
🎶 Nightcore ▶ 😿 UNDERWATER 😿 (Lyrics) | Nikki Flores 

Nightcore Passage
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• Track: Nikki Flores - Underwater
• Picture byしろしろ : bit.ly/Miku-Wa...
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• Lyrics:
If I could draw a line around myself
If I could be invisible, no one could hurt me now
And I would never need nobody else
But it's too late
You're everything I swore I'd never be
You're making me want something I was doing fine without
Like a wave, you're crashing over me
And it's too late... it's too late
I'm over my head and there's no way out
It's like I'm underwater trying not to drown
The harder I fight, the deeper I fall
What am I so afraid to risk it all?
I wish that I could hear, but I can't remember how
And the tide can't save me now
I'm underwater...
You're reaching out your hand to pull me in
I wish I didn't want to, but I'm helpless to resist
I'm caught up in a struggle I can't win
When it's too late... it's too late
I'm over my head and there's no way out
It's like I'm underwater trying not to drown
The harder I fight, the deeper I fall
What am I so afraid to risk it all?
I wish that I could hear, but I can't remember how
And the tide can't save me now
I'm underwater... (x2)
And the tide can't save me now...



26 сен 2024




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@NightcorePassage 4 года назад
Subscribe for more ❤️
@rishantkc1351 4 года назад
Nice song
@taehyung__jungkook3290 4 года назад
It's my favourite song forever❤
@parineetabhowmick8301 4 года назад
This is my favorite song!!!!! Love your work Nightcore Passage
@NightcorePassage 4 года назад
@@parineetabhowmick8301 Thank you so much ❤️
@lizakim7313 4 года назад
Can anybody tell me how to keep photo on my RU-vid channel
@Brigitte_david 4 года назад
Love this nightcore , I discovered it with Asian drama :,-)
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
@Brigitte_david 4 года назад
@@tuttyxyz5553 yep 😁
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
@@Brigitte_david congrats then
@Brigitte_david 4 года назад
@@tuttyxyz5553 thanks 🙂
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
@@Brigitte_david what's ur real name
@marianerikacellan3828 4 года назад
Kristino Olsen brought me here😊❤
@bol4704 3 года назад
Me toooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
@girlwithwingsonit5551 3 года назад
@lexicruz2374 3 года назад
yeahh same love him!
@keanjean3076 3 года назад
Me to Kristino Olsen also brought me here
@hopemuniz4315 3 года назад
KDrama brought me here. I'm hooked on those.
@deryang1398 4 года назад
Chinese’s drama brought me here anyone else? ❤️ it
@angelinaanup21 4 года назад
High five.... I luv chinese drama sooo much its mah fav...
@tameikad-williams5631 4 года назад
me too. count me in
@jmmutugi4349 4 года назад
Yeeeeeah.me tooo
@sadiaafia4466 4 года назад
that's me
@angelinaanup21 4 года назад
Haha all does watch chinese drama..I thought only i watch it ;-;
@itsuka_chan 3 года назад
My legs are dancing , my mind is singing and my eyes are watching comments ❤️❤️❤️ Who else ??
@debanningombam4338 3 года назад
@i_ECS 2 года назад
Me too 😁😁
@shamimmuthoni4267 Год назад
@multifxndom4770 4 года назад
This song made me love nightcore version songs
@sc0041 3 года назад
ME too
@armyblinkonce7249 3 года назад
What is the name of the song ❤️❤️❤️
@KimKim-ls1vo 2 года назад
My first nightcore was Point of view It was awesome believe me just listen it for once..❤️
@Prashikaghatani 2 года назад
Ooh they're good right???😁
@prnicejocohlatip706 2 года назад
@@armyblinkonce7249 bruh
@megatronbro 6 лет назад
Such an amazing and beautiful feeling at a same time!! Wow
@funwitharya4429 4 года назад
Really Correct
@nightcoresongs1564 3 года назад
@margrethviranavuro9265 3 года назад
@mirakordahi4044 3 года назад
@avanikhan5181 3 года назад
@jecelmaetalino1368 4 года назад
Because of K drama im here😍love this song
@angelinaanup21 4 года назад
Meh too :>>>
@shikhabhatt9122 4 года назад
Me too.,🥰
@Shiro_ichi 4 года назад
Me .. toooooo.
@cecillecorpuz921 4 года назад
Me too
@kritikakhadka7564 4 года назад
Why the hell nightcores are always so beautiful to listening i can,t get over the nightcore song it,s always the best😍🥰😘❤️
@gfdvatakara1357 4 года назад
It's so true. I am really touched by nightcore. They're every songs have a lot of meaning.😙😘. And they rock.
@They.Luv_gabriella 4 года назад
Same it’s the best
@canaantafesse1622 4 года назад
Kritika Khadka I know right my friend was making fun of me for listening to the but she is missing out there so soothing
@etssirhonilotha 4 года назад
@kritikakhadka7564 4 года назад
@@etssirhonilotha Yeahh nightcore lovers have a good sleep after listening nightcores song❤️❤️❤️
@meena-singh9823 3 года назад
Why this song is not present in spotify? It should be there.. Cuz it's a wonderful song!😊
@theharshtruthoutthere 2 года назад
And about trying to be an example for others, dear soul, we all failed. That was one of the 2 reasons CHRIST came to be among us, TO SET AN AXAMPLE OF HOW TO LIVE ( LIVE AND SIN NOT). We, humans, no matter our gender, age and race - we all FAILED. Many still FAILING. Romans 3:23 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Lamentations 5:16 | View whole chapter | See verse in context The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned! Jeremiah 33:8 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me. Romans 2:12 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; Romans 5:12 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Therefore worried not about topics, that are not yours to do. For yours to do is: - REPENT, - BORN AGAIN, - EXPOSE THE EVIL DOERS, - KEEP THE 10 COMMANDMENTS. = DO THE WILL OF GOD. (get saved and return home after time on earth is done aka earthly death have accrued. There`s nothing carnal to be saved, ONLY SPIRITUAL. You, me and other humans - we are all SPIRITS. 1 Corinthians 15:53 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. Therefore, if what once was carnal, becomes SPIRITUAL, then why we should worrie about what`s carnal? To those; who believe them being mentally ill and suicidal: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (Read More...) Ecclesiastes 7:17 - Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time? Psalms 34:17-20 - The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. (Read More...) 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (Read More...) Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Read More...) 1 Corinthians 6:20 - For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 3:17 - If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Psalms 13:2-4 - How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? (Read More...) Psalms 147:3 - He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. John 12:25 - He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. Deuteronomy 30:19 - I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 2 Corinthians 12:9 - And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Romans 10:13 - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. John 10:28 - And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. After all, we all were lied about LIFE AND LIVING. So why should we die before our times? For lies? Is it not knowledge that truly keep us safe? ru-vid.com/show-UC2ngIq9YI0c31pJ1YWLh69Qplaylists And no, we are not Conspirators We are whose who expose the evil doers royals and freemasons. Psalms 26:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked. Job 8:20 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers: James 1:22 | View whole chapter | See verse in context But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Romans 2:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Jeremiah 26:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context If so be they will hearken, and turn every man from his evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do unto them because of the evil of their doings. Psalms 101:8 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I will early destroy all the wicked of the land; that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the LORD. Ezekiel 7:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Thus saith the Lord GOD; An evil, an only evil, behold, is come. Romans 12:17 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. James 4:4 - Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 1 John 3:13 - Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 1 John 2:15 - Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 5:19 - And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. 1 John 2:1-29 - My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: (Read More...) James 1:27 - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 4:1-17 - From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? (Read More...) Ephesians 5:11 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Mark 8:36 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Luke 9:25 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? Matthew 16:26 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Ecclesiastes 1:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? NASA still lies. and the dome still cover all our heads, no matter does one reads out of bible, the world of "round" or "flat". The word "FLAT" is used, to help to break the nasa spell. For there is only 3 HEAVENS - 1 earth - 1 Hell. There is nothing more. Above us and below us are THE WATERS. (for we were placed to live in the endless oceans - so to speak). Is that more clearer? Or do some of you still don`t have the heavenly wisdom and understanding? Where`s the COMFORTER? - Why haven`t you all received HIM? As long as we still state that: "no, no - the earth is still round" - we keep the nasa lie alive and lose souls to satan and risk to be the CAST AWAYS ourselves. Why on earth are we (some of us) THAT BIG FOOLS? Luke 9:25 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?
@tinagrace.6474 Год назад
​@@theharshtruthoutthere amen
@IdkAlcohol Год назад
​@@theharshtruthoutthere lemme guess, your religion is christianity
@zharaigneashchavez8446 4 года назад
Did someone brought here because of Kristino Olsen?🤔 BTW I'M AN ARMY 💜✌💜
@anujapalye2222 4 года назад
@potato793 4 года назад
Yes 🤣❤
@ezzo7863 4 года назад
yes iam for sure❤️
@ziyasharikmaslat5644 4 года назад
yeah me
@cuteanime4324 4 года назад
@niku-chann 4 года назад
Kristino Olsen❤
@anujapalye2222 4 года назад
@Maria-kq8iw 4 года назад
@amitabhadas9915 4 года назад
@cuteanime4324 4 года назад
@Tiaesthetic07 4 года назад
@jojimie 4 года назад
jdrama brought me here..love it 💜
@nazemakhan3824 4 года назад
Ukr I Soo love it
@dikshithpoojary6033 4 года назад
an incurable case of love right??
@jahirrohan5308 4 года назад
Me a cdrama
@MultiAngel4321 4 года назад
@@dikshithpoojary6033 yup
@tintruong8473 4 года назад
Jahir Rohan Y
@shawelbeyi1221 4 года назад
Krstino olsen bought me to this amazing music. Love you kris😍😍😍😍😍
@aakritishakya2713 3 года назад
Can anyone solve my confusion❓❓❓ Why Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai people are so beautiful Specialy boys why they are cute and handsome Agree 👍👍👍👍
@aakritishakya2713 3 года назад
@Zai Sumairu right
@miniynchan6564 3 года назад
@saniyaali9785 3 года назад
Agree 😁
@purrnesiaparapio6716 3 года назад
@shivar8679 3 года назад
Agree 👍
@jeenatnegi801 4 года назад
Kristino Olsen brought me here✌️
@anujapalye2222 4 года назад
@tasnimiqbal4323 3 года назад
@user-nm2zy6jz2j 3 года назад
@nightcoresongs1564 3 года назад
@lyndergemdelrosario2448 3 года назад
Me too
@bellicosebellicose3857 4 года назад
Kristino olsen brought me here(edit)
@abhilashdeshpande6897 4 года назад
Same I come from...
@angelinaanup21 4 года назад
Samee i also came from kristino olsen..Whenever i hear this song i remember the story "hate but love" by kristino olsen its soo good.. :>>>>
@anickavalcourt7989 4 года назад
I'm also here from kristino Olsen and JK entertainment 💖😍😍
@taehyung__jungkook3290 4 года назад
@@angelinaanup21 yeah same..
@whatidoisnoneofyourbusines9318 4 года назад
@isabellpanama6710 4 года назад
I don't know this song but I really love it I can't stop listening of This songs😫😫😊💖💝🌹😭
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
Me too
@jugeshworinongmaithem7513 3 года назад
Me to
@jugeshworinongmaithem7513 3 года назад
Me too
@sujata5312 3 года назад
10% got in recommendations 10% searched cause of c or k drama. 80% because kristino Olsen.. Am I right Army's
@jenilyrimando472 3 года назад
@bakasaate428 3 года назад
Where's the lie tho👄
@celestialbeauty4607 3 года назад
Me: Looking for a downloadable song
@JestKae212 3 года назад
Me: trying to look up "hello. how are you, i am under the water, pls help me, here too much raining. Hkavsjsbsj"
@cutebunny_love2714 3 года назад
Yep u are right bro lol😂😂😂
@aryablack1404 2 года назад
Why these songs are underrated....?? Nightcore actually doing a great contribution to music... 🥰🥰🥰🥰
@crissamaeestrella1997 4 года назад
I wish I could be invisible too so no one can ever hurt me :( the way I'm hurting right now
@tahminasultana1856 3 года назад
Same 🙁😶
@polashdatta5663 3 года назад
@miniynchan6564 3 года назад
@LeeTheVampireYT 3 года назад
@d.lilylizzy6186 3 года назад
Same and it is true
@redenlopez Год назад
2023 but still my favorite song😊
@drishtithakur960 2 года назад
The lyrics of this song is so beautiful, the meaning of it is so deep, I can literally feel the song, love it.
@lalruatdikirudii4750 5 лет назад
One of my favourite song
@annalourafales8645 4 года назад
Me too One Favorite Song😌💖
@jagratiparmar8190 4 года назад
Me to
@annalourafales8645 4 года назад
@@jagratiparmar8190 me too
@jagratiparmar8190 4 года назад
@thoughtsaremyworld 4 года назад
apollo and under water❤️🔥
@zodiac6669 4 года назад
This song is honestly so good it kind of sounds like it belongs to a cleashe Disney romance story and this gurl is like a pop star in secret
@brushlisssangma3155 4 года назад
One of my favourite song
@jocelynlegan2494 3 года назад
This song I my fovorite
@zoraackerman1684 10 месяцев назад
Ugh, that is exactly what I was thinking about.
@zoraackerman1684 10 месяцев назад
BTW, This is Cliché, no offence.
@jewelannquilapio2430 4 года назад
Best and sadest music ever 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@jewelannquilapio2430 4 года назад
@sabahatshama3866 4 года назад
@samantaforazi8029 3 месяца назад
I'm leaving this comment here so after a month or a year when someone likes it, I get reminded of this song❤
@az_spmgk3455 4 года назад
I came here after watching vids of kristiono olsen
@tahminasultana1856 3 года назад
Me tooo
@miniynchan6564 3 года назад
Me too
@sunilmeshram1320 3 года назад
Me too
@ogiezarwjhfg7088 3 года назад
Me too
@Shabnambano1 3 года назад
if someone know the name of the drama tell me please
@randyrocha9309 4 года назад
This is how I feel every day BTW I'm a girl with a boy's name
@They.Luv_gabriella 4 года назад
@thavanishaganeson7773 4 года назад
Don't worry .... You're human too and we love you💜💖💖🙂😅
@kwinrichy4358 3 года назад
What is your name
@artshelf5917 3 года назад
@altheagracenawan2237 3 года назад
Hey army
@l.u.k.e7975 4 года назад
The best nightcore song🤗💕
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
@sabahatshama3866 4 года назад
Right ✅
@miniynchan6564 3 года назад
@dixieness4596 4 года назад
I Love That Song❤
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
Same here
@kepjang302 3 года назад
@ryanloyola8541 4 года назад
Chasing ball take me here 😭😭😭 love this really😍😍😘
@gayathrivr2004 4 года назад
Me tooo
@simrandalal3046 4 года назад
Excellent lyrics with marvellous music 👌...... Its just too good ! 😇 This is the very first nightcore of your which I heard and it is amazing. Keep it up 👍👍
@Anime-wv1wd 6 лет назад
*I love Hatsune Miku!* 😍 Awesome song my friend! 🎧😉👍
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
@mrdeathrowgaming445 9 месяцев назад
It's not miku
@cach7084 3 года назад
Kristin olsen brought me here because I love his SHORT FILMS AND YOUR SONGS❤️💜💕
@moryanuwimbabazi822 2 года назад
Haven't heard it on spotify, add it pliz😩😊
@seemajain3808 4 года назад
They are freaking amazing yaar I love them so...much I could just not stop listening their songs who else agress I hate love this songs is so good yaar ❤️❤️
@dr.aninditasarma1847 4 года назад
'Yaar' what is that 😂
@vazeermd8251 4 года назад
Seema Jain Are you Indian?🇮🇳🇮🇳
@kookxpluto4413 3 года назад
I m crying.i don't know why.i don't even have boyfriend and etc.but when I hear this song I think that I can't meet BTS 😓😓.i m dying over the 7 boys nd they don't know I exist or not😭😭😩
@abukdau6251 3 года назад
Same here army 🥺💜
@kookxpluto4413 3 года назад
@@abukdau6251 😓
@krishnabogati8700 3 года назад
Just don't loose your hope from BTS ☺️
@kookxpluto4413 3 года назад
@@krishnabogati8700 thanx for encouraging dear😔🙃
@jessicaarmyforever7781 3 года назад
Same girl But Army forever💜 but one Day every army will see BTS dont give up on BTS or Armys you got this
@Aapurwaaaaaaaaaa_ Год назад
These lyrics are so relatable to me *The harder I fight the deeper I fall*🙃
@zannatunzeba5865 3 года назад
Who came here after "Mafia Boy Qihe's " Videos ❤🔥?
@jayadevmishra2248 3 года назад
@sunilmeshram1320 3 года назад
@shaamiftikhar8165 3 года назад
Me !!! Man i love tgat dude 😍😘
@berwincr4028 3 года назад
@savagequeen3821 3 года назад
@anim.e2840 3 года назад
Korean and Chinese drama brought me here underwater best 👍👍
@eletricoamvs 6 лет назад
Like Good Nightcore ♡
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
@aerinstiel 3 года назад
"The harder I fight,the deeper I fall" I felt that😭that hits hard tho🤧
@loiwangmaik345 2 года назад
@kvawung_ 3 года назад
This song has a real meaning ❤️
@aleyahbetita6638 4 года назад
Kristino Olsen brought me here 🤭🤦🏻‍♀️🥴
@christude6635 3 года назад
@aleyahbetita6638 3 года назад
@@christude6635 안녕하세요
@christude6635 3 года назад
@kbkumar4213 3 года назад
Plz I want this in sportify I purple you 💜💜💜💜
@veisanamakono1403 4 года назад
This song reminds me of everything. I love this song so much 😍💖💖💖😍
@joemama_69 4 года назад
nightcore songs just hit different 😭
@GhostieTheML Месяц назад
this song helped me cope with severe depression and suicidal thoughts, thanks for uploading the nightcore version ❤️
@krisannmontealto8352 3 года назад
Perfect and Casual brought me here. 😍
@snowfall653 Год назад
Why this song is not so famous this is Masterpiece!!
@kimnora5332 2 года назад
Nice song + nice pic chosen + nice lyrics + the feelings when u r helpless and when things around you are extremely hard..........
@kaileenbuencamino4718 4 года назад
Bc of Chinese drama I'm here 😂 but I really like their song
@rubencativo6683 3 года назад
I get so cry at the first chorus I'd remember my friends
@arturoalmanza1989 5 лет назад
I love the music Like if you also like it
@sabahatshama3866 4 года назад
@jenniferclark7344 3 года назад
One of the best songs
@yengmol7144 3 года назад
Cute anime girl I know how I feel about her
@kiyoomichan6179 2 года назад
Chinese drama series that's why I'm here listening to this Nightcore ❤️✌️
@hwania7680 2 года назад
What drama series
@sasseyn646 3 года назад
I know I'm not the only one who's addicted in chinese drama here! Count on
@lalzuithangilianhna6428 Год назад
I just listening this song while 2019 and now still so good to listen❤
@PreciousPaige 3 года назад
Nikki Flores is a jewel in the industry of music. #respecttalent #nikkiflores
@Special_Potato 4 года назад
This song Capture love, I came here from a Cdrama
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
@Shabnambano1 3 года назад
name of the drama?
@auraayl 4 года назад
Really love this songg !!😍❤
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
Me too
@janiellesanchez9309 3 года назад
Hey I'm just here cause I'm curious 😅. While everyone is like here for C-drama and Kristen oslen
@sunilmeshram1320 3 года назад
@TheophileSchneidine 3 месяца назад
Anyone 2025❤
@Mizuki53 3 месяца назад
It's not 2025 yet
@ImnawapangWapang 3 месяца назад
Didn't even reached 2025😂
@cassandraandrads107 3 месяца назад
2024? 😭
@mdsaifullah1029 3 месяца назад
Are u from future? 😂
@raksaheng7879 3 месяца назад
@edusmafye 3 месяца назад
2024 anyone?
@daf_rizza 2 месяца назад
they need to add this on spotify asap 😭
@YenDayag 12 дней назад
2024 SEPT.15❤
@LeeTheVampireYT 3 года назад
👇Our condition right now and the song is relatable 😕
@navinsami498 3 года назад
So beautiful and the feeling and Korean drama bought me here 💗✌❤
@-meicath8176 2 года назад
I really love this song 😩 Almost all Chinese Daama Recommendation use this song 😭❤️
@MariaAparecida-ec7dg 4 года назад
Linda melodia,acho que estou apaixonada!!!
@arithanepaz5515 4 года назад
Muito linda amei 😘😘😘😘😘
@NightcoreSai 6 лет назад
Feels good to listen. Good work my Friend 💙^^
@saranahas4606 4 года назад
The wall paper its amazing it give me an idea of a comic book and The sound WOOOWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
Great.All the best for your comic book
@hmaichhangte8296 3 года назад
if i could be invisible,no one could hurt me now....
@margrethviranavuro9265 3 года назад
Me:crying?? Am emotional ,the lyrics touched my heart 😭❤
@shikhabhatt9122 4 года назад
Kdrama bring me here🥰
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
Me too
@MellaLouieBaña 6 месяцев назад
Who is listening to this music in 2024? (Gather here)
@MarissaCooperButPoor 4 года назад
I have loved this song for YEARS, I am glad it is getting recognition!
@tanjanasdrawingacademy9297 Год назад
I first hear a Nightcore song from your channel really I love it so much❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@marcegarciarosas9868 2 года назад
es reconfortante escuchar este tipo de voz angelical cuando estamos tristes la letra actúa como si estuviera pasando por un dolor es muy impresionante la voz y el sentimiento de como la canta definitivamente conmovedora y hermosa me llega directo al ❤ corazón gracias Kristino por que por esta canción estoy aquí gracias 😘
@canaldajujusilva271 2 года назад
Yes marce
@tt.sannto3635 2 года назад
Na sofrencia então kkkkk❤
@rossyramos8299 2 года назад
𝑆𝑖 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑎 𝑚𝑢𝑦 𝑏𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑎 𝑙𝑎 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎
@milagrosmelendrez Год назад
Ayuda , la melodía es increíble pero nose lo que dice, hablo español 😢
@They.Luv_gabriella 4 года назад
😔this song makes me kinda sad
@lisaiskpopfan1993 3 года назад
I was watching Kristino Olsen and kdramas and this song brought me here 💖💖💖 I love it 💖💖💖
@baby_kookie7074 4 года назад
OMG I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS SONG LOL Chinese dramas made me fall in love with this song
@tuttyxyz5553 4 года назад
Me too
@arlic2000 3 года назад
This is the best song I've ever hear😍 it's so nice to hear
@aljhonmanlakat1598 2 года назад
such a so beautiful sound like good🥰 😊
@naturesgirl6864 3 года назад
Love it alot❤️❤️
@latricestuckey4315 4 года назад
I love nightcore
@rblala5786 3 года назад
I really went underwater. I was listening to this song in my bathtub. I was lost and nearly went underwater.☺️
@weeb_cofi1533 3 года назад
Im here because of kristino olsen..lol BTW such a nice song... memorised this song if keeping watching his videos..
@iwonyoung. 2 года назад
this is so pretty !! and love the lyrics >
@kanishkadhiman2000 2 года назад
Y do Chinese drama always having this much good theme songs I'm in love with them ❤️
@annus313 4 года назад
Beautiful.. I cant understand this. I not love music just nightcore. xD Its strange. Songs better then Nightocore.. ;)
@tani-z9n 4 года назад
@nightcoreencore8330 6 лет назад
love it great song 💖💖💖
@user-lx7bb9ms2j 3 года назад
This kind of songs are my type♡︎
@lishaysuniverse10 3 года назад
I'm too much obsessed with this song❤🔥
@mayrarangel384 6 лет назад
Yess !!! Another one of your lovely Nightcore's always make my day :3
@alissonalfaro5252 4 года назад
Beautiful 💕🥰🥰
@jeoniehyung3928 2 года назад
Nightcore songs makes me feel like im the main character it also motivates me to improve my self 😊 Anyone else 😄✋
@cathlyncoligado233 3 года назад
Been searching for this song, after months of watching Chinese Drama and here I am 👏😂
@dxrnkprincxess7553 Год назад
been 5 years already was my fav song still is
@TorresUnlife Год назад
Escuchalo 2 horas seguidas y dejará de serlo
@aastha3601 3 года назад
It always make a prefect theme picture with the songs really you're amazing.
@Sunny-se9tg 3 года назад
Jk entertainment and kristino olsen brought me here
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