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Track: Unknown Brain & Hoober - Phenomenon (ft. Dax & VinDon) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: • Unknown Brain & Hoober...
Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/Phenomenon
2.Bad Snacks - City Night Lights
3.Hey Now
5.Manchester Dream
Track: Calli Boom & RYVN - Virtue
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original: • Calli Boom & RYVN - Vi...
Free Download: fanlink.to/cKZ4



15 сен 2024




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@lubiandedashu 3 года назад
I will upload subtitles later
@acenapbuild8282 3 года назад
Thanks,Very nice.. Well always waiting for your tremendous video reviews ❤️
@sompobtangswanit3603 3 года назад
million thanks
@reizdendy8071 3 года назад
Wait for the subtitles 🤝
@mrjamonzgoom2708 3 года назад
👍👌amazing 🤩🤩
@sweetcake3753 3 года назад
Thank youuuu!!!
@byronken4037 3 года назад
The kit design looks amazing. But the posing and video presentation at the end with the bossy background music makes me want to buy this kit asap. Super awesome video!
@Azur214 3 года назад
One of the sexiest Third Party Kits I’ve ever seen. No falling parts (I hope so) and no bad nubs (I wish its minimal).
@ramen4131 2 года назад
it's not 3rd party because it's not something related to bandai or gundam IP. it's original.
@ejj918 2 года назад
@@ramen4131 wait i dont get it, i thought third part means off brand, what does it mean?
@Zx14rrrrrrrrrrr 3 года назад
Man this thing looks good just standing there no wings no weapons.
@teykengwei 3 года назад
same thought.... it looks better without that busy backpack.
@vorlun2594 3 года назад
Its already good enough without the backpack, added backpack its way more awesome for me
@obicross 3 года назад
I agree, i like the backpack but i wish they sell a separate, lighter backpack. But the stock is more than cool enough
@8474Starscream 3 года назад
@@obicross I was thinking adding the main backpack & dropping the wings.
@andreassetiawan7773 3 года назад
Upon closer inspection, the kit's base body's aesthetic is heavily influenced from the MB strike freedom with some Seed MS designs mixed to it (justice, astray, forbidden, and freedom). It's a total mixed bag, but in a good way. I called this forbidden 'build fighters' style Albeit not 100% original, can't deny this looks good and high quality. Have one in preorder and can't wait to build my own. Really interested and would like to see the other releases that the company planned (if there is more)!
@bunnyfreakz 3 года назад
Alot of Gundams are not entirely original. Strike Gundam looks like Double X Gundam alot. Buster Gundam is Heavyarms. Kyrios looks like Wing Gundam. Strike Freedom Dragon system is nu Gundam funnels.
@andreassetiawan7773 3 года назад
@@bunnyfreakz I do see your point but what you just stated are the base references of the design for the said gundam. Sure, some UC and non UC MSes shares some similarities, but the core design is quite different. (example that Strike was based from RX-78 but the designer overhauled it to be sharper and angular than the blocky UC counterpart. Same with UC's funnels tech, they have it in SEED's strike freedom but it's called Dragoon) What I meant here is that the creator of the Judge mixed and copied some aspect of the design that the existing MSes I stated above have in the same timeline, so in a sense it's a direct 'ctrl c and ctrl v.' Again, I do not say it's bad or wrong. It's creative in its own way, and it does look good I preordered one for myself. I was just simply stating their choice of designing the Judge based on my perspective. It's simple yet looks awesome and I'd like to see some more of this mixed-style designs. Anyways, thanks for the opinion, though.
@burningreach 3 года назад
My God... That's crazy beautiful.
@ramen4131 3 года назад
大叔的视频一如既往滴赞啊!强烈支持零重力这样的原创厂。这次的机设很对我们这些seed迷的胃口,作为对标Hirm的模型,¥399价位很超值~! 感觉接下来可以用同一个骨架和concept做类似seed里的地球嗑药三小强的其他机体。双厨狂喜赞赞赞!!
@yuchengchen2235 2 года назад
不就是個抄別人東西的玩具,唉什麽時候你們能搞出真正原創的,看不到別人影子的不更好。 這不就是是抄鋼彈而已,別對這種現象沾沾自喜,當整個民族都只想抄而已,那不等於永遠在別人後面追而已,等人做出來在抄,這是良性循環嗎,這麽大的國家該是人才輩出才對,結果都是不淪不類的。
@ramen4131 2 года назад
@@yuchengchen2235 1. 这抄什么了?有别人的IP吗?你可以举证抄袭的动画形象吗? 2. 我们搞出来了啊,凯能就是原创啊,我们的几个大学生弄的夜空骑士也是原创啊。你自己不知道,一上来大嘴一张就上升到“當整個民族都只想抄而已”,实在怀疑你评论背后的动机。 3. 我没沾沾自喜啊,我就是单纯喜欢这个模型,中国人日本人台湾人谁出都行,重点是我能买到。我没有因为这个是中国的厂而感觉怎么样,不像某类人动不动就xx之光。 4. 你怎么不看看自己居住的那个小岛上最美丽的风景,是如何一系列地把日本photocopy过来的?就连旺旺米饼和小馒头都是拿别人的好吗?那才是抄。 5. 我们空间站 第五代战斗机 055世界上最好的驱逐舰 航母都造出来了,“這麽大的國家該是人才輩出才對,結果都是不淪不類的。”? 6. 印度也和我们一样啊,为什么你不去怼印度,问问他们为什么“這麽大的國家該是人才輩出才對,結果都是不淪不類的”。印尼人口也差不多是日本的两倍了,为什么这个国家成就不是日本的两倍?
@Mr45_9-5 2 года назад
@@yuchengchen2235 重點在於中國的制度,沒有言論自由的國家都有一個特點,就是創造力不高,所以導致中國這麼大的國家卻沒有出現很多人才,才有那麼多抄襲,北韓的抄襲狀況也不會輸給中國只是絕大部分沒被爆出來,審判的機設的確參考了鋼彈,但中國的模型廠商從一開始的直接翻模到現在自己做機設,雖然不是完全原創難道不值得鼓勵嗎?抄襲每個國家都有只是嚴不嚴重而已,台灣曾經就被稱做抄襲王國,那時候全世界有80%的仿冒品都來自台灣,只是經濟起飛後有錢有技術了,才慢慢有了自己的東西,日本的豐田汽車也是抄襲起家,只是技術積累後有了自己的東西,零重力也沒說是完全原創,你這直接說他抄襲不對吧
@Mr45_9-5 2 года назад
@@ramen4131 你要知道一件事中共的話絕大多數都不能信,中共非常擅長逆向研發,講難聽一點就是抄襲,例如解放軍的獵鷹有人一查發現跟德國的auto gyro mt03旋翼機基本一樣只差在一個後輪有整流罩一個沒有,你們的殲20的外型就有被俄國的軍事專家說為什麼這麼像他們曾經胎死腹中的隱形戰鬥機米格1.44,至於航母你自己查吧,負面評價多於正面,所以這個不倫不類也是一個事實,黨的話建議先查證,當國家又說什麼什麼是自主研發一律都先查證,畢竟中共很擅長解決發現問題的人、逆向研發和封鎖消息(特別是針對國內的封鎖),軍事這方面就不要拿出來說了,因為太多的自主研發實際上都是逆向研發,中國沒有出現很多發明的人才基本都是因為體制的關係,那麼大的國家,十幾億的人口,對人類近代科技的貢獻基本為零,那人的最後兩句話是事實
@ramen4131 2 года назад
​@@Mr45_9-5 也许任何人说的话都不能信,包括你和我的。但美国对J20很重视,高级将领对它飞得好、做出了肯定。055和003出来了,南海邻国的态度都开始友善了,我相信它们不关心这些成就是不是中国自主研发的。但我很确定美国和盟友想尽一切办法不给中国任何机会逆向工程或者零部件供应。中国航天就是个例子。如果逆向工程那么万能,研发人员和智库也不需要那么爆肝了😂 你对抄袭两个字有误解:如果一个公司或者个人抄袭了其他公司或个人的知识产权或者技术细节,拿来非法卖钱盈利,那叫抄袭。 军事方面,如果一个人或者机构提出一个概念,其他人或者个体去实现这个概念,那不叫抄袭。 第五代战机是个概念,J20是一个中国自主生产的、为了实现第五代战斗机标准的战斗机,这不叫抄袭。 航空母舰是一个概念,美国做了,日本做了,欧洲列强国家以前都做了,没人骂它们抄袭,中国做出来了003,为什么是抄袭?你双标吗?如果是的话,那你就是自恨党或者盎萨的走狗,没什么好说的。一个讨论模型的视频下面吃相这么难看,不丢人吗? 笔记本电脑是东芝第一个做出来的,Dell和HP和Apple今天也做笔记本,以你的逻辑,它们是不是都抄袭了? “十幾億的人口,對人類近代科技的貢獻基本為零”,真抱歉啊,中国在国际科技论文期刊上的发表量是第二名。说这句话和认同这句话的人不是没水平就是没受过什么教育,同时还self-loathing。挺可怜的。
@user-tg4mb4jh6f 3 года назад
我怀疑这货能开启一个时代,就算没有动漫,你设计好看也是可以大卖。 保证质量,价格不是唯一。加油💪
@ashippoi5711 3 года назад
Still cant believe this was made from forbidden gundam, they make it look like forbidden gundam is the main character's gundam lol
@chatreehengsagulwong451 3 года назад
Freedom and Justice vibe in there too
@volteuss 3 года назад
Maybe this is what happens if Earth Forces won the 2nd Bloody Valentine War. MAJOR Upgrades. ZAFT tech stolen, ORB merged with EF. Forbidden upgrade to Judge Gundam since it was meant to carry the team (now given full offensive and speed upgrades)
@muhardaffa5623 3 года назад
I like the way you posing this kit, maximizing backpack and accesories aspect, thats damn cool looking
@SparkRattle 3 года назад
It's like the love child of Justice, Nu, and G Savior designwise. Attractive and quite stable.
@faizzamir4788 3 года назад
Lastly,been waiting for this for my entire life
@Mr45_9-5 3 года назад
@ramen4131 3 года назад
嗯同意 我觉得这种不侵权的原创厂商很值得支持,这次的机设很对我们这些seed迷的胃口,作为对标Hirm的模型,¥399价位很超值~!感觉接下来可以用同一个骨架和concept做类似seed里的地球嗑药三小强的其他机体。
@user-fl3di1xk1c 3 года назад
零重力 MG 1/100 審判 組裝完成..謝謝你的開箱分享.下一台機甲之城 MAS-15 佩涅羅佩 初回版!
@vorlun2594 3 года назад
Glad I preordered this thanks for the quick review
@chrisw5083 3 года назад
@hohohopika 3 года назад
剛入手了假組了本體, 金屬骨架質量很高,細節分明緊實度也很好。 膠件也一樣,組合度很好,精細度也是一流水準,有之前龍桃子的水平。這廠方不簡單啊未來要繼續關注。 設計的話...把它當作Gundam build吧。
@shutter-chan 3 года назад
So the only issues I'm seeing were the forward ab crunch with backpacks on (totally understandable though, but still impressive that it doesn't leak so far back), and the incomplete pieces for the weapon and its rather loose connection. Still this is a really great kit. Gotta love those ratchet joints on the legs. I'm still wondering why they went with clear parts for the action base arm.
@Kaluvin 3 года назад
The waist joint could be tightened with screws. You could tighten it the the point it becomes as solid as a hammer.
@nobunaga9050 3 года назад
Was looking all over for this in Canada, finally found a spot to pre-order it, can’t wait
@sweetsoulrevue4547 3 года назад
@josephmartinez5751 3 года назад
Yeah where?
@sergiosalazar3610 3 года назад
The lord has blessed us again
@arjaypacheco938 3 года назад
Ive been waiting for this. :))
@gnmeisterzero 3 года назад
Is there offical instruction for water decal on the internet somewhere. It doesn't say in the manual?
@AegisFury00 3 года назад
You can do it on your own its a free style just be creative :)
@gunpladdict7663 3 года назад
Just ordered this bad boy hopefully it will arrive soon been anticipating this kit for awhile.
@thisisaname2250 Месяц назад
How you people get these hands to hold the scythes is beyond me. Shit is IMPOSSIBLE for me. Tried everything.
@astray4390 3 года назад
@zhongcheng4593 3 года назад
@voltz5941 3 года назад
That gundam is like from destiny 2 because of the ankle,shoulder, back skirt and the body shaped
@cheex9861 3 года назад
Holy crap looks incredible... I can't wait for mine
@satriocatur6775 3 года назад
your posing always looks so good..damn bro
@AJigsCorpuz 3 года назад
I saw the 3rd party Freedom parts.. But man, this is nice kit. better than the hi res wing zero 😅
@Nameless-eg7il 3 года назад
Absolutely agree
@unbournx 3 года назад
forbidden gundam extreme evolve..
@akmarulhisham2281 3 года назад
The stop motion is lit 🔥🔥🔥
@gnmeisterzero 3 года назад
Order mine at gundam central. They had 61 kits available at the time I ordered. Ten minutes later they were all sold out! Can't wait to Get mine!
@sweetsoulrevue4547 3 года назад
Will gundam central deliver to europe?. Have you ordered in gundam central before? Id like to know. Thanks
@gnmeisterzero 3 года назад
@@sweetsoulrevue4547 yes they do and I order there all the time. I live in the US and it takes about 2 weeks. The seller is super chill.
@inoaja1111 3 года назад
Amazing! Love it 💚
@fredxu99 3 года назад
DANG this thing looks cool. Going to check it out :D
@numa_kai 3 года назад
Basically, this kit is if Kyoya Kisugi in Build Divers made his version of Strike Freedom.
@lukabazookastj9462 3 года назад
its based off the forbidden gundam
@gesie0504 3 года назад
@wilsonarias2019 2 года назад
((((whistling)))) just here to steal the poses you use on your videos lol
@bachkhoi9450 Год назад
same lmao
@supernuobi 3 года назад
The 2 vertical tail fins of airplane at the backpack spoils everything. Cannot be unseen. Backpack appendages/armaments seems like inspiration from most recent transformer series. Its very (abit too) organic. This kit challenges Bandai.
@luigi7112 3 года назад
Crew Music for Badass Gundam Seems legit.
@iamsjame699 3 года назад
i think this worth to buy...a lot of detail also with diecast metal frame..heavy backpack not a problem to him...
@sdhiousdfyhsdioufsdoiufh 3 года назад
I'm sorry but I lost all interested in stock gundams after watching your video. This Judge is now my only purpose in life.
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
well, check out the RG's Bandai has been releasing lately, highly recommend the Nu Gundam and Sazabi.
@rasheedkhael5798 3 года назад
@obicross 3 года назад
what's the brand of that turn table you are using? been searching for it
@I-drive_shitboxes 3 года назад
Can't even say how GUD is this BOI.
@adhityaputrapamungkas9191 3 года назад
Waiting for daban 8819S review
@bdmpotato 3 года назад
So fresh!
@RealtusMaximus 3 года назад
*Parts used:* MB Strike Freedom Gundam MB Destiny Gundam MG Freedom Gundam 2.0 MG Testament Gundam ver.DM MG Justice Gundam MG Sinanju (Melee Beam Weapon) RC (resin cast) Forbidden Gundam
@RealtusMaximus 3 года назад
I forgot to add *MG Aile Strike Gundam* for the thrusters and such.
@albinonemo 3 года назад
it's literally a completely new design, new mouds and everything. it's just loosely based off forbidden gundam.
@GunplaKhaijue 3 года назад
lmao. ure wronh
@albinonemo 3 года назад
weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404588992808222824 For anyone interested, here’s a full pictorial review with runners shown too. Completely new.
@RealtusMaximus 3 года назад
@@albinonemo Just because they shaved the surface, added a new detailed texture layers, and then molded the parts as its base doesn't mean it's original. If you own those kits above, then you would know which parts I'm referring to. Your mind won't forget those each and every parts you felt, and seen in your room.
@user-tg4mb4jh6f 3 года назад
@thiefsalary642 3 года назад
@lolkayn49 3 года назад
@@thiefsalary642 无聊
@雷振华 3 года назад
@@thiefsalary642 呱呱呱
@sawashiromiyuki918 3 года назад
it's like a forbidden base mix with astray and destiny
@ramen4131 3 года назад
and MG Justice! :D
@sishiruiseishirou4805 3 года назад
I think It's basically from age magnum,try-age,age,etc but mixed with deathscyte gundam, and also with extra backpack and weapons hahaha
@cenizafranciskarlempleo8-a745 3 года назад
Such a beautiful gundam
@GabrielMoreira-lp8jj 3 года назад
@AegisFury00 3 года назад
The last part didn't let me to think twice so I order right away! Deyyymmm!
@suiton01 3 года назад
Where can I buy this? It costs an arm and a leg to import this to the US.
@AegisFury00 3 года назад
@@suiton01 I'm from Philippines I placed my order through shoppee I dont know if shoppee is also available on other non-asian country.
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
@@suiton01 I am not very sure if this kit is very accessible outside of Asia tbh.
@suiton01 3 года назад
@@pangzhiyu8098 I finally found a store in the US that has this awesome model kit. I was able to pre-order it and it will arrive in April or May.
@lukasm7354 3 года назад
Ffs those angles are gorgeous
@paonico7850 3 года назад
I saw from samueldecal that this has an alternatw vfin. Or does it? If not, can you get one seprately?
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
It does have an alternate V fin, this one is more Astray style, the other one screams Forbidden Gundam. It's really just personal preference.
@ikkikurogane972 3 года назад
What a badass kit bro
@sweetcake3753 3 года назад
Goshhhhhhhhh what a super beastttttttttt!!!!!!!
@jorgelass5627 3 года назад
Where did you get the water decal guide?
@jjc3281 3 года назад
@雷振华 3 года назад
@peterxia 3 года назад
In for 2. Thanks uncle
@umersyed1402 3 года назад
Where can you buy this kit from?
@mrwarrior2224 3 года назад
Sorry Im a bit stupid umm... is that a model kit
@abdulmajied4941 3 года назад
@sawashiromiyuki918 3 года назад
Yes like HIRM from Bandai
@lttvlogs889 3 года назад
That backpack is awesome for me Can wait to buy it
@reyhazelomison4366 3 года назад
Awesome kit
@Goefrei0516 3 года назад
Waiting for my pre-order to arrive. Thanks for the video. Its majestic 👌
@ahmadkareem4550 3 года назад
Q : Backpacks can be change or not
@sawashiromiyuki918 3 года назад
This kit makes Bandai a little jealous 😂
@ricko3316 3 года назад
Nope We all know that bandai is more on anime accurate looking stuff. They can make this kind of stuff if they want to but that's not their image.
@stefandehmel5952 3 года назад
@@ricko3316 u sure about that? 🤣 If thats true, why is there such a huge gap style wise between normal and Metal build releases?!? (destiny, f91, astrays etc) No Metal build can compede against this "firsttimer" right here. This "judge" model by Zero gravity destroys every Bandai release period!
@fantastiCkiLler92 3 года назад
@@stefandehmel5952 No Metal build can compete against this "firsttimer"< u sure about that? Seed MB figure sells like hot cake, and all the figure has a back story. This? sorry....no. The design took so much stuff from other mecha design and mush it all into one and call that "originality" Bandai won't even care.
@NoctisLucis000 3 года назад
@@stefandehmel5952 then don't buy bandai releases.
@stefandehmel5952 3 года назад
@@NoctisLucis000 🤣🤣🤣 why so salty?
@drawerrevolutiuner5643 3 года назад
I hope Studio G will make this gunpla!
@user-sf6xt3pu9q 3 года назад
@nightshiftbyommandizon5436 3 года назад
Savage ❤️
@arindaputra8070 3 года назад
Look very strong without any custom
@markmartinez9031 3 года назад
Looks cool but no resemblance to the original forbidden gundam
@BigDaddy-wm5vk 3 года назад
The scythe is the closest resemblance and it had the beam guns on the hands that's the most noticeable resemblance
@__X888X__ 3 года назад
@imperilbuster404 3 года назад
Ik its based off of forbidden, but whats the name? Judge Gundam?
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
Nope, just Judge, it isn't a Gundam *cough*copyright*cough
@antoniotecson2659 3 года назад
How much is this now? Converted to usd?
@adamaunya 3 года назад
is this limited for only a batch?
@alexsung3117 3 года назад
I saw this few months ago, got a skygrasper instead wish i changed my mind
@Rey-sb6li 3 года назад
Nice review! Does this kit have a metal inner frame (100%)?
@vlo8001 3 года назад
@Rey-sb6li 3 года назад
@@vlo8001 Wow, that's significant already! Thank you for your answering my question :)
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
in the joints
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
mostly the legs and arms, the lower part of the waist joint doen't have that much.
@ryanlai4292 3 года назад
@erickyllonen3113 3 года назад
dam this sonovabish looks epic
@Pikih_Sinyo 3 года назад
Since the Third party does not use Gundam Trademark or copycat the basic gundam design, I think its OK..and not counted as a violation.😂
@kozamo9351 3 года назад
Will there be another realease? I was too late.
@hafiszaide4005 3 года назад
Last 2-3 post I saw about Judge gundam in Facebook say that this is one time production only because the probably will focus on the new one after this.
@yosuakadiwanu 3 года назад
Nice BGM,
@warwicksworkshop9511 3 года назад
Where do you buy these from?
@lubiandedashu 3 года назад
@frosti3chill805 3 года назад
Now i know why the price is doable, that thing is a beasts,😳
@miaostanley1325 3 года назад
@dzls4198 3 года назад
Hello Sir, can you share a link for water decal manual for this kit?
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
well, it doesn't exist, you need to either customise it or search up some photos online.
@dzls4198 3 года назад
@@pangzhiyu8098 thanks alot bro
@你的貧道 3 года назад
@herbertmoscoso7984 3 года назад
Cooooooooombo breaker!!!! to bandai 🤘🏻
@Jaysambon 3 года назад
Does this come with one scythe or two?
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
It comes with one, the left over parts aren't enough for a second one.
@zeonsprecision1434 3 года назад
Is it abs ? other than the frame?
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
No, its has a diecast metal inner frame, way better than abs and also the reason why it is so solid even with all those stuff on it. The diecast frame also made the main body of the kit super heavy which is why it can still stand up even wIth that crazy backpack on.
@HybrydATP64 3 года назад
Where can i get it?
@angelocayabyab5623 3 года назад
where can I buy one
@Neuvari 2 года назад
this is made by china manufacturer right?
@sigerlion8608 Год назад
@Neuvari Год назад
@@sigerlion8608 they surely getting better!
@TheMozerfok 3 года назад
@pangzhiyu8098 3 года назад
Taobao or Aliexpress. Shipping would be impossible now though.
@sdhiousdfyhsdioufsdoiufh 3 года назад
Can I buy this?
@Boblol126 3 года назад
@xiaoanchen4362 3 года назад
an unit based on freedom 2.0 body pieces....
@khmerkomsan8634 3 года назад
how much for this ?
@user-lh1zb9vw1h 3 года назад
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