It would be funny to see someone screaming abuse when this is completely harmless. XD What? No "OMG SNEEZING CATS ANIMAL ABUSE KYS THOUSAND DISLIKES"? XD
Our trees were tied to the wood around the window we had tall ones an got ornaments that didn't break. But we had one cat that took off the plastic flowers on the mini lights we also used special safety pins to keep the ornaments on the tree had 4 cats than
Poor babies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣! I’ve never seen a cat sneeze! They’re allergic to the humans! This is hilarious! Give’em some catnip laced with Seldane! I swear I’ve never seen this before...spray some Flonase in the air...something! Poor things...this is some funny💩💩💩
OMG 😄, dang they sneezing so many times at once. They must be allergy s or allgeric to thing's..😼 The have the same look as we humans do , just before the sneeze.😃