
316 Creation Of The Devil 

William Donahue
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@bdona4556 11 лет назад
Yes it was the serpent , but in that particular mythology the serpent represented that aspect of the human mind that pulls us away from the garden which is a symbol of the right hemisphere of the brain. When you are in the garden and separate from thought you are taking from the tree of life. But your mind will start flooding you with thoughts from the carnal side. That is the serpent tempting you to stop meditation and leave the garden. Its all mythology about the body and mind. Bill
@Trev612 4 года назад
Who is the Lost tribe of Israel
@Trev612 4 года назад
Also ha Satan in Hebrew mean adversary adversary is the same thing as an antagonist
@bdona4556 3 года назад
@SongOfCelestia Using religious terms you could say that. Bill bdona91078@gmail.com
@garythomas3660 2 года назад
Thank you Billy!!!!! 💯💯 All the way from Orlando, Florida ‼️💯💯
@servantprince 2 года назад
Your 2 hemispheres of your brain, cerebrum, are the 2 cherubims and your thoughts are the flaming swords to keep you out of the garden
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
Thank you. It depends on the culture that sets its own rules. What is good to one culture is evil to another. Look at 911. In this country the attack on the World Trade Center was considered evil. But when the US attacked Iraq, people put their flags out and were singing God bless America and the thought was that this was good. Yet the attack on Iraq was just as evil as the attack on The trade center.You have homosexuals who say they love each other while Christians say that is evil. Bill
@servantprince 2 года назад
Suadi Arabia beheaded 81 men in one day last week
@JohnSmith-nz2yq Год назад
@@servantprince what's the difference between beheading and hanging?
@mo_philosophyw5414 Год назад
We love you bill you are a great teacher to many. I take my hat off to you.
@markangelorgs.2773 Год назад
The US did all the attacks.
@unenlightenedman3859 2 года назад
If I would have grew up in this church, I would have never stopped going.
@Gaia369 Год назад
Its not a church its a theology syncretism class
@Keldaj Год назад
@@Gaia369 Bill literally calls it a church.....
@laurac9895 4 месяца назад
Me too….
@d-rex6846 4 месяца назад
@@Keldaj church is where two or more are gathered according to the bible
@okafala605 12 лет назад
Dreaming of the day when we have teachers like this in all our schools. My 12 year old loves these videos Bill. Thank you Sir.
@nagihangot6133 5 лет назад
Oka Fala In time. But only for The Elect.
@nash_enlightened 5 месяцев назад
Might never happen but you're responsible for her so I advice you help her with it....
@okafala605 5 месяцев назад
@@nash_enlightened Wow thanks 'enlightened one' I never thought of that.
@nash_enlightened 5 месяцев назад
@@okafala605 Glad to help, If we look at it in another perspective we are the one who send the kids to schools and other places (it varies) to learn or participate in the same propaganda which is failing us because we too were socialised into it. So as we break free from it the same should be done for our children. Thank you
@tami.1111 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Mr. Bill. Im new here & love your teaching. I grew up baptist. My grandfather & uncle are baptist preachers & have been my whole life. Im 42. I went through religious trauma. I have gone through deconstruction from religion. Its all about money, power, control & glory. Thank you for all of your hard work that you share with us ❤ You are greatly appreciated!
@wecarextra-tj8ce 4 месяца назад
hello Tami. Went through some religious trauma myself. Bill has a great way of bringing out of the bible the things I already knew to be true but are condemned by mainstream Christianity. Meditation, penal gland etc. hope you are well be blessed
@spartan.falbion2761 День назад
What exactly do you mean by 'deconstruction from religion'?
@OAlchemAzyl 3 года назад
True, if it wasn’t for “The Devil” the church would go out of business 😆😊
@SteamBunneh 4 года назад
i hope these videos never leave youtube.. they give me actual life.. ty mr donahue!
@losskopein Час назад
Download them 🙏🏽
@giocia8672 3 года назад
Its easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled. Mark Twain
@alexandercamlin8889 4 года назад
Years ago, when I was having a mystical awakening out of the New atheism ideology, I was reading my Oxford Study Bible and looking up the scriptural cross-references. That's when I discovered the story of the fiery serpents and the idol, Nehushtan. Both stories were annotated with John 3:14, which I had never seen any attention given to growing up in church, even though the context for everyone's favorite John 3:16 is pretty essential: "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so too the Son of Man shall be lifted up." I was floored. The meaning seemed undeniable, and confirmed the reason I left the Church in the first place. The cure became the poison, the Christ became an idol just like Nehushtan, and like Hezekiah, my own youthful iconoclasm was actually the right course of action. The prophetic nature of it freaked me out, and really challenged this hard-nosed rationalist causality that I had adopted. How could he have known that was going to happen to him? Was it added by later writers? Was he simply an astute observer of human nature and student of history? This seems to me to be how most prophecy works, extrapolation of observed patterns into the future. Whatever else the Bible may be, it is certainly a documentation of the failure of religion as a human institution to catalyze individual and societal transformation of conscience and character.
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
I will tell you briefly how it is so. In Isaiah it quotes God as saying "I make peace, and I create evil" I the Lord do all these things. That is how it is possible. Bill
@Trev612 4 года назад
It also says in the Bible 1 Samuel 16:14-15 [14]But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. [15]And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee.
@Trev612 4 года назад
Judges 9:23 [23]Then God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech:
@Trev612 4 года назад
1 Samuel 19:9 [9]And the evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand: and David played with his hand.
@Trev612 4 года назад
Also the Jew and a gentile the jew representing good and the Gentile representing evil. Romans ch 9
@willievanoudtshoorn3768 3 года назад
As I recall - the tribe of Dan was the serpant tribe. Not Levi
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
I teach obedience to what Jesus taught. Take care of the less fortunate. Help the sick and the hungry. Forgive everything. Once you leave the planet earth, the word God does not exist. I understand what you have learned and I am very happy that you have found your way on those teachings. I have to reach down to the hurt. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Bill
@StobbeTime 17 дней назад
Earth isn’t a planet.
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
My proposal is not to understand the Bible as a religious or spiritual book but to understand it as mythology. This was put together by Greek Hellenists who had access to scientific truths. There is mythology within the Bible that can be proven.God taking a Rib from Adam to Make eve is ionic bonding of electrons. The number of people in the tribe of light Judah is 186,400 which is the constant speed of light. You're making an error when you discount the hidden truths within the Bible. Bill
@danielrobinson2936 3 года назад
Hey Bill- the speed of light thing is fascinating, but if they had different units for measuring distance, couldn't it just be coincidence?
@11rache11 3 года назад
Hey daniel that would be a pretty big coincidence. Too many things occur for these types of situations to be “coincidence”, like how the shamans knew which two plants to combine to get the full effect of ayahuascha and other plant medicines that are pretty lethal! Thank you @billdonahue for your constant and endless search for truth and knowledge 🙏🏼 you are a gift on this earth!
@kristinak1972 Год назад
Thanks Bill. I always love these videos. So thought provoking. She certainly is considered taboo against the religious organism.I was born on a Good Friday into a dysfunctional Catholic home that morphed into a Jehovahs Witness home than married a Catholic. I was confirmed at 30 yo on Easter Sunday also my bday. I didn't want religion but wanted him, so I converted reluctantly. I gladly took Mary Magdalene as my confirmation name. Now, I understand the symbology and significance of the inner feminine and creativity. Religion is so damaging to us as evolving souls trying to find our way back to the light of which Jesus condemned religiosity ironically. I am really beginning to think the Bible is about the unfolding of higher consciousness because after I read the Bible for the 7th time, and was drawn to certain practices intuitively that I now know is really tied to Astrology. I asked spirit for the truth and was led to inner child work, creativity, purifying and grounding in the Earth. Lots of moving pieces, but I had just finished the Book of Jude before Revelation when I had my kundalini awakening, which I believe explains this process as only Christ could open the 7 seals or chakras. The internal anointing process with the inner Chrism oil, just like the priests were anointed over the head before going into service to humanity. There is so much metaphor and allegory in the Bible. An amazing piece of literary work. I love your work. At a complete loss as to what was occurring at the time, I turned to priests/nuns. Not one would or could explain anything to me until I finally met with one leaving the Priesthood aaid it was called inner alchemy. The others said, "What will be the fruits of your mystical experiences?" The fact that any church killed 30 million people and thousands of victims of pedopholia coming forward should be testimony enough of their fruits.
@OmMyGod888 5 месяцев назад
I don’t think that Bill understands how dead blame funny he is! I guess he doesn’t realize that 50% of the people there are there to learn the Bible and the rest are there to learn the Bible and just be enveloped in his beautiful energy and hear his hilariousjokes that he doesn’t mean to be jokes. He can’t help but be funny. That’s why he was chosen for this.❤
@jasonblack6142 Месяц назад
He sounds like Jerry Seinfeld
@eliw5160 3 месяца назад
Bill was a great one!! During my morning meditation I had this thought come through to me and thought I would share with anyone that wants to read it 😊 Take in all of the knowledge by seeking it out yourself, doing your best to be your best in every way possible, once you are in a more graceful state, filter the knowledge through the lens of your own discernment but by all means do not ever assume that any person, guru or religion has all pieces of it, enlightenment is not supposed to come easily, it needs to be feverishly sought out through gaining of knowledge, constant self work, personal growth, effort and open mindedness, the world, especially in the West has become a system of distraction from the greater purpose. Turn away from that system of distraction and look within, do not ever underestimate the importance of your physical health, anything that is truly good will require effort to attain. Embrace the effort required. Oh yeah also, read the freakin Gospel of Thomas already!! Peace and love ❤️ 🌎
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
I do not pass judgement on anothers work. I am very happy that the course has provided a gift to you. We all have a different assignment. I listen to instruction that I am given and I act upon it. What I say comes from a different place. But I am very grateful for your kind words and for your concern and for reaching out. That was very nice of you. Thanks so much. Bill
@kennyrester1032 18 дней назад
Brother Donahue, thank you for opening my eyes.You freed me from the grip of the Catholic Church. You are a special man. I thank you for giving me my freedom back. ✌️
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
As long as you are thinking differently then the people that have caused so much trouble on this earth, you are not crazy, because they are Christ on the clouds. The clouds mystically means an unseen presence. That is within you. As Jesus said the kingdom does not come in such a way as to be seen. Christ information is raining down now more then ever before. Thanks Robert Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@nagihangot6133 5 лет назад
Bill Donahue Ahura Mazda will sacrifice the cosmic bull ( yes, the bull in the stars ) using Mithra. And all evil along with Angra Mainyu will be destroyed for ever from this world. Amen Ra. Pastor. :)
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
Everybody follows something. Blavatsky had her way and you have yours. That does not make either of you bad. She had the added skill of being able to write.Why declare someone evil because they interpret things differently. She was a very interesting person but that does not mean you have to follow her simply because you consider her interpretations. Using your approach everyone who thinks differently then how you have been taught must be considered as somewhat evil. Bill
@adamd9166 5 месяцев назад
"With Gods like these, who needs devils?"
@Cannannuck 4 месяца назад
This man is awesome! So glad I stumbled on this! 😊 Love and Light
@thermalchill 5 лет назад
This is BY far one of THE Most comprehensive Bible Study in over 70 years
@tayloratnip6410 4 месяца назад
I ran across your videos a few years back, and after having more than one spontaneous Kundalini awakening, your videos found me again, and now I understand clearly.
@LeahIsHereNow 4 месяца назад
Somehow, I stumbled on the movie Stargate this evening. Very interesting as far as all of this information goes… Definitely connected. But for the last few weeks, my life has been so magical as far as jumping from almost instant manifestations to exactly what I need to see to the teacher I have always wanted to learn from showing up!
@highstrangeness1824 2 месяца назад
Same. You’re not alone. Manifestations abound but not all are beneficial
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
That's very good. But when your cut, you bleed and often you need someone to stop the bleeding. It would be nice if the hurt could be chased away with words. My philosophy is the world needs a course in compassion. But that's me. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Bill
@renefinch 6 лет назад
+Bill Donahue-Your analogy of 1 samuel 24:1 to 1 chronicles 21:1 is WRONG!You are deceiving people!The authors of samuel and chronicles recorded the same event but gave different discriptions 1 chronicles God's permissive will,1 samuel 24:1,1 chronicles 21:1-God's directive will and permissive will with the same outcome doesnt make them the same person at all!Ezra authored chronicles and Samuel to chapter 25 author samuel!
@saeiddavatolhagh9627 5 месяцев назад
Bill Donahue is among the few Christian scholars I can really trust.
@TheLexe2 4 месяца назад
I have been searching for many decades. Bill is the only one that I found that delivers factual information.
@saeiddavatolhagh9627 4 месяца назад
@@TheLexe2 👍
@laurac9895 4 месяца назад
I think he says he doesn’t call himself a Christian on earlier videos.
@jeremy6549 4 месяца назад
@tami.1111 5 месяцев назад
Father Bidet😂 I didn't even catch it until they all started laughing.❤❤❤
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
Thank you. Yes somewhere I covered the law against divination. The funny part about that is in Genesis Joseph of the Coat of Many Colors was a son of Jacob who was the primary savior of the 12 tribes of Israel and he was a diviner. The Bible says he put colors in a cup and then would read them. Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@MarkErrington 5 лет назад
Yin/Yang. Without one, the other can't exist.
@nancytibbetts71 10 лет назад
The question of the 2 being one and the same has crossed my mind...All questions cross through the minds of those who choose to think for themselves...those who ponder and comprehend, the "things" that have been written and fortold. Those who are honest, and are not afraid to question the things that "others" have told them...it is these who are capable of finding life...for they have turned from the dead, and unto the living...choosing, what is the better.
@mildreddavis1684 5 лет назад
And turning toward what is best for them as an individual [in divide you all]. Therefore, and after - evolvement to know that all is one - atonement At one mind Mentis/mente/ment in Latin means "mind"
@roderiquephoton8299 5 лет назад
High & low consciousness are one.
@black7jesus 2 года назад
love this! I was thinking too could it be, when Moses made the serpent, and realizes, it was wrong thinking and the other part of himself told him too rid of it. Like we all do. we make decisions we thought was right but realizes later it was not the right decision. We often times don’t spend a lot of time with our minds in discerning truth from false. meditation is important. Love your teaching Bill because I can apply it to my life in the NOW
@Thereal_prettyinblack 2 года назад
Of course they are one and same! Just like YingYang, they both make One and only space for creating good and evil. And we are creating it ourselves within this space to experience the power of manifesting what has already been created at the beginning.
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
It is if we allow it to be. There is no fear or evil or devil in darkness. Of course I understand your point that the writers have always cast evil with darkness. But in the Bible it says " the day of the Lord is darkness and not light" Thanks much for writing Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@benjaminbao3561 Год назад
The case of the serpent of brass is just one example that proves you shall not have the knowledge of good and evil, which is a fundamental teaching in the Bible. I can see many examples throughout the Bible, such as the Sabbath, having dinner with sinners or having dinner with the uncircumcised, circumcision, a woman taken in adultery, and dietary restrictions, including the story of Peter and the teachings of Paul. All of these are clearly dictated in the Old Testament but are violated in the New Testament. Contradictions are everywhere. In my mind, whether it is good or evil, God or Satan, all moral principles are just human-made concepts based on personal preferences. As you mentioned in the video, the so-called evil is a necessary part of our universe and has its own value that most people often ignore.
@bdona4556 Год назад
Excellent comment Benjamin. Thank you Bill bdona91078@gmail.com
@rasarmusic1 6 лет назад
That woman’s cackle is CLASSIC.
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
I can never understand why one forbidden from telling people who someone else said. You dont have to agree you dont have to study , but what is wrong with quoting what someone else said. I simply cannot cut myself away from studying someones words simply because the cults here do not allow it. But thank you for writing. Bill
@michaeljechon6139 5 лет назад
Love considers all things (1 Corinthians 13)
@bdona4556 12 лет назад
Thank you Paul. We made it through. Lots of tree damage but nothing structural. People who live close to the ocean were really destroyed. It is amazing to see a large roller coaster from the boardwalk sitting out in the ocean. The force of this storm surge was just incredible. But we are safe and I am very grateful for your thoughts.Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@pabrielgomez5879 6 лет назад
"Cursed is he who follows man. Blessed is he who follows God" (Bible verse).
@wndelina 10 лет назад
Love and light; love and light 'love and light' reunite!!!
@mildreddavis1684 5 лет назад
Atonement At one mind The real atonement Mentis/ment in Latin means "mind" 👍✨⭐✳❇✴
@bdona4556 12 лет назад
Thanks Dan. It really is difficult to consider those near the ocean. Some of them were washed right out to sea. Others because of the ground shifting had their natural gas blow up setting houses on fire. I think the days of living near the ocean are coming to an end. It feels that way. Thanks again for being there Dan. Bill
@genocanabicea5779 4 месяца назад
All things are god. God is all there is. Anything made or can be made is God. He is all there is.
@deejay8403 Год назад
Something interesting about the word translated “devil” in 1 John 3:8, and also in James 4:7 where it says “resist the devil,” the Greek word “diablos” isn’t a noun, it’s an adjective. It more accurately should’ve been translated “slanderous.” There never was an entity called a “devil.”
@dannyrybeck 12 лет назад
Beautiful lesson Bill, full of great wisdom, glad that your house survived the storm, but you do have a divine protection, as you must.
@sonyak9879 4 года назад
Watching October 14th 2019 😚Bill✌💯
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
Reading this literally as you are makes the entire store nonsense. The creator says Dont Eat the Fruit. That means that when you are in the garden of Eden you cannot take from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. That is the left hemisphere of the brain. When you enter within and shut down the thoughts, you are in the garden of Eden and not taking from that tree. Satan is represented by the serpent which is the spine. This is the carnal mind. That tempts us all the time continue
@aumbonda Год назад
this scripture concerns the forces that oppose the Essence (consciousness) who aspires to develop the Treasury of the Light within themselves. These Archons are simultaneously intelligences in the cosmos without and the cosmos within. Yet as in all serious spiritual work, our primary concern is those obstacles that are within us, for if we cannot conquer them within, we can never conquer them without. The Archons or Rulers we are concerned with are the parts of the Being that are trapped within the cage of the impure, sinning mind. These are forces within us - represented in world traditions as Pluto, Hades, Lucifer, Samael, and other such esoteric symbols.
@L-Harper 4 месяца назад
I am grateful to getting these videos. Amazing how the sound is so good
@ONEEileenColts 6 лет назад
Very Buddhist approach to the subject as well: That good needs something bad to push against in order to increase its goodness. That good needs something bad to overcome to understand its goodness. Therefore good is good and bad is good because they both lead to more or increased goodness in the individual, in the group, and in the world. (In terms of spiritual evolution or spiritual growth.)
@bdona4556 6 лет назад
Very wise Ellen. Thank you Bill www.hiddenmeanings.com/helpingout.htm
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
Let me give you a quote from the Bible. Numbers 3117. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known man by lying with him. 18. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Religious evil is justified by your membership. Theirs is always bad and yours is always good. Next life you'll be condemning Christians. Bill
@rogerkerr7675 6 лет назад
When the ungodly curseth Satan, he curseth his own soul. Ecclesiasticus 21:27 KJVA
@Troneous 5 лет назад
Shem Romach i remember reading that in the apocrypha. Heavy
@lovelifewithchris5683 4 года назад
Exactly. If we curse satan we are cursing ourselves as satan is us, we are all, God is all. No seperation ❤
@eb20675 11 лет назад
there are two serpents in the spine ,one goes up one goes down, look at the caduceus, great video as always
@MsBee777 9 лет назад
hehehehe.... "Father Bidet....he assured the world that heaven is tempered with glacier water....so it doesn't get set on fire"....what, Father Bidet is a thing you sit on? too funny......hehehehehheheh....oh too perfect, Bill...... thanks so much.....this is an awesome opening......LOL ( Father Bidet sure must have known where heaven is and how to keep heaven from being over heated and all fired up........LOL ) oh....I can't stop laughing.....oh too awesomely innocently funny and I don't mean that in any disrespectful way..... 
@lsipahelut 5 лет назад
I think we;re talking about a built in duality at even the level of the cosmos: God vs Satan, Light vs Dark, Wisdom vs Ignorance. There'can't be light without darkness; wisdom must arise from ignorance.
@LoriWinley 12 лет назад
I missed you so much ! I was sending you all the positive Photon energies and protection thoughts for you and your Family's safety from Sandy! Glad to have a new video although it forced me to go back and rewatched learned much from that ......MORE PLEASE
@1QUIETASSASSIN 3 года назад
He says in television land. Not knowing we'd all be on our phones these days. Yes
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
All of the writings originated with nomadic desert tribes. Thousands of years took place with legends, and stories being handed down from one to the next. Things were added and deleted and it all flowed downstream and eventually wound up in the hands of Greek Hellenists which was eventually translated into English. It's all a mixture of thousands of years of stories. Bill Hidden Meanings Monthly Newsletter email bdona910782000@yahoo.com
@lifeisartreality 8 лет назад
Indeed and you've definitely helped renew my interest biblically I find it also fascinating thank you
@somefo0 12 лет назад
Good to see another video. I'm glad you are ok after the hurricane.
@RaggedAdam 12 лет назад
i just read a book written by Manly P. Hall called The Occult Anatomy of Man and it is right on with your teachings. Glad to know you're doing alright.
@ivstova47 6 лет назад
You hit this on the nail..... Wish this was on TV, every Sunday. I would pay to watch it..... i'm serious....." how do I know because the Bible told me so"...... Peace brother
@bdona4556 5 лет назад
Thank you for the kind words. Sorry for the long delay. I appreciate what you said. Bill bdona91078@gmail.com www.hiddenmeanings.com
@mebjammon 12 лет назад
once i had vision that luci wondered to far from the light and in the dark found fear.
@MarkCampbell4X 10 лет назад
Around the 4:00 minute mark is a must watch, I missed it the first time. 50 million killed by the dogma since the words Love Thy neighbor was written. Stay with me here, at least until 5:57 Muhammad's quote on Jesus being the true prophet of Allah but his disciples went insane, made him a god and killed him.
@doughambone6029 3 месяца назад
once again, mind blowing stuff Bill...
@bdona4556 12 лет назад
Not only that, but the word Hell came from the Norwegian Female Goddess Hel. So going to Hel used to be a pretty sexy thing. Oh well Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@inspectormando2958 5 лет назад
Love all your work Mr Donahue...just a thought that came to me while watching this video. The word Repents and Serpent have the same letters in it. Seems like a lot of word play in the holy book
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
The body which is the Serpent spine tempts us that we should eat from the tree. In other words we should not obey Jesus and separate from thought. Hell is an English translation of the Norweigan Goddess of the Underworld whose name was Hel. People went to Hel to be counseled by her for living in their next life. The Bible says the enemy of God is the carnal mind which is not subject to Gods law. That is the serpent. Blavatsky is Blavatsky . What she did she did and does not effect me. Bill
@renefinch 6 лет назад
+Bill Donahue-Bill why did you delet my previous comment?Come let us reason together!
@mousehead2000 11 лет назад
in The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky suggests that the serpent represents wisdom. i thought that rather than a representation of the carnal mind the serpent was meant to represent wisdom. was it not the serpent who tempted eve to eat from the tree of knowledge?
@carefulcarpenter 11 лет назад
"Good creates evil" ~~m.scott peck
@wndelina 10 лет назад
Love is the opposite of light.LOVE,or GOD said let there be light.and there was
@Thebiblicalguide 3 месяца назад
Satan could be a representation of God’s wrath/anger. It also can get confused with eternal fire as far as the anger goes
@ciacciom 8 лет назад
Father ventura is sauna at 5:15 that without the sunset (devil) there would be no sunrise (salvation).
@ciacciom 8 лет назад
saying not sauna
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
Thank you. Yes you are so right. And the Christian tribe feels it has a duty to destroy the Muslim tribe and vice versa and on and on it goes and after the killing they all find their place of worship and thank a man in the sky for being with them in the killing. It is indeed a mad mad world. Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@KellyBell1 Год назад
It is so mind boggling how people completely lose their minds, let alone any ‘common sense’ when it comes to religion. (Yes, let us pray 🙏 to our God that we annihilate these human beings who do not agree with our beliefs.)🙄🙄 I mean, so if you don’t believe what someone else believes,..you don’t deserve to LIVE and BREATHE??? WTH? Mental.
@bdona4556 12 лет назад
I read some of Manly Hall's work some time ago. I always found his work to be beneficial. Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@constellationlibra14 11 лет назад
omg! i adore your teachings, they make more sense to me in my 43 yrs then any Christians or Catholics or any religion in general! I had that strange feeling but not certain until you Mr Bill made it known that Satan=God both the same! case closed! t/y ;)
@bdona4556 12 лет назад
Thank you. I appreciate that. When Sandy made a left turn out in the ocean and headed this way, the die had been cast. We were far enough away from the ocean to survive. The people over there were destroyed. Totally. Bill
@morethanhumanify 11 лет назад
BDAY, WOW, guess you weren't just the teacher that day, but the student to =D
@bdona4556 12 лет назад
Thank you for your concern We are safe. I wish we could say that for so many who were so devastated. Thanks again for writing Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@ciacciom 8 лет назад
The works of the devil is sunset ... the beginning of darkness.
@someolderguy8060 2 года назад
Who's watching this in late 2021 ?
@rickhunter1454 2 года назад
Came here through Motivation Manifested post, and subscribed after 5 minutes of this 😂
@StobbeTime 17 дней назад
Everything I have ever resonated towards has always been called Satanic by Christianity. Even Judaism has the Zohar and teaches the mystical side of the Scriptures. Christianity calls Satanic too.
@phillipsolesky2677 Месяц назад
They completely made those early church farher's up. No one was stupid enough (back then) to believe the earth was a spinning ball! That's recent trickery
@StrongBodyandMind33 28 дней назад
Unfortunately bill started giving scientists too much stock
@nip74 4 года назад
Father Bidet!!!!! Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Somebodysneighbour 6 лет назад
ah yes blavatski. I would love to read her books
@nagihangot6133 5 лет назад
ayrik1 Sick mystic was what she was.
@in-powered3392 3 года назад
Most of her writing can be downloaded free from archive.gov🤍💚🤍
@Thelivingwordthesword 11 лет назад
Glad to see your videos again love this one a lot.
@Bugsy-gd4nt 9 лет назад
i have always thought they were the same split persanolity
@bdona4556 12 лет назад
Lori thank you. That is beautiful. We came through safely. You sent Photon energies our way. How great is that. You really lift me up. Lots of love Lori. But don't forget, I have over 600 videos on you tube. If you go on bdona4556 and click on the Play List, you can see them all sorted in categories.Thanks again for the nicest e mail I have received since Sandy swarmed ashore. Love to you Bill bdona910782000@yahoo.com hidden meanings dot com
@bdona4556 11 лет назад
What you are saying very true. But you have to consider that people still get sick, they lose their homes, they have accidents, they lose their jobs.Unfortunate things happen to people that require the rest of us to reach out and help In New Jersey I have seen thousands of people suddenly find everything they had is gone. Their questions are not concerned with Armageddon from a Biblical standpoint because they feel they have experienced it. I appreciate your thoughts and for sharing them. Bill
@marshallcurtis3251 6 лет назад
22:47…Regarding “biblical proof“ that both God and Satan commanded King David to set up a draft board (number Israel):What God does not prevent he claims to have done(Job 2:3). On the other hand, this could be a case of God intentionally allowing himself to go all out insane (become Satan), while still maintaining his integrity (remain “the one true God”). For elsewhere, the Bible does say “I am the Lord, and there is none else“(Is 45:5,6,18), and also “I make peace, and create evil“(Is 45:7). Perhaps in order for God to TRULY be unlimited, and therefore TRULY undefinable, s/he must cause or allow s/himself to become evil, and yet somehow remain good at the same time. But God dwells outside of time. (Therefore it should be no problem for God)But how praytell does God “keep a lid on it“ and not allow evil to overtake all creation forever?Or how does God not allow s/himself to remain schizophrenic (both good and evil)forever? My best answer is I liken it to a high school friend of mine playing chess against himself, who always is on the side of whichever player whose move it is at the moment. But since white is always 1/2 move ahead of black, as long as white never makes a mistake, black can never win, even if it makes its best move every time.
@motionandcolor 11 лет назад
i think it would be fascinating if you could discuss the links between the earth ruling class today and the bible. thanks for the great work, Bill. ive learned much from you.
@serenedione 4 месяца назад
God instructed him to make the brass serpent but because people began worshipping it King Hezekiah destroyed it, there's no contradictions.
@Hawgz89 4 месяца назад
This reminds me of a quote I heard. Something along the lines of this. "Evil comes from the excess of good things. Think of the way rust follows copper" I think Evil is necessary for Generation and stability. A reminder how awful things with bad nature are and to stay away from them.
@jellybellyfun3288 Год назад
Does anyone know in what year this was recorded?
@Lawiah0 12 лет назад
This is Duality created in the original "True Theology" and bastardized by all: see youtube: Syncretism; The true Theology. Part One
@Lola-nj5yg 7 лет назад
Listening to this topic leads me to believe that when God said let us make man in our own image he was speaking of himself and Satan and saying our own as if they are one in the same
@StarFox85 11 лет назад
every fragment has his own choise of will..(virtual) everything is from the same source..so duality conducts to unity..why we live global in duality i cant say is a process.maybe is a must progress:-) i only know that our happiness like we know and live are temporary..what give us to think about it..when churches convert into schools we maybe can grow all together. every culture with her own methods every institution and commerce with their own ways..but in reason to going to the same (stage)
@StobbeTime 17 дней назад
I think the Scriptures are both literal and mystical at the same time.
@ciacciom 8 лет назад
The devil represents the sunset, God represents sunrise. Jesus represents the summer solstice and Satan represents the winter solstice. 4 different concepts.
@gotthenumber 12 лет назад
so glad to " see you". :-) safe
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