
10 Crazy Stories Of Neighbors Gone Wrong 

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@smonelh 3 года назад
My 1st home-crazy neighbor fighting with me over a fence location. She was upset because we were young family homeowners. After all the evil torture she put us through, she lost her home to foreclosure and I bought it - right next-door. 💣
@michaelswanson4742 3 года назад
The older sister who Protected her younger sibling from that maniac is so brave bless her heart!
@amylouwho8991 3 года назад
I have a neighbor whose grandson likes to do the revving engine thing when he comes and goes. One Sunday he woke me up at 4:20 am so I put a note on his truck politely asking he please not revv his engine between 10pm and 7am in accordance with county noise ordinances. I don't like it any time of day but I'm not going to bitch about it during the day, he's 19 it's to be expected. He hasn't done it since so I'm happy and he can revv his little heart out all day long.
@cayleycox2955 3 года назад
Story time! I have lived in my past apartment for 4 years with my neighbor with absolute no problems. Once his girlfriend moved in all hell broke loose. She demanded things from me that was out of my hands and was the landlords responsibility. She threatened and called my profound names through Facebook, she demanded me to stay inside while she was outside (on beautiful sunny days), she's loud, yells alot, she took over my garden without my consent (she made one last year beside mine she deliberately did that) she even threw out my outdoor items as well as my roommates without her telling us we found our items in garbage bags ready to be thrown out and the list goes on. I told my landlord all of this and he did nothing. I felt so uncomfortable and scared to be in my own home. I left. No regrets! Now I'm in a neighborhood I love. The neighbors are lovely. Moral of the story.. just move or get out they arnt worth it.
@d.d.g.6973 3 года назад
Legal action was not worth the hassle, moving was the better choice. Good for you. I wonder if they're still together?
@sharonletchford5787 3 года назад
Sounds horrid, I've a nasty neighbour who does everything to try upset pple. Goid job you moved, I've only just moved in. Ha.great!
@user-ny9iq9pn8z 3 года назад
I wish l had the money to move out. My neighbor's boyfriend moved in who is loud and immature. I am currently 9 months pregnant. I wish l had somewhere peaceful and quiet to move to.
@donnageorge6506 3 года назад
i my self wud NOT ave put up with that
@joyarmes9689 3 года назад
Good for you and your partner but some of us don't have the money or even a place to go even if we could afford it. Finding a place to stay has become extremely difficult and frustrating. Good luck to all who want to move but can't. ✌🏽😷
@KJSmith-ji1hw 3 года назад
OH YES...We had a neighbor who got mad because another neighbor gave my young son (8 yrs old) a dog and he named her Tinkerbell. So she decided she didn't like the name and started by trapping our dog in her house and the dog would go bananas when she heard us calling her. She would knock her down breaking out of the house to get to us. So one day, my son was sick and I left to take him to the doctor and while I was gone she called her husband's stepmother to come and take our dog! AND SHE DID!! Oh and to top it all off She totally denied IT but her own kids busted her out. AND GUESS WHAT HER NAME IS...."KAREN" and boy was she ever a Karen! SO SO SAD :(
@boredweegie553 3 года назад
Omg..did you get your dog back? 💔
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
Oh my what a stupid story. Nothing about the poor dog who stupid you leaves out alone. Probably all the time too. I hope the dog ended up in a better home. When I saw you hadn't answered about the dog makes me think...you the idiot.
@stevensimmons9629 3 года назад
@@lauriejeancorvillion5465 you really should learn to write a sentence before you start slamming some one on a youtube page only person looking stupid is you right now
@Rosie_88 3 года назад
Did u get ur dog back and kept him under ur eyes the entire time??? Please let us know!! If u had to leave him alone then please leave him inside the house and lock all ur doors until u come back. If she breaks in then that's a felony, you can sue her. Come on girl please protect ur dog, she might be hitting him!!!
@stellatomas2735 3 года назад
#8 was my favorite and I'm hoping for an encore!!!😂😂😂
@thelast344 3 года назад
When I was 13 we had a neighbor that drove me and my mom crazy, reving his motorcycle at all hours because he was high on math. He would sleep all day and be up all night selling and enjoying his product. We all lived in an apartment complex and my upstairs bedroom window faced his motorcycle. Perfect position for me to plug the thing with my powerful air rifle. I shot at it for hours and used an entire box of 1500 BBs on it. The next day he was going around asking if anyone heard a shotgun go off several times. His motorcycle was hit so many times that he thought somebody unloaded an entire shotgun at it. It no longer started and he thought somebody was going to kill him, so he left the woman he was staying with there. We never heard that motorcycle after that and finally gotten good sleep. I guess sleep deprivation does drive someone crazy.😏
@getinline2520 3 года назад
I have a sister and brother in law staying at segregated apartments.(managed by some guy that looks like he's still living in the 70's) t They said a karen had to be moved next door because she was a bother to other tenants. ....in the same building! So how does moving her, and making her someone else's problem help?
@MCcaughcaugh 3 года назад
My neighbors are "the cherry on top" We used to be friends,the wife borrowed money from me and promised to pay it back next pay day! 2 more month go by and nothing,not one word ! I had enough and asked for my money back..ohh lord..all hell broke loose..everything went as far as him threatening to kill me 7 different times and the Sheriff wont do anything because he hasnt "toughed me" yet and its not a crime to run your mouth! Drunk driving,physically and mentally abusing his wife,mentally abusing the children and the list goes on,CPS doesn't seem to care either 🤬
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
My husband always said...if you want to get rid of a somebody.. borrow them money. Also never let anyone come stay in your home for just "a few days" because they'll never leave. Good grief! Those neighbours are a bunch of scum and deadbeats. Maybe they'll get evicted for not paying rent because of buying to much beer. 👍🙌
@jc.1191 2 года назад
Drop it, they're psycho's. Don't lend money. Good luck, stay far away.
@aaronburratwood.6957 3 года назад
Number 1 is exactly why not everyone should have access to fire arms.
@milolmars7634 3 года назад
@georgiapoet1535 3 года назад
The only guns they could control are legally bought ones. Criminals don’t usually buy their guns at Dick’s Sporting Goods. Criminals also don’t care about laws. These horrific acts are carried out by criminals or by people who have gone over the edge. No law created will prevent it. This has been going on since man first learned to stand upright. Human Nature is not the pretty picture folks want it to be. We are genetically designed to; 1- Kill or be killed. 2- Eat or be eaten. 3- Breed or become extinct. Everything else is just morals. If you take away guns, humans will use knives. Take away knives, they will use sticks or rocks. You can’t control human nature.
@negroleague2 3 года назад
the victims were threatening to beat him up. he just took it too far by leaving his property and deciding to eliminate the threat himself.
@rkiv9208 2 года назад
The neighbor that thinks it okay to have your pets roaming the neighborhood is what's crazy. Keep your pets inside your home if you don't want others feeding it ...how stupid
@rebeccamassey337 3 года назад
Had a crazy neighbor who was on the sex offender list. I was not notified by my landlord BTW but to his credit he may not have known about the guys conviction. As one day the police came to his door to give him a reprimand for failure to register or inform of new residence or something. I found out because his mail accidently got put into my mail box, a letter from the sex offender registry. There was a shared hallway between the two apartments. He was constantly blaming me for the hallway smelling bad.. He would leave notes saying to stop making it smell, would stick up an obnoxious number of air fresheners, would shove trash under my door, even left a laundry basket full of dirty clothes out for 3 days. His dog died and he tried to accuse me of coming into his apartment and killing it. He got a girlfriend who would sit out on the stairway half naked while she applied grooming products like face wax. I would have to squeeze by her to get to my apartment. She would not move out of the way and would making disparaging comments to me as i went by. At one point he tried to blame me for a spider infestation which actually came from the ivy growing on the side of the building. He would spray bug spray under my door. I finally got fed up and moved.
@darkknight1340 3 года назад
YOU moved because of that p.o.s?,that is unbelievably unfair.
@kahnekenhawigarrow4828 2 года назад
I would've kicked his door in and spraypainted everything before I was loooong gone😜🤗
@zombiegirlfanter5569 3 года назад
Had a neighbor call me names just because I told him to stop looking into my place. Oh well. I've been called worse.lol
@donnageorge6506 3 года назад
its ok 4 them 2 do it 2 you, but wen shoe on other foot they scream the loudest
@steveyeo3697 3 года назад
After we moved in to our house we realised our neighbour was a halfway house for juvenile delinquients. When l was cutting the grass l found metal pipes, chains and knives stashed in the srubberies in our yard. There would be stolen cars parked in front of my house with broken windows. One day l went on my roof to clean the gutter l found used sanitary napkins tossed all over my roof, things would go missing in mine and my neighbours yard. On a different day l saw one of the teenagers pushing a lawnmower along the side walk and thought to myself 'oh hes trying to make some extra money cutting grass' only to find out later one of my neighbours had lost his lawnmower. At another time my mother in law was out in our backyard gardening when one of the occupants from the next door broke their basement window crawled out and ran across our yard frightening my mom in law. The occupant was breaking curfew. There are numerous other incidents that l will not get into. Us neighbours finally had enough, we held a town hall meeting and petitioned the government agency running the halfway house. The home next door was shut down eventually.
@cynthiaredenius8507 3 года назад
That sounds like the hood!! Yikes
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
Thankfully. Someone wasn't doing their jobs and watching them. Maybe scared of them.
@aftersexhighfives 3 года назад
I've seen the snow shoveling murder video. Dude was mad. I think he should have gone to court over it instead of turning the gun on himself. I think he would have gotten off pretty light. Those ppl were both horrible bullies. He did the neighborhood a favor.
@Gustaiiv 2 года назад
Not that I support his actions, but the system does make it very hard to resolve that issue amicably. I think he came back to shoot them more coz he knew what he had to do to himself. It's like being bullied in school, no amount of reporting will make it stop. :( Tough and scary situation for everyone involved.
@galebailey5583 3 года назад
That poor boy in story #1....now an orphan all because of adults behaving badly.
@roxanacano3923 3 года назад
Alright so when I was 9 years old I was living in a bad neighborhood robbery’s and shoot out basically the hood. And on one night neighbor robbed 3 places in 2 hours crazy right buts it’s true. And the guy was ready to give up in his house. BUT the cops were outside our house with cars around our house and guns pointing at our house they broke in. But we resolved everything he went to jail for 21 years. And after that three hours of sleep my mom and dad were looking at nice homes online and I said what are y’all doing looking at nice houses we can’t afford that. You guys work at McDonald’s and a mechanic. My mom said we are moving to a new house we saved up our money and we’re getting a new job. I said thank god my mom is a manger for a bank. And my dad is a chief operating officer for a water plant we were finally living good and me going to a private school they are very nice. And we have a good house. I just wanted to tell my most scariest story of my life since this involves neighbors bad ones so yeah. Thank you
@kahnekenhawigarrow4828 2 года назад
Stay in school
@morelife8700 3 года назад
Good for number 8! He lived out most tax payers fantasies! Let’s start a go-fund-me for him seeing as that senator’s medical was also paid by us!
@johnmn3500 3 года назад
He didn't just tackle Rand Paul he kicked him on the ground breaking his ribs. The sentence wasn't "exaggerated"
@dannydorrito2315 3 года назад
He also gave Rand Paul pneumonia from it as well. That was assault and also attempted murder. This dumbass is lucky he is only getting ten years.
@PsychMeds_Cjayy 3 года назад
My worst neighbor fight was when he kept chucking dog shit in my yard and not cutting the massive tree hanging over my gutter of my family home.
@Ronin4614 3 года назад
FWIW, “Bexar” County, Tx is pronounced “Bear”, County.
@brandonsm6023 3 года назад
of course it is🤣
@FallenAngel53 3 года назад
And Arkansas is Arkansaw. ..and not OurKansas like I thought for 35 yrs .😶😁
@sharonletchford5787 3 года назад
The man with the noisy mustang car, He could be died from carbon monoxide poisoning if he had nt known about the expanding foam. As for the guy with the sexy mankind, so what, it was nt the fact of the woman's son being exposed to them. It was more of a pride thing IE HOW DARE HE PUT THIS FILTH UP IN OUR POSH NEIGHBOURHOOD, HA HA. Just a bit eccentric.
@GathKingLeppbertI 3 года назад
@catc6050 3 года назад
I actually watched the video before of the snow shovel incident. That guy was insane. I didn't know about the kid til just now. Wtf I'm so thankful I've never had crazy neighbors. I've had nosy neighbors and neighbors who sit in their car with their bass turned up (like right now 🙄) lol but never scary ones
@portiapollard2443 3 года назад
I saw the video too. They taunted that man who was clearly unstable and going through something!!! He shot them both went back and apparently reloaded(at which point the couple was trying to craw away and people came to see if they could help) and came back and finished them both off. But then he went inside and killed himself...I honestly feel like situations like these are so sad but can be avoided. We dont know what a person is grappling with so to torment and taunt people and show unnecessary acts of cruelty could contribute to breaking an already unstable person. Be kind! Offer words of encouragement and acts of love!
@negroleague2 3 года назад
Yes the guy was crazy but victims were the true asshole who started it and poked/bullied the wrong bear. I feel sorry for them but that video doesn't lie.
@catc6050 3 года назад
I agree with both of you. They did harass him. And you never know what another person is going thru or the stability of their mentality. It just seems like more and more, people just think they are better than everyone else and believe they have the right to talk down to them. Idk the exact situation, just what was in the video, but there was obviously stuff going on between them for awhile and who's to say who actually started the whole thing. They could just be assholes who belittled those around them, or he could've been a complete dick and they were reacting to that... who knows 🤷‍♀️
@marcushervey800 3 года назад
The number one video is the most horrific one of them all only because I seen the video and it is quite horrible how each individual ended their lives all because of an argument
@richardcrainium9343 3 года назад
I think we all wanted to beat up a senator he just lived the dream
@victoriawilliams2786 3 года назад
@nativeamericanfeather9948 3 года назад
The Senator was probably doing sh!+ to make his neighbor mad and been testing him. Neighbor probably finally just lost it
@charlenemock333 3 года назад
Good one. Lol.👍
@TFCFMINNISTRY12 3 года назад
He started it. He just had power and money. This is a horrible senator/person.
@amandaburkhalter36 3 года назад
Isn't it crazy that people can be so dang cruel and hateful?? I've never had an argument with a neighbor....or really anyone outside my family, and that was just banter. People really do snap though, OBVIOUSLY! My bf and I were just talking about how the brain is so fickle. I used to think , like in court cases, that when people plead temporary insanity, it was bs, but, they've done studies and you can be completely sane your whole life and, for example, flip and do something really crazy mid life. Still, hateful! And that poor couple on the #1, even if they were in the wrong, no one needs to die over shoveling snow! Wow!
@shinigami1315 3 года назад
My neighbor likes to vomit on the side of my house and when I confronted him about it he acted crazy and ish went south. I almost beat him silly but I let it go and told him to stop being disgusting.
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
You did the right thing. Look into a cheap camera? He might be a blackout drunk. Then you can get him to clean it up. Hope everything works out. 🙌
@ACHYDRA-dd3vx 3 года назад
Oh I resolved the "issue", lol!
@crysyourko4568 3 года назад
My ex best friend was my neighbor, she went back on drugs, got me and my fiance attacked by a different set of neighbors (who were her friends) and then she robbed me and fled the state. Still had to live by the neighbors who attacked us for a couple years till our houses burned in a wildfire. I really hope I never see any of those psycho druggies again!
@kelyjavette 3 года назад
Yo wtf😂 now that’s some tough luck here!
@kahnekenhawigarrow4828 2 года назад
God intervened(before something worse happened)
@ingridfong-daley5899 3 года назад
Uh, the cat lady in #9 sounds paranoid. Lots of people will feed a cat if it's hanging about, and just because you're obsessive doesn't mean your neighbour had really even noticed your cat before. Just a knock on the door or a note to let them know the animal's diet was the perfect response though--she handled that in a very 'neighbourly' way, well done! People not raised with pets are like people who weren't raised around other kids--there's just a lot of stuff that people expect to be 'common sense' that they simply don't know about.
@mehere9724 3 года назад
My neighbours are at war and I'm in the middle. On the fence if you like. One has asked me if the other is drug dealing and if they are I should ask them to stop because it's inappropriate 😂 (no shit) but do I look like the drug Police? No I do not. I don't know and don't want to know if they are.
@victoriawilliams2786 3 года назад
I have a suggestion...I tell even my family members that I'm not getting in the middle of ANYTHING. My life is as drama free as absolutely possible and remain as such. And if they don't like your answer then politely tell them that it's not your problem if they don't like your answer. It's not your responsibility to sort out their problems. I hope your day/night is going well! Good luck!
@russellhopson1658 3 года назад
Wow they all let it get to them. I am lucky I am the longest living person in my neighborhood 52 and a half years. Most of mine like me. Tell new people movie in.
@georgiapoet1535 3 года назад
I saw the snow shovel incident before it was removed from the internet. He came back out with a shotgun. Not a rifle. He shot her three times in the head, then went off camera into the garage and shot the husband.
@georgiapoet1535 3 года назад
@Goober Goblin riiigghhttt. The government has absolutely no control over it. And if bullfrogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their ass.
@cosmosadorabilis7677 3 года назад
It's on RU-vid
@georgiapoet1535 3 года назад
@@cosmosadorabilis7677 after we watched it the first time, we couldn’t find it again. 🤔
@cosmosadorabilis7677 3 года назад
@@georgiapoet1535 I watched it a few weeks ago. On a channel about self defense.
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
@@georgiapoet1535 lmao! Frogs with wings 🐸
@TsukasaRui71684 3 года назад
Story time! For 8 years I had to deal with awful neighbours. I COULDN'T SLEEP MOST OF THE TIME! One neighbour hated us so much she WOULD MAKE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH NOISE!!! The other was ok... We moved on January and we are planning to move again because the neighbours are doing the same thing. OH MY GOD THEY KEEP DOING IT AND IT FRUSTRATES ME!!!!!!!!! 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
@roderic98 3 года назад
I always thought that if I were to do a cowardly act like vandalize someone's car I would use the foam. Now I have to think of something else.
@anneg5720 3 года назад
I have a very creepy neighbour, I woke up at 4.42am one morning to find he had been in my house watching me sleeping, he's attacked my home, entered it numerous times without permission, once he had been in my home while I slept I contacted the police and he's left me alone since.
@kbodden 3 года назад
Worst fight was the snow storm in 2021 in NY. That snow really brought out the worst in people. I am so glad, we didn’t end up like the last story. - Ive since moved away from all snowy climates bc NEVER will that happen again.
@nellinightshade3358 2 года назад
some out there never have a mind to lose to start with.
@clumsypuff 3 года назад
We had a guy in our building make over 150 complaints in a two year period. Any thing from people smoking weed/cigarettes on their balconies, kids playing, you name he complained about it. But he could do no wrong. Guy would wake up half the building when he got home from work at 2am..... he came down one day and tried to tell us we were going to pay for enjoying our balcony. I cut him off from his threats..... when he found out he could not bully me a female half his size he started to go after the mom next door. Everyone on our floor came out and clapped when he walked away defeated. He was evicted a week later. Takes a real man to threaten a female and a mom of two young kids.
@kahnekenhawigarrow4828 2 года назад
Yeeeay!!! This is literally the only comment worth reading🤔🤗🥰
@shelleywilson9120 3 года назад
had neighbors that could not stand the fact our 4 unit apartment building was NOT sound proof, they were also heavy drinkers & with the smell of pot constantly coming form their unit even though we were not supposed to smoke, lease also stated small dogs only they did have a small dog that barked non stop all day every day if they weren't home they also had a pitbull that was never leashed. they harassed my youngest special needs child to point he was afraid to use bathroom for fear of disturbing them.....the wife works at a grammar school to boot
@thelast344 3 года назад
You should establish rapport with your neighbor, by paying her for grammar lessons.
@kahnekenhawigarrow4828 2 года назад
Call the cops when you smell the pot...they'll be a police report AND the landlord will have to know
@aliciaroberts4360 3 года назад
The swat team came and there was a standoff they were ordered at the building 48 hours later they came back One of them threatened to kill everyone in the building finally they were evicted that very next morning after 3 years of this bull crap they were even supposed to be there they were squatters.
@vicbrock7214 3 года назад
All my neighbors died and change faster then they can pay rent....I live in the projects it's a nice place if u don't own a car....🤨🥺👀
@geraldwarren6438 2 года назад
That lady was jealous of the mannequins! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@unclekeith6372 2 года назад
I'm just so glad I don't have those really bad neighbors where I live.
@shannanbrennan612 3 года назад
I did 4 months in jail for getting my cat back from my neighbour, who stole her.. she came to my house beating on my door saying “you came into my home!!” Mean while her 2 year old kid naked in a rotten diaper answered the door when I knocked and the cat ran out the door to me.. she was my cat. She knew it was. When she came to my door I opened it and gave her a kick in the guts!! I got charged for assault and breaking and entering.. I pled not guilty.. I was held with no bail. And had to wait for my trial date 4 months later.. she didn’t show up. So I basically did jail time for getting my cat back and protecting my home.
@salemsrevenge 2 года назад
my cat hangs out in the neighbor across the street all the time. One day he walked in through the doggie door (we have a ct door and 2 other kitties) her 7 year old had my kitty in a dress lol he is such a chill cat he loves her! now he goes back and forth
@maryscott9430 2 года назад
Love these! Just so you know, Bexar county is pronounced Bear county. The x is silent. Ive just found this channel and im watching a marathon of it!!
@markpike5008 2 года назад
I had a neighbor once that firstly poisoned and killed our cat then tried to have me arrested for threatening his life and assaulting him but after investigating he was proven to have made false police report. Finally they gave information that tried to implicate my wife in a hit and run injury accident. My wife was arrested and tried but found innocent. They finally moved away after all of this. Thank God. Excellent effort though. Lol
@crystalwestmoreland3967 3 года назад
I really don't understand people like this 😨 I try my best to be a good person/neighbor and be respectful of those around me. I just wish others could do the same 😣
@user-ny9iq9pn8z 3 года назад
I wish you were my neighbor 😔 My neighbor upstairs is loud and immature
@davidtaylor4290 3 года назад
Wow you came out of the gate hard... and then number 9 is a cat thief lol
@thedoximama4110 3 года назад
I like Rand Paul’s neighbor ❤️
@KimberlySays... 3 года назад
@rcjr.7725 3 года назад
The lady feeding the cat it's not her fault it's the owner's fault don't let your cat out to run the neighborhood if you're that concerned if it's on a special diet what do you think it's going to kill a bird or a mouse and eat it too what an idiot cat owner
@rxse5880 3 года назад
Lol the worst argument I’ve gotten in with my neighbour was over a Cookie So me and my neighbours Kid are best friends And we were eating cookies and it was the last one so we were just Arguing about who gets the last cookie And in the end we figured out there was another packet And we felt like complete idiots We forgave each other bc it was a very stupid argument
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
LMBO! 🤣 Glad you're friends still.
@noonecares6592 3 года назад
I’m legit sad the bull dozer guy got in trouble that actually sounds fun
@loganmalough2379 2 года назад
The bulldozer rampage was a something out of the Simpsons!
@Gustaiiv 2 года назад
Number one was just tired of being bullied. Scary situation.
@cynthiaredenius8507 3 года назад
Hey maybe that Senator should go to D.C and work! Lol!
@randiken 3 года назад
Maybe we should start a go fund me for Rand Paul’s neighbor...?
@mrframilla 3 года назад
Sad that people still don’t know the difference between an automatic rifle and a semi-automatic rifle. All the research you do on these videos, one would think you could take five seconds to research that.
@BATTLECATT00 2 года назад
lol, ever seen "fear thy neighbor" on ID? Now that is some really crazy stuff! People died for silly things like all these...
@reneerollins4433 2 года назад
Sometimes those people all seem like morons. Most of the time those problems could be solved real fast.
@Spiritueli 2 года назад
I like it quiet, single and private, hence I m saving up for my own house with garden, I am going to fence it, wall it, plant high trees and cam and ring it all:)
@queenbellalive2175 3 года назад
I actually saw the footage of the #1 story its bone chilling a specially the way he made sure they were dead
@Frankie343 2 года назад
good one 👍🏻
@robertauld1334 3 года назад
I didn't have a issue with this one but When I was 4 or 5 my niebor killed her husband and buried him in the garden. The dog dug up a arm or a leg another niebor noticed and called the cops.
@elikinder1506 3 года назад
#1 little boy had to pay for the evil adults did. SHAME!
@Myspace1986 2 года назад
We had landlords that were our neighbors and OMG talk about slumlords and disgusting people. 7 dogs that they ran a basement breeding business with that when the dogs (mastives) did their business outside they would shovel it into one spot 8ft from my front door. Smell beautiful on a hot summer day 🤮 wouldn't fix anything, tried locking us out of our own shed in our yard and 1st claimed it was because someone was caught on camera roaming my back yard...lie. they had no camera, so I called the cops they came over instantly and unlocked the shed thinking that's what the problem was, then claiming it was because we didn't rent the shed even tho we lived there for the last year, using that said shed. We ended up buying our own house and moved out. But the MOST disgusting people/slumlords I've ever dealt with
@lisalipschutz2550 3 года назад
When he is home he is just one of us so the was upset with him just like anybody else
@Lizarddqueen79 3 года назад
Lol When I heard Bexar pronounced wrong. Here comes the Texans.
@beebromley 2 года назад
*Never let a neighbour get away with doing something even once or they will take that as permission that they can carry on doing it* My new home had a shared access drive in-between my house and next door. The day I moved in (a single female with a child) the 5 men living next door came and had a go at me because my moving vehicle had temporality parked in the access drive (it was not blocking them parking as parking is at the front so they were just being pathetic as it was clear I was just moving in. Even worse, it soon became clear that they had different 'rules' for themselves because they constantly parked in that drive blocking it. When I asked them not to park they told me to F off, so I had a small window on the side of my house facing that drive, and every time they parked there I opened the window and threw buckets of water mixed with clay powder (hard to clean off!) or even food waste onto their cars and eventually they stopped. You have to stand up to them but don't risk your life. We don't have guns here, I may not have done it if they did!
@vaklemptone4444 Год назад
We had crazy neighbors but we knew the landlord and he sold us their house and we evicted them!!! Lol
@tamsin1969 3 года назад
10 years for tackling a senator? There should be consequences for violence, but 10 years? Why the hell are their lives worth more. People have gotten less for murder or paedophilia. The justice system is anything but just.
@patriciatutaki3322 2 года назад
Imagine being Rand Paul's neighbour with all that temptation just to "smash him around" a little bit only to find that because of his job (which is why you loath him), you can really get in a shit load of trouble, over and above what you'd get if he were just a "normal person" .... and we all know that ain't gonna happen, regardless of what his job is?
@duaaalomar4974 3 года назад
it feels illegal to like the video 🤦‍♀️
@jeremynedrow7003 2 года назад
It's bs that the guy is getting 10yrs for tackling a neighbor that's a senator.Ive seen people get way less sentences for more severe crimes.
@TheGritherr 3 года назад
Why I got a feeling the story with the congressman didn't go down like that
@PREZWorld67 2 года назад
Mustang GT roars like a lion ...
@evilsnakev 2 года назад
Love how people pronounce Bexar county!
@marlaholmes6706 3 года назад
#9 keep your cat indoors then, especially if it has dietary needs
@charlenemock333 3 года назад
Assault is assault and it does not matter if they're in the government or not!!!!
@carolrocky9803 3 года назад
I would have spray painted clothing on the easter miniguns
@MeisPug 3 года назад
I guess I guess these neighbors got a little water head and yeah
@renahernandez5120 3 года назад
Attack a senator get ten years...attack an American woman and its her fault.
@DrKevinUS 3 года назад
@crystalwestmoreland3967 3 года назад
Wow 😳😳😳😣 I am having this same issue with my neighbor try to get my 🐈 I hope all is going to end well 😨
@bullseye2694 2 года назад
My mom was the psycho neighbor like the time she broke into the neighbors house and stuffed a dead hamster in their couch 😞
@shayfiedrich3310 3 года назад
If I walked out and somebody was damaging my car it wouldn’t be a jail cell it would be a coffin that they wouldn’t need
@1badcrow463 2 года назад
Cat's are not disposable pets.... Please keep them indoors where they can't get run over or killed by dogs, coyotes or evil people.... If you do let your cat roam then you are to blame for it's demise.
@haileygrey5047 3 года назад
it doesn’t matter if he attacked him knowing/because he was a senator or not...,he’s a senator regardless so it’s automatically a charge on a whole other level 🤷🏻‍♀️
@givenkalinga4499 2 года назад
The man was also not thinking
@reneerollins4433 2 года назад
If you're that concerned about your cat, keep it inside. Especially if it's on a special diet. Cats eat all kinds if stuff. When they are outside, they belong to the neighborhood. I wish my neighbors would feed mine 😀
@nowwisige 3 года назад
Number 9: neighbor feeds cat. Not sure how this is crazy?
@vicbrock7214 3 года назад
That one got me what's crazy about 9
@aiccorp6001 3 года назад
Don't let your cat outside...problem solved.
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
Keep the kitty in then. I think the kitty wants good food tho. LoL. Not a special diet.
@kahnekenhawigarrow4828 2 года назад
She was trying to STEAL IT too DMBASS!!
@kahnekenhawigarrow4828 2 года назад
@@vicbrock7214 she was trying to steal it too DMBASS!!
@denniscarter8163 3 года назад
We have an insane neighbor, plays her music loud, 24-7, hotrod's right on our road, gives the bird all the time! Sheriff can do nothing we don't live in city limits! I also think she is shooting our bobtail cats !
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
And you still let your cats out? And shame on a person that'd shoot a defenseless animal.
@lauriejeancorvillion5465 3 года назад
Ask the law who the he££ you can call. Your rights of "peaceful enjoyment of home and property rights" are being violated. Take that pos from next door to court. It'll at least tick her off (bad) because she'll have to stay sober to do a court day. Good luck 🍀
@kahnekenhawigarrow4828 2 года назад
Do the "expanding stuff" story to her car! Inside AND out (do it for the bobtail cats plz and thank you🤔😁🤫
@brendarutter1679 2 года назад
I gave up my house to get away from my neighbor
@kevinjesko6964 3 года назад
Not much likes or comments… but a lot of subs!
@Alexbeti 3 года назад
@davidwood1215 Год назад
The snow story they deserved what they got tbh
@arnesste000 3 года назад
Lady keep your cat in your house where it belongs .
@lulopez9243 3 года назад
#6 video....as a resident of Bexar County, I will tell you it is pronounced 'Bear' ....the X is silent...but I always enjoy your content regardless!! Keep up the great work!!
@charlenemock333 3 года назад
That makes me so mad!!!! They actually have a name for this assault if they work for the government. ....... He was charged with assaulting a senator. I can't believe that. The circumstances are the same as with anybody else that this happens to. He is not more special than other people that get attacked!!! But because he works for the government they look upon him as being special.
@lottieoh997 3 года назад
Yeah had a nasty neighbour when I was growing up used to treat his wife like shit, his son like shit and I remember seeing him throw part of a engine at my cat just cos it had climb over his garden on it way out. He knew none of like him so used to always say hi to his wife speak to her but blank him the arsehole then few months he sold up moved away never seen him again
@angelajones3450 3 года назад
...would like to make senator Rand's neighbor the next predident!!!...
@jamesgeschwender1024 3 года назад
The couple in #1 was still alive when the guy came back with the rifle and he only shot 4 times i believe all kill shots.
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