

Abang Nick 阿邦尼克
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1. 鸟巢体育场(国家体育场):
鸟巢体育场,正式称为国家体育场,是中国北京市最具标志性的地标之一。它由瑞士建筑师雅克·赫尔佐格(Jacques Herzog)和皮埃尔·德·梅隆(Pierre de Meuron)与中国艺术家艾未未共同设计,建于2008年夏季奥运会和残奥会期间。该体育场独特的设计类似于鸟巢,因此得名。
建筑风格: 体育场的创新设计采用了复杂的钢梁网格,交织成外壳,形似鸟巢。这种设计不仅提供了结构稳定性,还营造出了视觉上令人惊叹的美感。
容量: 它可容纳约80,000名观众,是世界上最大的体育场之一。
遗产: 自奥运会以来,鸟巢体育场已成为现代中国的象征和热门旅游景点。它继续举办各种体育赛事、音乐会和其他文化活动。
2. 水立方(国家游泳中心):
设计: 水立方由PTW建筑师事务所、Arup国际工程集团和中国国家建筑工程公司的联合体设计,外部覆盖着由ETFE(聚四氟乙烯)泡泡组成的半透明膜,使其看起来像一个闪闪发光的水立方。
功能: 水立方主要用于举办奥运会期间的游泳和跳水比赛。其内部设有一系列用于各种水上运动的泳池。
可持续性: 水立方的设计融入了几项可持续特性,包括雨水收集系统和节能照明,使其成为一座环保的建筑。
奥运会后的用途: 奥运会结束后,水立方进行了翻修,并作为一个娱乐水上乐园向公众重新开放。它为游客提供了水上滑梯、波浪池和水疗设施等一系列活动。
Both the Bird's Nest Stadium and the Water Cube (Shui Li Fang Pool) are iconic structures located in Beijing, China. Here's an overview of each:
1. Bird's Nest Stadium (National Stadium):
The Bird's Nest Stadium, officially known as the National Stadium, is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Beijing. Designed by Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, along with Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, it was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. The stadium's unique design resembles a bird's nest, hence its nickname.
Architecture: The stadium's innovative design features a complex web of steel beams that intertwine to form the outer shell, resembling a bird's nest. This design not only provides structural stability but also creates a visually stunning aesthetic.
Capacity: It has a seating capacity of around 80,000 spectators, making it one of the largest stadiums in the world.
Legacy: Since the Olympics, the Bird's Nest Stadium has become a symbol of modern China and a popular tourist attraction. It continues to host various sporting events, concerts, and other cultural activities.
2. Water Cube (National Aquatics Center or Shui Li Fang Pool):
The Water Cube, officially known as the National Aquatics Center, is another architectural marvel built for the 2008 Summer Olympics. It is located adjacent to the Bird's Nest Stadium.
Design: Designed by a consortium made up of PTW Architects, Arup International Engineering Group, and the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, the Water Cube's exterior is covered in a translucent membrane composed of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) bubbles, giving it the appearance of a shimmering cube of water.
Function: The Water Cube was primarily constructed to host swimming and diving events during the Olympics. Its interior features a series of pools for various aquatic sports.
Sustainability: The design of the Water Cube incorporates several sustainable features, including rainwater harvesting systems and energy-efficient lighting, making it an environmentally friendly structure.
Post-Olympics Use: After the Olympics, the Water Cube underwent renovation and was reopened to the public as a recreational water park. It offers visitors a range of activities, including water slides, wave pools, and spa facilities.
Both the Bird's Nest Stadium and the Water Cube represent the innovative spirit and architectural prowess showcased during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. They continue to serve as prominent symbols of China's modernization and cultural heritage.



29 сен 2024




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@titoniching4322 5 месяцев назад
沉寂了一段時間, 突然有出了新視頻真讓人有點驚喜 且是用了全新的配樂。 而且由於可說 m可拍的景點其實不多, 結果就是您那可愛的大方臉, 在視頻中出現的時間比例, 是您所有視頻中最長的😄😄。 其實北京奧運會應是有史以來虧本最多的奧運會。它的眾多專門運動的比賽場館, 在奧運後都被丟空和廢棄!! 政府過份好大起功的搞大型建設, 結果就是令到國家日後的經濟出現緊縮, 債務大增。 而國民都會被迫過緊日子, 這情況其實在大馬亦有發生, 早年不少大型基建尾大不掉或出現貪腐, 亦是大馬近年經濟停滯不前的最重要原因之一。 現時在中國內地不管坐地鐵, 進入甚麼大型公眾場所, 基本都要通過一次有一次的安檢, 而這些勞民傷財, 又浪費時間和令整個城市的效率大減的所謂安檢, 其實只是反映當地政府有多虛弱, 和對民心不穩有多不安, 與及在這個國家生活的人民有多不安全而已。
@johncheong8058 5 месяцев назад
@jorgechiu530 5 месяцев назад
@kamChai 5 месяцев назад
(10:01) 中肯、厚道的評論。😅
@lazzyreechi 5 месяцев назад
@abangnick 5 месяцев назад
谢谢。太喜欢北京了,肯定会再来 😀
@kamChai 5 месяцев назад
(4:26) 「威水」😂
@abangnick 5 месяцев назад
@kamChai 5 месяцев назад
@abangnick 5 месяцев назад
大家都比现在年轻16岁 😀
@kamChai 5 месяцев назад
@@abangnick 真會說話!😁👍
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