
𝗝𝗲𝘄𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝗜𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗺'𝘀 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 - See their Reaction 

Sabeel Ahmed
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28 сен 2024




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@Ramseybazo 3 месяца назад
French football legend Eric Cantona, who plays for Manchester United, one of England's most successful clubs, reacted to the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Stating that "If Gaza falls, the world also falls", Cantona said that if the occupation in Palestine cannot be stopped, "wild barbarians will triumph"
@mahya5385 4 месяца назад
I was literally just going to search your channel to watch a new video and here we go you just uploaded the video. Between I love your way of preaching. May Allah bless you more with knowledge and wisdom.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Sabeel, Bobby, Towards Eternity, Syfetalk... Be Ready! Millions of muslims, Jesus Christ to visit them in their sleep or speak through dreams and visions soon... Acts 2: 17 “‘In the last days, God says, *I will pour out my Spirit on all people.* Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
mahya Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
mahya Important question to Sabeel, Zakir, Fakir Ali, Ahmed, Mohammad, Deedad, Mouthless Allah where is he ? Lord Jesus Christ on Blessed Trinity and Gifts of the Holy Spirit... Message to Prophet John Leary Saturday, May 18, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a triangle does represent Three Persons in One God of the Blessed Trinity. The Father, Myself, and the Holy Spirit are always present together, but it is a Mystery to try to understand the meaning of the Blessed Trinity. This is something you need to take on faith. So when you are looking at My Real Presence in the consecrated Host in the monstrance, you are looking at Three Persons in One God. Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and you will hear the list of seven gifts and twelve fruits listed by the Holy Spirit who shares these gifts with all true believers. Back in elementary Catholic School, you had to memorize these gifts of the Holy Spirit from your Baltimore Catechism. I will list them for you now. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity. These gifts help you in keeping your faith, and they help in sharing your faith.”
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
mahya For Our God Everything is Possible. Even to beget the Son or to die on a cross and resurrect!! St Matthew 19: 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” St John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. St John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Mahya Holy Bible says 1 Corintians 12 : 3 No one can confess that Jesus is Lord unless guided by the HolySpirit So if one has spirit of Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Envy... which are evil spirits, one can't say Jesus is God! Basically humility is required! to say Jesus is my Lord and God!
@KenanTurkiye 4 месяца назад
Hello to Jews and Christians out there, our brothers and sisters in humanity.
@HiliaVavae 4 месяца назад
Assalamu alaikum wa rohmatullahi wa barokatuhu
@KenanTurkiye 4 месяца назад
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear sister, have a great day : )
@mohammadbajwa5472 4 месяца назад
Very true
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Kenan Sabeel, Bobby, Towards Eternity, Syfetalk... Be Ready! Millions of muslims, Jesus Christ to visit them in their sleep or speak through dreams and visions soon... Acts 2: 17 “‘In the last days, God says, *I will pour out my Spirit on all people.* Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
@KenanTurkiye 4 месяца назад
@@DanSM-ij9fk Here's knowledge, you most likely did not know before. Jesus Christ the Messiah (peace be upon him) was taken to Heaven by Lord/God/TheCreator because some wanted him dead, so God saved him (be patient, continue reading, you will see ''the matrix'', upto you to escape it). (extensive detail in folder 3 in my playlists) The word 'christ' comes from the Greek word 'christos' meaning chosen/annointed (annointment is the act of chosing) the word 'messiah' comes from the Arabic/Hebrew word 'messiach', again meaning chosen. So, Who chose Jesus? TheCreator/TheGod/TheLord did. To do what? To convey that there is TheCreator/TheGod/TheLord and only ThatSupreme power should be worshipped and prayed to and NO idols/conjured up god/s, be it a man, a spirit of a man, a sun, a star, a moon, a tree, an animal etc etc to be worshipped in any way form, worshipping anything else besides TheCreator is idolatry/paganism/blasphamy and will bring Hell. Anything that is worshipped besides TheGod is a god, that is, it is a false god, hence with a small ''g''. There is one Creator, hence why TheGod, the only One deserving of worship. Jesus did not speak Greek or Arabic or Hebrew, he spoke Aramaic, and from translation into translation into translation, we can see that he worshipped TheGod. John 20:17 '‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” Mark 10:18 ''Why do you call me good? No one is good, except God alone.'' John 5:30 "I cannot do anything on my own." John 14:28 “I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I” (that ''father'' does not mean flesh and bone father, rather TheGuide/God, look at John 20:17, are you also the flesh and bone son of God? pls think! worship TheCreator/TheGuide/TheGod and not the prophets, peace be upon them all) What does Allah mean as a word? It means TheCreator/TheGod/TheLord. What does ''elaah'' mean as a word? It means any idol or conjured up god (elaaha is the plural of that) they are false and do not deserve worship of any kind, hence why Islam rejects all gods, worshipping anything including the prophets, because worship is solely is to be done to TheGod/TheCreator/TheLord/Allah, which is the trial of this life on earth, to worship only your Creator without equals or partners. Why are all religions in opposition of Islam? Because they have a god or many gods, because they worship creatures of TheGod in someway, prophets, saints, angels, sun, star, moon, animal, tree, by offering them things, making prayers to the (FOR THEM is different, TO THEM is different, 'to them' means you think they have the power to respond/accept that act), or they worship their dead loved ones, the spirit of their loved ones etc etc, all of which the Devil wants done so people ruin their direct worshipping TheGod, the Devil loves that you go astray like that. Have you ever read a Quran from start to finish? That you can answer for your self. (I recommend the Sahih International english translation, it's good). Best wishes. ------------------------------- .....btw..... Jesus did preach to worship the OneGod/TheCreator and not anything else, and so did his followers, peace be upon them all. This unsettled the Roman Empire because this idea of Monotheism went against their pagan beliefs where the emperor was both emperor and god. They persecuted the followers of Jesus and even attempted to kill Jesus, even a Roman Empire servant Saul of Tarsus was out to kill Jesus. Saul never managed to meet Jesus in real life but after Jesus was taken up to Heaven Saul said he saw a dream and said he will now preach the teachings of Jesus. Saul of Tarsus is also known in todays christianity as Saint Paul, so todays christians are actually on the teaching of ''Saint'' Paul which brings in trinity and godhead figure of Jesus and rejects Monotheism. -Jesus was commanded to preach Monotheism, which he did and early followers were Monotheistic (Islamic) believing people, which later changed with the Roman Empires paganism spreading -Jesus was commanded to preach ONLY to the Israelites, which he did, but after him Saul of Tarsus aka ''saint Paul'' started to preach to the Gentiles, which is the foundation of todays christiandom. -Jesus was commanded to rule for the circumsicion which he did, but it was taken out after he left -Roman Empire in 325 AD held a council, with empire alligned 'scholars'' to decide and VOTE on whether Jesus was to be worshipped or not, they VOTED that Jesus be accepted as god (in aliagn with the pagan beliefs of the Roman traditions) and ever since the trinity became the 'christian way' (not what Jesus preached), and sinc that time the Church has chronicled how many times the ''Bible'' has been changed, verses removed and verses added to SUIT this altered idea of trinity! Best wishes, life is short. ;)
@publicpm8809 4 месяца назад
Keep spreading the light of truth
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Sabeel, Bobby, Towards Eternity, Syfetalk... Be Ready! Millions of muslims, Jesus Christ to visit them in their sleep or speak through dreams and visions soon... Acts 2: 17 “‘In the last days, God says, *I will pour out my Spirit on all people.* Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
@OmarAadilChauhan 4 месяца назад
@@DanSM-ij9fkMuslims revert after years of research Christians convert after seeing “Jesus” in their dreams
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Public Important question to Sabeel, Zakir, Fakir Ali, Ahmed, Mohammad, Deedad, Mouthless Allah where is he ? Lord Jesus Christ on Blessed Trinity and Gifts of the Holy Spirit... Message to Prophet John Leary Saturday, May 18, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a triangle does represent Three Persons in One God of the Blessed Trinity. The Father, Myself, and the Holy Spirit are always present together, but it is a Mystery to try to understand the meaning of the Blessed Trinity. This is something you need to take on faith. So when you are looking at My Real Presence in the consecrated Host in the monstrance, you are looking at Three Persons in One God. Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and you will hear the list of seven gifts and twelve fruits listed by the Holy Spirit who shares these gifts with all true believers. Back in elementary Catholic School, you had to memorize these gifts of the Holy Spirit from your Baltimore Catechism. I will list them for you now. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity. These gifts help you in keeping your faith, and they help in sharing your faith.”
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Public For Our God Everything is Possible. Even to beget the Son or to die on a cross and resurrect!! St Matthew 19: 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” St John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. St John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Public Holy Bible says 1 Corintians 12 : 3 No one can confess that Jesus is Lord unless guided by the HolySpirit So if one has spirit of Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Envy... which are evil spirits, one can't say Jesus is God! Basically humility is required! to say Jesus is my Lord and God!
@mskhan667 4 месяца назад
MashaAllah may Allah grant you and us more power to carry on with this mission.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
mskhan For Our God Everything is Possible. Even to beget the Son or to die on a cross and resurrect!! St Matthew 19: 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” St John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. St John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
mskhan Holy Bible says 1 Corintians 12 : 3 No one can confess that Jesus is Lord unless guided by the HolySpirit So if one has spirit of Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Envy... which are evil spirits, one can't say Jesus is God! Basically humility is required! to say Jesus is my Lord and God!
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
mskhan Who is Powerful ? Triune God - God the Father The Creator, God the Son the redeemer (from our sins) and God the Holy Spirit The Sanctifier or man made Allah and His baqri as the redeemer to redeem from mankind sins, specially when comes to mass violences, murders,...? Muslims got it right ? or still want to follow single headed dictator false god and not the actual Creator / Redeemer / Sanctifier, The Triune God ? Who calls you His Children and not slaves, choice is yours!!!
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Khan Carry on which mission ? Lord Jesus on other religions which are only beliefs... “I, the Lord God, love My children, I love them and have proven it to them by giving Myself totally to them in the Holy Sacrifice of My Passion and of My Cross, and then in the sacrament of My Most Holy Body. My Body and Blood contain in each species the totality of My divine Person, the 2nd Person of the Most Holy Trinity and, in It, the 3 Persons who compose it in one God. The Son is inseparable from the Father and the Holy Spirit, who are each inseparable from the other two Persons. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, only one God but Three divine Persons. This One and Triune divine nature is unacceptable for other religions, which are only beliefs; man was created by God and He put in him the attraction to a superior Being that he can reach only by the Revelation. Through original sin, man is attached to matter but his intellect seeks what he has lost: the knowledge of God, His closeness and his own dependence."
@imaneechahir8329 4 месяца назад
Masha Allah !!!!! May Allah add this initiative of yours in the scales of good deeds! Free Free Palestine from the river to the sea!!!! Don't ever forget them in yor duas and supplications.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Sabeel, Bobby, Towards Eternity, Syfetalk... Be Ready! Millions of muslims, Jesus Christ to visit them in their sleep or speak through dreams and visions soon... Acts 2: 17 “‘In the last days, God says, *I will pour out my Spirit on all people.* Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
iman Important question to Sabeel, Zakir, Fakir Ali, Ahmed, Mohammad, Deedad, Mouthless Allah where is he ? Lord Jesus Christ on Blessed Trinity and Gifts of the Holy Spirit... Message to Prophet John Leary Saturday, May 18, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a triangle does represent Three Persons in One God of the Blessed Trinity. The Father, Myself, and the Holy Spirit are always present together, but it is a Mystery to try to understand the meaning of the Blessed Trinity. This is something you need to take on faith. So when you are looking at My Real Presence in the consecrated Host in the monstrance, you are looking at Three Persons in One God. Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and you will hear the list of seven gifts and twelve fruits listed by the Holy Spirit who shares these gifts with all true believers. Back in elementary Catholic School, you had to memorize these gifts of the Holy Spirit from your Baltimore Catechism. I will list them for you now. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity. These gifts help you in keeping your faith, and they help in sharing your faith.”
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Iman Who is Powerful ? Triune God - God the Father The Creator, God the Son the redeemer (from our sins) and God the Holy Spirit The Sanctifier or man made Allah and His baqri as the redeemer to redeem from mankind sins, specially when comes to mass violences, murders,...? Muslims got it right ? or still want to follow single headed dictator false god and not the actual Creator / Redeemer / Sanctifier, The Triune God ? Who calls you His Children and not slaves, choice is yours!!!
@imaneechahir8329 3 месяца назад
@@DanSM-ij9fk You people should seriously get a life, don't like it don't watch and don't butt your way in it!!!!!!! But otherwise I still call and invite to at least ead the Quran if not to appreciate then at least to know what you are citicizing to not look like a fool.
@AzizurRahman-hp2lc 4 месяца назад
@Adjia1 4 месяца назад
MashaAllah AllahuAkbar Alhamdullih jazakallahu khairan ❤❤❤❤
@ainulasif 4 месяца назад
Masha Allah Very good presentation by Dr.Sabbel. Allahu Akber
@токовпутин 4 месяца назад
Nice dialogue mashaa Allah
@kanumanu1656 4 месяца назад
Thanks for the subtitles
@MyselfMahir01 4 месяца назад
Once again Dr sabeel ahmed ❤🎉
@FadimatuShehu-wm1qd 4 месяца назад
Masha Allah😢
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Fadi Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@FadimatuShehu-wm1qd 4 месяца назад
@@DanSM-ij9fk I’d advice you to keep your prejudice aside and seek the truth. A reference is the Quran, your bible and the Hadith. If truly you’re not scared of change. Imagine yourself on judgement day you run to Jesus Calling out master master and Jesus responds and tells you he is not your master, he tells you he never proclaimed he was the son if God and the Christian now is not the Christianity he preached. WHAT WILL YOU DO?? Go through your bible thoroughly you’ll see it for yourself. May Allah bring light to those who are sincere in seeking truth Aameen🤲🏻
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Fadi For Our God Everything is Possible. Even to beget the Son or to die on a cross and resurrect!! St Matthew 19: 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” St John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. St John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Fadi Holy Bible says 1 Corintians 12 : 3 No one can confess that Jesus is Lord unless guided by the HolySpirit So if one has spirit of Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Envy... which are evil spirits, one can't say Jesus is God! Basically humility is required! to say Jesus is my Lord and God!
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Fadi Who is Powerful ? Triune God - God the Father The Creator, God the Son the redeemer (from our sins) and God the Holy Spirit The Sanctifier or man made Allah and His baqri as the redeemer to redeem from mankind sins, specially when comes to mass violences, murders,...? Muslims got it right ? or still want to follow single headed dictator false god and not the actual Creator / Redeemer / Sanctifier, The Triune God ? Who calls you His Children and not slaves, choice is yours!!!
@rayfinn801 4 месяца назад
I really do like how Sabeel is very kind to people
@sharminsultana1216 4 месяца назад
May Allah bless you
@токовпутин 4 месяца назад
They are most welcome to the Masjid
@FadimatuShehu-wm1qd 3 месяца назад
I can only tell you one thing. Go seek the truth if at all you’re sincere. If being a Christian means following the teachings of Jesus peace be upon him, then I will gladly tell you that we Muslims are more Christian than the Christians themselves. Islam is the only religion that makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus peace be upon him. A Muslim is not a true Muslim unless he/she believes in Jesus peace be upon him the difference is that we believe Jesus is one of the greatest prophet of ALLAH. Jesus is not God and even your bible proves that. How blind can you be? I advice you bro to keep your prejudice aside and seek the truth thank you 🙏
@jurnalart121 3 месяца назад
If someone says the Koran was burned during the Ottoman era, say, Before the Ottoman Dynasty, Friend of the Prophet Muhammad SAW "Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas" has spread the Koran on the Chinese peninsula, and there is no difference between the Chinese version of the Koran and the Koran today.
@DannyChristopher-qb1vf 4 месяца назад
I'm favoured, $130K every 4weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.😊
@MariaBujac-yh1ry 4 месяца назад
I'm so happy for you dear, please can you elaborate more about this I'm having a lot of family crisis lately. I definitely believe you're God sent
@JoelHenry-i4o 4 месяца назад
Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place
@Cliffordjay-kx7po 4 месяца назад
Thank God for Bringing Mrs Maria Angelina Alexander , I'm happy for God's grace have found me, Mrs Maria Angelina Alexander is lord sent!!!
@DavidMichael589 4 месяца назад
A lot of people keep talking about investments and how investment trade change their lives. I really need to engage myself in someway of earning more income and stop depending on the government
@JamesWalker-fj7vd 4 месяца назад
The miracle of God is flowing Wow I'm just shocked you mentioned Maria, thought I'm the only one trading with her. She's a perfect teacher
@dr.mdmostafa8937 4 месяца назад
Alhamdulillah allah hu tabarak wa taalah ap sapko iman par chalne ka tawfiq ata farmaye ameen summa ameen
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@alberxenos 4 месяца назад
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
@halimo1255 4 месяца назад
@abdulrahaman5734 4 месяца назад
@Alive-y5d 4 месяца назад
These are the prophets and messengers, whom God mentioned in the Quran, and were sent to their people, to worship the One True God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. 1.Adam آدم 2.Noah نوح 3.Idris إدريس 4.Hud هود 5.Saleh صالح 6.Shuaib شعيب 7.Abraham إبراهيم 8.Lot لوط 9.Ishmael إسماعيل 10.Isaac إسحاق 11.Jacob يعقوب 12.Joseph يوسف 13.Job أيوب 14.Moses موسى 15.Aaron هارون 16.David داوود 17.Solomon سليمان 18.Elisa أليسع 19.Dhul-Kifl ذو الكفل 20.Eliassin إل ياسين 21.Jonah يونس 22.Zakaria زكريا 23.Yahya يحيى 24.Jesus عيسى 25.Muhammad محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم who God sent to all mankind, peace and blessings be upon them all.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Sabeel, Bobby, Towards Eternity, Syfetalk... Be Ready! Millions of muslims, Jesus Christ to visit them in their sleep or speak through dreams and visions soon... Acts 2: 17 “‘In the last days, God says, *I will pour out my Spirit on all people.* Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
all Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
All Who is Powerful ? Triune God - God the Father The Creator, God the Son the redeemer (from our sins) and God the Holy Spirit The Sanctifier or man made Allah and His baqri as the redeemer to redeem from mankind sins, specially when comes to mass violences, murders,...? Muslims got it right ? or still want to follow single headed dictator false god and not the actual Creator / Redeemer / Sanctifier, The Triune God ? Who calls you His Children and not slaves, choice is yours!!!
@SabriyeadanSabriye2024 4 месяца назад
Allxamdulillah. Allxamdulillah. Allxamdulillah
@mdmehboob4443 2 месяца назад
Good work bro
@shafaietunnur7716 4 месяца назад
Humanity Humanity Humanity and do right work in the right way is the main theme of Quran.
@yahyaismail8635 4 месяца назад
Islam is the way of life ❤❤❤
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
yayha Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@jacob4114 4 месяца назад
Fight those from among the People of the Book(Jews and the Christians) who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have declared to be unlawful, nor follow the true religion, until they pay the tax with their own hand and acknowledge their subjection.
@ashfaquei.k.426 4 месяца назад
Ya Muqallib al-quloob thabbit qalbi 'ala deenik يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِى عَلَى دِينِكَ “O Controller of hearts, make my heart firm in Your religion.
@DrJab09 4 месяца назад
Please let brother Sabeel handle the guests. One sister is interrupting and laughing loudly. We should remember hijab is not only about dresses.
@THRSHOP 4 месяца назад
Do not let ideology cover the truth. Stay on the right path according to each person's beliefs because all religions prohibit oppression and violence. Peace is beautiful, but if this world is peaceful, it is not the world but rather paradise. 😅
@josephjasem7926 3 месяца назад
Although brother Sabeel does a great job, I would like him to reinvent his Dawah strategy.
@HussainFahmy 4 месяца назад
@satrioabimanyu883 4 месяца назад
✨ 👍
@120901s 4 месяца назад
Sabeel how many Jews currently live in Saudi, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middle east Countries can u pls give us any numbers???
@anasahmad3605 4 месяца назад
@Dena-g5o 3 месяца назад
Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
@novathor1788 4 месяца назад
Americans love a friendly community atmosphere,we have to learn with Americans
@coronavirus831 4 месяца назад
Hello Sir
@edwindiegomaradonasilaban8703 4 месяца назад
minangkabau is muslim matriarchat and matrilineal culture from indonesia
@MAR-lt7xo 4 месяца назад
All Chirtians, jews, hindus, atheits, agnistics, and non believers of Allah. Through this vlog and message I invite you to the only region of peace and way of Allah. Please do you research and ask your questions but dont wait for long as no one knows that today is the last of his or her life in this world. May Allah guide all humanity to the right path and the path of Allah and peace that is Islam and Quran. Ameen
@gloryj8712 4 месяца назад
When allah unable to guide Ex muslims, allah failed miserably,
@ehsankhateezyar 4 месяца назад
@snawzay.7780 4 месяца назад
Welcome to "submit to one true God", or Welcome to "Islam"
@Btrgd 4 месяца назад
My dear Christian and Jewish brother and sister please read quran once 🙏🏻
@mohammedsaleem-dh8eq 4 месяца назад
Prophet Mohammad the father of civil laws and civil rights. But cult organisation's preaching Islam is a big threat to world peace
@rebasingh258 4 месяца назад
Christians in America treat Sabeel in a decent manner. Muslims of Pakistan oppress the Pakistani Christians and treat thrm as second rate citezens. Sabeel Ahmed should please go to Pakistan and tell tge Mudlims of Pakistan to treat the local Christians with dignity. 😊
@dwisakartinia9009 4 месяца назад
pak Sabeel, Al-Qur'an surah Annisa Moslem should respect, appreciate women, ... why domestic violence still happens?
@sabrinamystified 4 месяца назад
Because the abusive husbands aren't following the religion properly. It's not religion's fault that they decided to abuse someone.
@zahirulislam3775 4 месяца назад
Sorry to state that Jews are the most diverted people who don't believe in Jesus Alaihiwassalm. After clear proofs and so many miracles Jesus Alaihiwassalm did in his lifetime with the help of Allah subhanatawala.
@Cyrano1971 4 месяца назад
With due respect you rather stupidly said said Jesus, Moses, Abraham without PBUH then suddenly said MUHAMMAED PBUH! This is a very selfish and wrong way of representing Muslims in front of non-Muslims! Either use PBUH or ( SA) for all of them or none.
@jacob4114 4 месяца назад
Sabeel is the grass hiding the snake
@stevecontato8959 4 месяца назад
First of All , People need to learn What really Mean İslam is. That name is a Peace and Submitting yourself to God.
@facut768 4 месяца назад
Are u reverted muslim ?
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Sabeel, Bobby, Towards Eternity, Syfetalk... Be Ready! Millions of muslims, Jesus Christ to visit them in their sleep or speak through dreams and visions soon... Acts 2: 17 “‘In the last days, God says, *I will pour out my Spirit on all people.* Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@anonymoususer1999-mc5yv 4 месяца назад
Masha Allah ❤❤❤
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Steve Important question to Sabeel, Zakir, Fakir Ali, Ahmed, Mohammad, Deedad, Mouthless Allah where is he ? Lord Jesus Christ on Blessed Trinity and Gifts of the Holy Spirit... Message to Prophet John Leary Saturday, May 18, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a triangle does represent Three Persons in One God of the Blessed Trinity. The Father, Myself, and the Holy Spirit are always present together, but it is a Mystery to try to understand the meaning of the Blessed Trinity. This is something you need to take on faith. So when you are looking at My Real Presence in the consecrated Host in the monstrance, you are looking at Three Persons in One God. Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and you will hear the list of seven gifts and twelve fruits listed by the Holy Spirit who shares these gifts with all true believers. Back in elementary Catholic School, you had to memorize these gifts of the Holy Spirit from your Baltimore Catechism. I will list them for you now. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity. These gifts help you in keeping your faith, and they help in sharing your faith.”
@Embun123-har 4 месяца назад
Thank you Dr. Sabeel. May Allah SWT bless you, your team and your family 🌷
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Vini For Our God Everything is Possible. Even to beget the Son or to die on a cross and resurrect!! St Matthew 19: 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” St John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. St John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Vini Holy Bible says 1 Corintians 12 : 3 No one can confess that Jesus is Lord unless guided by the HolySpirit So if one has spirit of Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Envy... which are evil spirits, one can't say Jesus is God! Basically humility is required! to say Jesus is my Lord and God!
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
Vini Who is Powerful ? Triune God - God the Father The Creator, God the Son the redeemer (from our sins) and God the Holy Spirit The Sanctifier or man made Allah and His baqri as the redeemer to redeem from mankind sins, specially when comes to mass violences, murders,...? Muslims got it right ? or still want to follow single headed dictator false god and not the actual Creator / Redeemer / Sanctifier, The Triune God ? Who calls you His Children and not slaves, choice is yours!!!
@Shaz566 4 месяца назад
mashAllah ❤
@limited_song 4 месяца назад
Annoying lady interrupting the conversation Non respectful lady
@artisthusnatalal3099 4 месяца назад
She should have just let Sabeel talk 😖
@azhars.8837 4 месяца назад
Please sister,let bro Sabeel talk,don't interupt and derail the communication,let him speak to clear and to explain
@FahmidaAnjum-h4u 4 месяца назад
I think people mainly hold misconceptions against Muslims due to media, their own interpretations etc. but if we look at the big picture we all are brothers and sisters. Most important thing is that we are humans and all religions of the world preach humanity. We are all one.
@AbdulRahman-zl3ec 4 месяца назад
13:19 i think if they ask about the proof of quran, its better to say to them about the preservation of quran, scientific miracles and prediction of the future.
@artisthusnatalal3099 4 месяца назад
First you start with the basics then you go higher. They won't agree if he tells them about scientific evidence
@FirdevsDemir-cp5oh 4 месяца назад
@sayap_islam_YH 4 месяца назад
There is a lot of missunderstanding about islam because of media opinions, but if you learn, quran and hadist tell and command us to life in peace and respect other religion.
@jacob4114 4 месяца назад
Verily, those who disbelieve from among the People of the Book(Jews and the Christians) and the idolaters(Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, all others) will be in the Fire of Hell, abiding therein. They are the worst of creatures.
@jacob4114 4 месяца назад
Fight those from among the People of the Book(Jews and the Christians) who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have declared to be unlawful, nor follow the true religion, until they pay the tax with their own hand and acknowledge their subjection.
@CottageGurl 4 месяца назад
I didn't expect that she has Malaysian friends ❤ Salam from Malaysia 🇲🇾😊
@shorifjnu7361 4 месяца назад
Maa shaa Allah ❤❤ It's a great initiative... Many many thanks to Mr: shabeel.. 🇧🇩
@MAR-lt7xo 4 месяца назад
This is excellent way and forum to spread the message of Islam and Quran
@MAR-lt7xo 4 месяца назад
I feel that lady not in the camera should watch and listen carefully and help brother Sabeel and the visitors but not interfere in the discussion
@sharmasalibasha4402 3 месяца назад
@SajedulIslam-d1g 4 месяца назад
@jacobtjacob667 3 месяца назад
Allah or Athaguth who is God according to Arabic Quran. Question is according to Arabic Quran. Not according to translation Study Arabic. At least study Quran chapter 5:60. It says Allah after changing men into pigs and monkeys worshipped Athaahuth. There it is written in Arabic " wa abedhe Athaguth " it means and worshipped Athaguth" Notice that it is used in singular. Read the orginal Arabic
@touhidibrahim2812 3 месяца назад
May ALLAH guide All of Us Towards His Parth of TRUTH. Aameen ! ! !
@DarwinJeffreyWright 4 месяца назад
Islam allows polygamy and permits men, under specific circumstances, to have at most four wives at any given time. Polygamy was customary before Islam and was not abrogated with the coming of Islam; instead, Islam has corrected and set various conditions for the practice. The principle was permitted, but polygamy was limited to four wives. So if your a wife means your husband can have 3 more wives, imagine your daughters, sisters having to put up this nonsense. Because of Islam a Man can have sleep or have sex with other women. Not sure if they respect women and women's value or worth.
@DarwinJeffreyWright 4 месяца назад
Islam allows polygamy and permits men, under specific circumstances, to have at most four wives at any given time. Polygamy was customary before Islam and was not abrogated with the coming of Islam; instead, Islam has corrected and set various conditions for the practice. The principle was permitted, but polygamy was limited to four wives. So if your a wife means your husband can have 3 more wives, imagine your daughters, sisters having to put up this nonsense. Because of Islam a Man can have sleep or have sex with other women. Not sure if they respect women and women's value or worth.
@terlahirnoob1845 3 месяца назад
I love your way of preaching, it's show how Islam really is. Just like another religion, the core of Islam itself is "Rahmatan Lil Alamin" means Rahmat or Love for the whole world, not just for muslims or humans but all the living things in the world including for animals, plants, trees, nature, everything, even the extreme thing is to share love with your enemy.
@tamannahasan5724 4 месяца назад
Annoying lady interrupting the conversation again and again. 😡
@Timmy-bb7ch 4 месяца назад
term sword used 200 times in bible. term sword not mentioned once in quran. they used to get away with it when no social media was around
@jacob4114 4 месяца назад
Sabeel, you dont want Shariah in the USA?
@tasmihamaliha2144 4 месяца назад
May Allah make more people to Islam
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Sabeel, Bobby, Towards Eternity, Syfetalk... Be Ready! Millions of muslims, Jesus Christ to visit them in their sleep or speak through dreams and visions soon... Acts 2: 17 “‘In the last days, God says, *I will pour out my Spirit on all people.* Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
Tas Important question to Sabeel, Zakir, Fakir Ali, Ahmed, Mohammad, Deedad, Mouthless Allah where is he ? Lord Jesus Christ on Blessed Trinity and Gifts of the Holy Spirit... Message to Prophet John Leary Saturday, May 18, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a triangle does represent Three Persons in One God of the Blessed Trinity. The Father, Myself, and the Holy Spirit are always present together, but it is a Mystery to try to understand the meaning of the Blessed Trinity. This is something you need to take on faith. So when you are looking at My Real Presence in the consecrated Host in the monstrance, you are looking at Three Persons in One God. Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and you will hear the list of seven gifts and twelve fruits listed by the Holy Spirit who shares these gifts with all true believers. Back in elementary Catholic School, you had to memorize these gifts of the Holy Spirit from your Baltimore Catechism. I will list them for you now. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity. These gifts help you in keeping your faith, and they help in sharing your faith.”
@shakuatali8557 4 месяца назад
Allah Allmighty is great
@jacob4114 4 месяца назад
proud to be a ka-fir
@EyrlinTorella 3 месяца назад
There were so many versions of the Bible, and many verses were removed and added, I started to get confused about my own religion, but my parents just said, "Don't ask too many questions and be confused, just have faith". I wanted to buy the Koran and start studying it, but my parents and my family definitely hates me and will throw me out.
@zacky_hendrian 2 месяца назад
you can buy it secretly, may Allah guide you and your family 😄 oh yeah you can downloaded Qur'an app in your phone
@FirdevsDemir-cp5oh 4 месяца назад
@dradia1983 4 месяца назад
The lady was very happy to hear how prophet Moses is much much more highly Praised by God in the Islam's holybook than its own prophet Muhammad 😂🤣.. . long live Judaism ! 👍👍👏👏
@ZafarIqbal-tz4mp 4 месяца назад
Sabeel bhai is doing very very nice for undetstanding of islam for non believers.
@ahmadfaozi-xb4kw 4 месяца назад
Muslim itu ramah dan santun menghargai , damai ampai ahir zaman
@shafaietunnur7716 4 месяца назад
Please read The Verse no 62 of Sura no 2. Which is repeat and repeat in The Quran. This verse is for all people in the all over the world.
@ahmadfaozi-xb4kw 4 месяца назад
Hallo , l,m muslim from indonesia congrastulation and good luck
@faizannazrawi2657 4 месяца назад
@IslamandScience-xk8hd 4 месяца назад
Mashallah subhanallah great work by Sabeel bhaijaan
@kaltubs7414 4 месяца назад
❤❤❤❤❤❤THANK You DR SABEL❤❤❤❤❤
@mohammadbajwa5472 4 месяца назад
Very knowledgeable person and eloquent person is Dr Sabeel Ahmed
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
mohammad Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@nassir4425 4 месяца назад
Masha Allah Dr sabeel ahmed my Allah bless you jisakumallah qeyr thanks brother keep on
@DanSM-ij9fk 4 месяца назад
nassir Lord Jesus on you will all be vegetarians without eating meat... Message to prophet John Leary Monday, March 11, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”...
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
nassir Who is Powerful ? Triune God - God the Father The Creator, God the Son the redeemer (from our sins) and God the Holy Spirit The Sanctifier or man made Allah and His baqri as the redeemer to redeem from mankind sins, specially when comes to mass violences, murders,...? Muslims got it right ? or still want to follow single headed dictator false god and not the actual Creator / Redeemer / Sanctifier, The Triune God ? Who calls you His Children and not slaves, choice is yours!!!
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
nassir Lord Jesus on other religions which are only beliefs... “I, the Lord God, love My children, I love them and have proven it to them by giving Myself totally to them in the Holy Sacrifice of My Passion and of My Cross, and then in the sacrament of My Most Holy Body. My Body and Blood contain in each species the totality of My divine Person, the 2nd Person of the Most Holy Trinity and, in It, the 3 Persons who compose it in one God. The Son is inseparable from the Father and the Holy Spirit, who are each inseparable from the other two Persons. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, only one God but Three divine Persons. This One and Triune divine nature is unacceptable for other religions, which are only beliefs; man was created by God and He put in him the attraction to a superior Being that he can reach only by the Revelation. Through original sin, man is attached to matter but his intellect seeks what he has lost: the knowledge of God, His closeness and his own dependence."
@DanSM-ij9fk 3 месяца назад
nassir Sabeel, Zakir, Bobby, Deedat... *God the Father on humans do not have the intelligence to understand The most Holy Trinity* Message to Prophet John Leary Sunday, May 26, 2024: (The Most Holy Trinity Sunday) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to tell you that the understanding of the Blessed Trinity is a Mystery that humans do not have the intelligence to understand. You can only take Us Three Persons in One God on faith alone. You can know something about each Person of God, but We love all of Our creations, especially man and woman who We have made in Our Image with free will. We give you the Commandments to love Us and your neighbor as yourself. Follow Our ways on a path to heaven. Be willing to cleanse your souls of sin with Confession at least monthly. Keep close to Us in Our sacraments and strive to evangelize souls so they can be saved in Our love. Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything that you need will be given to you.”
@jacob4114 4 месяца назад
Rad-ical islam is the snake hiding in the grass. Moderate islam is the grass hiding the snake.
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