
第 33 期 | USM 宿舍 Vlog | USM PENANG HOSTEL ROOM TOUR USM 宿舍 (Desasiswa Restu, Saujana & Tekun) 大揭秘! 

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嗨大家好~ 狐狸与白猫首先热烈欢迎 USM 新生前来报到,正式开启人生大学的精彩旅程!看着新生陆陆续续前往各自宿舍开始 Orientation Week,我们也感到特别感概啊,这证明学姐老瓜们(我们)离毕业不远了吧?
那为了让各位新生们更多的了解一下宿舍校园的环境,狐狸与白猫特此录了一期 USM 宿舍 vlog~ 影片中将会介绍介绍 USM 三大宿舍-- Desasiswa Restu, Desasiswa Saujana 和 Desasiswa Tekun 的环境,以及有什么美味的食物档口介绍~ 希望大家会喜欢,并且多多支持我们哦!Share 起来!
那么来说一下,其实这三间宿舍的内外构造是大同小异的,就连房间和厕所包括 pantry 都是差不多一样的造型哦~ 一开始的时候可能会因为宿舍太多走廊和房间而经常迷路,但之后熟悉环境了就不会陌生啦!那么说到设备哦,Restu 和 Saujana 都有一个自动贩卖饮水投币机,而 Tekun 不一样的是它用的是免费过滤水,是不需要携带硬币的,太方便了啦!
不仅如此,Restu 还自带热水机以及熨斗+熨衣板,想熨衣服的学生们可以随时用到啦!但是呢,在参观 Saujana 和 Tekun 的时候,小编时注意到这两个地方自带的是热水壶,并且没有提供熨衣板哦!
此外,这三间宿舍在上一个学期全新更换了老旧的洗衣机 & 烘干机,取代而之的是 Debit Card 付款的方式,轻轻松松 pay wave 就好了,重点是还不需要自带各家的洗衣粉/洗衣液了!(洗衣 & 烘干都是 RM 4.50 哦)
还有还有, Restu 宿舍其实还隐藏着 Bilik Bacaan,它就在 B1/B2 的地下!虽然那里没有冷气,但喜欢安静的学生们欢迎来到读书室~ 此外,小编还无意中闯入 Restu 的 Bilik TV, 但不太清楚怎么操作电视机的小编之后就默默退下了,有兴趣摸索的新生们来研究一下吧~ 至于 Saujana 和 Tekun,其实也是有各自的房间例如 Desa Tekun 的 Bilik Rekreasi, Bilik TV 1 & 2, Bilik Bacaan 以及 Saujana 的 Stor Sukan 等,但那时候门都锁上了所以我们进不去 TAT
好啦说了这么多,其实都还没说完呢,里头还介绍了一些好吃又价格实惠的Cafeteria 小档口!好奇想知道的新生们赶紧点击观看和按赞分享吧!谢谢大家~
Hello everyone~ The Fox and the White Cat first warmly welcome the new USM freshmen to come for register and officially start the wonderful journey of university's life! Watching the freshmen to visit their respective dormitories and one after another to start Orientation Week, we also feel very touching. Which means that the seniors are not far from graduation, right?
In order to let the freshmen know more about the environment of the dormitory campus, Fox and White Cat hereby recorded a USM dormitory vlog~ This video will introduce the three major dormitories of USM - Desasiswa Restu, Desasiswa Saujana and Desasiswa Tekun! The environment, and the introduction of delicious food stalls will also be recorded~ I hope you will like it and support us a lot! Share up!
So let’s talk about it, in fact, the internal and external structures of these three dormitories are quite similar. Even the rooms and toilets, including the pantry, are almost the same design. After you are familiar with the environment, you will not be unfamiliar with the dormitory! When speaking of equipment, Restu and Saujana both have a vending water coin slot machine, but Tekun is different in that, it uses free filtered water, so you don't need to carry coins, it's so convenient!
Not only these, Restu also comes with a water heater and iron, so students who want to iron clothes can use it at any time! However, when visiting Saujana and Tekun, I noticed that these two places have their own kettles and no ironing boards...
In addition, these three dormitories replaced the old washing machines & dryers in the last semester with the new one, and replaced a new payment with Debit Card payment method, which is easy to pay wave. The point is - you do not need to bring your own laundry detergent!! (Laundry & Drying are RM 4.50 respectively~)
Besides, the Restu dormitory actually gots the Bilik Bacaan, which is at level B1/B2! Although there is no air-conditioning there, students who like quiet places are welcome to the reading room~ In addition, we also accidentally broke into Restu's Bilik TV, but we didn't know how to operate the TV silently left after that. New students who are interested in exploring, let's study it~ As for Saujana and Tekun, there are actually provided a lot of rooms such as Desa Tekun's Bilik Rekreasi, Bilik TV 1 & 2, Bilik Bacaan and Saujana's Stor Sukan, etc., but the doors are locked at that time. so we can't get into TAT
Okay, so much has been said, in fact, I haven't finished it yet. We also introduces some delicious and affordable Cafeteria stalls! Freshmen who are curious and want to know quickly click to watch and like & share! Don't forget to subscribe to our channel! Thank you all~
Here is the link to this video:
• 第 33 期 | USM 宿舍 Vlog |...



18 сен 2024




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@hoxusheng4395 Год назад
感谢分享 附近有什么好玩的/休闲的地方吗 能不能介绍介绍 ?😮
@huli_baimao2552 Год назад
有机会会录哦 记得留守频道哦🤩✨
@woegookbun Год назад
Hi girls. Thanks for making this video. Do the dorms have any shared areas like kitchens, tv rooms, workout rooms or anything like that? Also do you know if there is a dorm for foreigners?
@huli_baimao2552 Год назад
If for local students actually not have any shared area like kitches…but for the foreigners we not sure🥺 so sorry
@syunn3425 6 месяцев назад
@懵懵的菜鸟 Год назад
@huli_baimao2552 Год назад
是的哦 是冷水🙈
@懵懵的菜鸟 Год назад
@@huli_baimao2552 想请问宿舍大概多少钱?🤣会有抢不到的问题吗?如果抢不到宿舍怎么办?
@huli_baimao2552 Год назад
@@懵懵的菜鸟 宿舍费我忘记了耶 不过本地学生的话不贵哦 然后是需要强宿舍的 根据mycsd的分数哦 如果抢不到 可以租学校附近的屋子哦 我们就是租外面的哦🙈
@懵懵的菜鸟 Год назад
@@huli_baimao2552 租外面的房上课会麻烦吗?价位大概在那里?🤣真的不好意思问那么多,谢谢你真诚地回答🙏🤣
@huli_baimao2552 Год назад
@@懵懵的菜鸟 学校对面或者旁边就有了哦 需要走路搭巴士 远一点可能驾车比较方便 有些在100-200左右 好一点的房间300左右也有哦 租房间或者和朋友合租都有 哦~没事啦 不麻烦 记得订阅我们哦
@katietate3084 Год назад
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