
1 Month in Russia as Australian: My Thoughts 

Journey of Azz
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22 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 2 тыс.   
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Lakhta is 2nd tallest structure = 462 metres. Ostankino is 1st = 540 metres. I meant 'structure'! Sorry I had to address this 😂😂
@kitrow2247 3 месяца назад
There is a gossip Putin's army of internet trolls based at Lakhta-2 building. So in russian internet this word is used by people for pointing at someone as payed by goverment commenters.
@АрсенийВойтенко-в1с 3 месяца назад
You are the only English speaker, in my memory, who said bábushka with the correct accent.
@ripdoff8549 3 месяца назад
would love some insight on cost of living in russia, historically we've been lead to believe that the government is robbing the civillians blind but from the little research i've done on the matter it seemed to me like here in Aus we're the ones getting robbed by our government.
@sh3003 3 месяца назад
@НадеждаКабанова-ъ9з 3 месяца назад
Лахта - 1 место в Европе из небоскребов.
@DobriyAh 3 месяца назад
I am a Russian in Australia watching an Australian in Russia. Good video, well done, mate. Love both Russia and Australia!
@dvgsun 3 месяца назад
same here )))))))))))))
@-Egor- 3 месяца назад
Как дела в Австралии? Привет из Москвы :)
@DobriyAh 3 месяца назад
@@-Egor- Нормалеус.. скоро зима) погода +25)
@-Egor- 3 месяца назад
@@DobriyAh Наслаждайся погодой. А почему зима? )) сейчас же конец мая.
@DobriyAh 3 месяца назад
@@-Egor- зима в Австралии с июня по август - самые холодные месяцы. А лето с декабря по февраль, пекло, жарень. В Австралии все наоборот.
@truedeepblue 3 месяца назад
It might be not that original , but somebody have to ask that, I guess… if you’re an Australian, why aren’t you filming Russia with a camera upside down?
@AuntieWokery 3 месяца назад
good one! 🤣🤣
@pandrdoberman 3 месяца назад
@-akila- 3 месяца назад
@leifandersson8754 3 месяца назад
Great joke 😂
@sergueimikhail9654 3 месяца назад
Same reason you wouldn’t film in Oz with your camera upside down.😊
@hiryu70 3 месяца назад
As russian I can confirm, that babushkas is russians hiden superpower.
@Fegga1955 3 месяца назад
@mishkaseverokavkazskiy230 3 месяца назад
Это не только скрытая сверхсила, но и скрытое наблюдение, а так же справочная, охрана подъездов и т.д.
@ddr3us724 3 месяца назад
Бабушка консьерж - это как final boss, хрен пройдешь )
@12345OLO 3 месяца назад
xaaxxxaxxaxa )) that´s true :D
@denisl2760 2 месяца назад
Literally true, when all the men were fighting in WW2, the babushkas kept the industries running. My babushka was a machinist at 15 years old, also raising younger siblings practically by herself.
@GeshaPiterskiy 3 месяца назад
A warning to this Austalian traveler from Russian viewers : before visiting the nature wonders of Russia take care that you will not get ticks on your body when walking in the grassy and wooden terrains. There are special repellants to be used on your skin against the ticks. Also it is better to have footware that does not expose your ankles, and to have your cap on. After the hike in the woods always check up feet, arms, neck, scalp, and hair for ticks. In recent warm summers there was an uptick of the ticks in Russia. Stay healthy and safe !
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Wonderful comment. Thank you kindly for the important advice and concern!
@PyromaN93 3 месяца назад
Вакцинироваться от энцифалита тоже хорошая идея.
@peterwilliams2152 3 месяца назад
You need to get the TBE vaccine before you get bitten by a tick as it doesn't work afterwards. When I was living in bushland on the outskirts of Brisbane, I was bitten by ticks several times. The risk in Australia is developing MMA (Mammalian Meat Allergy), which is life changing but not fatal. TBE (Tick Borne Encephalitis) can be fatal.
@PyromaN93 3 месяца назад
@@peterwilliams2152 I think TBE vaccine must become mandatory for all in Russia.
@peterwilliams2152 3 месяца назад
@@PyromaN93 Given that it is a proven vaccine, I tend to agree. It's funny, but my youngest daughter went to her big sister on Monday to get the TBE vaccine. For the eldest, it was a busy day, she graduated as a nurse in the morning, gave her sister the injection, and filled out the paperwork for her Military Ticket in the afternoon. I'm very proud of her.
@deniserothwell6325 3 месяца назад
I am an Aussie and have been to Russia 4 times. I will be coming back for a longer visit I hope soon. Love from Sydney. ❤️❤️❤️
@stanspb763 3 месяца назад
A very nice overview, as an American living in St Petersburg 24 years and having spent time in 92 countries, you have really understood so much more that is true than any western official or pundit. I have never been to any country that is systematically lied about more than Russia. Overall, Russia is a much better than any western country for an average person to raise a family, start a business, enjoy culture, be safe, have little or no debt, free time, social interaction with zero conflict and have stress disappear from someone's thoughts. I know on my rare visits back to California are very stressful visits, people are living in stress, debt they can never pay off, and have very confined lives of work, then home repeat. Russians live, and then work. Not one of those kids you passed has NOT experienced world class opera, ballet, symphonies, art and museums which adults in western countries never have access to. You mentioned food, Russian food is fresh and has no chemicals, GMO and every neighborhood has so many options, other than big mega-stores, small specially shops or mid sized stores, sellers of their harvest picked that morning outside of every Metro station. I live in the city center but a quiet neighborhood and have 27 different food shops, butcher shops, one only has fresh made Smetana every morning in several different types(a for of sour cream that is a little sweeter and much fresher tasting than any supermarket, 2 real butcher shops where the counter person steers you to the best cuts or offerings each day, from animals that are only free range, no chemicals in their feed or spending their last months confined in horrible feedlots where the animals are packed in so tighlly so they can't walk and lose any weight. You can really taste the difference. One tea shop has 354 types of teas and the woman at the counter knows everything about each one, all pure with no chemicals, 7 shops that only have pet food, pet shops do not have pets here.Almost every home has a cat and many have dogs. Every neighborhood have clean safe parks that are well maintained. There is zero need for a car here, public transportation is so good, cheap, reliable and safe. When I go back to visit family, I regret it, it is divided, angry, homeless everywhere even in suburbs, no services no access to healthy pure food, people look bad, fat, unhealthy, inactive, trapped in cars for everything, scared of others. extremely debt ridden media constantly claiming they are the only safe free country. By any criteria, Russia today is a more free, happy and healthier place than the US, UK Europe or Australia, all regions I have spent time in.. There is no fear of others because everyone respects your opinion and views as your own and if they believe differently they do not become enraged. I have been going to clubs, events, a few times a week for over 2 decades and never seen a fight. Everyone gets a long despite the native population is over 200 different cultures and religions. Notice how fit everyone is, I am old enough to remember when Americans were fit. As a child I never saw a fat person in person and certainly none in high school, it was just assumed people were active ate safe healthy locally grown or raised food. now teens look sloppy, unhealthy and overweight in the US. One of the joys here is simply walking, going anywhere knowing that within the next hour you are going to meet a very interesting person or more and have a great talk with a former stranger. And they will all be smart, broadly educated, cultured, friendly and attractive. Males and females like each other and do not fear each other. That makes social interaction a joy. That is impossible in the US now, the hostility between the 67 sexes is horrible. If a guy is polite and has something interesting to say he can walk to any female of any age on the street, in a park, at 2am, in a museum, during intermission at the opera, and have an interesting conversation and the person picked to speak to will be cultured, well educated, friendly and having good social skills. They are happy because they have little or no stress, no debt, if over 20, own their home, have traveled, have no medical debt, car debt, no college debt, and have never had a conflict before.Sure. but dollars, they earn less but costs are less and the big ticket items are not even a debt liability. The free health care system is very good, doctors even make house calls. One can live a very comfortable life filled with friends, culture, recreation and zero stress for $800 or less a month. The biggest expense in international travel which Russians really enjoy. English is taught starting in 2-3 grade so in St Petersburg a foreigner can get along very well not knowing a word of Russian but if traveling inland further it is less known but still anyone while go out of their way to help a stranger if you need something. Basic English is essential for most jobs because it is the language of internet and Russia is very tied into communications. Plus they have some great speech and text translation programs on their phones. They are very tech savvy. When coming download the applications of Yandex, sort of the Russian version of Google but better. Its verbal real time text translation is excellent and their MAPs application is much better than Google Maps. It is actually easier getting around a new city for you in Russia than in you own country so hopping on high speed train or safe a hotel night by using the slower overnight sleeper trains and go explore other cities and all will be clean well maintained, safe and helpful to strangers. The first question strangers ask is "how do you like Russia?" and you will naturally say you love it ....because it is true...and they will beam, and be very pleased to hear it because they know the constant hate by western media and politicians. Until you are here, nothing you have been told or was written about in the west was true and those who do not travel all believe it but all target countries are lied about by every media outlet and politician. One serious side effect of travel to Russia, China, Iran or a dozens of target countries is that the visitor never trusts their media or politicians every again. The see the radical difference between claims and on the ground personal experience and they feel betrayed and conned. After a 2 week visit to Russia, you know 1000 times more that is true than any politician or expert in your home country. They know so little that is true that the west really thinks they will be richer by destroying these countries. The serious problems in the US. EU, UK, Canada, Australia have zero origins in Russia or China but war of conquest is the make goal of every one of them. Russia and BRICS countries have a different path, a separate pole of the world, trading among themelves, not bothering with the collective west, not trying replace or overtake the collective west, they have given up on believing their is any more that can give up to appease the US so all the BRICS countries are going their own way and already represent the majority of world population, innovation(patents) production and positive growth. They do not need anything from the west, or even want to trade with it. They have tried for decades but are kicked in the teeth each time and lied about, and violated every treaty and accord. The west has lost all credibility and trust of the majority of the world. The see the decay and corruption in the west and declining quality of life, and do not want any part of it. 48 additional countries have applied for BRICS membership for this year so by 2025 70% if world population and production will no longer trade with or the west, no longer use the dollar for reserve currency, or supply essential resources needed in the west. Maybe in 40-50 years it can be looked into again but at the rate of debt explosion in Europe and US, it is unlikely those societies will still exist in 40 years. The US can't bomb them all even if they have tried since the mid 1950s, there has not been one hour of peace and not one country has attacked the US in all that time of US attacking, bombing or regime changes 202 times. The list of sanctioned countries, which are acts of war are 54 currently and not one has harmed the US. Can anyone explain by Cuba is has been isolated by the US since 1959? Cuba has done nothing to the US. The Russian Federation has done nothing to the US but the US has been attacking it from 70 years in proxy wars. Enough of this, I am packing my camera case and going out to take photos of this stunning city and the people who populate, but in the back of my mind knowing constantly that Washington dreams of murdering every one of these great, beautiful, kind people. And no, Russia did not start the war in Ukraine, and did not even enter to stop it until it has been raging by the US for 8 years but Russia IS stopping it. Not a word of what you are told is true, ask anyone who knows a lot about Ukraine, it is nothing like what you are told..
@mishaspektor 3 месяца назад
So true
@nadiabuchniv.v9128 3 месяца назад
Gracias por tu larga e impecable descripción...Quiero darte like desde España, tienes sólo 11, Y EL SISTEMA NO ME LO PERMITE. Realmente, son miserables y detestables cada vez más, en esta parte del mundo. Sueño con salir de aquí , hacia allí; donde vivieron mis ancestros, y donde reside mi espíritu, que cada vez se siente más disociado, en esta realidad satánica y corrupta que están creando.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Thank you for watching and for hearing my thoughts! I must appreciate the time you invested to share your thoughts about this. Thanks for the engagement and the very thorough and interesting response as someone with many years of experience here. You touched on many important points. I hope you keep watching and all the best to you!
@roycanriz 3 месяца назад
An excellent summary. Thank you.
@mrandersonsnotes 3 месяца назад
Wow. That is a lot of words. Thank you!
@KamramBehzad 3 месяца назад
In 2019, traveling (from Australia) to 18 countries in 10 months, Russia was my best surprise. I stayed for 2 weeks in Moscow and St. Petersburg and had such a wonderful experience. So, so underrated.
@pavel_trpn 2 месяца назад
best surprise? what you expect to see? bears, vodka and dead people on streets?
@druzhoksapozhok 2 месяца назад
Hope you know that Moscow is not Russia? SPB depends of city area
@rybalchenkofamily Месяц назад
@@pavel_trpn that would be north america...tons of alcoholics and homeless dead people or nearly dead shooting up.
@kvl5478 Месяц назад
​@@druzhoksapozhok Like New York is not the USA, Paris is not France, London is not GB. We all know that.
@alya_0808 Месяц назад
@@druzhoksapozhokой, хватит уже, неактуально. Выезжали ли Вы когда-то за пределы России? В любой стране крупные города более развиты, это называется урбанизация, если что. Маленькие города не получают столько бюджета и народ переезжает. Но конечно же, такое только в России, да. Я из Сочи, жила в Краснодаре, плохие ли это города для жизни? Плох ли Ростов, Казань, Екатеринбург, Владивосток? Хватит уже засирать страну, что имеем - не ценим.
3 месяца назад
Am an Aussie who has worked and lived in Russia since 2016…the length of time says a lot!😊
@dirtmcgirt168 3 месяца назад
How do you go about getting a job? Guess that’s what holds back people from moving I got the unknown.
@vperedvproshloe 3 месяца назад
There is a very different superannuation system in Russia compared to Australia. In Russia most of the people who worked their job for the whole of their life will get only a very small pension. So it makes much more sense to work in Australia then in Russia from this point of view
@aidanm5578 3 месяца назад
Yeah, it does.
@niarlatotepbasset 2 месяца назад
@@vperedvproshloe , compare the prices and taxes, Russia wins all the way.
@SanctusPaulus1962 2 месяца назад
​@@niarlatotepbasset Russian wages, quality of life, and cost of living is absolute dogshit compared to Australia. You are delusional.
@romkastomka1510 3 месяца назад
British guy here,20 years living in Russia. The guy says the truth, crime is very low,places like the metro safe,people in general are very polite. Saint Petes is a gem, Venice of the north. Azz,if you haven't been yet,there is a famous outdoors market in Saints Petes,a must visit. Enjoy your time in the Rodina!
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
That sounds interesting actually. Thanks for writing! :)
@PoulNoergaard-j3f 3 месяца назад
A person sitting 2 meters from me now, was stuck up in the Metro in the evening and asked to hand over her jewelry. (S. Petersburg) Pensioners beware, pick pockets everywhere, in shops, marketplace. Trick against pensioners - false phone calls - your daughter had an accident - she needs treatment in the hospital, you need to pay x thousands of rubles, a person comes to collect.. and many falls for the trap. Small tricksters everywhere. The market mentioned is probably Juno market, yl. Kazakova, metro Avtovo. I have bought a lot of stuff there. They used to have loads of pirate DVDs with computer programs. Russia is interesting to visit - I have spent some 1.5 years there, but I wouldn't want to live there on Russian income and terms.
@romkastomka1510 3 месяца назад
​​@@JourneyofAzz It's the Udelnaya flea market,a nice day out.
@RAShu1 3 месяца назад
​@@JourneyofAzz the specific market. near Udelnaya metro station. the most interesting thing is on Sunday before 15.00. it is necessary to walk to the very end. The first half of the market is a regular market. and there will be a lot of content in the second half))
@ardna_skela 3 месяца назад
The Collective West: Russia is wild. Russians: watching and commenting RU-vid vlogs in English, Spanish and French
@mrbasfed1948 3 месяца назад
Russia is wild by it's nature. You see a couple of big cities with extreme funding but you haven't seen what happens in smaller cities and towns even at 50 miles away from Moscow or Sankt Petersburg. Most of the Russian comments in foreign language are translated by google or yandex so don't get excited by their abilities. )
@akira83842 3 месяца назад
ну охуеть это же так сложно гугл транслейт изовать )) Вы скуфы вообще не одупляете что происходит
@rusername 3 месяца назад
​@@mrbasfed1948 you are brainwashed my friend, the fact that you haven't been there, yapping about how bad we live, lul. Also using miles) i say that as a someone who lives nearly in the center of Russia, far from biggest cities, Fyi i didn't use any translators.
@igorka2390 3 месяца назад
@mrbasfed1948 I am from a small town in the Kaluga region. Maloyaroslavets. What do you expect to see here?))) Yes, this is not the capital of the world, it is a nice provincial place with its own charm. Adults work, children study, pensioners relax. The locals like it. Those who didn't like it left. Many of those who left return later.
@dixon-x 3 месяца назад
@@rusername Это местный последователь Навального. Им не нужно мозги промывать, потому что мозгов там нет. У него в плейлистах видео на русском, это обычный клоун, мечтающий о западном счастье. Такие сами понять не могут, что вокруг происходит. Им нужно чтоб им объяснили их либеральные вожди.
@farangutan6773 3 месяца назад
Great stuff mate promoting peace and friendship between Australians and Russians .
@stevenrichardson4659 3 месяца назад
My wife and i moved from Brisbane to rural Queensland and God willing our next move will be Russia. We take a holiday there in their late spring and learning Russian atm. Thanks mate,great video😊
@honeybee3317 3 месяца назад
Which language ap are you finding works best that gets you to SPEAK Russian?
@stevenrichardson4659 3 месяца назад
@honeybee3317 Hi,we are using different sources on you tube atm,it's working well,we will probably go to an app in near future.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
I actually moved from Melbourne to regional Queensland too before travelling to Russia 😂 The very best of luck to you and your wife! Thanks for watching 👍🏻
@rickrakauskas3287 3 месяца назад
@@JourneyofAzz Far regional Qld is the bomb. places like Blackall, Barcaldine, Tambo are as liveable as you can get without the crap you have to put up with in cities or large regional towns. Happy trails...
@maghambor 3 месяца назад
Please move soon. We don't need friends of Russia here.
@themathsprofessor6962 3 месяца назад
I'm SOOOO jealous! I loved my time in Russia. I can't put a finger on it, but I was just happy there. It didn't matter if I was on some old soviet era train in the middle of winter, trudging through the snow to where I taught English, ordering shashlik na tarielke in a cheap Uzbek restaurant, or dining at the best restaurants I'd ever seen and staying in an opulent hotel after going to the ballet... I really loved my time there. And honestly, I've never been to a safer place. I can't tell you how many times I walked home totally drunk from a night out on Rubenshtein without a care in the world. In Australia I would have been crossing the street to avoid the people I passed, but not so in Russia. The people were so warm and welcoming. And I totally agree, having some Russian language skills will make your time there that much more enjoyable. I guess I was at around B1 level, but that was plenty to make people shocked that you had taken the time to learn their language. The friends I made there are certainly friends for life. Azz, I hope you continue to have a fantastic time there and I look forward to more of your videos!
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
A very nice description of your experience! Thanks for taking the time to write and watching the video 😊
@romkastomka1510 3 месяца назад
What you can't put your finger on,is called balance,Russia especially in the major cities have the right balance,much has changed down the years here. Back in early 2000s was kinda wild, nothing compared to the 90s of course,but now all is well balanced,this can be seen by many who come here and enjoy Russia.
@themathsprofessor6962 3 месяца назад
​@@romkastomka1510 Maybe you're right, but there is one thing that is not balanced in Russia - the distribution of wealth. Outside the metro you could often find old babushkas selling a few old pairs of shoes or vegetables that I assume they'd grown at their dachas. I remember one time seeing this withered old woman and giving her 500 rubles simply because I hated to imagine the hardships she had faced in life, while simultaneously some young guy in his 20s sped by in a Maserati. That really got to me. And then I see these young children of oligarchs prancing aroung Bali carrying prada and wearing gucci and think; how many retirement funds did your dad have to steal from so that you could live like this... On the other hand, amongst a large percentage of the population there is still a mentality that was ingrained in them through their soviet past - respect for their elders, a sense of community, and a knowledge of how to treat and speak to other people. I think the other thing is that Russian people have known suffering as much as any other people in this world, and as such, they also know how to find joy in the simpler things.
@haudtalis5036 3 месяца назад
@@themathsprofessor6962 Oh, it looks like you have a clear eye and realise all the ‘charms’ of Russian capitalism!
@GarioTheRock 3 месяца назад
@@haudtalis5036 Capitalism is capitalism, as long as capitalism is left to its own devices with **MINIMAL** disruptance, when the country in question becomes rich enough, even the poor become wealthier de facto, it is a law of mathematics that determines this in a capitalist system, that law is called Pareto's principle. If the U.S. followed its old economic policy of leaving the market to live and breathe and "die" and repeat - the natural cycle for economies - then the WORLD would be in a better place than it is now. "Too Big to Fail" was one of the greatest mistakes even committed by the United States, what every Western economically minded individual I know criticizes President Putin over is the exact same thing the U.S. federal branch did with the massive companies it "bailed out," its just that "bailing out" a company seems like a 1 time "Get Back Out There Champ" check instead of direct government intervention in the operation of its own economy caused by the bribing of government officials in the form of lobbying and campaign contributions. These two situations are the inverse and yet the same level of over-reach, except in one case you can blame the oligarchs and their wiliness, and Putin's perception and steps to control them, and in the other you have an ocean of people obfuscating who is actually to blame so that fingers can at best be pointed at companies rather than individuals. One differentiation that I can briefly point out is, not to accost the United States' people, but rather its lawmakers and decision makers: I would say that since the bailouts of the 2008 economic collapse, the proportion of growth speaks better of Russia's economy. If the policymakers in D.C. hadn't thrown wrenches into the cogs of the U.S. economy by blatantly allowing the laundering of money in the trillions of dollars and blatantly doing the bidding of campaign donors with quantities donated and actions hence taken that make Wall Street hounds not 40 years ago seem as humble as labradors. Pardon the rant, I've just been learning about economics and the actions taken in my 27 years on this earth, by the ruling elite and thirsty new pups on the Hill confuse and frustrate me more and more, the fact Russia's economy continues to grow in this time just further disillusions me with the armed robbery that are now the federal and executive branches of the U.S.'s government. Particularly because my family moved to the U.S. at the end of communism when people were starving to death in what were moments ago the jewels of the East; my whole life I would glow with pride inside at the sight of my home city, New York City, what fortune I had to be born in the embodiment of the dream and the rush of competition! THE effigy of "The West!" Paris (Frog City) is one thing, Englandtown (London) another, but New York! That's the world in a concrete, plastic, gold and diamond soup bowl baby! You KNOW you can make it, you see people who made it or are in the process of making it before your very eyes every time you go outside; you could feel that things were getting better... I no longer feel that pride, and one can no longer feel that rising tide of good, I feel concern, and I feel entropy accelerated to its maximum. My family came to the United States for a better life, and here I am just in time to watch what was the greatest city on this beautiful blue mote of dust become as sick as Berlin was at the peak of the Reich ('39 - mid '44). I don't want to mourn another land I consider a homeland, being an ethnically Jewish Russian and Ukrainian is already enough and yet where ever I go in the West I see the majority of people participating in some kind of mass ritual suicide by reaching for the same dream that made my family leave the East as the reality of economics rendered the governments and therefore the people to their minimum. If there is any hope for the West and the European people, it needs to start manifesting soon, or else we won't be here to nit-pick economic errors made on our behalf..
@publicenemy9326 3 месяца назад
Glad you like it here in Russia and thanks for the respectful attitude, such people will be welcome everywhere, keep making videos, they are very good and in a moment RU-vid will give out in recommendations to many people.
@dillonhillier 3 месяца назад
do you throw ya gunz in the air over there?
@ЮрийПронин-ч8ь 3 месяца назад
@@dillonhillier waaagh, my dude, waaagh.
@dillonhillier 3 месяца назад
@@ЮрийПронин-ч8ь I don't know what this means..... I don't think it has anything to do with the song I'm quoting or the group onyx (who's in the op's picture).
@ЮрийПронин-ч8ь 3 месяца назад
@@dillonhillier ah, sorry it was a Warhammer Ork reference 😅
@Nowhereman123 3 месяца назад
As an Aussie who has been here 3 months in Kazan it has been the best thing i have done. Agree with everything you observe. Pregnant women, przms and toddlers everywhere what does that tell you.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
I wish you the best in Kazan! Thanks for the comment 😊
@peterwilliams2152 3 месяца назад
Kazan is such a wonderful city. If my kids and grandkids did not live in Sverdlovskaya, it would be the city of my choice.
@TasmaniaIsAHole 3 месяца назад
Lots of action in the bedroom?
@ГретыйТумблер-ф2н 2 месяца назад
This tells us that Putin is stimulating the birth of children in order to take over the whole World! Take blacks out of Africa to Siberian plantations, take away press freedom in the USA and Europe, establish a world totalitarian order, mock everyone and enjoy power - rule for a hundred years. (Washington Post)
@prolecks 3 месяца назад
Fellow russian-born aussie here, moved back late 2019 and never looked back ;) Добро пожаловать, Azz! :)
@nathandudek4683 3 месяца назад
Good on you. Moscow? I probably will also move in the next couple of years.
@mrbasfed1948 3 месяца назад
@@nathandudek4683, are you waiting until the war is over? Smart decision. )
@australianknifemagazine2764 3 месяца назад
Fellow Russian born Aussie, moved here 45 years ago and really want to see how it is today. Would you recommend going there in Summer or Winter?
@pkey7370 3 месяца назад
Canadian born russian living in Sydney now trying to get back to Russia lol Cant wait
@dukebubblebutt5256 3 месяца назад
Aussie Aussie OI OI OI
@loveyah7161 3 месяца назад
As an American, we are told to dislike Russia. I questioned that and did some research. I only found how really lovely Russia is. ❤
@ДмитрийШайтура 2 месяца назад
Так, Голливуд показывает Россию и русских исключительно с плохой стороны.
@roland-if4zx 3 месяца назад
Interesting . My father was a soldier in the German army during WW2 [long gone now ] I,m also old now [70 ] He was 3 year,s on the eastern front, . Thing is that he never had a bad word for Russia and maintained that it was a beautiful country .As opposed to what the U.S would have you believe .
@undersail6614 3 месяца назад
yes because he knew the moment he starts complaining the commissary officer would put him down without hesitation. hence, yes of course everybody loves russia, russia is the best place to live etc., but why everybody wants to leave and live in the west remains a mystery
@МаринаФилиппова-з5я 3 месяца назад
@@undersail6614 бред какой-то. и кто эти "все", которые хотят на запад? сейчас не 90-ые. что сейчас делать на западе? в России есть всё
@МихаилПашков-ф3х 3 месяца назад
Честно говоря хотел шутку накинуть в духе вашего рассказа, а потом вспомнил реальный факт о своей семье. Мой пра-пра-прадед был французом в армии Наполеона. Его фамилия была Дэрэви. Он был ранен и его, вылечили русские медсестры. Так он и остался жить в России. Первое церковное упоминание его о браке с фамилией Дэрэви датируется 1812-ым годом. Спустя какое-то время крестят его сына с фамилией Дэрэвицкий.
@mikeama82 3 месяца назад
​@@undersail6614 it's just a lie. No one who loves things that was told in this video, would ever leave Russia
@РоманЛаптев-й9ю 2 месяца назад
​@@undersail6614Are you crazy or fool?)
@rankoorovic7904 3 месяца назад
Problem with people talking about Russia is that they either describe Russia as a utopia or as Mordor from the LOTR movies and it's neither it's an actual place where people live
@ratatatuff 3 месяца назад
Well, the Orcs did come out of Mordor to attack their neighbours and rape and pillage, didn't they? That's pretty much what's going on right now.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
We are simply told it's Mordor and then shocked 👍🏻
@rankoorovic7904 3 месяца назад
@@JourneyofAzz You can only be positively surprised when your expectations are systematically lowered
@midasgames9331 3 месяца назад
Because Russia and its people its a "boogie man story" from politics to constantly say that we are bad and all people in their own country are live in utopia. When in reality Russia nearly not so bad or underdeveloped . And there's no utopia. Avery country has own problems.
@jerrylee4485 3 месяца назад
@@JourneyofAzz I dont know where this narrative comes from. Who said Russia is Mordor? It is just a country which turned into a dictatorship. No freedom of speech, no free press, no free elections etc as long as you have no problem with these topics you are fine. And a foreign passport gives safety from possible mobilization and travelling restrictions. Of course Russia is pretty much isolated from the world of sports, culture and so on. And Putins mask is falling slowly...he desparately needs money for the war. I am sorry for the Russians...they are really f****
@petermann7131 3 месяца назад
Russia is like how Australia used to be - Australia is in deep decline. I'm an Aussie who has a russian wife and spent time in Novosibirk. Aussies and Russkies are remarkably similar I found in attitude, humour and values. I was met with only kindness and warmth when there. Great place , great people
@an0nycat 3 месяца назад
I thought people lived freer in Australia. But after the well-known virus began to appear - on the Australian news, a news presenter said that a new concentration camp had been built in Australia and she joyfully said that not a single Australian managed to escape from this camp. 😅😅
@petermann7131 3 месяца назад
It's not true that things are freer in the west.
@stuartspencer2161 3 месяца назад
I was going to say something similar. It seems a lot of the manners and family values that were expressed in the video about St Petersburg remind me of how things used to be here. In the modern age, it seems we have lost some of those values, and they are now rarer to see, for a variety of reasons.
@veduci22 3 месяца назад
Russia is great, corruption is practically everywhere - if you have enough money you can give a bribe to almost anyone and circumvent a lot of stupid laws and regulations! People in the west don't know what freedom is ;D
@KryptoKiwi 3 месяца назад
True. Australian politicians dont care about protecting aussie culture or traditions... they have sold out to the globalists.
@hanefar11 3 месяца назад
I was in Monchegorsk and Saint Petersburg spread about over 4 weeks in 2023. Best trip of my life, i got to experience my girlfriends Russian family up in the north, and her grandparents in Saint Petersburg. I was amazed about how extremely orderly, cleanly, and tidy pretty much all of Saint Petersburg was. There was some places i liked less than others, such as Kandalakshe but It feels very strange to say, but I've felt more unsafe in my own capitol of Oslo, than i ever did pretty much anywhere i was in Russia. They have a weird system of respect that the west has completely discarded and an innate sense of order of how things should work. There's very little "BS" in Russia which i found to be the biggest attraction to the country as a whole. I was never bothered, harassed, hassled or approached by anyone that i did not approach first. And to their amazement i was not Russian, they probably thought that due to me being paler than a sheet of paper but i digress. What you said about speaking a tad of Russian is very true, and it was my first ice breaker. Once they heard how broken my Russian was, they REALLY wanted to try their english with me. So we had a very hard, but a very fun time communicating in general. My girlfriend did most of the translations of course, but nonetheless they really appreciate when westerners take an interest in their culture. As they feel very isolated due to how our news portray them, and how their news portray us westerners. At the end of the day, we're all really just a bunch of humans that experience things pretty similar. No matter where we come from, great video and it really made me think about how much i really enjoyed my trip.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
I really enjoy hearing other people's experiences here. Thank you for sharing it and for watching! All the best 😊
@AntonCat-bc4rb 3 месяца назад
As a Russian, I have to correct a number of misconceptions here that put me off. WE, Russians, do NOT feel isolated, let alone, "very", not one bit. We do not care about how your news portray us, except we take a notice that this portrayal is highly offensive, and we have an adverse reaction to such treatment, we will remember it. You need to understand that you, westerners, are NOT important. No more, you're a minority in the world. Start getting used to this idea. How one can feel isolated by a minority? People tried to speak English with you, cuz we are trying to help. It's our mindset. And it's NORMAL (for us, not so much for westerners, I know) to take an interest in another's culture. Thus we take an interest in others' peoples culture and appreciate their interest in our culture. It doesn't matter whether you're a westerner or not, we don't care.
@hanefar11 3 месяца назад
@@AntonCat-bc4rb I did not want to represent myself as a messiah. But I can understand why what I wrote came of like that. Let me clarify more. When the USSR fell, the USA made Russia more and more isolated from the west, not only on the global market and economic scheme, but also turning the entirety of Europe into a vassal state of the USA. It’s no “big news” that all of Europe is directly both economically and politically guided by the USA, they have bases in all our countries and representatives in all our political systems. Either from directly appointing people or funding their entire careers. Us westerners were important, for Yeltsin and Gorbachev you can do your own research about how they wanted Russia and Europe & USA to coexist. We are not a minority at all, combine all of Europe and the other economic super powers and maybe you also realize this. Also Europe Union has 488 million people, Russia only has 144 million. Moreover, most Russians did not try to directly converse with me as they were embarrassed of their English, this was the case for most of northern Russia, Murmansk, Monchegorsk, Olenengorsk etc. but as I say the ice breaker helped. Many people also just said “no английски” and were grumpy. But that’s normal. Some people also flat out refused and told me that since I was in Russia I should speak Russian. But not for Saint Petersburg as they were usual pretty good with English. But I have to describe myself as a “westerner” due to how I was called while in Russia, it is more correct to say that I am Norwegian. And due to the history and cooperation between the Barents region and Norway people were a lot more positive to me than If I was from another place. But what you write about helping is very true! I don’t see strangers help each other in Norway like I did in Russia. And furthermore things Russian people told me about how they feel and how what they don’t enjoy such as Isolation and with the news or whatever is THEIR opinions. But they stuck with me. You don’t have to agree with it as you’re obviously very proud to be Russian, which you definitely should be! But don’t expect your view of everything to be “facts” that you have to correct for others. It doesn’t make sense, I met a lot of people in Russia with your view. But also many different ones.
@ПолБад 3 месяца назад
@@hanefar11 Damn, I'm really ashamed that in my country someone told you that you SHOULD SPEAK Russian. There are no such people in my environment
@mcmerfi_arar 3 месяца назад
​@@hanefar11I'm from Russia and this is the first time I've heard there is such town as Monchegorsk. I thought you made a mistake in spelling until I googled it 😊
@lexlim8114 3 месяца назад
Если соберешься на природу в России, даже не далеко куда-нибудь, то не забывай про клещей - уж слишком их много расплодилось в последние годы, а они очень опасны.
@dday7902 3 месяца назад
чувак, он из Австралии, его клещами не напугешь
@lexlim8114 3 месяца назад
Там ядовитые и большие твари, а у нас маленькие и вредные, но не менее смертоносные, отчего даже Обиднее Пострадать
@konstantinsokolov8150 3 месяца назад
А за Полярным кругом нет ни одного клеща :)
@ThrowableOwl 3 месяца назад
Да, пусть вакцину поставит. Hey! Azz! We`re got tiny pesky ticks at forests and they can give you serious deseases. Get vaccine shots before going to forest, read some manuals. There is special way to wear clothes that can prevent them to getting onto your skin, also sprays for clothes. Don`t forget to tick-check after coming home!
@nikkan3810 3 месяца назад
@@lexlim8114 я думаю наличие у них ядовитых тварей указывает что они подготовлены и знают как правильно нарядиться в лес.
@demonspy5689 3 месяца назад
Очень приятно всё это слышать. Рад что Вам очень понравилось. Хорошо провести у нас время.
@aussiebloke51 3 месяца назад
As an Australian who has visited Russia three times and have travelled extensively outside of Peter and Moscow I agree with all your observations. My basic Russian phrases are Я плохо говорю по-русски и не понимаю!!
@wildman284 3 месяца назад
Hahah that's my line to, I very badly speak Russian and do not understand!
@wildman284 3 месяца назад
I can say a few things, order food and basics but that native tongue is so fast it's hard to understand
@alpn88 Месяц назад
Try new one “я бы хотел говорить также хорошо по-русски как и вы» = “id love to speak Russian as good as you”😄
@ПавелШабалин-ъ8э 3 месяца назад
I am Russian but my nationality is Mari:This is what I want to say to foreigners, stop believing in the stereotypes that Russia is bad, come here, spend time here, get to know us, we are not as bad as some people believe.
@kedy8429 2 месяца назад
привет брат
@ColdIce99 Месяц назад
You can’t criticize the government and you live under a dictatorship. That’s not a great place.
@Hellomishkaa Месяц назад
Салам лийже. Many people are sheep and still believe that their governments have their interests at heart.
@AussieComrade 3 месяца назад
I am a fellow Aussie in Russia I just love it here mate :)
@sergueimikhail9654 3 месяца назад
Good on you, mate.😊
@tonyp2865 3 месяца назад
It has freedom like we had in the 70s.
@novichkovv 3 месяца назад
@@tonyp2865 did you have freedom to go to jail for liking a post in 70s? I've missed something in history
@Auzzzie82 3 месяца назад
@@novichkovvthe UK and America lock more people up than any other nations for posting on social media! FACTS
@ramozj6997 3 месяца назад
​@@novichkovv UK 10 times more people in jail for social media posts than Russia last year.
@anliqw 3 месяца назад
As a russian I need to say it. While watching your vlog I felt so much warmth. Your words and intonation being extremely nice. Thanks for loving your time in Russia. I wish you a safe travel.
@AlexLionson 3 месяца назад
It's really funny to hear a stereotype about we dont have services in Russia, and then _every_ traveler says that Russia has the best services they have encountered. As the russians we also travel a lot and see that it seems like we actually have _the_ best services, best apps and just general convenience. Please visit and see for yourself, we welcome everybody and dont discriminate, it's also very safe here.
@zag2art 3 месяца назад
Yeah, and the best conuntry regarding services is Moscow. Russia is just on the second place...
@peterwilliams2152 2 месяца назад
@@zag2art You mustn't live in Russia, Goslugi is great. I have bank accounts withe Sberbank, and I can use them anywhere in the world where I have internet access.
@Maksim-fl9vl 14 дней назад
@@zag2art все лучшие услуги делают федеральные компании. Доставки, банки, такси, каршеринг- все это одинаково почти по всей стране.
@ЮрийПронин-ч8ь 3 месяца назад
That was the politest cold water purchase i ever saw in my life. 120 is way too much though, it is like 70-ish in local store. Placement benefit. Thank you for kind words, welcome!
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Really wanted some cold water 😆
@дмитрийс-щ5и 3 месяца назад
@@JourneyofAzz за 120 можно купить 2 литра кваса ..какой грабёж!
@боряборя-о6ю 3 месяца назад
30 руб стоит вода , 0.5 л.
@sparkyfromel 3 месяца назад
Some memories of Russia ..when the official radio announce that the temperature reach -30c , for safety , the school are closed and it's a day off the kids profit of this occasion to ignore the cold and play hockey in the street it's a riot of hockey sticks waving and pucks flying , the Babuskas swear at them because they are a danger to passer by , the kids don't even slow down
@alucard0712 3 месяца назад
it's very common! I and my friends play soccer at -35 here in Siberia 😆Pure kids!
@peterwilliams2152 2 месяца назад
The temperature at which schools are close depends on the region. Look at the temperatures in Yakutia!
@la_volpedia5647 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the vlog once again! I'm personally very exited to see your future adventures, can't wait! Also hoping that there's gonna be more long videos like this, it's always interesting to hear thoughts of a great person😉❤️
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
I appreciate the comment. Thanks for watching! 👍 I remember you were one of my early subscribers. Thanks for supporting 😊
@hotrodmobile 3 месяца назад
The language barrier is not such a big problem in Russia. At least in big cities. Such as St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkusk, Vladivostok, Sochi, etc. A lot of young people learn english before they even go to school. My children (now adults) have been learning english since they were 4 years old. And they are not some special case. There will always be someone in the crowd to help. Russians for the most part are very friendly to foreigners. Even after two years of the ukrainian conflict and the active participation of western countries in it, I do not see hostility towards foreigners here. On the contrary, russians welcome those who would like to move to Russia as a country with traditional values.
@gauwoof 3 месяца назад
Russian here:) It is very nice hearing such things about your country. Even though we know it has all these benefits. I’ve been to Australia (and New Zealand) right prior to Covid. Been to Gold Coast, Sidney and Perth. Loved it! A very different world:))) Enjoy your stay in Russia ;)
@PiotrPerviakov 3 месяца назад
Wow! Just a month in Russia, and you can already talk to the saleswoman. Cool 😎
@user-rv5dr8oy5b 3 месяца назад
Где бы не встречала австралийцев-это всегда позитивные,милые люди как из рекламы,словно распространяете тепло вашей Родины на окружающих.🌞Но вы к тому же бестрашный,приехать в нашу холодную страну из солнечной Австралии.Желаю тебе хорошо провести время в России,пусть это будет весёлое и доброе приключение.🙏♡
@HarmonicaGuitar 3 месяца назад
Проблема холода в России решается легко и просто: тёплой одеждой. В помещениях же не просто тепло, а очень тепло.
@НинаШляховская 3 месяца назад
​@@HarmonicaGuitarА я бы сказала не просто тепло, а невыносимо жарко, что приходится приоткрывать окна в любой мороз, поскольку в нашей квартире температура не бывает ниже +27°.
@valeriytroshin 3 месяца назад
В Австралии зимой лютый дубак.
@stephen9564 3 месяца назад
In Australia our houses are constructed so badly that when it is 5 degrees outside it is 12 degrees inside at best, you Russians have it good, you can say what you want about other things made in Russia but your house is the thing you use the most in life and it should be built well В Австралии наши дома построены так плохо, что когда на улице 5 градусов, то внутри в лучшем случае 12 градусов, у вас, русских, все хорошо, вы можете говорить что хотите о других вещах, сделанных в России, но ваш дом - это то, чем вы пользуетесь. большая часть жизни и она должна быть построена хорошо
@saitaro 3 месяца назад
@@stephen9564 Do you mean you feel comfortable at 12 degrees? Or what's the problem with the houses, why is it so
@katarinaantic1081 3 месяца назад
I took that safety you described for granted when I lived in Serbia. As a woman, I felt comfortable going out alone in the capital (Belgrade), walking back home after clubbing at like 3-4 AM. I cannot do this in Western Europe, even tho the city I currently live in is smaller than Belgrade. I sometimes get harrased during the day if I am alone, I can't even imagine how would it be at night, and I am surely not going to test that.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Stay safe! 🙏🏻
@neomortalgirl 3 месяца назад
I’m an Aussie learning to speak Russian. One day it would be amazing to go there. Up to 923 phrases now but still need to learn a lot more before I’d be comfortable speaking. Great video, mate.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Great job! Hope you'll make it here some day soon.
@neomortalgirl 3 месяца назад
@@JourneyofAzz спасибо, я тоже на это надеюсь
@Auzzzie82 3 месяца назад
I’m Australian and going to Russia mid next year. Can’t wait
@AmosKito 3 месяца назад
Hope you aren't taking a russian airliner there 😂
@Auzzzie82 3 месяца назад
@@AmosKito better than Boeing, we seen how shit American Airlines are lately
@AmosKito 3 месяца назад
@@Auzzzie82 I don't think you understand the scale of your whataboutism lmao
@Auzzzie82 3 месяца назад
@@AmosKito yes , you yanks are king at it
@AmosKito 3 месяца назад
@@Auzzzie82 I'm from Perth 😘
@paulschofield9811 3 месяца назад
Thanks for putting this up. I'm looking forward to your videos. Unbiased reporting I can trust from my Aussie cousin. ( Kiwi here.) My son spent many years flying in and out of Russia working in the oil industry and says they are a great well educated people, he has many good friends there. Good luck on your travels.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Cheers for the comment! I hope you'll enjoy the future videos. Many greetings to NZ!
@antoninagarkalna1444 3 месяца назад
In 1938 the book was published, the work of the German philosopher Walter Shubart «Europe and the Soul of the East», dedicated to the origins of the confrontation of civilizations of Europe as the West and Russia as the East. The book broke stereotypes of Western worldview. Russia has proved to all mankind the inconsistency of the godless culture ... and, suffering for all, is purified itself from the alien that has suffocated it for centuries... Now begins the second act of drama. The road for the awakened forces of the East...». The European is drawn to specialization. The Russian - to holistic contemplation. The European is a dismembering analyst. The Russian is an all-reconciling synthetic. He does not seek to know more, but to understand the connection of things, to grasp the essence. The Russian is as capable as anyone - to merge poetry, science and religion; and in this - the future is behind him, and himself - the man of the future». Walter Shubart proclaims the salvation of Europe by Russia and the “birth of Western-Eastern world culture». Shubart’s book is a fascinating essay about the national characters of the world’s leading peoples. Although the main thing for the author is the forthcoming transformation of mankind and the saving mission of the «healing Russian soul”. “The Englishman looks at the world as his own enterprise, the Frenchman - as a salon, the German - as a barracks. The Russian looks at the surrounding world as the Divine Temple. The Englishman craves prey, the Frenchman for glory, the German for power, the Russian for sacrifice. An Englishman wants to profit from his neighbor, a Frenchman wants to impress his neighbor, a German wants to command his neighbor, and a Russian wants nothing from him. He does not want to turn his neighbor into his means. This is the brotherhood of the Russian heart and the Russian idea. And this is the Gospel of the future. Russian all-man is the bearer of new solidarism. Promethean man is already doomed to death. The epoch of the Ioannovsky man - a man of love and freedom. Such is the future of the Russian people. The West is driven by disbelief, fear and self-love; the Russian soul is driven by faith, peace and brotherhood. That is why the future belongs to Russia... Characterizing the cultural and historical type of European and Russian man, V. Shubart uses the terms «promethean» and «gothic». The European has a «Promethean» moral constitution, which is based on the view of the world as an object, which should conquer, subdue, rebuild. Hence the eternal aggression of the West against the East, the desire of the West to «civilize» the East.
@JamesPetrov-hj7td 2 месяца назад
Рад что я рожден в России, но и очень люблю Великобританию.
@sold_ludm54 3 месяца назад
Замечательный молодой человек! В отличии от большинства приезжих иностранцев, он не требует, чтобы русские знали английский, а сам старается учить русский! И у него это хорошо получается. Чувствуется уважение к стране и людям. Смотрю многих блогеров, трех слов сказать не могут без ошибок, но при этом уже давно живут в России. И да, интересно смотреть на мой район Петербурга, где я жила до переезда в Петергоф. Приезжайте еще и Петергоф посмотреть!
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Спасибо за добрые слова! Я обязательно увижу Петергоф 😊
@andreyovcharenko1999 3 месяца назад
А вы когда путешествуете, например, в Казахстан или Узбекистан, тоже по-казахски и узбекски говорите? Что за двойные стандарты?). Я абсолютно согласен с вами - приехал, учи язык. Но незнанием грешат абсолютно все, к сожалению.
@sold_ludm54 3 месяца назад
@@andreyovcharenko1999 Речь не идёт об абсолютном знании языка для туриста. А только о применении некоторых обязательных слов - здравствуйте, до свидания, спасибо и т.д. Или вы не в состоянии это выучить? Другое дело, если ты приехал жить в эту страну. Тогда уж, будь любезен, учи язык, а не жалуйся, что тебя не понимают ...
@andrewdronsson9028 3 месяца назад
@@andreyovcharenko1999 Почему бы нет? Давно, ещё в 1985-м году, я съездил в отпуск в Литву. Всего-то 24 дня там был, так к концу этого срока немного понимал по-литовски. И ведь не учил язык! Правда, в те времена там было двуязычие, это помогло.
@СердцеВогне-о1к 3 месяца назад
​​@@andreyovcharenko1999 да, в Кыргызстане, Казахстане и Узбекистане легко общаться с местными, языки похожи. Пара фраз, записанная и заученная, всегда выручит. Никто не обязан отвечать вам на английском, всегда можете нанять переводчика. Чувство превосходства и презрение к окружающим у вас откуда, вы релокант?
@Interesting_Australia 2 месяца назад
Hi, Mate. It is impressive, you have accurately captured the "Russian spirit" or "Russian soul". I am a Russian who has lived in Sydney for 13 years and in Gabba (Brisbane) for the last 6 years. You've found a lot of friendly people because Aussies are one of the most positive and friendly people in the world. We do not judge the people we rarely complain, and this is not often happens in Russia, so we are welcome almost everywhere (except for US, we are not used to them tips :) SPB is impressive in terms of architecture, and more beautiful that Melbourne. SPB’ cops are not as angry as in Melbourne :)So anyway, if you're still in St. Petersburg, it would be great to catch up, I'll be there next week to shoot a video too. Cheers!
@JourneyofAzz 2 месяца назад
Hey mate, thanks for the comment! I agree with those statements: friendly people; beautiful city; coppers not as angry haha Send a message to my Telegram (in my bio)! Hope everything is well for you in Australia. All the best mate. Cheers 👍
@shulgava81 3 месяца назад
We Russians will always be 100% friendly, honest and sincere to someone who will be honest and sincere with us, but if someone wishes us harm... I don't envy him... as Alexander Nevsky said: "Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword," but if someone sincerely asks for help, the Russian will give his last pants... there is such a saying among the people)) Welcome to Russia
@aussie870 3 месяца назад
What if someone politely asks you "Please get out of my country"?
@sebastianwurtz5294 3 месяца назад
@@aussie870 "politely"?!? Yeah right!🙄
@aussie870 3 месяца назад
@@sebastianwurtz5294 I love how they gave no response either. Cowards.
@Nolable129 2 месяца назад
@@aussie870 They will get the same silent answer as Russia got when was asking politely to "Not expand NATO to our borders".
@KleooPadla 2 месяца назад
​@@aussie870а она не ваша, ее купили. Она и вашей то никогда не была, подарок от России, который продался США. С какого хрена мы русскую землю будем отдавать США? Нахрен пошли
@htbuckley 3 месяца назад
Onya mate from QLD... yer, we get told so much rubbish about Russia and China. Good to see ya there. I've always had a high regard for the Russian people, always will.
@stanspb763 3 месяца назад
The western lies about China are even worse
@yggdrasil9039 3 месяца назад
We've been sold a pup in the West. Totally conned.
@et1249 3 месяца назад
In Australia in the 1980's and 90's having grannies come up to babies in prams smiling and saying how beautiful the child is was common. My wife is now a grannie and cannot help herself from going up to babies and complementing the parents on their baby, not all the old habits and traditions are lost yet. We have Russian friends in Australia, lovely, sincere and well educated people. My wife has visited Moscow three times over the past 24 years, her favourite city in Europe by far. Hopefully St Petersburg one day.
@Discovery2024-rn8kn 3 месяца назад
Any country with low crime and well organised local civil society has my respect
@jeanvonbarberode2377 3 месяца назад
I moved from Melbourne after 17 years to Brisbane, Melbourne is a woke hole now with a desperate government who add more and more taxes ! No wonder that you are out as well! Originally I come from Czech Republic, so I learnt Russian at school since I was 7 years old and for me as a Czech is very easy to learn Russian as this is a Slavic language and many words are same in Czech as well. You are right, the choice of products in Australia is limited and expensive, i remember from Czech Republic, we had such a choice of goods everywhere, the opening times of most supermarket were 24/7, this is what I miss in Australia and also the Slavic culture, Australia culture is in my point shallow and also living in multicultural society is not for everyone, we had pretty homogenic society in Czech Republic, I think Russia is same in most cases. Melbourne has a homeless people everywhere as well as Brisbane, Australia has a rental crises, it is difficult to buy a house, there is a low stock and a huge immigration will make it worse, I assume that many Europeans will consider to return back. Russia is a nice country and i know it as i have been to Russia many times during the communisms time and Russians, our Slavic brothers are very friendly and welcoming as many Slavic nations!
@AlexanderTch 3 месяца назад
Have you contacted a big family of Australian farmers settled in Altay region? They have a few YT channels. One is called "Russian homestead girl". Another one is called somehow like "Siberian freedom".
@u_zaya6187 2 месяца назад
Мне так нравится, что к нам стали чаще приезжать гости из других стран. Спасибо о тёплых словах о России!))
@noncompliant4316 3 месяца назад
The indulgence in families and children and the interest shown in them was quite typical of Australia in the 1950s and early 1960s. As a culture, we have truly deteriorated since then.
@simplyshamal 3 месяца назад
Your Russian is pretty good! Keep it up😃
@qdja 3 месяца назад
Lakhta is the tallest skyscraper in Europe
@Deform-py1el 3 месяца назад
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Yes, but for 'structures', Ostankino Tower = 540 m. Lakhta = 462m. I said 'tower' not 'building'. 😊
@qdja 3 месяца назад
@IgorMuravyov-o5r 3 месяца назад
​@@JourneyofAzzostankino tower is not a skyscraper, so he is correct
@ЮрийПронин-ч8ь 3 месяца назад
I'd much prefer small-storey (no more than five-floor) building to live in. At least Ostankino has practical meaning about it's height.
@Python_yt2008 3 месяца назад
Hi from Tatishevo! Good day bro❤
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Cheers! Have a great day :)
@microphone1347 3 месяца назад
Great video, mate! I can see that you enjoy your time in our country and it fills my own heart with joy. Keep it up!
@Nadezhda-kd3hb 3 месяца назад
Very interesting video! Please continue to share your thoughts 😉
@rona5360 3 месяца назад
и в этот момент у европейцев начинают закрадываться сомнения о мире и том что происходит в их странах .... спасибо за видео!
@sebastianwurtz5294 3 месяца назад
@DarkVadimjke 3 месяца назад
As a Russian person, i would like to thank you for appreciating our country, culture and people. I hope you enjoy your time here!
@shanerutherford2249 3 месяца назад
Your comments align with many contemporary visitor comments that I have reviewed. Thank you for your detailed and frank commenting.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Thank you for watching!
@shvedyshka 3 месяца назад
❤❤❤ вы классный, спасибо за видео
@Andrey_Bodrey75 3 месяца назад
В поддержку канала...) Добро пожаловать, товарищ!))) Лайк, подписка и все такое!))
@HrRezpatex 3 месяца назад
The first thing i learn no matter what country i am going to, even if i shall just be there for one day, is to say thank you in the local language. Small things like that goes a long way.
@sold_ludm54 3 месяца назад
Я с вами согласна! В любой стране даже горничные в восторге, когда им говорю "спасибо" на их языке!
@angobando 3 месяца назад
Hey, Azz. Happy to see you enjoying Saint Petersburg. But if you wanna experience some really good sea related activities, come to Vladivostok in late August - early September. Yeah, it's the other end of Russian geography for sure, but you'll definitely enjoy it here. We have a nice little archipelago called "Залив Петра Великого" with a plenty of bays, isles and beaches to explore. We usually do our sail trips on catamarans, so I guess as an Aussie you might quite like it.
@mahinork 3 месяца назад
An example of a country that has embraced God, put family first and ditched the Central Banking System. Western country's should look at Russia as the example and not the enemy. Thank you for a great insight!!! And an Aussie perspective.
@les8518 3 месяца назад
I have been watching quite a few videos on Russia. I regret very much that my age and health will not let me visit Russia and it's beautiful people.
@glman4119 3 месяца назад
Мне очень нравится, что к нам приезжают австралийцы :) Не то чтобы это было как "ВАУ, АВСТРАЛИЕЦ ПРИЕХАЛ" - нет, просто я сам раньше хотел уехать в Австралию, но не поехал. А тут частичка Австралии оказалась у нас :) Добро пожаловать и надеюсь, что пребывание у нас тебе по душе :) Обнял 🤗 ---- I really like that Australians come to us :) Not that it was like "WOW, AN AUSTRALIAN HAS ARRIVED" - no, I just wanted to go to Australia before, but I didn't go. And here we have a piece of Australia in my country :) Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay with us :) Hugs 🤗
@kimibrowne4440 3 месяца назад
Awesome video clip, thanks for sharing!
@СтражникПравды 3 месяца назад
In Soviet times, children on the street were generally allowed to go without parental supervision.
@peterwilliams2152 3 месяца назад
They still are. My second granddaughter is ten, and there are no worries with her going all around town, for hours on end.
@ИванТароев-ж3ю 3 месяца назад
Чегоооо? 😂 Это шутка? В советское время наоборот было намного безопасней, чем сейчас!
@СтражникПравды 3 месяца назад
@@ИванТароев-ж3ю об этом и говорю
@IDuckBroI 3 месяца назад
Ну вроде уходит всё дальше от нас дух 90х, думаю, не стоит жить прошлым, как бы не была прогрессивна и хороша местами советская система, она не смогла продержаться и развалилась, а значит в основе её было что-то да не так, так что не стоит жить прошлым, а учиться на нём и строить лучшее будущее
@alex_hustler 3 месяца назад
Привет, товарищ. Рад приветствовать тебя в России!
@prioritizer 2 месяца назад
Thank you for truthfull view 🎉
@murzilka301 3 месяца назад
Привет бро, рад что ты снимаешь о России хорошее видео. Добро пожаловать бро
@paledolphin 3 месяца назад
Hey, glad you're enjoying Saint-Petersburg! Make sure to check out Moscow and Kazan, quite a lot of cultural places there as well. Also, Siberia, if you're feeling adventurous-Altai mountains are just the best! Also, Baikal lake, spectacular in winter. Cheers from Siberia!
@devil._666. 3 месяца назад
Горы Алтая?! Вы это серьёзно?!😂😂😂😂 более отстойного региона чем алтай нет в России!!!
@fenicz6306 3 месяца назад
@@devil._666. Бред несёшь, на Алтае чудесная природа и множество памятников культуры и музеев
@LeonserGT 3 месяца назад
@@devil._666. это что, сообщение из параллельного мира? я еще ни разу не видел чтобы кто-то отрицал красоты Алтая 👀
@nezyr228 3 месяца назад
Ура новое видио❤❤❤
@747Springbok 3 месяца назад
Russia is absolutely amazing. Visited in 2019 and have been planning to move permanently, only issue is learning Russian but I'm working on it. Australia (and most of the West) is a lost cause, it's become too woke and stifling.
@IMONLOSTWOOD 3 месяца назад
Welcome home, brother! Also, i think it will be great experience for you to explore Far East in Russia as Australian. I was born in Vladivostok, it is a most beautiful sea port city in Russia. The differences in culture will shock you in a good way. I live in Saint Petersburg and i can say that people here and in Vladivostok live completely different lives. St.Petersburg is a Europe while Vladivostok is 100% Asia. You definitely need to check it by your own. Maybe even by traveling on train. It will take 1 week from Moscow to Vladivostok and it is popular for some Europe tourists. Wish you the best of luck on your journey!
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the great suggestion 😊
@chlenuga 3 месяца назад
G'day and welcome to Russia ❤
@tigreno43k 3 месяца назад
Sometimes I’m a bit worried that people around the world will find out that Russia is pretty good for comfort living and move to Russia from all over the world 😂
@AntonySimkin Месяц назад
Until they find out salary is low and it's not a paradise as any place in this World. And those services open until late - there are people who work there and don't see their families because of it. Yes, it's cool you can do stuff until 20hs, but think deeper.
@lingardizossimov3103 3 месяца назад
Congrats mate, your Russian is pretty good.
@lukewarm2075 3 месяца назад
Wow good to hear that russia value the family and children😊
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
In Russia, the year 2024 is even officially dubbed the 'year of the family'
@Dixis 3 месяца назад
It is really hard to struggle financially in Russia, we have no debts, no loans, no lisings. You won't become a bankrupt if you got ill because it is free healthcare here and no one of your employers have a right to fire you because of your illness 😎
@itsfedor 3 месяца назад
man, this is far from the truth. 30% of Russians have loans of some sort, and yes you can get fired when you get illed, because in the 90% of cases your salary is being "grey" and payed out in bonuses to avaoid taxes. The rest stuff is ok, but your point isn't valid. Russia is a good country but not in a way you're talking about it.
@MCrue2 3 месяца назад
Really hard to struggle financially when you get paid 500$ a month. True
@Dixis 3 месяца назад
@@MCrue2 I wish you to be happy
@ioannbil422 3 месяца назад
You’re delusional. The only thing that you’re even remotely right about is healthcare, even though a big part of it isn’t free
@Notyourbusiness266 3 месяца назад
@@MCrue2 Not when your utilities bills in winter are around 70 USD and in summer less than 50. Plus free healthcare, free schools and higher education, grocery prices 3x lower than in the West. And groceries btw are all organic.
@Evilmozg 3 месяца назад
Hey there! Lovely videos! If you're based in Saint-P, as commenters below already said - it's a must that you'll visit surrounding regions, here's what I can recommend: In Leningrad region: - Vyborg, a rare example of old non-orthodox pre-imperial town. - Palace suburbs of Saint-P: Peterhof, Gatchina, Pavlovsk, Pushkin. - Old Ladoga, place where Russian statehood was established in 862. A bit further: - Republic of Karelia. Not many conventional tourist places, people go there for amazing nature in the summer + white nights. Try local salmon, sail to Kizhi. - Novgorod. One of ancient Russian capitals, lotsa centuries old churches. - Pskov. More interesting than Novgorod, with big local Kremlin (Krom). Also many POI in environs, like Izborsk fortress, Pushkin Mountains, Pechory monastery. If you're up for a pint or a cup of coffee and a walk -- will be glad to give you a small tour round the city! If you're OK with that idea -- reply to this comment, I'll just e-mail my contacts to your attached YT mail.
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Thank you very much for taking the time to write these suggestions! Sure send through a message 👍🏻
@ЛизаХ-л2г 3 месяца назад
Башня Лахта-центра высотой 462 метра стала самым северным небоскрёбом в мире и самым высоким зданием России и Европы и 16-м - в мире.
@yggdrasil9039 3 месяца назад
The demonisation of Russia in the mass media vs. Actual video of living in Russia. Good job. Been to Russia once before and loved it.
@СергейИванов-п2б1э 3 месяца назад
Hi mate, I am russian/aussi recently moved to Russia too. My wife is pure aussi . If you feel lack of company here just let me know .
@LouiseDay-bd4qi 3 месяца назад
Nice I'm a kiwi but in Aussie speak onya
@СергейИванов-п2б1э 3 месяца назад
@@LouiseDay-bd4qi Hi, sounds good we could organize kiwi/aussie/russian meeting one day. I just l dont know how reach the author of this video and send a message directly .
@peterwilliams2152 2 месяца назад
@@СергейИванов-п2б1э Set up a VK site, Kiwis, Aussies, Russians in Russia.
@5ayes12 3 месяца назад
Nice balanced respectful -I have always thought highly of Aussies as travelers they tend to do epic journeys and definitely think big. Happy for you that you're enjoying your time there.Anyway keep up the fine work I will be following along.Greetings from Vancouver where we love the Russian people
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Cheers for the comment and for following! I hope you'll enjoy the future videos. My greetings to Vancouver! 😊
@Ольга-л2д3л 3 месяца назад
Как приятно слышать, что русских любят. Читаем мы здесь новости, смотрим голивудские фильмы где русский это всегда злодей, мафиози и... В общем, спасибо за вашу любовь и поддержку
@esplace3023 3 месяца назад
@@Ольга-л2д3лSome of us arn’t brainwashed by our media and government
@esplace3023 3 месяца назад
Not been to Russia yet, spend more time in China but planning to do a trip to Russia in 2026. I met lots of Russians in the old Eastern bloc and in China, great people, Definitely interested in more videos on Russia. And good on you mate, I really disliked the wave of hate Russia campaign that happened in Australian media as much as I dislike the same towards China.
@spartan5921 3 месяца назад
Now here is a like minded person 100%, I too spend a lot of time in China, I hate the anti China and anti Russia diatribe that emanates from uneducated people. Most speak as if they really know something, while others speak from their other orifice! I have been East as far as Shenzen and Shanghai, West as far as Xinjiang, Urumqi, North as far as Beijing, but plans for further yet and south as far as Hainan. I have traveled the Central lands around Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Kaifeng and Luoyang. I have had a residents visa while I lived there, so no tourist guide trips like most people. I have taught English in some of these places and I also had the opportunity to work on an archeological dig site of an ancient imperial tomb. I have watched China grow and prosper under the current President, despite the crap the USA espouses. They are afraid and jealous of the Chinese people and their ability to advance through hard work and hard education. Australian's sadly also have a majority of the population who also suffer the same problem. Both schooling and work are not even close to the capability of either Russia or China. It is more like "lets bung on another long weekend for the AFL Grand Final" or some dumbass reason not to work or go school. Australia the lucky country, it was in 1950. that old concept statement ... Kingdoms are ruled by Kings, Empires are ruled by Emperors...Countries, well they are ruled by........s!
@esplace3023 3 месяца назад
@@spartan5921 Thanks for your replied comment. Yes, I work with a know it all but never done anything, worthy of the title. Sadly I can’t get a resident visa for China, I’d love to live there though, such an amazing country and people, 4 months a year, maybe 5, if I can swing it, is the best I can do. Next year I will teach music to some kids from poorer families, in a small village in Gansu, my way of saying thank you to China for being the home where my heart is. Wish you a great day and happy travels.
@alexbond3953 3 месяца назад
Welcome ❤
@geoffballe8766 3 месяца назад
Excellent brother,, thank you 🇦🇺
@christiansgardens 3 месяца назад
Marvelous mate looking forward to the next installment
@wirvcle 3 месяца назад
Благодарю за видео, очень верно подмечено во многих местах. Сам с женой недавно был в санкт Петербурге, впечатления незабываемые. Я сам из Кировской области, у нас тоже круто) Относительно провинциальный город, но если хочешь интересных ощущений, приезжай ))))))
@gordanaknezevic4538 3 месяца назад
@Ricka6924-mb2mv 3 месяца назад
Wonderful country especially for families gr Australians would not believe how the government cares for families and also it's people
@coinalmanac 3 месяца назад
welcome friend
@helenaa5527 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this video, always nice to watch reviews about my country from tourists :) I've been to Australia twice, it was great too! 🙌
@SentaroTheTiger 3 месяца назад
Welcome, mate! Hope you like it here!
@jupesus 3 месяца назад
Welcome to Russia! Nice to hear your words about my country and city. Thanks!
@ntal5859 3 месяца назад
The Australian government has been destroying the Australian family unit since no fault divorce and in particular the father roll being made obsolete. The system is corrupt to the core here in Oz.
@raywasabi2900 3 месяца назад
Watching you from Japan. Love your videos of Russia. Keep them coming . Cheers
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Many greetings to you in Japan! :)
@runningonempty9980 15 дней назад
This 3:33 "Babushka"(granny) just sent me. With love from Tatarstan, have a happy experience!
@tattat2131 3 месяца назад
Great overview, thank you for this video! Im going to SPb this month, can't wait to experience this! ❤
@JourneyofAzz 3 месяца назад
Have a wonderful time! 😊
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