🔥 Песня "Поезд Пожиратель" уже здесь - rumedia.io/l/xfCZ КАК ВАМ ТРЕК? ❤ Делись треком с друзьями и добавляй себе в плейлист в Вк ⚡ ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА МЕНЯ: ❤ Телеграм ➡ t.me/apchannelap ❤ Инстаграм* ➡ instagram.com/anton_pos ❤ Вконтакте ➡ vk.com/channel_animator *Meta Platforms Inc. признана экстремистской организацией на территории РФ
In the night, when silence envelops the world, You can hear the sound of wheels like a heartbeat The train eater rushes into the air Whistles and rushes like a jaguar Chorus: Red train Huge mouth How many people can disappear in it? It's better not to know this number Admit it Have you already been carried away into the world of fears? Blown away One-two The red train is passing by Three four He rushes elusively Five six How many fears are there Seven eight Should I give you a lift? Yes, can I give you a lift? In his mouth is a tongue-typist Looks out for a new victim And no one will help you here And running on this path won't save you