
『ベルセルク 黄金時代篇Ⅰ 覇王の卵』予告編【HD】 

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29 сен 2024




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@kidechio 13 лет назад
the old one (TV series), the plot and act is pretty good as comic, so that's why fans who love it appreciate it. For my opinions, the movie is not a remake one as it have a lot of scenes are new edit. However, I don't agree and get disappointed when someone the TV series was low-budget prototype~ you can take a research and see the reason those who love the TV animation in the world fascinate in.
@xyrthor 12 лет назад
I am really excited and can't wait for this to come out. However I am not very sure about the second song in trailer, I think it does not fit the generally dark theme of Berserk. Anyway, love the whole trailer. I think the best part is at 1:33 as Guts swings his sword (notice the play with light there :-)).
@jcline87 13 лет назад
Not sure how to feel about the CG stuff... seems they might have tried too hard but should be awesome nonetheless.
@AntiVida21 13 лет назад
So Beautiful...
@TheNyanparari 12 лет назад
新キャスト違和感なくていいね。 キャスカは特にハマってる。 大根芸能人にならなくてマジでよかった。
@Sergiopez93 13 лет назад
I just can't wait. I'd like to be the Doctor and travel in the Tardis to the future and watch it... Then I'd return and I'd laugh at you, LOL.
@LostAnkh 12 лет назад
@ShotgunRocket The CG should ONLY be used on the misc soldiers. I still can't believe they're using CG on the actual characters.
@Sergiopez93 13 лет назад
When Griffith stands on that wall in the trailer, with his sword up, and there's a backwards zoom... is that supposed to be Doldrey? If so, when is supposed to end this movie? At the Doldrey Siege?
@DashBenzin 13 лет назад
@JenovaShidzuken Динамики, судя по трейлеру, тут гораздо больше чем в версии 1997 года. Рисовка идентична версии 1997 года, разве что цвета насыщеннее, добавили 3д эффекты и лица теперь не такие квадратные как были. Все таки 21 век на дворе. Единственное что мне не очень нравится - музыка. Но тут, как говорится - на вкус и цвет...
@danielmezadrums 12 лет назад
DUDE! I want to know when this is released, where I can buy it and is there going to be english subtitles?! frustrating. If anyone can help out, let me know please! thanks!
@Sergiopez93 13 лет назад
Wow. Just, wow.
@mana2432 13 лет назад
@jcline87 I don't like the CG stuff, think it would have been much better drawn. The action in CG just ends up looking very slow. But I still want to watch it though
@tenfarther 13 лет назад
the CG when they are charging on horseback sucks
@bandita43 12 лет назад
Has any group claimed subbing yet?
@JoTheVeteran 13 лет назад
@xEKUAx I don't know much about THIS movie, but I've seen the entire 1997 anime series 3 times, read the whole manga 3 times, and played the PS2 game (1 time) even though I don't own a PS2 for myself and can't speak / read Japanese!!! I consider myself a dedicated fan, and what I saw in this trailer was the hawks story all over again, which is kinda lame in my book. Not because it's a bad story, but because it's been done before in the anime and because it can't possibly fit in a movie's time.
@bathe_ 13 лет назад
キャスカの声が違和感あるけど慣れれば良いかなww ガッツは神奈延年さんが良かった・・・ 早く見たいなぁ
@Globox822 13 лет назад
Anyone know the name of the second song? one at around 00:59 in?
@tensakusan 13 лет назад
@究極の人参-n2g 3 года назад
俺は割りとイメージ通りだったぞ 人にもよるだろうけど
@Ccs1989 13 лет назад
@Gladiamdammit 12 лет назад
Wow!!!! *drool*
@otaku50000 13 лет назад
なんで声変えちゃったんだろう それだけが不満だわ
@haunter600 12 лет назад
@mtallen2006 february 4 Japanese, english unknown.
@keishinosuke 13 лет назад
CGってがっかりやなー・・・ 線が死んでるやん。漫画の方が動いてる不思議。
@punnpui 12 лет назад
見に行きました。 感想としてはたまにCGなど使っていて動きがゲームみたいなとこありました。 数年前にTVアニメやってましたけど、内容も漫画、TVアニメ版そのまんまって感じ、映画自体も90分と短く中途半端なとこで終わってるし、なんで映画館でやるの?って感じです。 どうせなら覇王の卵でグリフィスが覚醒して鷹の団全員が地獄みたいなところで全滅するところまでやって欲しかった。たしかTVアニメ版もそこで終わってたと思いますが、映画も3部作やるのかな?その辺で終わるとしたらまさにTVアニメをリメイクして映画館でやっただけって感じです。 エヴァンゲリオンの二の舞じゃないかって思うぐらいひどい。
@TwooGiz 12 лет назад
Studio 4°C is about to become my favorite anime studio. A studio that has the balls to animate Berserk fully? Screw the others.
@Spelonker 13 лет назад
@karloluffy They intend on doing the WHOLE manga apparently.
@MsBerserk777 13 лет назад
最高の映像世界ですね!城攻めに合戦シーンどれを取っても抜かりなく製作陣の本気度がビシビシ伝わってくる迫力映像です。声優陣は少し心配しましたが、これも慣れでしょうし全然悪くない。上映時間は2時間、欲を言えば3時間は欲しいところです。 平沢さんの音楽は100%必要不可欠だしAIさんもいいですね~。作品の暗さ不気味さが出るのは蝕と断罪篇以降でいいと思ってます。何たって黄金なんですから明るくないと~笑。 サーガプロジェクト出来れば作品の完結まで製作されて欲しい、同時進行なのか千年帝国のグリフィスの映像もあったから早い段階でパート2、3も公開されるのか期待は高まるばかり。後はベルセルクファンが更に増えて観客動員数がドカンと上がってくれれば文句なし。もっとたくさん宣伝すれば話題性も出て、検索数も増える気がするんだが・・・汗。 いずれにしても、これだけの美麗、ボリュームたっぷりの迫力映像を作ってくれた製作スタッフの方々に感謝します!!
@JoTheVeteran 13 лет назад
@xEKUAx Didn't notice that. Is it in another trailer? In any case it is certainly focused around the hawks story, that much anyone can tell, and just like in the anime, there could be 20 minutes, or so of movie after the hawks story, but it just won't be enough! I mean, why just a movie and not a series in the first place!? And what's next? A western live action film? I swear to Guts if they ruin that story too like they did in Dragonballs I'm done with all movies for life.
@PovertyPing 13 лет назад
I like how people are giving "complaints" about the 3D look in the animation. This has been in production since around 2006 or 2007. This was a tough choice for Studio 4C to make, but the fact is its a far more labor intensive chore to animate fully complex armor frame by frame without help. The over saturation look is modern animation trying to look more realistic. Point is this, you people wanted a true Berserk animation, this is it, why cant you be as happy as me or the rest of us?
@Menegroth91 13 лет назад
So I own all of Darkhorse's translated Berserk books, Volume 1 - Volume 35. I own the anime and the Berserk Japanese PS2 game. I'm such a dedicated fan. Sure the old anime wasn't that amazing, but that huge cliff hanger it left at the end led me to buy all the books, collectables and games. I love Berserk. If Kentaro Miura says to be true, that his whole manga masterpiece will be turned into movies from beginning to end, then oh my fuck. This could be the greatest animated movie series to exist.
@48davidson 13 лет назад
According to Oricon News, the titles of the second and the third movies of Berserk Golden Age Arc was announced. The second movie is "Golden Age Arc II: Capture of Doldrey" and the battle in Doldrey Fortress will be animated. The third movie is "Golden Age Arc III: The Descent" and the event of the Eclipse will be described.
@charlywarlyman 13 лет назад
@babypazuzu thats how Griffith's face looks like in the manga and they could improve on the anime by adding an important backstory that the anime didn't provide i.e. the rape scene that scars Guts at the age of nine which plays a great part in his development.
@fleedance 13 лет назад
hmmm i think the old "bad, inaccurate, shitty" tv series might be the better one of these two, story wise (with copying the story from the manga 1:1). Ofcourse the animation and wel everything else is better then the tv series... obviously
@RaffoLAlternAttivatore 13 лет назад
The Berserk's movie trilogy is beautiful in HIGH Definition =D BUT nothing 3D vision, I hate it thousand times F UC K the 3D ): \
@the_NZH 12 лет назад
@danielmezadrums the release date at the end says 2012 feb 4th. Thats probably theatrical release and typically the DVD/Blu Ray comes out a few months after that ... definitely will have eng subs if its an official release
@AbsentWithoutLeaving 13 лет назад
@Sraineeg Yes, but like others here I have a problem with the music. Sounds like an old Disney special. Not that the Disney stuff is bad, but if ever there was a place it did NOT belong, it's in this epic.
@ThyGodlyness 12 лет назад
@MrArctopus They are making three feature-length films such as this, the other two to be released by years end. Then the studio is making it an anime series, probably starting from the Eclipse forward.
@flashuploader6653 13 лет назад
Just me who thinks it looks like a video game? And what happened to Black Swordsman Saga? It is one of the best parts. Where is Puck? And why the hell isn't it still as bloody as the manga?
@fbhbankai 12 лет назад
The only thing I'm a bit worried about is that it looks to a be a bit censored. Berserk is much more than just gore and nude scene, but all that stuff is also a part of it
@karloluffy 13 лет назад
While i understand they have to include the Golden Age arc and introduce all the characters the first anime excluded, i kinda wish they'd start at the retribution arc
@AFGalwayz 13 лет назад
@xEKUAx people are more disappointed that its a movie and not the show. it still looks amazing but i was hoping that the story would continue where it left off last time.
@Meiyuu1 13 лет назад
@JenovaShidzuken It's called Aria a theme composed by Susumu Hirasawa
@memo911119 13 лет назад
so are they going to continue the anime like the manga or what ?please someone tell me because i would love to see the manga getting animated
@48davidson 13 лет назад
@48davidson Golden Age Arc I: February 4th 2012, 80 min Golden Age Arc II: June 2012, 100 min Golden Age Arc III: in 2012, 110 min
@Sergiopez93 13 лет назад
@Sergiopez93 I just checked and it is not the same castle as at the manga. So, when the movie ends?
@alloalload 13 лет назад
@CouchingMaster Yeah but is there a place where I can listen to the full version, or do we have to wait for it to be released first?
@Surakemastura 12 лет назад
@Lux91cz just type "berserk ai" (without the ") in the search here and it's the first one in the results.. agree, it's awesome
@tempeztad 13 лет назад
@babypazuzu I cant agreed with you considering that the old anime is just half the story and i want to see the whole thing.
@infernai 13 лет назад
@Globox822 From what i read of the Katakana...it's called "Utsukushikimono" and it seems to be by EMI music
@yasuangel07 13 лет назад
声優を変えず、音楽を平沢オンリーにするだけでいいのに・・・ studio4℃って聞いたとき、嫌な予感したんだよね。 前にスプリガンをコケさせた前科があるから。
@MegaGorm 12 лет назад
@undeadkillerman the sword in this video breaks and he gets the big one later in the story.
@undeadkillerman 12 лет назад
Very well but Gatts sword is far bigger than that... However, Berserk will always be awesome!
@quakeSanchez 12 лет назад
Can't wait... This is Epic! P.S. 16 people aren't going to pursue they own dreams...
@titimilidbz 13 лет назад
Why is everyone saying Kentaro Miura is working on these film series/?
@grassysaq 12 лет назад
@undeadkillerman I'm pretty sure he didn't get the bigger sword until later.
@Launets 13 лет назад
Anyone know the name of the second song in the trailer? (Not Aria of course)
@NoBadsign 13 лет назад
So, is there gonna just come a time when ever anime is done in fucking CGI?
@matheusr925 13 лет назад
@chibigatts i like one piece, and clicked "like".. where is your god now?
@Lux91cz 12 лет назад
Someone know as to find the song who starts at 0:46 ? it's awesome!
@schwyzerboy 9 лет назад
Did the 4th movie comes out? Pls some one tell me :(
@Antibronies 13 лет назад
I gotta call a doc, the erection has lasted longer than 4 hours...
@alloalload 13 лет назад
What's the name of the song at around 0:15??? It's so awesome!!
@memo911119 13 лет назад
i mean will the story continue where it left off last time ?
@TwooGiz 12 лет назад
@otakujhp Well Duh! I just want to actually own it.
@aliichi 13 лет назад
@ThyGodlyness 12 лет назад
I enjoyed this trailer more than the original anime series
@yasuangel07 12 лет назад
誰か、ニコ動の「旧声優陣かつ平沢進」ってやつ こっちにUPしてくれませんか? オレPC機器に弱くって。
@MegaGorm 12 лет назад
@jigga69000 yeah, not to mention the last scene ...
@TehMstWntd 13 лет назад
The CGI is on par with the sound quality
@ShotgunRocket 12 лет назад
They're using CG and it's still choppy as hell?
@jigga69000 12 лет назад
Hope it doesn't censored the rape scene when Guts was a child. This moment is very important. How he react and all.
@tyb2003 13 лет назад
もっと暗い感じでいいのにな。 明るいからベルセルクっぽくないけど、まぁ楽しみではある。
@MrGGdude 13 лет назад
WHY 3D????? Original sereis are better!!!
@JoTheVeteran 12 лет назад
@Wrenchsman Thanks for the info. In that cause I guess it's gonna be something like, the Hawks story (young Guts) + the end of the Hawks (older Guts) in the first two movies and them maybe for the last movie some of the dark swordsman story. It sure beats only one movie but it's still not good enough for that huge amount of chapters that exist in the manga. I'll will go see it for sure, but I don't get my hopes up. When western studios are involved things tend to get ****ed up!
@bandita43 12 лет назад
@razzgrizz3 13 лет назад
my body is ready...
@EarthArchiveJapan 13 лет назад
師匠の曲、Signの類似的な曲かな? この映画はぜひ見に行きたいです。
@Ginjinkun 13 лет назад
I don't mind the CG at all. STUDIO 4℃'s produced some amazing shit (Tekkon Kinkreet, Catherine) and I have high hopes this project will become one of them. Sure it would've been nice if they kept the original voice actors, but hell, a lot changes in 15 years... And as for "darkness" goes, the Golden Age ark was the "brightest" ark even in the manga. It was the only time Guts could get a true good night's sleep. The only thing I'm really hoping for is some more Susumu Hirasawa. FORCESを絶対に入れなきゃ!
@infernai 13 лет назад
Simply....Beautiful. The only thing that will make this movie absolutely perfect for me is if they put at-least SOME variation of the song Forces into these movies (Even if it's only played once, that will do it for me). To me, it just wouldn't feel right to leave that song out of this series as it's very heavily linked to berserk for me.
@chibigatts 13 лет назад
12 people like one piece
@the_NZH 12 лет назад
@pelopota i already did! lol =)
@ThyGodlyness 12 лет назад
@mtallen2006 I'm pretty sure they are going from beginning to the Eclipse, then it will be an anime series for the remainder of the story. My money is on some SERIOUS filler action in the anime, though for the first time EVER, i actually might like filler
@cronosson 13 лет назад
My body could never be ready.
@zaitoify 12 лет назад
ベルセルク は有名だよ いろんな作品が影響されている。 ファイナルファンタージーのクラウドもそうだし ヴァルキリープロファイルの男もそうだしね。 やっと映画化だね。
@uniuni722 12 лет назад
@F0rr0r 12 лет назад
@xyrthor Recall that it's the Golden Age they're dealing with here, and early on as well; while it's still generally dark, it's nowhere near the levels it reaches in the Black Swordsman / Conviction arcs -- there's some room for more "emotional" pieces.
@karloluffy 13 лет назад
@Spelonker Yeah, i heard. But i've read the Golden Age and watched it so i'm kinda bummed i have to sit through it again haha. Also it's gunna be interesting how they go about the more.. explicit manga scenes.
@Tomtebloss87 13 лет назад
@razzgrizz3 No it's not.
@hiroyuki103 13 лет назад
@iko017 12 лет назад
本編は期待はずれではなく、この予告通り素晴らしかったです。 アニメならではのつまらないオリジナル部分もなく、原作に忠実で。 戦闘シーンのCGにはすこ~し気になる部分もあったけど。 声優さんはみんなピッタリでした!! 特にキャスカは本当に今回は良かった(笑)
@JiggyThePooGaming 12 лет назад
@grassysaq After the Incarnation Ceremony, he gets the Dragonslayer from the blacksmith.
@Antibronies 13 лет назад
12 apostles watched this
@MrGGdude 13 лет назад
@xEKUAx mb u are right)
@RaffoLAlternAttivatore 13 лет назад
♥♥♥ FINALLY, after 13 long years, the Berserk anime is BACK with the following of the story AFTER the first eclipse!!!
@BerserkerGaroth 13 лет назад
YEEES i was hoping Susumu Hirasawa is gonna do something for the new Berserk
@Fastarful 13 лет назад
end of wolrd in 2012 xD
@SelfPerception 12 лет назад
@Antibronies 15 now :O
@FormigaJRPG 13 лет назад
finalmenteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, oq eu pensei q era soh um manga abandonado, agora vai tentar a sorte novamente e se bobiar vai ficar mais famoso e se bobiar irá inspirar mais ainda o kentaro miura!YOSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Berserk FOREVER!!
@voodoosh100 13 лет назад
hello to all SK members! :D
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