
102 - Ariana Afghanistan TV Introduction by Shafie Ayar 

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Introduction of Shafie Ayar Show from AATV.



30 мар 2013




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@rezaheydari1088 6 лет назад
سلام آقای شفهع عپارتشکر برادر جان
@jamaldean9234 11 лет назад
Mr Ayar, I loved your show specially the way you brought us new year. I think if one man can bring afghans to gather around one religion Islam is you.
@ajmalsafi3774 11 лет назад
زنده باد شفى جان
@rastrow4234 11 лет назад
سلام جناب عیار. بنده که تاکنون بینندۀ 101 برنامۀ شما هستم . نام این برنامه را ( گلچین سخنان ناب ) گذاشتم . و پارچۀ سراپا ادبی نوروزی تان مانند شعر ناب بدل نظم گرفت . مانند نقاشی زیبا در خاطره ها تصویر شد . و مانند موسیقی دلنشین روان ما را نوازش داد . برنامه های تان روز بروز مثمر تر میشود. ارادۀ تان نیک است موفق میشوید.
@khalidabed1575 10 лет назад
zendabaad ayar marg bar muzdoray mulahai ghulbudeen
@noorjahanbayatt7765 11 лет назад
shafie jan welcome to ariana afghan tv . i wish u the best. we r like u
@rashidahmd6196 9 лет назад
شفي أيار والله انرقم هستي 👍
@qkaz420 11 лет назад
A great program.......truth....which hurst some people........
@faridjahed 11 лет назад
I am glad you had more exposure in the past few weeks, this is good news and also it quells rumours about your show being stopped by opposing parties. It really upsets the hadith parast people! Good luck for all your future endeavours and wish you all the success there is.
@GabanaProduction 11 лет назад
Mutaram Shafie Ayar man az ukrian dar share odessa nazar shumora ba tamom ducthi god cait tanra doda, az shnidan barnomahi tan becyar lizat meybarim.bar shumo muafaqiet khcta mullahai kormaz ra roshan besazet.Tashkur.
@merzamerza1941 11 лет назад
افرين شفيع جان
@mojiburrahmanrahimi7953 11 лет назад
از دیر زمانی است که چیز هائیکه جناب محترم شفیع اعیار میگویند در ذهنم است. ولی شاید سهل انگاری بنده بود که به شکلی از اشکال نتوانستم که موفق به مطالعه دقیق قران کریم گردم. چون واقعا وقتی ما از دین خود آگاه میشویم که قران را بدانیم. و این جای شکر است که همچو یک انسان را خداوند برای ما نعمت گذاشت. انشاالله تا اینجای که ویدیو های قبلی ایشان را دیدم و هم میبینم تشویشاتم از یک طرف کم میشود و از طرف دیگر زیاد میشود بر اینکه ما در عجب خواب غفلت فرو رفته بودیم و باز هم خوشا به حال ما کسانیکه ا
@mmsherzad6352 5 лет назад
you are doiing a good job .you are really really a geat man and full of knowlage .
@natesatar4490 11 лет назад
I might add that we are looking through a narrow tunnel to seek a hope for brightness. This is the era of faith on facts,truth and honesty. More power to you shafie Jon !
@BlueWizard09 11 лет назад
The reason I enjoyed his approach was that he stayed away from the Afghan establishment like AATV and the rest of them, plus he owed Zarin Tv after they gave him a platform while others wouldn't dare. We need Afghans who are on in the fringe...not the same ole idiots from the past. These Afghan stations are for the past..He has changed many minds, but he should have been the alternative than being the norm. Now he became the norm with AATV.
@ameldaanesh 11 лет назад
shafe jan hamesh sarfraz basheed,
@jalalrahimi8600 10 лет назад
shfie jaan welcome to aa tv
@johnnee8042 11 лет назад
Farid Jon, salam. I agree with you 100%!! One thing Im not certain if you are aware, but verse 31:6 is the primary verse these extremist are using to say that music haram. Its funny how they can twist the actual meaning of it from what you and I understand to use it against us. This is why we need Mr Aayr and others like him to have more exposure.
@dianamirzadeh327 8 лет назад
shfie Ayar😙
@Davoud1958 11 лет назад
کار شناسان سیاسی واجتماعی ما در برنامه های میز مدورکتاب کتاب حرافی میکنند ، اما حقایق عریانی را که شفیع جان عیار طرح میکند از آن میگریزند .زیرا آنها وابسته اند شفیع عیار وارسته است.
@ghezalsarwari8114 11 лет назад
آغای عیار شما باعثی افتخار ما هستند.باره کنند که تعداد زیادی مردم شما دوست دارند شما دراوزه را به روی ما باز کردند. صدا شما صدا بلیون نفر در دنیا است.ما شما را دوست داریم خداونه و رسول الله هم شما را دوست دارند.شما از اسلام دفاع می کنند .من خدا پرست هستم.و بس!!!
@johnnee8042 11 лет назад
Ahamad bad akhlaq, Im glad that in one hour you corrected your own major error. You initially stated that you would not provide me with Quronic verses but only would abide by teachings of ahdith. When you let that idea brew in your head for an hour, you realized your own shirk and corrected it and hurridly tried to find proof in the Quron. Im proud of Mr Ayar to having put at least that much thought into your head. You are learning from him to be a better muslim. Stop cursing and listen more.
@maddymartinezbeauty7305 3 месяца назад
@johnnee8042 11 лет назад
Zaa ra jon, I have a question for you. Do you speak Farsi?
@100timesPlus 11 лет назад
Dil mullah ha ra bad kadi
@faridjahed 11 лет назад
Salam John Nee, you are absolutely right. Some verses in Quran could be interpreted differently and that is why these khuda naatars people twist the meaning in their own interest to manipulate others.
@faridjahed 11 лет назад
Some say that ahadith which conforms with Quran are to be followed and the ones which do not conform are wrong ahadith, but ahadith which conform with Quran are already Quran then why ahadith?
@shabbbir 11 лет назад
i totaly agree with your point, to respect our parents is mentiond in quran. the others i do not know about. Well the hadtih came 300 years after profets death, so where is the book witch prophet interpret Quran in? there were 60tousen hadiths, now Bukari toke 4thousen of them, still there is someting they call weak hadith. Tell me bro did propet follow quran? could only prophet interpret quran? his fellows didnt speak arabic? God says very clearly i have made this book very easy to understand.
@masishami 11 лет назад
as far as i am concerned i have love and respect for Dr zakir naik
@jamaldean9234 11 лет назад
Fahad Bilal, Have you ever been invited to Islam? Today is your day. Just say La ela elala wa mohamad rasul ala.
@NaziaAtash 11 лет назад
baze ha megan ke Islam din zan stez ast ,nazare shoma chest Aqaye Ayar?
@shabbbir 11 лет назад
the other morron mulla saying " if u dont accept hadiths u dont accept quran" you are kafeer" putting any one or thing beside, under or over quran than u are kafeer, as he is. in sahi bukari, a man ask prophet whats the way to become a muslim. prophet says by saying " theres not god but god" he did not put him self in line with God. that i accept so does shafie ayar.
@naghibaskari8517 11 лет назад
50% ok just 50% not true i like Ayer ke dest mulaaei khod frosh ra ro ke kond ama tvin ba hzert mouhamad raa khabol nadarm
@faridjahed 11 лет назад
Unfortunately our people are so much brainwashed with excess of rubbish added in religion and wrong ahadith that when they hear a bold person talk sense they cqn not fathom this and that is why they reject truth instantly without applying their logic and think rationally. Allah says in sura 31 verse 6 Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.
@shabbbir 11 лет назад
this is gods words, please do check it out. Allah also say " i have made this religion, DEN, BOOK, QURAN COMPLETE!!!!! if u can tell what god ment by that, and if some way it means that we still needed hadith, than iam not sure u saving ur self from hell fire. God words is more importent than what they claim is prophets words. Islam= PEACE!! witch i hope u knew. u have to have peace in ur heart right? do u think its a case today in our muslims countrys?? such a beatifull book was not enough
@shabbbir 11 лет назад
So shittheads USED to get POWER , when u get power u get money and respect right?? these people wrote anyting they wanted in name of profet so they could do as they wished. When u listen to someone please do always think for u self. Dont go its " coming from a 19 years old girl" that shows exactly that are teenage Tshit. when u are 16 or even 18 u have made and said thing u regret now. AGE is wisdom witch is right for u some time for others like Mr. Ayar wisdom is apealing for us.ISLAM=PEACE!!!
@shabbbir 11 лет назад
Listen brother, god says i have made it easy right? why do we pretent that ooh this such a great book and soooo difecult to understand!! ITs complete, u have question go to quran, u confilct go to quran. the hadith is not expalin the verses, these are storys about prophet. we like storys. Prophet says" u want to reach god, do not go trough me, reach directly. respecting parents? i have non beleivers white friends who respect their parents. Jesus dint respect, moses didnt respect is parents??
@shabbbir 11 лет назад
they had have more storys and rules. give money to mullahs. in prophets time no shia, sunni no wahabi, sufi, noting right?? why?? becuase he followd quran!! in quran, prophet says to god that some people dont beleive me, doubt you and about some conflict. God says, do say to them to follow the book witch was send trough prophet, MEANING THE QURAN. You have all ur answers. i dont care if i burn in hell, our people live in hell today.
@johnnee8042 11 лет назад
Zaara jon, you say Mr Ayar "is most corrupt person Ive seen in my life"...LOL, your only 19yo!! You are only now old enough to start smelling the roses. So far youve been raised under the fist of some extremist mullah father. The fact that you are even allowed to watch Mr Ayars show signals that they are starting to let the leash loose hoping you will not stray. I just pray that you speak and understand farsi and that you keep watching, your eyes will open soon.
@shabbbir 11 лет назад
mah cheto daar nagir az ghame 19 sala and so on. tell u knowing bet right and wrong, why do we blow our self up in smoke?? we is it always war in muslim countrys?? u living in outside afg , u wont even be allowed go to school if u were in afg. u would have 3 kids by now. go afg and tell the womens living with thier 10 kids and husband beating her after namaze juma becuse she didnt have enough salt in palau THAT ARE A 19 year old girl who know difference betw right and wrong!!
@shabbbir 11 лет назад
listen to your self you not better than him, who are u to decide if he should be considered as a muslim?? you not better than the mullas, who con dim him without a prop arrgument. Listen so called "miss i know everyting and iam only 19" ISLAM means PEACE witch i hope u knew. WHERE IN THE HELL DID IT WENT WRONG?? WAR WAR WAR AND MORE WAR.." no u are SHIA and iam SUNNI so iam right" Even when profet lived, there were NO SHIA OR SUNNI !! RIGHIT?? dont you see are soo blind? we messed up
@johnnee8042 11 лет назад
ahmad jon, sound to me like your the one that need to calm down with "hells fires" and 'kafir"calling. So you want to know how to pray and do wudo and respect your parents, its all in the Quron. its your own problem that you havnt tried to understand the quron on your own and you think the only way is your fathers way.
@mohammedanvari9710 9 лет назад
May Allah guide us. Shafie Ayar you should make tawbah.
@mkhaled4101 11 лет назад
Very bad
@nawidqazi5893 11 лет назад
you are doiing a good job .you are really really a geat man and full of knowlage .
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