + there should of dropped Tamra + never trusted her again. Shannon has bn in an abisive marriage + abusive Rship with Tamra. She chose to stay in it - thats on her. Now shes free of it - so it can be done! 27:58 Without Tamras interference u + Shannon have a friendship that may not b perfect but is genuine. If you support Tamra you are also supporting John Janson - what this man is doing with the threat of these videos is illegal, it is partner abuse + to see Him Use Alexis as his mouthpiece + weapon - where its Her Incriminating herself on camera making the threats - that tells alot about Johns character + its nothing that Shannon has said. What is he scared of Shannon saying? U can support Alexis without condoning blackmail. Its not about teams its about right + wrong. U r an advocate for social justice + have a strong moral compass- i would love to see you get off the fence and stand up for women who have been abused - what John janson is doing to Shannon with letting her know he has all this footage of her thru their rship - even without any kind of threat, just letting her know he has it IS the threat- This is not a subjevtive opinion it just Absolutely IS partner Abuse. He should be prosecuted under criminal law. The fact that Tamra is supporting him doing it Is beyond disgusting - there is NO justification for it no matter what tale shes told u aboyt tres amigas - How can you consider this woman a friend - she likes Men who abuse other women + she clearly has serious issues with other Women. Its not for the show the show just gives her an excuse to be cruel + abusive to other women. Whether its their looks or success or popularity its always Rooted in jealousy + insecurity. She always makes an excuse- stop making excuses for her. She pushed the whole paparazzi narrative - why does she get a pass for that + everything else. I know Heather wont even read this but i hope u do cos i think u r so much better in terms of morals + compassion + authenticity than Being friends with Tamra indicates. There is never an exvuse for Mental + Emotional Abuse whether its in a romantic rship a friendship or a colleague, theres no justification for it - Tamra does herself no favours doing this to multiple women. Show everyone you do not approve or condone it. Because in this case saying nothing is the Same as condoning it. How many women are being threatened with Ring Canera Footage right now after getting the idea from John Janson? Abuse of Women is getting worse every day. This is a huge problem far bigger than RHOC. It has to b denounced + clarity on the law needs to be given. Sadly the law is not enough to stop psychological emotional or physical Abuse, at least lets make sure women know they r not alone .
@talkativetvaddict5906 7 дней назад
Dissapointed to hear Jen excuse John + Alexis. You understand their BLACKMAIL? Dont sit on the frnce Jen you can say you dont want to get involved + not comment but dont paint it like theres 2 sides to the story bla bla- We r not talking about john + Shannons relationship we r talking about Blackmail + Partner Abuse ! How can you support any man who is doing that? If u care about Alexis get her away from that man.
@lungile_m 8 дней назад
Can you please invite Alexis to your show, she keeps saying that we don't see the other side. Maybe she can explain her "side" 🥴🥴🥴🥴
@JazzyKz-36 7 дней назад
Please don’t invite Alexis to ANYTHING. No one cares to hear her lies, claim she’s Christian, found another love of her life. We just want her GONE 💨. She can go find her next reality show boyfriend to flaunt her sex life. WE DON’T CARE, WE DON’T NEED HER SIDE. She has a backside, and backpedaling side. We hope she gets charged for EXTORTION, and BLACKMAIL and DEFAMATION and are WAITING FOR HIM TO DUMP HER.
@Josephine-n8n 7 дней назад
No thanks. Her voice alone is grating.
@Jamericancutie2024 11 дней назад
If Lisa and Ayan not talking, I’m not watching the show because I only watch it becauseof you too❤❤❤
@TheeGoddessOshun 12 дней назад
You did the right thing. Ayan betrayed you and switched every time you left.
@lemonade2667 13 дней назад
Love ayan
@lemonade2667 13 дней назад
Lesa is evil this season it all in her eyes
@the_geenee8203 13 дней назад
Jenn is my favorite! Truly genuine & kind 🩷
@katherinepoltoratzky8712 14 дней назад
Alexis didn't win that argument. And yeah Alexis isn't the person she used to be, but it's not giving "winning". She seems ways too involved and wanting to prove something against Shannon. When you're pursuing to take someone down when they've been hurt like Shannon was, you don't win.
@mariumy 14 дней назад
Maybe us fans are the real villains 😂
@kevinjohnson4877 15 дней назад
She sounds like she has a denture in
@craigmacquesnell7312 16 дней назад
Jen You need a Job not Part time on Housewives. JOB JOB JOB
@craigmacquesnell7312 16 дней назад
TAMRAT is not your Friend.
@AngelDollGypsy. 16 дней назад
@FrenchLady 17 дней назад
Leesa sucks as a friend who needs enemies when you have her as a friend
@TheeGoddessOshun 12 дней назад
How when she hasn’t betrayed anyone 🥱
@Natureloverforever62 17 дней назад
I love Jenn, but why would you associate yourself with Alexis and Jon? They’re horrible people and so different than Jenn.
@carolroth440 17 дней назад
Love Jen ❤she is so nice. I enjoy watching her on Rhic
@dotticaccamo7504 18 дней назад
I think she's so pretty! By the way, I have been watching HW'S since day 1, but I have to comment that Tamara is getting too old to dress like a teenager. Young body does not conceal an aged face.
@bandanaworm 18 дней назад
She is so pretty! And seems genuinely so sweet.. she is the one who has consoled Shannon when she leaves the table
@maxyv374 19 дней назад
Jen is doing great on her 2nd season. I enjoy Ryan too. 😀
@lvgvinson7163 19 дней назад
I don't think Leasa is a good friend. Good friends don't get jealous the way she does. She acts spoiled.
@g-bebestalways1456 19 дней назад
Alexis is horrible
@lvgvinson7163 20 дней назад
I love Jen, she is a classy lady! She is definitely a breath of fresh air!
@Latter-dailyDigest 20 дней назад
Any mormons in your family?
@Creativenas2905 20 дней назад
I'm confused because the season is over, you made up with Stanberry over lunch, so I'm still confused as to why you're still so upset
@jerricap-m 20 дней назад
Awesome job 🎉