
穆罕默德 好白 So white \ Final generation 最後世代 \ DK 

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@vickyguava 4 года назад
@listenhou5808 4 года назад
@小高-e4v 4 года назад
在主里的圣徒们,我们都要见证基督我们的主耶稣。求主给我们智慧见证基督。感谢赞美主,借着DK的分享我们进一步认识世界局势的发展。除了欧美局势,我们也得看见中东伊斯兰国的局势发展。 让我们一起看圣经,回到圣经,见证耶稣是基督,全人类的救主耶稣。愿荣耀归于三一神,阿们。
@吳凱翔-b5t 4 года назад
所有基督徒不該都是這樣嗎? 真理決不容妥協
@chasianteo8473 4 года назад
@glorytruthlove 4 года назад
Pray for the holy fire to surround David
@Claire-zt8rt 4 года назад
@小高-e4v 4 года назад
@王家新-n8c 4 года назад
@Claire-zt8rt 4 года назад
@@王家新-n8c 我觉得他们是不知道真相,对他们而言,真想就是可兰经,只有真正经历了神,他们才会转向真理。
@alex1chang1 4 года назад
感謝大衛弟兄勇敢為真理發聲,直接挑戰可蘭經的謬誤,目的無非是要使更多伊斯蘭教的信徒能夠及時醒悟,認識基督信仰,歸向獨ㄧ真神,並在基督的真理中得自由! 這是不容易的挑戰,也是每一位基督徒都應具有捍衛信仰、辨明是非的勇氣,願神大大使用大衛弟兄,成為教會之外的明燈,繼續在這多媒體的世代,為主發聲,主必報答!
@listenhou5808 4 года назад
@alex1chang1 4 года назад
Listen Hou 說的好 ~
@小高-e4v 4 года назад
其实,以我们的立场,我们并非要挑战可兰经。可兰经无需挑战。就像DK说的:是先有圣经后才有可兰经。今天要嘛看清楚真相,要嘛继续做个选择相信在可兰经里说的或者相信圣经所见证的,整本圣经都是加见证耶稣是基督。 我们基督徒活着是见证耶稣是基督,祂是三位一体的圣子身份,祂道成肉身,历经十字架的死,三天后复活,升天并要再来。祂是全人类的救主,悔改转向基督,阿们。 马太,马可,路加,约翰,彼得,保罗都是圣经新约时代见证耶稣是基督,所有基督徒都是见证耶稣从死里复活,升天并要再来,祂是基督。赞美主。愿荣耀归于三一神。阿们。
@hosea7789 4 года назад
感謝DK分享。很喜歡你的視頻。每一次都收益良多。願主寶血遮蓋你保守你平安 🙏🏻
@xkuk007 4 года назад
well done
@dreambigdeal 4 года назад
@wingshanfung5700 4 года назад
我信耶穌是主、是 神的兒子。 「若不藉着他、沒有人能到 神那裡去!」
@胡辉哥-d8z 3 года назад
拍广告的是都是胡说八道的? 广告的名字都很好听? 信我的救?
@李詩曼-e4j 4 года назад
@黃鴻升-k5v 4 года назад
@user-wf3th4jg5r 3 года назад
@yuyuyuhoho5908 Год назад
@alexkwok7939 4 года назад
@sunnysky2552 4 года назад
@annachoy6285 Год назад
謝謝你成為真理的出口. 願 主大大使用您成為多人的祝福.
@zhonghuisu4916 4 года назад
@limuya6819 4 года назад
@綉絨邱 26 дней назад
@holdenmok2649 4 года назад
大卫的分析能力真的很强也很棒。。有逻辑,又会引用圣经解说!也不会断章取义,改头换面。。视频除了分析末世或其他经文之外,也有传福音的性质! 真的好奇您会怎样看待现在不同教会,教派的教导(不包括异端)。。什么传统灵恩的。。 愿上帝继续使用你的恩赐!GOD BLESS
@fettahcan5064 4 года назад
@sylvialiu2946 4 года назад
謝謝大衛 喜歡你的每一個精闢分享!願神繼續使用&賜福你還有你全家
@白说 4 года назад
@hjhjuliaabdullah9393 2 года назад
a long time ago,i read or heard that there was a white priest who frequently visited Mohammad before he was selected to be a prophet,could the priest replaced him somehow n the real Mohammad was actually " taken out".why did he describe the devil as black man? unless he was a white man then he would trade black slaves.
@myteastory 4 года назад
謝謝大衛精彩的分析與無私的分享 感謝主讓我看到視頻
@johncheung7136 Год назад
基督精兵~佩服David的勇氣👍我相信他們也不懂得國語,沒有機會看到這個視頻,不然的話一定會追殺你,就好像法國有一位漫畫家出過一輯詆毁伊斯蘭教受到喎,性命威脅! 總之魔鬼的代言人很多很多,最可悲的就是連以色列人都受到迷惑相信。盡力啦盡力啦!他們不信我們也不能做什麼。只有為他們禱告。
@nanpeter5882 10 месяцев назад
@黃麗君-r1h 3 года назад
@israel_mega 4 года назад
@fettahcan5064 4 года назад
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
他的黑料不止这些,这只是冰山一角,你可以看看David woods的50 Reasons Muhammad Was Not a Prophet
@衛星-q5u 11 месяцев назад
@ClaudiaFoo-ps6of 4 года назад
@changesun1244 4 года назад
@leekathy3951 3 года назад
我來到自己的人這裡 我自己的人卻不接待我 我是世界的光和生命 我是阿拉法 我是歐米嘎 是開始也是結束 許多基督教徒以為自己是正統教會,但事實上許多基督教教會和耶穌基督所建立的教會是毫無關聯,只是一群拿著聖經,發表個人偉論自以為是的人,他們既不明白聖經內容,又不了解神的計劃,但竟然到處指罵這個宗教不是,那個宗教是異端,從來沒有發覺自己的問題才是最嚴重。看不見自己眼中有樑木,卻想拔出別人的刺,如果各位自認是正統教會的牧師或博士們,請你們回答我五條聖經問題,問問自己是否真的了解聖經,是否真的認識你們所相信的神?然後才去攻擊其他宗教吧! 1. 神為何造人?有甚麼目的? 2. 為何神造一顆分辨善惡樹,放在伊甸園中,讓亞當夏娃選擇,又吩咐他們不要食? 3. 耶穌為世人贖罪而被殺了,為何還需要靈魂和肉體重新結合的復活?人類才稱得上被救贖? 4. 如果神的福音已經完全了,為何彼得還預言將來的萬物復興?有需要嗎? 5. 點解耶穌基督要安排第二次降臨?這一千年的統治要完成甚麼事功? 不能合理回答以上的問題,請不要去論斷其他宗教,因為你們沒有資格。 我去過不同的教會,問過天主教和基督教的人,只有耶穌基督後期教會才能給我合理而正確的答案,我也曾祈禱求問神,獲得來自聖靈的見證,宗教改革不能讓我們清楚了解神和祂的計劃,只有神所復興的教會和祂所召喚的先知,才能通曉萬事。 「你們要進窄門。因為通往滅亡的門是寬的,路是大的,進去的人也多;通往生命的門是窄的,路是小的,找到的人也少。」馬太福音7:13-14) 請你弄清楚一點,聖經是記錄了神所召喚的先知,使徒和耶穌基督的事跡,我相信他們,因為這都是來自神的教導,大公教會只是盡他們的本份,在聚多的作品中,分辨出那些是真跡,那些是假貨,如果聖經中加入了大公教會領袖們的作品,我絕對不會承認那部分,請問你認為歷代天主教教宗的作品,與新約聖經中使徒的作品的地位是等同的嗎? 神從來沒有拋棄尋求祂的信徒,祂只是拋棄了已經變了質的宗教,從經文中,你就可以看到神的處事作風,神建立了一個宗教體制後,如果在這宗教團體裏的人開始腐敗,背棄神的聖約和改變神的律法,神會毫不猶疑地放棄這個宗教團體,就正如傳統的猶太教,也曾經是神認同的教會,但到了耶穌的時代,基督並沒有打算改革猶太教,而是重新建立一個教會來代替,為甚麼呢? 馬太福音 9:16-17「沒有人把新布補在舊衣服上,因為所補上的,反帶壞了那衣服,破的就更大了。也沒有人把新酒裝在舊皮袋裏。若是這樣皮袋就裂開,酒漏出來,連皮袋也壞了。惟獨把新酒裝在新皮袋裏,兩樣就都保全了。」 正如舊皮袋與新酒的不相容情形一樣,法利賽人已使神原本的律法變質,不是稍加調整即可,所以耶穌重新建立祂的教會,同樣地天主教和基督新教,已經被傳統的神學理念所束縛,耶穌要復興神的教會,選擇重新建立祂的教會,也是祂曾經做過的事。 「耶和華說,我的意念,非同你們的意念,我的道路,非同你們的道路。天怎樣高過地,照樣我的道路,高過你們的道路,我的意念,高過你們的意念。」(以賽亞書55:8-9) 「所以我在這百姓中要行奇妙的事,就是奇妙又奇妙的事。他們智慧人的智慧,必然消滅,聰明人的聰明,必然隱藏。」(以賽亞書29:14) 聖經中也預言了叛教的出現,和福音的復興。 人不拘用甚麼法子,你們總不要被他誘惑;因為那日子以前,必有離道反教的事,並有那大罪人,就是沉淪之子,顯露出來。(帖撒羅尼迦後書2:3) 這樣,那安舒的日子就必從主面前來到;主也必差遣所預定給你們的基督(耶穌)降臨。天必留他,等到萬物復興的時候,就是神從創世以來、藉著聖先知的口所說的。(使徒行傳3:20-21) 甚麼是正統基督教信仰?現在的基督新教,是在公元後1500年左右才開始出現,代表人物是馬丁路德,我承認基督新教是現在的主流教派,但絕對不是正統,我只承認由耶穌基督親自建立,以先知和使徒為教會根基的教會,才是基督的正統信仰。 神在教會所設立的:第一是使徒,第二是先知,第三是教師,其次是行異能的,再次是得恩賜醫病的,幫助人的,治理事的,說方言的。(林前12:28) 而且基督新教解釋聖經時,是以一套「神學觀念」所規範,同樣是以有利於自己的詮釋來教導。 有一位基督新教的牧師對於舊約用Eloheim這句字有更清楚的解釋: 他說到:「El 是指 (一個神),Eloha是指 (二個神),但是Elohim是指 (三個神),所以整部舊約聖經都用Elhohim來指上帝,有三位。」他引用創世紀經文解釋:「這裡的文法錯誤名詞有三個,可是動詞卻用了單數,因為這裡的動詞 (創造) 是單數,舊約聖經從頭到尾都是這個用法,用複數名詞來指上帝,但是搭配的動詞是單數。」所以他以希伯來文文法上,來指出神是三位一體的神學理念。 現在也讓你看看耶穌基督後期聖徒怎樣去解釋獨一的真神: 「那末,這種所提到的三位是一神的話,必須解釋為祂們構成一個神組或最高議會,就是由父、子和聖靈三位個別的人物所組成的。 在新約中不斷重複清楚地宣告祂們是彼此有別彼此不同的證據前,基督新教人士還會被混淆而相信父,子和聖靈是一個本體或實體,那實在是非常奇怪的。救主屢次宣稱祂和祂的父是彼此不同的,但在思想和行動上都是一致的。祂的這些宣稱是多麼的清楚,即使頭腦最簡單的人也應當了解的。我們的救贖主經常在禱告中跟祂的父攀談。祂教導祂的門徒門向天父禱告那曾被紀錄的最動人和溫柔的懇求是約翰福音17章中的祂向祂父親的禱告。 父與子為個別人物,但在權力,智慧和諧調方面是一致的,那是多麼明白的事情。所以,加上那位實行祂們旨意的聖靈,就成為一神或一個首席議會!」 「神組」這詞彙更能清楚地解釋這三位神的狀態,因為祂們是三位,所以名詞上用眾數,為何動詞是用單數呢?這是因為神的計劃中,創造這世界,為救贖人類而降生,死亡和復活,就是由「子」耶穌基督接受「父」的差遣去完成的,所以天父只是一直在天上看著耶穌怎樣完成這工作,而且耶穌必須要完成父所吩咐的事工,才能回到天父身邊,接受天父所賜的榮耀。 耶穌說了這話,就舉目望天,說:「父啊,時候到了,願你榮耀你的兒子,使兒子也榮耀你;正如你曾賜給他權柄管理凡有血氣的,叫他將永生賜給你所賜給他的人。認識你-獨一的真神,並且認識你所差來的耶穌基督,這就是永生。我在地上已經榮耀你,你所託付我的事,我已成全了。父啊,現在求你使我同你享榮耀,就是未有世界以先,我同你所有的榮耀。(約翰福音17:1-5) 所以名詞是眾數,因為有三位神,動詞用單數,是因為「子」是這計劃的主要執行者。所謂的三位一體神,根本是抽象的幻想,用文法來解釋也解不通。, 亜當是上帝的第一位先知, 先知約瑟斯密則是在聖經預言後期時代復興神古代教會的第一位先知, 這樣講會比較恰當, 先知約瑟斯密也說這不是他的教會而是主耶穌基督的教會, 但是我們跟各教會都是一心愛主耶穌希望與各教會友好也希望牧師不要誤會我們耶穌基督後期聖徒教會. 請參閱我的分享: Are Mormons Christians?
@小高-e4v 4 года назад
这篇信息也是我关注的,期待。 求主怜悯,光照沉睡的灵魂。 阿们
@mpcof1708 4 года назад
@jesusmysavior2424 4 года назад
Thank you David. I am also subscribing David Woods broadcasts. He also has great passion of the people who believe in muslin can very understand the truth! May God bless you.
@_wwId 4 года назад
@葉品偵 4 года назад
David ,我挺你,「好白」讓我很生氣,我就是女的,也不會種族歧視,更不會把自己包得「只剩眼睛」,最重要的,一個亞當「只配」一個夏娃,多出來的是是「嚇娃」,半斤也要稱八兩,要抄襲聖經,硬是多好幾兩,不然就少好幾兩,山寨得也太over 了吧~耶穌,我很愛你,雖然沒有人說你很白,但你聖潔得光芒四射,讓全世界各地發亮,好亮,好亮,好亮
@劉爺-u1r Год назад
@phaikgeoklim633 4 года назад
谢谢您,大伟弟兄。愿 上帝保护您,如同保护祂眼中的瞳仁。
@kerker5059 4 года назад
@Huamulan1997 4 года назад
Amen! 我们在天上的父我们祷告带信你的人走出这个乱世。让跟多的人听到你的福音,改过重生。感谢主,耶稣基督给予老师智慧,给大家解释经文,希望跟多的华人可以看到老师的视频,了解基督。
@龐仔 4 года назад
@annarooney2011 4 года назад
@暗香晚风 4 года назад
好可爱的建议,自己不会祷告嚒? 弟兄是在做分享,可以祷告,也可以自己祷告
@MultiKas2010 4 года назад
Good teaching. I often wonder what is behind the curtain in David's video background.
@clefvc 4 года назад
@jialint8802 3 года назад
David, you are a true hero👍
@yuxiward6282 4 года назад
Dk 弟兄太棒了, 感谢主!
@Ssheep68 4 года назад
@ruthyu5154 4 года назад
@frykunchan9357 3 года назад
@larryckh 3 года назад
@张贻琳 4 года назад
@frankie5738 4 года назад
@小高-e4v 4 года назад
赞美主。 我近来也在研究伊斯兰教的先知默罕默德。 但这里等待大卫的分享,不懂大卫是分享什么内容了。。。 期待您的分享,愿主赐福您手所做的工。阿们
@JaydenOnair 4 года назад
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
看看ysljdj频道,还有ysljdj网站。 很多伊斯兰学者(穆斯林都尊重的懂伊斯兰的人)会睁眼说瞎话的,全部不害臊的,而且胡说八道到一个地步可以为了辩赢而玩weak hadith game, 而且他们专门训练穆斯林用特定问题挑战基督徒,有一些家庭背景是基督徒父母的,根本不懂圣经和基督教基本神学的出生基督徒被他们骗去信默罕默德的鬼话
@jessicalin9907 4 года назад
@mariajocheingchang5492 4 года назад
Very blessed very good ! God bless you richly glory blessings glory to glory in Jesus Yeshua Wonderful Name Amen CRM Shalom God’s Grace abundance ! Jesus is Lord 💪👍✝️👋🩸❤️👌🔥🌟♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🌈🦅🌟👍🙏Amen Amen Amen
@khristychee6596 4 года назад
Praise the Lord✝️🕎🛐💜🔥🔝🙏🏻💪🏻👍🏻👏🏻
@joechanchihan5452 4 года назад
Thanks for Sharing
@chunchihadurodija1771 4 года назад
謝謝 說得真好。怎麼會有人願意去相信這樣子的教主,而且還多的不得了,真是太無知了⋯⋯
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
@chasianteo8473 4 года назад
@orealc4808 4 года назад
谢谢大卫的分享 希望多多更新!
@luckykang6903 4 года назад
@meichen5243 4 года назад
@給未曾歸正者的警告 4 года назад
@mpcof1708 4 года назад
@梁舒嫺 11 месяцев назад
@邱麗華-z7e 4 года назад
感謝主,有機會聽到 平常沒機會聽到的.
@woyoo8836 4 года назад
@所羅門-m7t 4 года назад
@justice-r1e 4 года назад
基督信仰中的神(上帝),滿有憐愛,且藉不同的啟示讓人明白祂。 很多人以為,所有宗教都導人向善,條條大道通羅馬……事實上,並非條條大道都通羅馬。比如身在美國,有人問如何到紐約,你說走什麼路都不要緊,條條大路通紐約,最終都會到紐約,你想人家會怎樣看?更何況歷史清楚地告訴我們,並非所有宗教都是導人向善的,導人向惡的邪教就層出不窮,而以宗教之名,傷天害理、謀取個人利益的,更是數之不盡! 真理,必然具有排他性。 有人以為,基督信仰中的「除祂以外,別無拯救」,是驕傲專橫。事實剛剛相反,這正是謙卑的認信,道出人知道自己不可靠,明白自己軟弱無助,唯有靠神為人準備的救恩,才能解脫身處的困境! 《約翰福音》十四章6節說;「耶穌說:我就是道路、真理、生命,若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。」耶穌是唯一的道路,但祂絕不專橫,而為我們的罪被釘死在十字架上。耶穌是終極真理,但祂接納所有的人,活在世上時就擁抱社會所唾棄鄙視的人。
@debbieho878 2 года назад
@ezekielsea3914 4 года назад
所以 伊斯兰教的男人 喜欢穿白衣 地位就高高在上 伊斯兰教的 女人 就要全身穿黑色 没有地位, 求主怜悯, 求主开启他们属灵的眼睛, 开启他们属灵的耳朵 开启他们属灵的心窍, 认识真正的救主耶稣基督 阿们
@黃鴻升-k5v 4 года назад
@fettahcan5064 4 года назад
那些是阿拉伯的传统 跟宗教没有任何关系 想了解真像就来看看ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-18RvzyGZtlg.html
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
想象一下:四个黑袍子+一堆性奴隶跟着一个白袍子 🥷🏻🥷🏻🥷🏻🥷🏻➕🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️👉🏼 🔪 🥼🕋
@jessie9507 4 года назад
@zapcheng3611 4 года назад
@alanliew1130 Год назад
@jennyzhu7695 4 года назад
@tongwenggit2805 25 дней назад
@ahlingphua4006 3 года назад
David brother God Bless you Duncmis God Bless you money Riches wecith Amen
@winwin1739 4 года назад
謝謝您的視頻💗不知大衛有沒有研究聖經的曼德拉效應? 是應驗啟示錄22:18,19和阿摩司書8:11,我三個月前才發現,非常震驚,有很多信徒做關於KJV的片,但很少講及和合本,末世的欺騙迷惑很大,希望大衛能研究一下提醒大家,華人教會都很沉睡。願天父祝福你!💖
@小高-e4v 4 года назад
@winwin1739 4 года назад
@@小高-e4v facebook.com/107383907307547/posts/272566744122595/ 聽聞是因為Cern😢
@winwin1739 4 года назад
@黃錄郁 是的。但很多信徒仍在沉睡,沒有發現😰 主耶穌快來了! 我向一切聽見這書上預言的作見證,若有人在這預言上加添甚麼,上帝必將寫在這書上的災禍加在他身上; 這書上的預言,若有人刪去甚麼,上帝必從這書上所寫的生命樹和聖城刪去他的分。證明這事的說:「是了,我必快來!」阿們!主耶穌啊,我願你來!啟示錄 22:18-20 👆這句應該也是曼效了,是「生命冊」,怎可能是「生命樹」呢?
@winwin1739 4 года назад
@@小高-e4v King James Version 是最早被發現,現在和合本也被發現很多處被刪改和加增,大約和KJV改的類似,太可怕了!主耶穌說祂的羊認得祂的聲音。求聖靈親自甦醒祂的教會和兒女
@小高-e4v 4 года назад
@@winwin1739 好的,谢谢。
@princessofgod6997 4 года назад
@annarooney2011 4 года назад
@listenhou5808 4 года назад
@小高-e4v 4 года назад
@princessofgod6997 4 года назад
Immanuel, Shalom, Amen, Hallelujah! 🙏
@jun3lee 4 года назад
Is there a chance you could provide subtitle in english? My chinese is bad and i can understand a bit here and there but i really love the contents provided here. Hope you could consider my request :)
@williamcrane3831 4 года назад
Part 1 Hi my name is David, Muhammad is the founder of Islam, born in the 571 year after the whole name is: Muhammad Ben Abdullah · Abdul Martini · Hashim, the full meaning of the meanings are the people who are good people who are highly commended by Allah, what is the name of the name of the name of the allegation, and why you have a name that is a lot of the world, and the oh! Part 2 Muhammad claims to be the last and most important prophet. No one knows what he looks like because they follow the teachings of the Bible. The Ten Commandments say: There must be no statues and no human images. , Yes, it’s not wrong. They follow the teachings of the Bible, because there is the Bible before the Qur'an or the Koran. This is very important. I want to say it again. It happens that there is the Koran before the Bible. The Koran happens to have the same or similar parts of the Bible. For example, there is Adam and Eve in the Koran. Of course, the names are different. They are called Adam and Eve. But the Koran is expressed in a more arbitrary way. There is no clue as to where to talk. There is almost no logic. Unlike the Bible, there is a complete story. Context. Therefore, it is very difficult for Muslims to read the Koran by themselves. They usually need to have a tutor to teach and explain the Koran, or use the Hadith to help understand the content of the Koran I will explain what the Hadith is in a moment, because no one knows what Muhammad really looks like, so if you have a Muslim friend and you see the video I made today, you will be shocked, I hope it is not upset. Part 3 Let's answer today's question, why is Muhammad so white According to the Koran and the Hadith, the Hadith (HADITH) is a special record of Muhammad’s words and deeds in his life. His importance is second only to the Koran, and the Sharia Law (SHARIA LAW) is derived from the Hadith. In the picture We can see Sunnis, who have sorted out six hadith collections, and their rival Shia, also have their own four hadith collections. Through these hadiths, these Muslims can better understand Muhammad’s life. To further understand the Koran, we must also learn about Muhammad through these Islamic scriptures. Part 4 Let's start with the feet and look at LOOKING AT THE WHITENESS OF HIS LEG, which means his legs are so white In addition, here I COULD SEE THE WHITENESS OF THE LEG OF ALLAH'S APOSTLE, which means that his legs are really white. Let's look up at the calf a little bit, I WAS CATCHING A GLIMPSE OF THE WHITENESS OF HIS SHANKS, I accidentally caught him Fair calf , Let’s look at the thighs again, HE UNCOVERED HIS THIGH AND I SAW THE WHITENESS OF THE THIGH OF THE PROPHET, he exposed his thighs, I saw the Prophet’s white thighs, and continued to move up his arms, I STILL SEEM TO SEE THE WHITENESS OF THE PROPHET FOREARMS OF THE APOSTLE OF ALLAH, WHEN HE ROLLED UP HIS SLEEVES. When he rolls up his sleeves , I seem to see the white arms, Part 5 Sad~ Those who record the Hadith are really observant, and they don’t even miss the armpits. There are so many narratives about the armpits. I will just give one example, WHEN THE PROPHET PRAYED, HE USED TO SEPARATE HIS ARMS FROM HIS BODY SO WIDELY THAT THE WHITENESS OF HIS ARMPITS WAS VISIBLE. When the prophet was praying, he opened his arms, and I saw his armpits are white. It’s amazing. Ah, there are so many narratives about armpits. That place must be so white that it is unforgettable at first sight. He must be written down. Okay, now we move to the belly button. , I SAW THAT THE DUST WAS COVERING THE WHITENESS OF HIS ABDOMEN, I saw dust floating there, on my white belly button, I finally looked forward to reaching my face , WHITENESS OF HIS CHEEK WAS SEEN, his cheeks are so white, and another, HE HAD A WHITE HANDSOME FACE, he has a very handsome white face, the last overall observation, THIS WHITE MAN RECLINING ON HIS ARM, this white man depends on Leaning his arms back, and here it says, AND A WHITE PERSON WHO IS REQUESTED TO PRAY FOR RAIN, a white man was asked to come and beg for rain. Let’s look at another one, HE HAD AN ELEGANT WHITE COLOR, he has a very Elegant white series, the last one, DESCRIBE HIM FOR ME. HE SAID, "HE WAS WHITE", you tell him to let me know, he said he is white, he is white, his white let Mormon Lord Joseph Smith, It looks like a whole black out, his white makes Prometheus instantly turn gray, and his white makes the lady so white. Part 6 According to the descriptions of all the observers just now, we have determined that Muhammad looks like this... He is a white man at all, so how can white be a prophet? Isn’t Jesus a white man? No, the Orthodox Church says that Jesus is black. No! Jesus is a descendant of Jews and Shem. His skin color should be between yellow and brown. Muhammad is so white. He also has some opinions about black people. Here we say ALLAH'S MESSENGER, which is the Prophet of Allah. Later, I saw a very strange symbol. This symbol is actually Arabic for Muhammad, which is his name. So every time you see his exclusive symbol appear, you are talking about Muhammad's exclusive symbol. Looking back at this verse, let's say YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO AND OBEY, YOUR RULER EVEN IF HE WAS AN ETHIOPIAN, BLACK SLAVE WHOSE HEAD LOOKS LIKE A RAISIN, this time we have to circle RAISIN, let’s see what RAISIN means , RAISIN is raisin, RAISIN HEAD is raisin head , Let’s look back and see what this verse is saying , I just translated him directly into Chinese, Allah or some people’s translation called Allah, the Prophet Muhammad said, you should follow your guide, even if he is a black slave in Ethiopia, look It looks like a raisin. This sounds like a bit of racial discrimination, but at this time Muslims will tell you NO NO. This is absolutely no racial discrimination. Look at what it says above. He doesn’t say it above. Do you want to follow this instructor? Even if he is a black, even if he is a slave. Even if his head looks like a raisin. You still have to follow him So this is definitely not racial discrimination, it's just that Muhammad often treats blacks as black slaves. He often compares the heads of blacks to calling them raisin heads. That's it. But if they are your Muslim mentors, you still have to follow them. his words . Part 7 It is absolutely impossible for Muhammad to racially discriminate against black people. Because he is a prophet of God! How could he discriminate against a black man who was also made by God? Let’s continue to see here is a record that Muhammad was so white that he used black slaves, and in his dictionary, there was never The two words black, all blacks are always called black slaves, which are black slaves. In Muhammad’s white eyes, black slaves are another example recorded in the scriptures, and they are also black slaves. So this is consistent. The observers who recorded Muhammad’s life and behavior, they observed that Muhammad was so white, they all used black slaves and black slaves, and they called black slaves called black slaves. Part 8 There is another record here that is a bit long but I think it is quite important. I will explain the key points to everyone, that is, Muhammad is so white that we know that he has the habit of using it. Then this is one of his black slaves, his name is MID'AM , Once he was helping Muhammad to be white. When he was carrying his luggage and getting off the car, he didn’t know why an arrow flew over and shot him to death. Maybe he was fighting at the time. I don’t know why. , He was shot to death. The person next to him congratulated him and said: It’s great that you can definitely go to heaven, because you are serving this great prophet. You are serving Muhammad so white. You can definitely go to heaven, but no Thinking of Mohammed : No, he can't go to heaven, he wants to go into the fire of hell , He is going to be burned, he has already followed this prophet and is serving him , For such a long time, but he is still there, there is no way to be saved Part 9 There is another piece of evidence here, which proves that Muhammad is so white There is a habit of buying and selling black slaves. Here is the situation where he bought two, one transaction of black slaves. In the Islamic world, we know that women's status is also relatively humble. They are never allowed to go out. Muhammad said, NEVER WILL SUCCEED SUCH A NATION AS MAKES A WOMAN THEIR RULER In other words, a country can never succeed. If its leader is a woman, a woman will never be able to lead, and a country will never be able to lead. If you are a woman, do you agree with it? Women are already miserable In the Islamic world Part 10 If you are black again at the same time, that would be terrible. In Muhammad’s so white eyes, a black woman and a black woman, SYMBOL OF EPIDEMIC, are representative, infectious diseases, plagues, if you are black in Muhammad’s white eyes In my eyes, there is only one place to go. I will circle the key words in this record. The black slaves, BLACK SLAVES, are going to hell. No wonder in the story just now, the black slave who was shot by the arrow, when everyone When they thought he could go to heaven, Muhammad was so white but said that he had no way to go, Muhammad was so white, he was definitely not a racist, would you like to know what the devil looks like? Look at what he said, SATAN, BLACK MAN, Satan the Devil, are black people, simple and easy to understand, the following says, IF A BLACK MAN COMES TO YOU HIS HEART IS MORE GROSS THAN A DONKEY'S, which means when a black man is near you , His heart is worse than a donkey Then I don’t want to explain what these words mean anymore, so who is the prophet, the white man, so who is the devil, don’t you know that, the black man
@williamcrane3831 4 года назад
Part 11 A white man who claimed to be a prophet owned black slaves and sold black slaves. He said that the head of a black man was a raisin, and a woman was never allowed to go out. It would be even worse if it was a black woman. He was compared to an infectious disease or a plague. Muslims, would you like to follow such a white supreme racist? Muhammad was so white that a white man founded a religion, which made me think of Aryans who were also white. They moved to India at the time, and wanted to control the Indian people and founded Religious belief, because religious dogma can control people’s behavior and belief can control people’s hearts. This time I have to read it right. Vedic culture. The Vedas are Aryans. In order to preserve their superior status, the white people formulated it and used the Veda. After the establishment of Brahmanism, there is a caste system for the classification of people. Naturally, Aryans are the highest caste. This belief has slowly evolved into today's Hinduism. If you are interested, you can refer to the previous video. Devil spokesperson NEW AGE. There are more details about this explanation Part 12 Similarly, Muhammad is so white. In order to control the people to turn his own life and start his creative education, Muhammad, who is familiar with the Bible, is so white. He must have his own scriptures. Only if there are scriptures can there be religion. So I have read some Other abridgements of the Bible I use excerpts instead of plagiarism, okay, I just use plagiarism, because there really is a Bible before there is a Koran. There must be some real things in it that have real content. It looks like it is real. Part 13 Muhammad knew that the saint often used the Gabriel angel as a Messenger, that is, the angel who preached the will of God, so he said that he was visited by the Gabriel angel and wrote the Koran. I just seemed to mention the Lord of Mormon, Joseph Smith, because whether it’s the Lord of Mormon or the leader of Islam , Muhammad is so white, he and Joseph Smith, these two religions have similarities in the same way, that is, they are both visited by angels , Wrote one book of Mormon and one book of Koran. Part 14 Let’s take a look at how the Bible reminds us. I’m amazed that you have left the gospel that called you through the grace of Christ so quickly to follow other gospels. It is not the gospel, but some people disturb you and want to change the gospel of Christ. But no matter it is us, we are referring to the disciples of Jesus, the messengers from heaven. , This is talking about angels, if you preach the gospel to you different from what we preach to you, he should be cursed Part 15 Therefore, God already knows that there will be such an event of the so-called false preaching of the imperial decree by the angels. In fact, the Bible Revelation has stated that one word cannot be added or reduced. Because the revelation has been completed, it is called the Revelation. All the details of what happened have been revealed, and there is really no need for more revelation, so the whole Bible has been completed, and no other scriptures can appear. This is clearly explained by God. Chu. Part 16 This is the life manual has been completed and called the Bible. So it is impossible and impossible for any other scriptures to appear, and those must be false. But Muhammad was so vain that he had to do this in order to complete his creative education. Several things came to discredit Jesus.
@williamcrane3831 4 года назад
Part 17 The Koran here tells you first. Jesus is just a prophet. He is no different from other prophets. Everyone is the same and nothing special. Jesus, you are not special at all. Continue to say in this verse of the Koran that Jesus is like Adam before God The same status means that your status is the same as the status of a person, because Jesus is a person. Here in the fourth chapter of the Koran, it is said that Jesus never went to the cross. Without going to the cross, where is the cross salvation? Here is the fifth chapter It is blasphemy to say that Jesus said that Jesus is God. , So he has already given the fact that Jesus is the godhead, blocking it, and he does not want Muslims to believe in the possibility that Jesus is God. , In the end, one thing must be done to be completed, that is, , To denigrate the concept of the Trinity. Here, SAY NOT TRINITY, don’t say the Trinity, FOR ALLAH IS ONE ALLAH means that there is only one God, not three are one. , So he wants to slander the Trinity, because there is no Trinity , The status of the Godhead of Jesus Christ is taken away, and you will slowly find The common point of all heretics is that they don’t recognize the Trinity , Trinity is a word invented by man. The Bible does not. It is man who reads the entire Bible and knows that God is a Trinity after knowing God. , I want to describe the words that God invented, but I can tell , The Koran was specifically designed to deal with the Bible, specifically to slander the Godhead of Jesus, to slander Jesus as the savior of the world, Muhammad was so white, he made all Muslim believers believe that the Bible narrated this Jesus, no matter how you believe it, you can believe that he was born of a virgin, Maria’s virgin’s ok , Believe that he has all the miracles and wonders ok, believe that he can resurrect the dead, ok, there is no problem, but you are not allowed to believe all the points he wrote in the Koran, and you are not allowed to believe those points, other you Just believe, let’s take a look at the Bible, Romans 10:9 If you confess that Jesus is the Lord with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. This is a very important key to salvation. , You have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, and you will be saved by Jesus Christ. Part 18 Those points are all designed for this verse. They are all designed for this verse. They are placed in the Koran. If Jesus is just a prophet and has the same status as Adam, then it is impossible to be the Lord. You can recognize him. Jesus is the Lord. If Jesus had never been to the cross, there would be no such thing as a resurrection from the dead. He did not have a resurrection from the dead, so here is a resurrection from the dead. , He also has to deal with him in a design. If it is blasphemy to call Jesus God? Where is the salvation? Not to mention if God is not the Trinity? Jesus cannot have the status of the godhead? So the Koran you It can be seen that he designed it completely for the Bible and designed it completely for the salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross. Muhammad was so scared that he was afraid that you believed what the Bible said, because you believed you would be saved. Now, if you are saved, he won’t sing. He doesn’t want you to know Jesus. He doesn’t allow you to accept the salvation of the cross. And there is the last link. He must tell everyone that he is the last prophet and the greatest prophet. All people who want to believe in God must shift their focus to him, because he is the last person in the world, and you can also see the tangible representative of God, the man of God, so he has turned over from then on His life, he founded a world-class religion, and there are countless women, he is simply a genius. Part 19 But he is still conscientious. It is good for everyone to share. Although he has more than a dozen wives, the youngest was dedicated to him at the age of 6, and he entered the bridal chamber at the age of 9 and there are countless concubines. How can his followers be with Adam Eve is the same, the same is monogamous, how can only two become one? Everyone can talk, and there has never been a prophet who can have so many women. Muhammad so freely stipulated everyone There can be up to four wives at the same time. Next, we will see the real chapter. The eschatological prophecy is PK. First of all, in the Islamic world, they are waiting for the appearance of their savior. The name is IMAM AL MAHDI, Imam Mahdi, who is he ? He appears as a savior, which means a teacher , He is a person who can really understand the Koran. The Shiites believe that he is alive at the moment. He is hiding his identity in a certain place on the earth. At the end of the world, he will appear in the first seven years. Just mention the Bible. In the end, the world has a seven-year catastrophe, which is similar. Then the third point here is that the world will follow this person, it will follow Mahdi, and the Middle East will be peaceful because of him. You will be a person who has read the Bible. I know, he probably said who it was. Part 20 Fourth point, Mahdi will team up with Jesus to defeat DAJJAL , That is, the Islamic version of the antichrist, yes they also have the Christ, and then Jesus and they also admitted that they will come back again, but Jesus, when they come back, they will say that he is a Muslim, and then they will join forces with Mahdi to defeat this antichrist. Then in the end, the Islamic State of the whole earth will be established, so here we can draw up an order of Islam, the order is that Mahdi will appear, he will make the Middle East peace, and the world will follow him, then the Antichrist will appear, and then Jesus will Come back, join forces with the Mahdi to defeat the Antichrist. But according to all the details of the Koran and the Hadith on the Mahdi above, we know his identity is the antichrist predicted by the Bible. Those who are familiar with the Bible can see It’s not hard to see that this apocalyptic version that Islam they believe is actually being laid out for an event, that is, for the Antichrist. Because we look at the Bible version, we know that the seven-year catastrophe after the end of the world, Israel will be They were built on the Temple Mount, Solomon's Third Temple. They want to rebuild their temple. The rebuilding of the temple is related to the appearance of the Antichrist. At that time, the Antichrist will sign a covenant with the world and let the world follow him. , And then in the three and a half years of the Seven Years Tribulation, he will claim to be a god in the temple, so in the picture we can compare the order in which Muslims believe and the order in which Christians believe. There is a card in the middle. This person is called Mahdi, and Mahdi’s narrative is exactly the same as the Bible. The antichrist’s narrative is exactly the same, that is, he will let the world sign the covenant, let the world follow him, and he will become the world’s The answer, he seems to be the Messiah Then he will make the Middle East peaceful, so he can build the temple. How can I build the temple without peace, and then of course Christians believe that later Jesus After returning to the Antichrist, it is Jesus. Then we see the end of the world in the picture and it will happen here. I used the cross to aim at this starting point. This is a photo I took in Israel in 2015. Location In the Garden of Gethsemane , And then look back at the Temple Mount. From this perspective, the mosque is currently at this location, which is the same address where the Jews want to build the temple. , Then you are going to demolish the Golden Summit Temple? Isn’t that a declaration of war with Islam all over the world, then the third world war is about to start? So now there are some moderate Jews who are willing to build the temple, Next to this mosque, we don’t need to demolish your Qingzhen Temple. I’ll just build it next to you. You worship your God and I worship my God, you worship Allah and I worship my God, no matter what In this way, the Bible predicts that the temple will be rebuilt, so in the order, we can see that Mahdi appears in the posture of the savior that can bring peace, and he can balance all the Islamic world, and believers will follow him, because the Islamic world Just waiting for him.
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
@William Crane Mohammad said quran is for Arabic speaker, how ridiculous Quran 41:3 A Scripture whereof the verses are expounded, a Lecture in Arabic for people who have knowledge When he promoted his cult in the early days, he tried to prove that he believed in the God of the Bible. But it was easy to see that he was a false prophet And he don’t want people ask him questions , like lots of imam in middle east don’t want Muslims ask questions today Quran 5:101 O ye who believe! Ask not of things which, if they were made unto you, would trouble you; but if ye ask of them when the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made known unto you. Allah pardoneth this, for Allah is Forgiving, Clement. Mohammed was content with his cult at the beginning. He integrated many idols of the time into one, and the Jews discovered that he was worshipping a false god at all. The Jews often found him pretending to be a prophet and mocking him, no wonder Mohammed hated the Jews so much later a woman from Juhainah, that a Jew came to the Prophet and said: "You are setting up rivals (to Allah) and associating others (with Him). You say: 'Whatever Allah wills and you will,' and you say: 'By the Ka'bah.'" So the Prophet commanded them, if they wanted to swear an oath, to say: "By the Lord of the Ka'bah;" and to say: "Whatever Allah wills, then what you will."
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
@William Crane Quran 6:101 He is Originator of the heavens and the earth. How could He have a son when He does not have a companion and He created all things? And He is, of all things, Knowing. Poor Allah is thinking: How can I have a son without a girlfriend? lol Maryam ibnat Imran is more capable than Allah Wait , Allah seems figured it out Quran21:17 Had We intended to take a diversion(past time), We could have taken it from [what is] with Us - if [indeed] We were to do so.
@sineadhoo6860 3 года назад
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
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@Vivianchen420 4 года назад
@fettahcan5064 4 года назад
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
主要是他们看不懂古兰经,得靠伊玛目给他们洗脑,很多伊玛目撒谎不眨眼的(如 zaik naik) , 古兰经脱离了tafsir圣训集和传记基本上变一本无法阅读的白痴书,没有连贯情节,人物介绍,故事脉络,把它递给一个没有听说过伊斯兰的人,比2岁儿童读物的阅读性还差,圣训集浩瀚如海,没几个穆斯林愿意读完的,意思一下就完了,主要听满口谎言的伊玛目讲。真正完全尊重原著,接受默罕默德以身作则的榜样的,按照sunnah 实践的,就是1S1S 这样的组织
@icec7399 4 года назад
@sarali8017 4 года назад
@hongmeetiong9974 4 года назад
@hazelhazel7977 4 года назад
求主保佑大卫弟兄平安 !感谢赞美主!哈利路亚!
@joelgao1919 Год назад
@謝小棣 Месяц назад
@WorshipEverywhere 4 года назад
穆罕默德 好白 , 新的梗 🤣
@anthonyhopkins8297 3 года назад
@frankieyang7826 3 месяца назад
阿门 感谢分享
@dobe2066 4 года назад
@alexgracec3868 4 года назад
Watch DKs video "New Age". He has answer there
@madororo9267 4 года назад
@fettahcan5064 4 года назад
@JaydenOnair 4 года назад
@fettahcan5064 4 года назад
@Emsi888 4 года назад
@冬天裡的熊 4 года назад
@冬天裡的熊 4 года назад
形態論   我們先來看什麼是形態論。因為許多基督徒對這個名詞並不熟悉,所以首先我們先來定義這幾個字:「形態」(mode)、「形態的」(modal)、「形態論」(modalism)事和「形態論者」(modalist)。「形態」一詞,按哲學上的定義是指一個對象所具有的外表或形態;亦即其內在實質的表顯。而「形態的」這個形容詞是形容一個物件的形態,而非它的實質。「形態論」是一種神學理論,認為父、子與靈不具三個不同的位格,而是神在三種「形態」或「形式」的行動中,不同的表顯。「形態論者」則是接受「形態論」神學教訓的人。   形態論對三一的觀念   根據形態論,神聖三一的父、子、靈不是同等並永遠地彼此共存,而只是神三種接續的彰顯,或者說是神在行動上三種暫時的形態。形態論其實是「神體一位論」(Unitarianism)的一種,它否認神在祂內在所是里是三一的。它認為父、子、靈只是神在祂執行救贖的神聖計劃時,所採取之暫時的或接續的角色,與神格之基本性質並無任何關聯性。形態論不承認基督的獨立位格,它視「道成肉身」為父存在的一種形態,或為父的彰顯。對形態論者而言,父、子、靈只是神顯現的方式,與祂內在所是無關。
@冬天裡的熊 4 года назад
三神論   三神論與形態論是一個明顯的對比,三神論相信有三位神,特別是在關於神聖三一的三位格(Persons)是三位不同之神的教導上,他們相信父、子、靈乃是三位分開的神。即便是今日,還有人說父是一位神,子也是一位神,靈又是一位神,這是三神論。每當神格里的不同位格被過分強調時,就不免演變成三神論。論到所謂的「位格」一字,備受尊崇的聖經學者多瑪格力菲(W. H. Griffith Thomas,達拉斯神學院創始人之一)說:「一如所有人類的語言,這個字是很容易被指為不夠達意,甚至於是誤謬的。這個字絕對不能太過分強調,不然就會導致三神論。當我們用這字來表達神格中的區別時,並不是說這區別就是分開,反而這種區別是相聯於素質上彼此的互相內住或互容。」   有一種三神論是由亞流(Arius)的學說所代表。在他的學說里,父是完全的神,子具受造之物中領頭的地位,而靈又是低於子的。雖然對亞流而言,子與靈的地位並沒有明白的定義,但他的說法其實就是三神論的一種。亞流學說在第四世紀初曾引起相當的爭議,甚而導致康士坦丁大帝於主後325年召開尼西亞大會,來處理在他帝國中眾教會對三一理論的爭辯。大會主要的論題即在亞流的「三神論」和亞他那修(Athanasius)正統的「三一學說」之爭。大會產生的尼西亞信經,推翻了亞流和三神論的異端,嚴斥其論點,摒於教會之外。到了尼西亞大會時,形態論(尤其是撒伯流氏的形態論)和三神論都被否定了。   但是在加帕多家教父以後,又有三神論傾向的思想出現。尼西亞大公會議約二百年後,另一種形式的三神論出現於Johannes Philoponus的教訓中。他過度強調父、子、靈之間的區別。他說在神格中一個共同素質里,存在三個素質,這實在就是三神論。   大馬色的約翰(John of Damascus)是希臘東方教父中最後的一位,他以特別強調神格之間的互相內住而著稱。他重新強調神聖的一,來修正三神論。他看見,子乃是管道,使神聖生命在永遠里,由父借子流到聖靈里;並且子也是管道,來促成父、子、靈這三個「實質」(Hypostases,指神格中之位格的專有名詞)的聯結,但他沒有試圖使這兩個說法一致化。[35]「這樣超越的奧秘,以人類思想所能領會的和以人類語言所能論述的,不過只是完全真理之殘破片斷而已」。   試圖避免落入形態論和三神論的極端   當教父們討論三一的內在本質時,他們一面試圖避免落入形態論的錯誤,另一面也避免三神論的極端。當他們嘗試為神聖三一下正確定義時,就其所著重的方向,經常因為強調一方面的真理,而犧牲了另一方面的真理,因而導致不是被指控傳講形態論,就是被指責贊成三神論。他們最難拿捏之處,在於說到神是獨一的神時,要能避免形態論的論調;而在講論神的三個位格和神的經綸時,還能避免三神論的色彩。[37]「尼西亞教父的著作中,顯然有多處帶有三神論的色彩,但是這些卻被其他略帶撒伯流形態論的說法所中和了,因此他們的立場應該被視為介乎形態論和三神論兩個極端之間。」
@冬天裡的熊 4 года назад
神聖真理的兩面性   形態論和三神論是怎麼產生的呢?那是因為二者都過度地強調聖經中神所啓示真理中兩面的某一面。形態論強調真理的一面,亦即「只有一位獨一的神」,極度推演而成了異端。相反的,三神論將神所啓示真理的另一面,亦即「神是一而三的」,推延到了另一個相對的極端,也成了另一種異端。若我們看見「神聖真理兩面性」的原則,我們就能避免這兩個極端,並能忠誠的持守聖經中啓示完整真理的見證。   為著瞭解這原則,讓我們從郭維德(Robert Govett)所著《神聖真理的兩面性》一書中,引用幾個段落。對聖言極具見地並鑽研的郭氏說:「聖言中給我們看見真理的兩面性,是一個強而有力的證明,證明其絕非出自人手。人類智慧的高明之處,在於其歸納‘一統’的能力,在千百個結論中歸納出一個共通的原則,在去蕪存菁之下,證明出共通的‘一統’定律是隱含在千變萬化的表象之內。凡攔阻人類的智慧達成此目的者,人總是規避或否定之。」他繼續說:「但是,神卻不是這樣,實質來說,祂經常以兩個看似相對的原則行動。」所以郭維德又說:「當我們發現聖經中有兩個看似相對的原則被攏在一起,就不該訝異。世界和聖經構成的主要原則是‘一在多元里,多元在一里’」。關於主話語中看似不相吻合的經文,郭氏這樣說:「我們不需要先使它們相吻合後,才接受並履行,只要是神的話所確認的,我們都接受。」如他所說:「接受我們無法吻合的話,不是出於我們將差異枚平,乃是基於神對兩者的確認。」關於神的話,許多對真理的辯論是不必要的,如他所說的:「對真理相對的觀點,多出自於在不同的時候、不同的角度觀察的結果。」在該文中,郭維德陳明瞭基督徒對神啓示的真理所應有的態度。他說:「神的確就是這樣試驗祂的子民,當神所確認之真理的觀點,與人的心性或智性的偏好相左時,他們還能堅信不移嗎?還是他們會熱心的堅持一處聖言,而踐踏另一處的聖言呢?一個謙卑像小孩的聖徒,會同時承認接受這兩處的話語,因為永不會錯的父神,同樣地為這兩處話語作過見證。」   郭維德特別把神聖真理兩面性的原則,應用在闡明神的本質上:「真理的兩面性,亦見於聖經中關於神本質的啓示,聖經明示祂的「一」……但也清楚地肯定神格中位格的區別,這就是「一在多元里,多元在一里」,這個源自於神格中神性的主要真理,延伸至祂所有的工作里。」   請注意郭氏說,這主要的真理是源自於神格中的神性。換句話說,神在聖經中之啓示的兩面性,是神自己本質的顯明,神之所是的兩方面(即祂是三而一,一而三),則由聖經中所啓示之真理的兩面性所見證。
@Emsi888 4 года назад
@雷震華 9 дней назад
@jessyeung3151 3 года назад
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
很多阿拉伯基督徒和英文世界的基督徒早就在說這些了,他們中間很多是穆斯林皈依基督耶穌。有專門的視頻頻道365天和穆斯林在線辯論頻道 ,還有書籍關於古蘭經的虛假和敵基督與伊斯蘭的關係
@jessyeung3151 3 года назад
@@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 請問這些資料如何找到?
@威尼-u8t 4 года назад
DK大哥 最近看了一些影片教會牧師 大方承認自己是同性戀 雖然這話題可能很敏感 但想看DK大哥能否做個類似主題的影片 同婚 等等 是否犯罪
@hyc7011 3 года назад
@dreambigdeal 4 года назад
@TheML8998 4 года назад
@xltt4825 4 года назад
@rontan317 4 года назад
@SianHo0633 4 года назад
好癲,居然看了整本可蘭經再分析XDD 其實中國就是在預演下一隻末後的,你不難看到,中國初期也是四處簽和約發展經濟,到後來撕破了臉皮、社會信用制度、DNA存庫等等。這是末後那隻自埃及到現在也是在玩測試版本,中國的是公測版本,下一回應該是開服上線了。 眼下以色列在四處惹火,為末後被圍埋下了伏線。
@林炫含-o3l 4 года назад
😂😂DK 此集超有意思的,末世預言大Pk : 他她們等的是(以馬木馬赫笛!??)讓我很好奇,回教信徒並不知道他們的(主神:阿拉)是誰?依我所知他們以一個特定的石頭來代表《阿拉》,雖然很虔誠的拜!!但心中信的是(莫海默得)期待的是(馬赫笛)!! 為何沒人心中信《阿拉》沒人期待《阿拉》??? 當中DK 提到在末世時(馬赫笛)會出現 在某個地方。 但!如果我的發現是沒錯的話😊其實於末世時不是(馬赫笛)的出現!而是《阿拉》的出現,[祂出現在某個地方沒人知道祂的存在]這句是真的(如果我猜的沒錯的話)➡️祂的出現沒人等也沒人期待祂,因為等的!期待的全是(馬赫笛)😳這個不知道是誰?的人? 若猜的沒錯!祂也不會意外,因為沒人知道祂的存在,但確實存在《祂非常優秀值得稱頌👍》。這是我所了解的與您分享➡️這奇妙的回教😊。 我發現是以聖經中的《米賽亞》➡️也就是未來是耶穌再來與他們說的阿拉聯手。 目前二缺一 希望耶穌快來。🤗💖
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire8043 3 года назад
@胡辉哥-d8z 3 года назад
虽然是是不是很丰富? 讲白了也是一个白痴? 瞎子走不出森林。 不管你对圣经有多 精通? 那只不过是一个文字? 你不可能能够入世。 猪的身上的毛很多? 猪永远生不了角。 除非你出生成牛? 永远不会开悟不能觉悟。 它的含义是默罕默的是巧克力的皮肤? 是不能够回到天国? 白痴 天国是?神来管。 等到死亡之后因为你没信神?受到审判下 下地狱? 如果你把我当白痴你也好不到哪里去?
@carolyoo140 3 года назад
主耶稣 求你的宝血 遮蓋 大衞 也差派 你的天兵天使圍绕大衛,因为大衞中心服事你 ,他用你的真理時時刻刻 提醒我們 教导我们 好讓我們更加明白 你的真理来跟随着你,我们禱告是 奉主耶穌基督名字求amen
@Blazekyo24 Год назад
听起来不一定是种族歧视, 有可能是他对黑人和女人有特别的憎恨; 不过也有可能他只是利用他自认为先天性,天生的优势,就是-男人,还有很白的肌肤,来变成一种信仰标准。这样自然而然他就成为了一个完美的形象,而与他相对特制的人,黑人或者女人就变成了最不好的,那他就会成了最完美的。🤔
@lonyigg 4 года назад
@fanruiwang8723 4 года назад
@亞靈 4 года назад
@张晨-k4q 4 года назад
@李詩詩-i4b 3 года назад
@chentsau8313 3 года назад
@todwill8007 4 года назад
@呂宜宸 4 года назад
@dkfinalgeneration 4 года назад
@fettahcan5064 4 года назад
有罪的人不是嘴上说神原谅我就可以的 必须停止那个罪 以后不要再犯 神才会原谅的
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