

Ng Sam
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@theresatang8467 Месяц назад
@francischeng9083 Месяц назад
@Wind308 Месяц назад
In posts on Sunday on his Truth Social platform, Trump said other members of the congressional committee that investigated the Capitol attack - and concluded he had plotted to overturn his 2020 electoral defeat to Joe Biden - should be imprisoned. Guardian
@Wind308 Месяц назад
其中包括 Lez Cheney 共和黨議員。Trump 嘅行為和言行已經過咗警戒線。
@Wind308 Месяц назад
佢喺 Truth Social 平台上發文表示,調查國會騷亂的委員會成員應該被監禁。
@theresatang8467 Месяц назад
@willialuke Месяц назад
@ngng7922 Месяц назад
@Syman1314 Месяц назад
Good morning 🎉ngng
@miko8956 Месяц назад
支持 各位,支持 Ng Ng,支持 森爺
@theresatang8467 Месяц назад
忙碌中支持Ng Ng,支持森哥。
@francischeng9083 Месяц назад
支持Ng Ng及各位好友,支持森哥!
@gupsphoo Месяц назад
@francischeng9083 Месяц назад
今次真係要God bless America!
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Месяц назад
@@gupsphoo 佢本來都九唔搭八㗎啦!😂 笑匠 John Oliver, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert 等都攞過佢開還笑,說話句子好似連環車禍咁衝埋一齊。
@anthonyma4002 Месяц назад
很多人看到拜登的健康走下坡,諸多報導,取笑,閒言閒語。其實特朗普的精神狀態,早在2016年100多個心理學家認同他有性格和精神分裂,癲狂症狀。只要聽他在選舉集會上講的,大部分美國人不知道在講乜嘢!不停發錯音,用錯字,忘記自己的思維,長篇大論廢話,喜歡攻擊他人,誇張自己偉大。 他的精神狀態比拜登的身體還要壞,更危險。正如他的前國防部長John Kelly話: 我唔會俾佢走近核彈發射的手掣!
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Месяц назад
@@anthonyma4002啱啱睇完The Damage Report,尾段請咗個嘉賓Dr.Greenword講述佢精神狀態。大至上,佢有psychopathy,行動魯莽衝動 ( impulsive ) ,而且無懊悔( remorse ) 嘅能力。另外,亦指出有認知障礙嘅跡象。
@anthonyma4002 Месяц назад
​@@berniethekiwidragon4382另一位可靠資訊源頭,特朗普的姪女,Mary Trump, 她長大於侵大家族,乜都睇倒哂!她有自己的RU-vid 頻道。 今天剛宣布, 出版了All in the Family,由另一位Trump 家人 Brad Trump 所寫。
@USER_--_USER Месяц назад
深哥成日叫融入當地社會, 唔好將錯誤/不良嘅習慣帶嚟英國 溫馨提示: 英文詞語結尾, 只有 "def" , "ted" 結尾, 發音先係 “特”, 唔好將所有 “ed" 結尾嘅詞語, 都發音 “特”. 呢個係香港人錯誤嘅習慣.
@70-860 Месяц назад
係 不過過咗15 歲已經聽唔到 分別唔到而唔係講唔到。 我哋係聽內容 又聽得明有咩分別。別雞蛋裏挑骨頭
@USER_--_USER Месяц назад
@@70-860 如果你仲喺香港, 當然冇問題, 因為係香港人嘅習慣, 香港人聽得明. 我講既然人在英國, 用英語同當地人溝通, 就有問題. 你嘅意思, 即係話將錯就錯啦!
@USER_--_USER Месяц назад
再舉一個例子, 之前我留言: 香港人上外地中餐館, 會先將筷子碗碟用滾水洗一次, 令人側目. 竟然有網友回應話: 我有畀茶錢, 點解唔可以自己用滾水洗碗碟???😂😂
@kwokmanchung Месяц назад
@70-860 Месяц назад
@@USER_--_USER 森爺喺講理論 唔係教英文。不如你去研究吓人係點樣學語言 係用腦(唔係耳)去聽 然後模仿。
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Месяц назад
13:53 柒粉的而且確從我角度睇好似邪教徒一樣。佢嘅言行全數支持辯護,無半點批評。出咗乜嘢問題都為佢推卸責任。
@daveton9033 Месяц назад
@kwokmanchung Месяц назад
Exactly. I am a Christian and see it first hand. I left church because of it. And I can assure you that Christians are very eager to vote. What the orange said had nothing to do with reality.
@kwokmanchung Месяц назад
I appreciate Sam calling out the cult with no subtlety.
@simontam5206 Месяц назад
@johnwu7172 Месяц назад
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Месяц назад
@alexmok9334 Месяц назад
@alecchu9765 Месяц назад
@MrKenng123 Месяц назад
@juancheung Месяц назад
@ChoiMingLam Месяц назад
川普講這句話,本來就是想大家各自解讀,政策有時需要清晰,有時需要模糊,像美國一中政策,就是故意模糊。所以這番話,一定係解咗等於冇解。 其實就算不是100%,如果川普治國4年,真是讓美國偉大,他的支持率達9成,那他繼承者的當選就成必然,投票也就只成一個形式。😅
@USER_--_USER Месяц назад
侵侵嘅意思係: 你哋今次出嚟投票, 畀我做最後一次總統, 下一屆總統, 關人鳩事!
@daveton9033 Месяц назад
Interpret by a person from a police state , brilliant !
@70-860 Месяц назад
@kwokmanchung Месяц назад
That's a likely intention. He only cares about himself. He incurred the biggest national debt and said the US wouldn't have to repay it within his tenure anyway. So he didn't care.
@slowsky3657 Месяц назад
雖然我唔中意pence, but he did a right thing!
@stoneyim9751 Месяц назад
@belindawu7087 Месяц назад
Lots of good points👍
@JC-oo1im Месяц назад
荒謬, 侵cannot be more 'unchristian'. 點解香港人或某些基督徒會如此愚忠/死忠(偶像化,違背基督信仰所),為他辯解。而且辯解如此無邏輯!費解。
@rebeccacheung24 Месяц назад
唔通Trump Trump 真係無樣野好 我只信🇺🇸憲法及❤🇺🇸不是某人
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Месяц назад
@daveton9033 Месяц назад
He want to tear down U.S. Constitution ! plus he is 34 count felon and a rapist! anything actually good! Bonus, he fail to banned tikytok! anything i miss?
@enatam9044 Месяц назад
🤨千萬不要投票俾獨裁者, 萬劫不復的
@megalodonming Месяц назад
Freudian slip
@tinhauchung37 Месяц назад
@juancheung Месяц назад
@Ritzrfx Месяц назад
@anthonyma4002 Месяц назад
首先,明白特朗普為人,可以用常理,邏輯,或正常人的思維,否則永遠找不到答案! "攪美國",I'll get it fixed, 特朗普意思是如果他再任總統,他會通過大量保守極右的政策。好像最高法院,現今充滿站在他一邊的法官。在特朗普管治下,美國還原到立國初期,即是白人,基督教統治,白人,宗教決定一切。美國再次偉大!這是他在任四年的政策,現在加倍, double down, 宣傳他的極右野心! 想深一層,特朗普的理念和行為,與共產黨今日在香港做法非常相似。一人,一黨專政,關閉言論自由,消滅敵對份子,標籤抗議者為暴徒,把一切問題歸咎一撮人。
@Wind308 Месяц назад
In a democracy, the ruler is put in a cage. In a dictatorship, the people are locked in a cage. Now Trump expresses his desire to remove the cage, does that concern you?
@kchan3679 Месяц назад
Campaign promises are just talk, and talk is cheap.
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Месяц назад
He is the cheap 精 of cheap精。
@jasonlucas2328 Месяц назад
It's the people around him. Project 2025 is detailed in what the Trump administration wants to do. Trump's deniability of not knowing Project 2025 doesn't matter; it matches his complaints. It'll tear down checks and balances in the US government.
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Месяц назад
He is the cheapest of cheap. So many cities and counties he held rallies in, he still has not paid them back for their expenses!
@juancheung Месяц назад
@kchan3679 Месяц назад
Bloomberg Law News: Giuliani Says Trump Campaign, RNC Owe Him $2 Million
@ayu9747 Месяц назад
Mike Pence 係真正基督徒
@70-860 Месяц назад
Pence 未被選上做vp 之前亦有講過…believes God is “calling him” to “function as a president-in-waiting.” 凡有god complex 嘅人…
@laujoshua5874 Месяц назад
每次講到有關trump嘅嘢你既嘴臉一啲都唔好睇,嗰種尖酸刻薄顯露曬起塊面相 ,一啲風度都冇。你既態度和行為跟多元、大愛和包融等價值觀背道而馳
@mapmapp6848 Месяц назад
I will not support this Lunatic, I am a Christian
@kwokmanchung Месяц назад
I left my church because they now worship the orange.
@mapmapp6848 Месяц назад
@@kwokmanchungdon’t leave God, ok to leave church
@kwokmanchung Месяц назад
@@mapmapp6848 I pray to God every single day.
@coalieroller5663 Месяц назад
@Hmsfnd-Mark Месяц назад
U. S. Founding Fathers 嘅偉大和先明,不須懷疑,並不是孫蔣毛三位pk 能並肩!in god u.s. trust , in u.s. all hope seekers trust !
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Месяц назад
They are only human.
@juancheung Месяц назад
@LeeTaiKwun1668 Месяц назад
森爺,其實都好容易理解,意思即係”由治及興”,所有要解決嘅問題都係特朗普任期得到解決,所以基督徒今次出嚟投票,下次就唔需要再出嚟投特朗普一票嚟Make America Great Again
@jasonloo6446 Месяц назад
@francischeng9083 Месяц назад
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