
10 The Wheel of Fortune - Going Deep Into Tarot Symbolism 

Age of Listening
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Cards used were:
-The Light Seer's Tarot - Chris-Anne
- Witches Tarot - Ellen Dugan
- Everyday Witch - Deborah Blake
For personal readings come to my website at www.ageoflistening.com
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as well as 'Rachael Listening' on FaceBook
Deck used was:
Viceversa Tarot (Lo Scarabeo)
Recommended books:
- 78 Degrees of Wisdom - Rachel Pollack
- Learning the Tarot - Joan Bunning
- Tarot and the Gates of Light: A kabbalistic path to Liberation - Mark Horn
Tarot symbolism has been explained and spoken about from many, many viewpoints and this just happens to be mine. Whilst there may be differences of opinion on certain symbols, the essence of the meanings of every card, thankfully very rarely differ.
Above all, have fun with the cards and explore your inner-self and what creator God wants you to know to make your life fuller and higher in frequency.
I hope you will enjoy this new series. I will be downloading more every week. This series starts off with the basic symbolism of each card first in order to help you to remember them.
The veil is very thin now and as we move away from the organised religions we relied so heavily on in the past, we are called to listen and receive our spiritual teachings for this life direct from God.
Tarot is but one of the tools in which we can hear what we need to know to progress to a higher form. Ultimately we don't really need anything. If we are meant to hear a message it will come through anything.
The most important thing to remember is that we are called to be the generation that hears.



17 сен 2024




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@sophiaverba7542 2 года назад
Great explanation! Thank you! Would you mind explaining what is the correlation here with the Chariot card? here the sphinx is grey-blue, like two sphinxes from the chariot merged, and the sword, is it about the mastery over the mental body, or does it represent the forces of nature that swing the wheel? Thank you! also, what is your point about the Garden of Eden interpretation, if I may ask?
@sophiaverba7542 2 года назад
The second question, no need to answer, already found in The Lovers video. That was fast:)
@ageoflistening 2 года назад
All great questions. To give you a level 1-2 answer on this we see that the Sphinx sits a top unperturbed by the proceedings because it sits as the highest example of which we must attain (in order to be on the right side of Karma); the master of our own emotions and mind. Which is one of the reasons why they (the societies) perform at the highest levels such depraved actions. To prove they are capable they must prove that they have control over their emotions and minds to go higher up the ladder and to maintain that level. They understand that the wheel is seasonal and nothing can stop autumn following summer it is one (of their many) highest laws and strategy is key to success because they understand causal effects. The 7th card, of The Chariot, I call the teenage card because this is the place where the Fool see's that there is a period where you explore and experiment with 'everything' (the 4 elements) and it is here that Karma kicks in; it's here that all the adventures and misadventures start their natural causal effects. The black and white sphinx's are almost shouting "you're screwed either way!" lol. But they represent two of the four horses/men of the apocalypse, so pick wisely. There was 4 horsemen in revelation, red, bile, white and black but that's a different story. In the Chariot card he plays with self-control, willpower, determination, mental focus and inner-transformation. He goes nowhere because it's all in the mind; a myriad of a thousand ego quandaries to be poured over and all with a consequence. He's asked to sit in neutrality which in its self is an ego lesson that will last a lifetime. So that is why when you see the chariot card, the karma card of the W of F is present at the same time (somewhere in the back of your mind) because whatever he decide to do there will be consequences. Chariot card is so earnest and young; learning, but being strongminded within the ego. That determination to get what they want when they're young and impetuous. You can feel that mental drive of controlling their experiences. Lastly, you might not want this extra info but it's here if you or others want it. If you've read my explanation in one of the comments section on the garden of Eden, it is not what I believe, it is what they believe is fact and so are incredibly useful in deciphering the symbology in RWS Tarot. Thoth deck left that behind, they weren't interested in the history of mankind anymore, they were far more interested in becoming the gods that their DNA comes from and to get there their way is too dark for me to entertain. The 4 Aces are gifts from the El after they are allowed to leave the garden of Eden with their blessings having finished their time as slaves. The Sun Card is their Freedom from their imprisonment of plantation workers for the El (The Garden here is just the land or country that each El occupied)... and so forth and so forth. The point is, that they placed within the tarot deck the hidden knowledge of the El and how to reach their full potential according to their DNA of El. Master Manifesters. But these lessons are no longer too difficult to grasp as they are around nearly every culture in the world. The only places you'll struggle is the 3 major Abrahamic religions and that's because they are also topped by 33 level 'people' and they do not want everyone to reach their potential. But we're in the Age of Aquarius now, where the structures of the Emperor is crumbling and knowledge is for all who have ears to hear.
@sophiaverba7542 2 года назад
@@ageoflistening I appreciate extra info and deeper levels of grasping this subject. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, which I sense comes so close to the truth. "The only places you'll struggle is the 3 major Abrahamic religions" - absolutely, a lot of distortions and taking things literally instead of metaphorically, and looking outside instead of within. So many references to the bible here. In the creation story “He drove out the man and stationed cherubim on the east side of the Garden of Eden, along with a whirling sword of flame.” The description continues at 10:14 “Each of the cherubim had four faces: the first face was that of an ox, the second that of a man, the third that of a lion, and the fourth that of an eagle. When the cherubim moved, the wheels moved beside them. When the cherubim stood still, the wheels also stood still.” There is more there. And certainly, it lies deeper, and multilayered, as you’ve said for those who have ears to hear. btw do you have a glimpse of those four different directions that the wheels are spinning? "all four had the same form, like a wheel within a wheel." do you think it has to do with four elements? layers of karma, or veils of an illusion? Thank you
@ageoflistening 2 года назад
@@sophiaverba7542 Again, a wonderful question. A word concerning Zecharia Sitchin first. When the main media and search engines, established historical societies, all lambast somebody I make sure I especially read their work and it is a wisdom that has stood me in good stead. I also lean on whatever I feel I'm led to read and always with an open mind. The Bible is a mish mash of convoluted stories that have been brought in to confuse, produce cognitive dissonance in all that follow it, and lastly to laugh at us. The story of the rapture was made up twaddle that was brought into the church (I can't remember the date right now but its easy to find out) by the Pope who was recognising that the common folk were beginning to rebel against The Heirophant card and were seeking the Lovers for themselves and so he told the clergy to put in the bible (a pre-written example was provided for all countries churches) a narrative that all needed the church for salvation or you wouldn't be raptured. I had the good fortune to speak a few times to Mary Kroeger before she died and although she and her husband, Ernie Kroeger were both Christians, their book on revelation was inspirational. 'Revelation Unveiling the Symbolism'. I think we all have part and bits of understandings but until they disclose everything they know we are all speculating. I personally believe that the old testament is a handbook of tales and lessons for how humans could survive their lords/El of their region. Again, Job makes sense then as does the prosecutor in the courtroom of the story. They viewed us as nothing other than sheep and couldn't stand our stench. I did know about the four sides but it was a few decades ago so my memory fails me. it's all symbolic but if you looked into the alien stories of the country beginning with CH and ending with an A you will read something that sounds very much like the cherubim and they talk about the wheels too; and we're talking a good few thousand years ago to 500 yrs ago. If it's got wings on it though I am less believing that it's factual. It just means they could fly. So a man with the face of a lion equates to the man who comes from a certain region or in the time of Taurus. and so on and so on. From what I have gathered when they left there was a huge gap in power and this is where the Khazarians made the handbooks into religious text to keep people in line. ..."Ya' know, just in case they come back?" and it worked, it did. If you look into Khazarians ancestry to this present day it becomes shockingly illuminating. I've looked into it for the last 20yrs and can tell you Robert Sepehr's not far wrong. his channel is great for the open minded. I believe in nothing concrete but remain open to everything.
@ageoflistening 2 года назад
@@sophiaverba7542 concerning the cherubim and wheels, we start off thinking constellations. Could the wheels be an object or building that had the ability to move with the moving heavens? I will have to look back into it. I spent 20 odd years in Revelation and need to go back into Genesis again with a bit of Sitchin. Oh to be old.
@kasarajaxen5793 3 года назад
Thank You. Very interesting and helpful.
@beyondastral2151 3 года назад
Very helpful!
@Brownierich_Music 8 месяцев назад
Thank you. I love your interpretation. 💖
@RosequartzDivination 3 года назад
Reveresed to me means that u dont get through, u cant level up coz ure not getting the lesson on the level u r currently at. But when its upright ure flying in the direction of what u put in. Good or bad doesnt matter. Its been charged and now its spinning.
@ageoflistening 3 года назад
Yes, there are so many beautiful ways to interpret this card. As long as we're comfortable with what it is, our guide can talk to us through it.
@DJSTOEK 2 года назад
@sanjanewmoonlife 7 месяцев назад
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