
40 Matt Session 09 

The Reconciled
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14 окт 2024




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@jakestrother9032 4 месяца назад
@conniejohnson6760 Год назад
WOW! Thank you so much for all of Chuck missler's sessions! Received a double blessing on this session for his closing prayer was the double blessing.....God Bless
@TruSciencePro Месяц назад
Love you chuck!!!!!
@jeremiahkouches7573 2 года назад
Thank you so much for posting this!
@kimberlymoore8172 2 года назад
Finally, a view of verses 31-33 that I can agree with!
@kimberlymoore8172 2 года назад
This is a phenomenal message.💕
@TruthSetFree-zm1ep 3 года назад
Thank You I was searching for Mathew 13 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
@walterdebnam8021 4 года назад
@pumaranatunga8340 Год назад
@daveprochaska5246 Месяц назад
Just what would the missionary church be in name? And is it still in existence today? We all feel the effects of the apostate church.
@TheReconciled Месяц назад
My opinion it would be THE Church...relationship over religion and only the individual can answer that question...
@walterdebnam8021 4 года назад
Here it is, I was confusing the sessions with the chapters, my fault. But they are all here.
@ERIK..70-A.D. Год назад
@timdavis6088 2 года назад
Another topic not in the OT is The Parable of the Tares/Weeds Mat 13:26-30 and Explained in 36-42. Understanding this parable should clarify ones view on the Rapture. I love Chuck but this is one topic he just can't sell me. He changes the definition of "the good seed" from God's children, which is what Jesus said in vs 38, to "the word of God". That's where I think he runs by this scripture without understanding it completely. There's an entire study on The Parable of the Weeds that changes ones entire perspective about the rapture. You must read them for the definitions that Jesus gives you in vs 36-42. Chuck told you not to believe him and we should double check him. So do it. The Parable of the Weeds/Tares is not a parable about actually planting wheat. It's about the Father creating mankind and Satan corrupting His creation by infiltrating the human gene pool (Gen 6). It's about the seed of the woman and the seed of Satan. (Gen 3:15). Jesus is the seed sower, the field is the world, the good seed are the Children of God, the weeds/tares are the children of Satan, the harvest is the end of this world, and the reapers are the angels. Now, going back to the original parable in vs 24-30; There are 2 things Jesus confirms. 1) We are both, sinner and saint, going through the tribulation together. Vs 30 is very clear, "let them both grow together until the harvest" 2) The wicked are harvested FIRST! I've been reading Luke 17:34-37 where one is taken and the other is left all wrong. The wicked sinner is taken to destruction. Look what Jesus says when the disciples ask Him where the people went, "Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather." Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.
@andiincali.4663 2 года назад
It says where the BODY is there the EAGLES will gather. That could mean the body of Christ. Eagles are a symbol of the tribe of Dan and the camp to the North. The start of the assembly of the 144,000? Idk. If you take that in context of the whole chapter it talks about Noah and his family who were delivered before the destruction came and about Lot who was also removed before the destruction came. So I would disagree. Also I think the wheat and the tares is talking about the "church" who is judged first. ( 1st peter 4:17 ) The wheat are true Christ followers and the tares are false Christians. The world is a field full of weeds. The weeds outnumber the wheat by probably 97% I would say. I don't wish to argue, just another viewpoint. The important thing is to keep seeking the Kingdom and never give up.
@timdavis6088 2 года назад
​@@andiincali.4663 Well, if Christians don't start "argue" more with each other to understand the meaning of the knowledge of God, we will never understand. Where people get off track is when they take the discussion personally. Frankly, we should be "arguing". Because Satan started infiltrating the disciples as soon as Jesus' ministry began just like he did the modern church. He operates in lies and deception. So the only way to sift out God's truth is to put the word of God through the threshing floor. We agree that the “wheat” are the true followers of Jesus and all else are the tares (weeds/sinners/wicked), whether they call themselves “Christians” is irrelevant to their judgment. That’s why Jesus gives us the Parable of the Mustard Seed in between this parable along with His explanation of why He only uses parables for the people. The mustard seed is the growth of the mega church and it’s infiltration by Satan and his fallen angels (birds of fowl) that have roosted in its branches. 99% of the TV “pastors” are false shepherds. But people won’t figure that out until they start studying the Bible for themselves. But the interpretation of Mat 24:28 should be understood to be the “corpse or carcass” and the “eagles or vultures”. Almost all modern interpretations are either “corpse or carcass”. Not “body”, even though the very Bible (MEV & KJV) I’m reading from says “body”. Look at the Greek and you’ll understand why they correctly changed it to “corpse”. The Bible uses both eagles and vultures as the same, as they are of the same flesh, and notice it is plural. Meaning many vultures have come to feed on the numerous bodies of the wicked. This is not a representation of the body of Christ. Jesus’ reference to the days of Noah and Lot are a reminder of how bad the world will get before His return. No amount of preaching from Noah or Lot was able to turn these wicked people. His reference is to Him “destroying them all” while saving His children from any harm. He’s telling His disciples that bad times are coming in the last days but He will come back to destroy all of the wicked and rescue His children. Notice that neither Noah nor Lot was removed from earth during the “tribulation” but they were both protected by God and His angels from the wrath of God. They never left their earthly bodies. There is no need for a rapture. God is perfectly capable of protecting His children during the final 3-1/2 year tribulation that is surely coming our way. If you want a model of His second coming in the final days look to Exodus. The typology of how God protects His people while His plagues rain down upon the earth is clear. Moses and Aaron are a typology of the 2 witness’ that will come during the tribulation and the Pharaoh is a model of the antichrist. God didn’t need to “rapture” or remove His people then as He was dealing with millions of Jews. The angels removing Lot from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is the opposite model with only a few people. God already promised that there will never be another event like Noah’s flood, so that is not a model we can use either. The Parable of the Weeds is CRITICAL to understanding the timing of the Reaping. Read the explanation first and then go back and read the parable. The wicked are judged first. Jesus tells you in His own words that we are BOTH "growing together until the harvest". He explains that growing in the field is the earth and the harvest is the end of this world (Satan's reign). There is no separation out of the tribulation no matter how hard people try to insert such an event. Lastly, 1 Peter 4:17 is a hypothetical question. “IF it begins with us” is a question. Not a statement. Peter is saying that we should reflect on our willingness to suffer for Christ. Remember, the “House of God” is within us. Peter cannot tell you the church is judged first as that is contrary to what Jesus has told us in Mat 13:30 where the weeds or sinners are gathered first. In Rev 20:5-6, John tells us there are 2 resurrections of the Saints separated by the Millennial reign. So how can all the church be judged first at the same time? This is why it is so critical to understand the Parable of the Weeds. If the sinners are harvested first that leaves no point for a tribulation to punish God’s people as the tribulation is not for us nor is God’s wrath. Believe what Jesus is telling you here and the rest of the end times doctrine becomes much simpler and clearer to understand. When we try to interject a removal of God’s people in contrast to His word it confuses and complicates the doctrine where it no longer fits together.
@andiincali.4663 2 года назад
@@timdavis6088 Jesus clearly stated the field represents the world. So it represents the world. His word is the truth. No question about that. It's interesting he refers to souls as seeds. That implies what one is made of is inherent and determined before birth. You are right, online the KJV says carcass. Sudden destruction is going to come, a lot of people are going to die. After further study I don't think an eagle represents something good either. It's an unclean animal. It's a symbol of Russia and The United States. Germany as well. Maybe they represent the world's super powers?
@timdavis6088 2 года назад
​@@andiincali.4663 Luke 17:34-37 is what really tied the pieces together for me. When you realize Jesus is talking about the reaping and taking people from the earth in the end times, and then the disciples ask Him "Where are they going?", His response is another parable. He's telling them the people reaped are going to death by describing what happens when a bunch of dead bodies are lying around. Scavengers like vultures and eagles will gather to feed. In Ezekiel 39:1-4, God is describing the destruction of Gog's (Principality fallen angel) army. In verse 4 He says, "On the mountains of Israel you will fall-you and all your troops and the nations with you. I will give you as food to every kind of ravenous bird and wild beast. You will fall in the open field, for I have spoken, declares the Lord GOD." We see the same language describing God's wrath in the end times against evil. But don't forget that the Bible also uses eagles as an idiom for angels, especially when it says a "great" eagle. See Rev 8:13, 12:14, & Ezekiel 17:3-8 for a few examples.