
5 Giant Duck Cow Elephant Lion Gorilla Tiger T-Rex Guess The Right Door ESCAPE ROOM CHALLENGE Game 

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5 Giant Duck Cow Elephant Lion Gorilla Tiger T-Rex Guess The Right Door ESCAPE ROOM CHALLENGE Game
#paintanimals #fountaincrossing#crossingfountain #gorilla #elephant #lion




9 май 2024




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Комментарии : 68   
@camluu26 Месяц назад
Bald eagles symbolize freedom and strength.
@hongdat28 Месяц назад
Tigers have distinctive stripes for camouflage.
@TruongMinhKhanhCham-sy1vd Месяц назад
Flamingos have vibrant pink feathers.
@toanvietcao58 Месяц назад
Gorillas have intricate social structures.
@giaton94 Месяц назад
Komodo dragons are formidable predators.
@lethien58 Месяц назад
Elephants are intelligent and social.
@ngohien73 Месяц назад
Wolves hunt in packs for efficiency.
@quachhuu54 Месяц назад
Red foxes adapt to various habitats.
@trinhhong27 Месяц назад
Jaguars are powerful jungle predators.
@phuongchung48 Месяц назад
Rhinoceroses are endangered due to poaching.
@letruong54 Месяц назад
Snow leopards are elusive mountain cats.
@nhudang29 Месяц назад
Whales communicate through complex songs.
@ChauHoaiLinhNga Месяц назад
Otters are playful and agile swimmers.
@hoviet88 Месяц назад
Penguins cannot fly but are excellent swimmers.
@duydong36 Месяц назад
Hummingbirds have iridescent plumage.
@anhphuongha79 Месяц назад
Pandas have specialized adaptations for bamboo.
@caoantrung Месяц назад
Sloths move slowly to conserve energy.
@daikhalam Месяц назад
Flamingos stand on one leg to conserve energy.
@HoHoangTrong-ix4fk Месяц назад
Polar bears depend on sea ice for hunting.
@TruongHuuVinh-qz5sk Месяц назад
Lions roars can be heard from miles away.
@luuquynh96 Месяц назад
Octopuses can change color to blend in.
@thanhdam94 Месяц назад
Red pandas are skilled climbers.
@hoanggia06 Месяц назад
Giraffes have long necks for reaching leaves.
@hongduc30 Месяц назад
Tigers are apex predators in their habitats.
@lenga53 Месяц назад
Gorillas form close-knit family groups.
@haiton16 Месяц назад
Dolphins are highly social marine mammals.
@tronghien64 Месяц назад
Bald eagles build massive nests.
@chiendai58 Месяц назад
Dolphins use echolocation to navigate.
@doanvan90 Месяц назад
Polar bears are well-adapted to Arctic climates.
@LuongQuangDuyTrang Месяц назад
Octopuses are masters of camouflage.
@thuduc84 Месяц назад
Whales breach to communicate.
@TranThienAnBang Месяц назад
Lemurs have diverse species on Madagascar.
@TangVuKhoa Месяц назад
Cheetahs rely on speed for hunting.
@haquoc83 Месяц назад
Bears hibernate in winter to conserve energy.
@quynhkhanh00 Месяц назад
Giant pandas are conservation icons.
@thaidieu63 Месяц назад
Sea otters use tools to crack open shells.
@minhquynhmai Месяц назад
Giraffes have prehensile tongues.
@caokhangminh Месяц назад
Sea turtles return to nesting beaches.
@hailanhtran Месяц назад
Bald eagles mate for life.
@toandau75 Месяц назад
Lemurs are unique to Madagascar.
@dangkhanh57 Месяц назад
Red pandas are solitary animals.
@luunghiquynh Месяц назад
Sloths are slow-moving arboreal mammals.
@dinhkim78 Месяц назад
Bears mark their territories with scent.
@thienkiet33 Месяц назад
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals.
@chinhthu32 Месяц назад
Koalas eat mainly eucalyptus leaves.
@congphung03 Месяц назад
Koalas sleep up to 18 hours a day.
@vuongrongkhanh Месяц назад
Emperor penguins endure harsh Antarctic winters.
@cathuucao Месяц назад
Hummingbirds have rapid wingbeats.
@KimMinhTrong Месяц назад
Kangaroos use their tails for balance.
@hoaivo85 Месяц назад
Penguins huddle together for warmth.
@PhanLeTinTuyen Месяц назад
Emperor penguins incubate eggs on their feet.
@lytrongdang Месяц назад
Wolves howl to communicate with pack members.
@SonKhacHuy Месяц назад
Monarch butterflies rely on milkweed for survival.
@nhukhueluong Месяц назад
Elephants mourn their dead.
@nguyenque42 Месяц назад
Kangaroos hop on their powerful hind legs.
@QuachNgocHanPhung Месяц назад
Rhinoceroses have thick, armored skin.
@lebich77 Месяц назад
Orangutans build nests in trees.
@longhienho Месяц назад
Orangutans are highly intelligent primates.
@taionho Месяц назад
Gorillas are the largest primates.
@hatu28 Месяц назад
Platypuses are egg-laying mammals.
@tiethuyta Месяц назад
Seahorses have unique reproductive behavior.
@huyngadong Месяц назад
Monarch butterflies undergo epic migrations.
@tayen85 Месяц назад
Lions live in prides and hunt cooperatively.
@truongchungtang16 Месяц назад
Otters are playful and social animals.
Yangi uylanganlar😂😂😂
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