Omg this was interesting to say things that I don't necessarily believe yet . I cannot wait until the day I am listening to this and I believe every word I am saying
100% my favorite affirmation. I have to remind myself the part about being kind to myself and how my happiness is up to me every day. Thank God for you!!!
Loved this! Was trying to find a Christian meditation video I could do every morning. I briefly listened to 5 other ones that didn't sit well with me before landing on this one. Thank you!
God bless you and I enjoyed and needed this sis! This is really transformative and dynamic. I’m learning how important it is to meditate and take time in God’s gift of STILLNESS. #ShineOm 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾♥️🙌🏾🙌🏾
I enjoyed this. I loved it. Started my day differently. Thank you Melz. And ey let's sit upside down next time for the word to sink in faster to our heads and hearts lol #juskiddin Fully subscribed over here!!!
Hi Britania... so DEEPLY sorry. We put ADS at the beginning of the videos only. I don't know how we got it wrong on this one. Thank you so much for letting us know! We are fixing it NOW! - So much love!!!
Sis...I mean this in the most loving and non- critical way: NO. No, no, no. I really want to unpack why. Prayerfully, I can pm you or come back and share. But understand that there is good reason why we as sisters (and brothers) in Christ should not be taking this particular approach and technique.
Hey Sis. I lovingly receive this from you. And I must graciously, lovingly and prayerfully release you to platforms where you are nourished, nurtured and ministered to in ways that are sensitive to your personal reservations in technique & approach. - I come led by God. Same way i was led in all things i have been doing since i started 5 years ago. - Peace be still. God Bless You. And if you feel i am on the wrong path, keep me in prayer. I will keep doing what God says i should be doing so long. - With much much love Sis In Christ.
Where in the Bible do you read that we are supposed to sit in yoga-like positions chanting affirmations to ourselves. This is not biblical, let us repent for this! Anyone who is a true believer reading this will search their own hearts and examine whether or not this stuff she is doing is right or not. Search the scriptures. The only meditating a child of God does is in PRAYER and FASTING. Good bye. Unsubscribing instantly.
Hi Sarah.. Would you have preferred i sit in a different position, maybe with my feet straight instead of the current curled position? Or my hands crossed on my chest instead of laying them on my knees? I am discerning that it is the 'sitting-position' that has disturbed you, not the CONTENT (because God knows we pushed a lot of SCRIPTURE into your spirit through this video..and certainly, like any other video on this channel... it was PRAYERFULLY done through the Spirit's leading). I am very aware of the reservations Christians have with meditation (a still mind is unfortunately not encouraged in the Christian community, that is why many mental health cases are also prevalent in the church).We don’t believe in the TOOL of stillness even if scripture says in Psalm 46:10.."Be still and know that i am God". I am also aware of the reservations in the use of the word affirmations (which essentially is no different from the religious equivalent = 'declarations'). Once again, would you prefer we use the word 'declarations' instead? Because CONTENT is not the issue here, its 'wording'. We are having a semantics and posture misunderstanding. Part of why we use these words is because we understand that RU-vid is a search engine and that these are the more frequently searched phrases. We are also aware that many people who will bump into this content who initially did not feel like they had a ‘Christian option’ to mediation and have already had amazing testimonies to this effect. WE are trying to redirect traffic back to GOD’s Kingdom. For someone who has been watching me for 5+ years, I can only hope that after 5 years of me creating this community, prayerfully pouring into you, selflessly coming to serve…you would know my heart and TRUST the God in me. - If this content is not what you signed up for, you can either skip it and wait for more CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE videos, upcoming worship music videos and other helpful material. If i still haven't been able to speak through your FEARS, find a nourishing community you feel SAFE in and i deeply appreciate you for your time here. Never stay where you do not feel you belong. I respect you for your decision #LoveMel
The Bible speaks of this often. Speak life over your self, your tongue, God often tells us what we speak and believe is what we will get. If you speak positive you will receive positive. I actually need to do this alone with praying and reading every morning