
18. Spirits of Devils - Pastor Stephen Bohr - State of the Dead 

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“Spirits of Devils” - The danger of spiritualism in the last days. Take Revelation 16:13, 14 as the foundation and quotations from Ellen White. The importance of ignoring the senses, emotions, feelings, what others say, the experts, etc. Our only protection will be in an it is written. Talk about Satan’s counterfeit second coming.



2 окт 2024




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@sethwoekpor6871 12 дней назад
@marctompkins3001 3 года назад
While attending a Mark Fox seminar on prophecy, I arrived early one night and explained that I have died three times in my life. I never saw the streets of gold, purely gates, a tunnel of light or Jesus. What’s wrong with me? The local pastor Evegie said the following to me. The living know that they will die, but the dead know not anything. Ecclesiastes 9:5. For the first time in my life I was relieved, for the first time I had an answer that made sense. That was six years ago. So much has come to light since I left the daughter of Babylon. For 43 years I heard all the lies told from Baptist understanding and honestly. Orthodox was all they had on their side. One side of the mouth they would say only God has immortality then they would say the exact opposite and say that you will burn in hell for ever. I now now that the results or consequences will be for eternity, but once your ashes, that’s it. 43 years as a Baptist with many things that didn’t add up. I’ve been set free, and for the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I’m free, and I feel born again, and my old creature and ways don’t even tempt me anymore. Sex, drugs, drinking, smoking addicted worldly things are all behind me. I look forward to seeing my Lord and being with him as my first love for eternity. This is my highest goal. While I’m here I will fully surrender unto him.
@bonniewilliams9171 3 года назад
Amen! Praise the LORD! 43 years for me too! Almost same testimony! God is amazing!
@witteskoen7371 3 года назад
thanks for this study, I've learn a lot God bless
@a.r.8987 3 года назад
Open hearts open minds and strengthen us to bear such times...
@user-hf1ys4rr5h 3 года назад
Timely in the age of mind-control.
@nathaliec7330 3 года назад
Amazing thank you for explaining the bible story perfectly Amen 🙏🏻
@RyanSmith-hh8gs 3 года назад
Amen .!!!
@mntryjoseph1961 3 года назад
Ecclesiastes 7:29 predicts the theory of Evolution!
@marctompkins3001 3 года назад
Pastor or anyone else, I do have a question that is driving me crazy. I fully accept the reason why God didn’t destroy satan in Heaven. Being you can’t force anyone to love you. That would have been the the issue among all of the Angels in Heaven. You have to love God, cause he will force you or kill you. But here is my question for an honest reason that seems like it would have fixed a broken world and God himself wouldn’t have had to suffer and be brutally murdered at the hands of his own creation. When both Eve and Adam failed to obey, why didn’t God kill them both mediately and make a new set of humans? It seems like that would have fixed sin that entered the world.
@debbycrowell303 3 года назад
God was not murdered! He is eternal Spirit not a man! Christ His only begotten Son gave His own life! so He could redeem Gods creation! -2nd Adam just like the lamb was sacrificed for the sin of Adam & Eve & covered their nakedness Christ covers our sins by His shed blood! that whom so ever believes & follows Christ -Truth Word Way to Life! would be given power to also become a Son of God! -Light
@bonniewilliams9171 3 года назад
There is no surprises to the LORD. He knew before the world was created that man would fall, and He made the plan of salvation to redeem the human race. The only reason anyone will die the second death us because they neglect to accept God's plan to save them. They run from His protection. He works continually to seek and save the lost and if they die, it will be because they still chose self rather than Christ.
@joycelynmatthews-bowens2359 3 года назад
Would u have wanted to be killed right after u sinned or would u want a chance to change ur ways and repent? Better yet....if he HAD killed Adam and Eve who sinned in the beginning....the next two humans would had had to be created without the power to choose or make any choices. This is why the devil wasn't destroyed and Adam and Eve were just thrown out of Eden. God has compassion for his creation, but we will prove to Satan that God's laws can be kept and that we can be redeemed and returned back to how things were in Eden. It was the choice we made to sin, but God still loves us , in spite of. So if God would have made a Kim and John in Eden, we may still be in the same predicament.
@crowsandravens8998 3 года назад
*FIRST! :)*
@theway5563 3 года назад
How old are you?
@crowsandravens8998 3 года назад
@@theway5563 How happy are you? 🙂
@theway5563 3 года назад
@@crowsandravens8998 - Very, thanks for asking!! How about you? I’m ecstatic that I have no desire to be first.
@crowsandravens8998 3 года назад
@@theway5563 Have a wonderful weekend, internet person! Let others be jovial and happy and silly. :) God bless you. Don't take a total strangers innocent. harmless comment so serious. :)
@emmapsalms2878 3 года назад
The seal of God is the Holy spirit
@stevebilliter 3 года назад
God's seal is the 7th Day Sabbath--the Spirit does the sealing through the angels.
@emmapsalms2878 3 года назад
@@stevebilliter ephesians 1 :13 And in Him also you heard the word of the truth , the gospel of your salvation and believed in Him ,you were marked in Him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit.
@emmapsalms2878 3 года назад
Ephesians 4:30 , don't not grieve the Holy spirit in him you were sealed till the day of redemption.
@emmapsalms2878 3 года назад
We are in the new covenant Jesus Christ is our Sabbath rest..we are not saved by works but by grace.
@stevebilliter 3 года назад
@@emmapsalms2878 Saved by grace yes, but we still cannot trample upon the commandments--the 4th commandment is "keep the Sabbath holy." And Jesus said: John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commandments." Sin is the transgression of the law--we cannot sin without consequences--we must have forgiveness and we must repent from all sin: 1Jn 3:4 Whoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. Jesus does not keep the Sabbath holy for us--where does the Bible say that? Does He also does not lie for us--not steal for us--honor our parents for us? Not covet and not worship idols for us? No. Sunday is not the Sabbath, it is the 1st day of the week--Saturday is God's Sabbath day. THE 4TH COMMANDMENT Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exo 20:9 Six days shall *you* labor, and do all your work: Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD your God: in it *you* shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates: Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: why the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Jesus cannot and will not keep the Sabbath for us--we must do it--there's blessings in it.
@emmapsalms2878 3 года назад
Constantly denying the power of the holy spirit and baptism of the holy spirit and saying it isn't the seal of a believer is blasphemy.....sda church needs to wake up we are in the new covenant of grace not works.
@joycelynmatthews-bowens2359 3 года назад
Whether were in the times of receiving grace or not... u know that u will still need to keep God's law in heaven ,right? U think there's gonna be murdering, lying, stealing goin on there? Think about it. So u STILL will have to learn to live righteous!
@sethwoekpor6871 12 дней назад
No, u misunderstood the SDA church completely. Dive into their teachings and you would receive the light of scripture
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