
真實植髮個案 3 - 香港演員周祉君先生剖白實錄 (May 2023) 

SkinWorks & HairWorks
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隔咗一排嘅植髮真人實錄,新一輯而家終於有得睇啦~! 今次個案三,我哋好開心有香港資深男演員 - 周祉君先生 (Aaron) - 嚟做我哋今次呢個真人實錄嘅嘉賓! 平時演技精湛嘅 Aaron ,完來佢對自己嘅頭髮狀況都好關注㗎喎!特別係見到啲髮線開始向後移嘅時候,都想係時候要立定決心搞番好佢先! 係咪好想聽吓 Aaron 嘅感受同佢對植髮有啲咩睇法呢~? 唔駛等啦!馬上去片啦 !
好想好似 Aaron 咁,咁積極去為自己嘅頭髮問題下功夫嘅話,唔好等啦,坐言起行,而家就嚟同我哋傾吓啦~!
Hair transplant case # 3 - Hong Kong actor Aaron Chow (May 2023)
After taking a little break, our new real case series is coming back now! For this new case no. 3, we are so happy to have Hong Kong actor, Mr. Aaron Chow, as our guest this time! Being such a great and experienced actor, how amazing to realize that Aaron is very conscious about his own hair condition too! Especially witnessing his own hairline is getting higher, it’s about time to deal with it upfront! I know you all are excited about what’s in Aaron’s mind right now about this hair transplant experience, right? No problem! The long wait is over, let’s check it out now!
Do you wanna be as courageous as Aaron, and stand up to deal with your own hair loss situation? No more hesitation needed, get in touch with us today and have a chat now!
地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢 : (852) 2526 6238
whatsapp: (852) 9149 1611 (或點擊此連結: api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=8...)
Facebook: HairWorks專業醫學植髮中心
Instagram: hairworks_hk
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#hairworks_hk #haircare #hairloss #脫髮 #脫髮治療 #專業脫髮治療 #男仕脫髮 #男仕植髮 #香港脫髮治療專家 #真實個案 #素人剖白實錄 #香港男演員 #周祉君#professionalhaircare #hairlossexpert #hongkong #hairtransplant #hongkongmen #realcase #hairline #noworries #actnow #takechargeofyourself #hongkongmaleactor #aaronchow #siumong



16 май 2023




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