
#45 The Power of Shurangama Mantra 楞嚴咒的力量【The Memories of Master Hua 宣化上人紀念特輯】 

Master Hua's Oral History Project 宣化上人口述歷史影集
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觀看其它 1978年 馬來西亞弘法之旅的相關影片 / Watch other videos of Malaysia delegation tours in 1978
#15 迷信 Superstitious
• #15 Superstitious / 迷信...
#16 觀音救了我 Guanyin rescued me
• #16 Guanyin rescued me...
#29 他從鬼門關救我回來 He Saved Me From Death
• #29 He Saved Me From D...
若我滅後末世眾生,有能自誦,若教他誦。當知如是誦持眾生,火不能燒,水不能溺,大毒、小毒所不能害。如是乃至天龍鬼神、精祇魔魅,所有惡咒,皆不能著,心得正受。一切咒詛,厭蠱、毒藥、金毒、銀毒、草木蟲蛇,萬物毒氣,入此人口,成甘露味。一切惡星,並諸鬼神,磣心毒人,於如是人不能起惡。頻那、夜迦,諸惡鬼王並其眷屬,皆領深恩,常加守護。 【楞嚴經-第七卷】
After my Nirvana, in the time of the Dharma’s ending, people who can recite this mantra or teach others to recite it will be in no danger of being burned, or of being drowned, or of being harmed by mild or strong poisons. Further, when they are absorbed in samādhi, no evil spell will have the power to ensnare them, whether the spell be cast by gods, dragons, ghosts, or spirits, including terrestrial or celestial spirits, demonic ghosts, and nightmare ghosts. Any substance made venomous by spell, curse, or sorcerer’s hex, any poisonous herb, any potion made toxic by the admixture of metals such as gold or silver, any noxious vapor derived from plants, trees, insects, or snakes, indeed any of the countless kinds of poisonous substances - all these will turn into ambrosia upon entering the mouths of people who recite this mantra. No evil spirit dwelling in a celestial body, nor any other ghost or spirit that harbors malice toward people, will have the power to work its evil on them. They will always be guarded and protected by Vināyaka and by other once-hostile ghost-kings who have been tamed by deep kindness.
Exerpt from The Śūraṅgama Sūtra
Alan Nicholson met Ven. Master Hua at the Buddha's birthday at the San Francisco Buddhist Lecture Hall in 1970 after frequently dreaming about a Buddhist monk. Shortly afterward, Alan decided to move into the Buddhist Hall where he took refuge and received his Dharma name Guo Gwei (果歸; to return). Since then, Alan has played many vital roles within DRBA, including designing Buddha Root Farm’s future Buddha Hall, renovating Gold Mountain Monastery, taking pictures for Vajra Bodhi Sea magazine, and introducing many future Western disciples of Ven. Master Hua, including Bhikshu Heng Ju (one of the Three Steps One Bow monks). Currently, Alan lives near the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the town of Ukiah with his wife Terri.
艾倫. 倪科森於1970年的佛誕日, 在舊金山的佛教講堂初遇宣公上人 。 在此之前 , 艾倫經常在夢中見到佛教僧人 。 遇見上人後, 他便決定搬進道場修行並在上人座下皈依, 法名: 果歸 。 從此以後, 艾倫在法界佛教總會的許多建設計劃中扮演了重要的角色, 譬如設計佛根地道場的佛殿, 整建金山寺, 為萬佛城月刊 《金剛菩提海》拍攝照片,並接引許多西方人親近宣公上人, 這些西方人後來也成為上人座下的弟子, 其中包括了首行三步一拜的比丘恆具法師 。 目前, 艾倫與同修易果參住在萬佛聖城所在地的加州瑜伽市.
The Oral History Project (OHP) is an initiative to introduce Dhyana Master Hsuan Hua, the cultivator who brought orthodox Mahayana Buddhism to the western world. He is the 45th Patriarch from Shakyamuni Buddha, the 18th Patriarch in China from Bodhidharma, the 9th Patriarch of the Wei Yang Lineage, and the first Patriarch in the West.
The OHP video series gives you a glimpse of the Master’s character and methods of teaching through the - previously undocumented - personal experiences of people who had the opportunity to learn directly from him.
This project aims to keep the Master’s teachings alive through videos of personal accounts that could inspire even those who do not yet know the Master. The memories and stories of each person interviewed enables us to feel closer to the Master as if we were learning directly from him ourselves.
這項口述歷史影片計畫主要是為了介紹三藏法師 上宣下化老和尚 ⎯ 一位將正統大乘佛法帶到西方世界的高僧大德。宣化上人稟承釋迦牟尼佛為第四十五世傳法人,是中國禪宗始祖菩提達摩傳承的第十八世祖師,也是溈仰宗第九世接法人,更是傳法西方的第一代祖師。
這一系列的口述影像,將透過諸位弟子描述當年跟追隨上人學習佛法的親身體驗,藉由他們從末曝光的點滴舊事, 帶您認識宣公上人的風範以及他的教化。此計劃旨在發揚宣公上人的教法,冀望透過口述專訪,啟發尚未認識老和尚的人; 希望透過每位受訪者對上人的回憶及故事,讓我們彷彿也在上人座下親受其教,親聆法音。
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@MasterHuasOralHistoryProject 2 года назад
若我滅後末世眾生,有能自誦,若教他誦。當知如是誦持眾生,火不能燒,水不能溺,大毒、小毒所不能害。如是乃至天龍鬼神、精祇魔魅,所有惡咒,皆不能著,心得正受。一切咒詛,厭蠱、毒藥、金毒、銀毒、草木蟲蛇,萬物毒氣,入此人口,成甘露味。一切惡星,並諸鬼神,磣心毒人,於如是人不能起惡。頻那、夜迦,諸惡鬼王並其眷屬,皆領深恩,常加守護。 【楞嚴經-第七卷】 www.drbachinese.org/online_reading/sutra_explanation/Shu/contents.htm After my Nirvana, in the time of the Dharma’s ending, people who can recite this mantra or teach others to recite it will be in no danger of being burned, or of being drowned, or of being harmed by mild or strong poisons. Further, when they are absorbed in samādhi, no evil spell will have the power to ensnare them, whether the spell be cast by gods, dragons, ghosts, or spirits, including terrestrial or celestial spirits, demonic ghosts, and nightmare ghosts. Any substance made venomous by spell, curse, or sorcerer’s hex, any poisonous herb, any potion made toxic by the admixture of metals such as gold or silver, any noxious vapor derived from plants, trees, insects, or snakes, indeed any of the countless kinds of poisonous substances - all these will turn into ambrosia upon entering the mouths of people who recite this mantra. No evil spirit dwelling in a celestial body, nor any other ghost or spirit that harbors malice toward people, will have the power to work its evil on them. They will always be guarded and protected by Vināyaka and by other once-hostile ghost-kings who have been tamed by deep kindness. Exerpt from The Śūraṅgama Sūtra www.buddhisttexts.org/collections/free-english-ebooks/products/the-surangama-sutra
@MasterHuasOralHistoryProject 2 года назад
觀看其它 1978年 馬來西亞弘法之旅的相關影片 / Watch other videos of Malaysia delegation tours in 1978 #15 迷信 Superstitious ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8Z70Hfgou28.html #16 觀音救了我 Guanyin rescued me ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jPABnytwQG0.html #29 他從鬼門關救我回來 He Saved Me From Death ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-0uTh4Tzdqj4.html
@KimKim-bp7kb 2 года назад
@user-hz1wz6dj1k 2 года назад
@MasterHuasOralHistoryProject 2 года назад
@@KimKim-bp7kb 目前在日本法界佛教总会没有分支道场。
@KimKim-bp7kb 2 года назад
@@MasterHuasOralHistoryProject 感恩回復,阿彌陀佛!
@user-db5lq5bw3p 2 года назад
感恩弘扬《楞严咒》!!! 感恩、顶礼宣化上人!!! 《楞严咒》转宇宙之正气,每天不间断诵持,大威力摄受不可思议!
@headtoobig 2 года назад
@drtim-tam8625 2 года назад
顶礼宣化上人🙏🙏🙏 楞严神咒王中王 妖邪照尽难躲藏 楞严在口红莲放 大白伞盖护八方 乱世妖雾散宇宙 瘟疫肆虐人心惶 佛子齐念楞严咒 四海尽放佛顶光 南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏
@1983lien 2 года назад
頂禮上人~祈願正法久住佛法常留。願我等眾生 不歷僧祇獲法身。南無常住十方佛 南無常住十方法 南無常住十方僧。🙏🙏🙏
@Tjjames1961 2 года назад
楞嚴咒 大慈大悲 一定要學習誦持
@南無阿彌陀佛-每日讀 2 года назад
頂禮宣化上人🙏🙏🙏 頂禮宣化上人🙏🙏🙏 頂禮宣化上人🙏🙏🙏
@yingma9604 10 месяцев назад
@LULU-tz4cb 2 года назад
@johnsonlee9797 2 года назад
南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛
@andytran7877 2 года назад
Nam Mô Lăng Nghiêm Hội Thượng Phật Bồ Tát Nam Mô Thích Ca Mu Ni Phật Nam Mô Phật Đảnh Thủ Lăng Nghiêm Nam Mô Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát Nam Mô Kim Cang Tạng Bồ Tát . . 🌾⚘⚘⚘🍃🌸🌸🌸🌿⚘⚘⚘☘🌸🌸🌸🌾⚘⚘⚘🌿🌸🌸🌸☘ . . . 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 . . .
@抹茶冰淇淋-z3s 2 года назад
頂禮感恩上的正知見、弘揚正法; 祈願正法久住,眾生得佛法利益!
@suilianlee729 2 года назад
@boogier1017 2 года назад
@dinno64952001 2 года назад
感恩美國的佛弟子繼續將佛法發揚光大,願正法恆住世,所有眾生希安樂!may all the living beings happiness , love and mentally and physically peace and health. Orz...Orz...Orz...
@ellenyoung5374 2 года назад
@user-fq2is1rk6k 2 года назад
@henryl6420 2 года назад
感恩 计划将楞严咒背下来 学习一遍楞严经
@yichizhang5628 7 месяцев назад
@hsinshuhan 2 года назад
@leeguatha174 2 года назад
@jenuehue 2 года назад
讚嘆!! Om Anale Anale Visade Visade ViraVajraDare Banda Bandani Vijra Bani Pat Hom Drum Pat Svaha
@qiandaliu4029 11 месяцев назад
@charlieq4255 2 года назад
@user-hz1wz6dj1k 2 года назад
@兔-i7b 2 года назад
@chenyehchen Год назад
@peterstone4374 2 года назад
聆听妙法音, 心通天地人, 自护守护教, 常诵楞严心。
@ronaldtan1434 2 года назад
@李芸嫺 2 года назад
@kkbara4076 2 года назад
@warehousing2953 2 года назад
Amitabha! Thanks for reminding me how powerful 'the heart of Shurangama mantra' is. I used to recite the Sanskrit version (thanks to internet & youtube) 24 times a day after reading about how inconceivable good it is from Master Hua's teaching on the web several years ago but got lazy over the years (hehe) and stopped doing that unless I was about to have important, e.g. surgery, air travel, ... I think I better pick up daily practice again. ;D
@changwoeiyii7537 2 года назад
@ningyangwang7512 2 года назад
@rushig4780 2 года назад
因为不方便持长咒。但是有很盼望持 《楞严咒》因为说这部经咒存在,正大就不会消失。就持咒心,很简单。持咒一段时间了,又觉得是不是学的太杂。这段时间又想是不是不要持了。感恩上人 🙏继续持下去。
@prajnaparamita1101 2 года назад
@김장군-w8z Год назад
@xuanyobazi 2 года назад
@Ericwang-wz4wu 10 месяцев назад
@Cely428 2 года назад
namo 南無阿彌陀佛 阿弥陀佛
@sudhanadhikari6308 Год назад
I felt so great to have watched this , thank you
@呂美齡-p2d 2 года назад
頂禮 盡虛空遍法界十方三世一切佛🙏🙏🙏 頂禮 盡虛空遍法界十方三世一切法🙏🙏🙏 頂禮 盡虛空遍法界十方三世一切僧🙏🙏🙏 頂禮 師父 上宣下化 老和尚 🙏🙏🙏 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 🙏🙏🙏 南無楞嚴會上佛菩薩🙏🙏🙏
@tinawang7799 2 года назад
@淑年蔡 2 года назад
@Meiru-Lu 11 месяцев назад
@zaiyudt 2 года назад
Thank you.
@skywise2604 2 года назад
Let the Heart of Surangama *be your culture*. Let go of competition. Embrace the Heart of Surangama. Let it be the culture of the DRBA. We are bound by enlightenment nature. We are each other.
@nnt76 2 года назад
@yingma9604 10 месяцев назад
@yingma9604 10 месяцев назад
@stargazeronesixseven 10 месяцев назад
🙏 Thank You So Much Master Hua for Your Kindness & Wisdom to teach us the Buddha Dharma! May Master Hua be Blessed to NÅMÖ ÅMÏTÅBHÅ BUDDHA PURELAND & Many Happy Good Blessings in Return to Master Hua! 🙏🕯🌷🌿🌍💜🕊
@KevinK-pd9cc 2 года назад
@joetw-wo5hf Месяц назад
南無阿彌陀佛🙏🏻 頂禮宣化上人🙏🏻
@nnt76 Год назад
🙏Sư Phụ Tuyên Công hoằng dương Kinh Lăng Nghiêm nên thế gian này thật may mắn thoát khỏi không biết bao nhiêu tai họa. 🙏Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Như Lai, Ứng Cúng Chánh Biến Tri, Minh Hạnh Túc, Thiện Thệ Thế Gian Giải, Vô Thượng Sĩ, Điều Ngự Trượng Phu, Thiên Nhân Sư, Phật, Thế Tôn🙏🙏🙏 🙏Nam Mô Chánh Pháp Minh Như Lai, Ứng Cúng Chánh Biến Tri, Minh Hạnh Túc, Thiện Thệ Thế Gian Giải, Vô Thượng Sĩ, Điều Ngự Trượng Phu, Thiên Nhân Sư, Phật, Thế Tôn 🙏🙏🙏 🙏Thành kính tri ân Vân Công, Sư Phụ Tuyên Công, Trí Giả Đại Sư, Bát Lặc Mật Đế Đại Sư và tất cả mọi người ở Vạn Phật Thánh Thành (City Of Ten Thousand Buddhas) cùng Các Đạo Tràng Chi Nhánh Được Vạn Phật Thánh Thành Công Nhận🙏🙏🙏 Nguyện đem công đức (nếu có) hồi hướng cho cha mẹ hiện đời, cha mẹ bảy đời quá khứ cùng đệ tử chúng con được sinh về Tây Phương Cực Lạc của Đức Phật A Di Đà 🙏Nam Mô A Di Đà Như Lai, Ứng Cúng, Chánh Biến Tri, Minh Hạnh Túc, Thiện Thệ Thế Gian Giải, Vô Thượng Sĩ, Điều Ngự Trượng Phu, Thiên Nhân Sư, Phật, Thế Tôn 🙏🙏🙏 🙏Nam Mô Tận Hư Không Biến Khắp Pháp Giới Quá Khứ Hiện Tại Vị Lai Thập Phương Chư Phật Chư Bồ Tát Hiền Thánh Tăng🙏🙏🙏
@stargazeronesixseven 10 месяцев назад
@sohsiewpeng1203 4 месяца назад
南无阿弥陀佛 南无阿弥陀佛 南无阿弥陀佛
@mikew2689 2 года назад
Salute the Master Hua. Amitabha~
@adelinegoh9033 2 года назад
Thank You Master Hua. Thank you to all the disciples who shared..A Mi Tuo Fo
@susankuo6775 2 года назад
@chanjim1407 2 года назад
@user-td1gv1sr8l Год назад
@haraldwho 2 года назад
顶礼上人 从各位法师居士那能听闻上人的故事实属有幸 从上人的言传身教希望能学会如何如法的去修学并传递正法 南无阿弥陀佛
@guanyinhao3843 Год назад
Thank you master,shifu for nourishing the dharma. Shurangama mantra opens the heart and connects to the third eye. This helps our awareness and to see clearly. Beautiful beautiful beautiful mantra!
@王哥-w2o 2 года назад
@許唐嘉 2 года назад
@marklin2574 2 года назад
@simpernchong 2 года назад
Thanks Sir so much for sharing this. Really appreciate it 😁😁 I can vouch by the power of the Shurangama Manta.
@BfLiaw 2 года назад
阿彌陀佛 阿彌陀佛 阿彌陀佛
@texbeaumont8134 Год назад
This is so good, and you CAN learn the Shurangama Mantra. 5 or6 months of concentrating and you'll get it. Just a little at a time.
@mingpeng777 2 года назад
@user-cf1jv1oi6u 2 года назад
listening to this in 2023
@ghgwai3943 5 месяцев назад
@blairzhang3156 2 года назад
@wallaceyang6022 5 месяцев назад
一人誦愣嚴咒,一方國土便得正法住世,此方誦愣嚴咒,此方便得佛淨土。一天持愣嚴咒,一天國土便得正法住世,時時持愣嚴咒,人人持楞嚴咒,處處誦楞嚴咒,在在處處時時刻刻正法久住,天魔不得其便。 佛弟子深信將此身心奉塵剎,是則名為報佛恩。 感恩宣公上人!南無阿彌陀佛!
@upakritikrsna 2 года назад
The orginal name of this mantra is not what the title of this video indicates. It's "the Maha Sitatapatram Dharani".
@gurudevjain1490 Год назад
皈依佛 皈依法 皈依僧祈請佛陀及祖師大德降臨台灣彰化大村阿立祖壇 玉旨普澤保和殿 二水玄威府 新莊佛祖壇 善宿商店 覺囊中心 逸林診所救世萬民 加持 施並錫 宋素容 蔡智翔洪悅揚 施又仁 孫蔚竹林秉毅 曼達拉 李介名 七聖財財運亨通 八聖道道途無礙 早日成辦涅槃寂靜
@yamingxie3451 5 месяцев назад
根据罗马化梵文(以现代英文字母标的梵音),《楞严咒》有: 1.释迦牟尼佛的名号. 2.阿彌陀佛的名号. 3.药师琉璃光如来的名号. 4.金刚手(在《楞严咒心》也有). 5.那罗延. 6.大手印(那罗延五大手印). 7.大金刚顶. 8.大白伞. 9.大黑天. 10.大日如来. 11.曼搭拉. 12.梵天. 13.印度教的拉丝彌(女性财神). 14.金刚持. 还有很多如阿修罗、紧那罗、迦楼罗等等的名称.有些这些名号,从汉文的《楞严咒》不容易看出来,必须去RU-vid 以英文字母标音的《楞严咒》诵念(古梵音《楞严咒》,才会知晓. 咒里的"泮"字,比较正确的发音是"phat",义为"催破".汉文(华文)标不出这个古梵音. 楞严种子字,一个版本是"TRUM"音,另一个版本则为"BHRUM",音不大一样,应该是翻译者不同.不空是其中一位.
@addisonbrazil3484 2 года назад
Due to ignorance, childish beings wander where there is no liberation. Not knowing the meaning of liberation, confused, they commit wicked acts. - Noble Mahayana Sanghāta Sutra I request and encourage you to investigate the noble Mahayana Sanghāta Sutra. Another sutra to investigate is the Astasahasrika Sutra (Perfection of Wisdom) Sutra
@helenho4666 2 года назад
Will chanting Amitoufo have the same effect?
@Sunshine-xy3wh 2 года назад
Yes of course… There are 84thousand Buddha Dharma and they are all equal. However the effect or the power depends on the heart of the person. When one can chant Amituofo with pure heart (一心) and no any attachment the effect will also the same. However if we chant Amituofo everyday, while thinking of how much money in my bank account, annoyed with he / she who makes me mad this morning, including doubt with the power of chanting Amituofo or reciting Shurangama Mantra…… of course you won’t get the same effect… This is my point of view
@usalin5000 Год назад
I don’t know where did you get the name Amitoufo. Amitabha is the correct one. It would be a closer pronunciation by using ancient Chinese dialogue, not the current one .
@user-ny9cs1zo4b 2 года назад
請問各位師父,各位師兄師姐,楞嚴咒心,使用在飯菜食物跟喝的飲料水之前,需要念誦幾遍呢? 這樣在吃的喝的之前念誦,這目的是為什麼呢? 謝謝,阿彌陀佛
@qiandaliu4029 11 месяцев назад
為什麼在吃/喝之前唸咒呢? 1.你保證你吃的東西都是乾淨的嗎(純素食)?若是這樣,你吃了之後再唸也沒事。 2.你要知道你吃的地方是在哪裡,就像影片裡面的居士被別人放毒了,吃/喝之前不唸楞嚴咒,中毒了想唸咒就開不出口來唸了(除非你保證自己在中毒時還可以唸咒)。所以,很難保證自己中毒時會發生什麼情況,也許你想唸咒之時頭開始暈暈的,然後倒下來,那想唸咒也來不及了。
@AIisMyBff 6 месяцев назад
14:33 wisdom, black magic counter
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