
紅燒牛肉,原肉不用修肉,這樣吃才是真正的半筋半肉 (braised beef) 

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1. 嫩肩里肌,牛肋條或牛腩切塊1公斤
2. 洋蔥1顆切塊
3. 牛番茄一顆開四
4. 蔥70克或三支切段
5. 老薑切片100克
6. 去皮蒜8顆拍過
7. 龜甲萬甘醇20克
8. 鉅利老抽40克
9. 紹興酒120克
10. 明德紅油豆瓣40克
11. 郫縣或明德陳年豆瓣20克(家樂福,電話先詢問為佳)
12. 黃冰糖4克
13. 八角2-3粒,拍過草果一顆
14. 鹽1-2克
1. 將嫩肩里肌原肉切成大塊厚片,再將上下筋膜和中間粗筋帶肉切下並切成塊狀。剩下的無筋嫩肉留下煎牛排或切片切絲先醃起來可做蔥爆牛肉之各種小炒。
2. 在一大鍋中大火熱鍋,下油,下肉煎至少一面上色後關火下紹興,並用木鍋鏟刮起底部金黃美味後拿出牛肉和湯汁。
3. 在同一鍋中大火熱鍋下油下洋蔥塊和鹽炒香,下蔥薑蒜番茄,下豆瓣醬和中藥炒香,下所有醬油和之前拿起的牛肉,炒至醬濃後下水稍微蓋過牛肉。
4. 上鍋蓋,大火煮至冒煙後轉最小微火計時1小時。
5. 時間到撈起牛肉,大火縮至湯汁濃稠,鹹味適中,放回牛肉即完成,如同咖喱和紅酒牛肉,紅燒牛肉隔天吃最好吃。
1. 美國牛肉容易煮軟,所以煎些許上色並燉煮一小時後需先撈起牛肉。因為影片當天同時在錄另一支香煎平鐵牛排,所以牛肉其實有點燜過頭,同學在煮1小時後檢查牛肉,刀子插下去肉應能輕鬆拿起但不要掉下,避免過軟失去口感。
2. 雖然影片說也可用牛腱心和牛頰肉取代,但這兩部位血味較重,需先飛水後沖洗乾淨擦乾再煎,整塊再下去燉煮,煮好冷了放涼再分切小塊。當然也可以比照影片方式先切塊料理比較簡單,但不是最好呈現它們口感的方式。
3. 台灣不能進口美國牛內臟,美國將牛頰肉歸類為內臟,所以市面買的牛頰肉通常是澳洲或紐西蘭。
4. 紅燒牛肉適合在醬湯裡泡入味的後段醃製法,麥可流鹽漬法不適用於此,因為鹽漬的大量鹽巴會讓成品太鹹,比較適用於清燉牛肉湯等食譜。
1. 嫩肩里肌,牛肋條或牛腩切塊1公斤
2. 洋蔥1顆切塊
3. 牛番茄一顆開四
4. 蔥70克或三支切段
5. 老薑切片100克
6. 去皮蒜8顆拍過
7. 龜甲萬甘醇20克
8. 鉅利老抽40克
9. 紹興酒120克
10. 明德紅油豆瓣40克
11. 郫縣或明德陳年豆瓣20克(家樂福,電話先詢問為佳)
12. 黃冰糖4克
13. 八角2-3粒,拍過草果一顆
14. 鹽1-2克
1. 將嫩肩里肌原肉切成大塊厚片,再將上下筋膜和中間粗筋帶肉切下並切成塊狀。剩下的無筋嫩肉留下煎牛排或切片切絲先醃起來可做蔥爆牛肉之各種小炒。
2. 在一大鍋中大火熱鍋,下油,下肉煎至少一面上色後關火下紹興,並用木鍋鏟刮起底部金黃美味後拿出牛肉和湯汁。
3. 在同一鍋中大火熱鍋下油下洋蔥塊和鹽炒香,下蔥薑蒜番茄,下豆瓣醬和中藥炒香,下所有醬油和之前拿起的牛肉,炒至醬濃後下水稍微蓋過牛肉。
4. 上鍋蓋,大火煮至冒煙後轉最小微火計時1小時。
5. 時間到撈起牛肉,大火縮至湯汁濃稠,鹹味適中,放回牛肉即完成,如同咖喱和紅酒牛肉,紅燒牛肉隔天吃最好吃。
1. 美國牛肉容易煮軟,所以煎些許上色並燉煮一小時後需先撈起牛肉。因為影片當天同時在錄另一支香煎平鐵牛排,所以牛肉其實有點燜過頭,同學在煮1小時後檢查牛肉,刀子插下去肉應能輕鬆拿起但不要掉下,避免過軟失去口感。
2. 雖然影片說也可用牛腱心和牛頰肉取代,但這兩部位血味較重,需先飛水後沖洗乾淨擦乾再煎,整塊再下去燉煮,煮好冷了放涼再分切小塊。當然也可以比照影片方式先切塊料理比較簡單,但不是最好呈現它們口感的方式。
3. 台灣不能進口美國牛內臟,美國將牛頰肉歸類為內臟,所以市面買的牛頰肉通常是澳洲或紐西蘭。
4. 紅燒牛肉適合在醬湯裡泡入味的後段醃製法,麥可流鹽漬法不適用於此,因為鹽漬的大量鹽巴會讓成品太鹹,比較適用於清燉牛肉湯等食譜。
5. 更正影片裡第一塊帶筋的牛排是板腱牛排(blade steak)




1 окт 2024




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@uryan4514 Год назад
1 下油 炒肉 2 放紹興酒 把肉拿出來 3 下洋蔥 放鹽 要上色 4 放老姜 蔥 蒜 陳年豆瓣醬20 g跟紅的豆瓣醬 10g 番茄 1顆醬油20g 老抽40g 黃冰糖 2顆八角(滷牛肉滷包、大紅袍都可以) 5 剛剛的牛肉放進來 炒到醬汁濃稠 下水
@nchou646 10 месяцев назад
一年了 能不能敲碗一下更搞剛的義式元素 真的很好奇怎麼做結合的
@agnesma9372 Год назад
Hi, Mike: After all this time, I finally purchased a piece of meat that is exactly like yours. I tried to make friends with my local butchers. I found a butcher, willing to sell me a huge piece of meat, about 5 pounds, before trimming. It is called "Top Blade Boneless Roast" here in the US. There is a saying, "If you search hard enough you will get what you are looking for at the end." I tried to upload this meat photo to you & failed. My son came home & told me that unless I have your email address otherwise in RU-vid, text only no photo. I then decided just ask you the following questions: 1. I vertically cut this meat into 3 big chucks. (next time, I will cut into 2 chucks instead.) For each chuck of meat, I will separate it into 半筋半肉 & stir flying meat. I went over your video couple more times lately. In your video, you mentioned that you got 3 pieces of 半筋半肉 for stewing purpose & 2 pieces of stir frying meat by doing the following a, b, c, & d steps: a. trimming middle part out (what thickness is this part, 1" or 2" thick?) b. trimming the silver line on top out (what thickness is this part, 1" or 2" thick ?) c. trimming the silver line on bottom out (what thickness is this part, 1" or 2" thick ?) d. The left over meat for stir flying meat (it is called flat iron steak) (what thickness is this part, 1" or 2" thick ?) By the way, after cutting into small cubes, what size is each cube ? f you answer me the thickness of each cut, I believe I can figure out how to trim each portion out correctly. I am ready to try your recipe now. So help me out. Thanks again for your time to read my letter. Patiently waiting for your reply.
@佳話-w3b Год назад
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@agnesma9372 Год назад
我在美國居住超過 55 年。 你現在住在哪裡? 在台灣還是美國? 我想知道、你將來會從哪裡拍視頻。 我有以下問題: 1. 你在COSTCO買的肉英文名是什麼? 在視屏裡,我不知道它有沒有英文名字。 2. 關於你從COSTCO買的大塊肉的修整:你能詳細說說、半筋半肉的三塊肉是怎麼修整得來的嗎?如果我知道半筋半肉是怎麼得來的,那麼 剩下的肉一定就是瘦肉,只適合用於stir fry 3. 我已經看了這個視頻 4 遍,想弄清楚你的步驟是什麼。 如果您能回答我上面的問題,我將不勝感激。 我提前感謝你的時間。
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@agnesma9372 Год назад
@@michael_cuisine Fifty five years ago, after graduating from a Taiwan"s university, I came to U.S. to study first & settled down here later. Therefore I have no problem to read, write & speak perfect Chinese. My problem is to input Chinese characters using just the computer keyboard. I have been using PenPower for this input purpose but finding it is a painful task. Each character takes me a long time to input since PenPower doesn't "like"(recognize) what I write. Recently one of my friend suggested me to use "Google Translate" function. Although it is not a perfect solution but it solved my input problem. You guessed right, in order to save time, I wrote to you in English & Google Translated into Chinese. To me, it is a God sent gift. Since you revealed you are from Taipei filming RU-vid. Therefore I will reveal my 79 years old age. If a recipe writer outside U.S. could correctly translate ingredient names especially on meat name, would really help people not living in Taiwan getting the accurate ingredients. Thank you repling my question soon. I can't wait for your next video. This time, I do not use Google Translate since your English is above my level.
@agnesma9372 Год назад
"Thank you for repling......" Repling spelled wrong. It should be spelled as "Replying". Sorry for the mistake. I am only a human. Ha-ha.
@michael_cuisine Год назад
Thanks for your kind message. 1. The cut I was using was top blade steak which comes from the chunk shoulder section. I don’t think they sell this cut particularly so u can look for cut name involved of the word chunk. 2. The tendon runs mainly through the middle of top blade steak. So I was simply trim the middle part out as well as the silver line on top and bottom of the cut, to use those for beef braising. Yes for cut that contains least tendon, stir-frying is an good option. 半筋半肉 can be interpreted in many ways. The one in my video is my interpretation. So please feel free to pick up a available cut in market that has both rich tendon and meat. My English is alright, thanks again.
@TANGSONGYUAN 3 месяца назад
博主非常專業 除了學做菜也學到不少知識。👍
@michael_cuisine 3 месяца назад
@agnesma9372 Год назад
Hi, Mike: I spent few hours googled on web sites in order to understand what you are talking about in your reply & what kind of meat section is available in U.S. I found the following article: I need you to teach me which section of beef I should buy? Chuck roll or chuck shoulder clod. Tell you the truth, I have no idea what they are talking about. I only need to buy the same kind of meat to learn how to trim & cook your recipe. Below is a detailed description of beef chuck" One of the most common ways of fabricating a beef chuck is by separating it into two major boneless cuts: the chuck roll and the chuck shoulder clod. 1. The chuck roll is a large (approximately 20 pounds) boneless piece, made up of the long section of meat between the ribs and the backbone. A skilled butcher can remove the ribs and backbone in one piece, and this piece of meat can then be divided in half. The section that overlays the ribs is usually used for ground beef, and what is left, after being trimmed and squared up, is called the chuck roll. The chuck roll actually has some tender muscles in it, which make excellent grilling steaks. In fact, this is the same muscle from which we get rib-eye steaks. But because there are quite a few tough muscles in the chuck roll too, one of the most common techniques is to separate the top section called the chuck eye from the bottom section known as the chuck under the blade, which can be sliced thin for a stir-fry. 2. The chuck shoulder clod is basically a big lump of muscle on the top side of the animal, which forms its outer shoulder bulge. Like the chuck roll, the shoulder clod also usually weighs about 20 pounds. Separating the shoulder clod from the beef chuck requires cutting around and extracting the upper arm bone called the humerus, and then carefully cutting the muscle away from the shoulder blade bone. The shoulder clod is a group of five muscles that can be separated and fabricated into steaks and roasts. The advantage of separating these muscles is that it allows the connective tissue between them to be removed, which is one of the reasons why beef chuck can be so chewy if it's not cooked properly. But, even with the connective tissue removed, most of the muscles from the shoulder clod are still a bit tough. Finally, there's another muscle on the outside of the shoulder blade, commonly known as the chuck tender, which is typically used for pot roast. Whichever cut of beef chuck you are using, you will find it is a delicious (and underrated) part of the animal, as well as an economical one. Moreover, it is extremely versatile. Most cuts simply require a long, slow cooking time to soften up and release their flavor. Many of these cuts are not regularly stocked even in serious butcher shops. If you want to try some of these cuts at home, make friends with a butcher who fabricates cuts, and ask him or her to put a certain piece aside for you. Thank you in advance for your time.
@michael_cuisine Год назад
The cut in the video is top blade, and I not sure which category in your research it fits in, but u can definitely google it and show butcher shop the picture. You are quite hardcore in researching. Which ever beef cut recommended for stew can be used. Look for the cheap cut contains lots of connective tissues and fat, cut into cubes and they are excellent for red braised beef, good luck.
@agnesma9372 Год назад
@@michael_cuisine I finally found some text & a photo similar to what you described in your video: "... It’s very buttery in flavor, and the meat surrounding the gristle line is very tender. It has no fat cap and has marvelous marbling throughout, which is what gives it its creamy flavor. Because of the strip of gristle running through the middle, it can be quite chewy if you try to eat this strip, or if you overcook it." A photo should follow, but I failed to copy & paste. I don't know why? (May be a copyright issue?) All I want from you is teaching me how to trim this meat into 2 groups: for braising purpose & for stir-frying purpose. The following is from one of your reply: " The tendon runs mainly through the middle of top blade steak. So I was simply trim the middle part out as well as the silver line on top and bottom of the cut, to use those for beef braising." Could you show some pictures or sketches to help me understand how you get the following tasks done? 1. trimming middle part out 2. trimming the silver line on top out 3. trimming the silver line on bottom out? I knew I took too much of your time but I really wanted to learn this technique. For return may I invite you out to eat next time you visit California? Tks a million again in advance.
@姜錦蕙 Год назад
請教老師!我們照著做紅燒牛肉真是好吃,想用來做牛肉麵,因為牛骨取得不易而且怕腥,所以改用雞架子加蔬菜熬煮,我是用一斤雞架子加上洋蔥胡蘿蔔燉煮二小時取得一公升的雞高湯,可是覺得味道有點淡薄,我應修如何修正 先謝謝老師!
@michael_cuisine Год назад
您好,如果是要清淡的鮮湯,至少要微火滾6小時才有味道。如果是要油一點的濃湯像拉麵那樣。可以參考我獅子頭那部片的作法做雞湯,中火蓋鍋滾2小時,如果天氣沒這麼熱,晚上滾好,隔天早上再大火滾個15分鐘,湯就白了,骨架才會散爛,膠質之類的才會溶出來。 建議可以加4-5根雞翅增加肉味,都要煮到爛,濃湯搭紅燒,清湯搭清燉,箇中有其學問,謝謝
@姜錦蕙 Год назад
老師我依照您的方法做出了一鍋濃白高湯,非常感謝您的不吝分享與毫無保留的指導 祝福您身體健康事業順利
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@@姜錦蕙 不會,謝謝🙏
@tejenliu3673 Год назад
Thank you
@alr1220 Год назад
梁王牌豆瓣醬太甜,不適合 黑豆桑太豆偏鹹,也不佳 下次試試郫縣
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@cestsibonlavie 5 месяцев назад
@michael_cuisine 5 месяцев назад
@曾彥銘-j6s 6 месяцев назад
@michael_cuisine 6 месяцев назад
@goodto Год назад
老師您好想請教您問題,看了你的影片覺得你的做法最科學, 我試做了一下,並把他變成牛肉麵,我選用牛肋排小火慢煮,水滾 之後轉文火繼續燙10分鐘,之後把水倒掉並洗乾淨,切成8公分 的大小用油煎香,把牛肉拿起來用鍋底的油,再次序放入薑,冰糖、 洋蔥,蒜頭,蔥豆瓣醬煎香,加入醬油、香料後加水,倒入牛肉 慢火燉煮,居然要3個小時,而您用的方法最多只要兩個小時, 我買的牛肉是冷凍的,也不貴不可能是台灣牛肉我的方法是否 不對? 因為我不喜歡牛騷味太重所以我先把肉先煮並去血水,這樣 會影響他烹煮的時間嗎? 再請問如果加入牛骨燉煮湯會有什麼樣的口感變化因為我吃不太出來只是感覺騷味重一點,這次看了你的影片我也沒放牛骨我覺得味道不錯比之前好,但是現在面臨一個問題我總共用了兩斤的肋排,燉出來的肉湯還不到10人份的內鍋,湯的味道鮮美,我怕加水後風味變差,所以成本太高,這樣做不到5碗麵,請問有什麼方法嗎?
@michael_cuisine Год назад
一個個問題來看 1. 燙十分鐘太久了,肉味跑掉,湯鮮度減少。滾水下去再次滾,關火,燜個5分鐘就好。但是水裡要有蔥薑紹興去味。 2. 現在美國牛已經比台灣牛貴2倍以上,牛肋排如果不是牛小排或牛肋條,89就是台灣牛,因為進口的牛肋排部分就這幾種。 3. 美國牛如果是牛小排最多就是2小時半內一定軟(前提是控火正常)。燉到3小時,聽起來像品質普通的坑腩(油花太少)因為油花少甚至沒有,要燉到很久瘦肉才會爛。 加牛骨湯最好跟帶甜的蔬菜一起燉,大白菜,高麗菜,蘿蔔,洋蔥等等。牛骨湯有分大火像拉麵濃湯或是微火清湯兩種湯頭,都會比用純水燉肉讓膠質厚度提升,牛鮮味自然夠重(前提是牛骨要有很多骨髓,鮮凍) 4. 兩斤的肋排燉完後縮水5人份差不多。台灣牛水很深,好的肉鳳毛麟角,買到難吃肉機率很大,自己學要繳很多學費才會專精跟老闆要求。新手被唬爛是正常。如果要提升湯量就是另外煮牛骨高湯,湯裡也要有一些邊角碎肉,不然風味太淡,湯量增加自然調味料也要按比例上去。至於2斤肉燉完真的差不多就五人分食。
@goodto Год назад
@@michael_cuisine 謝謝老師讓我得到很多知識我一直以為台灣牛比較貴。我是新手也不知道牛肋排、牛肋條、坑腩的差別.上網看的結果我買的肉應該是坑腩,但是他粗細不均更像是坑腩的邊角料.我做牛肉麵大概只有5次能做到這樣我已經很高興。 用您的方法做出來的牛肉麵.已經可以打敗很多店家.目前我做的就是廋肉較柴,等買來的豆瓣醬到貨再找牛肉試試。 台灣的牛肉麵都不便宜,平常都捨不得買這次自己做的,肉比麵還多。小孩、家人都吃的超滿足,謝謝!
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@@goodto 沒事,有問題再問我,學術交流
@goodto Год назад
@@michael_cuisine 謝謝! 再一問您說 :牛骨湯最好跟帶甜的蔬菜一起燉,大白菜,高麗菜,蘿蔔,洋蔥等等。想請教它們各自燉煮的時間,蔬菜多久就要拿起來?
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@@goodto 濃湯大火就水多一點2小時,自然放涼,8小時,再大火滾個半小時就很白,清湯大火滾後轉微火慢燉7-12小時,蔬菜就放著讓它爛,最後過濾就好。如果是清燉建議用清湯,紅燒用濃湯。牛骨很大所以鍋子也要很大,妳有機會試試。只要肯做,我會再傳授箇中奧秘。
@5sl393 9 месяцев назад
請問老師 如果要煮成紅燒牛肉麵的湯在最後是不是可以不收汁然後直接調味這樣?
@michael_cuisine 9 месяцев назад
@5sl393 9 месяцев назад
@@michael_cuisine 謝謝老師!
@michael_cuisine 9 месяцев назад
@@5sl393 不會
@yihan5067 Год назад
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@JB-gp9ko Год назад
郫縣豆瓣醬最好先用油炒 不然會帶一些臭味 草果最好去除裡面的種子哦
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@jjjrrr0306 Год назад
@@michael_cuisine 哈哈哈哈
@李祐廷-j4e 2 года назад
@michael_cuisine 2 года назад
@chujano2006 11 месяцев назад
謝謝你 看你的影片 做菜原來有很多知識
@michael_cuisine 11 месяцев назад
@vatulamk8024 2 года назад
@michael_cuisine 2 года назад
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@pan ASD 謝謝喜歡🙏
@fionchen5767 Год назад
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@jaykao2886 Год назад
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@fatcaptaincuisineliving2244 2 года назад
@michael_cuisine 2 года назад
@fatcaptaincuisineliving2244 2 года назад
@michael_cuisine 2 года назад
@@fatcaptaincuisineliving2244 明德比較辣,郫縣比較香,各取優點混合使用👌
@歐斯麥-e7u Год назад
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@hh.5560 Год назад
清修完不是翼板喔 是平鐵!
@阿姆姆-c8z 2 года назад
@michael_cuisine 2 года назад
@a97586266 Год назад
不用修肉太方便拉!!!!又是便宜的部位 讚
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@vincentyang0619 2 года назад
期待 希望能光顧未來新餐廳
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@洪浚元 2 года назад
太棒了 原來這塊肉可以這樣做料理
@michael_cuisine 2 года назад
@Ashley-rb1lx 2 года назад
@michael_cuisine 2 года назад
@R六和魚 Год назад
@@michael_cuisine請問 店在台南哪裡呢?找時間去吃看看
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@@R六和魚 三年前休業了
@R六和魚 Год назад
@@michael_cuisine 😔可惜了
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@@R六和魚 我努力以後推出調理包💪
@ln1202 Год назад
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@歐斯麥-e7u Год назад
@michael_cuisine Год назад
@張鈞傑-m3t 2 года назад
超讚 🎉 謝謝麥克的分享
@michael_cuisine 2 года назад
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