
በነገራችን ላይ! ዓቢዩ ብርሌ(ጌራ) ከደረጀ ኃይሌ ጋር|E07P01|Benegrachin Lay! Abiyu Birile(Gera) with Dereje Haile 

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በነገራችን ላይ! EP07P01 - ዓቢዩ ብርሌ (ጌራ) ከደረጀ ኃይሌ ጋር
የኢሕአፓ ሠራዊት (ኢህአሠ ) መስራች አባል
Benegerachin Lay EP07P01 - Abiyu Birile (Gera) with Dereje Haile
Founding Member of EPRP's Army
#BenegrachinLay #በነገራችንላይ #DerejeHaile #ደረጀኃይሌ



28 сен 2024




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@ዳድቱንጋ 5 лет назад
ከደረጀ ሀይሌ የተማርኩት እያንዳንዱን የህይወት መንገዴን ማጣጣም እንዳለብኝ ነው።ህይወትን መብላት ብቻ ሳይሆን ማጣጣም ያውቃል
@yy-ut3dh 5 лет назад
ደሪ ዛሪም እንደትላንቱ አደንንቅሀለው:: እማውቅህ የደራው ጨዋታ ላይ ነው በድምፅህ ከ አዜብጋ በነገራችን ላይ ከየት ነው እምትመዛቸው እንዲህ ያሉ ምሁራንንና ባለታሪኮች ተባረክልን ወንድማችን
@elenizeleke3320 5 лет назад
የመንፈሳዊ ትምሕርት ለኑሮ ሕይወት የማይነ ቃነቅ ማእዘን ነው .
@abz8493 4 года назад
👌 " Very few people really care about freedom, about liberty, about the truth, very few. Very few people have guts, the kind of guts on which a real democracy has to depend. Without people with that sort of guts a free society dies or cannot be born." Doris Lessing, the Golden note book. ************************** ለእኔ አቶ አብዩ ብርሌ አንዱ እፁብ ድንቅ ተምሳሌ ናቸው። እኒህንም በአስተምሯቸው ትውልድና ሐገርን ወደ ከፍታ ማማ ለማሻግር የሚጥሩ ብሩህና አስተዋይ ሰው የሕይዎት ተሞክሮ ስላስደመጣችሁን የፕሮግራሙን አዘጋጆች ከልብ እናመሰግናለን። እማየ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጣቸው እንዲህ በሰላምና በፍቅር የደረጀ ልበ ብርሃንና ታታሪ ልጆች ያብዛልሽ። ከአክብሮት ጋር። 👌
@ewnetm6420 5 лет назад
Wow amazing very interesting. Dere I can’t wait. Thank you wow
@linamohammed8665 2 года назад
ደሬ ቃላት የለኝም በጣም ነው የምወድከ ረጅም እድሜ ከጤናጋ አላህ ይስጥህ
@waffiki 5 лет назад
what a very honest, sweet and loving man. God bless him always.
@abe9600 4 года назад
ታሪካችቸውን ስታነበው እንኮን እሳቸውን ተመልካቹን ስሜት ውስጥ ይከታል:: እናመሰግናለን ደረጀ! ከግራም ከቀኝም የምትጋብዛቸው ይመቹኛል (ትንሽ ከግራው ቢያጋድልም:))
@birukdamte344 5 лет назад
እንኳን ኣየሁህ ኣብዪ ብሌ ኢንግነር የምወደው የመላኩ ብርሌ ታካቅ ወድም ደጉሰው ኣብዩ የመከረከኝ ኣቤትህ መጥቼ ኣረሳውም ባከውለታዪ ኣብዩ ብርሌ ደጉ ወንድሜ የኒዮርክ ድልድዮች ኢንጅነር ባለሙያው ደጉ ሰው እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ መልካሙ ሰው ኣብዩ ብርሌ የምወደው የውድ ጓደኛዬ የመላኩ ብርሌ ታላቅ ወድም መልካሙን ሁሉ ተመኘሑ ዳዊት ተገኘ ኣክባሪ ወድምህ
@woinishetmoulat633 Год назад
Thank you so much Dereje got this great interview. This is a great factual history today's politicians must listen to. God bless you both.
@alsaalsa8279 5 лет назад
እንደሆቺሚኒ እንደቼጉቬራ ሰላም ላንተ ይሁን ደሬ (ማህደር) ከዘመኑ ቅጥ ያጣ ፖለቲካ ወደዃላ ስትመልሰን ምንያህል ያስደስታል ኑርልን ዉድ.
@azizkamaladin7562 Год назад
ጣም ደሰ የሚል ታሪክ ነዉ ለሁለታቹሁም Thanks 👍
@TechGPTet 4 года назад
What a wise and brilliant man. My dad was born in Quariet - there might be a big possibility that we're related. Because, the fact that, let's skip my dad's first/last name for now, but his family name was Berlie Kassa. Regardless, I'm proud of you Sir!
ደረጀ አንተ የተወደድክ ሰው ላንተም ረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር !
@adenshirega6478 3 года назад
Such a gentle soul and great journalist!✊🏿🇪🇹
@solomontesfaye3717 5 лет назад
Dear Dereje,I heard ur interview wz z author of "Ye- Asimba fikir"and it was very interesting,now wz Geraa,hamble and a gentle man.wow Sunday is so long......I need to hear from the horse's mouth,lovely ,interview.surprised he looks a university lecture not a solder.pls ask him still he is a communist or desolved in American capitalist,?Dear Dereje,u are the best u know why I appreciate u?? because u know how u manage ur interview B's u are the worm of the books,u know very well what u ask and how u challenged,keep my warm greetings to u.
@mokonenbrhane8992 4 года назад
በጣም ደስ ብሎኛል በጣም ጥሩ ነው
@amourgagnetoujours 4 года назад
ደረጀ ፕሮግራምህ ሱስ ያስይዛል እንግዶችህ ምርጦች ናቸው እግዚ አብሄር ይስጥልን።
@azizkamaladin7562 Год назад
Gara Very interesting innocent humble person you should make movies out of this , hopefully one day
@Ethiopia2025 4 года назад
#የጋዜጠኛው #ጣልቃገብነት እንደሌሎች ጋዜጠኞች #ባልተሟላ_መረጃና_እውቀት እንደሚጠይቁትና ተጠያቂውንም እንደሚያደናቅፉት፣ #ለአድማጮችም ለመከታተል እንዳይመች እንደሚያደርጉት አይመስለኝም። #ይልቁንም ተጠያቂዎቹ #ዘና በማለት እንዲናገሩ፣ በጥልቀት ለማሰብና ቃላት ለማደራጀት እንዲችሉ የሚረዳ ጊዜ የሚሰጥ አቀራረብ ያለው ይመስለኛል። ባጠቃላይ #የጋዜጠኛ ደረጀና #የጋዜጠኛ መአዛ ብሩ #የጥያቄ አደረጃጀትና አቀራረብ የሚመች ብቻ ሳይሆን #ታሪክን_ጎርጉሮ የሚያወስጣ ስለሆነ የሚደነቅና የሚበረታታ አቀራረብ ነው፣ #ቢሆንም አልፎ አልፎ ትንሽ ትንሸ ሳይበዛ ጣልቃገብነትን ቢቀንሱ የታሪኩን ፍሰት ለመከታተል ይረዳል።
@bethelevangelicalministrie6983 3 года назад
አቶ ደረጄ :-- ግሩም ጋዜጠኛ ፣ አቀራረብህ አጠያየቅህ ፣ ድምፅህ _ _ _ ብቻ ምን ልበልህ ፕሮግራሞችህ አስተማሪ ፣ መሳጭ ፣ አጓጊ ናቸው። አድናቂህ ነኝ።
@MyD1010 5 лет назад
አቶ ደረጀ እራስህ ጠይቀህ እራስህ መልሰህ እንዴት ይሆናል፣ እባክህ እባክህ እባክህ ጠይቅ እና እንዲመልሱ እድል ስጥ እባክህ እባክህ
@zemendaily7475 5 лет назад
fair point
@ዳድቱንጋ 5 лет назад
ፕሮግራሚ ቃለ መጠየቅ አይደለም ።በነገራችን ላይ ነው ።
@melessaw5906 5 лет назад
Tebarek wondime! Yihe yenem chigir naw. Ebakih Dereje, admachoch yeminegruhen sima, yitekemehal!!!
@Ethio_star 5 лет назад
ደረጀ ድንቅ ነው
@tesfuhailu6413 4 года назад
Solo Ethio erasehen eski besu bota asekemeteh eyew techelalehe?
@cgcgj6403 4 года назад
ነፃ የታሪክ ዉይይት እንዴት ደስ ይላል
@fantastic1231 3 года назад
What a wonderful story!!!
@ALIgazAyele Год назад
ደረጀ በመትረካ መልክ ታሪካቸውን ብታቀርበው እንዴት ያምር ነበር
@melkamukassie3248 4 года назад
Great to see this person on this program. As per (by the way I may get the answer from your book) the reply from, Colenel Mengistu H/Mariam replied (Genet Ayele book) on the number of casualties that the Dergue regime inflicted on EPRP members. He replied that" the number of killings caused on EPRP members, by TPLF on Assimba, was incomparably higher than we caused. TPLF has massacred a great number EPRP members. Was is true? What did you do? What step did you take to take this to the court?
@unitityisstrenght6578 5 лет назад
ደረጀ ፕሮግራምህ ጥሩ ሆኖ ሳለ ስለምንትቀዠቀዥ ሰዎቹን ሳታስጨርሳቸው አፍ አፉቸውን ስለምትላቸው በየት በኩል እንስማ እሱን አስተካክል አባክህ።
@mvab3252 5 лет назад
@melessaw5906 5 лет назад
Can't agree more
@tarekegnrobitarekegntareke3885 4 года назад
ጭንቅላትህ ሰፍ አርገው ደረጄን አታውቀውም
@fekadutadesse6682 4 года назад
ቃላት አጠቃቀም እንዴት ነው? ስለምትንቀዠቀዥ ባትል ጥሩ ነበር
@mekke6544 11 месяцев назад
አገር አስገንጥሎ አገር ፍቅር ጉዞ ብሎ የማጭበርበር ጽሁፍ ጽፎ መጣሁ ይላል።ይህ ከሃዲ አስገንጣይ የሻቢያ ሰላይ ነው።
@malik7120 Год назад
Beautiful personality, wawooo
@temesgentsegaye2048 5 лет назад
@melessaw5906 5 лет назад
Impulsive journalist, taking too much time narrating his story, not of the guest
@yohannesteferra6202 4 года назад
ደሬ የአቶ አብዩን የማትሪክ ውጤት ሁኔታውን ስታነብ ራሳቸው አቶ አብዩ ብቻ ሳይሆኑ እኔ ራሴ አባታቸው አለቃ ብርሌ ፊቴ መጥተው አንተ ስታነብ እየሰማሁህ አለቀስኩኝ፡፡ አቶ ብርሌ ከአባታቸው ጋር ያላቸው ቁርኝት ለአባታቸው ለመንገር ያላቸው ጉጉት የአባታቸው ሁኔታን በአነባነብህ ስለ ገለጽከው እኔንም አስለቅሶኛል፡፡
@yayne1988 4 года назад
yohannes teferra enem😢
@ermitkd 10 месяцев назад
ሱስ የሚያሲዝ ፕሮግራም✌️
@habtegiorgisdinegdae281 4 года назад
ምነው የዚያ ትውልድ ምሁራን እንደገና አሁን በኖሩ
@ALIgazAyele Год назад
ለጀሮ የሚጥም ልብን የማያረካ መንፈስን የሚያድስ አረ ምኑ
@crunchtime3065 4 года назад
I hope your dream come true meeting President Issaias Afeworki
@ytdstfvkfky5808 4 года назад
መጽሐፍ መታተሙ መልካምና ታሪካዊ ይሆናል : ነገር ስንቱ የድሀ ልጆች ደም በአደባባይ ለፈሰሰው ደም ግን በፓርቲው የበላይ አዛዦች እጅ እንደሆነ ማወቅ እለብን: ይህም ስል ሁሉንም አይደለም :: ሌላውን እያታገሉ ከትግል ጎራ የሸሹ ቤቱ ይቁጠረው ::
@asfawbantihun8620 5 лет назад
Derje betam new madenkeh.mtakerbachew engdoche tarekawi swechie nachew.lebe new menkawe
@twolde8958 4 года назад
እባክህ ደረጀ አንተን ወደፊት የሚተኩህ ስር አት ያላቸውን አሰልጥንልን
@profic9222 Год назад
ጋሽ ደረጀ በጣም ነው ደስ ምትለው እኮ::
@kidane4190 4 года назад
Host 100% guest 100%
@teacherTariku 3 года назад
What an ironic story, for that poor country they work hard to make it socialism but they live in USA market base economic system?
@bero431 5 лет назад
Amhara fought against the Turks/ Ottomans Amhara fought against Italy Amhara fought against the kings Amhara fought against the Derg Amhara fought the Woyane Amhara is still fighting Against the Gaaddaa Amhara fights for Justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@luk-man7889 4 года назад
wow, that is very one sided and biased conclussion, the reality is everyone fought equaliy for the betterment of the nation. It is woth mentioning some of pioneers of change such as; Tesfaye Debesai, Zerhu Kuhshin, Abdulmejeed, Baroo Tumsa so on and so forth, to say the least.
@bero431 4 года назад
@@luk-man7889 Did I say others did not fight????? Did I say it is only Amhara who fought???? I do not want to call you an idiot, but your assertion is idiotic.
@luk-man7889 4 года назад
You know what i have noticed is that you the highlanders ( your kinds ) are very famous for, is your foul mouthedness, you rush into insult and un nessary confrontation rather than discussion and dialogue. It only shows your suppeficiality and infriority mind set. And for sure i expect more insult, but i will leave it at that.
@mesfinhaile2244 5 лет назад
Thank you Dere,,perfect journalism
@yonassolomon7711 5 лет назад
JOURNALISM ???? Bayhon Meaza beru becha betel…….
@עםישראלחי-כ6ה 8 месяцев назад
ይህ ሰው ከሌሎች የኢህአፓ አባላት የተለየ ሰብእና የተላበሰ ነው። አብዛኞቹ የኢህአፓ አባለት ከኛ በላይ ለአሳር የሚሉና ከስሜት የራቁ ሆነው ነው የሚቀርቡት። ጌራ ግን ፍፁም ሰው ነው። የሚያለቅስ የሚያዝን...
@serenityshalom7387 5 месяцев назад
U are right
@begooddogood8334 4 года назад
ጋዜጠኛው ራሱ ጠያቂ ራሱ መልስ ሰጪ.......እንደሱ አትሁን give chance for your guest.
@mulugetaseleshi7422 4 года назад
@eskinderteshome9681 5 лет назад
Without knowing the problem of Ethiopia in education agriculture roads culture jumping into politics with no solution the dead end road.
@yonassolomon7711 5 лет назад
@onefromfuture6913 2 года назад
The blind leading the blind. The most cunning and savage wins.
@hunetyoutube4732 5 лет назад
I wish , I were born
@yohannesgmedfu8100 4 года назад
ባልበሰለ አስተሳሰብ አገራችሁን ወደገደል ገፍታችሁ ከጣላችሁ በኋላ አሁን ብትቆጭ ምን ዋጋ አለው።
@melessaw5906 5 лет назад
Dereje, take a stopwatch and calculate the time you and your guest spent on your interview.
@hayatsherif3192 3 года назад
ወይ ኮሜንቶች
@asmea4799 5 лет назад
Amhara ye sewenet weha lik . Respect
@yedesdeswebetu2860 5 лет назад
የ ተከበርከው ጋዜጠኛ ጥያቄዎች ህን ለምን ስሜታዊ ብቻ ታደርገዋለህ በንባብም አስደግፈው እንጂ ለምሳሌ የመኤሶኑንም ሰውዬ ይሁን የኢሃፓውን ስትጠይቅ እጅግ አቻ የሆነ ሰው (መላኩ ተገኝ - ‹‹ከሰንጋ ተራ እስከ አምስተርዳም›› የሚል መጽሃፍ አውጥቱአል I dare say it contains unheard stories of EPRP) ስለዚህ ያንንም ግብአት በማድረግ ጥሩ መስቀልኛ ጥያቄ በመጠየቅ ይህንን ትውልድ ልታስተምርብት ትችል ነበር አሁንም ጊዜው ስላለህ መጽሃፉን አንብበህ ተመሳሳይ እንግዶችን ወይም ደራሲዎቹን የገባህን ያህል ብትጠይቅ ለዚህ ትውልድ ውለታ እንደሰራህ ይቆጠርልሃል...
@tekafogi5813 2 года назад
Not Gonna you can't understand the oppression we expected in the west.
@tadesseabay743 5 лет назад
it is a great news hearing you that you are alive. two of my brohters are dead for E P R P. Do you have any gut to beg the families whom they lost thier loved ones? sorry. since he come and go as a regular intelectual having lost nothing. however you and your comreds were our dreams. Please mr Dereje put this idia forwar to mr ABIYU. WHERE ARE OTHERS? .
@trhasbelay4463 4 года назад
እውነቱን ነው ጠላ የለለበት ቤት የለም
@NORTAMRAT 3 года назад
እነዚህን ነበር ያኔ ማጥፋት..እስካሁን ሃገራችን የት በደረሰች... የምራብ ስላጣኔ ይውደም ብሎ ገና ከኢትዮጵያ ጅምሩ እሳክሁን የተሻለ የኖረው ሊያጠፋ በተነሳው ይምራብ ስልጣኔ ነው.. ያልተማረው ለሃገሩ ተሰውቶ ዘምቶ ፊደል የቆጠረው ያልቆጠረውን አስቆጥሮ እዚህ አድርሶናል ይሄ ፋንድያ የግብጽን እና የጠባብ ተገንጣዮችን መርዝ ሲረጭ ነው ያደገው...
@democracyfirst1871 5 лет назад
ye migremew abzagaw temariwoch ke asmara new yemietut.
@yonatanb6733 4 года назад
Yeah, because they are highly educated
@meleseberehannu2861 4 года назад
Video editing you need to think
@hellinabebe349 5 лет назад
@melessaw5906 5 лет назад
Dereje, are you reading all these comments? It's for your own good. Don't think these commentators have any other parochial interests!!!
@amourgagnetoujours 4 года назад
ቃለ መጠይቅ እኮ አይደለም ፕሮግራሙ።
@nigusumersha298 11 месяцев назад
@mulugetaseleshi7422 4 года назад
@mekke6544 11 месяцев назад
ይህ ሰውዬ አሁን በስተርጅናም ኢትዮጵያን ክዶ አቢይን እያወገዘና ኢሱ ኢያሞገሰ፣ፋነን እያሞገሰ የአገሪቱን ወታደር አማራውን እየገደለ ነው እያለ ነው።አሜሪካዊ ዜጋ ከሆነ ከአገር መባረር አለበት።
@workutedy7246 4 года назад
Sir,you try until today to defend Welalge Mikonen 😀😀by saying the difference of the time (contemporary period) ,well for me a leader means the personality with Vision eg. Mandela, JFK, Martin Luther king, Tewodros 2nd,Balay zelak, king minlk, king Tuna etc Welelge took shut about his own ethnic even though he had no right those things propagated because his own ethnic, it doesn't represent all his own Family crime He was a person with others ethnic women love 😀😀😀and betrayal his own ethnic Yes,,money, women, power,,have big influence on human beings Views Because of him and others short sighted Views,,Amara suffering today from other ethnic genocide wars Truth shall wine Ethiopia Tekdem
@democracyfirst1871 5 лет назад
min wagalew agerun kedto ke badonch gar huno ye rasun ager wega.
@TK_1448 5 лет назад
Grum nebabab Aye dere enkuan dess alot sewyewm aselekesache
@hytube9122 3 года назад
Mr. Dereje, you're a bad imitator of the famous journalist Tadesse Muluneh. Be yourself Eshi ?
@mulugetaseleshi7422 3 года назад
ባንዳ ነው።
@abebe7532 4 года назад
Jima ena Ambo ,,ahun megbat kilkil new !! ye kegna bicha honowal !!! tetenkeku !!! !
@abelfita361 5 лет назад
ያ የአሲምባ አብዮተኞች በኢትዮጵያ አኬልዳማ ተጠያቂ ናቸው።አንተ ደሞ ታሞካሻቸዋለክ
@eliasalemseged3553 4 года назад
አይ አቤል ! ከአሲምባ አብዮተኞች ተምራችሁ ነው በቆንጨራ መተራረድ የጀመራችሁት?፤ ገድላችሁ ዘቅዝቃችሁ የምትሰቅሉት፤ የራሳችሁን በመከራ የተማሩ ልጆቻችሁን በድንጋይ ጨፍጭፋችሁ የምትገሉት? ያ ትውልድ እኮ ልክ ነው ብሎ ባመነበት ሳያወላውል ህይወቱን የሰጠ ነው። ለመግደል ብቻ ሳይሆን ላመነበት ለመሞትም ዝግጁ የነበረ ነው። ሌላው በትምህርቱ ወደር የሌለው ትውልድም ነበር። ከአርባ አመት በኋላ በድንጋይና በቆንጨራ የሚተላለቅ ያንተ አይነቱ መምጣቱ ይገርማል!
@mulugetakassahun5682 4 года назад
እቤል ምናለበት ብታነብና ጭንቅላትን በውቀት ብትሞላው: ጥላቻና ውሸት ለአይምሮህ አይጠቅም
@Koolzak-gmail 4 года назад
እነዚህ የማይረቡ ኮሚንስቶች ከ ደርግ እስከ ወያኔ ሃገራችንን ድባቅ ኣገቡ!
@yilmakidane110 4 года назад
I have never seen a person like Gera that you can read his innocence from his face and the tone of his language. What a humble person!!!
@semegnabebe1586 3 года назад
I thought the same thing especially when he talked about his family (dad) 😥😥♥️I really wanna read his book but I don’t know what is the name of his book I can order on Amazon cause I live in America.
@azizkamaladin7562 Год назад
Gara Very interesting innocent humble person you should make movies out of this , hopefully one day
@ቅ.ሚካኤልጠብቀን 5 лет назад
ቆይ ግን ያሁኑ ፖለቲካ ለምን ያንገሸግሻል በስመአብ ... ይህ ታርክ ልቦለድ ነው ሚመስለው... ለአንድ ኢትዮጵያ ነው የታገሉት ... ደሬ እናመሰግናለን
@Ethiohabtina 4 года назад
Dere, I love to hear your voice. Amazing journalist!
@mengeshaambaw6330 5 лет назад
የምታቀርባቸው ሰወች ብዙ የሚናገሩት ታሪክ አላቸው: ምን አለበት ጥያቄህን ከጠየክ በሗላ መልሱን በራሳቸው አንደበት ብንሰማበት::
@abyssinian01 5 лет назад
Mengesha Ambaw , I agree with you, it is an inherent problem with Dereje, interrupting a response and sometimes answering the question himself. But, I like him and his selection of guests from the 60s and 70s.
@ritaa6260 5 лет назад
@@abyssinian01 this is the best criticism. I like ur word choices. Many people like to insult than give positive criticism. I hope Dereje would listen.thx
@oromay02 4 года назад
Mengesha Ambaw correct , but he is the best
@getadane 4 года назад
ደረጄ በጣም ገራሚ ጋዜጠኛ ነህ ፡፡ የሚገርም ብቃት ነው ያለህ ፡፡ እኔም ስሜት ውስጥ ገብቼ ነበር፡፡
@binizmelekot2911 5 лет назад
I thought Amharas were privileged during Hileselasse Time? 🤔 I grew up during woyane time and it sounds to me like we have been lied to about Hileselasse time. If the Amhara people were beneficiaries why did they rise up to fight Hileselasse's feudal system?
@wondante 5 лет назад
Bini Yig Good Question ???
@undermysaviour 5 лет назад
There were no priviledged or unpriviledged ethnics.
@lunettamargherita7800 4 года назад
bravo now you understood the truth ...anyone who was searching for ''democarcy'' was trying to change the monarchy with democracy...even though the result ...turned to be worst..
@workutedy7246 4 года назад
That is why the Amara can proud of by itself, fighting for Democracy Ethiopia not for own ethnic (like TPLF, EPLF,OLF,,ETC) Amara death for Ethiopia in Adewo,not for the interest of Tigery land Amara death for Ethiopia in Balgoba, Harar, Ogden with fighting Somalia Amara death for Ethiopia in Asmara to live with United great Ethiopia Etc.,,, Amara young generation fighting and getting out in the streets of Addis Ababa in name of EPRP for Ethiopia democracy Amara Young generation death in bAdemem for sovereignty of Ethiopia Amara young generation demonstrated for prisoners of oromi(like the so called Bekel gerba)in TPLF period, they got prison for that What ever Amara never deserve those shut from betrayal others ethnic Ethiopia building by Amara blood! And others ethnic groups they suffering today By ethiopians enemies!😀😀😀😀🇪🇹Ethiopia le zelelam Tenure! We scarfed for Ethiopia Democracy until death!!!
@desalegndawit9182 4 года назад
The history you have been told is fabricated by evil people first.Second Amhara is not short sighted that keeps silent if he is benefited.Read the history of Wallelgne,birhane meskel ,tilahun gizaw and others.
@alg7524 4 года назад
The revolutionary sprit was inserted in to Haileselassie University by Tegarus and Eritreans who wanted independent Tigray and Eritrea, respectively. Fighting His Majesty was like moving a mountain. So they have to use other students to get strength. Foolish Amara students unfortunately joined the movement and became more revolutionary than the others and became the forefront freedom fighters. Unfortunately it was this foolishness of Amaras that led for the fall of Haileselassie's government. The consequences of the fall of the government was the major reason behind the slaughtering and displacement of Amaras to this date. In a sense Amaras killed themselves for the sake of other ethnic groups who are unfriendly to this date. In the 1960's, Abdul Majid of the now Somali region, told Walelign Mekonnen that he was insulting Amaras when Walelign Mekonnen was leading the movement labeling Amaras as oppressive.
@Dahlakmassawa 2 года назад
ትልቅ አስተዋይ ኢትዮጵያንዊ ነው ኤርትራንትልቅክብር አለን 🇪🇷🙏🇪🇹
@fekadutadesse6682 4 года назад
አይ ደረጄ አወራርህ እንኩዋን ሰውየውን አይደለም እኔን አሰመጥከኝ
@haiman148 4 года назад
ፕሮግራሙ መጨዋወት ነው፡ እንደኔ የደሬ ለዛ እና ግነት ያለው አወራሩ አተራረኩ የበለጠ አጣፍጦታል፡ በዚያ ላይ የሚያደርገው ዝግጅትና ለጥቃቅን ነገሮች ሁሉ ያለው እውቀት ግሩም ነው።
@yidegbooksreviewandrecomme3742 2 года назад
ደሬ ጋዜጠኛ ብሎ ዝም የሙያው መለኪያ አንተ ነህ
@lealemtilahun7232 3 года назад
አላዋቂ ትግል መምራት የለበትም ፣ ማረጋገጫውም አብዩ ነው!!!!
@only1-way712 5 лет назад
ከድፍን ጎጀማ 1 ሰው ብቻ ወደ ቀሃስ ዩንቨርስቲ መግባት ምን ያሳያል?ገዥዎች አማራን እየጠቀሙ ነበር ወይ? ትምህርት ቤትስ ከ3ኛ ክፍል በላይ አልነበረም
@amourgagnetoujours 4 года назад
አማራን አጥፋ ታሪኩን አጥፋ እኮ ከነጭ የተቀበሉት አደራ ነው። የራሳቸው የመተዳደሪያ ህግ ካወጡ የምዕራቡ ዓለም አለቀለት ብለው የጻፉ ጉዶች ናቸው እኮ። ለዚህ ነው እንዲታፈን የሆነው። እንዴ እስኪ ታሪክ እይ እነ እንግሊዝ እነ ቱርክና ፈረንሳይ ቀስ ብለው ሲልኳቸው መጥተው የሚያቃጥሉት ቤተ መጻህፍትን ነበር። ለምን ስለጻፈ አማራ አስተምራለሁ ብሎ በሁሉም አቅጣጫ ሲዞር ያስፈራቸው ነበር። ራሱ እንደነቃ ሌላውንም ካነቃ አፍሪካን እናጣታለን ብለው ለዚህ ነው እየተሯሯጡ የእነሱን ማደንዘዣ ትምህርት ብለው በየቦታው የገቡት።
@ምንኣንሰማይሆን 4 года назад
Eni Emigermegn lmnden new zelachu wed zer yemtroTut yasznal
@alemayehumammo2261 4 года назад
መግቢያውን ልብ ብላችሁ እዩት። ብቸኛ ተዋናይ ጋዜጠኛ ደሬ ነው። ግሩም ባለሙያ
@abz8493 4 года назад
👌 ነፃና፣ዘላለማዊ 👌 ★★★★★★ አርቆ የሚያይ፣ አዕምሮው ሰፊ ነው አዕምሮው ሰፊ፣ ልቡ ቅን ነው ልቡ ቅን፣ ውስጡ የነገሰ ነው ውስጡ የነገሰ፣ ፍራሃተ እግዚአብሔር ያደረበት ነው ፍራተ እግዚአብሔር ያደረበት፣ ጠቃሚ ነው ጠቃሚ የሆነ፣ ወሰን አይገድበውም ወሰን ማይገድበው፣ ነፃ ነው ነፃ የሆነ፣ ዘላለማዊ ነው ነፃና ዘላለማዊ፣ ለትውልድ አርያ ነው አቶ አብዩ ብርሌ፣ ለዚህ አንድ ዕንቁ ተምሳሌ ናቸው እናም ትውልድን ለማሻገር፣ ነፃና ዘላለማዊ እንሁን። መነሻ ሃሳብ Lao Tzu 6th century BCE ********************* ከአክብሮት ጋር። 👌 👌
@mokonenbrhane8992 4 года назад
ኣቶ ደረጀ ሀይለ የጋዜጠኛች ንጉስ ልበልህ
@alexanderzenebe6136 5 лет назад
ጌራ ስላየሁ ደሰ ብሎኛል። ዘሩ ክሽን አና ክፈሉ ታደሰን አቅርብልን ደሬ።
@workudamena4641 5 лет назад
ዘሩ ክህሸን ከዚህ አለም በሞት ከተለየ አመታት አለፉ
@alexanderzenebe6136 5 лет назад
ለመረጃው አመሰግናለሁ።
@serenityshalom7387 4 месяца назад
​@@workudamena4641thanks for the information about ya tiwled do u have knowledge about how the ehapa Tselote Eskiyas demise 😊
@omerethiopia6145 5 лет назад
አንጋፋዉ ጋዜጠኛ #ደረጀ ሀይሌ ከምታቀርባቸዉ እንግዶችህ ባሻገር የአቀራረብ ለዛህ እና ሰብእናህ ልዩ ነዉ እናመሰግናለን
@melessaw5906 5 лет назад
All Dereje's guests are great, but it's unfortunate that they all fell in the hands of talkative, rude, unintelligent host
@zemenakasa4892 4 года назад
ደረጀ ድሮ በሬደረዮ ስሰማህ እጅግ የምውድህና በአእምሮየ የምስልህ በሌላ ነበር ነገርግን እንዲህ የምታምር እና መላጣ ሆነህ ሳይህ የግምቴን ለውጥ ተረድቻለሁ እጅግ መሳጭ ኘሮግራም ስለሆነ አሰቴርን ጨምረህ ቀጥልበት እንወድሀለን በርታ
@phineausstclaire2361 4 года назад
Journalist Dereje I thank you for presenting one of the heroes of the great struggle against the brutal Mengistu and the vicious and murderous Derg. Thank you B Brile Gera, a true hero and true believer. Your discussion of my paintings brought to me great flood of memory. I am still alive and kicking having lived since the 1970s in the United States. I am not painting as much but more focused on writing on issues dealing with philosophy, current political situations, et cetera. Thank you Gera for such wonderful Book, thank you Dereje and keep up your great program. Tecola
@GishAbay 4 года назад
Phineaus StClaire Dear Tecola (Professor)! What a surprise! I am very happy to know you are around! We are both lucky to have come this far in our long life journey! What a great impression you left in my youth brain by your beautiful painting! It catches the time so well. I thank you for that historical treasure! I hope you still have that beautiful painting ("ኢትዮጵያዊትዋ")! May be we will meet someday here in US. I will look for you! I wish you a long and rich life! Take Care! ዓቢዩ (ጌራ)
@phineausstclaire2361 4 года назад
My hero brother Abiyu/Gera, thank you for your warm response, and to answer your enquiry about my painting of the beautiful young Ethiopian girl, I am glad to report that it (along with several of my paintings) is in a safe place with the collection of the Vatican/Trinitarians. I am launching a new project that I have incubated for the last thirty years to paint large scale great Ethiopian personalities and historic events. I shall be announcing the detail of my painting project soon. Let us keep in touch. My gmail is: stclairepmke@gmail.com I now live in Milwaukee, WI having moved from DC a couple of years ago. Let us keep our contact. Keep well, Gera. Tecola
@senaiteshifferaw8219 4 года назад
Abeiyu...what a story!! For those of us who grew up in those days, this interview generated a nostalgia of days that we once knew!! I can't wait to read your book. Thank you for sharing your rich experience!!
@BbBB-yv8vy 4 года назад
If it were possible, I would love to go back to live it once more. ነብዩ ብርሌ የበረሀ ስሜ ነበር።
@tekafogi5813 2 года назад
Some even ask whether there was oppression based on race. People foreign to our area came and became lords. The locals were enslaved. If you are honest journalist you should cover that too.
@AlulaZagway 10 месяцев назад
who are these people you bring on your show.....out of this world at least out of Ethiopia
@issacmedin78 4 года назад
I am very happy to see you here. God make us to see each other, a wonderful act, let's make it as God wants it. Issac T. Medin
@ቅ.ሚካኤልጠብቀን 5 лет назад
ይህን ፕሮግራምህ በሬዲዮ አያመልጠኝም ነበር ደስ ይላል... የሀይሌ ፊዳ ታሪክ በጣም ያሳዝናል...
@RadioAbrar 5 лет назад
The most extraordinary and relented journalists in todays amheric speaking,very respectful to his guests. Great respect FOR YOU DEREJE.salut!
@zelalemabebe3375 4 года назад
Very interested History..💚💛❤
@dagimyared6994 3 года назад
I saw this when it is released , but I see again and again when dereje reads the point , Gera joins ቀኀስ ,wow Dereje
@milireda2877 3 года назад
እንኳን በ 1960ዎቹ እስከ 1970ዎቹ መጨረሻ የ 12ኛ ክፍል መልቀቂያ ፈተና ወስዶ ከፍተኛ ነጥብ(ለ ድግሪ እና ለዲፕሎማ ፕሮግራም የሚያስገባ ነጥብ ) አግኝቶ ወደ አ አ ዩኒቨርሲቲ እና በስሩ በነበሩት ኮለጆች መግባት "ገነት" እንደ መግባት ነበር የሚቆጠር!!! ያኔ እኮ አንድ ተማሪ "ድግሪ" መጣለት ከተባለ ህዝቡ(በተለይ ለ እንደኔ አይነቱ ከ አርሶ አደሩ ህ/ሰብ ለወጣ ተማሪ "ድግሪውን በምን ጭነኅው ልትሄድ ነው" ልጄ!? ተብሎ ይጠየቅበት የነበረ ጊዜ ነው!አጃይብ ነው::
@truthsetsyoufree1809 4 года назад
What an amazing man,a true genuine honest and courageous person. I salute you.
@ZafetaAli-tm9vp Год назад
+1000 Aura For This Save! 🥵
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