
$3000 Thai Hair Transplant!! Was This a Mistake?? 

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@xxDineaxx Год назад
I know everyone says that, but it's true: I never noticed anything wrong with your hairline, cause your great personality shines over everything ❤
@Mustard_Dispenser Год назад
And the bandana is usually covering it
@layzy24 Год назад
No homo it does.
@EsKAPE294 Год назад
the people who notice more are the ones who are experiencing the same thing as him
@Mustard_Dispenser Год назад
@@EsKAPE294 preach. Not gonna lie, my hairline started to get messed up within the last two years.
@imaware7551 Год назад
yeah, he has a big personalty
@Axeyked Год назад
I understand where Sonny is coming from, it's one thing that everyone loves the way a person looks, and it's a completely another thing that the person loves the way the person looks..
@numerologicatarot3333 Год назад
The only opinion of you that truly matters is the one that you have of yourself. People do not have self-esteem. This is why other ppl’s opinions influence the average person.
@jules3048 Год назад
I appreciate how honest he is as well. it's very hard to talk about hair loss as a man and it's great how open he is. full respect
@crystalbee9706 Год назад
@mikeylau2830 Год назад
Happy SANTA chimney D'OH D'OH D'OH 😭
@solmartel360 Год назад
I'm happy you were able to fix that insecurity and that the procedure went smoothly. To anyone reading: as long as it is healthy, not life-threatening and it makes you confident about yourself, go for it! I wish you success and happiness!
@BigSeanH Год назад
don't cut your dick off though
@AvadaPedrada Год назад
Well, my hair started thinning when I was in my early twenties, I'm now 27 and remember being so upset about it that I couldn't leave my room without some sort of gimmick to hide it. So I've decided to let my hair grow, full cap. At first I liked a lot because I could hide the balding spots, but the concerning part to me was that, in time, I would loose all my hair. So, after a really bad haircut that made me cry my eyes out, I took a shot at doing a full head shave. For my surprise, I liked it. People around me say it looks cool, some even say I look better without any hair (wich I try to not take it personally). I've taken a shortcut and for me it works, but I'm glad that this procedure made you feel more like yourself.
@MegaFregel Год назад
@@KrunchTastic can’t grow anything if you don’t have the hair follicles. Waste of time, effort and money.
@amargurung9091 Год назад
@@KrunchTastic ohhhhhhh, finally i found someone I also use castor oil with rosemary oil and one thin random oil, my hair used to fall about 70 to 100 when i shower twice or three times a week, now my hair still falls like 15 to 20 when i shower, its been like about 6 months since i used these oils, i dont think im growing baby hairs however im loosing a lot less hair after applying these oils. I apply Twice a week for 4 to 5 hours Any recommendations for me brother?
@madisonevans7950 Год назад
Honey youd be so surprised how much of a look a shaved head is. Very strong looking. Proud of you for loving the skin youre in
@TyrantSong Год назад
Same with me, I've been losing my hair at the crown for like 5 years now and it started thinning on the top. You could tell its thinning because the sides are much thicker. I used to get very upset over it but then I just thought f*ck it, I might as well see if it looks okay and I shaved it all off. Now I don't grow my hair longer than a buzz cut length. Although I'd much prefer a hair transplant, I don't mind as much anymore if I lose all my hair. I've come to terms with the fact I'll never have my hair again. If in the future it completely goes bald at the top I'll just go bald all around.
@MegaFregel Год назад
@@KrunchTastic no oil will give you your follicles backs. That’s a fact.
@darrenstettner5381 Год назад
I get it. I did a hair transplant myself and I wasn’t particularly bald. However, I didn’t want thinning hair with a receding hairline. Immediately after/during the procedure I was regretting my decision and wishing I hadn’t done it. However, many months later, my hair looks great. You’re the best Sonny. Thanks for sharing so much about life with us.
@ryuhayabaker 10 месяцев назад
The issue I always think is not the being bald, it's the going bald. As a mid 30s man, Ive noticed my hair recently looks really bad in the sun when it's cut very short (thanks in part to a botch job in Indonesia), so have decided to keep it longer as I can at the front. That being said, is a hair transplant for me? No. I'm 260lbs, and my teeth aren't the best, despite Invisalign (probs need bleaching and composite bonds). Those are two things that should be priority over my own surprise that some of my hair in the middle looks thinner than the rest (as it has done for 20 years).
@darrenstettner5381 10 месяцев назад
@@ryuhayabaker I did Invisalign too. I think it’s a fucking scam. They told me it would take 6 months to fix a bite alignment issue I had. My teeth weren’t even crooked. 2 years later, they said I’d need to keep using Invisalign for another two years. I thought “fuck that”. I didn’t even want to do it when I thought it would be 6 months. Around the same time, my dentist sold his practice and the new dentist said she couldn’t handle Invisalign and dropped me as a patient leaving all the nubs in my mouth and refusing to take them out. I had to go to another Invisalign clinic to ask them to take the nubs out and make me a retainer. Instead, they signed me up for Invisalign a second time! I was so pissed when I went in thinking I was going to get my retainer and they presented me with another set of trays and wanting to put the nubs back on my teeth. I was so pissed. I explained that putting me in Invisalign was the exact opposite of what I asked them for and that I came to them to get out of Invisalign. They gave me the trays and forced me to pay them for the procedure regardless. FUCK INVISALIGN! The hair transplants definitely have some drawbacks and while my hair looks decent (for my age), in retrospect, I wish I hadn’t done the transplants. I don’t like having to take medication for the rest of my life and I can’t shave my hair very short or the donor site looks oddly sparse. I can’t shave my head or the thousands of tiny scars will be visible. I think shaving hair short is the best way to deal with balding. The Patrick Stewart, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis kinda look. Teeth whitening is a great idea though. Makes your smile look so much nicer. No drawbacks that I can think of for that one.
@darrenstettner5381 10 месяцев назад
@@ryuhayabaker also, have you seen that hair thickening powder you can sprinkle on your hair that magically makes it look thicker. That stuff actually works really good. I only use it on occasion and sparsely but it really is a pretty great product if you get the right one.
@JustAGuyWithAnAI Год назад
What’s so interesting is that I never really noticed. Until you went through all the footage of your recovery. At that point, I was like, huh… I guess I did notice that. Great video. At the end of the day, I like watching you for your content and genuine excitement for bringing the world to all of us. I also support you in making a change that you felt you needed to. I’ve watched you grow this channel for years, and you’ve produced one of the best historical records of food and people ever made. Thank you.
@MCSEknight Год назад
For those wondering, here in the states the cost is WAY more expensive. From $5 to $7 per follicle transplant, this procedure is known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplant). The FUT procedure (Follicular Unit Transplant) is where they cut about a 3/4" to 1" strip from the back of your head, stich that area back up, and transplant individual follicular units to balding areas. FUT is a bit cheaper and faster ($4 to $6 per follicle transplant), and it has a higher success rate, but it leaves a huge scar on the back of your head, and takes much longer to heal from. So here in the States, the same procedure would cost upwards of $20,000. depending on the clinic you visit and how many transplants are needed. The once daily meds that were talked about is called Finasteride (or Propecia for it's common name). It's job is to suppress the production of Dihydrotestosterone which causes male patter baldness. The follicles on the side and back of the head are generally immune to Dihydrotestosterone in their native environment. When they are moved though, they are overloaded with this stuff and it can stunt their growth a bit. So the Finasteride helps them to stay healthy, and hopefully help to prevent further hair loss of the affected areas. I'm not a doctor, not giving any advice, but please do your research prior to getting the procedure. 3 months after my procedure, I see new hair, it's growing thicker each week, but overall I'm not entirely impressed with the results "so far". I may change my tune after a couple more months. I had a FUE procedure. The healing process SUCKS. It itches and you can't scratch it, takes a couple weeks to wash out the scabbing that continues to produce days after the procedure (you have to be extra cautious with showering and washing that first few weeks). There are areas of you head that will have nerve damage for the first month at least, extra sensitive, numb, itchy... did I say itchy... IT FREAKIN ITCHES... Eventually that all goes away and it's just a time game, waiting on your hair to thicken and grow in. Would I do it again if I had a time machine? Probably not. But I'm not in front of a camera every day, so there's that. It's a big decision, so if you are considering this procedure, only thing I can say is Do your research. Thanks for posting this video!!! I do like your results!!!
@influentialtopic5487 Год назад
Hey 3 months is still such a small amount of time. I'm sure things will improve for you as time goes on! Thanks for sharing about your procedure!
@slim3381 Год назад
Where did you get it at?
@Paintress Год назад
Pretty sure 6-12 months is where you start seeing proper results
@CB-rv2lj Год назад
bro you gotta wait at least a year before you can expect your body to heal.
@mainuser98 Год назад
There is even a new technique called DHI. It has faster healing time, and it provides less scarring
@kovots Год назад
I'm really happy for you! I get we are all different and everyone is perfect in their own way but we also all have our own insecurities. People automatically assume that we want to fix these insecurities to look better for the eyes of others but that's not always true. It may be societal based but it's also our own perception. Freckles are seen as cute and moles as sexy but I always hated my freckles (I was never bullied for them) and I've personally always been afraid of getting a mole because I personally wouldn't like any on me. So it's not all based on societal pressure. We judge people for altering themselves but also judge them for having imperfections. That said, even fixing these little things about yourself can boost your self confidence exponentially. Even something as little as cutting your hair or getting a tattoo. Do what makes you happy as long as you AREN'T doing it for someone else. Whether it be plastic surgery, hair transplant, body modifications, perms, makeup, braces, teeth bleaching, etc. Be who you feel you are and do what makes you feel good and confident.
@Camden0203 Год назад
I had mine done in my late 40's. I had quite a bit more than you had done. I will promise you that this will not be your last procedure. The problem with Hair Transplants is that if you have a small section done you end up having bald spots where transplants were not done and then have to get them done there. I wish I had covered my entire head on the first procedure instead of having to having multiple procedures. While I have a full head of hear, it is thinning compared to when it was first done. I am now approaching 60. On a Side note, my Father was a Guinea Pig back in the early 70's from a Doctor that was pioneering Hair Transplants. He did it for free. My father is now in his 80's and still has a full head of hair. The Procedures that were done in the 70's is much different than how it is done now. My procedure was done just like yours in the states.
@KevinChannnn Год назад
Did you have a maintenance routine after your first HT?
@Camden0203 Год назад
@@KevinChannnn - I had Medications and a Serum that I rubbed into my scalp. The hair that was added for the most part is still there and grows fine, but there are areas that I need additional treatments if I want a full head of hair.
@travistrv9094 Год назад
@@Camden0203 so the transplanted hair will not lose overtime like the initial hair in the same spot ? I was really concerned about that.
@Camden0203 Год назад
@@travistrv9094 - I cannot completely answer that question yet for myself, because my transplant is only about 12 years ago. Places where I had the Transplants done is still full, but did thin some from my initial transplant, which I understand is to be expected. My father who is in his 80's and had it done in the 1970's still has a full head of head but it has thinned. Keep in mind both of us were balding early on the tops of our head, but had plenty of hair in the back and sides of our heads.
@infowazz Год назад
My dad is a guinea pig for some kind of cancer drug or something, not sure exactly. He was in Vietnam and transported Agent Orange. Didn't know what it really was of course. Not sure if that bumped him up the list but he shouldn't be alive at this point. Whatever they gave him extended his life big time.
@chrisd5964 Год назад
Glad you’re happy with it. Personally I just embraced the hair loss when it happened, now I have a pair of clippers and its just a once over with them, no more talking to barbers about where I’m going on holiday anymore. For some guys, hair loss is a major concern (can even lead to depression) so whatever works for you. Have a Hairy Christmas!
@funcooker3029 Год назад
It's all about what's in your head not what's on it but I'm glad you did something that makes you happy. Keep killing it!
@Jetpack4Sisyphus Год назад
Stoked for you buddy! This is a tough thing for men.
@Kado1609 Год назад
new studies shows men who loose hair early has high test so idk if its a bad thing XD i cant remember where i heard it but i do remember hearing it LMAO
@mattellis4270 Год назад
@@Kado1609 that's bs. High DHT doesn't mean overall high Testosterone. If anything, it means lower free Testosterone.
@biscuitsandmoregravy7936 Год назад
Been watching for years and I have to say I'm just so happy for sweet sonny he totally deserves to look in the mirror and be happy with his reflection we all do
@audreysuniverse3051 Год назад
Lol Could have used tyme oil
@fin3starii Год назад
@@audreysuniverse3051 if it was that easy, he wouldnt have done this💀🤨
@markvelous2552 Год назад
we all do!!
@FabricateFrog Год назад
@@audreysuniverse3051 that doesn't work lmfao. old wives tale
@EffortlessEthan Год назад
Why is the editing for this channel better than what you get on tv shows? It's like crazy good.
@brendaserrano3477 Год назад
I think the bandana can also contribute to the hair lost…. Most people that wear hats all the time had baldness issues…
@koryzap7339 Год назад
It's just that balding people tend to be self conscious and wear hats more frequently
@narvul Год назад
My Christmas eve and I'm watching this. Talking about dedication and having nothing better to do...!!
@Mahaney82 Год назад
I wish I had the money to do this. I absolutley love your result and go back and watch before and after videos just to admire the change.
@thesaltnation5570 Год назад
37 bro u look absolutely great man even before the procedure id say u were 30 before knowing ur age but im happy ur happy! I love ur videos! 🎉❤
@tacoburritonachochip Год назад
I love that you went and did this and that your being so open about it too! You were flawless before but you did what felt right to you and we’re here for it 🙌🏼 the results are amazing 👏🏼
@sephyli1133 Год назад
Can anyone share the name and location of the clinic?
@bigthiccboi137 Год назад
I really felt this video. I lost my hair and started shaving my head at 22. 26 now and it’s still something I’m really self conscious about, but meeting other guys going through about the same thing has helped. Honesty this video had me considering the surgery, but realistically my hair is thinning way worse, so it wouldn’t be a long term option for me, though this was still an interesting watch, thanks for being so vulnerable and covering something many men and even women of all ages may be going through!
@Ona-Kin Год назад
I hear ya buddy, started losing mine at 23, 29 now. Hard to accept that it's a one way street, but hopefully you have a nice beard that's what helps me feel better lol
@bigthiccboi137 Год назад
@@Ona-Kin it’s Irish red and patchy but I’m also 6’1 and lucked out with a decent build, gotta take the Ls with the Ws.
@Ona-Kin Год назад
@bigthiccboi137 lmao well said, I'm only 5'7... but thankful for my genetics otherwise. Pretty strong for a small guy(won states twice for wrestling). Always wondered how it would feel to be tall
@LilSebastian_ Год назад
@@bigthiccboi137 As if being a ginger wasn't bad enough.... your hair fell out too.... lol.
@bigthiccboi137 Год назад
@@Ona-Kin Dude I still can’t get on a regular meal schedule after all those cuts! The after state meal tasted the best! I wasn’t quite as good didn’t make it to states till my last year, but Murphy’s law kicked in and I got the flu, still made it to the semis but I fell to 6th. Maybe it’s the fate of all wrestlers to go a little bald after all that forehead grinding lol.
@donnpatez101 Год назад
I would go through the pain that could last a few hours instead of being uncomfortable with something everyday. If necessary I would do that.
@Soviet_Cat1729 Год назад
He still looked exeptional with no hair , like an adventurous pokèmon trainer
@canchero724 Год назад
Bald Sonny with a red bandana could've looked good too.
@chikihc Год назад
I struggle with hairloss, probably androgenetic alopecia, and have been watching lots lots of videos abt hair treatments & hair transplants, but Sonny is the last person that i would expect to have this concern too. I thought he just loves the headband 😅, and like what everyone else said, his personality shines so much that we never really think abt other things
@thepeculiarindian Год назад
I only ever watched is you and the good show but never saw the hairline.. bcz you are one thr best food reviewer ..n always the shows are packed with fun
@christinasamalia Год назад
First thing, congratulations. You're very brave. Do what makes you happy. Secondly, yes, we will tell you, you didn't need it because you didn't. We were fan girling over you (even dudes) and definitely not seeing bare spots on your scalp. Third thing as a beauty school drop out lbvs..scalp and hair need oxygen and one of the first things we are taught is about hair loss. The first thing men and women want to do is cover and compensate. It's the last thing you should do. Caps, head wraps, false hair etc, block oxygen and make things worse because hair dies when the follicle lacks oxygen. Now that you have had this surgery, will you continue the bandana? It will work against your investment. I love that you use a sweatband. It's very convenient when sweating, obviously. I would recommend placing it below the hair line so that your edges can breathe. As always, you're so handsome.
@dondon9221 Год назад
brave? lol. Nowadays everything is "brave". Getting a hair transplant, brave. 😏
@christinasamalia Год назад
@@dondon9221 yup. It was brave. Like any elected surgery. Do you need that explained?
@michaeltamares7974 Год назад
Lol. Really
@michaeltamares7974 Год назад
Ehh. Average.. but your opinion
@michaeltamares7974 Год назад
Brave is running into a house on fire to save kids.. He has choices of big cajones.. but this is not bravery
@enigmatic_mist280 16 дней назад
I am a big fan of medical tourism. For cosmetic surgery not covered by insurance, this can be an economical option for people. Unfortunately, in the US, these procedures can be too expensive. I think Sonny is smart to do this procedure bc he does look better on camera. That is part of his livelihood so seems like a justified procedure.
@DustyTheDog Год назад
I'm glad it worked out for you. My hair has started to thin, but I believe it is mostly related to stress. I have had the most stressful year of my life, and had what I think is the first panic attack in my 27 years alive. I've been really trying to let things go and to not focus on my terrible life. Since doing so, I am noticing a difference in my brush when I use it, so I am hopeful. Cortisol is an annoying hormone, and science isn't really sure how to handle it aside from stress management. My mom's dad was completely bald by 22, and my dad's dad should be able to grow hair, he says, but he has worn a hat his whole life and has that bald spot where the cap rubs. Hat head, he calls it. I'm thankful to still have my hair, but am sad that it's thinning. I'm a bit like Samson, except for strength I get confidence with my hair.
@yeahweburnstuff Год назад
Dr David Sinclair has a podcast series here on YT and in one of them (there's only four) he talks about the scientifically proven way to reduce balding and to grow back hair. One is Minoxidyl (Rogain) and another is PRF injections to the scalp. To reduce street take mega multi B-vitamin supplements in the morning and 2000iu Vit D at night with a magnesium supplement to help you sleep well and strengthen your immune system.
@Peacht4n Год назад
Thank you for talking about this. I may be a woman, but I think it's really, if not, extremely important for men to start talking about their plastic surgery. No matter what is. It is very accepted and acknowledged with us women to the point we finally reached a point where we do not get shamed as much for getting procedures done to improve our looks or prevent certain things. I know a lot of guys who had this done too and it really boosted their confidence!
@stefan19793 Год назад
i did it once but never again thank you! the pain in the back of my head took months to recover but im happy with results
@wentelteefje5260 Год назад
i am 23 years old and i started losing my hair about a year ago, and since then its been on my mind 24/7 how it looks bad and i am also considering about getting a hair transplant. watching this video made me more confident about getting one but now i still need to save up to get it done in a few years hopefully
@luxchhun1232 Год назад
The result looks very natural! Is it difficult to maintain to keep it still look good after it totally heal?
@NinaNique11 Год назад
I discorvered your channel a week ago and I’ve spent everyday watching since. Spent my Christmas home alone in bed watching just you for hours and it brings me comfort and that’s how I can tell you’re a beautiful person inside and out. Glad you did something for you and not because of pressure from society. We love you either way. Keep being amazing ❤
@advocate0426 Год назад
LOVE IT!!!!! @2:10 I thought you shaved that way for the show.. Then I realized.. Man you were freaking out!!! So happy you came out on the otherside!!!
I think most of us are just happy you did something nice for yourself! It always feels nice to fix an insecurity and just feel confident about it. It looks great and is a wonderful result! Congrats, Sonny! Your videos are great either way!
@imWzY7 Год назад
Respekt for being honset about ur hair loss. It’s an commen problem with hansdom men. Hope you and ur crew Are doing well. Hope to see you guys in Norway/sweden/Danmark soon!❤
@zaobapsihc320 Год назад
Either you don’t have hair Sonny nothing change we are still gonna watch your videos!😊 Sonny is Sonny the only One🙌🏻
@awarem8739 Год назад
Anyone considering this, what he failed to mention is that many hair transplants do not look natural at all or give you a full head of hair. There is also the chance of more hair falling off like he mentioned making your hair transplant useless unless you get another one done. It is usually hit or miss in terms of all the hair growing out after it is transplanted depending on where you went. Majority of hair transplanted hairlines look unnatural unless you paid big bucks but doctors are improving on this more and more. I’ve seen someone with a hair transplant and his hair was basically see through but I didn’t mention anything to hurt his feelings. You can get a full natural result but it is difficult and you have to be an ideal candidate in terms of existing hair loss and your hair quality. Just wanted to let everyone know it’s not all sunshine and flowers
@osmankalif3500 Год назад
«I didnt want to hurt his feelings»😂😂 gosh I even feel more bad for him now
@dhariniparthasarathy3901 Год назад
Never noticed the uneven hairline because you have such a great personality and sense of humour. To encourage the new baby hairs try rubbing in some onion oil or onion juice every other day (after checking with your doctor!)
@proxy7874 Год назад
It isn't good for post surgery. He will probably have minoxidil and other meds
@Fattony6666 Год назад
that is terrible, horrendous advice
@kurokamei Год назад
You probably didn't notice because he had the same hair style. It's pretty hard to style your hair, or have a different hair cut. With no intervention, it can go to the next stage where the hair at the crown area too will start thinning in the hair thickness, and quantity. It will get harder to intervene.
@oBCHANo Год назад
Lmao, how about he doesn't do that insane bs and listens to real doctors instead.
@melodycentral0007 Год назад
My mom would whip me with a belt if I put onion juice in my hair
@NintenCisco Год назад
Wow! I have always wanted to see the procedure. I have a big beard though so i dont really mind being bald but its nice to finally get a better understanding on how it all works.
@austinstone-gy3ml Год назад
Appreciate the transparency man
@HRAZZI Год назад
never regret what helps elevate your confidence. I don't regret having done the transplant myself. Perfect results.
@DJSkylerTV Год назад
Sonny looked great before, I understand why he did this and appericate his honesty. Your hair looks freaking amazing!
@sdiponioXx Год назад
I have to admit…. I’ve always thought you’re gorgeous no matter what your hairs like ❤
@fastf1ng4zzz Год назад
w for being a transparent creator. mad respect.
@acebrown1527 Год назад
This guy is awesome...
@xblueish9189 Месяц назад
Can you make a video of your hair progression up to this point? Cause I'm thinking about going to Thailand and do a hair transplant as well
@Astrohhh Год назад
Good for you for doing something that makes you happy and gives you confidence. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. We all have our own insecurities, and sometimes it's worth paying to make yourself feel better and look better. It turned out awesome Sonny
@jenr5426 Год назад
Bro, you never need to justify glamming up for yourself. You had the money, so you weren't wasteful. You did it for your own self-confidence, even though you were a rockstar beforehand - your personality glows, regardless. Like getting tattooed makeup - you don't do it for others. You do it for yourself, and it's not greedy or vain - just your own expression. Imagine it like putting on a long-lasting tuxedo. You're a neat guy with lots of fans - you deserve to flaunt that tuxedo :) Strut down the runway with that hair.
@ijazmahmood5661 6 месяцев назад
I just had my Hair Transplant in Turkey 12 days ago and I am really happy that I got done it. If you want to get it just go for it done wast time 😊
@Kuroro5 Год назад
Amazing result, good for you!!
@jakecupcake7228 Год назад
Y’all notice how he slipped “giant swollen mushroom head” in there ?😂😂😂
@peoplesdreamsneverend2709 Год назад
That takes guts right there. Sonny your such a chad lol 😆
@bearlemke Год назад
That is wild dude. I never knew what kind of process/procedure this was or how they did it. Super cool thanks for sharing!
@IIGrudge Год назад
This guy can even rock the no hair look if he wanted. Goes to show everyone has their own insecurity, no matter how small it may seem to people on the outside.
@Chrusttee Год назад
The hair that left my head moved to my back. It was painless and it's a luscious, silky coat.
@koolpebble Год назад
Thanks for sharing this. I respect your transparency.
@Extratierresttreeoil Год назад
The "my body, my choice" sign, well done. Also well done for this video in all positive aspects
@TammyLockhart Год назад
He did a outstanding job ! Where did you go ? Please share doctor’s name and location!
@JawnGlick Год назад
its looks awesome and were happy for you Sonny!
@moekakke Год назад
I have watched almost al your video's and never one second in my mind i looked at your hair thinking there is something not normal about it. We all age, we are al verry different... so what i did learn from this video is that we should love ourself and remember there is only one of you and you just have to shine from the inside !!
@dwrecked9329 Год назад
Dude, I seriously appreciate this video.. i totally understand the the reasoning and hiw you feel.
@ME-dz2bg Год назад
Istanbul, Turkiye is the hair transplant and some other cosmetic surgeries capital of the world. Good to know that Thailand is also doing well. I'd not do it but it suits you well Sonny. Take care.
@IvoryDraco Год назад
That’s awesome, in college I edited a dvd for an inventor, of a hair transplant device that drills 1000 holes in your head and then adjust itself and fills pre-drilled holes in the head spots that you need it. I showed it to my roommate, he turned purple and black out. It was a Larry us. Congratulations sunny you’re the best. .
@prem8693 Год назад
Minoxidil and finastride drugs help to retain hairs even after hair transplants
@saurabhviking Год назад
Thanks for sharing your experience. Its very insightful. Did the doctors recommend and medicines to take long term to maintain the hair. Especially the non transplanted ones?
@MizzLizzyLiz Год назад
Thanks for sharing! Honestly, I lost it with the bonnet 😂😂. I love you, Sonny! Looking good!
@celala311 Год назад
wow ive never noticed, but it does look amazing! glad everything worked out for you
@cdonnmukasa1289 Год назад
So that's what you did! I was watching your newest videos and was wondering to myself " what's up with his hair, is he wearing a piece?" That fact that you were upfront with it makes me respect you even more!
@UCDRebel Год назад
Did I notice you have thinning hair and slightly bald spots? Yes, sure. But that took nothing away from who you are, how great of person you are, and the awesome ways you interacted with us. I took a break watching your videos cause I was watching movies instead, but came back and saw your hair and I was surprised. I am glad you shared your transplant video with us, and now I know how hair transplants work. Thanks for being such an awesome person!
@darishore814 Год назад
Personality is different than how someone is feeling about their look. He can be the best person in the world but he can feel that he wants to look the way he like. I been in that situation and did hair transplant and it gave boost to my mood
@stefthorman8548 Год назад
@@darishore814 nah, when i saw the videos of him with the widows peak, he looked ugly, now he looks pretty good.
@Gunnumn Год назад
Ive been debating on either hair resoration (keeps, hims) or rocking the Bruce Willis look from 5th element. Hair transplants are also an option but what if my hair recedes more.
@yengyang5870 Год назад
I noticed that you had a fuller set of hair now. I went and did my session 2 years ago. Changed my life and is also one of best decisions that I made in my life.
@jarrodwebster8166 Год назад
Were you able to get your consult and surgery in a close time frame? Or were multiple trips to Thailand required
@scalpdotink8450 Год назад
Your hair looks great! Congrats! 👏🏼
@isseyare837 Год назад
Congratulations brother I done mine in istanbul turkey 🇹🇷 Amazing results $1200
@fijiguy08 Год назад
Do what makes you feel good and happy
@MinikongRJM Год назад
You deserve to be happy and if it worked for you then I'm happy for you
@otapic Год назад
I'm very lucky that both of my parents don't experience balding, but as a guy I totally understand why it'd bother you. Just know your personality is why we love to watch you Sonny and you getting "jobs done" won't change that
@-_-sigh Год назад
@vinay50882 Год назад
Takes courage to embrace your insecurities and share them with the world. You faced and shared it with us. Thanks big fan now bigger fan. We like u no matter how u look Buddy cheers
@AhmadAli-kd2ld Год назад
I always wondered do you have to take medication daily after hair transplant? Are you taking anything to keep the hair from falling out? I know you have to initially take painkillers etc. But my question is weather you have to take something permenantly and daily otherwise your hair will fall out?
@kingeddiex2 Год назад
Man got that Tyler Blevins cut
@angelicaavilessil6212 Год назад
This is something completely unknown to me! This whole hair transplant thing looks great. Every time I learn new things in this channel
@hayewolthuis5149 Год назад
Thanks for this educational video😊
@ORchristian Год назад
What happens to the hairs they took out of the back comforter the transplant. Do they ever grow back?
@RaiZdbyDINGOES Год назад
I got veneers in Thailand in 2014. Still going strong. Thanks for the recommendation. If I get the money I'd do this. Getting thin myself. I'll keep this place in mind
@Gigika313 Год назад
Shaving your head while going bald in your early 20s was one of the best decisions iv made, couldn’t afford a transplant even if I wanted but after trying rogain and seeing very little to no results..shaving it off was the next option and I never looked back 👍🏼
@CanadianBisdak Год назад
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
@lahire1295 Год назад
Just saw a video about several botched hair transplant in Turkey. Hopefully Thailand has higher standards and less people end up with a real mess.
@FarmerFpv Год назад
Congrats on the new hairline. I had mine done here in the states which cost much much more.
@MarsHausMusic Год назад
Very brave and such a cool video. I've been losing hair towards the back of my head since my early 20s and considered hair transplants. NGL, money was definitely a concern, but I mostly chickened out. I was able to find some vitamins and medication that was able to stabilize the loss and even regrow some hair. It's not nearly as lush and amazing as it used to be like when I was in my teens, but it's to a point where I've accepted it. I've always feared that it might get worse again one day and I'll have to get transplants. Seeing this video eased me a bit since we were able to see the raw process of what you went through from a neutral lens. Thanks again Sonny and my fiance and I both love your videos!
@cattameme Год назад
Imagine being so rich and fortunate you can obsess thinking about a hair transplant for months and plan a whole ass trip to Thailand to get it done.
@Prosperous.king1 Год назад
Great information, thanks for sharing.
@tiwnut994 7 месяцев назад
Is that special pill a minoxidil or finasteride?
@d3vsy Год назад
Didn't really notice but if it makes you happy, then go for it 😄
@valinor5397 Год назад
You're such a likeable guy I'm glad you feel more confident with the way you look.
@professorkaos2781 Год назад
the problem is when the hair loss accelerates over the next decade or so and then the transplanted hair stays, maintaining this hairline that is often unattainable naturally. Once you lose all the coverage hair that makes the FUE work, you are stuck with shaving your head but at least you don't have the visible strip scar and you can get great results, even with moderate MPB, until your 60's with repeated treatments.
@MrCROCKETA Год назад
Bro thank you for your honesty
@Sigrafix Год назад
Looks great Sonny, congrats.
@JuanLopez-tp7hj Год назад
I think you’re hair looks great they did a wonderful job
@fcboomstick Год назад
Valium is available at any pharmacy in Thailand without a prescription. That's only half as good as the "Tiffy" that's also available though...
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