
‘Stand by’ for China to ‘blame Scott Morrison’ after glass bridge breaks 

Sky News Australia
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24 окт 2024




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@amjd2569 3 года назад
It's not the glass floor or the height that would make me nervous... It's the Chinese engineering that would terrify me..
@karabx8784 3 года назад
So true. A country that can't manage a dangerous virus leaking from it's labs can't be trusted!
@Bk6346 3 года назад
Opal Towers in Sydney
@Old-biker 3 года назад
@@karabx8784 They didn't leak it let that go.. That how much I trust them
@gregculverwell 3 года назад
@@amjd2569 and radioactive.
@BoleDaPole 3 года назад
Dirty Sinophobic ass
@Lofi.z34 3 года назад
Reasons why not to trust this glass bridge: - It's high up - It's made of glass - It's made in China
@cdxst3968 3 года назад
@kevinkahrlpipino4553 3 года назад
Add -It was made by chinese engineers
@Mod0308 3 года назад
It’s made of glass made in China.
@Lofi.z34 3 года назад
@@kevinkahrlpipino4553 hence "made in China" lol
@quickzero804 Год назад
I trust Chinese workers over American workers anytime
@myfoodishere 3 года назад
imagine the terror. his friends probably egged him in to walking it to get over his fear of heights. bridge starts falling apart, they run off, but he was too scared to even move. he's wondering why he even bothered leaving the house.
@JeffBourke 3 года назад
Yes they ran off but not before taking a photo.
@joforrest1 3 года назад
@johankriel8883 3 года назад
Free dopamine.
@nathanc6516 3 года назад
Ran off straight down most likely.
@HAI.1 3 года назад
@ahmadrahimisudin8364 3 года назад
"Ohh there's a bloke there! Stuck like Indiana Jones." 😂
@juliaweber212 3 года назад
Lol so funny
@ancheta90 3 года назад
Chinese Bloke 😂
@jasa9707 3 года назад
We all know that Indie wouldn't get stuck in that situation.
@andymanaus1077 3 года назад
There's always talk about the glass ceiling but what we really need to worry about is the glass floor.
@666velka 3 года назад
@@sgtsaltstick2729 relax bro its not that deep
@verdantgrottobarbell5279 3 года назад
Yes it is actually. If you didn’t follow what he was stating then you are part of the problem
@Callsign-Blade_RunnerSG Год назад
@tomdelica1960 3 года назад
The height is no problem, it’s the sudden stop at the bottom I’m not thrilled about.
@vangcruz4442 3 года назад
Like China suddenly walk away from Australia?
@raefrommn4914 3 года назад
Sounds like something Clarkson said.
@michaelandrews583 3 года назад
100%. It's that sudden stop that's the worry. Game over.
@egSmith-sp9gl 3 года назад
Mass X acceleration is my biggest concern !
@jeushaneradoc4616 3 года назад
THE GOSPEL! BELIEVE and RECEIVE Jesus' free gift of salvation: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover brethren, I declare unto you THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which ye have also received, and wherein ye continue, 2 And whereby ye ARE saved, IF ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain. 3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how^ that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, 4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures ^through the shed BLOOD of JESUS! Romans 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. The only hope we have is Jesus. Jesus is the answer. He’s the only answer, and He’s the only hope. And His return for us as His church is our only hope. That’s what the good news is. Ephesians 1:13-14 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. 2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BORN AGAIN?... The phrase “born again” applies to people who have accepted Jesus as their Savior or Redeemer. The born again soul realizes that they are a sinner (Romans 3:23) and that the penalty for that sin is death (Romans 6:23). To rectify the circumstances, God sent His only Son to die in their place, to take the punishment for sin (Romans 5:8). After Jesus’ death, He arose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-6). Jesus is the only way to God (John 14:6) and He provides the blessing of salvation. Each person has the choice to receive or reject God’s gift through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and experience new birth (John 3:1-8). WHAT IS BIBLICAL REPENTANCE? Biblical repentance is God centered repentance comes from the greek word 'METANOIA' which means change of one's mind and heart which imparts a new direction to the whole life. Repent (To repent, in relation to salvation, is to change your mind from unbelief to belief in Jesus Christ. To being dead in your sins to a new creature in Christ) and believe in the Gospel. The ABCs of Salvation: The A is for: Admit or acknowledge that you’ve sinned, that you need the Savior. Romans 3:10 says, “There is no one righteous, not even one.” Romans 3:23 tells us why. It’s because “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The B very simply is for: Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord. Romans 10:9-10 says, “If you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved.” The C stands for: Call upon the name of the Lord. Or as Romans 10:9-10 also says, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Here’s why, “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Romans 10:13 tells us how. It says, “All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”.... So there you have it! The BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST is found all throughout the Gospel. You can't preach the blood, without preaching the Gospel, and you can't preach the Gospel without preaching the Blood. For the Bible clearly teaches salvation is by FAITH, without WORKS (Eph. 2:8,). Faith in what? FAITH IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! Romans 3:25-28 make this clear: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. To be justified, or saved, a person's faith must be wholly in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This declares God the Just one. When a sinner is saved, he cannot boast about himself or his works. He'll only brag upon Jesus who saved him from his sins! Sadly, in our modern age of apostasy, very few who claim to be Christians ever preach the blood of Jesus for salvation. But the simple Bible truth is, YOU CANNOT EVEN BE A CHRISTIAN UNLESS YOU ARE TRUSTING ONLY IN THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! Skekskqlwl
@BA-gn3qb 3 года назад
In other news: Chinese father arrested for giving young son a slingshot for his birthday.
@stoner4life765 3 года назад
My dad gave me a black powder cannon on my sixth birthday a ak47 on my 11 on my 18th was 3 hookers some weed and Harley Davidson and a block of land to grow my weed I love you dad
@necrom4454 3 года назад
@@stoner4life765 Bruh, I got Legos when I was 12
@stoner4life765 3 года назад
@@necrom4454 lego hahahahaah did he love you
@necrom4454 3 года назад
@@stoner4life765 He did, he bought me what I asked for ^^
@stoner4life765 3 года назад
@@necrom4454 currently undervalued customer left chat
@patersul 3 года назад
Honestly when i first saw that bridge some years ago i knew this was going to happen sooner or later.Its a bridge made from GLASS and MADE IN CHINA.
@melshaw9653 3 года назад
Handle with care lol
@turkeysandwich1998 3 года назад
I had the saaame thought in my initial reaction
@wendellnovais 3 года назад
Same,I always thought that too,it was just a matter of time.
@amanibob1416 3 года назад
Step 1: Building bridges Step : ??? Step 3: Profit
@amanibob1416 3 года назад
Terrifying but true: Thousands upon thousands of these "smart and reasonable" folks walked into this situation for *years* and all of em' went: " *Naaah... It'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.* "
@mangeshgokhale4952 3 года назад
Number of people who died in the incident will never be disclosed. May their souls rest in peace. 😭😭
@strongback6550 3 года назад
They should have used the same nets they use to keep their laborers from committing suicide.
@hunterericson6782 3 года назад
Nobody died sheesh lighten up
@eat_ze_bugs 3 года назад
Nobody died because not many people are stupid enough to stand on a glass bridge under 150kmh winds.
@strikerbowls791 3 года назад
Nobody died clownhat
@mangeshgokhale4952 3 года назад
CCP bots claim that nobody died. CCP bots also claim Chinese are immune to virus. The entire Chinese population is vaccinated. Fortunately Rest of the world doesn't believe it. Truth prevails.
@arcadiagreen150 3 года назад
I see made in Japan: ah yes, I'm a man of culture. I see made in China: oh God has the pandemic financially ruined me to this point.
@juliusraben3526 3 года назад
Plot twist: you never saw a label made in japan
@alexjv1370 3 года назад
@@juliusraben3526 you’d be more likely to see made in Korea or made in Italy haha
@ricks6617 3 года назад
@@juliusraben3526 When I was a kid SONY AIWA ETC ETC 100% made in JAPAN even some albums better sound then the USA albums Japan only used new vinyl not recycled like in the USA .
@exocet8834 3 года назад
@@juliusraben3526 Just looked at my Fujitsu Laptop. Says: "Made in Japan"..
@susiex6669 3 года назад
Arcadia, did you type your screed on an Iphone made in China? 😂
@Mercmad 3 года назад
it was made in China, was any one thinking it would actually last?
@citizenx7585 3 года назад
@Pemula Chanel f**k ,,i,, you troll.
@moptopbaku6022 3 года назад
@Pemula Chanel Another CCP stooge
@1mattadams 3 года назад
No Way.
@fubarlife7776 3 года назад
China doesn't even honor 30-day warranties on items they sell in the USA!
@fubarlife7776 3 года назад
@@citizenx7585 I reported as spam commercial content it's actually a scam!
@shipmcgree6367 3 года назад
"Made In China Glass Bridge" sounds like a horror movie.
@findingsolutions198 3 года назад
@suryah999 3 года назад
Iphone also made in china, scary device.
@findingsolutions198 3 года назад
@@suryah999 ops
@claydud271 3 года назад
For that guy on the bridge it was
@l.lokman3137 3 года назад
The Australian movie on how Australian soldiers massacre Afghanistan children is more horror.
@nathj4818 3 года назад
That poor bloke was living one of my worst fears,poor bugger.
@paigewatsonx1512 3 года назад
Same here, I'm terrified of heights
@darmew3070 3 года назад
@Two Brick Tommy 🤣
@MrCrumb34 3 года назад
I like to imagine he went out there to conur his fear of heights.
@johnc2438 3 года назад
One question: Did he pack a change of underwear?
@whojanson6751 3 года назад
@@MrCrumb34 Are we absolutely convinced that he went out there all by himself? He didn't belong to a group of tourists, or perhaps together with his wife? Now, late wife?
@acatisfinetoo3018 3 года назад
I remember when they had fake screens of the glass breaking on a bridge like this one...its almost if those behind this project couldn't wait for it to break for real.
@whyamihere6288 3 года назад
Glass breaks Someguy: Its fake i saw on yt
@jeffclark5024 3 года назад
The guy that took the picture of the man clinging to the railing for his life: Hold on Man! I’ll get you some help, I just gotta get a quick picture first!
@xeranuphia 3 года назад
What was he supposed to do? Just levitate over there lmao?
@jeffclark5024 3 года назад
@@xeranuphia it’s not that he was clinging to the hand rail you twat. It was the fact some one took the time to take a picture of him
@Simon_PieMan 3 года назад
@@jeffclark5024 Help may already have been called first, then he took the photo - you assume the photo came first.
@greenmustard493 3 года назад
@@jeffclark5024 he probably called the emergency number before he took a photo lol I mean who got the balls to help him
@sramnasciane1854 3 года назад
well, its good to gather evidence that A GIANT FUCKING GLASS BRIDGE COLLAPSED??? what was he supposed to do?
@rave400v6 3 года назад
The infamous Made in China quality still holds strong.
@AnonymousReader-er4eg 3 года назад
Without cheap labour in China, the West would sure look a lot different, particularly the corporate environment, but I'm not assuming that corporations have benefited the working class in that case.
@rickycochran7896 3 года назад
@AnonymousReader-er4eg 3 года назад
@@chrisjager2009 ofc they do. They also lack originality.
@combativeThinker 3 года назад
@@AnonymousReader-er4eg If it wasn’t for the slave labor, corporations would have to actually give a shit about customers and produce quality products.
@natsukimasamune7766 3 года назад
@@combativeThinker with so many people, as there are on this planet, and all of them demanding high quality products, why of course alot of people wont get their desire fullfilled. Especially since the quantity is far more important for most corporations, than is quality. If the quality sucks, just throw some fluff, through marketing around & no need to improve.
@MyName-bi4pt 3 года назад
Made in China. Says it all really!😂
@imabitslowno2444 3 года назад
A few years back they were putting a new roof on WIN STADIUM with steel made in 🇨🇳 and it bent like a coathanger and blew off half way through construction with BHP Port Kembla steelworks about 5 minutes drive away. Got it made locally and it's as strong now as the day it was built. True story. LoL
@isaacmwenda3420 3 года назад
2:28 Win iPhone 12 PRO 🔽 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-49mwt6s95aY.html 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1620658160
@tombo2347 3 года назад
Something never happened. Sky 'News' is reporting that it happened or WILL happen. The lies, hypocrisy and utter stupidity is a revelation for morons to devour.
@patrickganly5206 3 года назад
@Kor Vax That bridge is in Korea not China because it has Korean writing on it but that Sky News fat bogan bastard or you wouldn't understand details like that anyway!
@imabitslowno2444 3 года назад
Well 🇨🇳🇨🇳 can't blame Trump anymore Paul ! So I guess they'll have to blame someone.
@libertylovingbeckles6797 3 года назад
@@heavensgate4925 Oh God don't give Biden ideas please lol I'm already on the verge of a coronary bc of his policies.
@darken3150 3 года назад
Trump supports still going on about him
@Elliepup30 3 года назад
@@heavensgate4925 You mean CCP.
@imabitslowno2444 3 года назад
@@libertylovingbeckles6797 😂😂👍👍
@clivemcevoy8419 3 года назад
@poob_ian4448 3 года назад
Who thought of making a glass bridge and said "Yeah, this is fine"
@glassman8089 3 года назад
I am a glassblower and I would never trust walking on glass panels on the bridge like that
@myentertainment55 3 года назад
I am a grassblower and I would never trust that thing bridge either.
@luknightzegionnumber69rank98 3 года назад
Im not a glassblower but I don't trust things that made in china
@mugwithnocoffee2572 3 года назад
I am a glassblower and i wouldn't trust anything that is made out of glass
@Harikrishna-kt6po 3 года назад
@@luknightzegionnumber69rank98 you shit
@JohnBrown-wk4io 3 года назад
I used to work at a facility that tempered glass & every time that I watched something like this bridge I would cringe. No chance in hell would I willingly walk on something like this bridge.
@MrParallaxFx 3 года назад
"There's a bloke there, stuck like Indiana Jones" is my favorite News quote from now on
@vinaigrettewigglesworth5910 3 года назад
Tune in tomorrow to find out if he drops the crystal skull...or not.
@gillymac9363 3 года назад
Yeah the enthusiastic delivery made me laugh at a man in peril 🙈
@danbirmingham1168 3 года назад
@@vinaigrettewigglesworth5910sorry for nit picking ,but they were sankara stones
@JackJack-zy3wi 3 года назад
@david-dj8or 3 года назад
You don't need the floor. You could walk along the side easy.
@hrod4897 3 года назад
Just in, Chinese news statement " There was never any hazard to people, this was part of a more convincing way to give everyone a more realistic fear experience, we are in full control and the bridge is fully operational as we speak."
@tombo2347 3 года назад
Something never happened. Sky 'News' is reporting that it happened or WILL happen. The lies, hypocrisy and utter stupidity is a relevation for morons to devour.
@sweetweebygoodness8693 3 года назад
@@tombo2347 did you even check for yourself if it happened or not? Cause I did. . . www.9news.com.au/world/glass-bridge-breaks-leaves-walker-stranded-in-china/24b1e2cb-a837-48ab-8d70-2dce599cd229
@Pincott1534 3 года назад
That’s so funny
@zap2960 3 года назад
@@tombo2347 Out of respect, I am guessing your trolling. There is no way on gods green earth your this stupid.
@wantedparts8256 3 года назад
@@sweetweebygoodness8693 fake news
@Asethet 3 года назад
Weather forecast: 150kmph winds Random Chinese guy: I know where I'm going today.
@liamsanchez629 3 года назад
LMFAO!!!!! Good one
@slimtim1782 3 года назад
@mithilagrawal6444 3 года назад
U dude 😂
@mithilagrawal6444 3 года назад
@@reds1122 edited
@timothyk7910 3 года назад
@@reds1122 Jesus, how many times are you going to make bat jokes? Its like 9/11 jokes all over again 🤣
@Mario_1611 3 года назад
People marvel at how quick the Chinese build things and they cheer about efficiency. They need to watch all the videos with roofs caving in spontaneously.
@52flyingbicycles 3 года назад
And then the people who mock Chinese engineering scoff at how slow, expensive, and hampered by regulations American/Western European engineering is. Seems like every style has its trade offs.
@WestCoastAce27 3 года назад
@11 11 that was the all time classic.
@vrclckd-zz3pv 3 года назад
@11 11 hate to break it to ya mate but all rockets fall out of the sky... Apart from SpaceX I guess.
@vrclckd-zz3pv 3 года назад
@11 11 what about when Skylab debris crashed in Australia?
@vrclckd-zz3pv 3 года назад
@11 11 it was six years old when it crashed
@fugginrambo 3 года назад
That's some really clear glass
@shaunprawn88 3 года назад
@Ashkihyena 3 года назад
You couldn’t pay me enough to stand on a bridge like this for that very reason.
@TCM215 3 года назад
A basically said the same thing as you in my comment but I would have done it for a million
@gkbxx9924 3 года назад
Scientists and engineers never make mistakes though...
@Elliepup30 3 года назад
@Truck-kun_01 3 года назад
@@gkbxx9924 what about Chinese engineers....
@gkbxx9924 3 года назад
@@Truck-kun_01 I don't think race comes into it. My comment was meant with sarcasm. People throw all their belief and faith into another humans skills, usually without a second thought.
@TCM215 3 года назад
I’ve known about this bridge for ages. Always thought if I were ever in China no way would I walk that bridge for this very reason
@shepdgc.og.soldier7732 3 года назад
If they would have only spoken to you first. I thought the bridges have only been around for a couple years but apparently they have been there for ages. I learned something today future man. Ty.
@cityplanner3063 3 года назад
I’ve actually been to that bridge. Lucky me 😂😂😂
@Tinny609 3 года назад
for ages? too long for made in China stuff
@russellparratt9859 3 года назад
I always thought that I would NEVER go to China. They are the bogans of Asia.
@jeushaneradoc4616 3 года назад
THE GOSPEL! BELIEVE and RECEIVE Jesus' free gift of salvation: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover brethren, I declare unto you THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which ye have also received, and wherein ye continue, 2 And whereby ye ARE saved, IF ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain. 3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how^ that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, 4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures ^through the shed BLOOD of JESUS! Romans 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. The only hope we have is Jesus. Jesus is the answer. He’s the only answer, and He’s the only hope. And His return for us as His church is our only hope. That’s what the good news is. Ephesians 1:13-14 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. 2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BORN AGAIN?... The phrase “born again” applies to people who have accepted Jesus as their Savior or Redeemer. The born again soul realizes that they are a sinner (Romans 3:23) and that the penalty for that sin is death (Romans 6:23). To rectify the circumstances, God sent His only Son to die in their place, to take the punishment for sin (Romans 5:8). After Jesus’ death, He arose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-6). Jesus is the only way to God (John 14:6) and He provides the blessing of salvation. Each person has the choice to receive or reject God’s gift through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and experience new birth (John 3:1-8). WHAT IS BIBLICAL REPENTANCE? Biblical repentance is God centered repentance comes from the greek word 'METANOIA' which means change of one's mind and heart which imparts a new direction to the whole life. Repent (To repent, in relation to salvation, is to change your mind from unbelief to belief in Jesus Christ. To being dead in your sins to a new creature in Christ) and believe in the Gospel. The ABCs of Salvation: The A is for: Admit or acknowledge that you’ve sinned, that you need the Savior. Romans 3:10 says, “There is no one righteous, not even one.” Romans 3:23 tells us why. It’s because “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The B very simply is for: Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord. Romans 10:9-10 says, “If you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved.” The C stands for: Call upon the name of the Lord. Or as Romans 10:9-10 also says, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Here’s why, “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Romans 10:13 tells us how. It says, “All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”.... So there you have it! The BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST is found all throughout the Gospel. You can't preach the blood, without preaching the Gospel, and you can't preach the Gospel without preaching the Blood. For the Bible clearly teaches salvation is by FAITH, without WORKS (Eph. 2:8,). Faith in what? FAITH IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! Romans 3:25-28 make this clear: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. To be justified, or saved, a person's faith must be wholly in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This declares God the Just one. When a sinner is saved, he cannot boast about himself or his works. He'll only brag upon Jesus who saved him from his sins! Sadly, in our modern age of apostasy, very few who claim to be Christians ever preach the blood of Jesus for salvation. But the simple Bible truth is, YOU CANNOT EVEN BE A CHRISTIAN UNLESS YOU ARE TRUSTING ONLY IN THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! Wowowowowoq11
@lukeouthwaite9999 3 года назад
Don't worry, the bridge will disintegrate before it reaches the ground. 😂
@mosart7025 3 года назад
I see what you did there 🤣😁😆
@Deftonic101 3 года назад
@dtadeo2006 3 года назад
Ah, yes of course. THAT thing.
@XD-ny9zz 3 года назад
Ofc it'll burn to ashes, negligible damage
@axle.australian.patriot 3 года назад
2 thumbs up for that one 🤣🤣👍👍
@Sea-Bass 3 года назад
It’s like the old saying goes, “people with glass bridges sink ships”🤣
@don4476 3 года назад
Indeed. Well said.
@danielocean2665 3 года назад
Thought it was "those who live on glass bridges shouldn't collect rocks," But that may have been a bad mistranslation. 🤣
@UrbanFury12 3 года назад
When they showed this bridge several years ago I said, "I would not trust a bridge that was made in China." People said I was stupid. I called this.
@brownehawk7744 3 года назад
Figured all us normal people knew that glass bridge thing was only a matter of time.
@royrogers3624 3 года назад
Well no shit its like that with everything nothing is impervious to failure and the "glass" isnt the glass you use for windows or windshields
@royrogers3624 3 года назад
@Jack Django honestly the made in China joke has gotten extremely old at its over use yes alot of rip offs are made there and yes alot of products made there are shit we get it let it die ive been hearing that same joke for a good 20 ish years
@Mike1Lawless 3 года назад
@@royrogers3624 Facts make it timeless!
@AttacMage 3 года назад
@@royrogers3624 not really old. pretty dang good still since it's quite accurate.
@tangmengtit888 3 года назад
Not all of it is bad But most of stuff made in China crap
@whatwouldpicarddomakeitso9607 3 года назад
How terrifying for that person .hope they are ok..I expect they will have some bad flash backs.
@seabournewolf2298 3 года назад
Don’t worry there’s a billion more where that one came from
@MrRockmuso 3 года назад
Bet he had a flash back through his trousers!!
@rogerrodgersen7702 3 года назад
Don’t worry, China media reported he had on an extra pair of jocks in case of emergency. 🤗🤗🤗
@قحطان-و9س 3 года назад
Yemen 💋
@paulclothier2583 3 года назад
Don't worry; the Chinese Communist Party will re- educate him.
@GearHeadBoris 3 года назад
Say what you want about Chinese products but you can't deny the quality is always consistent.
@lisamichelle8413 3 года назад
I disagree .. it is consistent - consistently bad lol
@Blue_Collar_Hunter 3 года назад
Yes your right consistently garbage.
@buddyhirshfield5970 3 года назад
That’s what he saying it’s constantly bad
@ScaryBaldMan 3 года назад
Low quality is still quality, right?
@binjongun9447 3 года назад
Quality :- feeling bad
@erdemodemirelo9227 3 года назад
Love how all the people criticising "Made in China" in the comments, dont realising 60% of their daily used products are made in china.
@erdemodemirelo9227 3 года назад
@@firstbloood1 like all products regardless of origin
@FOF275 3 года назад
I'll never understand why Chinese like skimping when they build things. They have the money and resources, but they just rush things and it falls apart predictably
@songxia735 3 года назад
In China they like to cut a lot of corners to save money. It's not like they're incapable of building high quality things, it's just greed.
@franz289 3 года назад
Well the good news is the bridge did not kill him, the bad news is the Sinnobac vaccine that he took will.
@haweavivian48 3 года назад
Hahaha! That's exactly what I was thinking too. The clowns clumsily leak the virus from their lab... and then offer the world a shitty quality vaccine. Talking about adding insult to injury.
@cocodojo 3 года назад
And if he died from the bridge, they'll still label it as COVID related if its anywhere else in the world!
@JackJack-zy3wi 3 года назад
So true 😂😂😂👏
@JackJack-zy3wi 3 года назад
@@cocodojo exactly, Greetings from Serbia 👏😎👌
@nosferatu5 3 года назад
Why would a vaccine kill him, that’s some backwater hick science
@Grifondorzo 3 года назад
Actually, the only Made in China product with a long life span is their Covid-19. But the changing nature of the virus helped a lot.
@joforrest1 3 года назад
Covid funded by the NiH in America no less
@0130wallace 3 года назад
I'm sure China will give us the full story about what happened just as soon as they scratch "Mad in Amerika" on the bottom of the bridge somewhere.
@SMDTURBO 3 года назад
@@Joel-kc5jk How cute, you can hind behind your keyboard and talk shit on people. You're pathetic.
@GreenLeafUponTheSky 3 года назад
@@SMDTURBO I can too. Buddy needs to lose weight
@danielsoto8934 3 года назад
@@GreenLeafUponTheSky obviously the bridge needs to be engineered better. A well built bridge shouldn't crack under the weight of a man
@patrickganly5206 3 года назад
@@SMDTURBO He's talking shit on a fat bastard who's making a living talking shit about a nation of people who are infinitely superior to him in every way!! So thats ok!👌
@SilvaDreams 3 года назад
@@danielsoto8934 It likely failed due to wind or other conditions. Something the engineers didn't consider because they were a shit engineer.... Or just standard chinese quality building with sub-standard materials.
@BasketballStud99 3 года назад
Funny how this new footage is nowhere to be found on Chinese news outlets
@jm1835 3 года назад
The footage is literally taken from Chinese news media. The guy even says in the video lmao
@LordZelda 3 года назад
Even the glass is sick of being stepped all over.
@Englishsea24 3 года назад
Read somewhere that the stickers that say MADE IN CHINA are printed in Korea, that's why the sticker lasts longer than the product 😂
@sanjaymaran5345 3 года назад
@syedsofiyan1432 3 года назад
I had heard that already🤣
@qee540 3 года назад
you know. Made in S.Korea is just a tiny bit better than Made in Chyna. Both of them are the same thing. they both play copy. and reduce quality. S.korea will mostly be better is due to most people locally practice real democracy with great right ethics.
@qee540 3 года назад
@Kazuki Kamito do you have a brain? is obvious you're stupid.
@qee540 3 года назад
​@Kazuki Kamito ah Nope. what are you? 10 yr old child? look deeper kid. The gov of south korea is useless. Is the people themself that pick it up and do it. S.korea is just communist nation in disguise. Use yr stupid brain cells. side note: Swamp 1st major operation is on S.korea as well.
@Michael-Ray 3 года назад
Sky News Australia has become Sky News China. It's where I go to get the latest news about China.
@springbloom5940 3 года назад
You mean counterpropaganda.
@fwuuton 3 года назад
Go to South China Morning Post for regular daily news (its Hong Kong based so its safe). Wion is amazing. China Uncensored is kindaa biased in some parts but it always helps to have more than one or two resources
@fwuuton 3 года назад
@Black Opal Farm its mostly news from within china that are short and concise. They're not as opinionated as the latter two but its just a view into china that isn't full of ccp propaganda. The comment section tho...its a battleground
@Dorkyorcy 3 года назад
The YT channel China Uncensored is also a great news source
@HelloWorld-ns7gt 3 года назад
Hey man this glass is so clear you would swear there was no glass at all.
@qee540 3 года назад
@toxichammertoe8696 3 года назад
I'm adding bridges to my list of what to avoid in China... included is amusement rides, high speed rail trains, escalators, elevators and now bridges
3 года назад
0H! PLEASE , N0 BIGGIE ! *Au Aussie's CRIMINALS' ConV'ct's DIED from ALL THESE accidents ALL de time during WW ll :D* !!!!
@allenthien3103 3 года назад
As a Chinese- CHINA, I ,myself JUST *COULDN'T AGREED M0R3* - Can i give you a Billions, Millions *THUMBS UP* :D
@bertsrig6153 3 года назад
They obviously didn’t put as much engineering into it as they did for the wuflu or it would still be going strong.
@deanne1671 3 года назад
@seabournewolf2298 3 года назад
Wuflu failed too. Less people died than they did from the actual flu
@tombo2347 3 года назад
Something never happened. Sky 'News' is reporting that it happened or WILL happen. The lies, hypocrisy and utter stupidity are a revelation for morons to devour.
@UTube4075 3 года назад
Brave Australia, We admire you people Love n respect from India 🙏🙏🙏
@WorldBelongsToUs 3 года назад
The aussies and india are the brave few against china
@ccp_fact_checker 3 года назад
It was the Iron and steel that Australia send to China, you watch they will be blaming Australia for the military ships sinking next - too flexible :) I do wish that Australia will stop sending stuff to the CCP to create weapons of war - We all need to buy Australian goods to offset this, I certainly look for Australian stuff to buy as you are a beacon for democracy and Sky news Australia is a beacon for common sense.
@terrythekittieful 3 года назад
Heard of 'Pig Iron' Bob Menzies? He was a Liberal Prime Minister by the way.
@xbrandi12345x 3 года назад
Holy crap I would die from a heart attack if I didn't fall having a panic attack and getting sweaty palms. How long was that man stranded on the bridge for?
@mr333333333 3 года назад
Japan 🇯🇵 stand with Australia 🇦🇺!!!
@normansykes7471 3 года назад
And this is the country that’s building warships like they know what they are doing!
@veramae4098 3 года назад
Those artificial islands they built are breaking up. Contractor used substandard concrete.
@combativeThinker 3 года назад
It’s the Russian fleet all over again.
@theidiotictroublemaker2281 3 года назад
Didn't they're media said something about their 5th gen fighter j-20 being not enough or something and is hazardous to pilots or something?
@combativeThinker 3 года назад
@@theidiotictroublemaker2281 It has huge engines. That means a huge IR signature. That means a dead pilot.
@theidiotictroublemaker2281 3 года назад
@@combativeThinker and they want to dominate the world with that?
@harbansguleria5090 3 года назад
I have a friend, we studied together in school. For higher studies he went to China. After completing his medical study he return back to India. One day he asked me why people not visit to his clinic for checkup, after getting A+ marks in medical studies. Who told this poor guy A+ grade doesn't matter, from where you get this degree matters.
@qshao5879 3 года назад
this only shows how those people are so ignorant and how the pandemic went so bad in india (politics first!!!!), nothing more. BTW, don't call yourself a friend of him, actually, you don't deserve it.
@MK_ULTRA420 3 года назад
@Cernunnos 2024 He's Chinese that's how they think.
@christopherkeroro723 3 года назад
Huh.. I've seen documentary about how Chinese exams are so hard that the students there have higher suicide rate and study 18hours a day.. kinda ironic that this story comes from India tho
@gweher43 3 года назад
@@christopherkeroro723 Indian exams are just as hard. One of the reasons I hated that education system. took 2 years of my life. It is all theory though with zero practical
@paulipuhakka8788 3 года назад
Should have studied on Canada, recognized every where!
@christopherabbott5556 3 года назад
Made in China.
@nicolebacon3230 3 года назад
Crosses "visit glass bridges in china" off my bucket list, might as well cross "visit rope bridge along cliffs in china" off as well.
@matthewmichaels5522 3 года назад
I'd be more surprised if the bridge wasn't falling apart
@atmosphericpressure3560 3 года назад
Back in the day if you saw Made In Japan, you had something good my friend.
@kod9400 3 года назад
China sure ain’t no Japan
@Englishsea24 3 года назад
Their electronics last a lifetime. I still have some audio equipment from Japan which was made in the 80s and still works
@axle.australian.patriot 3 года назад
@@Englishsea24 Tru dat 👍
@XanVicious 3 года назад
@@Englishsea24 Japanese people don't build things with planned obsolescence in mind. They just build it to the best of their ability and quality, and if it lasts a lifetime then that's what it does. If not, just improve it until it does.
@mwbgaming28 3 года назад
Japanese engineering is almost as good as German engineering
@jonson856 3 года назад
I hope nobody fell down! And I hope that man was safed.
@41mortiz 3 года назад
Finally a comment that concern about that man
@jonson856 3 года назад
@@deanmartin6052 I am not English. Sorry.
@jonson856 3 года назад
@@deanmartin6052 Nah its ok. Save and safe are 2 words I mix up all the time. Maybe one day I will remember which means what haha
@karismar962 3 года назад
Yes, wonder whay happened to him
@velkanzi 3 года назад
@@jonson856 If you are interested ... Save is a verb and safe is an adjective. Look at the "v" in save to remind yourself that it is a verb. Search "save vs safe" for more detail and examples.
@OblivionGate 3 года назад
It's not just their glass bottomed bridge that's collapsed but most of their buildings and dams do too. Worst engineers in history... Bar none!
@OblivionGate 3 года назад
@@ChrisB-ki9ch Yeah! It's like a wasteland in China. Firstly, I was being sarcastic. Secondly, alot of their buildings and dams ARE crumbling away through bad materials and bad workmanship. Thirdly, every other comment is stating the same point. So, take my comment anyway you like... There's a certain amount of truth in what I said, but no I don't think the whole country's buildings are mass piles of rubble. The fact I actually had to explain this just proves what a naive person you are.
@OblivionGate 3 года назад
@@ChrisB-ki9ch so you're forgetful and simple minded... Right
@OblivionGate 3 года назад
@@ChrisB-ki9ch Insincere*
@OblivionGate 3 года назад
@@ChrisB-ki9ch If you're going to use sarcasm make it more sarcastic so people can understand. Your first comment could of been taken either way and there's alot of weird people on here who would of actually have taken my comment literally.
@scottdoubleyou563 3 года назад
I've had a terrible fear of heights since 2010. You would never see me on something like that. Ever.
@yardy88 3 года назад
"China is going to take over the world" Meanwhile in China:
@nightxblaze8384 3 года назад
all my life growing up (35 now) i learned that "made in china" is basically a cheap knock off of something already created lol
@susiex6669 3 года назад
I hate to ruin your little arrogance trip but when you buy things, like lets say high end articles of clothing that say "Made in Italy" they may as well say "Made in China" because Chinese workers were brought to the north of Italy to work in those factories and then slowly started to take over. Just so you know. 😁
@fishthatdrounds 3 года назад
@@susiex6669 ratio
@UncleTwoTimez 3 года назад
@@susiex6669 your reply makes little sense contextually.
@DonACtS 3 года назад
and u dont know the, God created heaven & earth, and everything else are made in China?
@susiex6669 3 года назад
​@@fishthatdrounds Ratio? Through corporate greed, these companies wanted the advantages of Chinese slave labor while still being able to charge you a high end premium for being "Made in Italy". The Chinese workers happily went over, worked the long hours for little pay, a few put money aside, started their own small operations in garages or where ever they could, grew, and are now rivaling the Italians who brought them there. Much of what we buy, regardless of quality, is made by their hands. They get tagged with the cheap trope, much like Japan used to, because thats what our corporations who outsourced wanted from them. I dont see many gripping about their Chinese made Iphones or other Apple products. As for new bridges falling, this happens everywhere. In case you need your memory refreshed, the Florida International University pedestrian bridge collapse which killed 6 and injured 10.
@joshblick 3 года назад
I'm going outside to lay on the ground and hug some grass now.....
@47Grits 3 года назад
@t0nymack100 3 года назад
A disaster just waiting to happen, especially if you have lived in China and have seen how fast construction projects are completed. No-one could convince me of living in a high rise apartment block there, or investing in property, so this bridge is definitely one too far.
@ElementofKindness 3 года назад
Next week: Come experience the highest bridge in China made of paper mache. Only a 40% chance of rain showers forecasted.
@intuitiveobserver 3 года назад
@LOOSECANNONN 3 года назад
man its almost as if they were advised against this bridge’s existence by literally everyone when it was built, for this exact reason
@brendang8401 3 года назад
Any fading faith I had in these things has just *evaporated*
@tombo2347 3 года назад
Those that can do, are Chinese engineers. Those that can't, teach.
@0neangrypanda 3 года назад
Has anyone seen the liveleak from years ago from a chinese mall? A women with her child on a escaltor, they reached the top, the Plattform broke and the women got sucked into the escaltaor and got crushd by it. Luckily she pushed her child to safty while getting eaten Alive by the escalator
@glennbeadshaw727 3 года назад
I've seen that one it was horrifying
@0neangrypanda 3 года назад
@@glennbeadshaw727 oh yeah.. it fucking was... i still get the shakes when o think about it
@glennbeadshaw727 3 года назад
@@0neangrypanda yep she had absolutely no way out and I'm sure her body was slowly ground into pieces while she was alive
@waynetessier3058 3 года назад
We do better "next" time.....
@GASA1997 3 года назад
I’m American and recently I’ve caught me watching more and more British news.
@nsa4805 3 года назад
This isn't British
@aricgoetz910 3 года назад
Well who would have thought that Chinese built stuff is garbage. It is just such a shock, said nobody ever.
@richardraymond878 3 года назад
Five gorges damn ! Any day now
@shaunfelton2046 3 года назад
The warning label on the bridge says “made up the street”
@chadimirputin2282 3 года назад
I suspect that poor guy now has brown lumpy trousers.
@alexspareone3872 3 года назад
My father used to have a relevant slang name for plus-four golfing trousers.
@TheChillinCloud 3 года назад
Why don’t they have nets under the glass? For if something like this ever happened
@damian597 3 года назад
The mad thing is the poor bloke who reported this will go to jail for propoganda against the state and never be seen again.
@brando4422 3 года назад
I'd be screaming through my clamped teeth without any movement making deals with god.
@matty101yttam 3 года назад
Pretty sure in moments like this you'd gain an extra second to grab something by the jet stream of your own shit holding you up.
@combativeThinker 3 года назад
Why should he save you now if you’ve ignored him your whole life? Sure, you hear the odd story of divine intervention every now and again, but it’s not that common. Your best bet would be confessing with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead.
@matty101yttam 3 года назад
@@combativeThinker sound like a bit of a hypocrite, how do you know where he stands with god...your making judgements on someone you've never met.
@bozbozman1575 3 года назад
Suddenly steel grates seem like a much better idea. Like the ones we use in Canada
@captainboggles 3 года назад
like the viewing platform on the CN tower ?
@paulipuhakka8788 3 года назад
Like the one at the Capilano Suspension Bridge, North Vancouver?
@paulipuhakka8788 3 года назад
@@captainboggles that is so cool looking 1250ft straight down to the rail yard! Awesome view from their, even to see the lights at night of Buffalo NY! I live in the mountains of British Columbia, trust me, I know freakish heights. CN Tower is cool!
@thedailygrind6580 3 года назад
Jasper National Park has a glass "skywalk" arched platform.
@MrWayneJohn1 3 года назад
Quasimodo always warned the Chinese about that bridge. When asked why, he just answered, "I have a hunch..."
@bw4t 3 года назад
This article neglects to point out that there were winds in excess of 90mph at the time, which is why the bridge fell apart.
@thelastnoise9210 3 года назад
I’m not scared of the height or the glass. I’m naturally scared of the impact after the fall.
@ObfcrewOz 3 года назад
I wonder how many people just dropped straight through👀
@ElementofKindness 3 года назад
China state media will tell you none, regardless of the actual numbers. Feel better?
@ovechkin100 3 года назад
the older i get, the less risks i feel like taking in life. Sitting back behind my computer screen is quite safe. I see a lot of stories where people take silly risks, even when its rare something can go wrong, like in this case. But i still see absolutely no reason in doing it.
@f.lloydwrong7127 3 года назад
And satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and said if thou be the son of god cast yourself down. And Jesus replied, thou shalt not tempt the lord thy God.
@xanderguldie 3 года назад
I actually have the opposite, what's the f*cking meaning of life if you're scared to go out there?
@cheezchris 3 года назад
@@xanderguldie I did go out until I finished college, meh not worth it.
@TheAbsol7448 3 года назад
@@f.lloydwrong7127 What does that have to do with anything?
@wideawake914 3 года назад
@@xanderguldie maybe the meaning of life is to live as long and enjoyable as you can and not do stupid things. I remember the story of the woman who climbed to the top of mountains to take a selfie in her bikini and fell to her death. Would she not have been better being less stupid and alive.
@TheTigersbay 3 года назад
It’s not the fall that kills , it’s the sudden stop at the end . 🤪
@Dylan-hc2lu 3 года назад
The only thing that kills nowadays is covid
@Steve-oj2lx 3 года назад
Did you forget to say the bridge was damaged from 90mph winds?
@bobdobalina8910 3 года назад
Not only is it Chinese, but it went to the CHEAPEST Bidder.
@AutisticAl 3 года назад
You know It's about China when the rest of the world are surprised a news story criticising the Chinese was released naturally, instead of it just being leaked on the dark web 😅
@VegetoStevieD 3 года назад
Glass bridge huh? We're not far from watering crops with Brawndo now.
@tombo2347 3 года назад
Those that can do, are Chinese engineers. Those that can't, teach.
@tigerlilly3727 3 года назад
its got electro-lights!
@kyrxon277 3 года назад
They'll never admit to their own mistakes because they think they're so smart 🙄🙄
@joeruhe8030 3 года назад
Admitting failure shows weakness, communism/dictators don't do that. Watch Chernobyl.
@David-tz1oi 3 года назад
@@joeruhe8030 and what not admitting mistakes is what often leads to a rather tragic downfall
@c.j.6455 3 года назад
“They” it was the bridge’s construction workers. Your sinophobia is really showing y’a piece of shit. You westerners are dumb as fuck you really don’t even know who “they” and “China” are
@ryanhuang8498 3 года назад
CCP 50 cent shill. Why are you typing on this page? RU-vid banned in Mainland China. So much for diplomacies. Mask diplomacy Vaccine diplomacy Now it's bridge diplomacy... Even that falling apart. Besides CCP can't survive without western technology.
@kyrxon277 3 года назад
@@c.j.6455 Did china really think this glass bridge was a good idea, or even think to reevaluate this project? Its not about who constructed the bridge. This bridge hardly lasted 5 years....... I bet i know more about the chinese than you. I know them
@SeaDemon25 3 года назад
i dont understand why so many americans calling this "made in china " jokes, when there is a tornado in the usa their houses desapear from the ground lol, they make wood houses...bro
@tedbonedog 3 года назад
Big tough guy making fun of poor people. Wood houses are much cheaper than brick. If only all houses were made from the same material as your head, that would make for extremely thick walls.
@SeaDemon25 3 года назад
@@tedbonedog hahahaha hit a nerve lol
@tedbonedog 3 года назад
@@SeaDemon25 Lmao you are good at misunderstanding things aren’t you boy.
@SeaDemon25 3 года назад
@@tedbonedog lol boy i prob have double u age
@tedbonedog 3 года назад
@@SeaDemon25 You mean double the ignorance, congratulations.
@gmarshall1026 3 года назад
Made in China
@bardman3819 3 года назад
I feel like that poor guy stuck out there any time I use a product "Engineered" in China!
@johnc2438 3 года назад
You're creating a meme! 🤣
@ZergRadio 3 года назад
I know I was right all along! I know it would happen! ;)
@SunFlowervlogs-9 3 года назад
No it nothing happened. Is bias report
@ZergRadio 3 года назад
@@SunFlowervlogs-9 "No it nothing happened. Is bias report" All the folks that gave a thumbs up to my comment, DO understand what HUMOUR is :)
@tikkabrno 3 года назад
Finally, a bridge that's actually for sale 🤪
@janellephillips9477 3 года назад
I love you so much and so does Jesus its not to late to turn to God and be forgiven please repent and seek God he's coming soon may GodBless you and your loved ones be safe🙏🏽💙✝️
@MazdaRX7007 3 года назад
There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity, turns out walking on a chinese made glass bridge is stupidity.
@Sir_Newkirk 3 года назад
I always had a hunch that someday this might happen. Never trusted those things.
@tmwarthunder1016 3 года назад
@NiDasia2984 3 года назад
I take back wanting to go on one of those. I'm good. Thanks, nevermind. I won't test the angel wings to save me.
@Spiderpunkrocks 3 года назад
Right I admit I'm one of those idiots who is actually interested in those glass things, I thought it's more chill than doing a bungee jump. I thought nothing could go wrong but jeez, my reasons to go outside just kept being narrowed down
@simonci5177 3 года назад
Affected by Virus XD bridge sneezed and fall apart...
@tombo2347 3 года назад
Those that can do, are Chinese engineers. Those that can't, teach.
@Slomice 3 года назад
Few days ago ...glass bridge was in my travel list.. Nevermind
@rustler08 3 года назад
It's fine. As long as certain countries didn't make it.
@Slomice 3 года назад
@@rustler08 yeah certain countries
@TheTubejunky 3 года назад
Was anyone hurt/killed? Report on this also.
How China Turned the Desert into Green Forests
Chinese rocket headed straight toward earth
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