

Greek For All
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The ABC's of Jesus worship in the NT: I share 3 Bible verses about worship in the New Testament and a few about Jesus worship. No Jehovah Witness was able to respond to them yet. Feel free to share this simple study with your friends JWs.
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1 окт 2024




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@enohookoro9806 3 года назад
Jesus is our Lord and Saviour!
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 2 года назад
Amen not only is he our Lord and Savior he is our great God and Savior.
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 2 года назад
Thanks for your response on truth
@Radrook353 Год назад
JWs do not deny that Jesus is the Lord and Savior via the Ransom Sacrifice.
@Scott48-m7e Год назад
@@jeremiahrowesr.3130 I receive not honour from men John 5:41 KJV Matthew 15:9 KJV
@user-jy6yk9wy4d Год назад
@@Radrook353 Jw,에게 폭행도 당했슴
@dixonsimona8946 4 года назад
I have been JW for 20 years and I believe Jesus was Archangel Michael. Recently I wake up and analyse again all the teachings. What you say make sense...if Jesus was an Archangel he will stop them and do not accept to be worship. Is logic then his nature should be divine. His diety is proven here.
@troymoore4507 4 года назад
Can I send you something
@lindalawton5399 4 года назад
Welcome to TTATT!
@watchtowerdefence571 4 года назад
Hi Dixon, the problem with this video is in the translation of the word proskuneo. It does not carry the idea of "religious type worship". Even the NWT gets this wrong. It simply means to show hour and reset to someone of a higher station in life. There are specific Greek words that mean "religious type worship" and these are NEVER used of Jesus. See my comment to this video
@marcotpm5234 4 года назад
Very BIG CONGRATULATIONS , you are very clever !👍
@exjwsrilanka1898 3 года назад
I will never listen to the WATCHTOWER again. Jesus is worthy to worshipped
@raymondquinn4529 4 года назад
1 Amen. 2 Amen 3 Amen Praise his name.
@kiwihans100 Месяц назад
As he in turn Praised the Father "I publically PRAISE you Father, Lord of Heven and earth!" ( Jesus words at Matt11:25)
@edwinbell3255 11 месяцев назад
The angel said worship God.... Not Worship Jesus. In the temptation in the wilderness Jesus Christ quoted the Scriptures from Deuteronomy saying You must worship Jehovah and to Him alone you must render sacred service.
@alfredgrioli9474 4 года назад
In Exodus 20:4 God gave Israel this command; "You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is on the earth beneath or that is in the water below. QUESTION If the Jesus is God, Has God contravene his own command when the bible which is inspired by God describes Jesus as a Lamb siting with God on his throne? Consider this question very carefully. Because God's command clearly says. That you should not make an image of God, in the likeness of anything that is in heaven (stars, planets, sun, moon or BIRDS) on earth (animals or plants) or in the water (the sea, meaning fish) In the Revelation Jesus is clearly seen in vision as a lamb. He is even called the lamb of God.
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
These are great questions to ponder. I guess, when it comes to God it's a little different. Although, God condemns murder, yet he asks Abraham to sacrifice his son. Considering your argument, since it is not the humans who made the image in Jesus (the lamb or human) but God himself, this should be understood differently. I guess, this is how I would start looking at it.
@alfredgrioli9474 4 года назад
These questions basically have two answers, I Think. Either God is inconsistent in the application of his laws and he commands us not to do something which, he himself is prepared to do. Which is what you seem to suggest Or Jesus can be represented as a Lamb. As the Lamb of God. because Jesus Is not God and therefore Gods command in this case doesn't apply and therefore no infringement has occurred. The latter would seem to me to be, the simpler more reasonable conclusion. God forbids murder and child sacrifice yes. But God was testing Abraham's faith and obedience. God was never going to allow Abraham to kill his son. Can you show me Gods inconsistency here? Which command did God seem to be asking that Abraham break here by his request? in the case of Abraham. I must remind you that the law had not yet been given in Abrahams day. And has for Gods aborance of child sacrifices this is something that he revealed later in the bible. If Abraham thought that God's request was unjust or contradictory in any way. Don't you think that he would surely have asked God why? Is the judge of all the earth not going to do what is right? He did ask this for Sodom and Gomorrah. Why wouldn't he do the same for his son?
@STROND 2 года назад
Good logic here.....the Bible clearly show that Jesus is NOT God, and the argument that Jesus received "proskuneó (worship) so therefor must be good is a very lame argument, for the following reasons...... The person in the video is being a little deceivingso and so are misleading many, for the following reasons: OK, so the Greek word which many translation translate as "worship" is proskuneó and according to STRONG's concordance for Bible words. as well as many others states the following for the Greek word "proskuneó" ......... "I go down on my knees to, do obeisance to kiss the hand tenderly.. proskynéō (from 4314 /prós, "towards" and kyneo, "to kiss") - properly, to kiss the ground when prostrating before a superior; to worship, ready "to fall down/prostrate oneself to adore on one's knees. So let me ask you this, "what is wrong with giving proskynéō to Jesus, it is NOT the same as the worship we give to his father Yehovah ??? Did you know that people in the Bible were given proskynéō does that mean that they were worshipped in the same way that we worship God ? For example if you were to give proskynéō to the queen of England, and bow when meeting her, would that be worship ? Of course not ! By the same token, if you were to bow down before an alter of Budda for example would that be considered worship in this sense of the word ? More than likely it would! So you see it all depends who you are giving proskynéō to and the context. I think it is very disingenuous to use the word proskynéō in blanket, one size fits all terminology, especially from someone like the person in the video purports to understand Greek ! Sometimes you have to look at the original Greek and what it ACTUALLY MEANS, or rather what the koine Greek meant !
@STROND 2 года назад
Here ya go......At Rev. 3:9 Jesus shows the position of authority he will give to some of his human followers when he says he will make people "worship before thy feet." - KJV. The word used there is proskuneo! The ASV again adds this footnote: "The Greek word [proskuneo] denotes an act of reverence whether paid to a creature, or the Creator.........Looks like proskuneo is be given to humans in TWO seperate occasions here........ King James Bible Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship (Grk, PROSKUNEO ) before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. There you go, too me all of about 5min to find 2 examples of PROSKUNEO being given to man. You just got to spend a bit of time digging into Gods word !
@alfredgrioli9474 2 года назад
​@@STROND Thank you for your thoughts. But with all due respect. I stand behind the validity of my statement "that the Bible clearly shows that Jesus is NOT God". The Scriptures clearly revealed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus confirmed this many times. (John 10:36) But not once did Jesus ever say that he was God the Son. Trinitarian scholars have long recognised this fact. Do Trinitarians today have any clearer and direct scriptural proof to support this incomprehensible mystery. All the scriptural proof they present requires us to place our reliance on some scripturally misapplied argument of logic? John 1:1 does not serve to prove the Trinity either. It only served to prove the preexistence of the Word. Who existed in the begining with God at a point in time that marked the start of all creation.Rev 3:14 + Col 1:15. God is eternal He had no beginning and has no end. Therefore, for John to introduce his gospel with the words, 'in the beginning' John must be referring to the beginning of the Word itself. Could the Word in the beginning, (in his preexistence) before his incarnation. be a component part of GOD? ... NO! .... Why not? .... Because in John 1:2 , John reiterates that this one (meaning the Word) was in the beginning with 'GOD.' God can't be with himself at a point in time called the 'beginning', Since as I stated previously God has no beginning! Compare Gen 1:1. If you find this too hard to accept. Consider John 1:3 'New King James Version' ....'All things were made THROUGH HIM, and without HIM nothing was made that was made'. The person through which all things were made, can not be the same as the person who made everything. God YHWH is the creator, the Word (LOGOS) is acting as God's agent in creation, but this one is not the creator. This is not logic per se , it's basic and simple common sense. If I accomplish something through you. You are my operative, what is achieved by you is not yours but mine. You could not do it without me . That is exactly the case with Jesus See John 5:19. If the doctrine of the Trinity is false and Jesus is a created Son of God. Of which there are many! To worship Jesus is tantamount to worshiping the creature rather than the creator. Interestingly 'Easton's Bible Dictionary' has this to say on this matter. "Homage rendered to God which it is sinful (idolatry) to render to any created being (Exodus 34:14; Isaiah 2:8). Such worship was refused by Peter (Acts 10:25, 26) and by an angel (Revelation 22:8, 9)".
@STROND 2 года назад
You say, and I quote "The point of my video is to show that in the NT neither humans, nor angels but Got and Jesus receive proskuneo." Well, Jesus when telling of forgiveness uses proskuneo in connection to a HUMAN Matt 18:26 And at Rev. 3:9 Jesus shows the position of authority he will give to some of his human followers when he says he will make people "worship before thy feet." - KJV. The word used there is proskuneo! The ASV again adds this footnote: "The Greek word [proskuneo] denotes an act of reverence whether paid to a creature, or the Creator......... Looks like proskuneo is be given to humans in TWO seperate occasions here........The answer is there, you just got to do a bit of digging and look for it they way we do.............My advice is to try NOT to nullify Gods word, just accept what it says. Even the extremely trinitarian W. E. Vine writes in his An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, p. 1247: "PROSKUNEO ... to make obeisance, do reverence to (from pros, towards, and kuneo, to kiss), is the most frequent word rendered 'to worship'. It is used for an act of homage or reverence (a) to God ...; (b) to Christ ...; (c) to a man, Matt. 18:26." ("Obeisance," of course, shows "respect, submission, or reverence" - Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1961.) Noted Bible scholar J. H. Thayer defines proskuneo: "prop. to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence ... hence in the N. T. by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication. It is used a. of homage shown to men of superior rank [position] ... Rev. 3:9 .... b. of homage rendered to God and the ascended Christ, to heavenly beings [angels]" - p. 548, Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Baker Book House Publ., 1977. So as PROSKUNEO was given to people in the OT as well as the NT it goes without saying that it does not mean the exclusive worship we give to our creator !
@GreekForAll 2 года назад
My friend I already explained those two passages in other comments numerous times. I understand you cannot read 1000s of other comments, and I also cannot retype the same answers again and again. I just ask you not to "sermonize" me and keep your language decent.
@STROND 2 года назад
@@GreekForAll Yes, but you NEVER answered the question about humans receiving PROSKUNEO at revelation in a satisfactory way. You see my friend "scripture interprets scripture" and if a scripture is contradicted by another scripture the way it has with your reasoning, then you should assume that you are not understanding it correctly..
@fredrolinners8903 2 года назад
@@STROND Revelation 14:3 And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and elders; and no one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been purchased from the earth. (NASB) The singing that took place is worship. The song was directed to God alone even though it was also "before the four living creatures and the elders." They were in God's presence when the singing took place but they were not recipients of this worship despite the fact that the song was done before them. The same holds true concerning the worship described in Revelation 3:9. Worship was directed to God alone but in the presence of ("before") these believers.
@Brit_News 4 года назад
Totally wrong brother Proskinao: to prostrate or offer respect. It can be offered to men as well God Latrevo: to offer sacred service: the word is used for the Father only and never Jesus
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Thank you for contribution. I would not say that I'm totally wrong, it all depends how fluent you are with Greek texts. Outside of the Bible both words could be directed to humans. While in OT proskunew was used for both God/gods and humans, latreuw indeed was used specifically for sacred service to God/gods (as the service to humans was described by douleuw). In the NT though, both words bear sacred character and used in reference to God/gods only. In Rev 22:3, it seems that latreuw is given to both God and the Lamb.
@Brit_News 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll Yes I'm Greek and have studied Greek classic and Greek Koini of the Bible are you a Greek? have you been a Jehovah's Witness in the past?
@wylolister3218 4 года назад
Proskuneō occurs 60 times in the Greek Scriptures. Of the 17 times it applies to Jesus, all 17 occurrences were translated by the New World Translation as obeisance. (In the 2013 revision, 2 of these times have been changed to "bow".) The only other instance where prokuneō is translated as 'obeisance' is when Cornelius bows to Peter. (Worship would be correct here as well. Peter interprets this act as a form of worship, as he rejects it immediately.) Of the remaining 42 times proskuneō appears, it is always translated as worship, regardless of whether it is referring to Jehovah, angels, humans, Satan, demons, the wild beast and its image, or idols.
@Brit_News 4 года назад
@@wylolister3218 prskynao is a broad term used both for men and God and it can mean offering worship or respect towards a higher office.Therefore can not be used to make an argument for Jesus being the Almighty God.Please do your research on the word "latrevo" which is used ONLY for the Father and never for Jesus. Interestingly Jesus never asked Satan to worship him but told to worship the Father.If Jesus was the Almighty God wouldn't it have been more logical to ask worship for himself?
@wylolister3218 4 года назад
@@Brit_News JWs have no problem translating it as "worship" EXCEPT when it come to Jesus. Odd don't you think? Do some more research yourself.
@mi7451 Месяц назад
1) Amen 2)Amen 3)Amen.......... Isaiah 60:16, Jn 4:42, Isaiah 43:11, EPH:5:23........ only one SAVIOUR!!!! AMEN!
@777Tralfaz777 Год назад
Here is where logic come in. Do you worship or honor a king? This same word is used when doing obeisance. God installed Jesus as King. One honors Jesus in worship of Jehovah.
@fellowshipofthemystery6154 4 года назад
Scripture clearly shows us that Jesus is not God Almighty. Luke 18:19 And Jesus said to him, 'Why me dost thou call good? NO ONE is good, EXCEPT One -- God; (Jesus is not God) 1 Tim 2:5 for one is God, one also is mediator of God and of men, the man Christ Jesus. (Jesus is a Mediator, not God) John 1:18 God, NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN; the only begotten Son, who is on the bosom of the Father -- he did declare. (No one has ever seen God) Job 42:5 By the hearing of the ear I heard Thee, And now MINE EYE HATH SEEN Thee. (Job did see the Lord God, but he didn't see God Almighty, which no one has ever seen) John 14:9 Jesus saith to him, 'So long time am I with you, and thou hast not known me, Philip? he who HAS SEEN ME hath seen the Father; and how dost thou say, Shew to us the Father? (My Father who art in heaven is also not God as everyone saw Jesus. Heaven cannot contain God, as seen below) 2 Chron 2:6 and who doth retain strength to build to Him a house, FOR THE HEAVENS, EVEN THE HEAVENS OF THE HEAVENS, DO NOT CONTAIN HIM. (Heaven or this universe CANNOT contain God) 1 Kings 8:27 But, is it true? -- God dwelleth on the earth! LO, THE HEAVENS, AND THE HEAVENS OF THE HEAVENS, DO NOT CONTAIN THEE. (God NEVER dwelled on earth or heaven) If you believe Jesus is God Almighty, you cannot believe He really died and if you believe He didn't die, you deny Ephesians 1:13 and make void the power of the cross. God Almighty has no beginning and no end (only eternal entity) and cannot exist or even enter this temporal realm of time and space. He exists in the infinite realm and Jesus was sent into this realm as the Word of John 1:1, as His image. Jesus is the mediator between God and man. 1 Ti 2:5 for ONE is God, ONE also is mediator of God and of men, the man Christ Jesus, Colossians 1:15 who is the image of the invisible God, first-born of all creation. (Jesus was the Word of John 1:1 and the One who existed with God in John 1:2, and the One that created all things in this "created realm" in John 1:3, and the Light in John 1:4-5, and the One John came to witness and testify for in John 1:7.
@hasanhs3563 3 года назад
According to bible, is the Father a name? Is the Son a name? Is God a name?
@sanya934 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this. Wow. Needed this as I'm currently studying with JWs.
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
I'm glad it was helpful. Thanks for the comment!
@margieharding17 3 года назад
please don't study with them - they deny Jesus deity, the Trinity and that you have a spirit! Do research - Dr James White has excellent studies on the Trinity - the Holy Spirit leads us into ALL truth!
@sanya934 3 года назад
@@margieharding17 I stopped studying with them. I'm so grateful I did because now I found the actual truth about the trinity, and the deity of Christ. Thank you!
@watchtowerdefence571 3 года назад
@Rick Lee It is not the GB that lies it is the teachers in other religions. You are unable to prove that the GB lies but I can prove that other religions do.
@watchtowerdefence571 3 года назад
@@sanya934 Hi Sanya, Stan is wrong in his assumptions in this video. He deviates from the teaching Greek to allowing church tradition take over. The three Bible verses he says no JW can answer are easily answered. He says that we "all study God's word to really see what the Bible says" . Yes we do but we do it without looking for and inserting tradition into the text. It is sad indeed that church tradition has clouded his understanding of the Greek. Look for some of my comments to him and others. I will happily answer any question for you.
@ThePainterr 3 года назад
This wasn't so mind blowing from the perspective that a JW will dismiss this fairly easily with this play on definitions, namely, "... " Hence, witnesses would see these verses as only showing [submission] just as a slave would to a master. Only God the father,namely, Jehovah, is to be [worshipped] in a religious sense. This is how they reason on this topic further: "The reading of Matthew 28:9 appears on the face of it to look like a flat contradiction of what Jehovah’s witnesses teach, but, of course, the King James Bible translators would naturally want to support their trinitarian view by rendering the Greek word here into English as “worshipped.” However, it is interesting to note howby Smith and Goodspeed renders Matthew 28:9. It reads: “And Jesus himself met them, and said, ‘Good morning!’ And they went up to him and clasped his feet, and bowed to the ground before him.” Thesays: “They approached and caught him by his feet and did obeisance to him.” This bowing to the ground or doing obeisance to the resurrected Jesus does not mean worshiping him. If it did, then men of God in ancient times could be found guilty of worshiping human creatures, because they bowed before them; whereas the angel that was used to transmit the Revelation to the apostle John stopped him when he wanted to worship the angel, and told him to worship only God.-Rev. 19:10; 22:8.
@brenosantana1458 Год назад
Mat 5 17 20.
@randallwittman2720 6 месяцев назад
Worshiping was nothing to be guilty of.! It's just a manor of showing honor to an authority.
@JasonJacksonJames Год назад
Didn't watch the video but I'm a JW. Ask me anything
@JehovahsWitnessHistoryOnFilm 11 месяцев назад
... and we do have the answers... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nnDoqGvl8zQ.htmlsi=2fWsIbvknyxGJwaw
@ipaporod 4 месяца назад
You are supposed to be taught the true gospel of salvation not asked !
@JasonJacksonJames 4 месяца назад
@@ipaporod To gain salvation, you must exercise faith in Jesus and demonstrate that faith by obeying his commands.​-Acts 4:​10, 12; Romans 10:​9, 10; Hebrews 5:9.
@Christiannss 6 месяцев назад
WHY IS JESUS "THE WAY" TO GOD AND "...THE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN..." IF JESUS, AS YOU WRONGLY BELIEVE, IS GOD..??? The Bible, as the word of God, is the authority; not what "WISE MAN" think or interpret..! STICK TO THE BIBLE AS THE WORD OF GOD..! -John 14:6; 1 Timothy 2:5.
@eleazarsolomon4678 4 года назад
As far as we see in this channel, comments are so respecful and many are very deep in content. Very inteligent people are here using arguments that they know. I feel confortable reading all comments, thanks a lot for that, please keeping that line. Thanks for "Greek For All" for let people to interchange what on their minds.
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Well said! Thanks for being here. I appreciate you.
@STROND 2 года назад
The person in the video is being a little deceivingso and so are misleading many, for the following reasons: OK, so the Greek word which many translation translate as "worship" is proskuneó and according to STRONG's concordance for Bible words. as well as many others states the following for the Greek word "proskuneó" ......... "I go down on my knees to, do obeisance to kiss the hand tenderly.. proskynéō (from 4314 /prós, "towards" and kyneo, "to kiss") - properly, to kiss the ground when prostrating before a superior; to worship, ready "to fall down/prostrate oneself to adore on one's knees. So let me ask you this, "what is wrong with giving proskynéō to Jesus, it is NOT the same as the worship we give to his father Yehovah ??? Did you know that people in the Bible were given proskynéō does that mean that they were worshipped in the same way that we worship God ? For example if you were to give proskynéō to the queen of England, and bow when meeting her, would that be worship ? Of course not ! By the same token, if you were to bow down before an alter of Budda for example would that be considered worship in this sense of the word ? More than likely it would! So you see it all depends who you are giving proskynéō to and the context. I think it is very disingenuous to use the word proskynéō in blanket, one size fits all terminology, especially from someone like yourself who purports to understand Greek ! Sometimes you have to look at the original Greek and what it ACTUALLY MEANS, or rather what the koine Greek meant !
@jenniferreinoehl7883 Год назад
There are 54 times in the New Testament where proskyneo was used. All are either in reference to worship you are only supposed to do to God (and this is specifically stated) or in reference to worshipping false idols. There is absolutely no context that supports your view, which is probably why you fail to cite an actual Bible verse in the New Testament where proskyneo means something other than worship due to God. There is, however, the parable in Matthew 18:26--where the servant in that verse is bowing down to a "Lord" who represents God. Further on in the parable when a fellow servant bows down to the first servant (Matthew 18:29), and God is not represented by either of those servants, another word is used to represent that action. The same word could have been used and a different word would have been unnecessary in the second part if the word Greek word translated as "worshipped" in all KJV New Testament verses meant, as you claim it does, something different than the worship due to God. There is no place in the New Testament where " in the Bible were given proskyneo," only Jesus, God, and false idols were given proskyneo. And yes, if you bow before an "alter [sic] of Buddha," you have done exactly what the Bible has forbidden you to do. (Proskyneo is used throughout Revelation in the context of evil people bowing before idols and the beast and details the punishment they will receive.) If, however, Jesus returns and you bow down before Him, you have done exactly what the Bible has told you to do and what many people did when He was on earth. Sometimes, you have to read the whole Bible and understand it in depth, instead of looking at one word and a concordance.
@alanberry5091 Месяц назад
@@STROND Your statement: “So let me ask you this, "what is wrong with giving proskynéō to Jesus, it is NOT the same as the worship we give to his father Yehovah ??? “ Caught my eye. Surely you are aware of what Jesus said in John 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him. So if you are going to worship the father Yehovah, you MUST worship the son THE SAME WAY. To not honour the son the same way is to dishonor the father. While you can argue proskyneo to the queen of England is not the same as worshipping God the father Yehovah, the verse I give you is that however you honour the father Yehovah, you HAVE TO HONOUR THE SON THE SAME WAY.
@luketan7451 Год назад
1.Amen 2.Amen 3.Amen. Such an important verb "proskuneo", and must be directed to the right Person! God alone! Surprised that even John the apostle could get it wrong, to be corrected by the angel. With Jesus now in heaven, we cannot do this to anyone, human or angel.
@startinginthemiddle756 4 года назад
This was fascinating!! 😲 Thank you! 😊
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
You bet! Blessings.
@trevorjoslin8500 13 дней назад
Amen Amen Amen you talk perfect sense
@samsontesfay1 3 года назад
Amen brother. Very helpful indeed.
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 2 года назад
Excellent word in Jesus name
@randallwittman2720 4 месяца назад
And HIM alone you shall worship , not Me. Not us! Him refering to jesus father jehovah?
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 2 года назад
A final indication that the book of Revelation is teaching or hinting at Jesus' full deity in this last chapter is when we compare Rev. 22:16 with Rev. 1:1 and back to Rev. 22:6. Rev. 22:16 has Jesus saying, "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches." Rev. 1:1 states, "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John," Rev. 22:6 states, "And he said to me, "These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place." Examining these three verses there seem to be three possibilities. 1. The Father and Son sent two different angels. Each sending "His [own]" angel. 2. Both the Father and Son sent the same angel. The same angel being "his" to both the Father and Son. 3. The Son is the one who sent his angel. If the third option is true, then Jesus is "the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets" (per Rev. 22:6). That would seem to imply Jesus' full deity. The following are some reasons why this third option is plausible to me. We know that Rev. 22:16 has Jesus sending His angel. Regarding Rev. 1:1 I'm aware of at least one scholarly source that sides with Jesus being the one who sent His angel rather than the Father. The NET Bible states in a footnote on Rev. 1:1, "In 1:1 and 22:16 it is clear that Jesus has sent his angel to proclaim the message to John; thus the message is from Christ..." Options 1 & 2 seem implausible to me. Finally, it wouldn't be surprising to me that just as Rev. 22:20 was intended to indicate the identity of the speaker in Rev. 22:12-13 and so teach the full deity of Christ; so Rev. 22:16 was intended to indicate the identity of sender of an angel in Rev. 22:6 and so also teach the full deity of Christ. How can we make sense of all the foregoing data? The Trinitarian position can make sense of all this data. Data that suggests there are at least two persons who are Jehovah and possess the attributes of Jehovah. This is the case EVEN IF we reject the notion that Christ ever refers to Himself as the Almighty in the book of Revelation. Though, as I said, some would argue that Christ does refer to Himself as Almighty God in Rev. 1:8. Those who reject Christ's full deity have to argue that there are two firsts and lasts, God the Father and the Son who isn't truly or fully God. They may also argue that while Christ is called "first and last," he is not referred to as "the alpha and omega" or "the beginning and end." But is that really reasonable? Didn't I undermine that objection by my analysis of Rev. 22:12-13 in light of other similar verses in the same book? Isn't it more reasonable to conclude that all three phrases are three different ways to refer to the same thing? That is, the omnipotent and omniscient Sovereign source of the origin and meaning of all of creation. It's not inconsistent with the rest of the New Testament to see Christ as the co-source/co-creator/co-sustainer/co-purposer of the universe with the Father (John 1:1-3;1 Cor. 8:6; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:2-3,10-13). Also, doesn't it make more sense that if Almighty God wanted to avoid giving the impression that Jesus is fully God, then He would not have inspired the book of Revelation to refer to Jesus as "the first and last"? Nor inspire it to seemingly imply Jesus is also "the Alpha and Omega" along with being "the beginning and the end"?
@GreekForAll Год назад
Totally agree with you on this. Great information. My next video will be on the title Alpha and Omega!
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 Год назад
@@GreekForAll No problem no problem I was glad to give it, the biggest thing that Jehovah’s Witnesses and other cultist groups need to look at is this. If they were so smart they would look at the original old testament, they would look at it and understand that in the Old Testament in Mic chapter 5 verse two I might add, they would know that the son of man being spoken of in this passage is the messiah is the only going to be a human but also divine. The Son of Man in Micah chapter 5 verse two is going to have an eternal dominion, furthermore we look at Isaiah chapter 9 verse six talking about the coming of the Messiah who is divine and also eternal the definition for eternal means without beginning or end. So right there we see that the coming Messiah is going to have an eternal dominion and he himself is going to be eternal. And they can fight this as much as they wanna fight this the Jehovah’s Witnesses and any other satanic cultish group wants to fight it. But as Christians we know that Jesus is not a created being, because the term firstborn does not mean first created in Colossians chapter 1 verse 17 and also verse 15. The term first born in Greek is Proto Otokos witch means preeminent highest in authority and rank we see this clearly in the Old Testament with king David. We also see rejecting the Jehovah’s Witnesses comments about Jesus being the creator of all other things, because the word other is not there in the original koine Greek they actually in the New World translation put the word other in brackets. But the Greek word porta means all things so therefore that refutes their argument saying that Jesus is a created being, also if you look at John chapter 17 verse five going back to the Old Testament God doesn’t share his glory with anybody, but Jesus says that him and the father share the same glory before the world was. Also I love how the Jehovah’s Witnesses make an argument saying oh well Jesus Christ is a created being, okay can Jehovah God forgive all sin well of course they will say. OK well if Jehovah God can forgive sin in Jesus himself says in Mark chapter 2 verse five and verse seven that he can forgive sin, then if he’s a creative being he can’t do that because it would be blasphemy. But they always say well God gave him that ability, can you show me a passage where God gave an angel the ability to forgive sin because I’ve never seen that passage. If the Bible says in Psalm 103 verses 10 and 12 the only God can forgive sin in Jesus says in Mark chapter 2 verse five and verse seven that he can forgive all sin Jesus is taking on title of God or an attribute of God upon himself in the Pharisees knew who he was claiming to be from the attribute.
@JulianEsleySmith 3 месяца назад
​@@johncolage1651 if you look at Rev. 22:6 "Jehovah sent his angel" Rev. 22:7 "I am coming quickly" But if you look at Rev. 22:16 "I Jesus have sent my angel" And Jesus also says "I am coming quickly" in 22:20 Did Jehovah and Jesus both send their angel, and both of them are "coming quickly"?
@roeltingzon758 2 месяца назад
​@@jeremiahrowesr.3130blah, blah...nowhere does Jesus ever say that he's God Almighty. And not even after he had returned to heaven.
@TheCaledonianBoy 2 месяца назад
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 What are we told at Rev 1:1? John received the Revelation from the angel who received it from Jesus who received it from God. Only God knew what the Revelation was. Until Jesus, the angel and John were told in turn what it contained they did not know. If Jesus did not know, then he is not omniscient, therefor Jesus cannot be God.
@waynealan2226 3 года назад
Rather simple. The translation of the Koine Greek word " προσεκύνησεν " does not mean "worship" but means "did obeisance" which in modern terms means "to bow down", "showing deep respect for one superior to himself". This is a very simple error in translation. Reference Strongs Concordance προσκύνημα -- pilgrimage, prostration, obeisance
@STROND 2 года назад
Here ya go......At Rev. 3:9 Jesus shows the position of authority he will give to some of his human followers when he says he will make people "worship before thy feet." - KJV. The word used there is proskuneo! The ASV again adds this footnote: "The Greek word [proskuneo] denotes an act of reverence whether paid to a creature, or the Creator.........Looks like proskuneo is be given to humans in TWO seperate occasions here........ King James Bible Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship (Grk, PROSKUNEO ) before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. There you go, too me all of about 5min to find 2 examples of PROSKUNEO being given to man. You just got to spend a bit of time digging into Gods word !
@SpielbergMichael 7 месяцев назад
1,2,3 Amen Amen Amen
@faldaco6212 Месяц назад
John 5:23 23so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him. Hebrews 1:6 6But when he again brings his Firstborn into the inhabited earth, he says: “And let all of God’s angels do obeisance to him.” Revelation 5:12 12and they were saying with a loud voice: “The Lamb who was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.”
@GreekForAll Месяц назад
@@faldaco6212 perfect!
@RitaMalikfour 4 года назад
Jesus is our king our salvation, amen
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Truly amen!
@vusimngomezulu2500 3 года назад
@@GreekForAll Jesus christ said people will hate and speaking liars about his only true followers Jehovah's witnesses Mathew 5:10-12,24:9,John 15:18-21,Luke 6:22-23.
@vusimngomezulu2500 3 года назад
@@GreekForAll Only Jehovah's witnesses knows who is Jehovah God and Jesus christ John 14:1-3,17:1-3,21.
@luketan7451 Год назад
Jesus, not any human authority figure, whether Jew or Gentile, received this act of homage due only to the Messiah and God.
@necovelli 3 года назад
1. AMEN! 2.AMEN! 3.AMEN!
@cleartruth- 2 года назад
"Jesus said"who saw me saw the father. (Jesus was) Jehovah's word who worshiped him worshiped his Father Jehovah (when he was on earth) Now we worship and pray to the Lord Jehovah in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, as he said to his desiples. and I (Jesus)will give it unto thee, that my father may be glorified.
@GreekForAll 2 года назад
Jn 14:14 says: if you ask me, in my name, I will do it. So Jesus himself instructed us to pray not only to the Father but also to him.
@GreekForAll 2 года назад
My friend, you are mixing apples and oranges. I never stated that Jesus and the Father are one and the same person. They are two different individuals. I'm welcoming a dialogue, however, I won't tolerate the links to questionable videos you share.
@STROND 2 года назад
Here ya go......At Rev. 3:9 Jesus shows the position of authority he will give to some of his human followers when he says he will make people "worship before thy feet." - KJV. The word used there is proskuneo! The ASV again adds this footnote: "The Greek word [proskuneo] denotes an act of reverence whether paid to a creature, or the Creator.........Looks like proskuneo is be given to humans in TWO seperate occasions here........ King James Bible Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship (Grk, PROSKUNEO ) before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. There you go, too me all of about 5min to find 2 examples of PROSKUNEO being given to man. You just got to spend a bit of time digging into Gods word !
@GreekForAll 2 года назад
@@STROND I replied to you in the other thread.
@brenosantana1458 Год назад
​@Greek For All If you ask me in John 14 14? There is a lot of manuscripts that does not have this, the word for me in Greek. Consider also John 16 23, see if this applies.
@JoseGonzalez-zb5rz 4 года назад
to the JW'S Jesus is A GOD. 1 Timothy 2:5 King James Version (KJV) 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus; ( the word became flesh in other words GOD became Jesus the man, since all man kind are sons of GOD, so is the MAN Jesus
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Great verse
@KelvinWilson53 4 года назад
@witness for Jesus being the Son the second person of the Godhead. Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed. [ESV. Phil 2:5,8 John 17:5. Jesus the Son was praying to His Father.
@Radrook353 Год назад
Jesus never claimed to be God. John 14:28-31 New International Version 28 “You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. Mark 10:18 ► New International Version “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good-except God alone. 1 Samuel 2:2 There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God. Rev 3: I am coming soon. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12The one who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will never again leave it. Upon him I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God (the new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven from My God), and My new name. John 20:1717 “Do not cling to Me,” Jesus said, “for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go and tell My brothers, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.’” Mark 16:19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. John 7:33 So Jesus said, "I am with you only a little while longer, and then I am going to the One who sent Me. Ephesians 1:17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in your knowledge of Him.
@Scott48-m7e Год назад
The Father is the One God 1 Timothy 2:5 KJV Ephesians 4:6 KJV the only true God John 17:3 KJV
@yvonnemickens3799 4 года назад
1, 2, 3 Amen!
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
@leejohnson6328 2 года назад
Is The Trinity the Word of God? (24 minutes) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tAM_D5ObogQ.html
@marciaweisman7632 6 дней назад
123 amen
@MrCarlosVillasenor 3 года назад
Great content, I never seen it illustrated in this way. JW do see Jesus as only an Angel and angels can’t be worshipped, only Jesus!!🔥🙌🏽
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
I'm glad it clicked!
@archangeljesus4369 2 года назад
They gave him homage and obeisance not worship
@tabandken8562 2 года назад
@@archangeljesus4369 Jesus is worshipped in many places in the NT and especially Rev 5.
@archangeljesus4369 2 года назад
@@tabandken8562 Jesus received homage and obeisance. Not worship.
@tabandken8562 2 года назад
@@archangeljesus4369 Rev 5 clearly shows worship.
@unletteredandordinary Месяц назад
Oh my goodness. This was so bad. The very first example concerning Peter and the conclusion that the creator of this video came to is completely unfounded. Humans can accept proskuneo or worship from other men. Read 1 Chron. 29:20. The whole congregation of Israel “bows down and worships God and the king”! There’s no differentiation made between the worship given to Jah and to the human king of Israel. Does this indisputable fact make David or Solomon, God Almighty? No. So a creature placed in positions of authority that represent God’s rulership can receive “worship” and this doesn’t take away glory from God. In the case of Peter the man was obviously worshipping him as if he literally was God Almighty. This is why Peter rejected this act. Like most words, the word “worship” has a semantic range and context will determine its meaning. But even in verses like 1 Chron. 29:20 where no distinction is made between the worship given to Jah and to the king of Israel we know that the worship given to both was not the same.
@GreekForAll Месяц назад
@@unletteredandordinary thanks for a valuable observation and contribution. I agree that the semantic range of proskuneo includes both worship and reverence. You are also correct by pointing that it is the context what brings the meaning to words. Your examples from the OT are good, but words change meaning through time. What I intended to show is how the NT writers used the word. And the NT pretty unanimously shows that except Jesus (and God) no one receives proskuneo. And that is a theological choice of the NT authors. If studied carefully, you can see that they chose the word intentionally.
@unletteredandordinary Месяц назад
@@GreekForAll You forget Rev. 3:9. “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship (proskynēsousin) before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” So, Jesus will make other men worship at the feet of his true followers. Even in Koine Greek the word worship (proskuneo) has a semantic range that includes the proper “worship” of human beings. Plus at 1 Chron. 29:20 the same word προσεκύνησαν/proskynēsousin is used in the LXX. So your argument about words changing over time is moot. In other words, proskuneo didn’t change meaning from the time the LXX was written up to the time of the NT. It retained its meaning. Therefore it’s not logical to argue that just because Jesus receives “proskuneo” he must therefore be God. The fact is Christ worships God. Who does God worship if you don’t mind me asking?
@peterblau6592 3 года назад
@-notplato6465 10 месяцев назад
1. Not a great argument, because the Bible specifics that Jesus is worshiped to the glory of the Father. So it is certainly possible that Yahweh/The Father could appoint a man worthy of worship without contradiction of Peter’s statement. It wasn’t like Peter was commenting on the worship of Jesus, he was saying “don’t worship me”
@777Tralfaz777 10 месяцев назад
True. God sent Jesus, and Jesus spoke what the Father taught him. The Greek word for worship can also mean obeisance. We honor Jesus to God's glory.
@shaunrichards855 4 года назад
To all those saying things like "Why did Jesus pray to God or worship God if he was God?" there is a simply explanation. The governing body of Jehovah's witnesses consist of 8 people who speak to each other. Yet it is one body. Your body is made up of trillions of cells which communicate with each other in order to sustain life. (Your brain alone has billions of neurons which communicate with each other. ) Why is it so hard for some to accept that God has the power to be in more than one place or form at the same time?
@zachfanton6081 3 года назад
You make a good point. I would also like to add that the idea of G-d Praying to Himself is actually a Jewish concept that can be found in Rabbinic literature. So it seems the Jewish authors of “The New Testament” did not see a problem with Yeshua, Who Is G-d, Praying to His Father, Who Is G-d. Shalom and Blessings in The Name of Yeshua of Nazareth, King Messiah, and our great G-d and Savior.
@archangeljesus4369 2 года назад
Jesus worshiped and prayed to God on many occasions. God doesn't need to pray or worship anybody. That's what makes him God.
@shaunrichards855 2 года назад
@@archangeljesus4369 The Word was God... and the Word became flesh. John 1 1-14
@archangeljesus4369 2 года назад
@@shaunrichards855 Since God would never leave his throne, come down from heaven to become human, as it states in Numbers 23:19, God sent Michael the archangel to be his spokesman. That's why it says the word became flesh.
@shaunrichards855 2 года назад
@@archangeljesus4369 Continue believing whatever heresy you like. Only God can save you now. Twisting the scriptures to suit yourself isn't getting you saved. There is only one name by which men can be saved. Only through Jesus who sits at the Father's right hand as his equal.
@luketan7451 Год назад
Stan, correct me if I'm wrong. I believe beyond any doubt the Scriptures confirming Jesus is God, including the direct claims references. For "proskuneo", I think it can refer to the kneeling at the feet of a higher authority, like a king or a master of slaves. The context can decide the implication of the "proskuneo". For Cornelius, Peter was aware he was not his master or Roman authority, hence he needed to stop Cornelius from giving him such honour otherwise meant for God in that situation. For the angel, he stated that he was a servant like John, and God is the Master of them both, hence this homage must be directed to Him. The Roman soldiers who mocked Jesus after putting on Him the thorny crown, was sarcastically playing with Him by kneeling to Him as the supposed to them King of the Jews. Matt 18:26 stated the servant "proskuneo" before his human master. But regarding the spiritual realm, angels cannot receive this act from human beings, in particular the servants of God.
@GreekForAll Год назад
You are right, the semantic range of the word “proskuneo” has the meaning “bow down”, “pay homage” and etc. the context is the king. Keep in mind that often the Bible writers employ sarcasm in their writings (show a dual meaning). For example, John writes that the high-priest suggest to kill Jesus because it’s better for one person to die instead of the whole nation. John, sees here a prophecy that this is what happened that Jesus died for all. In the same manner, when Herod wants to “proskuneo” baby Jesus or soldiers “proskuneo” Jesus, they may do it for just a human authority of a king, but Matthew hints that Jesus indeed worthy of it for he is Divine king. As for Matt 18, kings in ancient cultures often were worshipped. In addition, the king in this parable represents God himself, so “proskuneo” here is more than just homage to the king but the worship to God.
@imadboles3431 4 года назад
Excellent work, Stan.
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
@cleightthejw2202 Год назад
What do you mean 'you cannot....'? IF God tells you to bend your knee to something/someone are you saying that you cannot do what God has instructed you to do? Yes, we can glorify the father through the son and bow to the Son OF God that God sent to be Savior and King over. Would you like to tell us that humans didn't bow to human kings on earth in Israel? I have no problem saying 'worship' to Jesus as a 2nd one that is sent by the true 1 Almighty God. BUT at no time is Jesus in any form the #1. That alone belongs to Jehovah God- The Father :)
@fredrolinners8903 Год назад
Jesus is the proper recipient of prayer (Acts 7:59).
@jeneb52 4 года назад
Amen to all those verses, I used to be in the cult. I could plainly see how they refused to give worship to Jesus, maybe that's why I left. I learned some Greek at the same time, thank you!
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing. I am glad it was helpful.
@jeneb52 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll oh it was, you know they used to Worship Jesus; but slowly over the years they changed their beliefs. Even in one book the then president of the cult said Lucifer was the creator of this planet! So many crazy beliefs in that cult too.
@josephtucker9612 3 года назад
@@jeneb52 That is a lie. Give the name of the book and page number.
@jeneb52 3 года назад
@@josephtucker9612 what's a lie, tell me ?
@josephtucker9612 3 года назад
@@jeneb52 Are you saying JW's had a book that said Lucifer was the creator of the planet?
@gerryquinn5578 3 года назад
This is not only a misleading presentation, but somewhat dishonest. It tells us more about the presenter's presuppositions and ignorance of the change of meaning of words and bias in Bible translations. He begins by giving his definition of proskyneo and puts the emphasis on worship. He tries to demonstrate that you cannot worship humans, angels, but only God. Yet, if you google "proskyneo definition" the top of the page states : "The verb (proskyneo) is often used in the Septuagint and the New Testament for the worship of pagan gods and the worship of the God of Israel. In addition, this word for in some cases used in the worship of angels....." So, despite what he claims, proskyneo can be used in reference to the worship of angels. Furthermore, the word simply means to bow down , to prostrate onself before a superior and is used in this context many times in the Bible, as individuals bow down before a King, Lord or Master. So why, in these instances, do most Bibles never use the word worship? The answer is obvious : Context! It is clear that the people are not giving worship to an individual, but simply showing honour. This also tells us about the presupposition of the presenter and many Bible translations. They have already assumed Jesus to be God and so use the translation 'worship' to support this idea, when in fact they could simply have used other renderings such as bow down, prostrate, revere, do obeisance etc . These renderings would not only be equally valid, but often make more sense in the context. Indeed, that is why in some translations, other than rthe NWT, such renderings of proskyneo are frequently used, even of Jesus. The presenter fails to point out that the word 'worship' as used in the old King James Bible of the 1600s has a much broader meaning than it does today eg Judges being called "Youe Worship." Finally, one of the passages the presenter uses to try to prove his thesis is the famous temptation account. But he misses the obvious : If Jesus is himself the God of the Bible, the Devil would be unable to tempt him. You cannot tempt God and certainly the God of all creation would not be tempted by the offer of the Kingdoms of the world. Surely the very fact that the Devil tries to tempt Jesus tells us that he is NOT God. The presenter has failed to make his case and simply shown us his ignorance and bias.
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
Gerry, thank you for your detailed explanation of the supposed failures in my video. I've already wanted to address those in a separate video so I'm going to use your comment as a blueprint. IN brief, the main reason why I have not included all the information in this video is because I didn't want to make it 1 hr long, and not because of "so called failures." Yet, your comment is legit to ask for details, and I will. respond to it in the separate video. All the best.
@watchtowerdefence571 3 года назад
@@GreekForAll Greetings Stan, I am please that are are planning to do a video on the other Greek words. You were wanting to use what Gerry Quinn said as a template. My I PLEASE request that you look at this document drive.google.com/file/d/1hedJenjzYwd16ltTUVm9x6eiXrMjd6RY/view?usp=sharing It explores the various words that are translated as worship and in particular it looks at the context of a few controversial texts. I look forward to a reply
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
@@watchtowerdefence571 Sure, I will take a look. I"m at the end of the semester, so it will take time to do a research and make a video. So not sooner than December. Blessings.
@watchtowerdefence571 3 года назад
@@GreekForAll Hello Stan, I do appreciate that you will take the time to see what the PDF is all about. The technology of "Drive" is new to me. I hope that I have set it up properly. Ben
@STROND 2 года назад
I agree......he needs to forget the ENGLISH word and concentrate on the Greek word "proskuneó" and what it means.......He know and admits that proskuneó" was given to humans but is not very honest in the way he presents it. The Greek word which many translation translate as "worship" is proskuneó and according to STRONG's concordance for Bible words. as well as many others states the following for the Greek word "proskuneó" ......... "I go down on my knees to, do obeisance to kiss the hand tenderly.. proskynéō (from 4314 /prós, "towards" and kyneo, "to kiss") - properly, to kiss the ground when prostrating before a superior; to worship, ready "to fall down/prostrate oneself to adore on one's knees. So, what is wrong with giving proskynéō to Jesus, it is NOT the same as the worship we give to his father Yehovah ??? Did you know that people in the Bible were given proskynéō does that mean that they were worshipped in the same way that we worship God ? For example if you were to give proskynéō to the queen of England, and bow when meeting her, would that be worship ? Of course not ! By the same token, if you were to bow down before an alter of Budda for example would that be considered worship in this sense of the word ? More than likely it would! So you see it all depends who you are giving proskynéō to and the context. I think it is very disingenuous to use the word proskynéō in blanket, one size fits all terminology, especially from someone like the guy in the video who purports to understand Greek ! Sometimes you have to look at the original Greek and what it ACTUALLY MEANS, or rather what the koine Greek meant !
@hikingviking859 4 года назад
You’re adorable, thank you
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
That's an interesting compliment. ☺️
@alfredgrioli9474 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll Lol it sounds like proskunew ha ha ha ha. I hope that like Peter your not accepting it Lol
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
@@alfredgrioli9474 God forbid! All glory to the Lord who gives me strength and ability.
@alfredgrioli9474 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll Lol You proved the point my friend. You are humble! And yet what you received was homage, not worship.
@lashturner 4 года назад
In the New world translation it says obeisance. it doesn't switch from english to another language. I'm not a witness but have their bible. In revelations there is no disagreement with Jehovah Witnesses.
@wylolister3218 4 года назад
Proskuneō occurs 60 times in the Greek Scriptures. Of the 17 times it applies to Jesus, all 17 occurrences were translated by the New World Translation as obeisance. (In the 2013 revision, 2 of these times have been changed to "bow".) The only other instance where prokuneō is translated as 'obeisance' is when Cornelius bows to Peter. (Worship would be correct here as well. Peter interprets this act as a form of worship, as he rejects it immediately.) Of the remaining 42 times proskuneō appears, it is always translated as worship, regardless of whether it is referring to Jehovah, angels, humans, Satan, demons, the wild beast and its image, or idols.
@wylolister3218 4 года назад
JW Bible knowledge? "Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, *have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect."* Awake 1993 Mar 22 page4 *Jehovah’s Witnesses have had wrong expectations about when the end would come.* Jan 1, 2013 Watchtower
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
This just shows the bias of NW Translation. Thanks for sharing.
@wylolister3218 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll JWfacts.com
@magankiggan4305 4 года назад
Greek for All: could you please answer my questions on my thread?
@isaiahreno 2 года назад
Thank you for this! Recently I've been contemplating this, and my world would honestly crumble if Jesus was not Yahweh 😔
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
Did Jesus ever claim to be Yahweh ? He prayed to Yahweh. He worshiped Yahweh. Was he praying to and worhiping himself? When he refused to be called 'good teacher' because only God is good; when he stated that he didn't know the day or the hour because only God did, does this sound to you that he was Yahweh or someone different from Yahweh. The NT is clear that Jesus had a God. The resurrected Jesus had a God (John 20 :17) and the glorified Jesus in heaven has a God ( rev 3 :12). A God that has a God is clearly not God Almighty, which Yahweh is. The original confession of faith was that Jesus was the Messiah /Christ, thr Son of God. This is not the same as being Yahweh. Jesus is differentiated over a thousand times from Gpd in the Bible. There are further problems that you may wish to consider. Yahweh is the name of God (Psalm 83 :18). Jesus is the name of the Son of God. But in the doctrine of the Trinity, the person of the Father is NOT the person of the Son. If Yahweh is the Father ( John 17 :3), Jesus, the Son, cannot be the Father. Furthermore, if Yahweh is the name of God ( Triune ?), then Jesus the Son, cannot be all members of the triune God. I think your world may be about to crumble.
@truthwatchers 2 года назад
@@gerryquinn5578 Strange! God needed another created being to do all His work. Hmm.. I think the bible looses all its power if Jesus wasn't the only son of God equal to Him and of the same nature. God is one holy God in 3 persons. Because he can. And He's not limited. Whether people believe it or not, it stays true and it doesn't change. It's only their loss, if they reject the son, they reject the father. Colossians 1:19" For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in him." You can dismantle, pick and choose, change the grammar and add some letters here and there to mutate the meaning, but the truth still stands regardless. Just ask God and He will answer, it's His promise after all.
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
@@truthwatchers : I appreciate you taking time to reply and expressing your views which I'm sure you hold sincerely. However, we both know that sincerity is not the same as truth. God did not need anyone for any purpose. But out of his love he created and gave life. Surely even you don't disagree with that. The Bible identifies Jesus as the only begotten Son of God. I share this view. I don;t recall the Bible talking in detail about nature/ essence etc. This is the stuff of Greek philosophy. We share the same nature ( human mature) but that does not make us the same being. God is indeed holy, but nowhere in scripture does it say that he is one God in three persons. Indeed, the Shema sees him as a one person God. Jesus restated the Shema. I agree that if we reject the Son we have rejected the Father. I did as k God and he did answer. I am simply suggesting an alternative point of view which I believe is very much based on scripture. However, I fully understand that you may disagree and hold different views.
@truthwatchers 2 года назад
@@gerryquinn5578 I am not talking about a person I know of. I'm talking about a person I personally know and talk to on a daily basis and have a personal relationship with. It's totally different when you read and study about someone and when you've personally experienced life with them. God did everything Himself. He's the only God that can be worshipped. There's no other " a god" besides Him. "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood." Acts 20:28
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
@@truthwatchers : I appreciate you taking time to reply. Please permit me to make some observations which ultimately suggest an alternative view : 1. You talk about your personal relationship with God. But in what way is this any more valid than the relationship Christians from different denomonations have with God, or even non Christians such as Moslems and Jews, who also claim a personal relationship with God. 2. I agree that only the one true God deserves to be worshiped(John 17 :3). However, it is scripturally incorrect to say that "there 's no other 'a god' besides him. In the Bible, the word 'God' has a wider range of meanings and others are called 'God' such as Moses, Hebrew Kings, Judges ,angels - even the devil. 3. You quote Acts 20 :28. But many other Bibles render this problematic verse differently :"to care for the Church of God which he obtained by the blood of HIS OWN SON." ( see RSV 1971 ed, NRSV. NJB;CJB. CEB; GNT; LEB; and many more. Thus this verse. by itself, proves little and in many other translations undermines your point completely. 4. I hope that you will give some prayerful thought to many of the points I mention previously which you seem to have simp;ly ignored.
@johncolage1651 8 месяцев назад
Even a Christian cannot brush aside the worship of Jehovah as God. In Revelation 1:5 the Son of God called himself "Jesus Christ, 'The Faithful Witness.'" When on earth as a man he was a Jew, an Israelite, to whose nation the words of Isaiah 43:10 were written: "'You are my witnesses, 'is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen.'" Jesus demonstrated that he was a faithful and true witness of Jehovah God. His genuine disciples today must be the same kind of witnesses, Jehovah's.
@GreekForAll 8 месяцев назад
That is a great question and scholars raised it years ago: when did it happen that the believers started worshipping Jesus or consider him divine? Many proposed solutions were offered over the years. Originally it was suggested that the idea was brought by the gentile converts from the Greco-Roman religions which had many “lords” and so it was not a big deal to consider Jesus as another “lord”. However, today the discussion shifted to the earlier dates that Judaism of the 1st century already had ideas of divine figures next to God. Even more than that there was a notion that God himself would visit his people and deliver them. That is why Jewish apostles and first Jewish converts could identify Jesus as God who visited his people. And it was totally fine within Jewish monotheism. I recommend you to read N.T. Wright “Paul and the victory of God.” A chapter on Jesus’ messianship within Jewish monotheism.
@jamese7060 Месяц назад
According to Acts 1:8 who are Christian's suppose to be witnesses of?
@pruvengsx1 4 года назад
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
@STROND 2 года назад
The person in the video is being a little deceivingso and so are misleading many, for the following reasons: OK, so the Greek word which many translation translate as "worship" is proskuneó and according to STRONG's concordance for Bible words. as well as many others states the following for the Greek word "proskuneó" ......... "I go down on my knees to, do obeisance to kiss the hand tenderly.. proskynéō (from 4314 /prós, "towards" and kyneo, "to kiss") - properly, to kiss the ground when prostrating before a superior; to worship, ready "to fall down/prostrate oneself to adore on one's knees. So let me ask you this, "what is wrong with giving proskynéō to Jesus, it is NOT the same as the worship we give to his father Yehovah ??? Did you know that people in the Bible were given proskynéō does that mean that they were worshipped in the same way that we worship God ? For example if you were to give proskynéō to the queen of England, and bow when meeting her, would that be worship ? Of course not ! By the same token, if you were to bow down before an alter of Budda for example would that be considered worship in this sense of the word ? More than likely it would! So you see it all depends who you are giving proskynéō to and the context. I think it is very disingenuous to use the word proskynéō in blanket, one size fits all terminology, especially from someone like yourself who purports to understand Greek ! Sometimes you have to look at the original Greek and what it ACTUALLY MEANS, or rather what the koine Greek meant !
@pruvengsx1 2 года назад
So I take it that u are a Jehovah witness?
@STROND 2 года назад
@@pruvengsx1 Yes........At Rev. 3:9 Jesus shows the position of authority he will give to some of his human followers when he says he will make people "worship before thy feet." - KJV. The word used there is proskuneo! The ASV again adds this footnote: "The Greek word [proskuneo] denotes an act of reverence whether paid to a creature, or the Creator.........Looks like proskuneo is be given to humans in TWO seperate occasions here........ King James Bible Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship (Grk, PROSKUNEO ) before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. There you go, too me all of about 5min to find 2 examples of PROSKUNEO being given to man. You just got to do your own study and not take peoples word for it !
@lg6700 2 года назад
@@STROND The video explains conclusively that the Bible affirms a self-consistent use of προσκυνἐω, and, thereby, that Jesus is the Messiah and God. By interjecting Strong's concordance or any other extraBiblical commentaries on the use of the word, even your own opinion, you only strengthen the argument in the videos, namely, that the Bible is self-consistent and one must go outside the Bible to assert otherwise.
@JehovahsWitnessHistoryOnFilm 10 месяцев назад
Sad thing is, we, indeed, can answer these questions, but when we post them here, they get deleted.
@GreekForAll 10 месяцев назад
I dont delete any comments unless they are inappropriate or abusive.
@JehovahsWitnessHistoryOnFilm 10 месяцев назад
@@GreekForAll Thanks, that's good to know. I'm very conscious of being respectful and kindly in my comments. i looked up and down for my comments and still can't find them. Sometimes RU-vid deletes them too. I will post the answers again Jehovah's Witnesses can indeed answer about Jesus and Worship. Thanks.
@GreekForAll 10 месяцев назад
@@JehovahsWitnessHistoryOnFilm it’s great to have you here. I will also double check the section which RU-vid holds for the review. I do not set any restrictions on comments but the RU-vid holds some for review. Maybe yours are there.
@JehovahsWitnessHistoryOnFilm 10 месяцев назад
@@GreekForAll I do have to admit, sometimes my comments are 'cut-n-paste' from documents I have written and updated over the years. It might be RU-vid takes them as ads and removes them. For now, I see the link of a video I made at home during the covid isolation is still active. The video isn't near as comprehensive though, but the basics are presented (and they're presented in a kindly way :) ).
@GreekForAll 10 месяцев назад
@@JehovahsWitnessHistoryOnFilm perhaps this is the reason. Usually comments with links are held for review as scam/ads potential.
@biblefacts7794 4 года назад
so we can only worship God and Jesus accepts worship so He is God? 3 amen amen amen
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
You got it!
@JoseGonzalez-zb5rz 4 года назад
to the JW'S Jesus is A GOD but the trouble is that there's only one GOD , JESUS was GOD in the flesh , also Jesus and the apostles never mentioned the name Jehovah only the father in heaven , note that grooves that we are all children of GOD our father who are in heaven. 1 Timothy 2:5 King James Version (KJV) 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus;
@alfredgrioli9474 4 года назад
@@JoseGonzalez-zb5rz Fortunately for JWs 1Tim 2:5 which you quoted says that there is only ONE MEDIATOR between GOD and MEN. And who is this ONE who mediates between GOD and humanity? Well, according to you its GOD (Because to you a trinitarian, Jesus is God) But who does the apostle identify as our mediator not God not Jesus (as God) but the MAN Christ Jesus. I think that this scripture when examined correctly, favors JWs and not you as a trinitarian. God never became a man. It was not God who became a man. The WORD who was with God, became a MAN. To act as a mediator between THE GOD and MEN (sinful mankind). He, THE MEDIATOR would be required to be someone totally independent. Some one OTHER than GOD who could justly represent both sides. God on one side and sinful humanity on the other side. How can you, act to mediate between yourself and someone else. Can't you see what a huge conflict of interest that poses legally speaking. Didn't you ever stop to think about that? If you can see it now! Don't you think that God could see it too? In the Old Testament God chose Moses a man to mediate the Covenant between himself and the nation of Israel. But even so, if there was a conflict of interest. That question could never be raised. The advantage in having such a mediator (Moses the man) was entirely in Israel's favor and not in God's. Not so when the mediatorship is as you suggest, with God as a man. The advantage now shifts on to Gods side, as one who mediates for himself. God is first of all a God of JUSTICE. His justice is perfect and faultless. And yet even in a human court of law such a thing as this is not allowed. When you go to court you must have proper independent representation. Particularly in a mediation situation. The judge who presides can't also act as your lawyer to argue your case. You should also get your facts straight. Incorrect accusations don't work to your advantage. Your would only be slinging mud. And he who slings mud looses ground. I am not a JW, but I was once, so I know what I'm talking about, and I know that JWs don't say that Jesus is A GOD in the sense that you intimated. In John 1:1 JW do translate it to read "and the Word was a god" Whereas other translations, not all, prefer to render it as 'and the word was God' This may sound ridiculous to you at first, because there's you prefer to see only one GOD. The concept of another God sounds ridiculous to you. Doesn't it? But then you turn right around and with the same breath you claim that JESUS was GOD in the flesh. The mediator MAN is now a GOD. Now there is not 1 GOD for you but 2 GODS. You have turned 1 GOD into 2 GODS. And in the trinity you even turn 1 GOD into 3 GODS. If Jesus the man is the WORD and as you claim JESUS is GOD. Then the WORD is A GOD, isn't he? The problem with your criticism of the JW understanding of A GOD, is merely a supposition on your part, becasue you don't understand it all. And you actually do the same thing yourself. God the father = a God + God the son = a God + the Holly Spirit = a God. But there are not three GOD"S but ONE GOD. You conveniently forget that you also believe that the Word is a God and not the God head. Which is the more ridiculous and incomprehensible concept out of the two? The JWs A GOD or your concept of 3 A GODS Which, would appear to be the more correct? People in glass houses should not throw stones. Before you point the finger at someone else always remember that there are 3 fingers pointing back at you.
@brenosantana1458 Год назад
Jesus is not God or a God. Only the father is God. John 17 3. See the LXX usage of proskyneo, or the variants like in the passage of Jacob and Esau. Basically Jesus is not God by the usage of the word. See Mark 5 6 and Luke 8 28 in Greek.
@biblefacts7794 Год назад
@@brenosantana1458 read John 1:1
@777Tralfaz777 3 года назад
Here is where logic come in. Do you worship or honor a king? This same word is used when doing obeisance. God installed Jesus as King. One honors Jesus in worship of Jehovah.
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
Many kings/pharaohs/emperors were worshipped in the ancient world.
@777Tralfaz777 3 года назад
@@GreekForAll Yet the Jews were not to worship kings. And Herod would have known that. That he used this word shows it does not always mean worship, but can mean obeisance, or honor. Ps 2:12 Honor the son, or God will become indignant And you will perish from the way, For His anger flares up quickly. Happy are all those taking refuge in Him.
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
@@777Tralfaz777 Your answer makes sense. At the same time, in the NT the angels refuse to take honor (obeisance), Peter refuses to take honor (obeisance), the devil longs for honor (obeisance), yet only God should get it (honor, obeisance). Besides these, only Jesus feels fine to accept honor (obeisance) as well. This is the point of my video that it doesn't matter what meaning the word has because only God and Jesus are worthy to receive it! At least, this is how NT writers present it. In addition, the magi could indeed come to worship Jesus. Herod's reply could be sarcastic, or misleading as an attempt to deceive the magi ("I also want to worship him"). So there is a lot of possible interpretations.
@777Tralfaz777 3 года назад
@@GreekForAll The angels were not installed as kings, were they? From Wayne Alan "Rather simple. The translation of the Koine Greek word " προσεκύνησεν " does not mean "worship" but means "did obeisance" which in modern terms means "to bow down", "showing deep respect for one superior to himself". This is a very simple error in translation. Reference Strongs Concordance προσκύνημα -- pilgrimage, prostration, obeisance " It can mean worship, but demanding it mean worship is not founded. Matt 2:2 saying: “Where is the one born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when we were in the East, and we have come to do obeisance to him.” Literally "to bow down", or honor. Plus, Jesus, when replying to Satan about worship, said "it is written"...worship God. He did not say no it is me that is to be worshipped.
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
@@777Tralfaz777 My friend, I think you misunderstood what I wrote. I just confirmed that the word can mean honor, obeisance, and worship. AT the same time, in the NT, in its positive meaning it is only applied to God and Jesus no matter what it really means! Now to your last reply, you say that the word can mean "worship" yet in Matt 2:2 give it the meaning of "obeisance." How? Weren't magi pagans? Didn't they worship kings? The possibility is there. Moreover, it seems that you view words "worship" and "obeisance/bow ing down/honor" as opposites. Aren't the latter the part of the former? They are not mutually exclusive, but rather complementary. I admit that nor every honor implies worship, yet every worship implies honor.
@watchtowerdefence571 4 года назад
Greetings Stan, I agree with you that proskuneo means prostate oneself in the ground to show a deep level of respect and adoration. However it does not mean “religious type worship”. No were does Jesus ever receive “religious type worship”. There are specific Greek words for “religious type worship” and they are never used of Jesus. The act of proskuneo was never reserved for a god. It was word that was used for people in a higher station of life. In today's world it would be equivalent to saluting a superior officer, standing for a Judge when he entrees or leaves his cor room, bowing to royalty. In the days the Bible was written it was used among the Orientals, esp. the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence. In the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication in the various ways used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank to the Jewish high priests to God to Christ to heavenly beings In Acts 10:3, Cornelius had been visited by an angel. As the account continues Peter also is visited by an angel. We are not told but the sense we get is that Cornelius felt that Peter was holy , and, thus of a higher station to himself. In keeping with the use of the word proskuneo, Cornelius wants to who Peter honour and respect because Peter was sent by the angel. Why does Peter refuse the honour? Because he is not superior to Cornelius It is the same in Revelation 19. The angel did not deserve to receive extra honour as a superior because the angle was a συνδουλος “fellow servant” of God. H was not John’s superior and not deserving of being shown honour. The angel tells John to show honour and respect. to God. The text DOES NOT SAY that prokuneo IS ONLY for God. To say that is reading into the text what is not there the correct literal rendering of Matthew 4:9-10 into English is… and he-is-saying to-him these all to-you I-shall-be-giving if-ever falling you-should-be-honouring to-me then is-saying to-him the Jesus be-you-going-away Satan it-has-been-written for lord the god of-you you-shall-be-honouring and to-him only you-shall-be-giving-divine-service Satan did not want Jesus to give him religious type worship. He just want some honour and respect from Jesus as a superior
@fredrolinners8903 3 года назад
What are some examples of "religious type worship" that are never used of Jesus?
@alfredgrioli9474 3 года назад
@@fredrolinners8903 Perhaps your question should be rephrased. What are some actual examples of religious type worship that Jesus accepted? If he was recognized as God the Son there should be many.
@watchtowerdefence571 3 года назад
@@fredrolinners8903 See me answer to alfred groli bellow
@fredrolinners8903 3 года назад
@@alfredgrioli9474 Stephen prayed to Jesus (Acts 7:59-60).
@fredrolinners8903 3 года назад
@@watchtowerdefence571 There are many posts. Please provide the information.
@adolilasse2570 4 года назад
The 8 members of the Governing Body of JW will go for ever in the Fire because they changed the word of God. God bless you Bro for your teaching
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
God is the judge of everyone.🙏🏻
@watchtowerdefence571 4 года назад
the NWT has its faults but is by far a more accurate Bible than all the major English bikes in use today. That I can prove to anyone who is humble enough to let bias aside.
@alfredgrioli9474 4 года назад
Thank you for the challenge you issued to JWs, to answer your question. I am not a JW, but I will accept the chalenge to answer your question in my own behalf and in the interests of biblical truth and integrity. Right from the start I am forced to take exception to the trinitarian logic in your line of argument, and in your conclusion. Father + Son + Spirit = God. If we express this mathematically, 1+1+1=1. Mathematically this doesn't work. 1+1+1 should =3 not 1. There is a similar trinitarian logic in your question. 1- You quote Acts 10:25,26 From this scripture you prove that HUMANS CAN'T BE WORSHIPED. 2- Next you now take us to Rev 19:9,10. To prove that ANGELS CAN'T BE WORSHIPED. 3- Next you quote Mat 4:9,10 To prove from Jesus reply to Satan's temptation, that ONLY GOD IS WORSHIPED. From these 3 scriptures you conclude that Jesus can't possibly be a created being. Since, as you have just shown from scripture, ONLY GOD CAN BE WORSHIPED. You now introduce a series of scriptures which according to your interpretation and logic prove that Jesus (the man) is God. WHY? Because he (Jesus) was worshiped. And there you have it! Its so simple! How can anyone miss it? Jesu must be God! Because Jesus was worshipped (he accepted it) and only God is to be worshipped. I don't have time here to examine all the scriptures you considered. Lets examine Acts 10:25,26 The first scripture you quoted. Because if your premise holds true for this scripture. It should theoretically hold true for all the others scriptures as well. But if it doesn't hold true. Your arguments would seem to be flawed right from the start. Let's examine Acts 10:25,26 and as it came, that Peter entered in, Cornelius having met him, having fallen at his feet, did bow before him; Notice how Young's Literal Translation renders the Greek word προσεκύνησεν (prosekynēsen) as bowed. Strong's Analytical Concordance assigns the Greek word prosekynēsen the following meaning. SEE Strong's Greek 4352;: From pros and a probable derivative of kuon; to fawn or crouch to, i.e. prostrate oneself in homage. Not in worship! Many bible translations, translate προσεκύνησεν as homage, adored, bowed. I like the way the NIV translates Acts 10:25; As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. A lot of people are not going to like this. But I find that the JWs New World Translation is also accurate in its translation of this scripture. As Peter entered. Cornelius met him, fell down at his feet and did (prosekynēsen) obeisance to him. It could be argue that you have the majority of translators in your favour. Because most translations render prosekynēsen as worship. So who is right? Is this word (prosekynēsen) intended to be worship, like the worship one gives to God alone. Or is it a form of worship given as a form of obeisance as rendered by the NWT. You interpret worship to be the worship that is exclusively given to God. Your entire argument rests on this premise. And it's here that most commentators and Bible scholars don't support your conclusions and your interpretation of prosekynēsen. I suspect you knew this, but conveniently ignored this fact. Here is what Barnes has to say about the meaning of prosekynēsen in Acts 10:25 Fell down at his feet - This was an act of profound regard for him as an ambassador of God. In Oriental countries it was usual for persons to prostrate themselves at length on the ground before men of rank and honor. "Worshiped him" This does not mean religious homage, but civil respect - the homage, or profound regard which was due to one in honor. According to Barnes this is not worship in a religious sense. As you interpret it. But in a civil form of respect as homage, intended to honour a person. And the vast majority of scholars support this interpretation of προσεκύνησεν. Here is what Vincent's Word Studies has to say; Worshiped (προσεκύνησεν) An unfortunate translation, according to modern English usage, but justified by the usage of earlier English, according to which to worship meant simply to honor. Worship is worthship, or honor paid to dignity or worth. This usage survives in the expressions worshipful and your worship. In the marriage-service of the English Church occurs the phrase, "With my body I thee worship." So Wycliffe renders Matthew 19:19, "Worship thy father and thy mother;" and John 12:26, "If any man serve me, my Father shall worship him." Here the meaning is that Cornelius paid reverence by prostrating himself after the usual oriental manner. On the basis of this evidence Your premise is wrong right from the start. And your argument rests on scriptures that are not applicable to your conclusion. In the logic of Mathematics 1+1+1=3 But language doesn't work this way. Language has lots of meanings, which, we might say, alter the value of 1. This is what trinitarians so often do. They use philosophical explanation to explain an incomprehensible mistery. How 1+1+1=1 And it just doesn't work. What never ceases to amaze me is how trinitariians use the incarnation to explain away scripture. For example, If a scripture says that Jesus called God "his God". Trinitarians will argue that he did so because Jesus was a man (incarnate). But when it suits them they will argue from an opposite point of view. Just lIke you do in your argument. They (trinitarians) will argue that, since Jesus was a man and received worship, which you conclude is only given to God. Therefore he (Jesus) must be God. How convenient! when a scripture calls into question his divinity of Jesus, he was just a man. But when he receives obeisance (worship) as a man of God. This is misconstrued as worship that belongs to God and subsequently becomes undeniable proof that Jesus is God Another thing that never ceases to amaze me, is how trinitarians so often twist logic and scripture to prove their inexplicable and incomprehensible mystery. That 1+1+1=1 and often try to make it fit into the Bible. For example Trinitarians accept that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah. And Messiah came to earth as a perfect man, without sin, to redeem us. But trinitarians never consider the question, to redeem us from what? To redeem us from Adamic sin. The ransom is required by God to erase Adamic sin from us, together with the consequences of that sin. But what they so often fail to consider is how in the Bible God showed that in order to forgive sin through sacrifice, the services of a third party to serve as a mediator is required. This third party must be a human, a person separate distinct. that stands apart from God as the representative of those who are ransomed. Humanity are the beneficiaries of the ransom exchange. This requires the services of a priest. In the case of the Old Covenant, a Levitical priests where appointed by God . In the case of the New Covenant a King Priest in the likeness of Melchizedek is required. Jesus therefore can't be God + the sacrifice + the Priest. Why? because if he is all these 3 things all rolled into one, It represents a clear conflict of interest and it defeats the purpose of a ransom. The whole thing becomes an exercise in judicial futility. And makes a mockery of God's perfect justice. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Or a perfect man for a perfect man. God might as well have forgiven us our inherited Adamic sin right from the start and spared us all the subsequent misery and human suffering that followed, If he (God) intended to ransom us himself, why require a ransom at all? God's ransoming us himself would serve no objective in justice at all. Since he is the one who both requires (exacts) the ransom and furnishes it what justice is served by such an action. A ransom is a price, set in exchange and it requires the services of an independent third party to pay the price and to mediate between God and man. SEE 1Tim 2:5. You are mistaken about who Christ Jesus is. If you think he (Jesus) is God and God ransomed us. READ John 3:16. He (Jesus) is the Son of God. READ Philippians 2:11
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Thank you for a deep and detailed comment. It takes time, so I appreciate it. In the second part of your comment, you went into a theological discussion of the ransom. I'm not in the theology field; I'm in the biblical studies area, so the way theologians draw conclusions is a little foreign to me. Yet, I'll offer my brief reply to this and other parts of your writing. 1. As for the 1+1+1=1, it is as simple as "the man shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." (1+1=1 Gen 2:24, Matt 19:5m Mk 10:8, Eph 5:31). Note that they are not just one in spirit, one in thoughts, one in views on parenting, they are one flesh. Two different persons, yet one flesh. If one accepts 1+1=1; then 1+1+1=1 should not cause any problem. 2. The argument about the 3rd party mediator between God and men is quite interesting. Where is the 3rd party comes from? If it cannot be God himself, then why do you accept that it is of men? Should not he be totally neutral? "A perfect man for a sinful man" sounds OK, yet if the perfect man is only a human then humanity ransoms itself and is saved by works apart from God. The idea of Jesus being God and offering a ransom doesn't deny or diminish the price he paid. In terms of redemption, I understand that it is patterned after the Abrahamic covenant (Gen 15) when God cut the covenant with Abraham and God himself walked between the cut animal as assurance that God will fulfill the covenant. Abraham needed only to believe. God makes the covenant and fulfills it. I think we could talk a lot about it, as you know it is a big topic. 3. Now to the question of proskunew. I want to give you credit for understanding the logic of my video. I also admit that you realized that I know other meanings of proskunew. I do. Yet, I believe the word should be translated as worship. In short, and I mentioned it in the video (twice!), it does NOT MATTER how we translate proskunew. Let's say we don't know any of its meanings. The logic of my video would be: a. Men cannot receive proskunew. b. Angel refused to receive proskunew. c. God must be proskunew-ed. d. Jesus accepted proskunew, so he is God. I also mentioned, that if it was just a form of respect, or honor, or customary tradition, Peter would have no problem to accept it, especially if it was customary!!! In Rev 13, the dragon and the beasts demand the worship of all who live on earth; those who give it to them receive the mark of the beast, those who don't will be persecuted. You may say, it's a homage, or obeisance, or honor, - it does not matter in the context. God's people don't give proskunew to the beast and get the seal of God. Finally, this whole argument that "homage" or "obeisance" is somewhat lesser than worship is very weak. Often both of these meanings are part of worship. Just look at Daniel 3 (where proskunew appears 10 times), when people were asked to bow down and give proskunew to the golden statue. Everyone could just say, "I just give obeisance, but not worship when I kneel." It does not work like that. Anyway, I appreciate you and your input into the discussion. You are valued. Blessings.
@alfredgrioli9474 4 года назад
Hi Thanks for your kind comment. I appreciate it. I am not going to respond directly to point 1 in your reply. Because as you rightly point out, it's theologically complex. Therefore I will let the readers to make up their own minds, as to their scriptural validity and accuracy of my simplistic arguments. However I would like to respectfully respond to your third point first. Because it is directly related to the original question that you posed in your video. Your conclusion rests on this question. Why was proskunew (worship) accepted by Christ while it was rejected by Peter, Paul and others and even by the angels? All servants of God know that there is one quality above most others that God our father delights to see in all his faithful servants. Humility! We know what happened to Moses when he temporarily, under extreme pressure lost sight of his humility and forgot his place before God. Christians are not after the homage or obeisance of their fellow man and neither are the angels. We are all brother in Christ and we are all equal in God's eyes. Christ Jesus however is entitled to receive the glory, the honour and the recognition for his faith, his love and his obedience to the father. Also because God has elevated him and has given him a name that is above all other names. Does this prove that Jesus is God because he accepted the proskunew that others refused. NO that is merely an assumption which the scriptures do not support. As I have shown there are 2 kinds of worship (proskunew) one is civil and we are allowed to give it and receive it in accord with ancient custom. But there is another form of worship (proskunew). Or sacred service which is religious and this form of worship is only to be given to God. Clearly the majority of scholars agree with this understanding of proskuneo. Christ's acceptance of worship (proskunew) in this sense does not prove that Christ Jesus is God.In conclusion I believe that scripturally the proskunew I render to Jesus is different to the prokunew that I am required to render to God. But even if it is the same worship. As a creation of God, I love and obey God. If God said that he has now temporarily elevated you above everyone else who has ever existed and that I should now worship (proskunew) you. I would worship you in obedience to God. But that command of God. By itself, is insufficient proof for me to conclude that you are God. Even if God has never given a command like this before. And this would not alter the fact that you are created being. This is simply an assumption on your part. And I think that you should at the very least humbly acknowledge this possibility. Phil 2:9, 1Cor 15:28, 1Cor 11:3 I value your comments and your cordial response. Thank you and I wish you well.
@mr.d.c.1914.1 4 года назад
@@alfredgrioli9474 thx for ur reply. here's my other point.God said " I am God Almighty", The use of I am, means GOD is ONE PERSON. Do you use I am, me, myself, me alone for ONE PERSON or THREE PERSONS? You only use those phrases for ONE person and NEVER FOR THREE PERSONS.
@mr.d.c.1914.1 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll GOD IS ONLY ONE PERSON - God said " I am God Almighty", The use of I am, means GOD is ONE PERSON. Do you use I am, me, myself, me alone for ONE PERSON or THREE PERSONS? You only use those phrases for ONE person and NEVER FOR THREE PERSONS.
@mr.d.c.1914.1 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll u said ""the man shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." ONE FLESH HERE IS NOT A LITERAL FLESH, it is a figure of speech. When we say ONE GOD, that is LITERAL and NOT A FIGURE OF SPEECH. GOD IS ONE PERSON only, as he uses I AM, ME, MYSELF, ME ALONE,
@Dr.Reason 4 месяца назад
Wow, I really want that Greek/English software but of all the things you listed, it’s not among them. What software is this?
@GreekForAll 4 месяца назад
@Dr.Reason 4 месяца назад
@@GreekForAll thanks!!
@bensamadams 4 года назад
Amen to all,,, thank you so much
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Thanks for watching! Blessings
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
@@Nica-Ra-Wata If you were familiar with the semantics you would know that where the word originated means little. What really matters is how the word is used in any particular period by the users. It is unlikely that the NT authors meant what you suggested when they were writing it.
@scottgrey2877 2 года назад
@@GreekForAll Joshua worshipped an angel
@GreekForAll 2 года назад
@@scottgrey2877 If you refer to Joshua 5:14, the angel is the Lord Himself. a. Joshua worships him b. Joshua is asked to take off his sandals (cf. Ex 3:5-6) c. He is called "the Lord" in Josh 6:2
@scottgrey2877 2 года назад
@@GreekForAll two angels called Lord Genesis 19:24 KJV
@stevenwebb6253 9 месяцев назад
Sorry, Jesus isn’t God, nor equal to God. He called our God and Father his God and Father at John 20:17. See also: 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 4 Now concerning the eating of food offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is no God but one. 5 For even though there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many “gods” and many “lords,” 6 there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through him. And…… John 17:3 “This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” The only true God…..
@GreekForAll 9 месяцев назад
Pauline incorporation of Jesus into the Shema in 1Cor 8:6 speaks volumes. Thanks for bringing this text. Paul and other Jewish Christians had no problem worshipping Jesus as they believed he was God who visited His people. Not for a second this violated their view of monotheism. I recommend you to read N.T.Wright: Paul and the Faithfulness of God. The chapter on Jesus within Jewish monotheism: “The One God of Israel, Freshly Revealed.” Best of luck.
@stevenwebb6253 9 месяцев назад
@@GreekForAll Matthew 16:15,16 “He said to them: “You, though, who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.””
@777Tralfaz777 8 месяцев назад
@@GreekForAll The Shema is this: (Deuteronomy 6:4) “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. Please explain how Paul was incorporating the Shema at 1 Cor 8:6. He said one God, the Father. The Father is Jehovah. Jehovah is the God the Jews were to worship, and notice who Jesus identified that one as: (John 8:54) Jesus answered: “If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father who glorifies me, the one who you say is your God.
@dalet9841 4 года назад
They change the word to obeisance wherever it says worship. Do both words mean the same?
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Yes, they do. But it does not help them because they need to be consistent. In other words, men and angels cannot receive obeisance, only God can. Yet Jesus receives it. As i said in the video, it doesn’t matter what the word mean - it can only be rendered to God and Jesus accepted it without problem. There should be some solid ground to give a word one meaning over the other. So far i have not seen any, so the argument remains that in the NT it has a consistent meaning of worship.
@patriciahines7127 4 года назад
Debbie you are so right Jehovah witness’s says Jesus didn’t accept worship .
@BEN280184 4 года назад
Hi Debbie. Look at the answer I just gave Stan. there is a link to a docuement that will answer your question. Basicaly obeisance and 'worship' can in some circumstances mean the same thing. Howvwer the Greek word proskunio that Stan is referring to in his video *never means* 'reloigous type worship' as Stan has suggested.
@wylolister3218 4 года назад
@@BEN280184 Proskuneō occurs 60 times in the Greek Scriptures. Of the 17 times it applies to Jesus, all 17 occurrences were translated by the New World Translation as obeisance. (In the 2013 revision, 2 of these times have been changed to "bow".) The only other instance where prokuneō is translated as 'obeisance' is when Cornelius bows to Peter. (Worship would be correct here as well. Peter interprets this act as a form of worship, as he rejects it immediately.) Of the remaining 42 times proskuneō appears, it is always translated as worship, regardless of whether it is referring to Jehovah, angels, humans, Satan, demons, the wild beast and its image, or idols.
@wylolister3218 4 года назад
@@patriciahines7127 JWs are false teachers, false prophets, a terrible cult!
@annrapacz4210 4 года назад
You are confusing people, by using the word worship for the word obeisance, the Jews would never worship Jesus, or would anyone else who knew he was proving he was the promised Messiah sent to Israel, from Almighty God Jehovah, the one God of the Bible. Exodus 20: 2
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
There are a lot of sense in your comment. Christology in the early church was developing over the years. What matters a lot is how the gospel writers wanted to portray Jesus. It is clear that beside Jesus no human, nor angel received proskunew in the NT. In fact, in most contexts it is unlikely to render the word as obeisance.
@hasanhs3563 3 года назад
Are you still living in the days of moses? In what name does Jesus teach to pray? In what name do the disciples cast out demons?
@wandalaielli3572 4 года назад
I have a friend who is JW and I really did not know more of ways to show him because the common ways should be true enough but they are difficult to reach with their own Bible.. but with this, I can show him in his own JW bible...thank you!
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
I am glad it was helpful.
@777Tralfaz777 3 года назад
Wanda, you should listen to your friend. Phil 2:11 and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
@eyeswideopen8570 3 года назад
Just wanted to say that in their Bible, every instance of worship in regard to Jesus has been changed to the word obeisance. So unless you have their Interlinear Translation Bible to show the Greek to English, it would still be hard for you to prove it to a Jehovah's Witness.
@777Tralfaz777 3 года назад
@@eyeswideopen8570 You need to look up the Greek word used there. Context determines if it is worship or obeisance. Would astrologer come to worship a king?
@eyeswideopen8570 3 года назад
@@777Tralfaz777 Exactly. My point was that their Bible has been changed to fit their doctrine that Jesus is an angel, and therefore not to be worshiped. Although the Bible is clear that Jesus was worshiped from the time he was born on this earth until after his death and resurrection. It is hard for a JW to accept this because their Bible says obeisance.
@hellothere-b6q 2 месяца назад
Amen! Amen! Amen! What a great analysis! 🙏👍🙏
@GreekForAll 2 месяца назад
@@hellothere-b6q appreciated!
@worwornyoagyeman6345 4 года назад
God bless you for the biblical explanation!
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Thank you. Appreciated.
@STROND 2 года назад
At Rev. 3:9 Jesus shows the position of authority he will give to some of his human followers when he says he will make people "worship before thy feet." - KJV. The word used there is proskuneo! The ASV again adds this footnote: "The Greek word [proskuneo] denotes an act of reverence whether paid to a creature, or the Creator.........Looks like proskuneo is be given to humans in TWO seperate occasions here........ King James Bible Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship (Grk, PROSKUNEO ) before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. There you go, too me all of about 5min to find 2 examples of PROSKUNEO being given to man.
@OmarMartinez-tw4to Год назад
Hebrews 1:6.
@GreekForAll Год назад
@mr.d.c.1914.1 4 года назад
the original greek word - proskunew - also means the following :3) in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication 3a) used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank So those apply to Jesus as Jesus is King of kings and has become (future tense-will) a Mighty God (Not ALmighty God and Creator) Isa 9:6
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Thank you for the input. I do agree that "proskunew" has this idea of falling down and giving homage/obeisance to the higher rank. A few notes: 1. Anyone who studies semantic fields will agree that one cannot just pick any meaning the word has and put it into any context. It should be clearly shown why one meaning is preferred over the others. We cannot just say it should be "obeisance" when it comes to Jesus. 2. Kings were often considered to be 'gods' so when someone "proskunew-ed" a king it means both homage and worship. Interestingly, wisemen didn't offer any homage/obeisance to Herod. I wonder why. 3. In salvation history Jesus was enthroned after his resurrection. Yet he accepted proskunew while he was on earth before his death. As I said in the video, it doesn't matter what the word proskunew means. The whole video could be summarized like this: Only God must be proscunew-ed, and Jesus received proscunew. So Jesus is ...
@shunnednon-membercopperfel6843 4 года назад
You must be a Witness, you are ignoring everything this Gentleman is saying, the fact Peter refused worship from Cornelius using the same word prokunew, which means to worship is ignored from you. If you want to go down the path of Isahiah 9:6, I could take you to your NWT to Isaiah 10:20-21, 20 In that day those remaining of Israel And the survivors of the house of Jacob Will no longer support themselves on the one who struck them;e But they will support themselves on Jehovah, The Holy One of Israel, with faithfulness. 21 Only a remnant will return, The remnant of Jacob, to the Mighty God.f Jehovah is referred to as Mighty God, your point!!! Also, in the NWT, Isaiah 43:10 it says, “You are my witnesses,”+ declares Jehovah, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen,+ So that you may know and have faith in me* And understand that I am the same One.+ Before me no God was formed, And after me there has been none. You quoted Isiah 9:6, so if there is only one God as the NWT says, why are you making references to Isiah 9:6, interesting!!! In Isiah 43:11, NWT, says: I-I am Jehovah,+ and besides me there is no savior. hmmmm, I thought our Savior was Jesus Christ?? I hope you could see the connection here, but from what I see you are in denial!! It doesn't matter what evidence anyone presents to you, you Witnesses are very good about not answering questions, you avoid, ignore them, or you attack ones character, you misapply scripture by cherry picking verses to support your doctrines, you set up straw man arguments and many or most times your explanations are very weak!!!
@JerryJones1914 4 года назад
dl cx Why can you except people knows more about the Bible than Jehovah’s Witnesses you know me.. The Bible teaches the truth your Bible is full of lies and deception....
@JerryJones1914 4 года назад
dl cx And by the way you still have not watch ...Jakke control... on RU-vid about your pedophile problems in your religion...
@thebosstv1183 4 года назад
@@shunnednon-membercopperfel6843 Good job may Jesus bless us♥️ I hope you will make a vlogs exposing the wrong teaching of the jdubs
@Confusediam2 4 года назад
3 amens, got what you mean, god to be worshipped, one thing the jehovah witnesses dont do,
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
Blessings to you, I'm glad it was useful.
@boymatin5845 2 месяца назад
Amen, Amen, Amen!
@jimjuri6490 Месяц назад
The Greek word proskuneō can be translated into various meanings. Jesus himself used it in his example of the King and his slave. Matthew 18:26 KJV The servant therefore fell down, and WORSHIPED him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. Other translations use other words, such as honour, bend the knees to, bow down etc. Thus, taking the word worship to show that Jesus was God makes no sense. Peter was worshipped. Plenty of people are worshiped in everyday life. People in high positions are addressed as 'Your worship'. If Jesus wanted worship of any kind why did he say: (Matthew 20:28) Just as the Son of man came, NOT TO BE MINISERED TO, but to minister and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many.” Jesus is a SLAVE of God.
@kiwihans100 Месяц назад
This poster is not making any valid points! I am not a JW but have had many serious discussions with them on this and similar subjects! I know for a fact that they fully understand all the know points this guy is making! what do they prove? Only that the word 'proskeneo' can mean a DEGREE of reverence & worship. Unlike catholics & protestants who 'worship' saints and even Jesus Christ, leaving the worship of the FATHER completely out of their minds! They do not pray to the Father THROUGH Jesus Christ, and worship GOD THE FATHER, again THROUGH Jesus Christ, though Jesus himself taught us do do that very thing! See John 14:6.
@rayhsetwo8594 4 года назад
The problem with clickbait titles is they're a designed attempt to bring self glory or entrap the vulnerable or make unwarranted attacks on those who genuinely desire to worship God in spirit and truth, it is said that only 10% truth is 100% misleading so whilst your knowledge of Greek is clear you have in your comments to others admitted that the word for worship can be used in differing contexts, and yet you didn't explain that in your video to your viewers and subscribers? so that begs the question are you looking to gain more subscribers by using underhanded attacks on JWs or do you genuinely want to help others? The bottom line is not presenting 100% of the facts is just treating the unwary, or those less informed with contempt, your saying 'listen to my voice, my voice and knowledge is what you should listen to, my explanations are the most logical, my reasoning is fair and educated, my education in greek and semantics is cleverer than others and deserves respect because I'm trying to help you' whereas the reality is you've chosen a line of reasoning that JWs would agree with in part, in fact most of it, and you know that already, and you will also know JWs can answer your 3 questions no problem, but most will not be drawn into futile reasoning and debates, all kinds of slander gets thrown at JWs, and they expect it, Jesus said his followers would be persecuted and hated, so whilst you present a glossed over attack it is really a thin veneer, because any truth loving person will seek 100% truth not partial truth's..........The answer to who Jesus was and his relationship to his heavenly father Jehovah is very neatly summed up by the very apostle John you quoted several times, John chapter 8 puts firmly to bed any doubt as to the relationship between Jesus as a son and him being a separate person to his father in heaven, Almighty God, Jehovah. You can pick any bible translation you want past or present and there is just no getting away with Jesus own words recorded by someone very close to him, the Apostle John in John chapter 8. They are both the ultimate authority on the ancient Greek translation and meaning because one spoke the words and the other wrote it, both under inspiration of holy spirit from God,,,,,,,,,,So for any lover of truth read John chapter 8.
@kevinfromcanada4379 4 года назад
Ray, I am a lover of the truth and I've read John 8. I think it is quite clear that Jesus claims to be YHWH in vs 58 when He says, "I am" (εγω ειμι) instead of "I was" (εγω ημην). Now Jesus is a different person from the Father who is YHWH as you pointed out. The Holy Spirit is also YHWH (Act 5:3-4). So we have three distinct persons called YHWH - Yet the Bible makes it clear that there is only one YHWH (Deu 6:4), therefore, the conclusion that is forced upon us is YHWH is multi-personal (ie. the trinity). The Jews believed YHWH was multi-personal long before Jesus came to earth because of passages like Gen 18-19 & Exo 24, which is why the Jews who wrote the NT (who later were called Christians) could proclaim Jesus as God at the same time calling the Father God, all the while maintaining their believe that there was only one YHWH. Having your ideology attached doesn't make it right anymore than a Muslim having his ideology attacked makes his right. Neither does an attack on an ideology make it wrong. The question is, "is the criticism correct?" In this case (and in the case of Islam), the criticism is justified. JW's blaspheme YHWH by proclaiming that Jesus is a created being, as does anyone else who thinks that Jesus is anything less than YHWH. This video correctly points out that Jesus receives worship, which is one of many evidences found in the Bible that Jesus is YHWH. So if you are a lover of the truth, ask yourself, "Why would Jesus allow Himself to be worshiped if He wasn't YHWH?" Hopefully, you will ponder the question, read the NT in a different light and come to know who Jesus really is... YHWH, the second person of the trinity.
@rayhsetwo8594 4 года назад
@@kevinfromcanada4379 Hi Kevin, I would never 'attack anyone's beliefs, however making a strong defence of the truth has to get straight to the point sometimes so there's no smoke and mirrors and everyone who loves truth can see that. So my response isn't intended to offend anybody but defend what is true, Jesus done that, the apostles done that, and all true Christians throughout history of done that, some where burned alive for defending truth. So when a RU-vid title attacks JW beliefs and our reputation so directly I wrote a rare response, in general I ignore them. I see the points you make about the trinity and all I can do as a friendly suggestion is ask you to look very carefully at the trinity doctrine origins, in a nutshell it has pagan origins, if you do love truth then a little research and bible reading will prove that beyond doubt. But let's look directly at the concept as a start, the bible teaches that Jesus was the Son of God, I think all Christians will agree there. It also teaches that Jehovah (YHWH) is almighty God but also Jesus referenced him many times as his heavenly 'father'. It also teaches God has an invisible active force we know as the 'Holy spirit'. (The apostle Paul mentioned in Acts the scriptures were written under inspiration of men being moved by the Holy spirit just as wind moves a sail boat, so it's an invisible force God can project to cause whatever is needed). However let's leave the Holy spirit to one side for the moment, the Trinity is taught as three way, God,Son,Holy spirit in that order of authority, it will fall flat if the first two are wrong, so you only have to show the first two are not one and the same person to prove the trinity is a false teaching. John chapter 8 is unequivocal in showing Jesus and his Father, Jehovah (YHWH), are separate persons with separate personalities, because the words come from Jesus own mouth in that dialogue, it cannot be interpreted any other way, not unless someone were to cherry pick words or twist the whole context, Jesus there is speaking to Jewish religious leaders and makes absolutely clear he is separate from his father in heaven, that is the whole context of the conversation. Any lover of truth in any bible translation will see that. Re: Acts 5:3,4 that's an interesting account, Annanias and Saphira are asked why did they lie about the money they received for the field? The Apostle Peter makes a very very salient point, to paraphrase he says, 'you might get away with tellings lies to men but God sees all the lies told and takes note of it, and ultimately you won't get away with it'. So anyone who knowingly tries to mislead others are answerable to God, especially when professing to represent God, so JWs take what is written in the Bible very seriously and just as Jesus was unpopular with the Jewish leaders of his day, and told his disciples that "if they persecute me they will persecute you also", we expect to get lies and criticism against us but not only do we take that on the chin, we are glad, because we must be doing the right thing. Anyhow I digress....the scriptures cannot be cherry picked, God inspired the Bible to be written and any twist or criticism of any scripture will ALWAYS be cut in half by the Bible itself, not JWs, but the scriptures themselves, that is why it is referenced in scripture as sharper than a two edge sword that cuts right down to the marrow, or in modern terms every time it will 'cut to the chase'. And with Jehovah, Almighty God as it's author then it is not a surprise he had it constructed in such a way that no false argument, false doctrines, will ever win out, the bible will give the answer every time, without fail. I've seen all kinds of mud slung against it and never have I seen one disprove the Bible or prove a false doctrine. So for all lovers of truth, just read the bible, meditate on it and pray for a pure heart to 'see' the truth.,,,,, Just one final thought it helps to remember quite often a scripture is quoted as chapter and verse i.e Genesis 1:1. But the chapter and verse numerical system is relatively new, so it pays everytime to look at the whole passage of scripture and the truth will jump off the page because not only will God use his Holy Spirit on people with a sincere heart for them to see it, reading the passage concerned will give the real context. So as an example the scripture you mentioned at Acts 5:3,4 as far as I am aware the original Greek there is not YHWH but 'Theos' God. So we need to see what context it refers to as 'God'? (Bearing in mind that God is a title just as King, or Queen, or Mr or Mrs are titles, remember the Egyptians, Babylonians all had 'Gods'?). So which God is that scripture referring to? The answer is found in the preceding chapter because it's the same event so same context, same conversation/dialogue. Acts 4:8-10 To paraphrase it says "Peter, filled with holy spirit, told the Jewish rulers,elders and the Jews in attendance, that they had just cured a cripple and they had authority to do so as representatives of Jesus, whom they had recently executed but God had raised up". Ironically, that passage of scripture read in it's entire context actually proves the Trinity to be a false doctrine because it also mention the operation of the Holy Spirit, Peter was "filled with Holy spirit", so it's an invisible force that can motivate it is not a person. He wasn't filled with another person was he? He says Jesus was killed by them. And finally he says God reassurected him, So Jehovah, (YHWH) Almighty God as Father, reassurected his Son Jesus (a god, divine). And there in black and white in scriptures is the true relationship between the separate and the two most powerful personalities in the Universe. The only context that gets misused to falsely prop up the trinity is when Jesus said me and the father are one, but only in the context that they are like minded or their relationship is so close they are working in close union with same goals,,,,think of the term we use today, 'like father like son' to indicate close relationships of fathers and their sons. The bottom line is let the bible speak for itself and nowhere does the Trinity doctrine hold water. I for one would drop any doctrine if it is not found to be true in the bible, that is a reason as an example we as JWs don't celebrate Christmas, it's categorically well accepted it is a pagan festival with pagan origins (by those who executed Jesus) and no Apostle or disciple of Jesus was every recorded as practicing it. So on a personal level I like black and white and truth, so I won't accept being hoodwinked by doctrines that are not based on truth, and not in the bible.
@kevinfromcanada4379 4 года назад
@@rayhsetwo8594 First, let’s set the Holy Spirit aside for the moment and focus on Jesus. I believe the Holy Spirit is a person and not a ‘force’ and can demonstrate that but I want to keep the conversation focused. You said that “you only have to show the first two are not one and the same person to prove the trinity is a false teaching.” This is incorrect. If the Father and Jesus were the same person, that would be modalism, not trinitarianism. Trinitarians believe that YHWH is comprised of three distinct persons (Father, Son & Spirit), so to “show the first two are not one and the same person” is exactly what trinitarians are saying. To prove trinitarians wrong, you must demonstrate that the Son & Spirit are not co-equal in nature to the Father. In the OT we find that YHWH presents Himself as a multi-personal being. In Gen 18-19 we see that there are two entities called YHWH. I will even use the NWT. Gen 18:1 says, “Afterward, Jehovah appeared to him (Abraham)…He looked up and saw three men standing some distance from him.” The reader knows that one of the ‘men’ is YHWH but Abraham doesn’t know this yet but he learns it as the narrative progresses. They eat, YHWH promises that Abraham will have a son, and then they leave for Sodom. On the way YHWH tells Abraham what is going to happen to Sodom. The two ‘men’ who we find out are angels in Gen 19:1 go a head “but Jehovah remained with Abraham.”(vs 22) Abraham attempts to intercede for Sodom asking YHWH if He would destroy Sodom if there were 50 righteous in the city and keeps working down the number till finally we read,“Jehovah, please, do not become hot with anger, but let me speak just once more: Suppose only ten are found there.” He answered: “I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten.” When Jehovah finished speaking to Abraham, he went his way and Abraham returned to his place.” YHWH was physically present, speaking to Abraham. YHWH continued to Sodom and in Gen 19:24 is says (I have to use the ESV since the NWT deliberately obscures the point here), "Then the LORD rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the LORD out of heaven.” There are two entities called YHWH. In Exo 24 YHWH calls Moses and the 70 elders to “Then he said to Moses:“Go up to Jehovah”. He doesn’t say “come up to me” but to someone else called YHWH. They go up the mountain and they “saw the God of Israel.” They eat a meal with God and there is emphasis that they saw God and were not killed. In verse 12 is says, “Jehovah now said to Moses:“Come up to me”. The Moses goes further up the mountain to be with God. Notice, in vs 1 YHWH is speaking and tells Moses to “Go up to Jehovah” and in vs 12 it is “come up to me”. There are two entities called YHWH. There are many other examples, which is why Jews believed YHWH was multi-personal. Benjamin Sommer, a conservative Jewish scholar who teaches at a Jewish seminary, confirms this in his book when he wrote, “Some Jews regard Christianity’s claim to be a monotheistic religion with grave suspicion, both because of the doctrine of the trinity (how can three equal one?) and because of Christianity’s core belief that God took bodily form… No Jew sensitive to Judaism’s own classical sources, however, can fault the theological model Christianity employs when it avows belief in a God who has an earthly body as well as a Holy Spirit and a heavenly manifestation, for that model, we have seen is a perfectly Jewish one.” This is why John could open his Gospel by saying that ‘God (the Word/Jesus) was with God’. The NT presents Jesus as co-equal to God the Father in nature (Joh 1:1, Phi 2) but subordinate in function. Jews recognized long before Jesus ever came to earth that God was a multi-personal being. Christians used this belief to convince Jews that Jesus was the YHWH of the OT (See Justin Martyr in his Dialogue with Trypho). This led the non-Christian Jewish establishment c. 200 AD to reject a multi-personal God and take a unitarian view of God. I don’t want to make this too long so I will end with this; In the OT we see that YHWH is multi-personal, as we saw above in Gen 18-19 & Exo 24 where there were two entities called YHWH. The NT was written in Greek, so we don’t have the tetragrammaton (YHWH), instead we have God (θεος) & Lord (κυριος) which is used of both the true God and gods, and only context can determine what is meant. But as in the OT where YHWH is presented as multi-personal, so in the NT we find that God is multi-personal. Jesus is presented as co-equal in nature to God the Father (Joh 1:1, Phi 2). God as a multi-personal being (trinity) is not an adoption of pagan beliefs but how God presents Himself all through the Bible and something believed by God’s people long before Jesus even came to earth.
@rayhsetwo8594 4 года назад
@@kevinfromcanada4379 Hi Kevin I agree on the accounts where Angels were referred to as 'Jehovah' 'Yahweh' 'YHWH' and the context of that is not unusual in that a news item might say 'president Trump has said he is happy to leave hospital' the reality is it might have physically been his spokesperson who makes the statement in a press conference, but the words are rightly attributed to the originator of the message, so there's no issue with spokespersons being called YHWH, that doesn't though miraculously turn them into the same person. However,we could go around in circles all day long and look at many theologians and philosophers, but ultimately the bible has the final word, it's not my view that counts, it's not JWs view that counts, it doesn't matter if we took every Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic semantic expert that has ever lived and put them in one room, the bottom line is truth will always win out against lie and the bible itself will always speak what is true, we don't need to try and be intellectual with words or use partial truths to hide lies or misleading quotations to hide truth, the bible will cut through it everytime,,,,,,without fail. John 8 shows categorically Jesus and Almighty God are separate personalities, Acts 4 and 5 we discussed earlier also show clearly the separation of personalities and as for Jesus being equal to his Father, Jehovah, to somehow validate the Trinity as a pure doctrine? Well let us allow the bible to have the final word Phillipians 2: 5-11. Jesus out of deep respect would not dare to claim to be equal to Jehovah God Almighty, the Apostle Paul makes that very clear there. Nope, the Trinity doctrine quite frankly is peddling poison, and any truth lover will out of deep respect come to the conclusion that a dead person does not reassurect themselves, and as Jesus was reassurected by God Almighty sheer logic dictates they cannot be equal or one and the same.
@kevinfromcanada4379 4 года назад
@@rayhsetwo8594 Sorry, angles are never called YHWH. Angels and people may be called gods (Eloheem) because they represent YHWH (Ps 82), but neither angels or any other representative are ever called YHWH or "the God of Israel". The Angel of YHWH is called YHWH because He is Jesus (Jud 1:5), the second member of the trinity. If you get hung up on the word "angel", don't, it simply means "messenger" and tells you nothing about the nature of the messenger (terrestrial, celestial or divine). Show me where any other being (other than the Holy Spirit) is called YHWH. As for John 8, Jesus categorically identifies Himself as YHWH in vs 58, which is why the Jews picked up stones to kill him for blasphemy. They didn't believe His claim as you obviously do not. I know JW's what to mistranslate the verse to simply say that Jesus pre-existed Abraham, but the Greek doesn't allow for that. Jesus said "I am" (εγω ειμι) not "I was" (εγω ημην). He was claiming to be the "I am" (YHWH) of Isa 43:10 in the LXX and Exo 3:14 in the LXX. To argue otherwise is to deliberately misrepresent Greek grammar and miss the point entirely as to why the Jews picked up stones to kill Him. It is simply a deliberate refusal by unitarians to accept the words of Jesus, though you claim the Bible is the final word. As for Phi 2, Paul is dealing with humility. Though Jesus was by very nature eternally God (comp Joh 1:1), He didn't count equality with God something to be grasped/retained/ taken advantage of, but took to Himself the nature of a servant (humanity) (comp Joh 1:14). Now He has been exalted above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord - this is what is said of YHWH in Isa 45:23. Again, Jesus claims to be God (Joh 8:58), the apostles explicitly call Jesus God in their writings (Joh 1:1, 1:18, Tit 2:13, 2Pe 1:1, Heb 1:8, 1Jo 5:20), and in the narrative (Joh 20:28). The list for implicit identifications of Jesus as God (capital "G") go on and on but I will list just two for you to deal with: Jesus accepts worship and Jesus is the creator of ALL things (Joh 1:3 & Col 1:16). Arianism is the pernicious heresy that just won't go away because "men love darkness rather than light" so they continue to propagate this false narrative that Jesus is a created being.
@RitaMalikfour 4 года назад
I agree amen, I do it understand the g b that seems to me they want worship they should not only be ashSmed the congregations thT worship the g b are sinning , they do not read the bible or they would know better
@kiwihans100 4 месяца назад
'Prokeno' Is used in the bible for a WIDE spectrum of actions as the above gentleman realises. It can refer to just the 'respect' & 'honour' given to a MAN or expressed more strongly to an angel, to Jesus or even God himself! The fact that the disciples 'bowed down' to Jesus was an obvious act of obeisance to Jesus, acknowledging him as the "Son of God" (Matt 16:16). However when Jesus told us that the "True worshippers must worship the FATHER in Spirit and truth" (John 4:23,24) He obviosly meant that their FULL devotion and recognition of their love for thr supreme being was involved! They observed Jesus Himself give such 'extreme 'proskeno' to God at Matt 11:25 when Jesus said "I publically PRAISE you Lord of Heaven & earth...". So These points in NO WAY suggest that Jesus is GOD, but his own Son who WORSHIPS Him"! 'He is MY GOD, MY FATHER" Jesus told Mary! ( I am not a JW!)
@STROND 2 года назад
I think you are being a little deceiving in your video and so are misleading many, for the following reasons: OK, so the Greek word which many translation translate as "worship" is proskuneó and according to STRONG's concordance for Bible words. as well as many others states the following for the Greek word "proskuneó" ......... "I go down on my knees to, do obeisance to kiss the hand tenderly.. proskynéō (from 4314 /prós, "towards" and kyneo, "to kiss") - properly, to kiss the ground when prostrating before a superior; to worship, ready "to fall down/prostrate oneself to adore on one's knees. So let me ask you this, "what is wrong with giving proskynéō to Jesus, it is NOT the same as the worship we give to his father Yehovah ??? Did you know that people in the Bible were given proskynéō does that mean that they were worshipped in the same way that we worship God ? For example if you were to give proskynéō to the queen of England, and bow when meeting her, would that be worship ? Of course not ! By the same token, if you were to bow down before an alter of Budda for example would that be considered worship in this sense of the word ? More than likely it would! So you see it all depends who you are giving proskynéō to and the context. I think it is very disingenuous to use the word proskynéō in blanket, one size fits all terminology, especially from someone like yourself who purports to understand Greek ! Sometimes you have to look at the original Greek and what it ACTUALLY MEANS, or rather what the koine Greek meant !
@GreekForAll 2 года назад
You are absolutely right, the context is the key. You are wrong though when you equate Jesus with the queen of England (as a mere human). The point of my video is to show that in the NT neither humans, nor angels but Got and Jesus receive proskuneo. If you diligently study every context where Jesus receives it, you should notice that proskuneo is more than mere respect one would give to "the queen of England." PS: I read your other comments. Let's just keep 1 dialogue line here.
@STROND 2 года назад
​@@GreekForAll I was NOT equating the two, I was giving an example. And you have to admit that the Greek word proskuneo can be given to humans, especial if it can mean to "bow down, or to prostrate oneself !
@STROND 2 года назад
@@GreekForAll Jesus when telling of forgiveness uses proskuneo in connection to a HUMAN Matt 18:26 Even the extremely trinitarian W. E. Vine writes in his An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, p. 1247: "PROSKUNEO ... to make obeisance, do reverence to (from pros, towards, and kuneo, to kiss), is the most frequent word rendered 'to worship'. It is used for an act of homage or reverence (a) to God ...; (b) to Christ ...; (c) to a man, Matt. 18:26." ("Obeisance," of course, shows "respect, submission, or reverence" - Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1961.) Noted Bible scholar J. H. Thayer defines proskuneo: "prop. to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence ... hence in the N. T. by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication. It is used a. of homage shown to men of superior rank [position] ... Rev. 3:9 .... b. of homage rendered to God and the ascended Christ, to heavenly beings [angels]" - p. 548, Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Baker Book House Publ., 1977.
@STROND 2 года назад
@@GreekForAll At Rev. 3:9 Jesus shows the position of authority he will give to some of his human followers when he says he will make people "worship before thy feet." - KJV. The word used there is proskuneo! The ASV again adds this footnote: "The Greek word [proskuneo] denotes an act of reverence whether paid to a creature, or the Creator.........Looks like proskuneo is be given to humans in TWO seperate occasions here........My advice is to try NOT to nullify Gods word, just accept what it say. Regards
@STROND 2 года назад
@@GreekForAll King James Bible Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship (Grk, PROSKUNEO ) before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. There you go, took me all of about 5min to find 2 examples of PROSKUNEO being given to man.
@boymatin5845 2 месяца назад
1. Amen
@randallwittman2720 4 месяца назад
Revelation 19:10) At that I fell down before his feet to worship him. But he tells me: “Be careful! Do not do that! I am only a fellow slave of you and of your brothers who have the work of witnessing concerning Jesus. Worship God! For the witness concerning Jesus is what inspires prophecy.” In connection with the respect paid to Jesus, the word often used is pro·sky·neʹo, a word having the basic meaning “do obeisance,” but also translated “worship.” (Mt 2:11; Lu 4:8) Jesus was not accepting worship, which belongs to God alone (Mt 4:10), but recognized the act of the one doing obeisance as recognition of the authority given Him by God. [ The angel whom Jesus Christ sent] to bring the Revelation to John expressed the principle that man’s worship belongs only to God, when he refused to accept worship from John. This is another scripture proving that Jesus is not God because he refused to accept worship from men, also the angel directed John to the only true God, Jehovah not Jesus,
@davidlingaard860 4 месяца назад
I believe your teachings, ask a Jehovah witness, is Jesus good? They will answer yes ,we know that only God is good, here is where the jws get confuse.
@GreekForAll 4 месяца назад
Love it!
@TheCaledonianBoy 2 месяца назад
@davidlingaard860 Was Mary the mother of Jesus good? Was John, Peter, Matthew and Paul Good?
@TheCaledonianBoy 2 месяца назад
James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights," If every "good gift" is from the Father, a Gift from the Son cant be good. Is that what you believe?
@jimjuri6490 Месяц назад
How did Jesus become GOOD? He OBEYED God's laws. Here is Bible testimony. (1 Peter 2:22) HE COMMITTED NO SIN, nor was deception found in his mouth. Whereas God MAKES the laws. Thereby ONLY GOD IS GOOD. That is what Jesus made clear to the man. Because he goes on to mention God's laws to the man to obey. People who obey God's laws can also disobey them.
@TheCaledonianBoy Месяц назад
@@jimjuri6490 Agreed
@johncolage1651 Месяц назад
The Bible clearly states that before humans appeared on the earth only Jehovah's family of witnesses existed in the universe. The first witness to leave the family was the angel who became "Satan" the first apostate. Today either one is serving Jehovah or the adversary Satan. There is no sitting on the fence.
@randallwittman2720 4 месяца назад
I fail to see your point. Lord the God refers to jehovah God. Not jesus. himself At this Satan offered to give jesus all that he seen id jesus would do an act of worship to satan. Jesus It is the the lord thy god you should worship. ] And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. [10] Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve
@miguelchippsinteligente6072 3 года назад
Jesus christ referenced living waters 💎👩‍🎓👨‍🎓science described water memory 🌊🎭psalms16:24 k,j proverbs27:19 existence psychologically god bless fight the good fight 💖👻💎👩‍🎓👨‍🎓🗽🤍⚖🌪🌬
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 2 года назад
You know what’s even funnier I’m gonna say this to everybody in the comments section do you know what’s even funnier. I’m not a Jehovah’s Witness however, I’ve read their doctrine, they always say well Jesus Christ is not Yahweh he’s Michael the Arcadial and the Holy Spirits not God either the Trinity is false it’s pagan ha ha ha ha ha ha we are the true and honest false pagan faith. But here’s the thing though you know your own new world translation teaches that Jesus Christ is Jehovah God. Did you know that Jehovah’s Witnesses ve ve ly say all the time Jehovah God isn’t called Mighty he’s called Al mighty so that goes to show that Jesus Christ saint Jehovah God. Oh really is that a fact, because they always go and say well Jehovah God is never called mighty at any time in scripture really I can name you two passages in your new world translation where Jehovah God is called mighty. Go to Jeremiah chapter 32 verse 18, in the New World translation and also go to Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 17, then read Isaiah chapter 9 verse six in the New World translation who is the Messiah? Did they say that the Holy Spirit is not Jehovah God either really? Even though second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 and 18 in the New World translation says Jehovah the spirit Who is Jehovah God the spirit the Holy Spirit who else. I’m going to give you passages everybody where Jesus is called the Almighty God not only from the New World translation but also from the Bible itself here we go.
@tongakhan230 Год назад
I read about the behaviour of the First Century Christian Congregation in the book of Acts and the others letters. I just couldn't find a single incident of Jesus being worshiped. Was it the duty of the apostate church to correct the flaw? And that too at a Council presided on by a PAGAN Roman Emperor. Strange!
@Deep.Purple 4 года назад
The Morning star was spoken about Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon that is not Satan being discussed in Isaiah. If you read that passage you'll notice that it's talking about "a man" Satan was never a man. God promoted Jesus (elevated) Jesus to a "higher position" at that point it was acceptable for God to have his son worshiped. (Philippians 2) He was the begotten of God and not a creation. As such he was literally a genetic build of God as was Eve Begotten of Adam. Before that time period (his resurrection) Jesus always said that he was not equal the father. Even Jesus admitted this (John 14:28) Jesus never claimed to "be" God. Worship to Jesus is another thing. At the end of the 1000 year worship who does Jesus turn authority back over to? 1 Cor 15:24-28
@MrFinius 11 месяцев назад
#1. Amen. Agreed (however some have noted that the word "human" is not a biblical word but a "legal" word.) # 2. Amen. Agreed...... #3. Amen.
@rubenoeschger5728 2 года назад
1234 Amen !!
@dougharitopulos9288 Год назад
Two amen
@williammcintyre8570 2 года назад
It seems there were people in here that are unknown to themselves rebellious. But. I think all of the children are rebels at some point. HEAVENLY FATHER knows this. It is the flesh. We carry it until He returns for His church. Keep the faith. Love ya'll
@rocketmangenesis 7 месяцев назад
Did you actually go and talk to a knowledgeable Jehovah Witness about this? Or is this a rhetorical video to put down other people without a genuine communication?
@levinueva9446 2 года назад
Amen and amen
@randallwittman2720 6 месяцев назад
Jesus is first and last. First to be resurected by Jah and last to be resurected by Jah. All othe resurection to take place by Jesus . Alpha and omega is Jah. The completion and total amount. First and last . Is not the first through the last. Google. The missing alpha and omege. Talks about the added Alpha and omega listed in Rev.
@GreekForAll 6 месяцев назад
Yes, it could be just the first and just the last. However, it also could be a rhetorical literary device called merism (where two opposites are mentioned to illustrate the totality: day and night, old and young, Alpha and Omega).
@TheCaledonianBoy 2 месяца назад
@@GreekForAll In both places in Revelation where Jesus said he was the "first and last" it is to do with his death and resurrection which does not equate to merism as you described it. Rev 1:17,18 Rev 2:8.
@GreekForAll 2 месяца назад
@@TheCaledonianBoy also in Rev 22:13 where it doesn’t speak of death and resurrection. And even if it did, it could still be merism. And if it is not, what changes? The more literary devices one knows, the deeper we can see the text.
@TheCaledonianBoy 2 месяца назад
@@GreekForAll You are assuming that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, First and Last, and the Beginning and the End in Rev 22:12:15. You would have to argue for that. The fact that this passage does not speak of the death and resurrection of Jesus should at least help us appreciate there is a context to be considered with the title "First and Last". Here is a question for you friend. Who in the Bible is the King of kings?
@GreekForAll 2 месяца назад
@@TheCaledonianBoy I have a detailed video on my channel on Jesus as Alpha and Omega. You can watch my arguments and feel free to reply if you can dispute my exegesis. As for the “king of kings” title, both the Father in 1 Tim 6:15 and Jesus in Rev 19:16 have it. So, they share it.
@brianmckenzie9538 Год назад
3. Amen
@brianmckenzie9538 Год назад
2. Amen
@brianmckenzie9538 Год назад
1. Amen
@rogermarshall4368 Год назад
2 amen
@rogermarshall4368 Год назад
1 amen
@usethis2mail 3 года назад
Correct me if I’m wrong but this video seems a bit disingenuous to the Koine Greek language and the audience. So my question: Is the only application of the Koine Greek word προσεκύνησαν only to mean “Worship” in a English? If not then how do you determine the difference of meaning applicable to where, how and who the word was used? Examplem Matthew 15:25 - NAS: But she came and [began] to bow down before Him, saying Matthew 8:2 - NAS: came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said Matthew 9:18 - NAS: came and bowed down before Him, and said, INT: certain having come knelt down to him saying Matthew 20:20 - NAS: to Jesus with her sons, bowing down and making a request INT: sons of her kneeling down and asking Yet KJV has worship in all scriptures with Matthew 20:20 refers to Jesus
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
Great observation! However, the English translation is irrelevant at all in my argument. Just leave it untranslated as "proskuneo". In the NT, men cannot be proskuneod, angels cannot be proskuneod, only God should be proskuneod. Whatever that word means. Yet Jesus is portrayed as the one who accepts it. Makes sense?
@usethis2mail 3 года назад
@@GreekForAll I’m may be irrelevant to your argument, however the correct definition it is very much relevant to mine Why? Well let’s use Matthew 2:2 - KJB has worship for (προσκυνῆσαι). English definition - “to do reverence to”and as pointed out it’s usage can be “I go down on my knees to, do obeisance to, worship” which all have different meanings. Ie I could go on my knees or do obeisance to a King that does not necessarily mean worship. Since the various meanings, has the basis for translating (προσκυνῆσαι) as “worship” more to do with the presupposed view of the Trinity doctrine. Already accepting Jesus is God?
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
@@usethis2mail My friend, do you use online translators for this communication? I have difficulties understanding your comments. As for Matt 2:2, it is obvious that the magi came to worship Jesus and not just to bow down to him. Note, they didn't proskuneo Herod, the king of the Jews! Yet, they want to proskuneo Jesus. He is more than just a king here. King Herod didn't miss it, and sarcastically says "I also want to proskuneo him" Imatt 2:8). I don't think Herod would want to bow down to any person here. Thus, proskuneo in Matt 2 is truly "to worship." If you missed it, you really missed what Matthew is trying to say.
@usethis2mail 3 года назад
@@GreekForAll No online translation used. I will critique better before sending. Two questions? Although "προσκυνῆσαι" has various usages, have you automatically selected "worship" So let’s say you owed a very large debt to a powerful King and that King was going to take from you everything you had. Say your house, wife, children, etc and you fell down and did Proskuneo to him pleading to give you more time. What would the English translation of that Greek word “Proskuneo” be?
@GreekForAll 3 года назад
@@usethis2mail 1. I have not used automatically "worship." 2. In this context the better rendering would be "to bow down with reverence and respect and fear." This being said, it does not negate the notes of worship. You see, somehow you try to contrast "to worship" and "to do obeisance" as opposite. They are not. Obeisance is part of worship. Not opposite to it. In Matt 18, the king is the image of God. Let's just keep it in mind.
@patriciahines4660 Год назад
@marcuslebeau 2 года назад
3 and Amen!!! The only thing is, or the BIG thing rather is that Satan is not the Morning Star, Satan is Lucifer son of the morning! The Morning Star or Bright and Morning Star is a title that goes to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
@franciscolobo1151 Год назад
@johnmontoya2479 Год назад
@MN-es7ue 4 года назад
Excuse me, how do you explain the fact that proskuneo it is used also to the meaning of to do obeisance to an important man like for example a king? Matthew 18.26 says: «The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.» Here "him" is just a man, a king! In the Greek text we have: ὁ δοῦλος (the slave) προσεκύνει (was doing obeisance) αὐτῷ (to him). We translate "was doing obeisance" but Greek has προσεκύνει (prosekynei). So for Jehovah’s Witnesses Jesus is The Messiah King! This is why they did prosekynei to him.
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
@Milton Newton Thanks for an excellent question. Someone already asked it in the comments, so I will be brief. We don't know if Jesus referred to a real situation or he made it up in his mind. The kings in those days were often considered as gods and thus worshipped (not only in ancient empires but in the Roman as well). So his story could reflect something very common to his hearers. Furthermore, this is a parable in which the king symbolized God. So it was appropriate to use "prskuneo." It is unlikely that Jesus wanted his audience to perceive the identity of the king just as a human. His point is to obvious to miss that the king represents God. In either scenario, the use of "proskuneo" in this parable is appropriate. I hope it clarifies it a little. Just my take.
@MN-es7ue 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll Sincerely, I'm very impressed for your reply, but I have still another question please. You spoke about the kings that were viewed as gods, so they received worship. Ok, but how can we explain Revelation 3.9 were it is said that those of “the synagogue of satan” are made to προσκυνήσουσιν (do obeisance or worship?) ἐνώπιον (in sight) τῶν (of the) ποδῶν (feet) σου (of you)". How is possible that Jesus requires for them to come and worship before the feet of Christians? Isn't clearly in this case not worship but only obeisance?
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
@@MN-es7ue That is a challenging text and before I say anything about it I want to assure you that I do agree that the word "proskuneo" means obeisance as well, I do not deny it. In my video, I state that in the NT the term loses this connotation and primarily is used as "to worship." Keep in mind, that obeisance is not something opposite of worship, it is a big part of it. So both terms are somewhat synonymous or interchangeable (of course, not identical). As for Rev 3:9, it is a challenging text. If it was not there, my case would be stronger. Nevertheless, it's there and it is more theological. I really need to spend more time to really understand it. At this point, my take on it is: a) I do agree that it means obeisance, otherwise, it would contradict everything else the NT and Rev teaches. b) The statement comes from Jesus himself so it is true. c) This event will take place after the 2nd coming when the saints will be glorified (so it doesn't happen in our days or back in history. At least, we don't have any record that such event took place in the church of Philadelphia). Perhaps the redeemed will gain a new status from God which will allow them to receive worship. It's hard to tell at this moment, I need to study it more. And as I mentioned, I'm fine with this verse to be obeisance as it is too obvious for such meaning. Other texts seem to bear the meaning of worship.
@MN-es7ue 4 года назад
@@GreekForAll I really appreciate your intellectual honesty! According to some Greek Dictionaries among the Orientals, esp. the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead was an expression of profound reverence! So maybe here by kneeling or prostration was just a normal way to do homage in order to express respect or to make supplication, and used to men and beings of superior rank, like kings (see Rev. 5.9, 10). So the problem with proskuneo is to understand if everywhere we read it in the NT referring to Jesus by apostle, it was only an act of reverence to a majesty, or really an act of worship that Jesus taught was only for God! (Mt 4.10).
@GreekForAll 4 года назад
@@MN-es7ue You are totally right. In the semantic theory the context is the decisive factor for the meaning of every single word. In my brief look it seems that most of the time someone proskuneoed Jesus was at his divine manifestation or similar. It seems that people regarded him as someone more than a king. I could say that regarding him as a king was not absent but it was secondary to his divine and messianic attribute. Again, I want to emphasize that the distinction between "obeisance and worship" is artificial. These two are interconnected, overlapped and I would be cautious to place them as totally different terms. Let's ask, how can we differentiate the obeisance from worship when a person just falls to the ground without any words? We cannot. In the NT, it appears clear that satan wants proskuneo, angels and people don't accept it, and only God should receive it. So, no matter what the word means only God should get it. What do you think?
@michaelamoz6053 2 года назад
All 12 tribs will be judged at the KINGDOM hall of fod of haven of God of Israel and judah and Jerusalem and ZION and Gaza
@sackedbysapp7879 11 месяцев назад
Reading the comments of those that actually understand Greek being translated in English showyour reasoning as as in correct.
Never repeat this mistake again!!! EVER! Period!
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