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就牡丹紋裝飾的藝術形式來看, 北方的磁州窯裝飾多採用折枝式的牡丹紋,而且極少選用全枝式,多是挑選最生動傳神的一兩枝、一兩種或一兩束的單株式構圖,來充分表現牡丹的姿態和光韻,重在刻畫一枝牡丹花,體現「一枝濃艷露凝香」 的意境。而南方景德鎮窯的牡丹紋裝飾更多的是採用纏枝牡丹紋的藝術表現形式。特點 是「花大葉小」, 所謂花大葉小, 即強調花頭的造型而縮小、弱化枝葉的形象 使自然景物形象昇華為更具有形式美感的裝飾紋樣。
茶品 / 2021年政和頭採銀針
急須 / 平安春峰陽刻纏枝牡丹紋白瓷急須
壺承 / 李朝十二瓣輪花小膳
公道 / 平安春峰陽刻纏枝牡丹紋白瓷急須
水注 / 19世紀末美國Lawrence B. Smith公司木柄鍍銀方形酒精底座煮水壺
茶杯 / 菅沼淳一白瓷六稜杯
盞檯 / 菅野一美磁州窯風格折枝牡丹紋六角高台皿
茶入 / 民國期螺鈿漆器折枝牡丹紋八角捧盒
茶勺 / 20世紀初英國貝母勺
🍵今日の茶席 第443回【南北の違い】🍵
🍵Today's Tea Party No. 443 [Differences between the North and the South]🍵
As for the artistic style of peony motifs, the decorations of the Cizhou kilns in the north often use the broken branch style (a design of only a part of the branch) of peony motifs, and there are few designs depicting the whole peony. They are often designed with one or two branches, one or two varieties, or one or two bouquets of the most vivid peony.
In order to fully express the appearance and charm of the peony, the emphasis is placed on one branch of peony, expressing the state of "一枝濃艷露凝香".
On the other hand, the peony motif decorations of the Jingdezhen kilns in the south often adopt the expression form of peony with intertwined branches. Its characteristic is that the flowers are large and the leaves are small. This emphasizes the shape of the flower and reduces the appearance of the branches and leaves, sublimating the natural appearance into a decorative pattern with a more formal beauty.
就牡丹紋裝飾的藝術形式來看, 北方的磁州窯裝飾多採用折枝式的牡丹紋,而且極少選用全枝式,多是挑選最生動傳神的一兩枝、一兩種或一兩束的單株式構圖,來充分表現牡丹的姿態和光韻,重在刻畫一枝牡丹花,體現「一枝濃艷露凝香」 的意境。而南方景德鎮窯的牡丹紋裝飾更多的是採用纏枝牡丹紋的藝術表現形式。特點 是「花大葉小」, 所謂花大葉小, 即強調花頭的造型而縮小、弱化枝葉的形象 使自然景物形象昇華為更具有形式美感的裝飾紋樣。
茶品 / 2021年政和頭採銀針
急須 / 平安春峰陽刻纏枝牡丹紋白瓷急須
壺承 / 李朝十二瓣輪花小膳
公道 / 平安春峰陽刻纏枝牡丹紋白瓷急須
水注 / 19世紀末美國Lawrence B. Smith公司木柄鍍銀方形酒精底座煮水壺
茶杯 / 菅沼淳一白瓷六稜杯
盞檯 / 菅野一美磁州窯風格折枝牡丹紋六角高台皿
茶入 / 民國期螺鈿漆器折枝牡丹紋八角捧盒
茶勺 / 20世紀初英國貝母勺
🍵今日の茶席 第443回【南北の違い】🍵
🍵Today's Tea Party No. 443 [Differences between the North and the South]🍵
As for the artistic style of peony motifs, the decorations of the Cizhou kilns in the north often use the broken branch style (a design of only a part of the branch) of peony motifs, and there are few designs depicting the whole peony. They are often designed with one or two branches, one or two varieties, or one or two bouquets of the most vivid peony.
In order to fully express the appearance and charm of the peony, the emphasis is placed on one branch of peony, expressing the state of "一枝濃艷露凝香".
On the other hand, the peony motif decorations of the Jingdezhen kilns in the south often adopt the expression form of peony with intertwined branches. Its characteristic is that the flowers are large and the leaves are small. This emphasizes the shape of the flower and reduces the appearance of the branches and leaves, sublimating the natural appearance into a decorative pattern with a more formal beauty.



16 сен 2024




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