
金馬獎最佳剪輯|半段情 (Infatuation)|盧冠廷|葉童|許冠英|楊振耀|粵語CC中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1/2段情 

Cinema No.8 - HK Movie
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【粵語CC中字+ENG】半段情 (Infatuation)|盧冠廷(Lowell Lo)、葉童(Cecilia Yip)、許冠英(Ricky Hui)、楊振耀(Eric Yeung)、羅浩楷(Albert Law)、陳立品(Chan Lap Ban):陸瑤瑤(葉童 飾)為了取得移民資格及讓家人過上好生活,準備嫁給富商何其堅(楊振耀 飾)。從外國歸來的年輕攝影師唐泰忠(盧冠廷 飾)夥拍友人經營製作公司,在他們的婚禮上負責拍攝工作,他看見新娘瑤瑤後甚為喜歡,欲展開追求。本性無拘無束的瑤瑤在婚後刻意改造自己來迎合大男人主義的丈夫,對他百般遷就,甚至可以啞忍他與舊情人相會。知悉二人婚姻不如意的唐泰忠介入了這段感情……
After spending eight years in Europe as a street singer, Tong returns to find Hong Kong a warm and intimate place. He decides to settle down here and sets up a video production company with his friend, Sung. Their 'Great Era Studio' is a two-men band with Tong doing the shooting and Sung, the lighting. During a video shoot at a wedding banquet, the bride's beauty throws Tong into a state of delusion. Meanwhile, Tong finds several clues suggesting the marriage is an intricate one: the couple has their own love affairs and both their lovers show up at the banquet. Though they have agreed to cut off their relationships with former lovers, the husband, Ho, still goes out with his girlfriend. Tong happens to run across them and feels sorry for his wife, Luk but there is nothing he can do. Luk is looking forward to immigrating to the US with her husband's family, but in the meantime has signed up with several courses at the YMCA. Tong works as a tutor there and their friendship grows steadily. Luk is a faithful wife and she puts her family before everything. Tong's love for Luk puts delusions in his head and during a shoot, hallucinates. Tong mistakes the bride for Luk and stops the wedding. Tong is beaten up by the bridegroom. Ho in the meantime has been seeing his mistress but also manages to handle Luk. To Luk, Ho is everything. Her feelings towards him mingle love, with respect and awe. Luk goes to Tong's place to pick up the video tape of her wedding and finds that Tong is an interesting person. Whenever she quarrels with her husband, Tong tries his very best to make her happy again. One day, Luk Joins Tong's street singing and their picture appears in the newspaper the next day. Ho is furious and scolds Luk. He goes to 'Great Era Studio' and comes to blows with Tong, Ho warns him to stay away from Luk. Tong thinks of a way to help Luk. He and Sung disguise themselves then, threaten Ho. They warn Ho never to see his mistress again. But soon Ho finds a way to stop Luk from seeing Tong. Ho goes to Macau with his mistress and meets Tong, Luk and Sung accidentally. Luk is desperate and asks for a divorce. But the dream of immigrating to the US changes her mind. She tries to live with Ho's guidelines but fails. Tong meets Luk again at a grand opening of a watch shop but Luk ignores Tong totally. Tong gets angry and leaves. Tong edits every shot of Luk he has taken on video tape and sends it to Luk. Luk is moved but she thinks it is too late. On the day of departing to the US, Luk realises Ho and his mistress are still very close. Sung urges Tong to see Luk before she leaves, Tong is confused.Finally, he rushes to the airport. Luk is boarding the plane.
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金馬獎最佳剪輯|半段情 (Infatuation)|盧冠廷|葉童|許冠英|楊振耀|粵語CC中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1/2段情
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@8-hkmovie 3 месяца назад
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@katrinabocian4846 6 месяцев назад
婚姻如人飲水冷暖自知 相處快樂才是最重要的
@user-pm5qq2kx9r 6 месяцев назад
I agree with u, dun marry because of peer pressure n convenience...it wun last long 😊
@ckcmake Месяц назад
呢套戲睇美術 好睇 查翻原來張叔平當年得金像獎最佳美術 唔怪得 85年已行得好前
@gishileh 6 месяцев назад
Ending in 495-497A Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Yau, Yau Tsim Mong District, Hong Kong
@Cat-ee2gt 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@stefankantak3905 6 месяцев назад
I'm waiting 4 years to see that movie. Thank you so much. Does anyone know if there is a vcd version of it? I'd Love to have a physical copy in some sort of way
@user-pm5qq2kx9r 6 месяцев назад
I do believe if u search on Google infatuation vcd, u will get the result 😊
@angelswings7024 6 месяцев назад
Back then, this movie was too arthouse for Hong Kong audiences, and probably still is. That's probably why it was a box office failure. Less than HKD $2.5 million at the Hong Kong box office, an absolute flop. Nevertheless, it's great to watch if you're into drama/romance. I nearly fell asleep halfway, if it wasn't for Ricky Hui Kwun-ying's rather hilarious supporting role as Lowell Lo Kwun-ting's working partner. Cecilia Yip Tung is always a delight to watch. She's the main reason why I want to watch this movie in the first place. Thanks for the upload.
@chengherman4034 4 месяца назад
@tehterry2070 6 месяцев назад
@susankwan6788 4 месяца назад
@michaeljoo5373 6 месяцев назад
例如他們奪權後更大規模的那個,暴君跟他們黨中央敢在打一般地主事前下放指示,警告若干犯濫殺的必定會付上代價的與否?! 而且他們暴君跟黨中央,也只在他們暴力土改的8個月後,才只下放若“勸告”農民不以非刑拷打為佳,可是實際上又不願意真正來嚴管,更沒有禁止利用體制內惡質民兵積極分子繼續藉著逼地富底財、打開暴力局面的做法,再加上暴力土改11個月後,暴君也十分贊同所謂反霸跟對付一般地主都要煽動起農民的積極性、也等於默認了繼續暴力,並將之廣發各地的情況裡,這也勢必會對各地的暴力激進派領導幹部、縱容派領導幹部、惡質的民兵積極分子甚至是一般赤農群眾起著相當影響的! 所以之後所展開的許多地方,在逼地富底財的時候都發生了肉刑連連的事情,甚至當有份量的人向暴君反映亂打亂殺的時候,暴君聽聞後竟然輕描淡寫地答到,“那是一場革命,群眾發動起來了,即使“有些過火”的行為,也不能挫傷他們的積極性”的! 不僅如此,他們前一段的反霸,暴君事前就要求每到一處、就必須製造恐懼的做法,卻也不願意下放若發現干犯濫殺就必定會受到處罰的指示,結果也導致各地在此階段會要求他們各下轄地設下滿意數量的殺人指標,導致濫殺無辜的連連發生! 甚至在某南方大省,暴君等暴力激進派還因為不滿意溫和派土改領導在一開始的反霸以及隨後逼一般地主底財的階段要溫和來進行,就不僅罔顧該溫和派領導事前詳細的調查、還罔顧該溫和派領導的解釋以及本省籍幹部的反對暴力打右,還反控他們是在搞地方主義、並在之後將之撤換,還把是保皇派的暴力激進派給換上、並為他撐腰,結果該暴力激進派一上台,不僅派人殺害反對暴力打右的本省籍土改幹部,還在反霸期間、要求各下轄地設下滿意數量的殺人指標,結果導致各下轄地濫殺無辜,又在逼剩下地富底財的時候導致各地村村見血、戶戶鬥爭、肉刑連連,而且還一階段比一階段來得血腥,試問他這種保皇派若沒有得到也是暴力激進派的暴君撐腰跟壯膽,又怎敢幹出與導致那麼多血淋淋的歹事、尤其是幹出派人殺害本省籍土改幹部的歹事的! 所以說,他們有這種把達到政治目的置於可以濫殺無辜、可以連自己跟他們黨中央所定下的規則都可以不遵守的所謂萬人之上的暴君,難怪其下各地的暴力激進派與縱容派領導幹部、他們體制內惡質的民兵積極分子甚至赤農群眾幹在所謂反霸和打一般地主時都可以那麼地有恃無恐跟肆無忌憚地幹起這種濫殺無辜跟肉刑連連的歹事的! 但他們奪權後的結束後的兩年內,當暴君“堅持”要打破承諾,將原本要永久性給予農民的土地收歸“國有”後,農民最終還不是乖乖聽話!可見他們所謂萬人之上的暴君,才是最有影響力可以改變可變局面的家伙來的!
@JASHBRYANT 2 месяца назад
怎麼覺得1985前的電影都有點不知所謂,無法感受角色營造的感情氣氛,最後感覺轉得太硬,即使到結尾也無法猜透女主角性格 捉摸不定
Oi Oi Oi & E E Ei Meme Looking For a Girlfriend