
꒰ sweetest grl in ponyville ꒱ kindness ♡ empathy ♡ unisex subliminal + self-love 𝜗𝜚 ♡  

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affs *˖°
i am the sweetest i can be.
my friends notice my kindness.
my friends notice my compassion.
my friends notice my sweet nature.
my intentions are the best that they can be.
i am known for my compassion.
i am known for my compassionate acts.
i am naturally compassionate.
i am naturally kind.
i am naturally loving.
others notice my kindness.
others notice my compassionate nature.
i have the kindest intentions.
i have very strong and healthy empathy.
i have healthy boundaries.
i have a healthy relationship with empathy.
i have strong cognitive empathy skills.
i radiate an aura of kindness.
i bring out the best in others.
i bring out the best in everyone.
i love myself.
i fully believe in self-compassion.
i remain kind through adversity.
i inspire others to be kind.
i inspire others to be compassionate.
the world is a better place with me in it.
everything i do is with the kindest intentions.
i have a compassionate aura.
others find me to be very sweet.
i am kindhearted.
i am a genuinely kind person.
others notice my genuine kindness.
others notice my compassion.
others treat me with kindness.
my aura is very sweet and comforting.
others are comforted by my presence.
animals are comforted by my presence.
i am always kind to others.
i am always kind to animals.
i have a healing personality.
animals are kind to me.
i am safe.
i am treated with kindness and respect.
i am known for my kindness.
i am a considerate person.
i know when to say "no".
i am kind to myself.
i respect myself.
i communicate kindly.
i speak from a place of kindness and compassion.
my thoughts about others are empathetic.
my thoughts about others are kind.
my thoughts about others are compassionate.
i have empathetic thoughts.
i have kind thoughts.
i have compassionate thoughts.
i have a love for humanity.
i have respect for all of humanity.
i am kind to all things.
i respect all living and non-living things.
i make decisions that support my kindness.
i make decisions that support my compassion.
i make decisions that support my empathy.
i make decisions that support my self-compassion.
i do kind things whenever i can.
i value kindness.
i value compassion.
i embody the element of kindness.
i enjoy being kind to others.
i am an understanding person.
i enjoy being kind.
i am a loving person.
꒰ i'm mimmy ꒰^ · ༝ · ^꒱ノシ ♡ mimkitty.com ꒱ ⁺⑅ 𓍊 ˚
꒰♡꒱ thank you for watching my video, i love and cherish you !!
none of this could be possible without your support !!
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everything i use is mine or i have permission to use, or is for personal use (non-monetized), or is under free use. rain sounds are from freesound or mixkit and any media not used by me is stock media, royalty-free, or free for reuse or reuse with modification, or used under fair use laws. even if i use content that is not mine, but under fair use, i will not monetize it ♡ for example, collages ♡ a lot of my materials are sourced from middlepot and her sozai database, sozai.pooftie.me/.
i am not a licensed professional and do not have the right or expertise to diagnose or treat any illnesses. my videos are for relaxation & comfort purposes and should not be used in place of professional and medical treatment. before taking any advice for treatment, consult your primary care physician, psychiatrist, or licensed counselor. i simply reiterate rhetoric from publically available resources regarding Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
~ ꒰^· ༝ · ^꒱ノシ thank u so much for reading this far !! i appreciate u immensely !! ♡ ♡ ♡
you have everything you want ! you are who you want to be !
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11 сен 2024




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@noodledaddy3234 Месяц назад
i love being kind
@haydendade Месяц назад
@haydendade Месяц назад
Me too. In the past I dealt with a lot of toxic people to the point where my best friend that I had a healthy relationship with since we were very little just replaced me out of nowhere and moved away. She lived across from me and was a few houses down. I haven't seen her in over 5-6 years. I'm starting to think that I'm slowly but surely becoming a nice person since I've been through all of that. I'm doing better now but it still hurts a bit whenever I recall those memories. I love being nice not only because it makes me feel good/better but mainly I just want people to be happy and not having to go through toxic relations with others like I did.
@lonesomemaker3837 4 дня назад
Your subs give me hope in humanity
@starrrwori Месяц назад
I loved it, this is so adorable and cute that it even warmed my heart 😭
@chaospaganwitch 16 дней назад
the past week i had taken on way more hours at work than i am capable of handling because i like being that reliable person, and they needed me a lot. but as a result, i got exhausted and the last day i ended up having customers complain about me being rude. my manager thankfully knew that wasn't my nature, she was understanding and caring to me, but i still feel so ashamed. and part of me still responds with anger because shame and anxiety and embarrassment aren't emotions i feel allowed to have (growing up emotional invalidation/perfectionism) but i broke today to my boyfriend about how terrible i feel. this subliminal though has been such a reassuring comfort that i am a good person, i didn't mean to be rude, i know my limits now and everyone knows i'm not a mean person, i was just struggling. i still feel shaky and nervous about returning but i'm way better than i was before, so thank you for this :')) i appreciate you and i hope you have a good day 🩷🩷
@falcon_519 Час назад
The fact that you feel that way to begin with is absolute proof that you are indeed a good person with a heart of love and kindness. Those who care the most about others are often hardest on themselves, feeling a great sense of purpose to be a force of light and healing in order to correct the imbalances in this world that cause suffering. Remember, you are equally worthy of that same love and care you show to others. Give yourself grace for any perceived imperfections. You are an amazing and very special person! 💖🐬🦋🌻
@tzezzz 2 месяца назад
this is so adorable🥹🩷🤍 i love ur subs😭
@youruncle360 3 месяца назад
thank you mimmy
@zachrobertson8138 Месяц назад
Gidagidigidagada Ibeenmeriilongtimeago
@aphodsun 2 месяца назад
eu sou o mais doce que posso ser. meus amigos notam minha gentileza. meus amigos percebem minha compaixão. meus amigos notam minha doce natureza. minhas intenções são as melhores que podem ser. sou conhecido pela minha compaixão. sou conhecido por meus atos de compaixão. sou naturalmente compassivo. eu sou naturalmente gentil. sou naturalmente amoroso. outros notam minha bondade. outros notam minha natureza compassiva. eu tenho as melhores intenções. tenho uma empatia muito forte e saudável. eu tenho limites saudáveis. tenho uma relação saudável com empatia. tenho fortes habilidades de empatia cognitiva. eu irradio uma aura de bondade. eu trago à tona o que há de melhor nos outros. eu trago à tona o que há de melhor em todos. eu me amo. eu acredito plenamente na autocompaixão. eu permaneço gentil através da adversidade. eu inspiro os outros a serem gentis. eu inspiro outros a serem compassivos. o mundo é um lugar melhor comigo nele. tudo que faço é com as melhores intenções. eu tenho uma aura compassiva. outros me acham muito doce. eu sou de bom coração. eu sou uma pessoa genuinamente gentil. outros notam minha bondade genuína. outros percebem minha compaixão. outros me tratam com bondade. minha aura é muito doce e reconfortante. outros são consolados pela minha presença. os animais são confortados pela minha presença. sou sempre gentil com os outros. sou sempre gentil com os animais. eu tenho uma personalidade curativa. os animais são gentis comigo. Eu estou seguro. sou tratado com gentileza e respeito. sou conhecido pela minha gentileza. eu sou uma pessoa atenciosa. eu sei quando dizer "não". eu sou gentil comigo mesmo. eu me respeito. eu me comunico gentilmente. falo de um lugar de bondade e compaixão. meus pensamentos sobre os outros são empáticos. meus pensamentos sobre os outros são gentis. meus pensamentos sobre os outros são compassivos. eu tenho pensamentos empáticos. eu tenho pensamentos gentis. eu tenho pensamentos compassivos. eu tenho um amor pela humanidade. tenho respeito por toda a humanidade. sou gentil com todas as coisas. eu respeito todas as coisas vivas e não vivas. tomo decisões que apoiam minha bondade. tomo decisões que apoiam minha compaixão. tomo decisões que apoiam minha empatia. tomo decisões que apoiam minha autocompaixão. faço coisas boas sempre que posso. eu valorizo ​​​​a gentileza. eu valorizo ​​​​a compaixão. eu incorporo o elemento da bondade. gosto de ser gentil com os outros. sou uma pessoa compreensiva. eu gosto de ser gentil. eu sou uma pessoa amorosa.
@somethingwithbungalows 2 месяца назад
I love the subtitles
@funfettipupcake 3 месяца назад
so cute!!
@m_221e 21 день назад
أنا أحلى ما يمكن أن يكون. أصدقائي لاحظوا طيبتي. أصدقائي يلاحظون تعاطفي. أصدقائي يلاحظون طبيعتي الحلوة. نواياي هي أفضل ما يمكن أن يكون. أنا معروف بتعاطفي. أنا معروف بأفعالي الرحيمة. أنا بطبيعتي رحيمة. أنا طيب بشكل طبيعي. أنا محبة بشكل طبيعي. يلاحظ الآخرون طيبتي. يلاحظ الآخرون طبيعتي الرحيمة. لدي أطيب النوايا. لدي تعاطف قوي وصحي للغاية. لدي حدود صحية. لدي علاقة صحية مع التعاطف. لدي مهارات التعاطف المعرفي القوية. أنا أشع بهالة من اللطف. أنا أخرج الأفضل في الآخرين. أنا أخرج الأفضل في الجميع. أنا أحب نفسي. أنا أؤمن تماما بالرحمة الذاتية. أظل لطيفًا خلال الشدائد. أنا ألهم الآخرين ليكونوا طيبين. أنا ألهم الآخرين ليكونوا رحماء. العالم مكان أفضل بوجودي فيه. كل ما أفعله هو بأطيب النوايا. لدي هالة رحيمة. يجدني الآخرون لطيفًا جدًا. أنا طيب القلب. أنا شخص لطيف حقا. يلاحظ الآخرون لطفي الحقيقي. يلاحظ الآخرون تعاطفي. يعاملني الآخرون بلطف. هالتي حلوة ومريحة للغاية. الآخرون يشعرون بالارتياح لوجودي. الحيوانات ترتاح بوجودي. أنا دائما لطيف مع الآخرين. أنا دائما لطيف مع الحيوانات. لدي شخصية الشفاء. الحيوانات لطيفة معي. أنا آمن. أنا أعامل بلطف واحترام. أنا معروف بلطفي. أنا شخص متفهم. أعرف متى أقول "لا". أنا لطيف مع نفسي. أنا أحترم نفسي. أتواصل بلطف. أنا أتحدث من مكان اللطف والرحمة. أفكاري عن الآخرين متعاطفة. أفكاري عن الآخرين لطيفة. أفكاري عن الآخرين رحيمة. لدي أفكار متعاطفة. لدي أفكار طيبة لدي أفكار رحيمة. لدي حب للإنسانية. لدي احترام للبشرية جمعاء. أنا لطيف مع كل شيء. أحترم جميع الكائنات الحية وغير الحية. أتخذ قرارات تدعم طيبتي. أتخذ قرارات تدعم تعاطفي. أتخذ قرارات تدعم تعاطفي. أتخذ قرارات تدعم تعاطفي مع ذاتي. أفعل أشياء لطيفة كلما استطعت. أنا أقدر اللطف. أنا أقدر الرحمة. أنا أجسد عنصر اللطف. أنا أستمتع باللطف مع الآخرين. أنا شخص متفهم. أنا أستمتع بكوني لطيفًا. أنا شخص محب للسلام
@violetangelz Месяц назад
This is too cute, i'm obsessed 🤭
@gedrah898 Месяц назад
I hate myself so much.. i think i'm a bad person.. so i'm listening to this sub because sometimes i'm so rude and i have short temper and i don't like this.. but i'm so compassionate and so sensitive but i'm a mitsuba kinnie sooo act like him he's so me in personality and More, i mean i don't like myself i don't love myself :p, my anger issues and being so irritable makes me rude without wanting to, i really hate myself :/, I am also sometimes so envious but it is because of my low self-esteem
@mimkitty Месяц назад
the fact that you recognize you have an issue and want to do things about it shows that you are improving in character. i have been through self-hatred, anger issues, low self-esteem, envy, and lashing out at others. i still experience these things from time to time! and i will tell you, it is hard, but you can't hate yourself through it. if you're open to advice, please, treat yourself as if you're your own really good friend, or a child version of yourself. self-compassion very much encourages compassion towards others ♡ you deserve so much love, empathy, and understanding, more than you think you may deserve i hope this video helps you with your goals and with loving yourself, and i hope that one day i can look at my comments and see that you don't hate yourself anymore ♡ thank you for your vulnerability, just know you aren't alone in this at all ♡
@mistylover7398 14 дней назад
​@@mimkitty yay
@ang3lslittleworld 19 дней назад
is it normal to be able to hear the affs?
@mimkitty 19 дней назад
i believe that it is up to the opinion of the submaker or listener. i try to make my affirmations inaudible, but due to differing hardware and/or poor mixing on my part, they may be audible to some people i personally do not think that the audibility of the affirmations affects their influence, but if you feel that they do, follow your intuition! i have also seen and used subliminals that have audible affirmations, so i at least know for sure that it is a thing i hope i answered your question, thank you for checking out my video ♡
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