
4Story CZ - Novinky, co se děje? 

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- 4Story
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- World of Warcraft




7 мар 2024




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@Linfer998 3 месяца назад
Hi, I'm Linfer, I'm a player and creator of the 4Story content. I've been playing the game itself for about 10 years. On my channel there are already 158 videos more or less about this Korean game. Hereby I would like to inform you about what is happening on the Czech Official Server. * I don't want to defame or otherwise offend anyone or like the company, this is just my view of the situation and I would like to bring it to the wider community. I do not guarantee the 100% truthfulness of all my statements and opinions please be aware of that. The day before everything we are about to discuss happened the Czech game server shut down. And it wasn't the first time it's been quite common lately. They fixed it and everything started working properly again. However, after the server was shut down I was unable to log in to my warrior "Linfero" . I was amazed and so I tried to log on to another character which connected normally but the warrior didn't work I was angry and the reason I was going to register for the tournament and I was afraid I wouldn't make it.So I thought of writing a ticket to the game support, unfortunately I didn't get any reply that day. So in the meantime I played on my other game character "RulerOfChaos". At that particular moment when everything started to get out of control, I was standing in the capital of Valorian, talking to a friend using discord. And out of nowhere, a player and his most likely friend joined in. I didn't know these people at all and their in-game nicknames didn't mean anything to me. And what do you think happened all of a sudden? The person in question started buying up all the in-game items from private stalls and started giving them away to random players in the game. At first I thought it was just for fun... some player just has a lot of "goal" money and wanted to share. After the event, he quit the game. It was fun... they were creating events where they would ask questions to the players and then they would answer and get rewards in the form of in-game items. I personally won items to the tune of 13,000 Gold. After everything was over and the player left the game, nothing happened. Only after some time, about 1-2 hours, a desperate Admin came around and demanded the players to return the items they got for free. Since they were obtained by dishonest act. So I didn't hesitate for a moment and sent all my items I got as a gift to the Admin. Everything seemed to be fine and the admin released my warrior to whom I could not log in and I expected that everything would be fixed somehow. However, after that, I started to get opinions from players who expressed their concerns about the security of the game itself. From what I gathered, the login details from the gameforge staff were supposedly published. And that was back in 2022, and I was able to see this data with my own eyes. Which got me thinking and expressing my concerns about the security of my sensitive data especially credit card. It was explained to me that these things have nothing to do with what happened... but to this day there has been no statement from the Czech admin team. I don't know what to believe... as I am also getting screenshots from people where the problem is being discussed from the other side and they warn that similar things can certainly happen again. That's why I have informed players that it would be a good idea to write to the support of the game gateways (through which transactions and sensitive data are routed) to make sure that all data is safe or that there is some kind of inspection. And any words at the end ? Be aware of everything regarding your internet security and demand to be informed by the admin. It is sad that these hacker attacks still occur in the game and are quite common and unfortunately we as players do not see successful resolution and communication from the A side. Team. Have a nice rest of the day Linfer. :)
@RistoPekar 3 месяца назад
Pěkné video. Rozhodně doporučuji oslovit platební systém, jak apeluje video. Hráči mohou požádat platební systém o kompenzaci za to, že jejich český server byl hacknut a tím pádem jsou všechny emaily ve velkém nebezpečí. Budou muset nechat server prošetřit. Na platební systém se píše stejným způsobem jako na systém podpory. V první možnosti máte na výběr ze tří možností ( vyberte platební systém). Chceme konečně opravit český server, včetně českého admin týmu, který byl hacknut.
@Vaschek01 Месяц назад
Ahoj, hele zajímalo by mě, jak tam nastavit CZ ? nemuzu tu možnost nikde nalézt. Když odpovíš budu ti vděčný, díky
@The4AncientLP 3 месяца назад
muj nazor asi je že dat si od offiku pokoj na nějakou dobu je možny že to opraví ale prostě to nejlepe nezapinat tyden 2 než přidaj patch či upraví něco tohle vezměte jako lžičku se soli za mě muže byt aji furt pachatel mit nějaky přistup nejlepe by bylo ze strany offiku vypnout servery a podivát se na nějaky chybi ve hře co to mohli spusobit a otevřít backdoor takzvaně dveře do adminpanelu tudíž tyden 2 to nezapnout a skusít hrat jinde či něco jineho nebo uživat irl za mě tohle bude možna se opakovat
@Vizovickej 3 месяца назад
Ahoj Linfero. To video je hoax. Tvrdíš o tom, že hráči platí přes platební bránu. Když člověk platí například v internetovém obchodu přes platební bránu, tak se dostanou údaje o jeho platební kartě pouze k poskytovateli platební brány. Všechny tyto údaje má pouze poskytovatel platební brány a GF se k nim nemá jakým způsobem dostat. Pokud jsi někdy v minulosti řešil něco na podpoře pro platby GF, tak si stejně jako já musel čekat, až to GF vyřeší s poskytovatelem platební brány. Je potřeba tedy tuto mylnou informaci opravit. Český admin tým je banda neschopných lidí, kteří nepoznají hráče používající programy na vlastním serveru, ale nestrašme lidi, že přijdou o svoje penízky.
@Linfer998 3 месяца назад
Každý názor se cenní. Děkuji, za tvůj úhle pohledu.
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