I know this is a bit off topic.... Legit, you seem like such a friendly person and you probably made the mcdonalds employees day with how polite you were. I work at a supermarket (woolworths here in aus) and people like you honestly make the shifts a lot more bearable. So thankyou.
I live in Australia as well and I agree, but after travelling a lot particularly in America I realised people in Australia and super nice in comparison
You're the only person I've ever seen doing this challenge who didn't have a problem with it. Everyone else was like getting sick and not being able to stand up just halfway through!
Jessica Cora you know the reason is due to the foods they are consuming. For example why do people tell you to eat healthy and more of it? Because of the nutrition, LOW calories, and (if you're in a balance) eat more if it. So if you take him, he was eating straight high calorie and fatty foods. While you could have the same person eating more nutritional foods and needing to consume more than he did.
Imo I honestly think most Dubliners count as Irish like that's were all the foreigners go and it's basically turned into america the way it's trying to be so advanced go to West or middle ireland
Btw I thumbed the video up for the mini motivational speech saying that if you can get competition shredded with that appetite it really is possible. I might also want to see you do the 20k lol
I watched another girl do this and she used the same micorave and same cookies... And the same elevatpr and afcent,so they are boyfreind and girlfreind
cause in general when you eat and chew slowly and you take time with your food you are gonna feel full and satisfied easier and faster. So when you just stuffing yourself without chewing the food properly you dont feel full during eating..But maybe he just eats very fast anyway:D
Savage Sweetheart I'm pretty sure he knows that, what he means is 8 mins for 4 French toast and 3 pancakes, 4 mins for a burger fries and a drink. That's friggin fast
LOL ROB IM DYING... took you 4 minutes per plate at breakfast and afterwards that smile "I'm feeling pretty confident now" 😂😂👌🏼....still watching, thoroughly enjoying this during my cardio .... screw it one more cookie 😂
Name 24 okay first of all you don't get diabetes from eating to much some people have diabetes because they need insulin Resistance, and others have who have type one means there pancreas dosent function correctly and it's not something to joke about.
I'm curious. If, let's say, your maintenance calories for this day were 2,500, would the extre 7,500 calories directly convert to fat? Which would be a bit over 2 lbs of extra fat? Did you notice that happening? Seems like it would wreck a six pack turning it into a four pack overnight.
Good question. The trick is to eat a lot less the days leading up to it and the days after and do cardio, so your weekly total stays in check. It's all about weekly energy balance. You do also have to take into account things like TEF and NEAT.
Rob Lipsett True. But that's a hell of a difficult week, eating 7,500 fewer calories across 6 days. You must be doing cardio 3 hours a day, haha. Still, eating 10k calories in a day might be worth it.
Rob Lipsett Have you noticed your six pack vanish overnight? What have been the visual effects on your bodyfat % after this 10k challenge? I'm far too inquisitive not to ask.
Im trying to lose fat, about a solid 50-60 lbs and weight train at the same time. Im 6 foot, 270lbs at 1,850 calories a day trying to lose the fat. And what sucks is I try and justify a cheat day every weekend lol. Its bad!
That is where you are going wrong. Your calories are also very low. Pick an intake that you can sustain and that wont make you want to blow out at the weekend. Adherence and sustainability are number one.
agreed with the above - your calories are way too low. I'm 5ft 10 185lbs and on 1900. I have a very slow metabolism. for your size and weight you can eat way way more. Make sure youre counting accurately and weighing food as much as you can