
مصحف الاشارة مع التكرار || سورة القارعة والتكاثر || صفحة (600) || The Holy Quran 

المنفعه | elmanfa3a
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سورة القارعة - Al-Qāri‘ah
{ بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ }
﴿القارِعَةُ ۝ مَا القارِعَةُ ۝ وَما أَدراكَ مَا القارِعَةُ ۝ يَومَ يَكونُ النّاسُ كَالفَراشِ المَبثوثِ ۝ وَتَكونُ الجِبالُ كَالعِهنِ المَنفوشِ ۝ فَأَمّا مَن ثَقُلَت مَوازينُهُ ۝ فَهُوَ في عيشَةٍ راضِيَةٍ ۝ وَأَمّا مَن خَفَّت مَوازينُهُ ۝ فَأُمُّهُ هاوِيَةٌ ۝ وَما أَدراكَ ما هِيَه ۝ نارٌ حامِيَةٌ﴾ [القارعة: ١-١١]
(1) The Striking Calamity -
(2) What is the Striking Calamity?
(3) And what can make you know what is the Striking Calamity?
(4) It is the Day when people will be like moths, dispersed,[1975]
(5) And the mountains will be like wool, fluffed up.[1976]
(6) Then as for one whose scales are heavy [with good deeds],
(7) He will be in a pleasant life.
(8) But as for one whose scales are light,
(9) His refuge[1977] will be an abyss.[1978]
(10) And what can make you know what that is?
(11) It is a Fire, intensely hot.
[1975]- The people will be as such after having been expelled from their graves.
[1976]- i.e., beginning to disintegrate.
[1977]- Literally, "mother" (a man's original refuge) , which will envelop him as in an embrace.
[1978]- i.e., the pit of Hellfire.
سورة التكاثر - At-Takāthur
{ بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ }
﴿أَلهاكُمُ التَّكاثُرُ ۝ حَتّى زُرتُمُ المَقابِرَ ۝ كَلّا سَوفَ تَعلَمونَ ۝ ثُمَّ كَلّا سَوفَ تَعلَمونَ ۝ كَلّا لَو تَعلَمونَ عِلمَ اليَقينِ ۝ لَتَرَوُنَّ الجَحيمَ ۝ ثُمَّ لَتَرَوُنَّها عَينَ اليَقينِ ۝ ثُمَّ لَتُسأَلُنَّ يَومَئِذٍ عَنِ النَّعيمِ﴾ [التكاثر: ١-٨]
(1) Competition in [worldly] increase diverts you
(2) Until you visit the graveyards.[1980]
(3) No! You are going to know.
(4) Then, no! You are going to know.
(5) No! If you only knew with knowledge of certainty...[1981]
(6) You will surely see the Hellfire.
(7) Then you will surely see it with the eye of certainty.[1982]
(8) Then you will surely be asked that Day about pleasure.[1983]
[1980]- i.e., remain in them temporarily, meaning until the Day of Resurrection.
[1981]- The conclusion of this verse is estimated to be "...you would not have been distracted from preparing for the Hereafter."
[1982]- i.e., with actual eyesight.
[1983]- i.e., the comforts of worldly life and whether you were grateful to Allāh for His blessings.
طريقة جديدة لتيسير الحفظ ومراجعة القران الكريم
بصوت فضيلة الشيخ : عبد الرحمن الشحات
اللهم أجعل هذا العمل خالص لوجهك الكريم وأجعله صدقة جارية وعلم ينتفع به .
تم انتاج العمل بمجهود فردى فكل من لديه ملاحظة او فكرة تضيف الى هذا العمل أكون شاكر له جدا لأنى إنسان أخطاء وأصيب والدالّ على الخير كفاعلِه .
وجارى انتاج باقي المصحف ان شاء الله ....
لا تنسونا بالآراء والأفكار والملاحظات في التعليقات .
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