
‘The guy with nuclear codes’: Joe Biden questioned over ‘clinging’ to power 

Sky News Australia
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Journalist and Commentator Brad Polumbo says there is nothing shameful about old age regarding US President Joe Biden’s debate debacle but the problem comes from “clinging on to power”.
“Joe Biden’s brain is officially cooked, we just saw his last few functioning brain cells melt into pudding in real time,” he said.
“It is sad stuff and honestly it happens to all of us eventually, there is nothing at all inherently shameful about ageing but the problem is clinging on to power.”



29 июн 2024




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@edithturner5402 5 дней назад
Shame,shame on Jill Biden.
@scottinnh88 5 дней назад
Jill will never give up power!
@mangochutnee 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647If she was that amazing she wouldn’t of let her elderly husband be humiliated like that …. She also spoke to him in front of the world’s eyes like he was a five year old 😢
@edithturner5402 5 дней назад
@roslyn9647 How can she watch, much less enable his painful behavior. He's obviously unwell and she treats him like an invalid.
@goldbud2287 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 Hunter even hates her
@kookytoots6755 5 дней назад
Evil woman. What kind of a woman or mother allows her husband to shower with her daughter?
@fullspeedaheadbarcelona6502 5 дней назад
His wife is vile!
@edithturner5402 5 дней назад
@fullspeedaheadbarcelona6502 I don't know how she can parade his illness on the global stage.
@davidyare8465 5 дней назад
Vile, your being kind to her as she is worse than vile.
@davidwelsh8026 5 дней назад
That is correct.
@rettenthetetlen8759 5 дней назад
Shes not a felon 😅
@crazy10bears 5 дней назад
@@rettenthetetlen8759 You really don't get that people see right through the whole "felon" debacle, do you? Similar to how old Joe's dementia has been obvious for the last four years except to you and your ilk. What is actually wrong with you people?
@barbararussell9757 5 дней назад
Jill won't convince him to step down because she is the one who is more committed to this power trip than he is. She is frightening in her lust for power.
@mteffeau 5 дней назад
Gotta protect Hunter....great mom
@RonGinnings-gi6je 4 дня назад
@RickMcGuire-bl2vs 4 дня назад
@@RonGinnings-gi6je She was acting as "lookout"..
@RonGinnings-gi6je 4 дня назад
@@RickMcGuire-bl2vs SHE WAS PROBABLY DOING hunter
@RickMcGuire-bl2vs 4 дня назад
@@RonGinnings-gi6je Or mouth kissing Mr. Kamala.
@craigmignone2863 5 дней назад
What makes you think his party isn't planning to cheat like they've done before....
@SYW49 5 дней назад
They'll do that too - no matter who they come up with to take Biden's place. That's in the democrat blood - lie, cheat & steal.
@davoguiney9902 5 дней назад
Need to shut the gates at the local cemetery’s on polling day so they can’t vote for him lol
@jedi_drifter2988 5 дней назад
The people have already Voted for Biden as their choice for President. If the Dem party change him out ... How is that Democracy ? Whoever they put in his place besides Kamala, will Not be fairly represented by the citizens.
@Diponty 5 дней назад
So just say Biden was reelected with 500 million votes. Would that make people scratch their heads? Say even better 1 billion votes. My point is they can't this time. IT WILL LOOK TOO SUSS. IF THE CORPSE IN CHIEF WINS THE WORLD WILL LOSE FAITH IN THE USA. It could even trigger a world of selling of US treasuries.
@StariDido 5 дней назад
@KeithRowley418 5 дней назад
For God’s sake get Biden out of the Whitehouse before he destroys our planet!
@juliekeys1880 5 дней назад
Biden is to old and has Dementia.
@stephenhaywood5672 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647if that’s the case we are well and truly fxxked
@richardsveum8452 5 дней назад
He’s already done a bang up job here in the US
@peaceonearth351 5 дней назад
@@richardsveum8452 That IS a LIE. Worst President ever in history.
@edithturner5402 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 That does not change his deteriorating health
@ftroop52 5 дней назад
Clinging to power?, the guy is barely clinging to life, are Americans blind?, sigh
@neilreynolds3858 5 дней назад
We're not blind; we're crazy.
@lealamb9713 5 дней назад
Lmao!!! Brilliant!
@peaceonearth351 5 дней назад
No, everybody saw his decline. The Dems and media suppressed it all. One big lie.
@jrdsm 5 дней назад
As Winston Churchill said, they will do the right thing after they tried everything else
@matthewhowe3727 5 дней назад
75 million of us voted for Trump.
@robinclark9805 5 дней назад
This man needs and should be removed from our white house as soon as possible!! , jill you can't stay in power,and you should be charged with elderly Abuse!!😮😮😮😮
@davidwelsh8026 5 дней назад
That is correct.
@steveh7108 4 дня назад
The problem is that next in line is Kamala Harris. And she is even worse. Biden's diminished mental capacity makes it easy for him to be controlled like a puppet buy a puppeteer. The current vice president is Justice incompetent but she is not brain-dead enough to be controlled.
@MichaelSheffield-ox8yd 4 дня назад
The Cackling Dingus is better? Sheesh.
@Sandburn58 4 дня назад
Don't rush, The replacement is even worse. I don't want a hyena for a president. We need to wait until the election, so we can vote him out instead of impeaching, removing, or confine him into a hospice care.
@chooselove2553 4 дня назад
Think of the replacement. 🤯
@thomaszanzal7846 5 дней назад
If Trump is so immoral look at his children. If Biden is so moral , look at his children. Now what is your conclusion.
@mplaw77 4 дня назад
Kamala's yellow electric school buses. Biden or not, policies matter It is the suicidal obsession with the weather (climate) and the positively moronic insistance on wind and solar. Only Europe, Canada, and Australia and with Democrats in the USA, obsession with the idea we can power the world with dirty green toys. Simple maths inform one this won't work, but the madness of crowds, as in Salem in 1692 does not think, certainly is not doing the economics and physics of the matter but bending to the craven activism as if the Club of Rome was more than talk. Only a few Western countries go on with the idiotic idea that wind and solar have a prominent place anywhere China burns coal, making green toys for the Western world and field testing a few for show. But ONLY in the Western World, like Thelma and Louise, the Democrats will take us holding hands with Europe over a cliff into the Grand Canyon of economic suicide by slow impoverishment for those not in the one-tenth of one percent. Biden and the Democrats are no longer liberals; they are radical Jacobin leftists gone down the rabbit hole of identity politics! Suppose we do not remove as many democrats as possible in 2024 and send them home to study civics. In that case, they will continue to operate (with an agenda of phony crisis, e.g., climate doomsday lunacy (stop oil). Everything is made from or by oil; natural gas made into anhydrous ammonia feeds 5 billion people and triples c3 and c4 crops. The "green new steal" will loot taxpayers to benefit democrat donors and China, costing us taxpayers trillions to destroy our power grid that is affordable and that works! "A rather well-known quote by Richard Lindzen, a climate change skeptic, and probably the world’s greatest authority on geophysical fluid motions: “What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world- that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.” Unfortunately, mass delusions are a part of life, in the United States and in the rest of the world, today and throughout history. Once they have ended, it is not easy to understand why they ever occurred, but when the masses are in their grip, they can hardly be challenged. This author has written about three such mass delusions in American history, the Salem witchcraft trials in 1692." (Mass Delusions by Wallace Manheimer) Most of the country's "fly over America" is not in the service of bi-coastal media and tech elite kids with a chip on their shoulders and unearned moral authority behaving as if they march with the saints. Democrats are tribalizing people, grouping people like colored jellybeans, and Balkanizing the country. Leftism, no matter the mask, does not work; how many failed trials are enough? It is the most murderous ideology ever devised, driven by resentment, envy, and unearned moral authority that makes religious zealotry it's poisonous equal because leftism, like green activism, is a cult religion and anything but humanitarian. Natural gas alone feeds 4 to 5 billion people on the planet made into anhydrous ammonia ferilizer, it increase yields per acre by tripling the yield of food crops. So-called sustainable methods will kill billions of people. Billions! Three orders of magnitude more deaths the radical left would be responsible for if this nonsense succeeds. In my opinion, the "new progressive" neo-Marxists cancel culture democrats that weaponize the DOJ against political opposition banana republic style. Jacobin democrats engaged in election interference are applying the Cloward-Piven strategy to hold uni-party power to continue with unpopular and destructive new green steal policies that will make us dependent, poor, tribal, and Balkanized. Re: "The Cloward-Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. It is the strategy of forcing political change, leading to societal collapse through orchestrated crises. The "Cloward-Piven strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods such as unfettered immigration, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the united states." wiki Lawfare - a scam, twisting the law to target political opponents NY Democrats "thugs in suits and robes" know no limits to their political charade, except it is no longer funny. These are the clowns who are without limits and are a threat to a good country. The people decide who governs by fair and honest elections; it does not matter what Wall Street wants or Mark Zuckerberg and those like him supporting the Democratic Party with every tool, fair, unfair, undemocratic, CCP-like, etc. "Bastiat asserted that whereas justice has precise limits, philanthropy is limitless, and thus, the government can grow endlessly when that becomes its function. The resulting statism, he argued, is "based on this triple hypothesis: the total inertness of mankind, the omnipotence of the law, and the infallibility of the legislator." democrats are radicalized, flirting with socialism that never works! "(bastiat) "socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. as a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by the government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then, the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then, the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain." Levin: Joe Biden is a 'diabolical' politician. The rogue, a thug in a black robe, a democrat judge (while his daughter makes and contributes money to the coffers of Adam "the liar" Schiff, and Chuck "threatened the supreme court Schumer" now the corrupt media sings along with the un-democratic resident nursed along Biden white house guiding this "banana republic" bogus prosecution(s) (persecutions) why? Election interference, radical neo-Marxists (progressives) do not care about our republic. They care only for the power to impose their lunatic fetish agenda, act with our money to control the weather, no, grand delusions, the climate. Trace gases of carbon dioxide that plants require and we exhale do not control the climate. The sun does! What democrats want is to go on with their boondoggle spending programs to enrich donors in cahoots with coal-burning China and American workers be dam### we are the deplorable, irredeemable, hard-working citizens looted by taxation to redistribute to the top, and hundreds of billion to support illegal aliens crashing our border, to be fashioned into dependents on Democratic machine politicians running their big city plantations instead of liberating people with jobs and encourage hope, radical leftists message the soul robbing narratives of oppression. The only oppression in America is democrat politicians fostering dependency instead of independence and free agency!
@EnriqueAThieleSolivan 4 дня назад
There are no children at all. They are middle age adults. They life as they freely choose to do.
@steveh7108 4 дня назад
​@@EnriqueAThieleSolivanthat is not true at all. For one thing Byron is still a young child and just graduated high school. Second your children are a reflection of how they were raised in the morals in the family. Regardless of the age. Yes there can always be a black sheep but when the whole family is a disaster it says a lot about the parents.
@lesleybecker415 4 дня назад
No comparison. The Trumps are outstanding. Look at Bidens failures as a father. Disaster
@jamesaustralian9829 4 дня назад
​@@steveh7108what a load of crap. You can be good parent and have arsehole kids. You can be deadbeat parents and have really great kids. Everyone is different
@angieb9676 5 дней назад
As an American we are not ok. This is insanity. Don't we have a constitutional right to be able to take him out of office when he is that in capable of functioning not only as our president, but as an elderly person who needs assistance throughout the day.
@richardlahan7068 5 дней назад
There's not a constitutional "right" to remove a president, but there are constitutional processes (impeachment & 25th Amendment), but as long as Dems control the White House and Senate, that will never happen.
@iggles73 5 дней назад
This is what kills me. 99.8% of Americans have no idea that each one of us is more powerful than EVERY politician including the POTUS. We've just been brainwashed to think we're a democracy, not a republic. Brainwashed to think the ppl we vote in to be b extensions of us are our bosses when it's the other way around.
@kyfho09 5 дней назад
We lost all rights and sanity the moment we allowed a rapist, twice impeached and 34 times convicted felon, to run for president. Even in a half educated banana republic, that would be an issue!
@user-ls5uw1bz1c 5 дней назад
The 25th Amendment. But Republicans are too weak to invoke it.
@matthewhowe3727 5 дней назад
It's called the 25th Amendment. However our politicians don't care about people, only their donors.
@nostalgiajim 5 дней назад
Leave him in! It will 100% guarantee a Trump victory.
@kevinwilt3918 5 дней назад
Why not leave him in. He looks like he's got a few months left in him. I don't think he'll make it to November.
@Eventheodd1 4 дня назад
I'm in between agreeing with you and worrying that we may not make it to November with this dementia patient as president.
@user-wm3bf7pi3u 4 дня назад
Only one way of stopping him from running now, tell him he won't get anymore ice cream.
@MichaelSheffield-ox8yd 4 дня назад
Polls show Trump leading in Oregon (!) and New Jersey now. Dims are sunk already.
@Ricky-mo6mv 4 дня назад
@@MichaelSheffield-ox8yd That just tips off the dems on where they have to strategically conjure up some extra ballots.
@CornpopAKAJoeyB 5 дней назад
Jill got her baby sitting job back!
@erojohn2 4 дня назад
@jeffwebb-eb5hg 4 дня назад
Dr Jill should be charged with ELDER ABUSE
@Frank-pe9pk 5 дней назад
Jill is the one we have to throw out! Her dream was to be First Lady and she ain’t leaving quietly!
@mives02 5 дней назад
Joe barely understands where he is, he's not clinging to power, Jill is.
@cindyluzinski3539 4 дня назад
Only one person to cling to that is the Lord Jesus!
@steveh7108 4 дня назад
It is much deeper then Joe Biden or Jill Biden. It is the world economic forum and whoever is pulling the strings of all these corrupt politicians around the world including Canada and Germany and many others
@mattconklin7575 4 дня назад
Jill is the one who won't give it up. Remember: "He answered every question. Yay".
@deborahhancox9925 5 дней назад
It is sad and cruel how they’ve been trying to cover for him to keep him in office. They clearly don’t have our countries best interest at heart or his either. Voting Trump 2024! From Georgia USA ❤️🙏🏻🇺🇸
@matthewdoyle3628 5 дней назад
If they stick with Biden, then I suggest you have some very eagle eyed poll watchers at every station.
@richardmorris7063 4 дня назад
Yea from 60' away.
@MeowingKittyCat 3 дня назад
I would suggest having those eagle-eyed poll watchers regardless of who the Dem candidate is. And they should refuse to leave if ordered out for the 3 AM massive "vote" deliveries.
@annemarshall1793 4 дня назад
She doesn't love him, don't fool yourself! She loves the power and the money only.
@Stev235chan 5 дней назад
Yes, Joe Biden and we finally beat Medicare
@steveadkins394 5 дней назад
Impeach the big guy
@deadreckoning6288 5 дней назад
​@@roslyn9647 What democracy?
@myrahouse2368 5 дней назад
He’s to frail apparently
@StariDido 5 дней назад
​@@roslyn9647we have a constitutional republic
@susannaguillory6590 5 дней назад
That would be a solution, at least for the corruption. Supposedly, the oversight committees have the evidence. He is a national security threat due to his open border policies. They can use Chris Wrey concern about domestic terror attacks due to open borders. The increased deaths committed by illegal immigrants. If Democrats really want to get rid of him they could. I think the 25th would be easier. Especially if he refuses to take a cognitive test. Sure we will be stuck with Kamala for a few months,what more harm can she do. Come to think about it I really don't know.
@ladikmk 4 дня назад
Yes, but Hur did pretty much confirm that our Left-biased justice system would never convict Biden in a court of law. Joe Biden is an un-convicted felon.
@RobertLabonte-cw1bc 5 дней назад
Just imagine how bad the 5 hour audio tape of SENILE Joey being interviewed by Robert Hur is. Odds are that audio tape of SENILE Joey is worse than his debate performance
@SYW49 5 дней назад
Maybe now, that tape will be released. They have been shielding Biden's mental incompetence by refusing to release the Hur tape. After this awful Biden performance, maybe, just maybe, the left media will be curious and help Americans hear what on that tape.
@davidyare8465 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 It is currently being led by such a man.
@deadreckoning6288 5 дней назад
@Diponty 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 Let's be clear, He said if the US constitution is disregarded in respect to election fraud, then it needs restructuring to make sure election fraud is virtually IMPOSSIBLE!
@Diponty 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 Joe said he would shove an F15 up ya butt if ya try to overthrow him.
@raylamp4505 5 дней назад
His dem replacements are worse.
@peaceonearth351 5 дней назад
They literally have no one.
@Ricky-mo6mv 4 дня назад
That is true. And the same Globalists would be calling all the shots regardless. If Trump doesn’t win, it would at least be somewhat good to have someone that resembles a leader from the democrat socialist party. Even though everything would continue to get infinitely worse. It’s truly scary how close we are to the complete decimation of our country.
@johnteets2921 2 дня назад
Draft Dylan Mulvaney 🤠
@adeptusmagi 5 дней назад
He should have to resign his position or be impeached for not being fit for the job
@debrafrakes6479 5 дней назад
NOW! Not tomorrow…
@Ricky-mo6mv 4 дня назад
My brain is incapable of understanding how one of the above wasn’t done long ago. This is REALLY f*kked up!
@aaronbaron3155 5 дней назад
He can't be clinging to power if hes not the one calling the shots...
@fredbloggs777 5 дней назад
How do you know? Do you have special inside DETAILED proof to back up your usual silly Trumpist statement?
@timpetta2974 4 дня назад
Need to rid ourselves of obama.
@renegade8558 4 дня назад
"Dr" Jill is the one clinging to power ,,, She loves the step and fetch people at her whim
@aaronbaron3155 4 дня назад
@@renegade8558 makes sense I'm sure there are others
@lightoftheworld7493 5 дней назад
De Niro: "Trump will never leave". Democrats on Jill and Joe: crickets...
@khenderson5877 5 дней назад
@johnteets2921 2 дня назад
If Biden loses De Niro, the bottom has fallen out.
@josh8491 4 дня назад
He's not clinging to power, he's clinging to life
@Stev235chan 5 дней назад
Joe Biden had the glassy eyed death stare of confusion during the debate
@deadreckoning6288 5 дней назад
​@roslyn9647 His policies suck. Look at the state of the US. And he has us on the verge of ww3. Your a loonie or a paid disinformation agent.
@davidwelsh8026 5 дней назад
Biden a walking corpse. America deserves better. Vote Trump America first 🇺🇸
@tabithaainsley7965 5 дней назад
That combined with his gaping mouth. What a look.
@289cobra9 5 дней назад
​@@roslyn9647 What about them?
@kevinwilt3918 5 дней назад
​@@roslyn9647what policies? He already had 4 years of complete failure
@juliettejamour5484 5 дней назад
I too think he'll REFUSE to step down/aside, his power mad, ego driven wife spurring him on!
@natehydrv1661 5 дней назад
He traded the codes for an ice cream
@Berserker978 5 дней назад
​@@roslyn9647 Backing Biden up just makes you look like a Moron.
@17th_Street_Preacher 5 дней назад
Joe is permanently..
@lopesracing 5 дней назад
@goldbud2287 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 Joe isn’t running anything
@ighfee 4 дня назад
yeah. rocky road.
@sci-fi.tsunami 5 дней назад
This is exactly why we need *FORCED/MANDATORY RETIREMENT, AGE LIMITS and TERM LIMITS.* Too many power-hungry workaholics don't know when to quit.
@Maria-ue2qd 5 дней назад
@oztrich24 5 дней назад
​Politicians vote for policies.
@justinstearn7140 4 дня назад
The presidents have regular medicals to see if they are fit metal and physicaly. So the FBI and Biden admission have been hiding something
@Nolaman70 4 дня назад
It's not his age, but his mental state. Term limits are needed for sure, congnative test in this case.
@rah2209 5 дней назад
Cling to power? The only thing he’s got power over is his bladder and that could be up for debate too.
@elliotcrane 5 дней назад
Oh, that’s highly debatable. Those things tend to go even earlier than mental capacity, i’m afraid that ship has sailed long ago.
@olddog-fv2ox 4 дня назад
The D day moment showed us he has no control over his bowel thats for sure
@elliotcrane 3 дня назад
@@olddog-fv2ox Yeah, that one was brutally true.
@colettespencer3357 5 дней назад
Brad is awesome. Humorous, intelligent, very well spoken. Thank you!
@Thesilentwolf7610 5 дней назад
When biden says " Look " it mean's he doesn't know what the hell is going on.
@Thesilentwolf7610 5 дней назад
@@douglaskriever6904 Exactly haha
@user-vb6ic9qt7t 5 дней назад
No joke, rite before lying FJB
@shuntariclark 5 дней назад
Funniest part was after the debate when Jill was talking to him like a toddler
@matthewhowe3727 5 дней назад
Rumor has it she took him out for ice-cream afterwards.
@rodgerhargoon3402 5 дней назад
Of course lady jill has to treat lord Biden like a baby and bath him as well ...its part of the best democratic democratic society on earth...😂😂😂
@viroshanargiri4641 4 дня назад
​@@matthewhowe3727 she took him to waffle house.
@andrewfranson4756 4 дня назад
Why do I keep hearing this chatter about Michelle O running? She might be popular, but she has absolutely no qualifications for the job, who in their sane mind would vote for her???
@richardmorris7063 4 дня назад
This country is chocked full of idiots who would unfortunately.
@Ricky-mo6mv 4 дня назад
Democrats would absolutely love it!
@HippiePirates 4 дня назад
It is clear he isn’t in power and is just the face for whoever is. They spent a week prepping for the debate trying to teach him what he had been doing in office because he didn’t know.
@johnteets2921 2 дня назад
@Peter-ho1qw 5 дней назад
Talk about abuse of the elderly 🤮
@raylamp4505 5 дней назад
He deserves everything he gets. Phuc Obiden.
@triumphbobberbiker 5 дней назад
The right country for old men
@gatroy13 5 дней назад
@triumphbobberbiker Well, in 2020 the Democrats had a large choice of candidates much younger. In 2024 the DNC refused to let anyone compete with Biden. So it is really the Democrat's fault that Biden is still there. Being old is not the problem. People keep saying it is age but it is not. It is more about mental ability. I know 70-year-olds and above who can run circles around many 20-year-olds in common sense. When you have people saying men can be women and visa versa LOL
@StariDido 5 дней назад
@davido1953 5 дней назад
C'mon man! We beat Medicare! No joke!
@amandacollyer645 4 дня назад
Jill is an unequivocally terrible human being.
@johnteets2921 2 дня назад
Like Mamaw said : It'd be a shame to ruin two houses with both of 'em.
@markb7303 5 дней назад
Time for the 25th Amendment to be invoked
@neilreynolds3858 5 дней назад
And then get Kamala??????? No thanks.
@catbishop206 5 дней назад
So well said.
@jdsguam 5 дней назад
Big Mike would have no chance. Other than being Barry's side kick, Big Mike brings nothing to the table. What world leader would take Big Mike seriously?
@SYW49 5 дней назад
She checks a few boxes, plus being Obama's wife. Boxes are important in today's world. But, I would prefer her to Harris - at least Big Mike doesn't cackle and she seems to have a brain.
@Vera-td6ku 5 дней назад
I'm going to get bashed for my opinion. But as a woman I don't believe and ex President's wives should be allowed to run for president. Your just giving her husband a 3rd turn as president. He is the one who will be calling the shots again. Being the wife of a president doesn't give you the experience nor qualifies you to be president. Voting for a wife of a president is just creating a country of rich families living off our tax dollars with lifetime pension, medical. And secret services protection. For life. While we get ripped off on our SS pay. They want even give us a 100% of till we turn 67. Meanwhile they collect millions lobbying and insider trading to get rich and collect off us the rest of their lives. The presidential office has become nothing more than a pampered job to get rich for life job ! Total BS. Just as most Congress members have jumped on the gravey train with insider trading and lobbying. Time to make changes and pay changes for big government. We the people are sick of them always making rules for tax hikes interest payments medical insurance cost ECT . But no cuts for them ! They just keep sucking us dry as they get richer and set up for life and leave us with nothing to live on much less to retire with !
@oztrich24 4 дня назад
Supposedly, Big Mike is the most popular "woman of color" right now. I can't imagine this to be true but you never know, especially when MSM gets in on the spin. I think they HAVE to use another black woman in order to justify kicking "Momala" to the curb.
@viroshanargiri4641 4 дня назад
​@@SYW49 yeah if kamala become president you can kiss away any respect the world still has for us.
@judyduguay7670 4 дня назад
I can't see them bringing a homifidite in but who knows look at the goons they allowed in government now! What's one more circus freak!
@davoguiney9902 5 дней назад
The look on the face of trump while Biden is mumbling is priceless
@JohnDRambo 5 дней назад
" we finally beat Medicare"😂
@Ka18a 5 дней назад
"Yeah you beat Medicare, you beat Medicare to death"
@johnteets2921 2 дня назад
Hey, minor flub. He meant to say "we finally beat off Medicare". No big.
@watcher6555 5 дней назад
Jill is the power hungry harridan
@PATRICIAANNPAULK1945 4 дня назад
He is totally out of It‼️
@grama9094 5 дней назад
This is like not taking the car keys away from old dementia Grandpa, and risking the lives of everyone on the road. Yet they continue to vote for him.
@chirstopheranlcock4616 5 дней назад
Bad enough with vets on the street and illegal immigrants in hotels now he's attacking homeless cats
@gregoryzoebisch7792 4 дня назад
Anyone who "loves" their spouse would not have put them through this. Period.
@cornellgeyer576 4 дня назад
He will get worse, using the 25th Amendment, and remove his as rapidly as possible.
@johninflorida8634 4 дня назад
The UK, AUS, the US and Canada need to come together if our people is to survive. Seriously.
@pl8154 5 дней назад
Fortunately, Biden can't remember his own birthday, let alone 'nuclear codes'.
@peaceonearth351 5 дней назад
And I guess he has 7 minutes to decide what to do in case of emergency.
@tylersimplot13 5 дней назад
Luckily you dont need to remember them. Just confirm them
@pl8154 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 🤣
@deadreckoning6288 5 дней назад
​@roslyn9647 Oh my. Your so precious...😂
@gregorygermann5975 5 дней назад
The us prez hasn't been in charge since the 1950s.
@winterdesert1 4 дня назад
BTW...Joe did not tweet that out. We all know by now he isn't making any decisions.
@wakeup6910 5 дней назад
When are you people gonna learn, Joe has NO say in ANYTHING!
@user-rs4rw6oo3v 5 дней назад
Get rid!
@vince1229 5 дней назад
If only someone recorded Joe's Camp David debate practice.
@johnteets2921 2 дня назад
Mr. President, you must look Presidential - tongue back in mouth...............
@Blondie472 5 дней назад
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
@Blondie472 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 what policies? I think you mean fallacies..
@dennismoyer8463 5 дней назад
Obama behind the curtain.
@Brenda-lg4dl 5 дней назад
Yes we are living in the wizard of oz😂😂
@Brenda-lg4dl 5 дней назад
Yes we are living in the wizard of oz so don't look behind the curtain 😂😂😂😂
@dennismoyer8463 5 дней назад
@@Brenda-lg4dl And Jill Biden is the Evil witch .
@dannyh773 5 дней назад
Anytime he says “look”. His brain has given up on his train of thought. 😂
@charatnewton6138 5 дней назад
How the F he got 81 million votes 2020
@wkinne1 5 дней назад
Let Joe run!!! TRUMP 2024!
@jerrygallud8358 5 дней назад
Jill LOVES being president of the United States....no way she's gonna give that up.
@sherryintheozarks 5 дней назад
@SYW49 5 дней назад
They prop Biden up at a desk, in front of the camera and he signs everything they put in front of him. He hasn't a clue what he's signing, just signs because he'll get an ice cream cone if he 'does a good job'!!!
@lmadventure5023 4 дня назад
@Hardcrow777 5 дней назад
The stiff is finished ⚰😂😂😂
@margarita8442 5 дней назад
give it up biden
@deadreckoning6288 5 дней назад
@rodgerhargoon3402 5 дней назад
Millions of people around the world love lord Biden to be in power for the next 8 years ....reason being they would love to see there will be nothing left in the new world including their first cousins in europe .... 😂😂😂😂
@margarita8442 5 дней назад
@@rodgerhargoon3402 only allowed 2 terms in usa,, so can only do 4 years
@paulettemart 4 дня назад
This a national security threat
@SpikeyOfficial 5 дней назад
Surely if he has dementia then he would lack capacity so he wouldn't need to give consent to step down?
@deadreckoning6288 5 дней назад
@SpikeyOfficial 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 I'm sorry, but I work in Healthcare and have treated thousands of patients with dementia. So unless I would be extremely surprised if he didn't have dementia. It just seems cruel to let him carry on in this manner.
@frusilac999 5 дней назад
Don't worry. He wouldn't know where to look for the codes.
@takethat941 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 Attacked? we can't go outside or in water without being eaten.
@fyrfly8768 5 дней назад
It was funny at the time but now its just sad and terrifying all at once.
@ighfee 4 дня назад
terrifying yes when you consider this man potentially has the fate of the world in his hands. putin has already said he will use nuclear weapons on the west.
@stuartmazzeo2516 5 дней назад
There's no greater love than the love of power, influence and corruption. Jills' diary.
@boyasia5874 4 дня назад
The world should be alarmed...my thoughts
@thierrylopez5648 5 дней назад
The question is: Does Biden remember the nuclear codes???😂😂😂😂
@ighfee 4 дня назад
i know you're joking but this really is not a joke anymore. this man is in charge of all of our lives. he would have just 7 minutes to make a decision that could end civilisation.
@nickatanassov104 5 дней назад
Elderly abuse….
@andrebritz6912 5 дней назад
Change the nuclear codes and don't tell Oldie Joey
@user-ns8dq6ui5s 4 дня назад
The embarrassment of the world
@woodhead8 5 дней назад
All good he won't remember code's. Lol
@Prognosis__ 5 дней назад
He doesn’t even remember that his is a puppet in chief 😂
@SYW49 5 дней назад
@@Prognosis__ Obama & Clinton know the codes and they are the people pulling Bidens strings.
@FoulPet 5 дней назад
They changed the code to 12. He likes that number for age reasons
@8journey8 5 дней назад
That "morals of an alley cat" is an old saying from the 1950's. Ask anyone over 60 if they've heard it. It was a common derogatory remark about divorcees and other people considered to have low moral standards!
@rah2209 5 дней назад
I’m over 60 and I’ve never heard that. Must be a regional thing.
@8journey8 5 дней назад
@@rah2209 Chicago area. Maybe it was local. Back then I think moral standards were different than they seem to be today. Seriously, divorce in earlier times was a real scandal. Today, half of marriages end up in court. Things have changed. "Sayings" have too.
@barbararussell9757 5 дней назад
This is so typical of Biden to conveniently forget that he and JILL had an affair while SHE was still married and broke up her first marriage. But he and Jill have lied about that for years. I would call that bad morals. Joe has a habit of lying when the truth is inconvenient.
@rah2209 5 дней назад
@@8journey8 I definitely agree moral values are different. Seems like no one has any or cares about them.
@pjreptiles2 4 дня назад
This buffoon needs to be removed immediately to let him continue says a lot about our procrastination and who we trust !
@Positiveenergy68 5 дней назад
Who are you kidding? He can't remember any nuclear codes!
@jgdwick4067 5 дней назад
Sky news please come to the US we need real news !
@user-rs4rw6oo3v 5 дней назад
Get Rid!
@user-uz7ir9sc1t 3 дня назад
@annwaters9484 5 дней назад
Babysitter Jill will Never tell Joey to step down
@crocodilegrundee4514 4 дня назад
Good to hear someone else finally take politics out of it, and talk about the Nuclear aspects of it a little. Glen Beck and Vivek Ramaswamy are the only other ones I’ve heard. If North Korea decides to launch a hypersonic Nuclear missile at us, that fumbling elderly man will have to be woken up out of his slumber, and he will have less than seven minutes to decide the fate of humanity! Let that sink in people!
@waikintang8246 5 дней назад
No worry, Russia and Iran have been informed that the trigger inside the suitacase is mock.
@spotsterjon74cu 4 дня назад
His cognitive state would prohibit him for writing a will, and yet he is the most powerful man in the Western Hemisphere!
@juliemcclain7291 4 дня назад
It's scary. I am an American. Biden has to go!
@robertstanton1668 5 дней назад
I don't think he actually KNOWS the nuclear codes. Pretty sure they're on a note sewn into his underwear.
@tomodonovan5931 5 дней назад
That or he writes it on an ice-cream bar wrapper and forgetfully throws it into a wastepaper basket where a foreign operative is drooling to get his hands on it. Reminds you of the movie Tora, Tora, Tora when they took the president's name off that list of people to be informed about Pearl Harbor when they found that important document wadded up in the trash. That must have been a true story since the movie is accurately portrayed.
@takethat941 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 clearly you havent been in Australia during summer, its very similar to being nuked.
@SYW49 5 дней назад
You mean diaper - right???
@johnteets2921 2 дня назад
I hope he doesn't try to find out if won the lottery.
@gerrylavelle8433 5 дней назад
Joe didn't even write the alley cat text.
@Prognosis__ 5 дней назад
It would be dr taco Jill
@Brenda-lg4dl 5 дней назад
Most people don't understand that reference it's from last century 😅
@dongross6624 5 дней назад
Biden is the one that took showers with his 13 year old daughter. Fondles little children. Alley cats have more dignity than this old pedophile.
@winterdesert1 4 дня назад
I think Michelle would step in if things weren't this bad, but this has literally turned into a "save the world" situation. I don't think Michelle wants or can handle such a pressure-charged role right now.
@glennhopkins2643 4 дня назад
Awful man.
@mikerichmeier6905 5 дней назад
They would have to have the codes in a childs book so joe could read them
@matthewhowe3727 5 дней назад
Instead of numbers the codes are pictures ice-cream flavors.
@johnteets2921 2 дня назад
No Joey....................nuclear bad....................will melt ice cream.................NO !
@ruebencover5795 5 дней назад
There are lots of voters who will vote for joe 💀💀💀💀💀
@IraSiegel 4 дня назад
*FJB and his classless wife/“doctor.”*
@phillipjones6688 4 дня назад
Jill will never give up her power.
@cycleguy1943 5 дней назад
Joe doesn’t even dress himself in the morning without cue cards 😮
@cycleguy1943 5 дней назад
@@roslyn9647 just look at the mess the Country is in…there’s your answer!!!
@SYW49 5 дней назад
@@cycleguy1943 Thank you! This roslyn person is Biden's cheerleader.
@deadreckoning6288 5 дней назад
​@@SYW49 A misinformation troll.
@cycleguy1943 5 дней назад
@@SYW49 You’re welcome…Americans shouldn’t be cheering for the demise of our Country..they’re marching to Satans beat in this band
@jasonstranthon5183 5 дней назад
alley cat. i remember that old cga game on my first ibm pc when i was like 6 years old.
@richardpepe2432 4 дня назад
So who is running the country?
@debbielighthall9671 4 дня назад
He refuses to step down, he is so delusional
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