I adopted my gorgeous little rescue calico 9 years ago.The RSPCA gave her the name 'Strudel' so,that's her 'official' name on her documents but I soon renamed her as....'Honeybrush'.It suits her,as does her nickname of 'Whisk'!
I've had a cat be born with no siblings before. She was almost dead but luckily I knew how to save kittens fast. I got her some kitten formula and warmed her back up with a warm bottle of water wrapped in a towel. Luckily I still have her today and she's 3 years old! She's healthy as can be now! Her only problem is she has stunted growth! Anyway 2 days ago, my siamese cat gave birth to 2 calicos 4 torties and 1 black and white kitten! All healthy! That's why I'm watching this to help me name them! I now have 17 cats! But I'm hoping to get rid if 4 of the kittens when they're old enough!
I have a calico cat named Cali! We call her Mama kitty because she gets pregnant a lot and will her her litter soon to. If she has a male kitten my father said I might be able to keep him so thank you for making this video
just adopted 1 very female calico kitten... and since learned i been pronouncing her breed wrong, hence, i named her kali ... for short, jes' sayin' ...