
【直播】觀音菩薩 VS 觀世音菩薩,唸哪個才正確? 唸菩薩洪名有何功德?Should We Recite Namo Guan Yin Pusa, or Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa? 

謙預 QianyuSG
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00:47 快速復習上場直播-【四馬路觀音廟你知多少?】
Quick revision of last Live - How much do you know about Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple at Waterloo Street?
02:06 觀衆Q1-如何辨別四馬路觀音廟裏,哪尊是達摩祖師,哪尊是華佗先師?
Inside the temple, how can we differentiate between the statues of Bodhidharma and Hua Tuo?
05:05 為何得搞清楚自己所拜的神明是怎麽稱呼?
Why should we bother to know the names of the deities we worship?
06:17 四馬路觀音廟爲何會供奉華佗先師?
Why did Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple at Waterloo Street enshrine the statue of Hua Tuo?
06:57 各行各業供奉的祖師
The patriarchs of various industries
08:00 其背後的歷史 - 觀音菩薩 VS 觀世音菩薩,唸哪個才正確?
The history behind these names: Guan Yin Bodhisattva VS Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, which recitation is correct?
11:36 拔佛珠應該順時鐘還是逆時鐘方向?有何寓意?
When we use the mala, should we rotate it clockwise or anti-clockwise? The significance behind this
13:43 迷思 - 修法一定要修越複雜越好?念越多經咒越有力量?
Should cultivation be as complicated as possible? Does reciting more different sutras and mantras bestow more power to the practitioner?
15:37 每一個經咒都有專屬的護法神,這意味什麼?
Every sutra and mantra has its unique Dharma protectors. What does this mean?
16:04 笑話-鷄蛋和香腸,爲什麽在冰箱裏面不講話?
Joke - why did the egg and the sausage not talk to each other, when they were in the fridge?
17:56 老禪師閉關持咒多年,卻不見護法顯現!弟子小沙彌只唸五遍,護法怎麼就從天而降呢?!
A old Zen master went into retreat to recite a mantra for many years, but the Dharma protector did not appear. His disciple, a child monk, recited just 5 times, but why did the Dharma protector descended from the Heaven?
21:06 如果沒得往生到淨土,我們這一世所做的修行功課會不會打水漂?
Will our cultivation efforts this lifetime go to waste, if we do not make it to the Pureland upon death?
21:36 爲何看到菩薩的尊容或聽到佛曲,會覺得很熟悉,很感動?
Why do we feel familiar or moved, when we see the dignified face of Bodhisattva or hear Buddhist songs?
23:24 這一世與觀衆的緣份
My affinity with my viewers this lifetime
24:19 修佛法最需要的三種力量
The 3 strengths you need to learn Buddhism
28:17 許多弟子都曾夢過盧師尊,我卻沒有,對我有何影響?
Many disciples had dreamt of Grandmaster Lu, but I had never. How does this affect me?
29:33 朗讀蓮生活佛盧勝彥文集137冊《虛空中的穿梭》- 黑山大王和觀世音菩薩
Reciting from Grandmaster Lu's book 137 "Revelation of Reincarnation III - Transporting through Emptiness" : King of Black Mountain & Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva
34:14 死於非命的人,業障真的比較重嗎?
For people who died violently in a disaster, are their karma more severe?
42:04 我為何特別鍾愛讀蓮生活佛文集?為何想學佛的人都該讀?
Why am I especially fond of Grandmaster Lu's books? Why are they a must-read for all budding Buddhists?



12 сен 2024




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