
永遠懷念:Irene Ryder 黎愛蓮 Irene最後一次商業演出 

Channel Gary Yeung
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@黎愛蓮 @Irene Ryder



17 сен 2024




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@bestpartners9738 6 дней назад
@ngarthur1692 5 дней назад
@bestpartners9738 5 дней назад
@@ngarthur1692 係2號收到消息!
@ngarthur1692 5 дней назад
@user-rw1ly4eu2u 4 дня назад
@tfyuen9315 4 дня назад
@lucettalee5133 6 дней назад
眞係唱得好好聽、有感情、現在的新人、所謂歌星、眞的望麈莫及! 一路好走、Irene Ryder❤
@waihungwaihungcheungcheung1255 5 дней назад
@koinchan5337 3 дня назад
@kitkan3068 6 дней назад
Me Too.Too........
@kitkan3068 Nowadays. ALL所謂Big SUPEME SUPER STARS singers.They All.Didn't sing the Songs.,Been JUST Opened mouth.Taken voices Only 👌 😄 !嗌破喉嚨,爆破音響.全首歌只一兩个字.or 一兩句been Heard I'm Felted that's !
@holun168 4 дня назад
@shuenyingma2406 4 дня назад
好佩服Irene揀的咁難唱難學的歌!反觀近年香港的歌手唱埋的雞仔声,卡拉O.K. style 的歌!
@shuenyingma2406 4 дня назад
@consciencelai6104 6 дней назад
第一次聽佢唱歌, 咁大年紀還唱得咁好!聲底好厚,果然好專業👏👏👏👏,RIP
@lees-gi2299 4 дня назад
黎小姐的歌藝無得彈!咬字清晰,演譯得有感情,首首歌都是百聽不厭,多謝Gary 兄!
@wjkwjk3484 6 дней назад
Irene Ryder小姐❤️,RIP希望她安息,唱得非常好。
@happyliao5138 6 дней назад
@susiemandy1673 6 дней назад
@islandaquarium 6 дней назад
黎小姐樣靚聲甜 唱歌有感情殿堂级人馬小時候已经覺得她好靚 我自己也六十多歳了 人生苦短 忘記傷痛了。
@mingAu-ry1rc 6 дней назад
感謝台傳來黎小姐的消息! 黎愛蓮也是我喜歡的歌星藝人,約在1975年在彌敦道/柯士甸道,向尖沙咀方向的歐式建築(現仍存在),李瑞聯西醫診所內,近距離見過黎小姐幾次;美白可人的混血美人。 西醫李瑞聯是當時九巴主診醫生,1971年我入九巴也在該處驗身。 過了幾年她嫁給梁小龍,某天從新聞知悉,梁,黎,被梁的仇家以腐蝕性液體襲擊,黎愛蓮被毀容,後來兩人離婚,黎愛蓮經過多次整容手術,重新出發,曾在2000年代在大埔文娛中心,看過她的個人演唱會,仍然精彩,但身形和歌聲較受傷前稍有遜色。 今次播出的演唱會很精彩,可惜無畫面,喜歡的藝人,又少一員,不勝唏嘘。
@nakim1200 6 дней назад
@annienets6956 6 дней назад
@mingAu-ry1rc 6 дней назад
@@nakim1200 是的,此事各大報章都有報導。
@pinkpeony3651 6 дней назад
@mingAu-ry1rc 4 дня назад
@annieu30 6 дней назад
@hoyinlui630 6 дней назад
@李劍雲 3 дня назад
@claudiasuen1379 4 дня назад
我最後一次見她都是十年前了,和她傾談時感受到她的痛苦。Irene 現在妳返回天主身邊沒有悲傷祗有快樂。
@annho9937 6 дней назад
Irene 仍然寶刀未老 歌聲洪亮,非常好聽….Tammy and To Sir with Love are my favorite songs ❤❤❤❤
@holun168 4 дня назад
Those were the days 😢
@shuenyingma2406 4 дня назад
好難學,好難唱的歌!Irene 係喜歡challenges..
@英子小松-d1s 6 дней назад
永遠懷念您~黎愛蓮 願您天家之路好走! 寶刀未老! 好動聽!
@chrislau7809 5 дней назад
Irene Ryder’s songs are very nice to hear, she’s a very great singer but life’s not controlled by us!
@muiyingwong7192 6 дней назад
佢好靚,但一生 坎坷😢😢
@ac888 4 дня назад
Irene is a great singer, I really enjoy her performance. I am glad I still have a copy of her CD. RIP Irene, we will miss you 😢😢😢
@davidyim-n2u 4 дня назад
Irene 係我哋年代偶像,夢中情人,祝你一路好走去一個更安逸平和世界 🙏🙏🙏
@melingwan95 4 дня назад
@GoldieCheung 7 дней назад
Amazing voice ❤ RIP gorgeous lady
@lauwowturtle 6 дней назад
Amazing voice! RIP Irene Ryder ❤️🙏🏻❤️
@teresat4983 6 дней назад
I watched Irene became Miss HK Festival runner up, such a beautiful stylish, youthful lady. Also heard about her being attacked. She came out sometime later telling people not to commit suicide, she said it is a big sin to do so. She sure had a beautiful voice, I am enjoying this recording.
@sinkamchiu7735 7 дней назад
@kennyyu5450 5 дней назад
七十五歲就走了 太早了 不過娛樂圈係大染缸 太多誘惑 容易染上不良嗜好 好多藝人 因為進了娛樂圈 無錯係有名有利 但因染上不良嗜好 比較短命 當然 我無話黎小姐有不良嗜好 有無都好 她是一位真正聲色藝俱全嘅歌手 好難搵到另一個如此漂亮 嗓音雄渾 而且懂得唱歌嘅歌手 2008 大陸汶川地震 亞視搞賑災演唱晚會 我有朋友當幕後工作 黃昏我和朋友進入會場 就在入口遇見了黎愛蓮小姐 當時她無戴假髮 她短短的頭髮夾了一些髮夾 無化粧 肥肥地 睇到佢臉上係有啲疤痕嘅 我們一眼就認出是她 我身旁一個朋友驚叫了一聲 另一個朋友好生鬼咁同黎愛蓮小姐說笑 話我哋真係有緣囉 咁多年無見 宜家都見返 當然 我朋友只是講笑 佢根本就唔識黎愛蓮小姐 黎愛蓮小姐不愧是見過大場面嘅人 佢居然又係好鬼馬咁向我朋友說笑 說 係呀 ! 真係好多年無見囉 我哋真係有緣呀 ! 咁我哋就之後就入咗會場 好了 晚點 晚會開始 到黎愛蓮小姐出場 她戴了長假髮 化了粧 穿了好高嘅高跟鞋 穿白衣 由工作人員扶她上台 唱應景嘅 The Morning After 嗓音依舊雄渾 唱作俱佳 氣量係稍有不足 但去到呢個年紀 係咁嘅囉 都好好聽噃 雖已是一把年紀 但一開聲 衆多新人都要行埋一邊 問你服未 ? 2010 世紀電影金曲演唱會 我和朋友都有聽 那一場 李振輝係座上客 黎愛蓮小姐在台上唱了兩句 Baby Baby 跟住就介紹台下嘅李振輝俾觀衆 李先生點點頭微笑回應 雖然 Baby Baby 只係臨場唱了兩句 但都幾好聽噃 有料即係有料嘅 好了 散場後 群星去到大堂為購買 世紀電影金曲 CD 嘅觀衆簽名 黎愛蓮小姐都係度 不過佢一路簽 一路話攰 話簽到好辛苦 不過 都始終簽咗 我買了幾張 她和其他歌星就為我逐張簽 真係敬業樂業 宜家啲新人真係要好好學習 黎愛蓮小姐 願妳一路好走
@rachelyip2940 6 дней назад
@buddyng 7 дней назад
@mingchan5216 6 дней назад
Didn’t realize she was such a talented singer, gone too soon…. Rest in peace Irene!
@kevinchan72 6 дней назад
Too young to realise her singing back in 70’s. For English song, she is the best with her accent and singing talent in Hong Kong music industry. May she RIP 🙏
@James-jllpa2 6 дней назад
很懷念Irene我的年代歌手 很難過
@w2441 6 дней назад
@Robert-fo9ef 6 дней назад
六十年代 TVB 剛開台。weekdays 6pm 許冠傑 余杏美Star Show, Irene 是常客。 樣子又靚 歌又甜。驚為天人。五十多年後,已是故人。可惜,可惜 !
@samoyed8830 6 дней назад
Irene 唱歌好有感情,很少人唱得好似佢咁好,善良,可惜命運作弄,希望在西方天堂 !
@GA139 6 дней назад
阿伯我一面聽一面流淚...RIP Irene...........
@smkchen1783 6 дней назад
Enjoyed her singing, enjoyed knowing her a bit. Nice lady from the happy days of the Anders Nelson and the Kontinentals era!
@snowie119 6 дней назад
@audreylai1474 6 дней назад
Really miss all these professional singers RIP Irene
@annho9937 6 дней назад
@peterso7965 6 дней назад
@andrewloi5320 6 дней назад
@Kittysnoopybaby 6 дней назад
Goodbye and Rest In Peace Irene ❤🙏🏻💐
@vich6470 6 дней назад
Unbelievable, what a lovely voice 😍.
@ykchong905 6 дней назад
@李劍雲 3 дня назад
@yip7311 6 дней назад
Good good, 楊先生,印賞妳。 Irene, be a angel, 一路好走
@chauwa3520 6 дней назад
@kingpang1260 7 дней назад
What a show! Now, the curtain is closed and she will be missed.
@kityili5827 6 дней назад
好多謝你播出演唱會的片段,每首歌都係金曲。Irene 在1992 年在香港她與 Joe Jr. 在荃湾演出,時光飛逝,希望 Irene 安息。
@ngarthur1692 5 дней назад
Unforgettable voice echoing now in heaven of angels. RIP. That Hong Kong teenage generation will miss you ever….
@wailingchui 6 дней назад
@LA73882 5 дней назад
@tomshekts 6 дней назад
In 1966 she won Miss A gogo HK. Later she started her singing career and was injured her face with corrosive liquid poured. Needed a lot of surgery.
@ngarthur1692 5 дней назад
1966 Miss A Go-go of HK was 譚安娜 according to the information archive of 1960s kept by myself. Ms Tam was once posted as the cover girl of a local women magazine, 1966 edition.
@oileengrace8228 3 дня назад
Thank you for sharing. I am sad that HK news did not acknowledge her passing. She was a good singer and deserved more recognition. She is free now 🙏
@estherlau5821 6 дней назад
miss her and love her RIP
@susiemandy1673 6 дней назад
@raybelsham1965 6 дней назад
歌聲美妙動聽。 Rip. ❤❤❤
@tommychow8367 4 дня назад
@WanchaiMANgor 6 дней назад
She was always my childhood idol. So sad to know this bad news.
@julisachung 6 дней назад
@annho9937 6 дней назад
好傷心知道這消息 Irene Rider RIP 🙏 永遠懷念妳!❤❤❤
@PhoNix-zz1gn 6 дней назад
May Irene Ryder 黎愛蓮 rise and shine in Heaven. Thank you for her supports and love she gave us and we shall cherish and we shall see her again in heaven. May god give strength comfort encourage to her family and her followers Amen
@lokyee2645 6 дней назад
Irene 唱啲老嘅英文歌好好聽
@mmichael8427 6 дней назад
😢🎉🎉🎉😮❤❤❤ hi 美麗 Irene miss you HK 2024
@chunkwongtang1214 6 дней назад
@maytan1622 6 дней назад
And also very beautiful
@pinkiepinkie5795 7 дней назад
Irene(黎愛蓮), rip🥛💐🙏😥
@Lam5151 4 дня назад
Thank you very much Gary. great job.
@yuenwahauyeung3052 6 дней назад
@anthonycheng7218 6 дней назад
@bonnielai7447 4 дня назад
@lawjoelaw186 6 дней назад
@analei1939 6 дней назад
@dennistse5377 4 дня назад
黎小姐, RIP😢
@cyl1218 6 дней назад
@annho9937 6 дней назад
@waihungwaihungcheungcheung1255 5 дней назад
All Golden Songs
@pikyuktang5001 6 дней назад
黎愛蓮 永遠懷念你!
@elaineso2879 6 дней назад
@ambrosechiu2338 6 дней назад
RIP Irene
@patlok3860 5 дней назад
Good to hear Robert Lee. I met him in HK Baptist College in 1969 when I was a freshman there.
@mimichoi7528 6 дней назад
@waichingng5026 4 дня назад
@sylviachak1989 2 дня назад
@temmywong5889 6 дней назад
24 年前Irene 在君悅酒店為我結婚10週年獻唱Temmy祝賀,永遠懷念你❤❤❤Temmy
@alicetam5336 4 дня назад
@peterwei9121 6 дней назад
I used to recall she was a go go dancer..rip
@peterwei9121 6 дней назад
She used to be A go go champ with eddie in the 60s
@xyz2828xyz 4 дня назад
如果冇記錯, 應該是A-go-go小姐冠軍.
@annvong1579 3 дня назад
Oh! Mine. Those were days. When I started high school years. They were my favorite singers like, Teddy Robin and the playboys, the Lotus, Anders Nelson, Irene Ryder, ,Chung Lin lin,, Joe Jr, and so on. I can't remember all of them. That time, I was starting learning English by listening their songs.
@user-qu9xz4fp5h 2 дня назад
@helenawong1920 День назад
@law92378290 6 дней назад
@waihungwaihungcheungcheung1255 5 дней назад
Everytimes Saw RU-vid.Music Vedio.The Organizers Songs of Tammy. BEEN THOUGHT To Irene.Rydar.She Sung That's Song!
@maytan1622 6 дней назад
Wow her to Sir With Love is her best performance
@user-ox1lg3ct9n 5 дней назад
@oksurewin 5 дней назад
永遠懷念您 IRENE RYDER 唱歌好好聽 ......... RIP.
@oo-yi4be 3 дня назад
@kahangwu9390 6 дней назад
@wilfredshum3703 3 дня назад
She was one of the prime singers in the 60’s. RIP
@user-qu9xz4fp5h 2 дня назад
曾擁有一張她唱close to you的大海報,可惜遺失了!
@KunghingLee 6 дней назад
@hmartwoodson8567 23 часа назад
Thank you Gary this is most memorable sound track ❤
@HoHo-du2cy 4 дня назад
這歌仍有風範,音域似高過以前,以前較低沉。 懷念你聲音。(我屬你年代,那時的歌手多麽有實力啊)
@TSEIRENE-w8z 6 дней назад
@yl196 6 дней назад
@Lam5151 4 дня назад
We had been working together in a Inurance Company for months. She was so nice and we had chatting all the time. And sometimes having lunch and afternoon tea. I was most impressive that how she recovered from the incident which nearly kills her. How tough she was. Her voice is so sweet. It was such a shame that I didn't have the oppportunity to listen her singing in live. RIP Irene.
@manhong4474 4 дня назад
Fantastic job 🎉❤ Fully support 🎉❤ Best Wishes 🎉❤ From New York ❤
@anthonylew989 6 дней назад
Good evening have a great day 👏👏👏👏👏👏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍👍👍👍✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
港樂 • 講樂:第六十三集 : 懷念梅艷芳
劉家傑3 communication
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