
京都 大原 三千院 癒しのパワースポット 

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1. 往生極楽院(おうじょうごくらくいん)
• 三千院の中心となる建物で、阿弥陀三尊像が安置されています。この仏像群は、平安時代後期の代表的な仏像彫刻です。
2. 有清園(ゆうせいえん)
• 美しい庭園で、四季折々の風景を楽しむことができます。特に紅葉の季節には、多くの観光客が訪れます。
3. 聚碧園(しゅうへきえん)
• 苔庭が広がる美しい庭園で、心が安らぐ空間です。庭園の中には石灯籠や小さな橋が配置され、風情ある景観が楽しめます。
4. 音無の滝
• 境内を流れる音無川にかかる滝で、その名の通り静かな水音が心地よい場所です。散策の際には立ち寄りたいスポットです。
5. 御影堂(みえいどう)
• 最澄の御影(肖像)が安置されている堂宇で、ここでも歴史と静寂を感じることができます。
• 電車とバス: 京都駅からJRバス「大原行き」に乗車し、大原バス停で下車。そこから徒歩約10分です。
Sanzenin Temple is a temple of the Tendai sect located in Ohara, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. It is also called "Ohara Sanzen-in" because of its location in the village of Ohara. Below is an overview of Sanzen-in Temple and its highlights.
Sanzen-in Temple was founded in the Enryaku era (782-806) by Saicho, a great Buddhist priest. Originally established as part of Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hieizan, it was later moved to Ohara. Throughout its long history, it has been an important temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism.
1. Oujo-gokuraku-in Temple
- This is the central building of Sanzen-in and houses the three images of Amida. This group of Buddhist statues is representative of Buddhist sculptures from the late Heian period. 2.
2. yuseien garden
- This beautiful garden offers seasonal views. It attracts many visitors, especially during the season of autumn leaves. 3.
3. juhekien
- A beautiful garden with an expanse of moss garden, it is a peaceful space. Stone lanterns and small bridges are placed in the garden to provide a tasteful view.
4. otonashi waterfall
- This waterfall spans the Otonashi River that flows through the temple grounds, and as the name suggests, the quiet sound of the water is a pleasant place to visit. It is a good spot to stop by when strolling around.
5. mieido (portrait hall)
- A portrait of Saicho is enshrined in this hall, where you can feel the history and tranquility of the temple.
How to get there
- By train and bus: From Kyoto Station, take the JR bus bound for Ohara and get off at the Ohara bus stop. From there it is a 10-minute walk.
Sanzenin Temple is a place where visitors can experience nature and history in a quiet and serene atmosphere. The village of Ohara itself is located far from the city of Kyoto and offers peaceful scenery. When visiting, take time to stroll around and enjoy the harmony of nature and history.
#日本 #京都観光 #大原#三千院
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7 сен 2024




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