
“If You’re Pro EU, You’re Anti-British!” 

Liz Webster #SaveBritishFarming
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Ben Habib of Nigel Farage’s Reform Party claims pro EU people are anti British and has a huge bust up with journalist Jonathan Lis



10 окт 2024




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@chriswills9437 2 дня назад
Ah Reform Ltd... 74% funded by people who love the place so much they don´t live in the UK.
@maxharbig1167 2 дня назад
Limited describes it exactly,
@colinstickland3130 2 дня назад
@georgebolam-gb2lg 2 дня назад
what a load of RUBBISH to say that many people that don't live in uk voted to leave the EU.....you realy need to EDUCATE yourself. ....
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
And who encouraged a bunch of fools to vote to crash the economy. Such patriotism!!! Ben Habib is a histrionic Libertarian trying to protect his tax cuts for the rich. A smarmy snake oil salesman just like Farage, Tice and the rest.
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
People who love the place so much they are not prepared to hand it over to Brussels.
@maryotoole7389 2 дня назад
I really think after listening to this piece and listening to Trump I’ve come to the conclusion the lunatics are taking over the world
@damianmarkland8543 2 дня назад
They are but it's because the moderates have failed to provide a compelling vision.
@uweinhamburg 2 дня назад
At least they try..🤣🤣
@cws2355 2 дня назад
I blame poor journalism. We’re dumbing down the nation with such wonderful shows as Big Brother, Love Island, and dreadful newspapers owned by right wing multi millionaires living abroad. And no one cares.😢
@jonathanwetherell3609 2 дня назад
Populism has a lot of appeal. They offer simple solutions to simple problems, washed in patriotism. In the real world very few issues are simple and simple solutions never work.
@JohnnyinMN День назад
Against Trump? You would have voted for Biden instead (before the clueless got a clue)? You’re right. Lunatics are taking over. Look in the mirror. People from a country that voted Brexit cannot even understand their own politics - let alone U.S. politics.
@adblocker276 2 дня назад
Ben Habib, an immigrant from Pakistan, strikes me as one of those converts to a religion who act more religious than the people who were born into that religion. What is he over compensating for?
@marksykes1191 2 дня назад
Brains !
@l000tube 2 дня назад
Very well put. I concur.
@raistlin3462 2 дня назад
"Fuck you, I got mine" is a very common conservative position.
@derekmab7734 2 дня назад
Brexit boostes his business. People never get it.
@tedmaul5842 2 дня назад
@adblocker276- A Zealot as they're called.
@miaemilia6462 2 дня назад
Being anti EU is being anti British as this slogan stands for crippling British economy in fact.
@anthonyquann 2 дня назад
dont think so anti British is making UK citizens poorer
@finlayfraser9952 2 дня назад
Maybe Habib wouldn't be in the country if we had controlled dour borders better!
@pingo9105 2 дня назад
Don't lower yourself to their standards.... It's anti-british
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
Maybe if so many gullible people had not fallen in love with two of Habib's fellow public schoolboys, we wouldn't be in this mess.
@biocapsule7311 2 дня назад
It has less to do with people fallen in love as much as you have so much private platform for these people to constantly spew. These people has nothing better to do, nothing to contribute, other then to spew on ready made platform. The fact that you are using GBNews footage is itself a problem, you will not easily recover from such consequence free nonsense.
@andyparry2749 2 дня назад
Speaking as an enlightened UK citizen I can now safely say that Brexit is an utter disaster and that we were definitely better off in the European Union.!
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
Enlightened, eh? Please tell us what you know about EU fiscal union, EU economic union, EU political union, the unification of member states’ armed forces under command of the European Council, the reckless expansionism of the EU across Eastern Europe, and the unfettered migration into the EU from North Africa and the Middle East, at the EU’s open invitation. It shouldn’t take you long!
@renebosselaar2198 2 дня назад
@@SJG-nr8uj How is the weather today in Leningrad?
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
@@renebosselaar2198 I wouldn't know, but Derbyshire's weather is wet and a bit miserable! The EU, meanwhile, is happy to provide its supporters with the following information: 1. THE EU’s FEDERAL INTENTIONS (ie. to make one big country) Lisbon Treaty Article 3.4: “The Union shall establish an ECONOMIC and monetary UNION whose currency is the euro.” EU Five Presidents’ Report, 2015: “Progress MUST HAPPEN on four fronts: first, towards a genuine ECONOMIC UNION that ensures each economy has the structural features to prosper within the Monetary Union. Second, towards a FINANCIAL UNION that guarantees the integrity of our currency across the Monetary Union and increases risk-sharing with the private sector. This means completing the Banking Union and accelerating the Capital Markets Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union. Third, towards a FISCAL UNION that delivers both fiscal sustainability and fiscal stabilisation. And finally, towards a POLITICAL UNION that provides the foundation for all of the above through genuine democratic accountability, legitimacy and institutional strengthening.” Angela Merkel’s immediate response to the referendum result, 24th June 2016: “Today is a watershed moment for Europe, and it is a watershed moment for the EUROPEAN UNIFICATION PROCESS. There is no doubt that this is a blow to Europe, and to the EUROPEAN UNIFICATION PROCESS.” EU Rome Declaration, 25th March 2017: “Working towards COMPLETING the ECONOMIC and monetary UNION” (with a preferred deadline for completion of 2027). ECB’s ‘Fiscal Implications of the EU Recovery Package’ 2020. “The way that the EU has responded to the crisis also has implications for the future design and implementation of the EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK. First, while expansionary fiscal policy is necessary to sustain the recovery, going forward it will be important for the fiscal rules to effectively support the reduction of high government debt in good economic times. Second, NGEU constitutes a new and innovative element of the EUROPEAN FISCAL FRAMEWORK. It will result in the issuance of sizeable supranational debt over the coming years, and its establishment has signalled a political readiness to design a common fiscal tool when the need arises. This innovation, while a one-off, could also imply lessons for ECONOMIC and Monetary UNION, which still lacks a PERMANENT FISCAL CAPACITY AT SUPRANATIONAL LEVEL for macroeconomic stabilisation in deep crises. The review of the ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK, which was launched by the Commission in February 2020 and postponed because of the pandemic, provides a GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO INCORPORATE THESE IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS.” (NGEU stands for “Next Generation European Union”). From the EU’s own website: “Once the economic and financial crisis (of 2008/9) was overcome, the EU established a process aimed at reinforcing the architecture of EMU (ECONOMIC and monetary UNION). The process is based on the Five Presidents’ Report on Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union of 2015, which focused on four main issues: • A genuine ECONOMIC UNION; • A FINANCIAL UNION; • A FISCAL UNION; • A POLITICAL UNION. These four unions are STRICTLY INTER-RELATED and would develop in parallel. The report was followed by a series of communications, proposals and measures, and the discussion is still ongoing.” In 2022 all member states reaffirmed their commitment to economic union, as part of Lisbon Treaty Article 3. From the EU’s website (dated 29/4/24): “Today the Council adopted three pieces of legislation that will reform the EU’s ECONOMIC AND FISCAL GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK. ‘The main objective of the reform is to ensure sound and sustainable public finances, while promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in all member states through reforms and investment. The new legislation will significantly improve the existing framework and provide effective and applicable rules for all EU countries. They will safeguard balanced and sustainable public finances, increase the focus on structural reforms and investments to spur growth and job creation throughout the EU. The time is now for a swift implementation’: Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Belgium.” 2. THE EU’S MILITARY INTENTIONS Lisbon Treaty Article 42.3: “Member states shall make civilian and MILITARY capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy, to contribute to the objectives DEFINED BY THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL.” The EU’s military headquarters is the Kortenberg Building in Brussels. The EU Global Strategy, 30th June 2016, issued exactly one week after the referendum, contains the right of the EU’s military “to act autonomously (of NATO) if and when necessary”. It will need this, because, as you should know, Lisbon Treaty Article 42 commits member states to the defence of a member under attack. So if Ukraine is still under attack when it joins the EU, it will be the EU which is at war with Russia, not NATO. The defence of Ukraine doesn’t trigger the NATO charter. On 19th February 2019 Federica Mogherini told an audience in Hamburg: “... all the way through the security spectrum, up to the military operations, because not so many know that the European Union has seventeen deployed missions and operations around the world. So, together, we are already a unique global security provider.” I checked this figure recently. It now stands at twenty-one. On 23rd April 2019 the European Council issued its Military Command and Control Structures document, outlining its military command structure over member states’ land, sea and air forces. The diagram contained within reappears on the Wikipedia page for the Kortenberg Building, above. In September 2021 Ursula Von der Leyen said this: “But what we need is the European Defence Union. In the last weeks there have been many discussions on expeditionary forces. On what type and how many we need: battlegroups or EU entry forces. This is no doubt part of the debate - and I believe it will be part of the solution. But the more fundamental issue is why this has not worked in the past. You can have the most advanced forces in the world - but if you are never prepared to use them - of what use are they?” Last year the EU led joint military exercises in Spain. This is taken from the EU’s CSDP website: “The two-part MILEX 23 exercise commenced on 18 September and concluded on 22 October. The first part of this intense period was a 3-week planning phase by the MPCC in Brussels. In part two, this culminated in the EU’s first ever live military exercise from 16 - 22 October in Rota Naval Base, Cadiz, Spain. During Part 2, an EU Battlegroup-sized force carried out the Operational Plan developed by the MPCC in Part 1. Overall, 19 Member States contributed to MILEX 23.” (CSDP = Common Security and Defence Policy. MPCC = Military Planning and Conduct Capability). 3. Reckless EU expansionism across Eastern Europe - widely known and reported on, including Albania (hotbed of gangsterism and corruption), Serbia and Montenegro (both traditional allies of Russia), Moldova (part of it coveted by Russia), Ukraine (currently at war with Russia), Turkey (instantly the largest, most populous and poorest country in the EU upon joining) and several others, all of which will bring nothing but a begging bowl to the EU’s table. Oh, except for Ukraine, because, as above, Lisbon Treaty Article 42 commits member states to the military aid of a member under attack. So if Ukraine is still at war upon its accession the EU will be at war with Russia. 4. Unfettered migration into Europe from North Africa and the Middle East (the free movement of people was a secret part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, in effect since 2010, and signed between the EU and Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, the Palestine Authority, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey). “Eurocrats do not consider (migration) to be a problem, but rather as a project”: Fabrice Leggeri, former Director of the European Border and Coastguard Agency (Frontex). "The European Union and all leaders of all European nations MUST USE IMMIGRATION to undermine the homogeneity and ethnic identity of the native European people no matter how difficult this will be to explain to the citizens of their nations. This must happen, THIS WILL HAPPEN for globalism to take hold of Europe" - Peter Sutherland speaking in the House of Lords in 2014. Do you still seriously think that the EU's own freely available information comes from Russia?
@dustyrhodes4709 2 дня назад
I am more British than Ben Habib could ever hope to be going back generations and I'd like to see the UK back in the EU. I'd call that pro British. Anyone who wants this current mess to continue is definitely anti British.
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
If you haven't realised, eight years after the referendum, that the EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam, that's because you've been well and truly scammed.
@Siegi-w8j 2 дня назад
oh wow, u define yourself as british? i wouldn't call me german, i have nothing in common with those bavarian guys. I don't even know what "a german" would be like.
@nicholaskirk9810 2 дня назад
The way British politics and politicians have been corrupted and compromised by Israel and the Israeli lobby and this government’s support and facilitation of the worst excesses of the Evil, far right, racist, apartheid, ultranationalist, brutal, cruel, occupying, oppressing, criminal, terrorist, rogue, ethno supremacist colony of Israel sickens and disgusts me and makes me feel ashamed to be British!!!! Multiculturalism is enriching for our society and i embrace it!!!! Refugees and migrants welcome!!!! Freedom Solidarity and justice for Palestine!!!!! Everybody matters!!!! The answer to the costly farce and disaster of Brexit is to just rejoin the European Union!!!!! For the many not the few!!!! Never vote Tory and never trust a Tory be they Conservative or masquerading behind a Red Rosette!!!! ✊🏻👍👍👍👊🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧.
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
@@Siegi-w8j I can help you. Helmut Kohl: "The future will belong to the Germans when we build the house of Europe." Roman Herzog: "The day of the nation state is over." Theo Waigel: "Germany, as the largest and most powerful economic member state, will be the leader, whether we like it or not." Hans Eichel: "Why do member states need national armies. One European army is enough." Joschka Fischer: "The top priority is to turn the EU into a single political state." Angela Merkel: "The European unification process." Elmar Brok: "The EU is a state under construction."
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
@@Siegi-w8j ?????? Why wouldn't you call yourself German if that is your nationality? Bavaria is not the only Land in Germany as you well know.
@Eduard.Popa. 2 дня назад
What about the Kingdom of Sweden? Kigdom of Netherlands? Kingdom of Spain ? They lost sovereignty ??? The border of Spain is still guarded by Spanish men ! Yes, they are in Schengen because all countries freely agreed with that. Nobody is forced to do something in EU.
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
The EU is heading for a federal state, signed up and agreed by all member states. It has no democratic mandate whatsoever. The people have not agreed to become one big country. You are being forced into something you have not agreed to.
@johnrussell3961 2 дня назад
Gibraltar was told if they join Schengen to have an open border with Spain, the edge of Schengen becomes the Gibraltar airport and cruise port. And as Gibraltar are not in the EU, EU border force would be in charge. No cherry picking.
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
Yes, absolutely. But our Brit ruling class and their moronic fan club of middle class and working class Britons don't like to think that we're not the best and top of the heap, y'see. Having to "agree" with a bunch of foreigners? I say, steady on, old chap! Three cheers for the British Empire! 🙄
@PeterPete 2 дня назад
Quote - If You’re Pro EU, You’re Anti-British!” That's like saying if you're against the Israeli Govt you're anti-semitic.
@DavidHutchings-e7p 2 дня назад
l agree wholeheartedly
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
Exactly that.
@therealrobertbirchall День назад
Oh Jeremy Corbyn
@larzkruber822 2 дня назад
Something is very wrong with UK media to let this guy talk
@TheChiefEng 2 дня назад
The problem is not Ben Habib but the amount of downright stupid Brits who actually believe him. UK had a major influence on policy when UK was a member of EU. If UK should ever become a member of EU again, there will be no special treatment for The UK. UK enjoyed special treatment in EU when UK was a member of EU. That fact makes Brexit even more idiotic. Brexit was simply stupidity on an American level not normally seen in Europe.
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
"The future will belong to the Germans when we build the house of Europe": Helmut Kohl.
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
Yes - it's owned by a small clutch of Libertarian billionaires.
@Michael_from_EU_Germany День назад
@@SJG-nr8uj This statement does not exist. You are spreading a lie. You always lie. You are a big big lier. You are as dumb as a glass of water.
@SJG-nr8uj 23 часа назад
@@Michael_from_EU_Germany The full quote, which may be found on the "Helmut Kohl A-Z quotes", reads as follows: “The future will belong to the Germans when we build the house of Europe. In the next two years we will make the process of European integration irreversible. This is a really big battle but it is worth the fight”. Here are a few others you may enjoy: Helmut Kohl again: "The European Union treaty.... within a few years will lead to what the founding fathers of modern Europe dreamed of after the war; a United States of Europe”. Roman Herzog: "The day of the nation state is over." Theo Waigel: "Germany, as the largest and most powerful economic member state, will be the leader, whether we like it or not." Hans Eichel: "Why do member states need armies? One European Army is enough." Joschka Fischer: "The top priority is to turn the EU into a single political state." Angela Merkel: "The European unification process." Elmar Brok: "The EU is a state under construction." Do you still want to take me on in debate, Michael?
@marksaunders5325 2 дня назад
Ben Habib is a total disgrace.
@jamesbromfield478 2 дня назад
Reform are the biggest danger to our country , this makes my blood boil , David Cameron needs to be held accountable this all started with him trying to keep the far right of the conservative party happy. What a joke this is the state of politics in this country . HEARTBREAKING
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
If you haven't realised, eight years after the referendum, that the EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam, that's because you've been well and truly scammed.
@DavidHutchings-e7p 2 дня назад
I agree .
@AntiTory День назад
Someone said that we used to laugh at Italian politics and now they're laughing at us.
@SJG-nr8uj День назад
@@AntiTory Well, let's review the last fifteen years, shall we? 1. Gordon Brown signs the Lisbon Treaty, without the required consent of the British people, since it would change the terms of our membership of the EU and set us on our way to becoming a province of their imminent federal state. (They are working on this now, fiscal union, followed by economic union, followed by political unification). Constitutional experts on the Tory back benches cry 'Foul'. 2. Cameron calls the referendum to shut them up. 3. He loses the referendum and resigns. Theresa May becomes PM, and, as a Remainer, tries to deliver a Brexit that the EU and Remainers are prepared to accept, ie. remaining in the Customs Union. She tries, and fails, to get that through Parliament three times, and is booted out before she can present it to Parliament a fourth time. 4. Boris becomes PM, and wins a massive majority to "Get Brexit Done" and "Leave With a Deal". At the end of 2019 the economy is roaring along nicely, but then Covid hits and he is brought down by his own failings. 5. Liz Truss should never have been chosen - the job is way out of her league. 6. Rishi Sunak becomes PM, a mostly harmless, benign wimp, who does nothing to address the migrant crisis (except pay million to the French in a fruitless attempt to get them to stop the boats, and an workable resettlement scheme in Rwanda), but at least doesn't take the Winter Fuel Allowance from pensioners. 7. The Tory vote splits, handing Labour a massive majority. This is the worst case scenario. Starmer cosies up to the Muslim block vote, with the result that he will do nothing to stem the flow of immigration, scrapping the Rwanda scheme upon assuming office. He cosies up to the giant megalomaniac scam in Brussels, and agrees to take 30,000 migrants per annum and put them up in social housing. He scraps the Winter Fuel Allowance, and hands over the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, which leaves Spain and Argentina rubbing their hands with glee. Brussels is at the back of all this. If Gordon Brown had had the guts to stand up to those crooks in 2007, when he signed the Lisbon Treaty (in effect since 2009), the whole of the last fifteen years would have looked completely different. The UK is now facing an existential battle.
@martinhommel9967 2 дня назад
What a fool Habib is.
@l000tube 2 дня назад
That chappie who stood up to him needs to be commended. I felt like he was speaking on my behalf, if only I was able to articulate myself half as well. Well said/done.
@paulbird3235 2 дня назад
He is just selling, fear nothing else.
@gdfggggg 2 дня назад
He’s knows his stuff.
@lloydbelle3406 2 дня назад
Geez!! If a couple of men in white coats led him out of the studio, I don't think I'd be surprised!
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
"The future will belong to the Germans when we build the house of Europe": Helmut Kohl.
@FDafieno 2 дня назад
If Reform UK gets more influence in current British politics it is extremely dangerous
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
If you haven't realised, eight years after the referendum, that the EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam, that's because you've been well and truly scammed.
@martinhughes6860 2 дня назад
What a despicable individual Habib is.
@chiccabay9911 2 дня назад
Wasn´t Habib an economic migrant?
@lizwebstersbf 2 дня назад
He was born in Pakistan
@Bran9 2 дня назад
Yes,I would not turn my back
@pieropasset2246 2 дня назад
Indeed he was!!!! From Pakistan….
@derekmulready1523 2 дня назад
An Expat from Pakistan. Using the right words in the right context. Thought that Warrington would be a Shoe-in to being elected. Wrong. 🇮🇪🇪🇺
@moralesmaria 2 дня назад
Ironically YES 😅
@ovidiumiinea5462 2 дня назад
The EU wanted to tax Ben Habib
@benjamin8673 2 дня назад
Yea because we want a tax for stupid people in power.
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
And he was having none of it. Luckily for him, there are plenty of gullible Brits out there who don't know what "patriotism" is.
@TammyOldham 2 дня назад
Brexit is destroying our country and we need to rejoin the EU, we didn't understand the implications of leaving and we were lied too, it is devastating to me that I voted for this I wish i had looked more into what it would do to us, i now look up everything that is suggested, i am sorry to everyone for being apart of the reason we left and i do hope that one day a government will be in charge that has the balls to do what is right for us!
@evie1915 2 дня назад
I understood how bad the idea was.
@TammyOldham 2 дня назад
@evie1915 I wish I had understood it, it was my fault I know the information was out there at the time now but at the time I didn't and I didn't have anyone around me saying there was and everyone around me at the time was pro brexit family and friends so I was listening alot to pro brexit speil anyway like I say now I do look into everything that's suggested and in very big detail I know that doesn't mean anything in regards to brexit being what it is today but it does mean that I now look into things and like I say if that's happened to me then I do think that it's happened to alot of other people who voted for brexit and I do think there is alot of us who regret big style on voting for such a thing that as brutally damaged our country
@fleurtaylor7311 14 часов назад
Many people were hoodwinked. The lies about the NHS, cheaper food, energy etc. We all lost that day. I voted remain because my family are very political and informed me about the consequences of leaving. Also none of us believe anything that comes from Murdoch's news corporation. Keep that in mind. At least you are honest admitting your mistake. Thank you.
@doubleana9184 2 дня назад
Im a Pakistani born in Britain. Ben habib is a disgrace. U diaagree to brexit. Brexit has acrewed our country.
@josephgallery4934 2 дня назад
Well said you. Respect .
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
If you haven't realised, eight years after the referendum, that the EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam, that's because you've been well and truly scammed.
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
Well said!!
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
@@oldishandwoke-ish1181So please tell us what you know about EU fiscal union, EU economic union, EU political union, the unification of member states’ armed forces under command of the European Council, the reckless expansionism of the EU across Eastern Europe, and the unfettered migration into the EU from North Africa and the Middle East, at the EU’s open invitation. It shouldn’t take you long!
@blisseyran-dom6822 2 дня назад
As a Brit born in Britain. You are correct, my friend.
@edwardanthony8929 2 дня назад
A Pakistani man who arrived in the UK when he was 14, and now represents everything that is British?
@lizwebstersbf 2 дня назад
It’s bizarre!
@sureshnalluri8271 2 дня назад
he’s a brit having naturalised. dont see that as a problem but do question his nonsense content.
@keldsleepnot7961 2 дня назад
​@@sureshnalluri8271No he's an abject moron that just doesn't understand that if the people he is fighting for actually gain power that he would be one of the first lined up against the wall!
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
If you haven't realised, eight years after the referendum, that the EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam, that's because you've been well and truly scammed.
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
There's a future for you in Pakistan yet, Edward!
@raymondelliott2280 2 дня назад
Ben habib is completely unhinged.
@lizwebstersbf 2 дня назад
I think you’re right!
@missl8894 2 дня назад
He sure is!
@nicks4934 2 дня назад
Always blaming others just like Johnson
@mickeythompson9537 2 дня назад
I'm pro-Britain... that's why I want us to be in the EU.
@chriscairns7915 2 дня назад
That's the behaviour of a cult.
@mickeythompson9537 2 дня назад
Check spelling ;-)
@SJG-nr8uj 23 часа назад
It's the behaviour of a political party in a civilised, tolerant, liberal, western democracy.
@paulharrisharris5761 2 дня назад
The Clacton Ghost 😂😂 best description of Farrrrrage I have heard so far 😂
@uweinhamburg 2 дня назад
'If You’re Pro EU, You’re Anti-British!' I am German and absolutely Pro EU, that has nothing to do with being Anti-British, actually i like elements of the British culture. Linking Pro EU with Anti-British, just shows British (English) exceptionalism - viewing everything out of a narrow angle of view. These guys should have a good look at the real role of the UK today!
@evie1915 2 дня назад
Some uk citizens have a distorted veiw, Habib was born in Pakistan, Boris in the USA, how sbout listerning to actually born in the uk. God i feel out of place and unwanted in the country of my birth, need i say more.
@ab-ym3bf 2 дня назад
​@@evie1915"listening to actually borne in the UK" So when I popped out of my English mum and greeted my English father in Spain, being raised from age 2 in the UK with a British passport I should not be listened to according to you, simply because my mum was at the "wrong" place at the wrong time? Because that is what you are saying.
@SJG-nr8uj День назад
"The future will belong to the Germans when we build the house of Europe": Helmut Kohl. We don't play German political games.
@LongDarkTeatimeOfTheSoul День назад
So, Churchill was a huge Euro fan, started ECHR, wanted a euro army, wanted untied states of europe…. I guess he was anti British too. With this new news, i’m surprised he didn’t throw the war!!!!
@xelakram 2 дня назад
Ben Habib is truly sickening.
@derekmulready1523 2 дня назад
Is there a logical reason why the Irish Government refused to give Ben Habib a License to trade in Ireland. 😂
@kaira9094 2 дня назад
It makes me extremely sad to see my beloved country going down this route of appealing to culture war and fear mongering cowards, Im born British and left England because I believed we were stronger as part of the EU and people told me if I dont like it leave, I still very deeply miss my homeland and my family but if I hadnt of moved I would never have owned a home like I do now and that makes me anti British because I would still love to see my homeland prosper, sad times indeed.
@therealrobertbirchall День назад
Britain is not a country. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are countries.
@kaira9094 День назад
@@therealrobertbirchall Are you damaged Robert or just a boomer?
@kaira9094 День назад
@@therealrobertbirchall Who said anything about Britain, are you able to read or do you struggle?
@therealrobertbirchall День назад
@@kaira9094 you talking suit about being 'British' British is not a person it's a construct made by the English to try and claim dominion over all nations on these Islands. One can be English, Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish. Most of us are Sbjects of the British Stare by force which is akin to being not a natural human but an object a thing owned be the British state i.e a slave or chattel.
@kaira9094 День назад
@@therealrobertbirchall oh do one you pretentious &*^&*^
@smahier 23 часа назад
There´s no such thing as a "settled culture"; culture changes all the time.
@epincion 23 часа назад
Habib should think about the fact that when white Reform members talk about England for the English they don’t mean him.
@christianfournier6862 День назад
I don't think that Mr Ben Habib, Esq. realizes that his going on Internet with a shrill message of: "Britain über alles” actually carries the subliminal meaning of : “last one in closes the gate”! Brexit (eight years on and still going strong) is an unlimited source of mirth for us poor European blokes! Please continue to grace us with some more, day after day, year after year....
@1967deek 2 дня назад
Can't say on here what think about Habib.
@wayneford2481 2 дня назад
Ben a mouth PEICE with no ears they think they are the only important people.
@spiritualanarchist8162 2 дня назад
I live in the Netherlands and don't know these politicians . But this is a good example of populist far-rightwing strategy used everywhere these days . When confronted with a rational opponent, the populist starts long monologs filled with hyperbolic rants . There is no way to counter it , because it's al obviously too absurd .
@JHatLpool 2 дня назад
Well done Jonathan Lis for giving such considered replies. Why does Michelle Dewberry think that she knows what she is talking about ?
@lizwebstersbf 2 дня назад
Is there much thought in Dewberry?
@chrisstevens8505 2 дня назад
Is there much thought in you ?
@pifflepockle 2 дня назад
@@chrisstevens8505 Sit down shut up Chris you diddy
@paulharrisharris5761 2 дня назад
Dewbury actually turns the show over to Habib every time he is on it. Orders from the boss I think .
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
Please tell us what you know about EU fiscal union, EU economic union, EU political union, the unification of member states’ armed forces under command of the European Council, the reckless expansionism of the EU across Eastern Europe, and the unfettered migration into the EU from North Africa and the Middle East, at the EU’s open invitation. It shouldn’t take you long!
@henrydwaldingjr3103 2 дня назад
I am pro - British , and pro EU . I am also a citizen of the United States of America . Great Britain is our closest and most powerful ally in international affairs .
@lizwebstersbf 2 дня назад
@octavianpopescu4776 2 дня назад
As an American, it makes sense you can feel that way. And it's ok. I also do that. But, as a European, I'm on team EU and the UK is a Western version of Belarus: a hostile country, but not yet at war (like putin). I see our bilateral relations as a zero sum game: if the UK gets something, we lose. Any further deals, any concessions to the UK are acts of shameful, humiliating and dishonourable capitulation to the enemy. It's why I'm in favour of maintaining EU-UK relations as they are. No new deals, just implementing what has been signed and that's that. This way we can get out of each other's way. They get to do whatever they want, we do what we want, everyone's happy. But some like Starmer keep talking about "resets". I regret we don't have hardliners, like the UK has, to slam the door in Starmer's face and end this waste of time. The time for talks has passed, treaties were signed, we should all abide by them and implement them.
@paulbird3235 2 дня назад
@@octavianpopescu4776 That seems a bit harsh to the 49% of us who wanted to remain in Europe!.😒🙄🤥.....
@paulbird3235 2 дня назад
@batcollins3714 2 дня назад
It was the most powerful, now it's broke. Power needs money to survive and the UK is broke and is basically an aircraft carrier for British troops and planes.
@npj943 2 дня назад
Painful to watch. It's laughable of Habib to claim that Reform is not hard right. On the other hand, Labour are so timid, By not being honest about how damaging Brexit has been we will never be able to build the bridges with our neighbours necessary for growth. What a complete mess we are in
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
If you haven't realised, eight years after the referendum, that the EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam, that's because you've been well and truly scammed.
@therealrobertbirchall День назад
Because the Labor party is now hard right.
@johnsevern739 День назад
@therealrobertbirchall It's Labour or are you American
@therealrobertbirchall День назад
@@johnsevern739 no I'm Scottish. My device however thinks it can spell English better than you or I can.
@johnsevern739 День назад
@@therealrobertbirchall 😊😊 predictive American text typo!
@alexandregarden6260 2 дня назад
In terms of being “British” I hold a Royal flush in comparison to Habib’s Johnny come lately assumed “Britishness”. The man is a fool but has managed to persuade other British fools that he’s one of them (presumably to his financial advantage). Real “educated” Brits understand the importance of simple geography and that a European idea is something worth fighting for. The whole idea of “Britishness” belongs to a bygone era.
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
If you haven't realised, eight years after the referendum, that the EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam, that's because you've been well and truly scammed.
@brioquery 2 дня назад
What utter rubbish - I guess if you want your favourite football team to qualify for the Champion's League that will make you anti Premier League.
@danxzon 2 дня назад
Typical reform talk ,talk,talk,no substance just talk
@SirAntoniousBlock 2 дня назад
I'm sure there's a name for this mental psychosis.
@jackthebassman1 2 дня назад
Whoever thought that isolating ourselves from our closest natural allies and friends and the world’s biggest free trade bloc would be a great idea?
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
You still think that the EU is a "trade bloc"? How naive can you be? Trade blocs don't put their armed forces together!
@johnsevern739 День назад
@jackthebassman1 Reform! Fools eh?!
@aleph8888 День назад
Isn’t CPTPP bigger now the UK has joined? 😀
@jackthebassman1 19 часов назад
@aleph8888 and the difference it's made to the UK is MINIMAL, plus we have to abide by their rules as well. BRILLIANT!
@SJG-nr8uj 18 часов назад
@@jackthebassman1 The difference it has made to the UK is massive. You just haven't spotted it yet!
@RealMash 2 дня назад
If the UK has a sizable portion of the populace holding-probably less eloquent- opinions like Habib, it is unfit to join anything. The EU will have to say: "Nice you applied, but no thanks. Don't call us, we will call you." Throw the application in the bin, sigh, and say "A pity, oh well, anyway..."
@chiccabay9911 2 дня назад
Als ob.
@verttikoo2052 2 дня назад
It took 30 years to denatzify Germany. It will take longer to democratize the UK. Before that they have no chance. Nigel Fart from Refart Party Party Unlimited Damage Company will NEVER BE in the European Parliament again 🎉 That is a promise ❤
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
Best news so far this morning!
@amenhotepv2844 2 дня назад
Ben is frustrated! He lost his job as deputy party leader of Reform UK. Kicked out by Nigel.
@johnhughes5333 2 дня назад
Very dangerous stuff.
@erikschmidt476 2 дня назад
Benyamin Naeem Habib calling everybody who disagrees anti-British is peak comedy.
@lizwebstersbf 2 дня назад
He is panto material
@oldishandwoke-ish1181 2 дня назад
All these children of immigrant Tories are the same. All of them whiter than whitey and more pro-British than the Brits.
@davidhowarth8885 2 дня назад
I watched a replay of Thatcher's conference speech in 1984 the morning after the Brighton bomb. On the stage behind her were 2 flags, a Union Jack and the EU, equally prominent. And yet the Tories still adore Thatcher conveniently forgetting her stance on Europe.
@matthewcook9404 2 дня назад
Is Pakistani born Habib telling us sovereign, native, indigenous Brits what to think, say and do ……. again ?? He needs to try to get back his day job as unelected co deputy leader of Reform UK Party Limited. And yes, I said unelected.
@jmck6320 2 дня назад
Liz that stone wall is a beauty! Also Ben does talk nonsense
@johnrussell3961 2 дня назад
For a century the Tories were economic pragmatist. Heath was the last. His pragmatism took us unto the common market. Thatcher was the first of the free market dogmatists. A dogma which is destroying the country.
@SJG-nr8uj День назад
During the period before we joined the EEC the UK consistently ran a balance of trade surplus. Since we joined, in 1973, that has happened in one year only, under Thatcher.
@JohnTGibson59 2 дня назад
There are Zealouts, and Habib is one of them, trying to prove his Britishness..
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
Please tell us what you know about EU fiscal union, EU economic union, EU political union, the unification of member states’ armed forces under command of the European Council, the reckless expansionism of the EU across Eastern Europe, and the unfettered migration into the EU from North Africa and the Middle East, at the EU’s open invitation. It shouldn’t take you long!
@bumberClart1000 2 дня назад
Benny Brexit has lost the plot
@philspur1882 2 дня назад
In suggesting that you can't be pro-EU and patriotic at the same time, just shows that Habib has the political nous of a 5 year old
@johnsevern739 День назад
@@philspur1882 Absolutely
@SJG-nr8uj 23 часа назад
The EU is attempting the political conquest, by stealth, of all its member states. Right now it is working on fiscal union, in advance of economic union, in advance of political unification. Once the federal government in Brussels has stolen powers of fiscal policy, economic policy and foreign policy from democratically elected national governments (the EU has already claimed the right to deploy the armed forces of member states as its own - Lisbon Treaty Article 42.3), no single electorate will ever be able to vote the federal government into or out of office - hence the end of democracy in Europe. The electoral majority of the UK decided, by democratic majority, that we did not wish to be part of it. That was real patriotism, in the face of the campaign of misinformation and disinformation carried out by the EU and their Remain campaign lackeys. We British decided we preferred to be able to vote our government into and out of office. We also decided that HM Armed Forces should not be deployed by people who were completely unanswerable to the British electorate for their actions. Especially because Article 42, combined with the EU's reckless expansionist programme across Eastern Europe, has put the EU on course for war with Russia. Habib knows this stuff. You don't. So remind me who has the political nous of a five-year-old?
@cobbler40 2 дня назад
This is fascism !
@Simplemankind 2 дня назад
Ben Habib is a clown
@gerrylanter8109 2 дня назад
But not a funny one, though the only thing you can do about the stupidity of his remarks is laughing about it.
@tonysadler5290 День назад
Reform speak for the real British people! How many votes did they get? How many councillors do they have? How many MPs do they have? I think they are utterly revolting, and anyone who thinks they are an option take a good look at trump's USA or Putin's Russia. Oh and by the way the growing majority of uk want to return to the European Community.
@marksykes1191 2 дня назад
I’m definitely anti hard of thinking that’s for sure !
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
I think you might be all for it! Let's check, shall we? Please tell us what you know about EU fiscal union, EU economic union, EU political union, the unification of member states’ armed forces under command of the European Council, the reckless expansionism of the EU across Eastern Europe, and the unfettered migration into the EU from North Africa and the Middle East, at the EU’s open invitation.
@marksykes1191 2 дня назад
@@SJG-nr8uj I think we’ve met before ! Probably a lot more than you to be fair but let’s focus on the damage caused to this country’s economy by it shall we , verified by almost every non political financial institution , both here & abroad , & by the government’s own OBR including the period when you voted bozo in to get brexit done & not even to mention the trouble caused to travel , education , science & general good will ! Armed forces are NOT under the command of the EU & are not planned to be ! You have just taken a quote from the daily fail & I suspect you are a knuckledragging p brained halfwit who just hates Europe for no other reason than being a cnut ! Give me 1 brexit benefit ?
@minui8758 2 дня назад
A common sense minister is a contradiction in terms. Several million a year to fund an institution to encourage a quality we expect of all institutions… make that make sense!
@christown2827 2 дня назад
Never mind giving it all away to Putin and Russia!
@RazorMouth 2 дня назад
He sounds a bit like a fascist if you ask me. Bit then again he is from the middle east.
@derekmulready1523 2 дня назад
Sub- Continent. When India became independent. The English before they left. Partitioned the Country. Did the same in Ireland 🇮🇪🇪🇺
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
Please tell us what you know about EU fiscal union, EU economic union, EU political union, the unification of member states’ armed forces under command of the European Council, the reckless expansionism of the EU across Eastern Europe, and the unfettered migration into the EU from North Africa and the Middle East, at the EU’s open invitation. It shouldn’t take you long!
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
@@derekmulready1523 These were earnest and well-meaning attempts to keep warring factions apart! What on earth is the matter with you?
@nigelfarley814 2 дня назад
Would that be the Ben Habib who comes from Pakistan and who wanted to throw boat people back in the sea?
@peterzapp2091 2 дня назад
Ostentatiously "pro-British" policies delivered outstandingly "anti-British" results, from decline of material prosperity to increase of migration from more diverse and distant regions. "Pro-British" is the bait that makes simple minded xenophobes vote for policies against themselves that benefit offshore oligarchs and foreign powers.
@chebghobbi 2 дня назад
The Tories are not the opposition because they're not far right? Did I hear that correctly?
@gehrig7593 2 дня назад
Call reform by its real name: the fascist party.
@mr.thegreat557 2 дня назад
Reform are pro capitalism. Clearly you don’t have a clue what fascism is. I feel ashamed for you.
@gehrig7593 2 дня назад
@@mr.thegreat557 fascism Is pro capitalism.
@DavidHutchings-e7p 2 дня назад
Absolutely .
@DavidHutchings-e7p 2 дня назад
Hard right.
@chebghobbi 2 дня назад
​@@mr.thegreat557Are you claiming that fascists are against capitalism? Please go on.
@albertcross4275 2 дня назад
This sounds very racist to me. 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇺🇸🇨🇦
@Bran9 2 дня назад
an angry little man,more british than the british themselves
@sbor2020 2 дня назад
Reminds me of "Clayton Bigsby, the World’s Only Black White Supremacist" - Chappelle’s Show
@__globalcitizen__ 2 дня назад
It's always someone else's fault...
@rayc9539 2 дня назад
I do not know how many times it needs to be said. The oriposer youth mobility scheme is NOT freedom of movement. Nobody can use it to gain British citizenship. It is a visa that has an expiry date. When the UK was an EU member, other EU nationals had the right to move here and acquire citizenship if they pleased. The difference is simple. I believe Kier Starmer knows this, but he is too tepid and wants to appease the pro-Brexit trouse in saying, "It resembles freedom of movement." It is frustrating all around!
@glyndavies5479 2 дня назад
I will aways be more British than Benyamin Naeem Habib!
@robster6868 2 дня назад
Why do all these Brexit goons have funny foreign names.
@henna6126 2 дня назад
I have one question why the UK(AKA England) still talking about us and our European Union? for us Brexit done and we moved on as we respect the sovereign member country choice to leave our Union under EU treaty of article 50 of the Lisbon treaty which Available to all EU sovereign member states to exercise if they want to, its amazing to us for long time everything the UK successive government mismanage that country finance or the distraction of their industry it also blame the EU now they have chosen to leave and become A 3rd country to us,we are still blame and still the hostility against us remain do you not realized we do not talk about or even think about you and that we have moved on from your precious Brexit, why are you lot still obsessed with us ,we are asking ourselves WHY? A very valid question from A very proud EU citizen.
@WRoussell 2 дня назад
Wow... When your identity is built so much in a feeling that you can't argue point, just yell and throw people in boxes and then yell at them in the boxes. Nothing in that sounds like a valid debate of ideas.
@Flo-vn9ty 2 дня назад
They are both talking nonesense. No, pro EU is not anti UK and no, you can't join the EU and keep the pound.
@vaclavkrpec2879 2 дня назад
FYI, my country (the Czech Republic) joined the EU over 20 years ago. We still pay using Czech Koruna. Yes, EU membership requires _eventual_ acceptance of Euro-but nobody says when. Last note: can you actually express *why* do you think GBP is so much better currency? Do you actually have economical reasons, or you simply think that having the face of your monarch on little peaces of paper in your wallet somehow makes you patriotic? It’s just universally transferrable IOUs, you know? Just numbers in a bank database, today.
@Flo-vn9ty 2 дня назад
@vaclavkrpec2879 The thing is: there are economic criteria for adopting the EUR. As long as you don't meet them you can't adopt the EUR but when you meet them you have to. Except for those countries that were in the EU before the Euro was created and that decided to keep their own currency. Why the pound is better? I don't know. I'm not British as well. Of cause you never know which special deals politicians will make but I highly doubt that the EU would make a lot of exceptions for the UK again. Especially as all 27 members would have to agree.
@trident6547 2 дня назад
@@Flo-vn9ty There are no chances for any exceptions or opt outs for UK in the accession process towards membership. UK as a candidate country is not allowed to negotiate about any other issues than about how the adoption of the EU acquis ( the whole body of EU laws, agreements, directives etc) will take place and in exceptional cases transition phases, temporary derogations and requests of additional assistance.
@Flo-vn9ty 2 дня назад
@trident6547 I know that the regular process does not have room for negotiating special exceptions. That's why said the UK would have to adopt the Euro. But of cause, whenever politicians are involved, you can never be 100% sure.
@vaclavkrpec2879 2 дня назад
@@Flo-vn9ty If you look at the Enlargement of the Eurozone Wikipedia page, you’ll see that one of the Maastricht criteria is at least 2 years membership in ERM II (the European exchange rate mechanism). As membership in ERM II isn’t mandatory, a country can never become a member, thus never fulfill Maastricht criteria and therefore never be obliged to adopt Euro. (Note that I _don’t_ think that any country should do that; I am actually all for Euro adoption. But this mechanism technically exists.)
@verttikoo2052 2 дня назад
Next summer remember to thank Habibi 😉😂
@verttikoo2052 2 дня назад
You can use his own words against him 😂 He and other brexshiters like Nigel Fart destroyed the UK economy 🎉 UK paid net 10 billion in to the EU and got to have the whole of European banking. Trillions in transactions, hundreds of billions in revenue and tens of billions in tax revenue and now that will be gone 😂 Well done boys and girls 🎉😂
@steverichmond7142 2 дня назад
Ben Habib is not British - FACT.
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
Please tell us what you know about EU fiscal union, EU economic union, EU political union, the unification of member states’ armed forces under command of the European Council, the reckless expansionism of the EU across Eastern Europe, and the unfettered migration into the EU from North Africa and the Middle East, at the EU’s open invitation. It shouldn’t take you long!
@steverichmond7142 2 дня назад
@@SJG-nr8uj I worked as a French soldier for the French government in North Africa and the South of France. I am a qualified accountant with business' in the UK and France. I am a millionaire because of my connections in France and my dealings with the EU. Ben Habib is incredibly thick, a liar and having met him he smells when he gets nervous.
@SJG-nr8uj 2 дня назад
@@steverichmond7142 That hasn't actually answered my question. However, the European Union is happy to oblige. 1. THE EU’s FEDERAL INTENTIONS (ie. to make one big country) Lisbon Treaty Article 3.4: “The Union shall establish an ECONOMIC and monetary UNION whose currency is the euro.” EU Five Presidents’ Report, 2015: “Progress MUST HAPPEN on four fronts: first, towards a genuine ECONOMIC UNION that ensures each economy has the structural features to prosper within the Monetary Union. Second, towards a FINANCIAL UNION that guarantees the integrity of our currency across the Monetary Union and increases risk-sharing with the private sector. This means completing the Banking Union and accelerating the Capital Markets Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union. Third, towards a FISCAL UNION that delivers both fiscal sustainability and fiscal stabilisation. And finally, towards a POLITICAL UNION that provides the foundation for all of the above through genuine democratic accountability, legitimacy and institutional strengthening.” Angela Merkel’s immediate response to the referendum result, 24th June 2016: “Today is a watershed moment for Europe, and it is a watershed moment for the EUROPEAN UNIFICATION PROCESS. There is no doubt that this is a blow to Europe, and to the EUROPEAN UNIFICATION PROCESS.” EU Rome Declaration, 25th March 2017: “Working towards COMPLETING the ECONOMIC and monetary UNION” (with a preferred deadline for completion of 2027). ECB’s ‘Fiscal Implications of the EU Recovery Package’ 2020. “The way that the EU has responded to the crisis also has implications for the future design and implementation of the EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK. First, while expansionary fiscal policy is necessary to sustain the recovery, going forward it will be important for the fiscal rules to effectively support the reduction of high government debt in good economic times. Second, NGEU constitutes a new and innovative element of the EUROPEAN FISCAL FRAMEWORK. It will result in the issuance of sizeable supranational debt over the coming years, and its establishment has signalled a political readiness to design a common fiscal tool when the need arises. This innovation, while a one-off, could also imply lessons for ECONOMIC and Monetary UNION, which still lacks a PERMANENT FISCAL CAPACITY AT SUPRANATIONAL LEVEL for macroeconomic stabilisation in deep crises. The review of the ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK, which was launched by the Commission in February 2020 and postponed because of the pandemic, provides a GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO INCORPORATE THESE IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS.” (NGEU stands for “Next Generation European Union”). From the EU’s own website: “Once the economic and financial crisis (of 2008/9) was overcome, the EU established a process aimed at reinforcing the architecture of EMU (ECONOMIC and monetary UNION). The process is based on the Five Presidents’ Report on Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union of 2015, which focused on four main issues: • A genuine ECONOMIC UNION; • A FINANCIAL UNION; • A FISCAL UNION; • A POLITICAL UNION. These four unions are STRICTLY INTER-RELATED and would develop in parallel. The report was followed by a series of communications, proposals and measures, and the discussion is still ongoing.” In 2022 all member states reaffirmed their commitment to economic union, as part of Lisbon Treaty Article 3. From the EU’s website (dated 29/4/24): “Today the Council adopted three pieces of legislation that will reform the EU’s ECONOMIC AND FISCAL GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK. ‘The main objective of the reform is to ensure sound and sustainable public finances, while promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in all member states through reforms and investment. The new legislation will significantly improve the existing framework and provide effective and applicable rules for all EU countries. They will safeguard balanced and sustainable public finances, increase the focus on structural reforms and investments to spur growth and job creation throughout the EU. The time is now for a swift implementation’: Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Belgium.” 2. THE EU’S MILITARY INTENTIONS Lisbon Treaty Article 42.3: “Member states shall make civilian and MILITARY capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy, to contribute to the objectives DEFINED BY THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL.” The EU’s military headquarters is the Kortenberg Building in Brussels. The EU Global Strategy, 30th June 2016, issued exactly one week after the referendum, contains the right of the EU’s military “to act autonomously (of NATO) if and when necessary”. It will need this, because, as you should know, Lisbon Treaty Article 42 commits member states to the defence of a member under attack. So if Ukraine is still under attack when it joins the EU, it will be the EU which is at war with Russia, not NATO. The defence of Ukraine doesn’t trigger the NATO charter. On 19th February 2019 Federica Mogherini told an audience in Hamburg: “... all the way through the security spectrum, up to the military operations, because not so many know that the European Union has seventeen deployed missions and operations around the world. So, together, we are already a unique global security provider.” I checked this figure recently. It now stands at twenty-one. On 23rd April 2019 the European Council issued its Military Command and Control Structures document, outlining its military command structure over member states’ land, sea and air forces. The diagram contained within reappears on the Wikipedia page for the Kortenberg Building, above. In September 2021 Ursula Von der Leyen said this: “But what we need is the European Defence Union. In the last weeks there have been many discussions on expeditionary forces. On what type and how many we need: battlegroups or EU entry forces. This is no doubt part of the debate - and I believe it will be part of the solution. But the more fundamental issue is why this has not worked in the past. You can have the most advanced forces in the world - but if you are never prepared to use them - of what use are they?” Last year the EU led joint military exercises in Spain. This is taken from the EU’s CSDP website: “The two-part MILEX 23 exercise commenced on 18 September and concluded on 22 October. The first part of this intense period was a 3-week planning phase by the MPCC in Brussels. In part two, this culminated in the EU’s first ever live military exercise from 16 - 22 October in Rota Naval Base, Cadiz, Spain. During Part 2, an EU Battlegroup-sized force carried out the Operational Plan developed by the MPCC in Part 1. Overall, 19 Member States contributed to MILEX 23.” (CSDP = Common Security and Defence Policy. MPCC = Military Planning and Conduct Capability). 3. Reckless EU expansionism across Eastern Europe - widely known and reported on, including Albania (hotbed of gangsterism and corruption), Serbia and Montenegro (both traditional allies of Russia), Moldova (part of it coveted by Russia), Ukraine (currently at war with Russia), Turkey (instantly the largest, most populous and poorest country in the EU upon joining) and several others, all of which will bring nothing but a begging bowl to the EU’s table. Oh, except for Ukraine, because, as above, Lisbon Treaty Article 42 commits member states to the military aid of a member under attack. So if Ukraine is still at war upon its accession the EU will be at war with Russia. 4. Unfettered migration into Europe from North Africa and the Middle East (the free movement of people was a secret part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, in effect since 2010, and signed between the EU and Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, the Palestine Authority, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey). “Eurocrats do not consider (migration) to be a problem, but rather as a project”: Fabrice Leggeri, former Director of the European Border and Coastguard Agency (Frontex). "The European Union and all leaders of all European nations MUST USE IMMIGRATION to undermine the homogeneity and ethnic identity of the native European people no matter how difficult this will be to explain to the citizens of their nations. This must happen, THIS WILL HAPPEN for globalism to take hold of Europe" - Peter Sutherland speaking in the House of Lords in 2014.
@83dude 2 дня назад
​@@steverichmond7142you are on universal credit and live off 75 pence baked beans, and have never met Habib
@glennbateman4483 2 дня назад
​@@SJG-nr8ujbut we're skint without them and money talks
@blushadow1726 День назад
Unity, Freedom, intelligence, vs Division, Quagmire, Ignorance.
@genghisthegreat2034 2 дня назад
I realise he's a marginal voice, but I have to say, that if there are too many voices like Habib in the public space, will absolutely give pause to us in the EU on wasting time with the UK.
@astranger448 2 дня назад
Look, they voted nigel farage into parlaiment for starters. They have a bit of work to do first. The only thing they got accidentially right is that they indeed need a bit of reforming first. They should be able to keep political arsonists like farage on the sidelines, not almost front and centre.
@jjsmallpiece9234 2 дня назад
Pro EU doesn't mean anti UK, it means wanting the best economic position and opportunities for the UK
@paologat 2 дня назад
This attitude will keep UK out of the EU for decades. The EU is not an economic project - it’s a political project; as long as Britons think they can milk the EU for economic benefits while opposing its core goal of European unity, UK won’t be allowed back even if it asks to.
@jjsmallpiece9234 2 дня назад
@@paologat How well do you think the economies of smaller EU members would do without EU membership? Take Greece - an economic basket case most of the time
@paologat 2 дня назад
@@jjsmallpiece9234 they would do quite poorly, of course. But, unlike Brexitannia, these countries never pretended that the EU only exists for their economic benefit. They fully understand and accept the founding principle of the EU as “an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe” - a principle that UK demanded a permanent exemption from.
@trident6547 2 дня назад
@@jjsmallpiece9234 The economic benefits are there for memberstates. Since 1993 when the Copehagen Criteria were adopted UK as a potential candidate has to adhere to closer political, economic and monetary union. That means among many other things adopting the Euroa and joining Schengen. Not forgetting that in all the treaties that has led up to EU being what it is today the closer political union has been a core issue. Read the Treaty of Rome from 1957. The formation of some of the core institutions of EU were named even then.
@jjsmallpiece9234 2 дня назад
@@trident6547 And the problem with that is what exactly? None from my uk view
@nigelmorris3014 2 дня назад
God Habib should be a Minister for talking shit!
@jerryorange6983 2 дня назад
Ben Habib dreams about Britain Pakistan union and it looks like his dream is close. The EU and European culture is not something he understands.
@robertthomas2415 День назад
Why, why, why has Britain sold out to so-called „politicians“ with their family roots in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh ? Enoch Powell warned about this decades ago but failed to see that those he warned against would one day be more radical than he ever was.
@brianoriordan7281 2 дня назад
What we need is a government made up of people with UNCOMMON sense. One that we have not had for 15 years and can only hope and pray for in the future .
@Dylanesque 2 дня назад
RU-vid removing comments from here
@nealy2815 37 минут назад
I really enjoy your work Liz. The less GB News we see the better though.
@martynpring3607 День назад
The latest polls all suggest we would go back into the EU If given a vote tomorrow.
@Eduard.Popa. 2 дня назад
The Brexiteer is out of the common sense. HE OWN THE WHAT MEAN BRITISH OR NOT ??? If you agree with him, you are good and British... If you don't agree with him, you are evil and not British !!! Crazy !!
@folksinger2100 4 часа назад
The sad thing about Ben is that, in the opinion of many, he fails to realise that many Reform Supporters would not consider him British,
@Onir500 День назад
Holy crap, politics these days is just a matter of seeing who can shout out the loudest...
@mji29 19 часов назад
Whilst in the EU was it not becoming clear that there was little purpose in retaining a United Kingdom? With increasing devolution within UK, and increasing political apparatus vested in the EU, if UK had remained within EU the UK as a political entity would have become redundant. Ultimately there was/is/willbe a choice to be made between a centralised UK versus England, Scotland Wales etc in EU.
@JA-qi1fb 2 дня назад
I'm not feeling British, haven't for years, so I just refer to myself as English. My address was queried re an incoming parcel, he suggested great britain (in lower case) & I countered with 'England' & he responded with united kingdom. Well, we're not that so he's going with uk.
@lizwebstersbf 2 дня назад
Brexit shook us all up and now we have lost our identity.
Are we absolutely sure that GB News isn't a too-clever-by-half sit-com, written by some right-on lefties at the BBC, and we just didn't hear the theme music? If Farage does a breast double entendre gag in the next 6 months, I want the Nobel prize for perspicacity.
@patrickmccarthy5462 День назад
He wants a "thumping response" odd choice of words
@chrisnewman7281 2 дня назад
It was common sense in the Tory Party how come it lost? The Electorate exercising some common sense see politicians aren’t needed for everything
@maxbomb День назад
The 'Ladoo' Ben Habib is totally off his rocker.
@HackneyMcWebfoot 2 дня назад
"If You’re Pro EU, You’re Anti-British!" In 2014, 55% of Scottish voters wanted to stay in the UK, rather than get independence for Scotland. Does that mean those 55% were anti-Scottish?
Why did he bother? Crazy.
@donaldskinner-reid8998 2 дня назад
He's from Pakistan is he not?
@1967deek 2 дня назад
@qualitytraders5333 День назад
Being from "The Continent", I can tell you that the average EU citizens don't give a flying pancake about what happens in the UK. We simply think you're insular fools. We hear something from you, we shrug and go on with our lives.
@johnsevern739 День назад
@qualitytraders5333 Yes a % are 'insular fools' but there are many who are not, who didn't want Brexit and hate the disaster its proven to be.
@Lewis-op9zp 2 дня назад
I'm amazed how characters like Habib are successful business people but whose ideas on politics are bonkers
@punditgi 2 дня назад
Liz Webster is so cool! 🎉😊
IN FULL: Reform UK law and order press conference