
10 The Millennial Reign of Christ 

Paul Lutton
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Rev. 20.1, Isa. 11.5, Zac. 14.4,
Satan bound 1000 yrs.
When? - when the Lord Jesus returns,
The Lord Jesus sits on the throne of his father David,
The curse removed. The desert sahlll bloom like the rose. Wild animals tamed,
Satan castt into the bottomless pit,
The Great White Throne judgement,
Next week: The Hope of His Calling



17 сен 2024




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@colvinator1611 2 месяца назад
Sound , crystal clear teaching from the word of Almighty God. Thanks a lot. Colin ( Wakefield )
@paullutton2083 2 месяца назад
Hi Colin, Thank you for listening to our video broadcast and for your lovely comments. I am glad you found the message on the "millennial reign of Christ" helpful. I believe it is important to "rightly divide the word of truth" and I trust that God will enable us to do just that. Again my thanks for taking time to write to us and I trust further broadcasts will be equally a further blessing to you. Please do keep in touch, we appreciate your imput. Yours in His Precious Name, Paul Lutton.
@colvinator1611 2 месяца назад
@paullutton2083 The early Church New Testament writers foretold the wicked corruption of scripture and the false doctrines we see all over the ' Christian ' landscape. Your messages are built on the solid rock of TRUTH from Almighty God. This is how people with an open mind and heart will embrace salvation. Thanks again, brother, to you and your family.
@colvinator1611 2 месяца назад
I commend you, brother Paul, for quoting from the pure and preserved word of Almighty God in English.
@busker153 2 месяца назад
My Kingdom is not of this world. The Kingdom comes not with observation. The Kingdom of God is within you. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For there to be a physical, literal, world style kingdom on the earth with all the trappings of a kingdom, the scriptures mentioned above would have to cease being true. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God was at hand. That did not mean, almost here. It meant that the Kingdom had actually, already arrived at that moment. Jesus set the kingdom up then. He sat on the throne of David in heaven, which is why gentiles can be saved. Premillennialism asserts as a foundational truth that the rejection of the Jews took God by surprise, and the Church was a stop-gap measure until He could basically get His divine act together and fly right. Disgusting. Heretical. Blasphemous.
@busker153 2 месяца назад
The "thousand years" of Revelation 20 is not literal. It has been going on for two-thousand years now, and will continue until the end.
@paullutton2083 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for your comment and for taking time to watch and listen to the video message, it is much appreciated. In answer to your comment we submit the following answer. First of all I see no reason why the "1000 years" cannot be taken literally , in fact I see different reasons as to why it should. The "1000 years" is mentioned 6 times in Revelation 20 and does refer to different issues. For example we are told that those beheaded for the witness of Jesus will be resurrected and will live and reign with Christ "1000 years". I cannot see how this could have happened over the past 2000 years because as yet Christ has not returned nor has His earthly kingdom been established over which He will reign with these resurrected martyrs. We are further told that Satan is to be bound for "1000 years" in the "bottomless pit", I cannot see how this could have been fulfilled over the past 2000 years. Scripture plainly states that he, the devil is the prince of the power of the air, and is like a roaring lion prowling around our world seeking whom he may devour. Sometimes he is like an angel of light which reveals how deceptive he can be, but it is clear from these passages he is definitely not bound. That Christ will literally reign on and over this earth is clearly stated in scripture, Zechariah 14 tells us "the Lord shall be king over all the earth" and this statement is made after we have been told "His feet shall stand upon the mount of Olives" which Acts 1 informs us is how He will return. Isaiah 11 describes what things will be like on earth when Jesus reigns and the curse has been removed and as yet we have seen nothing like that taking place. This is why I believe the "1000 years" are future and literal and forward these thoughts to you for your perusal. Again my thanks for taking your valuable time to listen to the broadcast. In His Name, Paul Lutton.
@busker153 2 месяца назад
@@paullutton2083 And thank you for your kind words. You said something that deserves serious attention. "First of all I see no reason why the "1000 years" cannot be taken literally" Of course you don't, or you would not teach as you do. I also did not see any reason for a long time. I got saved in America in 1989, which means there was about a 98% chance I was in a church with a premillennial eschatology, wouldn't you say? The question people argued over was pre mid, or post trib rapture. Well, as a new believer, I was warned against diving into Revelation, because people got all weird when they did, so, I was new, excited, and spending a lot of time in church and evangelizing with them that I did not have the time to study it out anyway, so I just acquiesced in their advice. I did not study eschatology, until... Until Desert Shield turned into Desert Storm, that is. When was that? 1990? I think so, plus or minus one year. Well, it was not the war, but the A.M. radio preachers tripping all over themselves teaching their eschatology, and trashing everybody else's. Wow, so many conflicts, and so much contention! (They were right. It makes you weird. LOL) Well, I had to study it out for myself, so I got a new Gideons Bible from a thrift store, and highlighted everything that might have anything whatsoever to do with end times prophesy, starting in Genesis, and going through to Revelation. When that was done, I went through it marking down any passages that had only one possible meaning. For example, when Jesus said, "Destroy this temple," we know He was saying something that had a literal meaning, and a symbolic meaning. When Jesus says, "no man comes to the Father except through me," there is only one possible meaning one can isogetically extract. I also made sure they were simple statements. Not verses that say a few things. One simple portion of scripture and its clear and only possible meaning. Well, when I did that, do you know what I discovered? Well, lots of stuff, and I would love to go over it all with you, but maybe email would be better than RU-vid comment section? They get hard to navigate, and it's nice to be able to easier reference earlier statements, eh? So, I look forward to hearing from you. either here or at thearbor153@gmail.com I'm Bill Nice to have met you.
@colvinator1611 2 месяца назад
I'm afraid Almighty God disagrees with you, Busker.
@busker153 2 месяца назад
@@colvinator1611 Well pontificated! But, be careful speaking for God. Tell me you disagree with my doctrine all you want, but you are dangerously close to entering the domain of a false prophet. I recommend you take greater caution. Or get saved! Either way.
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